Fees and Charges Fees and charges may apply for some services, including research. Please ask staff for details. Closed on public holidays It is advisable to make a booking for use of the microfilm, microfiche readers, CD ROMS and internet facilities. Tracing Your Family History www.nelincs.gov.uk/leisure/libraries Telephone 01472 323603/323635 Or email
[email protected] A guide to resources available in the Grimsby Reference Library. If you would like to receive this information in another language or in another format such as large print, Braille or on audio tape, please contact Grimsby Central Library on (01472) 323628. Census Returns Poll Books Census enumerators’ returns for a large number of north-eastern Before 1872 poll books recorded votes cast at parliamentary elections Lincolnshire parishes are available as follows:- Lincolnshire poll books for 1723, 1807, 1818 and 1823 Lindsey poll books for 1832, 1852, 1862, 1865 and 1868 Microfilm – 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 Microfiche – 1881, 1891 CD ROM – 1881, Lincolnshire 1861 Memorial Inscriptions Internet – 1841 to 1901 through www.ancestrylibrary.com Indexes for over one hundred churchyards and cemeteries within the area. Printed surname indexes available for 1841 – 1901 inclusive Burial Registers on microfiche for Scartho Road, Ainslie Street and Cleethorpes Census returns for England and Wales 1841 – 1901 are available at all North cemeteries. List of holdings available for consultation on request. East Lincolnshire Libraries (except Scartho) at www.ancestrylibrary.com International Genealogical Index Burial Registers Burial Registers are available on microfilm for Ainslie Street 1855 – 1943 Available on microfiche by County and at www.familysearch.org Scartho Road cemetery 1889 – 1941, Hessle, Hull and Freeman’s Roll Book on the Internet.