

Appointment of Eric Lott as Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Center

WHEREAS, Professor Eric Lott is an internationally recognized leader in cultural studies, American studies, American literature and culture, transnational studies and critical race studies; and

WHEREAS, In addition to three highly acclaimed books, Black Mirror: The Cultural Contradictions of American Racism (2017), The Disappearing Liberal Intellectual (2006) and Love and Theft: Minstrelsy and the American Working Class (1993 and 2013), over 75 articles, short essays and reviews and over 100 invited lectures; Professor Lott has been awarded a Cornell University Society for the Humanities Fellowship, a Sesquicentennial Fellowship, a Princeton University Council for the Humanities Visiting Fellowship and a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship ; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York appoint Eric Lott as Distinguished Professor of English at the Graduate Center effective November 1, 2018, with compensation of $28,594 per annum in addition to his regular academic salary, subject to financial ability.

EXPLANATION: One of his reviewers notes “Both nationally and internationally, Eric Lott has earned a reputation as a leading scholar in cultural studies, having left his mark on fields that include American studies, literary studies, history, critical race studies, theatre and performance studies and music. I can think of no other scholar whose work has achieved the preeminence of Lott’s in such a broad range of disciplines.” Another notes that “Eric is, by any measure, a towering figure in the field of American studies; his ground-breaking work, Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class, has become a touchstone for recent generations of scholars on matters of popular culture, race and class in the nineteenth-century , music and performance, and archival methodologies.” and “The Black Mirror: The Cultural Contradictions of American Racism, is a dazzling and timely consideration of race and fantasy in U.S. culture.” It is “meticulously researched, brilliantly conceived and stunningly written.” As another points out, “If distinction means producing field-changing work that garners the admiration of and informs the scholarship of at least two generations of scholars, then Lott is certainly one of the most worthy scholars I know for that honor.”

Dr. Lott joined the Graduate Center in 2014 as Professor of English and American Studies. Previously, he served as Assistant Professor through Professor of English at the University of Virginia from 1990 to 2014. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in English from and a B.A. in English from the University of Missouri.

The Graduate Center and The City University of New York will be well-served by Professor Lott’s appointment as Distinguished Professor.


Department of English 125 W. 12th St. #3C City University of New York- New York, NY 10011 Graduate Center (434) 825-2209 365 Fifth Avenue [email protected] New York, NY 10016

EDUCATION Ph.D., English, Columbia University, 1991 M.A., English, Columbia University, 1984 B.A., English, University of Missouri, 1981

ACADEMIC Cornell University Society for the Humanities Fellowship, 2011-12 AWARDS & University of Virginia Sesquicentennial Fellowship, 2007 FELLOWSHIPS University of Virginia Sesquicentennial Fellowship, 2001 Princeton University Council for the Humanities Visiting Fellowship, 2001 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 1996 Best First Book Prize, Modern Language Association, 1994 Avery O. Craven Award for Best Book on the Period of the Civil War and Reconstruction, Organization of American Historians, 1994 Outstanding Book Award, Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights, 1994 Honorable Mention, Barnard Hewitt Book Award for Theatre Research, 1994 University of Virginia Sesquicentennial Fellowship, 1993 Constance Rourke Prize for Best American Quarterly Article, American Studies Association, 1992 Bancroft Dissertation Prize, Columbia University, 1991 Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies Fellowship, 1989 Wise-Susman Prize, American Studies Association, 1988 Columbia University President’s Fellowship, 1984, 1985

TEACHING Professor of English and American Studies, CUNY Graduate Center, 2014- Visiting Distinguished Professor, City University of New York Graduate Center, 2013-14 Professor of English, University of Virginia, 2000-14 Associate Professor of English, University of Virginia, 1996-2000 Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia, 1990-96 Instructor, Columbia University, 1985-86 Instructor, Borough of Manhattan Community College, 1983-87


