Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Yzerman is back The Captain returns to Hockeytown SPORTS • 10 DAILY GLOBE Saturday, April 20, 2019 Sunny | High: 66 | Low: 42 | Details, page 2 Superior NEUSCHWANSTEIN CASTLE Riders starts season May 15 By RICHARD JENKINS all road riding,” said Sam
[email protected] Davey, one of the organiz- IRONWOOD – With ers. the snow melting, outdoor The rides are scheduled enthusiasts on the Gogebic to start at 6:30 p.m. Range are putting away through Aug 11, with the their skis and getting out rides between Aug. 21 and their summer toys. Those Sept. 8 starting at 6. fans of road biking can join The first ride is sched- the Superior Riders, which uled to start at Cold Iron start its eighth season May Brewery. 15. The rest of the schedule The rides will generally is as follows: take place every other –May 29, Rigoni’s Inn, Wednesday, according to Ayer Street. organizers, starting at a dif- –June 12, Don & GG’s, ferent location for each U.S. 2. ride. –June 26, Joanie’s Side- Covering roughly eight kicks, Iron Belt, Wis. to 15 miles and taking 60 –July 10, Bank Club, to 90 minutes, the rides are Hurley. doable for all skill levels. “There might be some gravel … but it’s basically RIDERS — page 5 Kids compete to sing Submitted photo BESSEMER HIGH school students cross a bridge behind Neuschwanstein Castle during their recent spring Star Spangled Banner break trip to Europe. Students include, from left: Jaakob Fyle, Lane Kortemeier, Aydan MacLeod, Isaac Ormes, Connor Fingeroos and Tad Rowe.