Passengers Flee Hijacked Plane

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Passengers Flee Hijacked Plane ..M il ,. The weather Inside today Sunny today, high 80-85. Increasing cioudiness tonight, chance of showers. Lows 60-65. Tuesday partiy sunny and Area news .1 —2-B F am iiy............6-A more humid with chance of an after­ Classified .. 5-7-B MACC news ... 8-B noon thundershower. Highs in 80s. C om ics........... 7-A MCC caiendar . 8-B Chance of rain 10% today, 40% tonight, Dear Abby . 7-A Obituaries .... 8-A Mancheater--A City of Village Charm Editoriai ........4-A S ports...........3-4-B 30% Tuesday. Nationai weather map on SIXTEEN PAGES ‘ l . l Page 6-B. TWO SECTIONS J^qH E S T E R , CONN,, IWNDAY, JULY II. m ~ VOL, XCVI. No. i!38 PRICE. FIFTEEN CENTS 1 4 Passengers flee hijacked plane HELSINKI, Finiand (UPI) - Two Sunday on a 375-mile flight form demands to extradite him and in­ Russian-speaking gunmen today iet Petrovskoye, about 100 miles north of pass their deadline for blowing up a stead plans to try him for hijacking. Moscow, to Leningrad. However, Sweden has said it will hijacked Soviet jetliner with 29 They ordered the pilot to fly to hostages aboard and minutes later not allow these hijackers to land in Stockholm but he said he had only Stockholm. Pi-jg five of the captives ran to freedom. enough fuel to make it to Helsinki. The hijackers, who claim to be Finnish officials said the hijackers Finland and the Soviet Union have had inquired about other countries armed with hand grenades and a hijack treaty requiring that explosives, said they would blow up that might take them, but did not dis­ hijackers be returned to their coun­ close which ones they had in mind. the Aeroflot jet at 4 p.m, (10 a.m. tries and officials said the pilot was EOT) unless Finnish authorities The plane’s seven-man crew was aware of the treaty and wanted to released immediately after landing refueled the plane, supplied a new take advantage of it. crew and allowed them to take off for but negotiations for release of the In trying to reach Sweden, the hostages did not begin for almost two Sweden. gunmen appeared to be following the Within minutes of the deadline’s hours because the hijackers spoke lead of a Latvian engineer who last only Russian and Finnish officials [ber and expiration, 5 of the 29 hostages es­ May hijacked an Aeroflot jet to caped and ran to freedom. The could not immediately find a ally by Stockholm. Sweden refused Soviet translator. )ver the hijackers made no attempt to stop them. se from Earlier today, the gunmen lox 382, released 41 hostages, including all 22 women and children. All the Message exchange I. Irish youth feted at picnic ^ passengers aboard the hijacked plane Adele Lappin, one of the youths visiting here for the summer with the group of teenagers were Soviets. Finnish officials described the defuses tensions from Ireland is shown during an informal discussion with David Kennedy, youth coor­ hijackers as "young” and said elists— dinator for St. James parish, at a picnic Saturday evening on the lawn in front of St. James TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) — Prime limited forces zone in the vicinity of hapter, negotiations were continuing “to Minister Menahem Begin and Egyp­ Church. Attending the picnic were the Irish young people and their host families in avoid all accidents.” But they said the Suez Canal. tfitb the tian War Minister Mohammed Gamasy reiterated public Manchester. (Herald photo by Barlow) they had no Finnish crews trained to Gamassy have exchanged cordial ifficers; fly the twin-engine Tupolev 134 jet. statements that Israeli charges of i\ vice- messages in a move that defused ten­ Egyptian violations were unfounded dstone, In Oslo, aviation authorities said sion over alleged Egyptian violations but he nevertheless promised Begin they were preparing for the possibili­ chuler; of the Sinai accord, official sources to settle the dispute through the U.N. ty the plane might fly to Norway. said today. peacekeeping forces. They are Temporary gas rationing Jan Gord, director of the state The sources in Begin’s office said posted between the opposing armies aviation directorate, said there was the messages were conveyed verbal­ in Sinai. only "a theoretical chance the plane ly over the weekend by the com­ Israeli sources in Begin’s office will come to Norway but we must act mander of the U.N. forces in the Mid­ described the messages as verbal Society among Carter options according to this possibility.” dle East, Gen. Ensio Sillasvuo of and transmitted by Sillasvuo from er get- He said in such a case the plane Finland. the general’s own notes. would not be allowed to land at Oslo’s aingand WASHINGTON (U P I)- President House is intent on adopting measures utilities to coai despite tough