MINUTES of the meeting of the PARISH COUNCIL held in South Lodge, Rickmansworth Road, Chorleywood, on Tuesday 5th September 2017


Chairman: * Jane White

Councillors: * Jo Clarke * Ken Morris * Tony Edwards * Alison Preedy * Raj Khiroya * David Raw * Rodney Kipps Martin Trevett * Carol Kristian * Steve Watkins * Jill Leeming * Jenny Wood Geoffrey Liley * Jackie Worrall * Stuart Marshall * Sarah Wright

*Denotes Member present

Officers Present: Yvonne Merritt – Clerk Claire James – Deputy Clerk Laura Hamilton – Admin Assistant 17/35 PUBLIC FORUM

There were six members of the press and public present.


There were no representations from District and County Councillors


Apologies were received from Cllrs Geoffrey Liley and Martin Trevett.


There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensation received.


The Clerk responded to a question from a Member advising all Members that she had received advice from HAPTC that the Neighbourhood Plan would place the Parish Council in a stronger position when the Local Plan changes came in. Members were further advised that the National Planning Policy Framework from Government was broken down to District level providing the figures for the number of houses etc required to be built in any given area.

The meeting was suspended at 7.40pm to take a presentation from Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee Member Vivien Lantree supported by John Bishop.

Vivien Lantree ran thorough the documents previously circulated as part of the Full Council Agenda.

7.43 pm Cllr Jo Clarke joined the meeting The meeting was reconvened at 7.55pm Item 14 on the agenda was then brought forward.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\006.Docx Page 1 of 9 17/40 COMMUNITY/NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN

The Clerk advised that consultation with Croxley Green Parish Council had resulted in the changes to the Terms of Reference (TORs) to protect both the Council and non-members of the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee. Any expenditure required by the Advisory Committee would be voted on and invoices provided to the Parish Office. Cllr Jackie Worrall made the point that although a year had passed, meetings had taken place with TRDC and other Parishes and members of the Advisory Committee had attended Neighbourhood Plan (NP) training. As a formal Advisory Committee of the Council, it was agreed that not only should the minutes of the Advisory Committee meetings be put on the Parish Council Website, there should also be a schedule of meetings, also put on the website as with all other Council Committees. Members were advised that Croxley Greens NHP was not quite complete and was just about to go to referendum, members had visited Croxley Green and been given some useful information and contacts. It was noted that in terms of legal representation, the process was that TRDC would organise an independent examiner who would report to the Parish Council. The Clerk advised that Neighbourhood Plans were always on the agenda of the quarterly joint Parish Council meetings.

The Council RESOLVED To approve the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as circulated.

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.

Members discussed the potential cost of a NHP, noting that funds were available. Croxley Green had put in place an initial budget of £10K which the Clerk suggested the Council might like to follow for Chorleywood, advising that this would be more than recouped by the increase in the percentage from 15 – 25% of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) monies that would be available to the Council when the plan was approved and in place. It was recognised that the Advisory Committee would need funds to move forward and undertake the task properly. Everything would have to be approved by the Policy and Resources Committee. The Clerk also advised that as the Proper Officer of the Council, it would be her job to present the plan ultimately to TRDC.

The Council RESOLVED To proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan for Chorleywood.

This was proposed from the Chair, seconded by Cllr Ken Morris and carried unanimously.


The Council RESOLVED To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting of the 27th June 2017 amended to include Cllr Stuart Marshall in the list of Councillors.

These were duly signed by the Chair


Minute 17/27 Copmans Wick Allotments It was noted that the fencing had now been completed by TRDC making Copmans Wick a secure allotment site. The Clerk advised that the Open Spaces Committee would be considering a recommendation at the meeting the following week to consider how to progress the clean-up of the site with ideas being put forward by the Rangers. The appreciation of the Council was to be conveyed to Cllr Martin Trevett for expediting the completion of the fence.

