List of Agents F Or Thesaleof

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List of Agents F Or Thesaleof " {FM / 4 0 5 LIST OF AGENTS F OR THE SA LE OF GOVERNM ENT PUBL ICATIO NS. All oo s ub ish ed b y the Su eri nten en t of Government rintin mi s can b k p l p d P g, I , b e urchased ei ther i r t or p d ec ly t hrough the following or an y other booksellers 1 IN THE UNITED KINGDO M essrs ons ta e dz Co 10 ran e Street essrs . uz ac dz Co . 46 rea . b , g , , , G t Russell Stree t M C l O M L , ar W . C . ondon . eices ter S u e W C . L q , L , 65 e an aul rench T ril b n er Co essrs . W . h r essrs . g , , ac e a; Go 2 reed an e M K P T M T k , C L , - r ne E C . n r e a E. 68 74 a t o don C . , C L , L , e t ua r on e Ne w Mr . M r. ernard itch 11 Gra t Str . lac we 50 and 51 roa Q , , , H k , , Street B f B B ll B d , on d Street W . x ord . B , O f n d 4 r a S i ei n So 2 an G e t h essrs . h on B l . S . mt t e l 00 essrs . m ri e M P Ki g , , M D g Ca b dg . i r r Street W estm nste . M . T . isher nwin No . 1 A de hi errace , F U , , lp T , n Co. 65 ornhi d on n . i 9 do W . C . essrs . S an M H K g , , C ll, , L , a l a ondon . essrs . iver and o d weedda e ourt P l M ll , L M Ol B y , T l C , r E es rs G rindl a Co 54 a iament Street di nbur h . M s . y , , P l , g ondon S . W . essrs . E. onsonb imite 116 Gra ton L , M P y, L d, , f S tree t u in , D bl . s ra witz ei z i G erman v . 28 Rue r Mr . t o H ar sso , L p , , ona a te aris . O t B p , P ar W H i erse man n . e i z i G e rman 6 The a u o an M r . l . g, e d. K L p y , H g , H ll ied ander 85 Sohn erli n W . N R . r Messrs . F l , B Carlstrasse 11. , IN INDIA A ND CEYLON S in dc Co . alcutta and essrs . Ram han ra Govi nd Son K a b vi essrs . hac er l ade M T k , p k , C M C d , , m a o b . Simla . B y Su erintendent Americ an a wm an dz Co . a cutta . t st ission ress M essrs . e , N , C p p M , l F B i P m ra Co . a cutta . Ran oon . essrs . R . a g M C b y , C l - - Lali i ri dz Co . a cutta. Rai S ahi . G u a S n h dz Sens und i Am rs . S . g M ess K , C l b M l b i , M Ban er ee dz Co. a cutta . Pfess ahore an d a cutta . M essrs . B . j , C l , L C l T he a cutta Schoo oo an d Use u terature Mr . N . athur, Su eri nten en t az r anun C l l B k f l Li B M p d , N i K r in ress A aha ad Societ 309 Bow az ar St eet , a cutta . d , . y, , B C l H P ll b essrs. A . hand Co . ahore un ab n a m t M C , L , P j . utterworth 00 . di ) e essrs . ( , , M B I Li i d a alu dar u S . ro ri etor Students and B b C T k , P p , a cutta . C l om an ooch eha . y, p - - C p C B S arcar ahadur and Sons 75 1 1 i . Ra M C , , B essrs . A . J . F er uson e on g . M M , C yl arr son Road a cutta . H i , C l ana er Educationa Book e o a g , ts ur - n M l D p , N gp ee oa T he W e don rar 18 5 Chowri gh R d, ‘ L b y , , an d ub b ul ore l i J p . a cutta . C l ana er of the m eria oo e ot 63 hando M g I p l B k D p , , C r r ‘ Hi i n b otham dz Co . ad as . ne ha u St e et e h . Messrs . gg , M y C k , D l i dc Co r a r E t N e s V ‘l V Ka l anaram a er . ad as. na e as oast w izra a atam . M essrs . y Iy , M M g , C , g p Co . adras. ana er T he A ra edical a rs G . A . Natesan g , g and Co M ess . , M M M H ll ” o a mi urth dz Co . adras . o erati ve Ass c tion ted S uccessors S . Messrs . M y , M p i , Li ( to n dz Cc r ! hom son Co . adras . A . J oh . A a) Messrs . T p , M , g r Mr T Seetharam Ai ar mb on am ‘ m e Co . ad as . u a . srs. T e y Mes pl , M K , K k u rin n t is sr Cow ri d e dz Co . adras . S e te de n ase s on oo and ract Mes s . b g , M p , B l M i B k T ‘ ma er Co . adras . e osit or M an ai ore . R . Ra , y , g Messrs . P Iy M D p ‘ Ld om a . e srs . Varadachar Co . adr dz Co . s as . essrs . hac er y y M T k , , B b M P , M m Mr d e inter Comb rid c dz Co . o ba . r etc . 7 South Road M essrs . A . J . y , , g , B H Li d ll P , , , ‘ la Sons Co A aha ad . D. T ara ore va Messrs . B p , ll b ‘ srs D. A nan dz Sons es w es . ha ar. m ay . Bo b M C d , P Radhab ai Atmaram Sa oon omba . Mr Ram aya Agarwalla, 184 atra A llaha M rs . g , B y D l , K ‘ M r Sundar Pan duran om ay b ad . g, B b n a er ewa ishore ‘ r Go a ara an dz Co omba . a g , ress uc now. M ess s . p l N y B y M N l K P , L k ati v r n u li Agents for sale of the Legisl e D epa tme t p b cati ons . G /emu u ru P REF A C E TH E prese nt m an ual has b e e n pre pare d w ith the obje ct of me e i n - f h i t g a lon g e lt want. W e w o l v e in I n dia a re ofte n i n doubt or ign ora n ce as to the e xact sign ifica n ce or i n ciden ce of the v ario us Hin du and Musulman fe sti a s man of whi h ar bse r ed hrou h u h v l , y c e o v t g o t t e un r This i rcums n co t y as publi c holidays. c ta ce led m e to thi n k that a sm all han d-book con ta i n i n g a b rie f accou n t of the le adi n g feasts a n d fe stivals of the fo ow ers of he se tw o rea re i i on s o e he r w h a n ll t g t l g , t g t it in di a ion of the e riod i n whi h he fa w ou d b e c t p c t y ll , l of u tility to all w ho are e n gaged i n the admi n ist ration f the u n r and e rha s a s of i n ere st a a r er o co t y, p p l o t to l g pub l ic outside . w m en i n the Re ords Offi e on e in d I sele cte d t o c c , H u he her u ham m ada n to a rr out m lan an d an d t ot M , c y y p , I tr ust that the little b ook w hich i s due to the i r j oi n t labours m ay prov e of interest to the p ub lic at large ffi ia s la s aim to and of practical ser vice to o c l .
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