Interviews of Four Top Church Leaders How the Electlon Works a Movement Ora Machine? SPEORUM
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· Y~.~. MMfUr The New Shape ofAdvenpst~sion SDAs:SectorDenOl1111lat1on? 1:' A QuarterlyJournal of theAssociation ofAdventist furums Spring 1975 Interviews of Four Top Church Leaders How the Electlon Works A Movement ora Machine? SPEORUM Board of Editors Editorial Assistant Fritz Guy John Pye Riverside, California Pennan t Hills, Australia Alvin L. Kwiram, Chairman Judy Folkenberg Donald Hall Seattle, Washington Silver Spring, Maryland Calvin B. Rock Sacramento, California Huntsvill:e, Alabama Roy Branson Consulting Editors ] orgen Henriksen J. Paul Stauffer Washington, D~C. Godfrey T. Anderson North Reading, Massachusetts Lorna Linda, California Molleurus Couperus Lom.a Linda, California Eric A. Magnusson Stanley G. Sturges Cooranbong, Australia Lorna Linda, California ] ames S. Barclay Dayton, Ohio Win fried Noack Gary Land Western Springs, Illinois Stuart A. Taylor Darmstadt, Germany Cambridge, Massachusetts Berrien Springs, Michigan Ross O. Barnes College Place, Washington Ronald Numbers Verne V. Wehtje Charles Scriven Madison, Wisconsin Angwin, California Athena, Oregon C. E. Bradford Svend Overlade Takoma Park, Maryland Ron W. Walden Ottilie Stafford Odense, Denmark New Haven, Connecticut South Lancaster, Massachusetts ] onathan M. Butler Roland A. Perez Lincoln, Nebraska Benjamin R. Wygal Palo Alto, California Jacksonville, Florida James]. C. Cox Max G. Phillips Editors Berrien Springs, Michigan Mountain View, California Circulation Manager Roy· Branson E. Gillis Erenius Jack W. Provonsha Nathan Moore Charles Scriven Stockholm, Sweden Lorna Linda, California College Place, Washington Association of Adventist Forums Executive Committee Staff For International Affairs John R. Jones Molleurus Couperus Nashville, Tennessee President Systems Manager Lorna Linda, California Glenn E. Coe G. William Carey Elaine Kelley West Hartford, Connecticut Silver Spring, Maryland For Outreach Brooklyn, New York Vice Presidents Joseph Mesar Grant N. Mitchell Vice President Brighton, Massachusetts Fresno, California Leslie H. Pitton, Jr. For Development Silver Spring, Maryland Walter B. Douglas Berrien Springs, Michigan Nathan Moore Regional Representatives: College Place, Washington Executive Secretary For Finance Richard C. Osborn Ronald D. Cople Charles Bensonhaver Rosalie Anderson Thorn Takoma Park, Maryland Silver Spring, Maryland Dayton, Ohio Lorna Linda, California PECTRUM is a gifts are deductible in the report of income for Sjournal established purposes of taxation. The publishing of SPEC to encourage Seventh-day Adventist participa TRUM depends on subscriptions, gifts from tion in the discussion of contemporary issues individuals, and the voluntary efforts of the from a Christian viewpoint, to look without contributors and the staff. prejudice at :ill sides of a subject, to evaluate the merits of diverse views, and to foster Christian intellectual and cultural growth. Although effort SPECTRUM is published quarterly by the Association is made to ensure accurate scholarship and dis of Adventist Forums. Direct editorial correspondence to criminating judgment, the statements of fact are SPECTRUM, Box 142, Athena, Oregon 97813. Manu the responsibility of contributors, and the views scripts should be double-spaced and accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. individual authors express are not necessarily Send requests for ·subscriptions or address changes those of the editorial staff as a whole or as (wi th address labels) to Association of Adventist individuals. Forums, Box 4330, Takoma Park, Maryland 20012. Rates: $10 for one year; $3 for single copy; remit by The Association of Adventist Forums is a accompanying check payable to the Association of nonsubsidized, nonprofit organization for which Adventist Forums•. ~ CP21B05 U.hoU.S.A. In This Issue Volume Seven, Number One Articles An Interview with Robert Pierson Ron Graybill 3 Duncan Eva, willis Hackett, Neal Wilson: A Symposium Roberta J. M~ore 8 How the General Conference Election Works Alvin L. Kwiram 17 Where Did Adventist Organizational Structure Come From? Gary Land 23 How to Be a'Movement, Not a Machine Charles Teel, Jr. 30 Sect or Denomination: Can Adventism Maintain Its Identity? Bryan Wilson 34 The New Shape of Adventist Mission Gottfried Oosterwal 44 Art Greg Constantine: "How Humans See" 28 Book Review God Is With Us, by Jack W. Provonsha James J. Londis 55 SPECTRUM's new logo and cover design are by Henry Rasmussen of Concerned Communications, Arroyo Grande, California. About This Issue or the first time, analysis. FMolleurus Couperus SPECTRUM could not have become a re is not listed as the editor of SPECTRUM. For spected publication without the enormous more than six years, he has brought continuity breadth of experience Dr. Couperus brought to to this journal, overseeing the publication of his work. Having grown up in the Netherlands, articles by more than 200 different Adventists. he studied theology in the United States and General Conference officials, college students, served