The Executive of Council 4 September 2007

IRVINE, 4 September 2007 - At a Meeting of the Executive of North Ayrshire Council at 3.30 p.m.

Present David O'Neill, John Reid, Tom Barr, John Bell, Margaret McDougall and Peter McNamara.

In Attendance I. Snodgrass (Chief Executive); B. Docherty, Corporate Director (Social Services); T. Orr, Corporate Director (Property Services); J. Travers, Corporate Director (Educational Services); A. Herbert, Assistant Chief Executive (Finance); A. Fraser, Manager Legal Services (Legal and Protective); G. Lawson, Corporate Support Manager, M. McKeown, Corporate Support Officer, and A. Clark, Communications Officer (Chief Executive's).

Chair Councillor O'Neill in the Chair.

1. Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive held on 14 August 2007, copies of which had previously been circulated, were confirmed.

2. Declarations of Interest

Councillor Reid declared an interest in the application by Isle of Cumbrae RBLS Pipe Band, at item 12 on the agenda, and took no part in the discussion thereon.

Councillor McDougall declared an interest in item 3 on the agenda.

3. Capital Building Programme - Proposals for New Children's Units

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Social Services) on proposals to locate 2 children's units at Redstone Avenue, and West Byrehill, both .

The Social Services Capital Building Programme contains provision to build four six bedded Children's Units to replace existing facilities. The first new Unit based at Nelson Road, Saltcoats, opened in May 2007 and a second Unit at James Crescent, Irvine, is expected to open in April 2008.

Page 1 At its meeting held on 6 June 2007, the Executive considered a report on the proposed siting of two additional new Units at Redstone Avenue and West Byrehill, both Kilwinning. The Executive agreed (a) to continue consideration of the matter to a future meeting to allow Local Members to be consulted and a site visit arranged if required; and (b) that the Corporate Director (Social Services) submit a more detailed report to include information about the likely catchment areas of the proposed Units to a future meeting. Following the June meeting, Local Members were given the opportunity to discuss the proposals and to visit the locations of the proposed new Units. Councillor McDougall has expressed concerns about proposed siting of both Units in Kilwinning.

The proposed sites meet the brief prepared by Social Services in respect of their requirements for ease of access to schools, shops, public transport, leisure and recreational facilities. The site at Redstone Avenue, Kilwinning, is owned by the Council and is currently surplus to requirements. Since the June meeting of the Executive, a petition has been received from the local community objecting to the siting of a Unit at Redstone Avenue. Objections will be considered as part of the normal planning process. The bulk of the site at West Byrehill, Kilwinning, is also in Council ownership although negotiations will be required in respect of a strip of land required for the proposed access route to the site. As a result of a number of factors, which were identified in the report, the costs of the programme have risen considerably. There is consequently a shortfall in funding of £1.844million, of which £90,000 is required to complete the proposed Unit at West Byrehill, and £1.754million is the projected cost of constructing the Unit at Redstone Terrace. A request for the additional capital funds has been submitted as part of the service planning documentation.

The Executive agreed (a) to approve in principle the siting of two new Children's Units at Redstone Avenue and West Byrehill, Kilwinning; (b) that discussions take place with Irvine Housing Association regarding the use of the land at Redstone Avenue, to include consideration of the sale of land for housing and the siting of the proposed Children's Unit; (c) that additional funds be identified to cover the shortfall for the West Byrehill site, and that the site at Redstone Avenue be considered as part of the capital programme; and (d) that further discussions take place with Local Members and representatives of the local community prior to the proposals being implemented.

4. Safeguarding Young People who are Accommodated

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Social Services) on the arrangements in place to safeguard accommodated young people from North Ayrshire.

Page 2 In June 2007, following the publication by City Council of a report into an investigation of long standing and widespread abuse that occurred in Kerelaw School and Secure Unit, the Minister for Children and Early Years wrote to all Chief Executives of local authorities, providers of residential care, and education establishments, to remind them of their obligations in relation to the protection and care of children, and to request that they review their approaches towards protecting children in residential care settings, including systems and procedures to enable children to make complaints safely.

North Ayrshire Council currently manages six children's units registered to provide accommodation to thirty four young people. In addition, North Ayrshire also has at any given time approximately twenty young people accommodated in a range of external and specialist placements provided by the independent or voluntary sectors. The report provided details of the arrangements put in place within North Ayrshire to ensure the care and protection of vulnerable children and young people. These include:-

 an established and thriving Child Protection Committee which guides and promotes a partnership approach to protecting children;  a full-time Child Protection Training Officer to provide a comprehensive range of training for staff and community groups;  Welcome packs for children and young people which advise them of their rights and provide contact details of independent children's organisations such as Who Cares? and Childline;  Child friendly complaints and comments forms;  a full-time 'Who Cares? Worker' to provide independent advocacy and support to young people accommodated within North Ayrshire and young people in placements outwith the Authority;  Regular inspections of Units by the Care Commission and Senior Social Services Managers;  the establishment of a working party within North Ayrshire to take forward the recommendations of the Scottish Executive document "Safer Recruitment Through Better Recruitment Guidance in relation to Staff Working in Social Care and Social Work Settings".