EDITORIAL Associate Editor, ASAP (Association for the Study of Arts of the Present) Journal, 2016- Editorial Board, Criticism, 2009- Editorial Board, American Literature, 2000-02 Editorial Board, Cultural Studies of the United States Series (Alan Trachtenberg, Chair), University of North Carolina Press, 1998-2007 Contributing Editor, The Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism, Columbia University Press, 1995

CONSULTING Co-Director, Futures of American Studies Institute, , 2008- & PROGRAM Program Committee, American Studies Association, 2013-14 DEVELOPMENT NEH Advisor, American Routes Public Radio Program, 2011-13 Program Committee, 2007 Pop Music Conference, Experience Music Project, Seattle, 2006-07 Script Consultant and Onscreen Interviewee, Stephen Foster, America’s Composer (WITF- Pittsburgh), Public Broadcasting Service, 1998-2000 Script Consultant, The Spirituals, 1997-2001


Books Black Mirror: The Cultural Contradictions of American Racism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2017. The Disappearing Liberal Intellectual. New York: Basic Books, 2006. Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993; paperback, 1995; 20th Anniversary 2nd ed., 2013.

Articles “Not Quite Dying: Late Bowie.” Blackstar Rising and the Purple Reign. Ed. Daphne A. Brooks. Durham, NC: Duke UP, forthcoming. “Tar Baby and the Great White Wonder: Joni Mitchell’s Pimp Game.” Court and Spark: Essays on Joni Mitchell. Ed. Ruth Charnock. London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming. “Back Door Man: Howlin’ Wolf and the Sound of Jim Crow.” American Quarterly 63.3 (2011): 697-710. Rpt. in Sound Clash: Listening to American Studies. Ed. Kara Keeling and Josh Kun. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2012. “’s ‘Love and Theft.’” The Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan. Ed. Kevin J.H. Dettmar. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009. 167-73. “Perfect Is Dead: Karen Carpenter, Theodor Adorno, and the Radio; Or, If Hooks Could Kill.” Criticism 50.2 (2008): 219-34. Rpt. in: American Literature’s Aesthetic Dimensions. Ed. Christopher Looby and Cindy Weinstein. New York: Columbia UP, 2012; Pop When the World Falls Apart: Music in the Shadow of Doubt. Ed. Eric Weisbard. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2012. “Criticism in the Vineyard: Twenty Years After ‘Race,’ Writing, and Difference.” PMLA 123.5 (2008): 1522-27. “Semi-Mojo, or, Shaft in Scarsdale: Michael Rogin and Comparative American Studies.” Comparative American Studies 6.1 (2008): 85-91. “National Treasure, Global Value, and American Literary Studies.” American Literary History 20.1-2 (2008): 108-23. 3

