The Annual Sled-Dog Race
02-0245 ETF_46-56 12/5/02 3:01 PM Page 46 FURTHEST FURTHESTFURTHESTFURTHEST TT FURTHESTFURTHEST FURTHEST FURTHEST FURTHEST AA L Greenland Sea L Arctic Bering Ocean Sea ICELAND GREENLAND ALASKA Beaufort Sea Baffin LL Bay Gulf of Alaska Labrador Sea Hudson EE BBIIGGCANADAGGEBayESSTT North Pacific Ocean SS North UNITED U.A S.LASKA A. Atlantic STATES Ocean Gulf of TT MEXICO Mexico FF EE WW EE SS TT T S E G MOSTMOST N O LONGESTJ ULY 2002 NGLISH EACHING ORUM LONGEST46 L E T F 02-0245 ETF_46-56 12/6/02 10:33 AM Page 47 Alaska The Last Frontier by William P. Ancker escribing Alaska requires the use of superlatives: biggest, tallest, longest, most, and even fewest. Here are some of the notable features D D of the 49th state of the United States: Clockwise from the top: Alaska has the tallest mountain in the country, Mt. McKinley (also called Denali) at 6,194 meters (20,320 feet). McKinley is not very tall by the standards of the Himalayas, Karakoram, or Andes, but it is the tallest mountain in North America. Alaska has the northernmost location in the U.S., Point Barrow. It also has the westernmost location, Little Diomede Island, in the Bering Strait. In fact, the Russian island, Big Diomede, is only about four kilometers away from Little Diomede. Alaska is the biggest state, with approximately 1,517,000 BIG, BIGGER, BIGGEST The state of Alaska is square kilometers (about 586,000 square miles) of territory. the biggest state in the union. The map to the left shows Alaska superimposed on the lower Alaska has the fewest people per square kilometer.
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