The Scottish Institute for Residential Childcare and Who Cares? have consulted with young people about their experience of being accommodated in North Ayrshire. The results have been overwhelmingly positive with young people feeling safe and having a clear understanding of how to raise concerns or complaints. In relation to external placements clear procedures are in place to deal with care and protection incidents. All placements are subject to regular review. Social Work staff visit regularly and are expected to be alert to any concerns raised by young people.

Page 3 The Executive agreed to approve the arrangements in place in North Ayrshire to safeguard children and young people, as set out in the report.

5. Saltcoats: Options Appraisal for Area of Low Demand Housing

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Property Services) on the outcome of the option appraisal exercise carried out at Reid Terrace and part of Canal Street, Saltcoats.

The North Ayrshire Local Housing Strategy 2005-2010 contains a commitment to develop and implement a phased programme of market renewal to tackle low demand. The aim is to regenerate areas by providing housing which contributes to the Council's strategic objective of meeting people's housing needs and aspirations.

Following a major gas explosion, a block of flats located at 50-52 Canal Street, Saltcoats, had to be demolished resulting in a vacant site. This block of flats, and the adjacent properties particularly Reid Terrace, had previously been identified as an area of low demand requiring action to regenerate the area. In January 2007 the Property Services Committee agreed that an option appraisal exercise should be carried out in relation to this area. Four options were investigated:-

 Option 1 - All of the properties to be demolished and replaced with new build housing for rent and some low cost home ownership(Homestake);  Option 2 - All of the properties to be demolished and replaced with new build housing for a mix of rent, sale and low cost ownership;  Option 3 - The properties to stay as they are with current conditions and services; and  Option 4 - All of the properties to be demolished and replaced with new build housing for private sale

The report summarised the outcome of the study. Overall, Option 1 was the most popular with consultees. Complete demolition will allow the estate to be completely re-designed, resulting in the removal of unpopular house types, creating a better balance of house sizes, and dealing with issues of security and layout. Progressing this option will require a number of tenants and owner occupiers in Reid Terrace, Guthrie Road and Canal Street, Saltcoats, to be relocated. It is considered, however that the benefits to the area as a whole will be significant. As part of the project it was proposed that internal and external improvement works should be carried out to the remaining properties in Canal Street and Guthrie Road in order to contribute to the sustainability of the regeneration of the area.

Page 4 The Implementation Plan will address how stakeholders will be consulted and kept informed of developments. Discussions will continue with tenants and owner occupiers in the affected properties, and Housing Services staff will be available to discuss rehousing options with those affected.

The Executive agreed (a) to implement Option 1 as set out in the report; (b) that the Corporate Director (Property Services) develop and implement a project plan for the proposal with updates to be submitted to the Executive at key stages; and (c) to receive a further report on the financial implications at a future meeting.

6. Links with Malawi

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on the Council's progress in forming stronger links with Malawi and on proposed future action.

During 2006, the Council received reports on successful two-way exchanges between St Michael's Academy, Kilwinning, and St Peter's School, Malawi, as well as proposals to establish a Malawi Consulate General in Irvine for the consular district of Scotland. In October 2006, Dr George Chaponda, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development in Malawi, visited Irvine, accompanied by the Honorary Consul, Mr Colin Cameron, and met with the Provost, Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive. The meeting explored taking forward the terms of the Co-operation Agreement between the Scotland and Malawi in respect of sharing experience and skills.

In October 2006, the Corporate Policy Committee agreed to (a) apply to become a member of the Scotland Malawi Partnership; (b) in liaison with the Malawi Development Team within the Scottish Executive, to participate in future seminars on local governance and in the process of developing with other local authorities a Local Governance Strategy and Corporate Agreement; (c) explore possible exchanges with Malawi at staff level; and (d) continue to support local initiatives within North Ayrshire to develop links with Malawi.

The Council is currently a member of the Scotland Malawi Partnership, and has participated at officer level in seminars on promoting and developing local governance. The Council expressed an interest in participating in a project run under the auspices of the Commonwealth Local Government Forum. The project has a number of elements, as set out in the report, and the Council has been invited to participate in the 'capacity building at a local level' element. Glasgow City Council has already established links with Lilongwe and the Council was invited to link with Mzuzu City Council. The areas where input is required include waste/sanitation; improving local government management and decision making; and local economic development.

Page 5 The project involves a joint planning stage to produce a Project Plan and short term two-way exchanges. £30,000 is available in total to support travel, subsistence etc. Capital and staff time would be met by participating councils. The project has been delayed due to uncertainty surrounding local government in Malawi.