“Anti-American Studies.” Prospects: The Annual of American Cultural Studies 30 (2005): 1-16. “The First Boomer: Bill Clinton, George W., and Fictions of State.” Representations 84 (2004): 100-22. “After Identity, Politics: The Return of Universalism.” New Literary History 31.4 (2000): 659-74. Rpt. in Race and Cultural Practice in Popular Culture. Ed. Rachel Gonzalez- Martin and Domino Renee Perez. “Boomer Liberalism: When the New Left Was Old.” Transition 78 (1999): 24-44. Rpt. as “The New Liberalism in America” in The Making and Unmaking of Whiteness. Ed. Birgit Brander Rasmussen, Eric Klinenberg, Irene J. Nexica, and Matt Wray. Durham: Duke UP, 2001. “The New Cosmopolitanism: The Color-Blind Club.” Transition 72 (1997): 108-35. “The Whiteness of Film Noir.” American Literary History 9.3 (1997): 542-66. Rpt. in: Whiteness: A Critical Reader. Ed. Mike Hill. New York: NYU Press, 1997; National Imaginaries, American Identities. Ed. Larry J. Reynolds and Gordon Hutner. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2000. “All the King’s Men: Elvis Impersonators and White Working-Class Masculinity.” Race and the Subject of Masculinities. Ed. Harry Stecopoulos and Michael Uebel. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1997. 192-227. “Blackface and Blackness: The in American Culture.” Inside the Minstrel Mask: Readings in Nineteenth-Century Blackface Minstrelsy. Ed. Annemarie Bean, James Hatch, Brooks McNamara. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1996. 3-32. “Public Image Limited: Whose Intellectuals?” Transition 68 (1995): 50-65. “Nation Time.” American Literary History 7.3 (1995): 61-76. “Mr. Clemens and Jim Crow: Twain, Race, and Blackface.” The Cambridge Companion to Mark Twain. Ed. Forrest G. Robinson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. 129-52. Rpt. in: Criticism and the Color Line: Desegregating American Literary Studies. Ed. Henry B. Wonham. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1996; Readings on ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.’ Ed. Katie de Koster. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1998. “Cornel West in the Hour of Chaos: Culture and Politics in Race Matters." Social Text 40 (1994): 39-50. “The Aesthetic Ante: Pleasure, Pop Culture, and the Middle Passage.” Callaloo 17.2 (1994): 545-55. “White Kids and No Kids At All: Languages of Race in Antebellum U.S. Working-Class Culture.” Rethinking Class: Literary Studies and Social Formations. Ed. Wai Chee Dimock and Michael T. Gilmore. New York: Columbia UP, 1994. 175-211. “White Like Me: Racial Cross-Dressing and the Construction of American Whiteness.” Cultures of United States Imperialism. Ed. Amy Kaplan and Donald Pease. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1993. 474-95. Rpt. in The Cultural Studies Reader (2nd ed.). Ed. Simon During. New York: Routledge, 1999. “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Abraham Lincoln: Revolutionary Rhetoric and the Emergence of the Bourgeois State.” Clio 22.2 (1993): 157-73. Rpt. in Nineteenth- Century Literature Criticism, Vol. 201. Ed. Kathy Darrow. Gale/Cengage, 2008. “Love and Theft: The Racial Unconscious of Blackface Minstrelsy.” Representations 39 (1992): 23-50. Rpt. in: Sexual Borderlands: Constructing an American Sexual Past. Ed. Sharon Ullman. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2001; Roots Music. Ed. Mark F. 4

DeWitt. London: Ashgate, 2011. “‘The Seeming Counterfeit’: Racial Politics and Early Blackface Minstrelsy.” American Quarterly 43.2 (1991): 223-54. “Double V, Double-Time: Bebop’s Politics of Style.” Callaloo 11.3 (1988): 597-605. Rpt. in: Jazz Among the Discourses. Ed. Krin Gabbard. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1995; The Jazz Cadence of American Culture. Ed. Robert O’Meally. New York: Columbia UP, 1998.

Shorter Essays, “Love and Theft: Eric Lott Interview.” The Online Review of Books and Current Affairs (24 Reviews, September 2017). Journalism, “Ode to Joy: Jonathan Richman’s ‘That Summer Feeling,’” First of the Month: A Website of Interviews the Radical Imagination (August 2017). “Global South.” Keywords for Southern Studies. Ed. Scott Romine and Jennifer Rae Greeson. Athens: University of Georgia P, 2016. 133-38. “Songs Are Like Tattoos: A Response.” New Literary History 46.4 (2015): 823-30. Review, Katrina Dyonne Thompson, Ring Shout, Wheel About: The Racial Politics of Music and Dance in North American Slavery. American Historical Review 120.3 (2015): 1024- 25. “Andy’s Mick” (on Andy Warhol and Mick Jagger). Sounding Out! Sound Studies Blog (May 2012). “’You Make Me Feel So Young’: Sinatra & Basie & Amos & Andy.” e-misferica 5.2 (2008). “Class.” Keywords for American Cultural Studies. Ed. Glenn Hendler and Bruce Burgett. New York: NYU Press, 2007. 49-52. “A Wrongheaded Focus on Class.” On Walter Benn Michaels, The Trouble With Diversity. Chronicle of Higher Education Review (15 December 2006): B13. “The Truman Show: Five Years After 9/11.” First of the Month 8.1 (2006): 3-4. “Chants Demagogic.” Yale Journal of Criticism 18.2 (2005): 471-72. “The Wages of Liberalism: An Interview with Eric Lott.” minnesota review 63-64 (2005): 179-93. Review, W.T. Lhamon, Raising Cain: Blackface Performance from Jim Crow to Hip Hop. American Literature 74.1 (2002): 146-47. “A Strange and Bitter Spectacle: James Allen’s Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America.” First of the Month Online (June 2002). Review, Lary May, The Big Tomorrow: Hollywood and the Politics of the American Way. Times Literary Supplement 5153 (2002): 26. “Gadfly Interview with Eric Lott: On Bob Dylan’s ‘Love and Theft,’” Gadfly Online (10 December 2001). “Minding the Messenger: A Symposium on Spike Lee’s Bamboozled” (with Stanley Crouch, Margo Jefferson, and Michele Wallace), Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire 3.3 (2001): 9-32. Foreword, Stephen Steinberg, The Ethnic Myth: Race, Ethnicity, and Class in America (3rd ed.). Boston: Beacon, 2000. vii-x. “Class of ’77: Music Making History.” Poetics/Politics. Ed. Amitava Kumar. New York: St. Martin’s, 1999. 239-44. “On Alexander Saxton’s ‘Blackface Minstrelsy and Jacksonian Ideology.’” Locating American Studies: 50 Years of American Quarterly. Ed. Lucy Maddox. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1999. 140-42. 5