Minute 17/28 Committee Minutes - Grant Funding: Members were advised that Cllr Jackie Worrall and the Clerk had met and that a paper was being prepared for the next Policy and Resources Meeting in October.

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The Chair extended her thanks to Staff, Officers, Rangers and Volunteers for the best ever Village Day which had received amazing feedback. She also thanked Officers, principally the Clerk for the efforts in clearing the loft. She advised Members that all the papers had been gone through and some very interesting and useful documents had been unearthed which will now be properly filed and referenced. A few curios had also been found.

Meetings attended: 3rd July 2017: The Chair and Clerk had attended a Joint Parish meeting of six Parishes with similar frustrations being expressed at the difficulty communicating with TRDC. That said, the Clerks had been invited to a lunch meeting with TRDC in October 11th July 2017: Meeting with the Cricket Club at which it became apparent that the Cricket Club has no plan and no money for a new pavilion and it is up to them to resolve.

Dates for diaries: 9th September 2017 Horticultural Show – In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, Cllr Alison Preedy would be presenting prizes including the Allotment Competition and the Chair passed on her thanks for undertaking this task on their behalf. 20th October 2017- TRDC Charity Quiz: The Chair of TRDC had asked if the Parish Council would be interested in entering a team of eight, again anyone interested to speak to the Clerk. 22nd October 2017: Golf Club Community Day: The Parish Council had been invited to enter a team of three councillors to a twelve-team tournament which they hoped would become an annual event, cost to be £48 anyone interested to speak to the Clerk.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB): The Chair advised that CAB in Chorleywood have reported six people have been helped this period that otherwise would not have been able to access their services elsewhere.

New Parish Council Website: The Chair sought volunteers, principally, but not exclusively, Committee Chairs, to assist with providing new content or rewriting existing for the new website. She requested that the Deputy Clerk circulate the proposed structure of the new site out to all Cllrs.


There had been no questions received under Standing Order 9


The Clerk highlighted the following items:

Training- Planning Skills Seminar 5th October: Cllr Raj Khiroya would be attending together with the Planning Admin Officer.

Travellers – It was noted that the police had been very swift in removing travellers on their latest incursion onto the Common.

Height Barriers at War Memorial Hall permissive parking area were now installed.

Halls: Much work had been done over the summer to improve the condition of the Hall and contents.

Asbestos surveys would be undertaken at all Council Buildings between the date of this meeting and Christmas.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\006.Docx Page 3 of 9 Quiz Night – Cllrs Steve Watkins, Tony Edwards and Jenny Wood all had tables for the forthcoming Quiz night and may welcome participants.

Council and Committee Meetings: These were now being held in the Common Room but with the Chair’s approval this meeting had been moved back to the Parish Offices as a very large event was taking place in the War Memorial Hall. As officers had received some criticism of this move, the Clerk sought guidance for the Halls Booking clerk on whether a lucrative booking should be refused or that Council/Committee be moved. It was noted that the Bullsland Hall would be an alternative if the improvements went ahead at South Lodge rendering it unavailable for meetings.

The Council RESOLVED That bookings for the War Memorial Hall should be taken for Tuesday evenings and any Council or Committee meetings moved as required

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously bar one abstention.

The Clerk also requested that as nights were now drawing in, that the Chair of all Committees ensures that the Officers are not left alone to tidy the rooms and lock up after meetings. The Chair stated that she would make

Wildwood Dens and Nature Trail- in response to a Member’s question, all Members were assured that signage for both the Dens and the Nature Trail were to be provided in due course when more of the sculptures were in place. Permission for works to two trees as part of the sculptures was awaited from TRDC.

