'Manifestations and Extent of Climate Change'. the Case of Merti District, Arsi Zone, Oromiya Region, Ethiopia
International Journal of Climate Research 2017 Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-18 ISSN: 2690-2796 DOI: 10.18488/journal.112.2017.21.1.18 © 2017 Conscientia Beam. All Rights Reserved. ‘MANIFESTATIONS AND EXTENT OF CLIMATE CHANGE'. THE CASE OF MERTI DISTRICT, ARSI ZONE, OROMIYA REGION, ETHIOPIA Mulugeta Eshete1+ 1Alage ATVET College , Ethiopia Yemiru Tesfaye2 2PhD, Associate professor Hawassa University Wondogenet College of Yoseph Teklegiorgise3 Forestry and Natural Resources, Ethiopia 3PhD, Associate Professor, Hawassa University, Ethiopia (+ Corresponding author) ABSTRACT Article History Climate change threat has got a pronounced impact throughout the world. This study Received: 10 March 2017 assessed the manifestations and extent of climate change in Merti district, Arsi zone, Revised: 20 April 2017 Accepted: 17 May 2017 Oromia Regional state, Ethiopia. The study examined the indicators and perceptions of Published: 13 June 2017 climate change by local farmers, and climate trend of the area. The study was based on key informant interviews, focus group discussions, household survey questionnaire and time series meteorological temperature and rainfall climate data. Respondents Keywords confirmed the variability in rainfall frequent delay, showing irregular patter both at the Climate change, start and end of the rainy season which usually begin latter or end up earlier , Perceptions, Climate variability. unreliable distribution, erratic a general decreasing trend of rainfall was observed and Impact, an increasing warming trend with respect to temperature and abnormal conditions like Manifestations, Agro ecology. occurrence of unseasonal, unusual and extreme high and low rain, occurrence of extreme hot and cold temperature, and frequent happening of drought and flood, forest and vegetation cover destruction and diminishing formerly existing wild animals, crop cultivation and livestock production decline are indicators of climate change and variability and burning issues for all the communities in the study area.
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