“Coalition Fights for Living Wage at University of Virginia.” Labor Notes 241 (1999): 10, 15. “Treason of the Clerks: The Living Wage Campaign at UVA.” First of the Month 2 (1999): 20-21. “Blinded By Science.” On Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals’ Abuse of Science. Voice Literary Supplement (December 1998): 16. “Head of State: Bill Clinton’s Exigent Adventures.” First of the Month 1 (1998): 20. Review, Wesley Brown, Darktown Strutters. African American Review 31.1 (1997): 169-72. “Stepin Fetchit,” “Coons,” “Minstrelsy.” The Oxford Companion to African-American Literature. Ed. William L. Andrews, Frances Smith Foster, and Trudier Harris. New York: Oxford UP, 1997. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History. Ed. Jack Salzman and Cornel West. New York: Macmillan, 1996. “Wage and Resistance.” On Robin D.G. Kelley, Race Rebels: Culture, Politics, and the Black Working Class and Scott McLemee and Paul Le Blanc, ed., C.L.R. James and Revolutionary Marxism: Selected Writings, 1939-1949. Voice Literary Supplement 142 (1996): 12-14. Rpt. in “Symposium on Robin Kelley’s Race Rebels.” left history 4.2 (1996). Review, Howard L. Sacks and Judith Rose Sacks, Way Up North in Dixie: A Black Family’s Claim to the Confederate Anthem. Journal of American History 81.4 (1995): 1713. “Routes.” Review of Paul Gilroy, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. The Nation 258.17 (1994): 602-04. Review, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Touching Liberty: Abolition, Feminism, and the Politics of the Body. American Literature 66.2 (1994): 379-80. “White Wash.” Op-Ed article on Ted Danson, Whoopi Goldberg, and blackface. New York Newsday (15 October 1993): 58, 60. Review, Joann P. Krieg, Epidemics in the Modern World. American Literature 65.3 (1993): 613- 14. “Whiteness: A Glossary.” The Village Voice 38.20 (1993): 38-39. “Loving You.” Review of Greil Marcus, Dead Elvis: A Chronicle of a Cultural Obsession. The Nation 254.21 (1992): 760-61. “Book Note.” Review of I Am Elvis: A Guide to Elvis Impersonators. The Nation 253.2 (1991): 62-64. “Trey Ellis’s New Black Aesthetic.” Callaloo 12.1 (1989): 244-46. Review, Russell Reising, The Unusable Past: Theory and the Study of American Literature. SubStance 18.1 (1989): 110-12. Review, Paul Buhle, C.L.R. James: The Artist as Revolutionary. In These Times 13.35 (1989): 19-20. “An Interview with Leslie Fiedler.” Critical Texts 5.1 (1988): 1-9. “Hip Hop Fiction.” Review of Trey Ellis, Platitudes. The Nation 247.19 (1988): 691-92. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism: Yearbook 1988. Ed. Roger Matuz. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Press, 1989. Review, Michael Denning, Mechanic Accents: Dime Novels and Working-Class Culture in America. In These Times 12.21 (1988): 19. “The Cultural Politics of Round Midnight.” American Book Review 9.3 (1987): 6-7. Review, Houston Baker, Jr., Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance. In These Times 12.3 (1987): 20-22. Review, Gary Giddins, Celebrating Bird: The Triumph of Charlie Parker. In These Times 11.29 6