TRDC Play space for Chorleywood: It was noted that there had been some movement on the TRDC proposals for a play space in Chorleywood. TRDC Officers had recently changed report recommendations to favour the installation of Wildwood Den type facilities at site 15A on the Common rather than brightly coloured equipment. This was to be considered the following night by TRDC Cllrs. Members felt that there was still a long way to go with safety and risk concerns still apparent but were encouraged that TRDC was now consulting with the Parish. The Clerk was praised for her efforts in negotiating the change. It was noted that the move to site 15A had been prompted by the impracticality and cost of moving the grassland of significant importance at Site 15. It was strongly suggested that Members visit Site 15A to understand the area under consideration by TRDC. It was noted that the fact that TRDC were now talking to the Parish in no way implied consent of the Parish Council but was a major step forward.

Dates for the Diary: The Clerk reminded Members of the Service of Remembrance at Christchurch on the 12th November and the Parish Council Charity Quiz night on the 18th November.

The Council RESOLVED To note the report.


Planning 4th July 2017: Cllr Raj Khiroya presented the minutes with no matters arising

Open Spaces & Allotment Users Meetings 11th July 2017: Cllr Tony Edwards presented the minutes. It was suggested that requests for Parish Path volunteers and the Community Infrastructure levy (CIL) article by Cllr Raj Khiroya be included in the next issue (November) of Chorleywood Matters.

Planning 1st August 2017 Cllr Raj Khiroya presented the minutes with no matters arising.

Planning 29th August 2017: Cllr Raj Khiroya presented the minutes.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\006.Docx Page 4 of 9 Recommendation 1 Local Plan The Council RESOLVED That the paper put forward by Cllr Stuart Marshall in response to the Local Plan issues and Options and Call for sites be adopted by Full Council as the Council’s formal response to the consultation.

This was proposed by Cllr Raj Khiroya, seconded by Cllr Steve Watkins carried unanimously.

Thanks were expressed to Cllr Stuart Marshall for the efforts put in to produce the document.


In response to questions from Members the following points were noted:

Falon Nameplates – these are payments for cemetery memorial plaques. TNP is a transfer between accounts to keep the parish current account in credit at all times Allotment keys – these are recharged to allotment holders Wildwood Dens – All expenditure was approved by the Open Spaces Committee. Cllr Raj Khiroya stated that in his view taking everything into consideration the money had been well spent. Hollybush Electric bill – The Clerk explained that under the terms of the lease of the Hollybush Hall, the hirer pays rent and the Parish Council the Utility bills with a review to take place two years after the commencement of the lease. From the usage to date it would cost more to put a meter in than would be recovered.

The Council RESOLVED To note the report.


The Admin Assistant went through the report circulated to all Members as part of the agenda giving an update on Village Day 2017 which had been a very successful event. The zoning had worked well and been well received. Parking in had worked well although there had been a lack of volunteers on the day to assist with this. The Birds of Prey had gone down well although a few teething problems had been experienced and overcome on the day and would be addressed in arrangements the following year. Clarification on costs of attendance at other events was sought with respect to any review of charges going forward. It was noted in response to suggestions that the day be extended that it was already a long day already for Officers with the Rangers attending from 5am and officers from 8am till 6pm to set up and clear up after the event. As volunteers could not be guaranteed to assist it was felt that extending the day was not acceptable and unlikely anyway to bring in many more people or revenue. It was suggested that the letter to stall holders go out a little earlier and more than one plot number card be sent. It was felt that this should be possible with use of the mapping system meaning that stalls could be allocated much earlier. It was also suggested that recycling options for rubbish be investigated.

The Council RESOLVED 1. The Zoning and greater focus on the environmental aspects be continued 2. The funding to be allocated to sponsor attractions and crafts be deferred to the P&R Committee 3. Cake off should be discontinued 4. Stall Hire costs be reviewed in line with other local events and Officers advice taken

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\006.Docx Page 5 of 9 17/49 COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY MONITORNG REPORT 2016/17

It was noted that this was a legal requirement to be published by 1st December for the period ending the previous March and if agreed would be produced by the Clerk each year.

The Council RESOLVED That the Community Infrastructure Levy Monitoring report 2016/17 be accepted.

This was proposed by Cllr Tony Edwards, seconded by Cllr Jackie Worrall and carried unanimously.


