ेीय कायालय, बेलगावी / Regional Office, Belgaum 1049/ब, खानापूर रोड, तलकवाडी, बेलगावी - 590006 1049/B, Khanapur Road, Tilakwadi, Belgaum - 590006 Phone: 0831-2451962: email:
[email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________________ TENDER NOTICE FOR FURNISHING ELECTRIFICAL AND AIR CONDITIONING WORKS OF CHIKODI BRANCH NEW PREMISES Union Bank of India invites sealed tenders in one bid system from the empanelled contractors for Belgavi Region for the furnishing, electrical and air-conditioning works of the new premises of Chikodi (Belagavi District). Issue of Tender Documents from Union Bank of From 26/04/2021 during business hours on India, Regional Office, Belgaum all working days till 03/05/2021. Last Date for Submission of Tenders 03/05/2021 up to 4.00 pm. Date of Opening of Tenders 5.00 pm on 03/05/2021 EMD - Tender Cost - The sealed tender should be submitted to Union Bank of India, Regional Office, Belagavi duly super scribing “TENDER FOR FURNISHING,ELECTRICAL AND AIR-CONDITIONING WORKS OF CHIKDI BRANCH” before 4.00 pm on 03/05/2021. Detailed information and tender forms are also available during the aforesaid period at the Bank’s Website www.unionbankofindia.com and Govt. website www.eprocure.gov.in. The Bank reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons whatsoever. REGIONAL HEAD UNION BANK OF INDIA REGIONAL OFFICE BELAGAVI TENDER NOTICE SUBJECT: INTERIOR FURNISHING, ELECTRICAL AND AIR-CONDITIONING WORKS AT THE NEW PREMISES OF CHIKODI BRANCH, BELAGAVI DISTRICT, KARNATAKA-591201. 1. Sealed item rate tenders are invited by Regional Head, Union Bank of India, Regional Office, Belagavi FROM THE EMPANELLED INTERIOR-FURNISHING, ELECTRICAL AND AIR- CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS FOR BELGAUM REGION for the proposed of Interior, Electrical and Air-conditioning works at the new premises of our Chikodi branch.