“Touched by the Hand of God” the Rev
“Touched by the Hand of God” The Rev. Jim Trimble; St. James’ Episcopal Church, Pewee Valley KY Proper 8, Year B: June 28, 2015 Let me share one of my very first memories. I always thought it was, maybe, a certain episode of Leave it to Beaver, or The Brady Bunch. Or maybe eating Ritz crackers with my mom at the J-Town 4 Theaters watching 'Song of the South.' But deep down, I remembered seeing the hand of God. For some reason, I woke up in the middle of the night, around the age of 4, pulled my cowboy curtain aside, and looked out the window, up in the moon-brightened sky to see God reaching his hand down to me from the clouds. Maybe to give me a high five. Maybe to comfort someone in my neighborhood who needed his strength and love. Maybe just to wave at me and say Hi, it's nice to meet you. The hand of God has always been a part of me, and a pat of this world we live in. Among all the plants, and seas, and creatures of this earth, and all the humans who've journeyed before us, with us, and after us. The hand of God was holding the nine victims in Charleston, as they slipped their earthly bonds to travel home. The hand of God was also reaching out to the terrorist responsible for that act. The hand of God was amidst the members of the Supreme Court this week as they voted on landmark cases in this country involving healthcare and human equality.
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