en- The Finnish general delivered main Fornebo International Airport The move by both men seemed to iimnuni- Carter is considering temporary gas­ that would cut the inflow of Arab oil vironmentai and economic problems. Begin’s message to Gamassy Satur­ ast, on oline rationing and other moves to from an average of 10 million barrels and would be directed away from the indicate a further willingness to day, the sources said. They said “The goals on coal conversion are capital. attempt moderation in the Arab- n. limit foreign oil imports. He has a day to less than 6 million barreis a essential to getting down the amount Gamassy told Sillasvuo to stay over rejected suggestions that oil from the day. Israeli conflict prior to Begin’s of imported oil,” Schlesinger said, Police and an army brigade armed in Cairo Saturday night so he could new Alaska pipeline be shipped to He said “all sorts of possibilities” forthcoming trip to Washington and reply to Begin. and "we are not going to puii back with anti-aircraft guns surrounded following a bid by both sides to Japan. are being considered by the ad­ from those goals.” tdy. It is the isolated part of the airfield where reconvene the Geneva Middle East . In making the disclosures Sunday, ministration to stem oil imports and House Republican leader John the plane was parked. peace conference in October. stamps Carter’s energy chief, James make the nation more self-sufficient: Rhodes, interviewed Sunday on ABC- tksmith, Schlesinger, agreed there were A Finnish official said the jet’s air The messages followed a charge by Kent State “Some limitation on the flow of oil TV’s Issues and Answers, said conditioning system was not working •her. technical advantages to a deal in into the United States is one possibili­ Begin last week that Egypt was Congress “is in no mood” to give and described conditions inside the which Alaskan oil would be ty, shutting of gasoline stations violating the 1974 and 1975 troop dis­ Carter any standby rationing authori­ aircraft as “very warm, very bad, faces new transported to Japan in exchange for might be considered.-” engagement agreements with the ty beyond that already provided in self-suffocating.” Japanese-bought supplies from the stationing of thousands of troops “Even some temporary rationing iaw. The gunmen took over the plane Middle East. schemes might be considered,” he more than the 8,(X)0 permitted in the showdown But in spite of reduced shipping said. "The point is that we are costs, Schlesinger said President looking at a whole array of options in Carter considers the idea KENT, Ohio (UPI) - Kent State addition to the (standby) gasoline University students, protesting plans "undesircable," tax.” Willhide, Odom announce "There will be no exchanges,” to build a gymnasium complex on He said "an excessive amount of land they say should be a memorial Schlesinger said in a television inter­ imported oil is coming into the coun­ to slain students, stayed put at their view (NBC-TV's Meet the Press). try, forcing onto service stations an ’’Tent City” today in defiance of an rofit, no "All of the oil coming out of Alaska unwanted amount of gasoline, which they’ll not seek re-election order from the school’s president. 5. Many will have to be shipp^ to the United they are pushing on their units at States. This will have the advantage The school wants to build the $6 customers.” By GREG PEARSON than two years. He announced his It’s time to get back to famiiy and million complex near where four di flows of increasing pressure of the com­ As for emergency gasoiine Herald Reporter decision in a letter to Republican friends.” panies to bring pipelines from the students were shot to death and nine . rationing, Schiesinger said Carter’s Paul Willhide and Earl Odom, two Town Chairman Thomas F. He said that he found his work on others were wounded more than seven West Coast into the interior part of contingency pian "is in response to Republican officeholders in Ferguson. the board both educationai and the country.” years ago, but about 100 students who the requirements of Congress.” Manchester, will not seek re-election Odom has served on the Board of enjoyable. want the school to drop the plan and Schlesinger. who soon is expected Schlesinger said the administra­ :pt has in November. Education since 1974. He confirmed “ It’s an opportunity that should be erect a memorial instead camped out to be named the nation's first tion will stand by its 1985 target for Willhide has been a member of the this morning that he wili not run for extended to as many people as : CB and secretary of energy, said the White on the site May 12, blocking construc­ converting most industries and Board of Directors for slightly more another term on the board.
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