ד' אדר א' תשעו“  Shabbos, February 13 2016

גיטין ס ב“ OVERVIEW of the Daf Distictive INSIGHT prepare his produce Feeding animals before eating one’s own meal עם הארץ Helping an (1 אסור לו לאדם לטעום כלום עד שיתן מאכל לבהמתו, שנאמר ונתתי -A Beraisa is cited that elaborates on some of the laws relat עשב בשדך לבהמתך והדר ואכלת ושבעת .prepare his produce עם הארץ ed to helping an R’ Yochanan explains that the reason Chazal were lenient write that it is ( עשין פ ז“ ) and Smag ( עבדים ט:ח ) ambam was to enable people to earn a living. R an act of piety for one to give food to his servants and animals The reason two examples of this halacha are necessary is before he himself sits down to have his meal. Kesef explained. explains that Rambam learns this rule from the Gemara in עם The Gemara explains why there is no concern that the Kesubos (61a) which tells the story of two pious men, one of .will touch the הארץ whom fed his animals before partaking of his own meal, and will עם הארץ The reason there is no concern that the the other who was not careful in this regard. The Gemara re- touch the is explained. ports that Eliyahu Hanavi appeared to the first gentleman, but 2) Assisting idolaters who work the land during shemittah he refused to appear to the second man. In Hilchos Berachos The Gemara clarifies that one is not permitted to assist an (1:8), Rambam writes that even after reciting the beracha over idolater work the land during shemittah but it is permitted to bread, a person may interrupt and command that the animals offer verbal encouragement. be fed. This suggests that this law is Torah-mandated, and not 3) Greeting an idolater with “Shalom” just an act of piety. Magen Avraham (271:#12), in fact, writes The Gemara records how some Amoraim would greet idol- that this rule is a Torah-legislated law, and it is based upon the aters. verse cited in our Gemara, where the Torah teaches that food 4) Inquiring about the welfare of an idolater will be provided for the animals of the field, and only then R’ Yeiva explains that the Mishnah’s ruling about inquir- does the Torah describe that food and sustenance will be pro- ing about the well-being of an idolater refers to inquiring vided for man (see Devarim 11:15). Pri and Shevus about them on their holiday as discussed in a Beraisa. Yaakov understand that this is a rabbinic guideline, and the A related incident is recorded. a general , אסמכתא verse should be understood to be an

-reference, rather than the actual source. Dibros Moshe re הדרן עלך הניזקין solves these opinions and explains that eating one’s meal be- 5) MISHNAH: The Mishnah discusses when a husband or fore feeding one’s animals is prohibited from the Torah, but wife may retract the authority of the agent they appointed re- simply taking something to taste is only to be avoided as an act of piety. . גט garding the delivery of a The truth is that there is a discrepancy between the text הולך כזכי דמי – Take is equivalent to acquire (6 found in our Gemara, where it says that one may not “taste R’ Acha the son of R’ Avya asserts that it could be inferred anything” until feeding his animals, and the Gemara in from the Mishnah that the instruction “take” is equivalent to Berachos (40a), where we find that one may not “eat” before the instruction to “acquire.” feeding his animals. Rif and Rosh explain that the text in our This inference is rejected. The Gemara suggests that the principle “take is equivalent (Insight...Continued on page 2) to acquire” could be inferred from the second halacha of the Mishnah. This inference is also rejected. REVIEW and Remember It is suggested that this principle could be inferred from 1. What special leniency is allowed so that people should be the final clause of the Mishnah but this suggestion is also re- able to earn a living? jected. ______7) Who qualifies to serve as an agent? 2. What is the source that one is obligated to feed his ani- The Gemara inquires whether a man can be an agent for mal before eating himself? acceptance and whether a woman can be an agent for delivery. ______. הולך כזכי Our Mishnah is cited to resolve the Gemara’s inquiry. 3. Explain The Gemara rejects this resolution. ______Another ruling in the Mishnah is cited to resolve this in- 4. How does R’ Meir prove that a woman can serve as an ? גט quiry. agent to deliver a (Overview...Continued on page 2) ______גיטין ס“ ב —Number 1291

