Taking Sides: The United Nations’ Loss Of Impartiality, Independence And Neutrality In Syria This report is dedicated to those brave individuals who have been detained, disappeared or killed in Syria for upholding the principles of humanitarian aid. The following Syrian humanitarian and medical organisations, local councils and civil society groups are co-signatories to the executive summary and recommendations of the report: 1) Syria Civil Defence 26) Atarab Civil Centre 48) Humena Thank you to Tammam Azzam for the cover artwork and Daraya Local Council, (The White Helmets) 27) Maasar Centre 49) Golan Heights Hand in Hand Lens Young Dimashqi and Nabaa for the photography. 2) Basmeh and Zeitooneh 28) Union of Syrian Civil Society Coalition 3) Local Administration Organisations 50) Space of Hope The Syria Campaign advocates for the protection of civilians by elevating Councils Unit 29) Save a Soul 51) Hooz Centre the demands of Syrians inside the country trapped between dictatorship 4) Syrian Emergency Task Force 30) Souriyana Al Amal 52) Wisdom House 5) Kesh Malek 31) For All 53) Syrian Centre for Legal Studies and extremism. We are fiercely independent and are funded entirely by 6) Syrian Forum 32) Fazaa Organisation and Research individuals and foundations. Contact us
[email protected] 7) Dawlaty 33) Huloul 54) Afaq Centre for Legal Studies 8) Women Now for Development 34) Emissa for Development and Research 9) Baytna Syria 35) International Supporting 55) Trust Centre for Training 10) Badael Woman Association and Innovation