A Toolset for Supporting UML Static and Dynamic Model Checking Wuwei Shen£ Dept of Computer Science, Western Michigan University
[email protected] Kevin Compton James Huggins Dept. of EECS, The University of Michigan Computer Science Program, Kettering University
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract rules are provided using the Object Constraint Language. Finally the Semantics are described primarily in natural language. The Unified Modeling Language has become widely accepted Based on the metamodel of UML, we apply Abstract State Ma- as a standard in software development. Several tools have been chines in giving the semantics for the above three views in this produced to support UML model validation. However, most of project. We give the ASM semantics for class diagrams, Object them support either static or dynamic model checking; and no Constraint Language and the semantics parts for UML in our tools. tools support to check both static and dynamic aspects of a UML Therefore, a user can have syntax checking for a UML model by model . But a UML model should include the static and dynamic comparing it with the UML metamodel. aspects of a software system. Furthermore, these UML tools trans- The architecture of the UML is based on the four-layer meta- late a UML model into a validation language such as PROMELA. model structure, which consists of the following layers: user ob- But they have some shortcomings: there is no proof of correctness jects, model, meta-model and meta-metamodel. According to the (with respect to the UML semantics) for these tools. In order to UML document [16], a UML model defines a language to describe overcome these shortcomings, we present a toolset which can val- an information domain; however, user objects are an instance of a idate both static and dynamic aspects of a model; and this toolset model, which defines a specific information domain.