(Overview...Continued from page 1) The Gemara agrees that the final ruling of the Mishnah HALACHAH Highlight demonstrates that a man may serve as an agent for acceptance Feeding one’s fish before eating but the question related to a woman serving as an agent for .delivery is still unresolved אסור לו לאדם שיטעום כלום עד שיתן מאכל לבהמתו It is prohibited for a person to eat anything until he gives food to his R’ Meri and R’ Ashi cite different proofs that a woman . גט animal may serve as an agent for delivery of a 8) An agent that receives mixed messages 1 R av Yaakov Emden was asked whether it is prohibited for a Rav issues a ruling in a case of an agent who received dif- person to eat before he feeds his pet dog or cat. He responded ferent and contradictory messages from the wife and the hus- . גט that there is no absolute obligation to feed a cat or dog before band regarding the delivery of her one eats a meal as is the obligation regarding large animals An inference is made based on the ruling of Rav. The reason one must feed an animal before one .( בהמה גסה) eats his own meal is out of concern for the distress the animal aquarium do not have the capacity to obtain food on their own may endure since it relies upon its owner for food. If the animal and thus there should be an obligation to feed the fish before did not have a set time to eat it could possibly die from starva- eating. In fact, Rav Emden writes explicitly that one is obligated tion since it cannot obtain food on its own. Therefore, the To- to feed one’s fish before eating. Teshuvas Shevet Hakehasi 3 rah imposes an obligation to feed an animal before eating to writes that the halacha depends upon the conditions of the acquire the trait of compassion. In contrast, a dog or cat can aquarium. If the aquarium has plants growing it is considered always find food, thus the same degree of compassion is not re- as if the fish have the capacity to obtain their own food and one quired and thus the to feed one’s animal before eating a is not obligated to feed the fish before eating, provided that the meal does not apply to a pet dog or cat. fish are plant-eating fish. If, however, the aquarium does not Accordingly, Rav Menashe Klein, the author of Teshuvas have plants growing the owner of the fish is solely responsible to Mishnah Halachos 2, ruled that one who owns an aquarium is assure that the fish are eating and there will be an obligation for required to feed the fish before eating. He explains that the le- the owner to feed the fish before eating. .1 שו"ת שאילת יעב"ץ ח"א סי' י"ז. niency expressed by Rav Emden applies only when the creature .2 שו"ת משנה הלכות ח"ו סי' רט"ז. has the ability to obtain food by itself. Fish contained in an .3 שו"ת שבט הקהתי ח"ב סי' קמ"ט. understood to be Hashem’s will. The Rav looked at the man with his shining, happy was always very careful to greet everyone countenance and proceeded to heap bro- STORIES Off the Daf he met, friend or self-proclaimed foe. 2 chos on the gratified man until he was The Greatness of a Greeting On the last motzei Shabbos of a year satisfied that he had fulfilled his duty. 4 .1 עלי שור, חלק ב', עמוד ר"א (ועד ד') during which Rosh Hashannah came out "רב חסדא מקדים ויהיב להו שלמא..." .2 הנהגות ופסקים להגרי"ח זוננפעלד, -in the middle of the week, Rav Sonnen עמוד n of the hardest habits to acquire is 213 .3 עיין ביו"ד סימן קמ"ח סעיף י' והש"ך שם -O feld was on his way home when he en (ס"ק ח) always greeting one’s fellow Jew with a countered a neighbor who wished him .4 עקבי חיים, עמוד מ"ז ”.radiant smile. Rav Avraham Grodzinsky, “gut voch zt”l, a great gaon and ba’al mussar, The Rav responded warmly in Yid- worked two full years to acquire this mid- dish by wishing him a good year: “Gut (Insight...Continued from page 1) dah. Even in the ghetto during WWII, his yohr.” Gemara is accurate, and even tasting any- 1 face was always shining. The man had hardly continued on thing is not allowed before feeding one’s Despite the challenges, it is not sur- when the Rav called him back. “In animals. Taz (O.C. 167:#7), however, prising that Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnen- 62 we find that if one receives a brocho rules that only a full meal must be avoid- feld, zt”l, also mastered this trait and should give an even greater brocho back. 3 ed, but a snack is allowed. He proves this greeted everyone with a smile. He was The custom is to respond to those who from the verse in Devarim, where we find exceedingly careful to fulfill every detail of wish us a good week with ‘a good year’ that one must feed his animals, and only halachah or middas chassidus with great since this is a bigger blessing. This particu- then can he partake of his meal, eat and It is only the .( ואכלת ושבעת ) joy, so why should this be different? Even lar week is the exception to the rule, since be satisfied at a very advanced age when the Rav was is on Tuesday and the full, satisfying meal which must be de- already quite frail, he would go to any week extends until motzei Shabbos. So layed until one has attended to the ani- lengths to act in accordance with what he my brochah was less than yours.” He mals needs.

Daf Digest is published by the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed, under the leadership of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, shlit”a HaRav Pinchas Eichenstein, Nasi; HoRav Zalmen L. Eichenstein, Rov ;Rabbi Tzvi Bider, Executive Director, edited by Rabbi Ben-Zion Rand. Daf Yomi Digest has been made possible through the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ruben.