order form Conference PALA 2021 We are happy to discuss book and journal Date 7-9 July 2021 proposals. Please contact acquisition editor Esther Roth at Discount 30%
[email protected]. Valid until 9 September 2021 All Prices are in eur, excl. vat, and valid for conference participants only. Authors, Title Series, isbn List Discount binding price price ❑ Alho, Tommi, Jason Finch and Roger D. Sell (eds.): Renaissance Man: Essays FILLM 11 Hb 978 90 272 0425 7 99.00 69.00 on literature and culture for Anthony W. Johnson. 2019. xi, 273 pp. ❑ Auer, Anita, Victorina González-Díaz, Jane Hodson and Violeta Sotirova LAL 25 Hb 978 90 272 3414 8 95.00 66.00 (eds.): Linguistics and Literary History: In honour of Sylvia Adamson. 2016. vi, 216 pp. ❑ Balossi, Giuseppina: A Corpus Linguistic Approach to Literary Language and LAL 18 Hb 978 90 272 3407 0 99.00 69.00 Characterization: Virginia Woolf's The Waves. 2014. xxi, 277 pp. ❑ Bell, Alice, Sam Browse, Alison Gibbons and David Peplow (eds.): Style and LAL 36 Hb 978 90 272 0805 7 99.00 69.00 Reader Response: Minds, media, methods. 2021. vii, 236 pp. ❑ Bevan Zlatar, Antoinina, Mark Ittensohn, Enit K. Steiner and Olga FILLM 16 Hb 978 90 272 1002 9 Price to be announced Timofeeva (eds.): Words, Books, Images, and the Long Eighteenth Century: Essays for Allen Reddick. 2021. ❑ Bharat, Meenakshi and Madhu Grover (eds.): Representing the Exotic and the FILLM 12 Hb 978 90 272 0418 9 105.00 73.00 Familiar: Politics and perception in literature.