Arxiv:1909.02676V3 [Math.DG] 25 Jul 2021 Elsetu Jcb Arcshv Ipera Pcrm.Mor a of Spectrum)

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Arxiv:1909.02676V3 [Math.DG] 25 Jul 2021 Elsetu Jcb Arcshv Ipera Pcrm.Mor a of Spectrum) AN ATLAS ADAPTED TO THE TODA FLOW DAVID MART´INEZ TORRES AND CARLOS TOMEI Abstract. We describe an atlas adapted to the Toda flow on the mani- fold of full flags of any non-compact real semisimple Lie algebra, and on its Hessenberg-type submanifolds. We show that in these local coordinates the Toda flow becomes linear. The local coordinates are used to show that the Toda flow on the manifold of full flags is Morse-Smale, which generalizes the re- sult for traceless matrices in [27] to arbitrary non-compact real semisimple Lie algebras. As a byproduct we describe new features of classical constructions in matrix theory. 1. Introduction The non-periodic Toda lattice is a Hamiltonian model for a wave propagation along n particles in a line proposed by Toda [30]. A change of variables introduced by Flaschka [14] transforms the original O.D.E. into the matrix differential equation X′ = [X, πkX]= T (X), (1) where X runs over Jacobi matrices and πk is the first projection associated to the decomposition of a matrix into its antisymmetric and upper triangular summands. From a mathematical viewpoint (1) is a vector field everywhere defined on the Lie algebra of real traceless matrices. Since it is in Lax form it is tangent to every adjoint orbit and, in particular, to the orbit made of traceless matrices of any fixed simple real spectrum (Jacobi matrices have simple real spectrum). Moreover, formula (1) implies that the Toda vector field T is tangent to any vector subspace which is stable upon taking Lie bracket with antisymmetric matrices. For instance, one may pass to a compact setting by intersecting the adjoint orbit with the subspace of symmetric matrices, that is, to the manifold of real full flags O. One can also intersect the adjoint orbit –or the manifold of real full flags– with subspaces, specified by certain arXiv:1909.02676v3 [math.DG] 25 Jul 2021 zero entries, which generalize the Hessenberg property (Jacobi matrices have the Hessenberg property, i.e., they have trivial entries below the subdiagonal). From a Lie theoretic viewpoint, there is no reason to stick to sl(n, R). If g is a non-compact real semisimple Lie algebra, a choice of Iwasawa decomposition allows us to define the Toda vector field on g, as in (1) [21]. In this generality the Toda vector field is also tangent to the regular hyperbolic adjoint orbits, to the manifold of real full flags O, and to its Hessenberg-type submanifolds. The main result of this paper is the construction of an atlas for O and its Hessenberg-type submanifolds which linearizes the Toda vector field T . Theorem 1. Let g be a non-compact real semisimple Lie algebra. Then there exists an atlas of the manifold of real full flags of g whose charts, indexed by the Weyl group, satisfy the following properties. 1 2 DAVID MART´INEZ TORRES AND CARLOS TOMEI (i) The domain of each of the local coordinates defined by the atlas is a dense sub- set of the manifold of real full flags O of g. The image of the local coordinates is the whole Euclidean space. (ii) On each of the local coordinates, T corresponds to a linear vector field defined on the whole Euclidean space. In particular, T is complete in the domain of each of the local coordinates. (iii) The atlas is adapted to any Hessenberg-type submanifold: on local coordinates, the intersection with a Hessenberg-type submanifold corresponds to a vector subspace, and, therefore, T also corresponds to a linear vector field defined on the whole linear subspace. The result extends constructions originating from Moser’s [24] inverse variables for Jacobi matrices, which he attributes to Stieltjes. Jacobi matrices are real, sym- metric matrices with strictly positive entries in the off-diagonal positions (i,i + 1). The inverse variables associated with a Jacobi matrix J is the list of its ordered eigenvalues (which are necessarily distinct), together with the first coordinates of its normalized eigenvectors (which may always be taken to be strictly positive num- bers). Such diffeomorphism essentially linearizes T : eigenvalues stay put, and the evolution of the vector c(t) of first coordinates is the normalization of exp(tΛ)c(0), where Λ is a diagonal matrix with the ordered eigenvalues on its diagonal. The Hamiltonian nature of the equation led to further investigation on the subject, but there is a price to pay: the asymptotic behavior of the system (i.e., the fact that the flow converges to a diagonal matrix) relates to a point outside of the coordinate system. More, the coordinates are very degenerate at their boundary: the closure of the set of Jacobi matrices