Copyrighted Material
INDEX A CreateFile, 398, 409 DeviceIOControl, 397, 398, 409, 462, accept function, 548 511, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520 accessing registry. See also web server ReadFile, 398, 409 application WriteFile, 398, 409 during development process, 136 message queue, 378–379 web server application, 550–561 CloseMsgQueue(), 378, 384, 538 ActivateDevice, 398 CreateMsgQueue(), 378, 382, 538, ActivateDeviceEx, 398, 405, 462 539, 543 Active Template Library. See ATL ReadMsgQueue(), 378, 379, 506, 538, ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), 340, 369, 539, 541 604, 615, 628 WriteMsgQueue(), 378, 505, 539, Adobe Flash Player 10.1, 39 542 advanced application development, 485–574. power management, 414–415 See also managed code; real-time Stream Driver, 449–466 applications; USB camera application; web stream IO, 409 server application CloseHandle, 397, 398, 409 Advanced Build Commands, 82, 143, 144, 145, CreateFile, 398, 409 153, 225, 228 DeviceIOControl, 397, 398, 409, 462, Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller 511, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520 (APIC), 348 ReadFile, 398, 409 AdvertiseInterface, 407, 413 WriteFile, 398, 409 aggressive fl ushing, 129, 133 Watchdog Timers, 375–376 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), 340, 369, Win32, 13, 175, 184, 494, 512, 514, 567 604, 615, 628 application deployment. See also deployment animation COPYRIGHTED MATERIALCAB installation package, 398–399 Adobe Flash Player 10.1, 39 local storage, 299, 300–301 SWE, 512 managed code smart device application, SWE_Hello application project, 287–288 213–215 APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt options, 297–301 Controller), 348 part of OS run-time image, 300–301 APIs (application programming interfaces) RFID Reader application, 595–598 application streaming, 409 Win32 smart device application project, CloseHandle, 397, 398, 409 200–201 659 bbindex.inddindex.indd 665959 88/2/11/2/11 55:21:01:21:01 PPMM application development – \BINCOMPRESS application development, 173–180.
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