(1987): 19. Review, Terence Hawkes, That Shakespeherian Rag: Essays on a Critical Process. Critical Texts 4.2 (1987): 34-37. Review, Ralph Ellison, Going to the Territory. In These Times 11.22 (1987): 20. Review, Iain Chambers, Popular Culture: The Metropolitan Experience. In These Times 11.16 (1987): 18-19. Entries in The Cambridge Handbook of American Literature. New York: Cambridge UP, 1986. Entries in American Studies: An Annotated Bibliography. New York: Cambridge UP, 1986. Review, Frank Lentricchia, Criticism and Social Change. South Atlantic Review 50.1 (1985): 87-89. Review, George Bird Grinnell, The Punishment of the Stingy and Other Indian Stories. Studies in American Indian Literatures 9.3 (1985): 99-102.

INVITED Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2017 LECTURES Yale University, Blackstar Rising and the Purple Reign: Celebrating the Legacies of David & TALKS Bowie and Prince Conference, January 2017 National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Keynote, Symposium on Racial Masquerade, November 2016 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2016 UCLA, American Studies Workshop, March 2016 Graduate Center, City University of New York, Hip Hop Excess Panel, November 2015 New York University, “Becoming Richard Pryor,” In Conversation with Scott Saul, November 2015 CUNY Graduate Center, Lisa Lowe’s The Intimacies of Four Continents Panel, October 2015 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2015 University of Virginia, April 2015 CUNY Graduate Center, Stuart Hall Symposium, March 2015 Brown University, Symposium on Passing, March 2015 Theater for a New Audience, Panel on An Octoroon, March 2015 University of Nevada-Reno, February 2015 Arizona State University, Provost’s Lecture, February 2015 Elon University, November 2014 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2014 Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Keynote, English Graduate Student Conference, March 2014 University of Sussex, British Association of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, November 2013 CUNY Graduate Center, Black Atlantic Conference, October 2013 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2013 CUNY Graduate Center, February 2013 Mark Twain House, NEH Seminar for Teachers, Hartford, July 2012 Cornell University, April 2012 University of California at Los Angeles, April 2012 CUNY Graduate Center, March 2012 University College Dublin, Clinton Institute for American Studies, Ireland and African 7

America Conference, March 2012 University of California-Irvine, November 2011 Syracuse University, Stephen Crane Lecture, October 2011 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2011 University of Western Sydney, June 2011 National Taiwan Normal University, May 2011 Hampshire College, Eric Schocket Memorial Lecture, April 2011 New York University, Performance Studies, December 2010 Yale University, Music Department, October 2010 Pennsylvania State University, September 2010 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2010 University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Sidney Kaplan Lecture, April 2010 Fordham University, October 2009 University of Texas-Austin, Keynote, American Studies Graduate Conference, September 2009 Dickinson College, September 2009 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2009 George Mason University, April 2009 Stonehill College, March 2009 University of Richmond, September 2008 University College Dublin, Clinton Institute, July 2008 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2008 Hunter College (CUNY), May 2008 Montana State University, April 2008 Graduate Center (CUNY), Minstrel Tradition Symposium, April 2008 University of Pittsburgh, November 2007 Huntington Library, Aesthetics and American Literature Symposium, October 2007 University of Illinois, American Literary History Symposium, September 2007 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2007 Middlebury College, March 2007 University of Leeds, February 2007 Emory University, November 2006 John Jay College (CUNY), Terrorism and the University Conference, November 2006 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Keynote, Anthropology Graduate Conference, November 2006 San Francisco State University, October 2006 Dartmouth College, Bob Dylan Conference, August 2006 Princeton University, February 2006 Stanford University, February 2006 University College Dublin, Clinton Institute for American Studies, Intellectuals and the Nation-State Symposium, December 2005 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2005 University of Washington, April 2005 Experience Music Project, Love and Theft Symposium, Seattle, April 2005 University of California-Berkeley, February 2005 University of Chicago, October 2004 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2004 Purdue University, American Studies Department, March 2004 8

