WikiArt Emotions: An Annotated Dataset of Emotions Evoked by Art Saif M. Mohammad and Svetlana Kiritchenko {saif.mohammad,svetlana.kiritchenko} National Research Council Canada

RESEARCH QUESTIONS THE WIKIART EMOTIONS DATASET APPLICATIONS • what makes art evocative? • search paintings evoking the • how does art convey different emotions? Annotated 4,105 pieces of art for emotions desired emotional response • what attributes make a painting well liked? evoked, amount liked, whether they depict a face • automatically detect emotions • how much does the title of an art impact its • 10 people per item, crowdsourcing evoked by paintings emotional response? • 4 styles: Renaissance, Post-Renaissance, Modern, • automatically transform paintings • what is the extent to which categories of Contemporary • identify what makes paintings art evoke consistent emotions? • 22 categories: Impressionism, Figurative art, Realism, etc. evocative

THE SOURCE OF THE ART EMOTION ANNOTATIONS LABEL AVERAGE ART 151,151 pieces of art; • 20 emotions chosen from art literature 10 art styles; 168 style categories • select all that the art brings to mind DISTRIBUTION RATINGS • annotate image, title, art (image, title) 4 out of 10 say emotion present -3 (dislike a lot) to 3 (like a lot) • notable art in each category is shown in a Featured page Avg. Art Ratings Positive Emotion Distribution % (by fine emotion) • selected ~200 items from each of gratitude, thankfulness, or indebtedness the featured pages of 22 categories happiness, calmness, pleasure, or ecstasy humility, modesty, unpretentiousness, or simplicity Style love or affection Contemporary Art: ~2000 pieces optimism, hopefulness, or confidence trust, admiration, respect, dignity, or honor : ~60,000 pieces Negative Impressionism, , Post-Impressionism, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Cubism, Pop Art, anger, annoyance, or rage , Art Informel, Painting, Neo- arrogance, vanity, hubris, or conceit Expressionism, Magic Realism, disgust, dislike, indifference, or hate Post-Renaissance Art: ~ 35,000 pieces fear, anxiety, vulnerability, or terror Realism, Romanticism, Baroque, Neoclassicism, Rococo pessimism, cynicism, or lack of confidence Renaissance Art: ~6,000 pieces regret, guilt, or remorse Northern Renaissance, High Renaissance, Early sadness, pensiveness, loneliness, or grief Renaissance shame, humiliation, or disgrace Other or Mixed agreeableness, acceptance, submission, compliance Title: Mona Lisa anticipation, interest, curiosity, suspicion, vigilance disagreeableness, defiance, conflict, or strife Year: 1504 shyness, self-consciousness, reserve, or reticence Artist: Leonardo da Vinci surprise, surrealism, amazement, or confusion Style: Renaissance neutral Category: High Renaissance GREEMENT Annotations: A Art Ratings Distribution % Avg. Art Ratings (by coarse emotion) Avg. art rating: 2.25 Face, body: face Fleiss’ K per emotion per Emotions in image, title: happiness, trust category: from -0.02 to 0.31. image: happiness, trust Higher: title: happiness, trust • Renaissance, Post-Renaissance • basic emotions: happiness, EMOTIONS EVOKED FROM love, sadness, anger, fear • art with face or body IMAGE, TITLE, AND ART Avg. Art Ratings (by art style) Lower: Face-Body Distribution % • title conveys different sets of • Modern Art, Contemporary Art emotions than • complex emotions: shame, • image alone or art as a whole regret, optimism, etc. • even art and image differ in a • art with no face or body large percentage of instances

Emotion Match % WHAT MAKES ART WELL LIKED • art that evokes positive emotions (love, trust, humility, happiness, etc.) • Post-Renaissance, Renaissance (Realism, Rococo, Neoclassicism, etc.) • Romanticism, Neoclassicism, Impressionism evoking love as well as Impressionism evoking optimism

Title: Don Quixote and Sancho Title: Young mother contemplating her Title: Hornet, 1970 Panza in the mountains, XIX cent. sleeping child in candlelight, 1875 Artist: Dan Christensen Artist: Honore Daumier Artist: Albert Anker Style: Color Field Painting (Modern Art) Style: Impressionism (Modern) Style: Realism (Post Renaissance) Avg. art rating: -1.9 (the most disliked) Avg. art rating: 0.4 copyright Avg. art rating: 2.8 (the most liked) Emotions (image, title): anticipation, surprise Emotions (image, title): sadness Emotions (image, title): happiness, love, trust Emotions (image): anticipation, surprise Emotions (image): fear Emotions (image): happiness, love Emotions (title): anticipation Emotions (title): happiness Emotions (title): happiness, love, trust