Cooking with & 1 APPETIZERS, BEVERAGES & SOUPS 11 SIDE DISHES & SALADS 23 ENTRÉES 39 DESSERTS & CANDY 71 INDEX & TIPS Cooking with BLOSS & DILLARD, INC. AND AGENTS INSURANCE MARKETS Here you will find some of our staff’s favorite recipes. We hope you enjoy cooking with Bloss & Dillard, Inc. and Agents Insurance Markets. If you have a question about a particular recipe or would love to share your love for a certain treat, please feel free to contact the contributor listed along with that entry. We would love to hear what you think! We had a wonderful time putting this cookbook together to share with our family, friends, and you, and hope you enjoy it as much as we do here at BDI & AIM. Commercial Auto • Personal Lines • Property & Casualty • Workers’ Comp A CERTIFIED MANAGING GENERAL AGENCY (CMGA) P.O. Box 7878 Huntington, WV 25778 p (304) 429-6961 tf (800) 624-3422 f (304) 429-7248 Insta send submissions to:
[email protected] P.O. Box 71360 Richmond, VA 23255 p (804) 285-4930 tf (800) 627-0505 f (804) 285-4945 send submissions to:
[email protected] WE ARE MEMBERS OF: American Association of Managing General Agents (AAMGA) National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices, Ltd. (NAPSLO) Pennsylvania Surplus Lines Association Insurance Club of Pittsburgh ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF: Independent Insurance Agents of Ohio Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia Independent Insurance Agents of West Virginia Professional Independent Insurance Agents Association of Ohio Professional Independent Insurance Agents Association of Virginia and DC FOUNDING MEMBER OF: USA Alliance AppetizersBEVERAGES & SOUPS Appetizers Beverages Bacon Roll-Ups .