Wayne State University, February 2004 Bowling Green State University, February 2004 Brown University, Performance Studies, November 2003 University of Iowa, Keynote, Midwest American Studies Association, April 2003 University of Vermont, April 2003 University of Maryland, April 2003 University of Toronto, November 2002 Dartmouth College, Cornel West Symposium, October 2002 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2002 Haverford College, March 2002 Texas A&M, Callaloo Conference, February 2002 Indiana University, February 2002 University of Miami, October 2001 Rice University, October 2001 The Warhol Museum, James Allen’s Without Sanctuary Symposium, September 2001 Casa de las Americas, Callaloo Conference, Havana, May 2001 University of Illinois, April 2001 Princeton University, February 2001 New York University, Spike Lee’s Bamboozled Symposium, November 2000 Dartmouth College, American Studies Institute, June 2000 Stanford University, February 2000 University of California-Irvine, Keynote, Sex, Culture and History Conference, November 1999 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, October 1999 Michigan State University, Russel Nye Lecture, April 1999 University of California-Santa Barbara, February 1999 Harvard University, Institute for the Arts and Civic Dialogue, July 1998 Northwestern University, May 1998 City College of New York, March 1998 Miami University, December 1997 Vanderbilt University, October 1997 University of California-Berkeley, The Making and Unmaking of Whiteness Conference, April 1997 Colgate University, Black Public Intellectuals Symposium, January 1997 Columbia University, October 1996 University of Washington, May 1996 Wesleyan University, Center for the Humanities, March 1996 George Mason University, December 1995 University of Delaware, November 1995 State University of New York-Stony Brook, September 1995 Texas A & M University, March 1995 University of Chicago, American Studies Workshop, November 1994 University of Pennsylvania, Race in the Americas Conference, September 1994 College of William and Mary, July 1994 New York University, Performance Studies, May 1994 University of Southern Maine, April 1994 Wesleyan University, Race and the Production of Culture Conference, April 1994 University of Michigan, April 1994 9

Rutgers University, Political Geographies of Race Conference, February 1994 College of William and Mary, October 1992 Sonneck Society for American Music, Baton Rouge, February 1992 Dartmouth College, Cultures of U.S. Imperialism Conference, November 1991

