Foundations and Trends R in Machine Learning Vol. 8, No. 3-4 (2015) 231–357 c 2015 S. Bubeck DOI: 10.1561/2200000050 Convex Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity Sébastien Bubeck Theory Group, Microsoft Research
[email protected] Contents 1 Introduction 232 1.1 Some convex optimization problems in machine learning . 233 1.2 Basic properties of convexity . 234 1.3 Why convexity? . 237 1.4 Black-box model . 238 1.5 Structured optimization . 240 1.6 Overview of the results and disclaimer . 240 2 Convex optimization in finite dimension 244 2.1 The center of gravity method . 245 2.2 The ellipsoid method . 247 2.3 Vaidya’s cutting plane method . 250 2.4 Conjugate gradient . 258 3 Dimension-free convex optimization 262 3.1 Projected subgradient descent for Lipschitz functions . 263 3.2 Gradient descent for smooth functions . 266 3.3 Conditional gradient descent, aka Frank-Wolfe . 271 3.4 Strong convexity . 276 3.5 Lower bounds . 279 3.6 Geometric descent . 284 ii iii 3.7 Nesterov’s accelerated gradient descent . 289 4 Almost dimension-free convex optimization in non-Euclidean spaces 296 4.1 Mirror maps . 298 4.2 Mirror descent . 299 4.3 Standard setups for mirror descent . 301 4.4 Lazy mirror descent, aka Nesterov’s dual averaging . 303 4.5 Mirror prox . 305 4.6 The vector field point of view on MD, DA, and MP . 307 5 Beyond the black-box model 309 5.1 Sum of a smooth and a simple non-smooth term . 310 5.2 Smooth saddle-point representation of a non-smooth function312 5.3 Interior point methods .