GENERAL .Letrf.Qa L A/6Ooo/Add.L$ a S S E M B LY 2Lr Septeraber F5
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UNITED NAIIONS Dl.6tr. GENERAL .lEtrF.qA L A/6ooo/Add.l$ A S S E M B LY 2lr Septeraber F5 CAIGIUAI,: ETWI.,ISA Tve[tleth B€Bsloa AgeDda iten e, BEPCTRT 0r' 5gE STECIA!. CSttrISEE otr EE SITUITIOI l{lur nECAnD To XSE II{PIEI.{ENIATIOI{ OF f,Ets DECIANATION CN gIE CBAN{INC OF INDSPHEEIVCS [O COIOEIA! CWNBI&S AND TEOPISS (covelrrag tts nork durflg 1965) Igtpoltqur! Mr. E. M$nR SrSCE (Iniua) ' ctagm vr ADEN coNrg{Ts Pasagrephg Sage I. fNFOS}IATICIV OU gIE TBRXTOBY r'98 A. Ce|leral B. PoutlcBl aJid colstltutlonal alevelolltreDtB . t-l+o 4 C. EcoEcmLs coDalltl.otrs l+1 - 68 lll . D. Soclal couditious 69-84 2T E. EducstlonBl c@autloBs 8r-S )1 II. COTISIDEBATICIC BY :5IE SEECXAI, CO'!!{TNEE 99-zIj ?8 Xntrod&tloD 99 - r00 I ,4. I{rlttea petltloas and hearlags 10L - 120 28 8. Slat@eDts ty ueulers 121 - 275 aq III. ACTIOIC.TAEEN BY fJIE SECTXL CC[q!4ff|E[: 276 - toL 79 qwn rv. !'uBurEB CoIIISIDERAgIOI{ B! srEclaL gcMs{IIlEE . ,4. - ft1 A? &trotluctloo 3@, A.Z A. Wlitten p€titlons 101 A,t B. Getrelal Btaten€Ets by neEbere ,* - r27 A.l ANNffiES ! I. EEPORT (F mE sUB-Cer${TI@ Cs[ ADm (Aprlr 1F5) trI. lEPcaT o!' utE st,B-corlMXIlEE 0N ADES (s€Bteuber 1965) * I*gl lt3ls d@u6ert contalns the chapter on Ad.ett. lbe g@er8,1 btraductor? dalter of, the qleclal cor@lttee lrlll be lsEuedt subsequently uDde! tbe rytrbol A16000. Ofber sh,apters of, tbe regort n1f,l be lsBued es Eddeoda. 6j-zpeeo -2- I. TNFOBMATION ON IEIE rMRTTORY A. GMIERATJ I. Tlrc ferrLtory of Ad.en conslsts of the Colony of Aden, nor{ knordn as Ad.en State and. tlrenty hotectorateB k!'or'nx aB tb.e Protectorate of South Arable,. Slnteen of the Protectorate gtates are Jolned. v-tth Adea State ln tbe FealelatLon of South Arabia, th"ee haviEg Jolned at the teglnning of 1965. Of the four States outslde the Federation, one, Upper YafaL, is ltl nhat Xs hloun as tbe llestem Protectorate, whlle the other Urree, Qraili, Kathlrl and. Mab.ra, Eake up vlm,t ls knorn as the Eaotern Protectorat€. lncluiled. 1n tlr.e Territory axe Perlm IsJ.and, the Kuria Mu"la IslandB and. l(aBaran Isl-antl. PerLn Isl-and. ls part of the CoIoDy of AdeD but le adniulstered. sepa,lately by the El€b Cormlsglouer. flre Kurla Murla IsIaEClB are also paxt of th.e Co]-ony of Adlen but are atlmlntstered. by the Srltleh Po].ltlca]- Office ln the Perslan Gu1f. I{a,Earan IslaEtL ls not parb of the Colony of Atlen but ls adsltdsterea eepara,tely by the Elgh Comlssloner. 2. Iafofl[atton concerulEg Aalgn, as ve]-l- as aa account of e,ction taken ln respect of the Terrltory, 1e a,J-reaAy contalned ln the prewlous reportsly' of tbe SpecleJ- Coenlttee to the GeEela]- A6seebLy. Supp!-euentary lnformatlon on receEt po]-ltlcal- aad.,l developEents and on econotric, soclal a,Ed educatl.ona,l conditions ztal Ls seE ou! Delov.-, cleL Record.E of tbe Geoelal- As Sesslon. Aunexeg tel!. 21 V\/544blRev.U, ion B and appendli, sectlon ?/ The lnforme,ticn presented in this paper. has been derived. fTon published reports, and frcm the lnfomatlon transmitted. to the Secretary-Genera;L by the United Kingdcm Articl-e 7, e of the Charter, cn 28 October 1!64..