CONFERENCE Panelist, “The Dissent Mixtape,” American Studies Association, Chicago, November PANELS 2017 & OTHER Cameo Appearance, “Race Is Not a Costume,” The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, 26 APPEARANCES October 2017 “Rocky Mountain High: John Denver and Cultures of 1970s Excess,” ASA, Denver, November 2016 Panelist, “Throwing Voices,” Experience Music Project Pop Conference, Seattle, April 2016 Panelist, “Unsettling Capitalism,” C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists Conference, Penn State University, March 2016 Panelist, “Monuments and Anti-Monuments to the 1970s,” Association for the Study of Arts of the Present Conference,” Greenville, September 2015 Panelist, “The Imp of Tradition in 70s Pop,” EMP Pop Conference, Seattle, April 2015 Chair, “I Want My ASA, or, W(h)ither American Studies?” ASA, Los Angeles, November 2014 Panelist, “The CIA and American Studies,” ASA, Washington, November 2013 Panelist, “Transnational Musics,” ASAP Conference, Detroit, October 2013 “Soulsville: Postindustrial City Space and the Sound of ‘Urban Crisis,’” EMP Pop Conference, New York, April 2013 Panelist, “Dating New Historicism,” Modern Language Association, Boston, January 2013 Panelist, “Object Lessons (on Robyn Wiegman),” ASA, San Juan, November 2012 Panelist, Sound Conference, Cornell University Society for the Humanities, Ithaca, April 2012 Chair and Panelist, “Primitive Accumulation as Fact and Fable,” C19, Berkeley, April 2012 Panelist, “Warhol’s New York,” EMP Pop Conference, New York, March 2012 “Andy’s Mick,” ASAP, Pittsburgh, October 2011 Chair and Commentator, “Reparative Warhol,” ASA, Baltimore, October 2011 Chair and Commentator, “Spaces of Radicalism in Postwar Detroit,” Detroit, Global City: The Motor City in the World Conference, Detroit, September 2011 “Slavery in Capital,” Historical Materialism Conference, New York, May 2011 “Howlin’ Wolf and the Sound of Jim Crow,” Post-45 Conference, Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Museum, Cleveland, April 2011 “Back Door Man: Jim Morrison Between Watts and the Summer of Love,” MLA, Los Angeles, January 2011 “’L’Assaut du Ciel!’: Deturning the Twin Towers, August 1974,” MLA, Los Angeles, January 2011 Panelist, “The Arts of American Studies,” ASA, San Antonio, November 2010 “Behemoth: Cornelius Mathews and the Fantasy Called American Literature,” C19 Inaugural Conference, Penn State University, May 2010 Chair and Commentator, “Regimes of Memory and the Power of Forgetting,” ASA, 10

Washington, November 2009 “Tar Baby and the Great White Wonder: Joni Mitchell and the Mask of Blackness,” MLA, San Francisco, December 2008 Commentator, “Richard Wright’s Later Works: A Nonaligned Public Intellectual,” MLA, San Francisco, December 2008 Panelist, “Global Axes of American Studies,” ASA, Albuquerque, October 2008 Panelist, “Between American Studies and Cultural Studies,” Cultural Studies Association, New York, May 2008 Panelist, “The New Southern Studies,” MLA, Chicago, December 2007 Chair and Commentator, “Whiteness and American Music,” ASA, Philadelphia, October 2007 Panelist, “Keywords of American Cultural Studies,” Cultural Studies Now Conference, London, July 2007 Panelist, “Celebrity and Racial Cross-Dressing,” ASA, Oakland, October 2006 Guest, C-Span Book TV on The Disappearing Liberal Intellectual, May 2006 Guest, “Addicted to Race,” Podcast discussing television show Black.White, April 2006 “My Barbra Streisand Problem—and Hers,” EMP Pop Music Conference, Seattle, April 2006 Chair, “Reperiodizing the American Nineteenth Century,” MLA, Washington, December 2005 Panelist, “Huckleberry Finn Revisited,” MLA, Washington, December 2005 Commentator, “Direct Action and American Culture,” ASA, Washington, November 2005 “’You Make Me Feel So Young’: Sinatra & Basie & Amos & Andy,” EMP Pop Music Conference, Seattle, April 2005 Panelist, “Cultural Geography and American Studies,” American Association of Geographers, Denver, April 2005 Commentator, “James Weldon Johnson and American Culture,” MLA, Philadelphia, December 2004 Commentator, “The Prison-Industrial Complex and American Culture,” ASA, Hartford, October 2003 Panelist, “Blacks and Jews in American Culture,” MLA, New York, December 2002 Commentator, “Angela’s Ashes and Irish-America,” MLA, New York, December 2002 Panelist, “Left Critique and the War on ‘Terror,’” ASA, Houston, November 2002 Panelist, “Nineteenth-Century Studies in the 21st Century,” MLA, Washington, December 2000 Panelist, “The Cultures of Neoliberalism,” ASA, Detroit, October 2000 Chair & Commentator, “Staging Racial Biology,” ASA, Montreal, October 1999 Panelist, “Crime Narrative and the Decline of the Welfare State,” MLA, San Francisco, December 1998 Panelist, “Michael Rogin’s Blackface, White Noise,” American Political Science Association, Washington, August 1997 Commentator, “Cultures of Whiteness,” ASA, Kansas City, October 1996 Commentator, “Racial Identities: Performing and Structuring the Racialized Self,” American Sociological Association, Washington, August 1995 Panelist, “Reconstructing Labor History,” Organization of American Historians, Washington, April 1995 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Future of Liberal 11

