SPORTS: USC looks to cap successful season B1 Chick-fil-A reopens today at 6:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2017 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 $1.00 District BD employees return the favor acquires Bubba’s Diner School system plans for technical school BY BRUCE MILLS
[email protected] Sumter School District announced it is moving forward with plans for a new technical high school/center and that, to do so, it has purchased Bubba’s Diner at 841 Broad St. The diner will continue to operate and lease the location for the next two to three years. The Rabon family, which has owned Bubba’s Diner since it opened in 2009, and school district officials confirmed details of the Oct. 27 acquisition on Tuesday. Business leaders and elected officials in Sumter have publicized their long- ing for such a school to open on Broad Street near Central Carolina Technical College’s state-of-the-art Advanced Manufacturing Technology Training Center since that facility opened in Au- gust 2015. The thought is the new PHOTOS PROVIDED school could help develop the future Grill master Danny Burke prepares to put his secret barbecue sauce on some of the 2,000 pounds of chicken served at the BD local workforce, officials said. Accord- Sumter plant in a fundraiser for BD employees in Puerto Rico post-Hurricane Maria. ing to widespread research, the skill of an area’s workforce is quickly becom- ing a top priority in economic develop- Barbecue fundraiser helps hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico ment and attracting new industry.