The Executive agreed to (a) congratulate those involved in developing links with Malawi and to continue to support such activity within North Ayrshire; (b) note the delay in taking forward the Commonwealth Local Government Forum Local Governance Project; (c) confirm the Council's participation in the project subject to further clarification of the role to be played by North Ayrshire, and subject to securing information on the current level of activity by Glasgow City Council; and (d) receive a further report at a future meeting.

7. Revenue Budget 2007/08: Budgetary Control

Submitted report by the Assistant Chief Executive (Finance) on the budgetary control position for the Council at the end of June 2007.

Based on the information available, the overall budgetary position for General Services at the end of June 2007 is considered satisfactory. Budgetary pressures identified within Social Services, particularly in relation to residential schools, will be closely monitored and remedial action taken where required. An accumulated surplus is likely in relation to the Housing Revenue Account.

The Executive agreed (a) to note the budgetary control position at the end of June 2007; and (b) that the Corporate Director (Social Services) report to a future meeting with regard to the continuing pressures arising from costs associated with residential schools.

8. The International Health Regulations 2005: Designation of Point of Entry Ports

Submitted report by the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Protective) on new Port Health Legislation and the proposed designation of ports within North Ayrshire which will be authorised to enforce the legislation.

International Health Regulations are promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and are intended to prevent, protect against, control, and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease, without unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade. The Regulations are binding on all states which are members of the WHO including the United Kingdom. Within North Ayrshire the Environmental Health Service undertakes Port Health duties. Currently Ardrossan is an authorised port in terms of the International Health Regulations and Terminal is included within the approved port status of Ardrossan.

Page 6 The International Health Regulations 2005 introduced a new regime whereby sea-going ships now require Ship Sanitation Control Certificates or Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificates. The Regulations also set out a number of requirements in terms of port facilities and arrangements which must be developed i.e Core Capacities. North Ayrshire Ports require to be designated in terms of the Regulations to allow them to issue Certificates to ensure there is no reduction in the use of the port. The authorisation of the ports will result in increased inspections by Environmental Health staff, details of which were set out in the report. Any costs incurred will be offset by recovery of the costs of the inspections.

The Executive agreed to formally request the Scottish Executive to include the North Ayrshire ports of Ardrossan and Hunterston on the list of Points of Entry Approved Ports.

9. Beith: Naming of New Street for Housing and Care Facilities Development by Camvo 134 Ltd, at Site off Kirk Road

Submitted report by the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Protective) on the naming of a new street for housing and care facilities at a development by Camvo 134 Ltd, off Kirk Road, Beith.

The Executive agreed to name the development "Scholars Wynd".

10. Irvine Royal Academy Window Replacement and Overcladding Works

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Property Services) on tenders received for window replacement and overcladding works at Irvine Royal Academy.

The Executive agreed to accept the lowest price bid submitted by Thermashield Ltd., Glasgow, in the sum of £653,860.16.

11. Irvine: Land at Greenwood Interchange

Submitted report by the Corporate Director Property Services on a proposal to dispose of land at Greenwood Interchange, Irvine, to Strathclyde Joint Police Board for the development of a Custody Centre.

The Executive agreed to approve the sale of land at Greenwood Interchange, Irvine, to Strathclyde Joint Police Board for development as a Custody Centre, in the sum of £230,000, and subject to other terms and conditions being agreed, including appropriate clawback arrangements and the payment of the Council's Estates and Legal fees associated with the sale.

Page 7 12. Community Development Grants Scheme/Local Action Fund/Town Twinning Support Fund: Applications for Financial Assistance

Submitted report by the Corporate Director (Educational Services) on applications received in respect of the Community Development Grants Scheme, the Local Action Fund and the Town Twinning Support Fund.

The Executive agreed to make the following awards:-

Community Development Grants Scheme

Organisation Award

North Ayrshire Sports Council £4,500 Saltcoats Young Mums £1,500 Fullarton Community Health House £7,210 Kidzone £1,000 Barrmill Community Association £1,100 Isle of Arran Music Society £ 500 Arran Sports Association £ 800 Millport Festival Group £1,200

Local Action Fund

Organisation Award

North Ayrshire Skate Park £2,000 Young Mums 2 £2,000 3rd Stevenston Girls' Brigade £1,050

Town Twinning Support Fund

Organisation Award

Isle of Cumbrae RBLS Pipe Band £2,000

13. Stevenston Common Good Fund: Application for Financial Assistance

Submitted report by the Chief Executive on an application for financial assistance from Stevenston Common Good Fund.

The Executive agreed to make the following award:-

Page 8 Organisation Award

The Cronies Club of Stevenston and District £2,000

The meeting ended at 4.30 p.m.

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