several years as a missionary in Indonesia. lay professionals and Adventist academics have Later, he received his medical education at been able to express their views and report their Lorna Linda University, joined the faculty after investigations. becoming a specialist, and eventually became Dr. Couperus has skillfully demonstrated that chairman of the department of dermatology. an Adventist lay journal can be both indepen Combining his religious and scientific inter dent and responsible. On such delicate issues as ests, he edited for several years an Adventist lay science and religion, church and state, the journal devoted to the study and defense of authority of Ellen White and the nature of creationism. He became interested in anthro inspiration, he has given persons with widely dif pology, and in time was invited to teach courses fering views the opportunity to be heard. At the in that subject at both Lorna Linda University same time, he has consistently required both and the University of California at Los Angeles. thoroughness of research and excellence of When asked to edit SPECTRUM, Dr. Couperus enthusiastically agreed. And it is not pastor of the Blue Mountain Valley Adventist too much to say that for six years he has re Church in Athena, Ore. garded his work on it as his single most signifi The makeup of the new board-most of the cant contribution to the church. It is appro members have been with AAF from the begin priate here, on behalf of the Association of ning-assures continuity in editorial policy. The Adventist Forums, to salute him for what he has journal will still publish articles written with done. thoroughness and rigor. It will still welcome the Many others assisted Dr. Couperus. Two work of those who seriously explore the should be mentioned especially. Ada L. Turner, frontiers of Adventist thought. editor of academic publications at Lorna Linda The appearance and contents of this issue University during this time, created SPEC should make it clear, however, that some TRUM's widely admired graphic design, and did changes will occur. Sensitivity to the rhythms of the makeup for every issue. Fritz Guy, dean of Adventist organizational life has not only led to the College of Arts and Sciences of the same a special General Conference issue, but also to a university, spent many bone-wearying hours in second issue devoted to topics of considerable the editing and re-editing of manuscripts. interest for next fall's Annual Council-including With this issue a new Board of Editors begins the role of women in the church and the ques its work. One member is Dr. Couperus himself. tion of divorce. Several other members have been active in AAF SPECTRUM will also try to publish more from its inception. Alvin Kwiram, chairman, is forms of creative expression than heretofore. professor of chemistry at the university of Wash Not only formal articles, but interviews, pro ington and a member of the General Conference files, narratives, personal essays, visual art, Board of Higher Education. He was the first and even (as we hope) new hymns by Adventist president of AAF. composers, will appear. Roy Branson, associate professor of Christian In other words, while aiming still for the ethics at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological highest academic standards, SPECTRUM will be Seminary at Andrews University, has been less a scholarly periodical and more a journal of executive secretary and president of AAF. Gary thought, opinion and creative expression. Having Land, associate professor of history at Andrews established its seriousness of purpose, the University, has been book editor on the staff of journal will now try to put more zest and pas: SPECTRUM. Ottilie Stafford, who is head of the sion onto its pages. With any luck, SPECTRUM English department at Atlantic Union College, may even develop a sense of humor. has served before on this journal's editorial staff. Or that's what we say. We'd like you to see One member of the Board of Editors is new for yourselves what actually happens. to SPECTRUM's masthead. Charles Scriven is The Board of Editors An Interview With Robert H. Pierson by Ron Graybill The chief business of the General Conference workers and members have made in striving Session in Vienna will be the choosing of the toward the goal the Lord has set for us. church's leaders. In the pages that follow, SPEC There are a number of ways, I think, that the TRUM brings you interviews of four top church Lord has blessed us. One of the most satisfying administrators, on all of whom delegates will be has been the response to the challenge for making decisions in July. evangelism. Our baptisms· have increased very . Readers may learn from these interviews substantially. I think in 1965 they ran about something of the ideals and priorities of these 135,000, if I'm not mistaken, and in 1973, there men, and in this way be better prepared to carry were about 215,000, and we hope that 1974 will out their duties responsibly, whether at the go beyond that. When I speak about evangelism, General Conference session or in the life of the I don't mean just public evangelism-preaching.