Education Conference, December 1993 Author Appearance, Him and Her Program, Independent (AM) Broadcasting Network, November 1993 Panelist, “Huckleberry Finn and American Culture,” ASA, Boston, November 1993 Commentator, “Vaudeville and American Social History,” OAH, Anaheim, April 1993 New York Institute for the Humanities, Realism in American Culture Seminar, December 1992-April 1993 Panelist, “White Skin, Black Masks,” MLA, New York, December 1992 Panelist, “Wilding, Cruising, and Blacking Up: Geometries of Race and Gender,” ASA, Costa Mesa, November 1992 Guest, In the Mix Program on Elvis Presley, Radio National, Sydney, Australia, August 1991 Guest, Daybreak Program on Elvis Impersonators, Radio National, Sydney, Australia, July 1991 Commentator, “Nineteenth-Century Urban Masculinity,” OAH, Louisville, April 1991 “Blackface and the Body in Antebellum ,” ASA, New Orleans, November 1990 Panelist, “Nineteenth-Century Popular Theater,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Chicago, August 1990 “’The Seeming Counterfeit’: Racial Politics and Blackface Minstrelsy,” Carter G. Woodson Institute Lecture Series, University of Virginia, November 1989 “Theorizing the Popular,” California ASA, Santa Cruz, May 1989 “Blackface and Blackness: The Politics of Early Minstrelsy,” ASA, Miami, October 1988


National John Hope Franklin Book Prize Committee, American Studies Association, 2015 Program Committee, American Studies Association, 2013-14 Executive Board, C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, 2010-12 Co-Director, Dartmouth American Studies Institute, 2008- Program Committee, Experience Music Project Pop Music Conference, Seattle, 2006-07 Distinguished Speakers Bureau, American Studies Association, 2004- MLA Division Executive Committee, Nineteenth-Century American Literature, 2001-05 Ralph Henry Gabriel Dissertation Prize Committee, American Studies Association, 2003 Wise-Susman Prize Committee, Chair, American Studies Association, 2000 Best First Book Prize Committee, Modern Language Association, 1998-99 Constance Rourke Prize Committee, American Studies Association, 1997


Boards Virginia Film Festival Faculty Board, 1993-2003 UVA Women’s Studies Executive Board, 1989-97 UVA Women’s Center Coordinating Council, 1989-94

Administration CUNY GC English Department Executive Officer, 2017- UVA Director of Graduate Studies in English, 1997-2000


Committees CUNY GC English Department Admissions Committee, 2015-16 CUNY GC Faculty Membership Committee, 2014-15 UVA English Department Graduate Committee, 1997-2000, 2003-05, 2010-11, 2012-13 UVA English Department Lectures Committee, 1994-96, 2006-07 UVA English Department Curriculum Self-Study Committee, 1994-95 UVA English Department Undergraduate Committee, 1991-93 UVA University Committee on Sexual Assault and Judicial Review, 1992-96 UVA Women’s Center Committee on Sexual Harrassment, 1991-94 UVA Women’s Center Committee on Staff, 1989-91

Presentations CUNY GC Black Lives Matter Pedagogies CUNY GC Reperiodizing American Literary Studies CUNY GC Critical Karaoke UVA Unforgettable Lectures Series UVA Women’s Studies Lectures UVA Division of Continuing Education Lectures Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies UVA Department of Sociology UVA Department of Music UVA Jazz Festival UVA Graduate English Student Association UVA Center for the Liberal Arts Virginia Film Festival UVA Art Museum