with a fixed spectrum is homeomorphic to a permuto- hedron ([31], [5]). However, this closure sits as a compact subset with non-empty interior of a Hessenberg-type submanifold. Leite, Saldanha and Tomei [18] gave a proof of item (iii) in Theorem 1 for this simpler context: they introduced new local coordinates on the Hessenberg-type submanifold which now contain the relevant asymptotic points of T in their domain and where T is linearized. This led to a detailed study of a frequently used algorithm in numerical spectral theory, the QR iteration under Wilkinson shifts ([19],[20]). Our main application of Theorem 1 is to genericity properties of T on O. Theorem 2. Let g be a non-compact real semisimple Lie algebra. Then the unstable and stable manifolds of the T on the manifold of real full flags O coincide with the Bruhat and opposite Bruhat cells associated to the fixed Iwasawa decomposition. As a consequence the Toda vector field T is Morse-Smale. Theorem 2 extends to an arbitrary non-compact real semisimple Lie algebra the result of [27] for sl(n, R) and sl(n, C) and of [8, 9, 10] for rank 2 non-compact semi-simple Lie algebras. The structure of this paper is the following. In Section 2 we discuss how the unique LU factorization of special orthogonal matrices with nonzero principal mi- nors extends from SL(n, R) to real semisimple Lie groups with finite center; our analysis includes the interaction of the factorization with the Weyl group action. This interaction lies at the core of the definition of our atlas for O, which is in- troduced in Section 3. We then describe the relation of the atlas with the Bruhat and opposite Bruhat cells. In Section 4 we show that the atlas for O linearizes T AN ATLAS ADAPTED TO THE TODA FLOW 3 (item (ii) in Theorem 1). The proof is inspired in the well-known LU factoriza- tion of solutions of the Toda flow in the manifold of full flags O of sl(n, R) already described forty years ago in [25] and in [29]. In Theorem 2, item (ii) in Theorem 1 is then used to identify unstable and stable manifolds of T with Bruhat and opposite Bruhat cells. Section 5 extends the linearization properties of the atlas to Hessenberg-type manifolds (item (iii) in Theorem 1). Non-compact versions of Hessenberg-type manifolds are obtained by intersecting not just O with the appro- priate vector subspace, but the whole adjoint orbit. In Section 6 we describe a surjective submersion with contractible fibers from non-compact to compact Hes- senberg type submanifolds. This is accomplished by means of the flow of a vector field with appropriate normal hyperbolicity properties. The existence of (complete) local coordinates where a given vector field linearizes appears to be a remarkable feature. The main assertion of Theorem 1 is that the Toda vector field on O has this property. Interestingly enough, already in the early eighties Duistermaat Kolk and Varadajan described another vector field on O with this property: it is the fundamental vector field for the adjoint action defined by a regular hyperbolic element. However, the Bruhat atlas described in [11, Proposition 3.6] where such fundamental vector field linearizes is different from our atlas (the open subsets of the two covers are different). The Bruhat atlas also induces an atlas on Hessenberg-type submanifolds, but it fails to have good properties there. Due to the scope of this paper its methods cannot come from matrix group theory, unlike those in earlier papers containing instances of our results. The meth- ods of this paper pertain to the theory of real semisimple Lie algebras and Lie groups. When specialized to sl(n, R) they shed new light on how some classical constructions for matrices which are of non-linear nature behave when we place linear constrains given by the vanishing of an appropriate set of entries. Thus, for example, our analysis in Section 2 applied to G = SL(n, R) proves a new feature of the interaction of classical matrix factorization techniques with permutations. To explain this, recall that the projection onto the unit lower triangular factor of the UL factorization defines a birational morphism f : SO(n, R) 99K L. (2) The identity component of the subset of matrices with nonzero principal minors, where the map is regular, is the result of mapping L into SO(n, R) using the Gram- Schmidt factorization. The latter map is the inverse to the projection onto L coming from the LU-factorization. In other words, the composition of projections associated to the Gram-Schmidt and UL-factorizations results in an automorphism Φ:L → L encoding the comparison between LU and UL-factorizations. Because the latter factorizations are not everywhere defined in SO(n, R), it is customary to factorize with (partial) pivoting a permutation matrix.
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