It was noted that under 3.1 of the report ‘employee’ should read ‘employer’. On the plan put forward concerns at the lack of easy access to a fire exit from the kitchen would be addressed by making the window a fire exit. A few small changes were noted on the plan. The requirements of making the building disability compliant were outlined and Members advised that widening of doorways and the provision of disabled toilet facilities would be required. In response to a Member’s question the Clerk advised that the budget figure of £30K was a guesstimate based on a quotation two years ago. It was noted that the Council should not commit to spending the money until the lease for the building was renewed. Members were advised that the current building and its facilities had failed Health and Safety Assessments for over eight years and that something needed to be done to address this.

The Council RESOLVED 1. To accept the proposed design of the South Lodge refurbishment in principle 2. That the Council agrees to Officers and the Surveyor going to TRDC to seek permission from TRDC that the works can go ahead 3. That the specification and tender process be delegated to the P&R committee to oversee with Cllr Raj Khiroya as the lead Cllr. 4. That two quotes for the work be obtained, on including the disability requirements, one excluding these requirements

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.


The Committee RESOLVED That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded for agenda item 18 and they are instructed to withdraw.

9.30pm the two remaining Member so the public left the meeting


After full discussion of the terms of the deed of gift of the asset under discussion

The Council RESOLVED 1. That the asset be accepted as a deed of gift. This was proposed by Cllr Raj Khiroya, seconded by Cllr Steve Watkins and carried unanimously

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\006.Docx Page 6 of 9 2. That a working party of Cllrs Tony Edwards, Raj Khiroya, Rodney Kipps, Jill Leeming and Jane White be created to look in more detail at the feasibility study and come up with recommendations reporting in the first instance to the P&R Committee. This was proposed by Cllr Jane White, seconded by Cllr Jackie Worrall and carried unanimously.

3. As and when the asset is acquired, the terms and conditions of the lease would be drawn up. This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously


The meeting started at 7.30pm, closed at 9.55pm

These minutes have been checked by the Chairman.

Signed ……approved via email ……………………………..……..… Dated ………10th October 2017……….

These minutes have been agreed at Full Council and signed by the Chairman.

Signed ……………………………………………….Dated…………………………..……

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\006.Docx Page 7 of 9 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS REQUIRING ACTIONS

REFERENCE RESOLUTION / ACTION REQUIRED BY WHOM ACTION FC 16/29 Office Action A project plan for the planned activities The Clerk Refurbishment for the refurbishment of the Office to be provided. Superseded: Cllr Raj Khiroya appointed as lead councillor for the project. Now superseded by the resolution under 17/50 FC 16/65 Committee Resolution Chorleywood Common Nature Trail That Clerk Mins the Council spend £45k on the Nature OS 17/1/17 Trail as this stage to provide two Wildwood Dens, Notice Boards and Carvings with funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy. Ongoing Wildwood Dens completed, carvings commenced, Notice boards to follow when carvings in place FC 16/76 Matters Arising Action Minute16/57 Cllr Geoff Liley advised the The Clerk meeting that he had received no information on the parking proposals from Cllr Martin Trevett and requested that he be reminded for the information. Ongoing The Chair and the Clerk advised they had also been discussing the subject with the Residents Association and agreed to work together to pressure FC 17/28 Committee National Car parks (NCP). Cllr Martin Cllr Martin Trevett Minutes Open Spaces Trevett expressed some doubt as to 16.05.17 whether he would be able to get Transport for London interested but would persevere. FC 17/28 Committee Action Cllr Martin Trevett to follow up the Cllr Martin Trevett Minutes Open Spaces availability of surveillance equipment for 16.05.17 Minute 17/06 the monitoring of the cattle fencing. Completed: surveillance equipment was not available from TRDC. FC 17/28 Committee Action The availability of parking permits for The Clerk Minutes Open Spaces purchase from TRDC for the Ferry Car 16.05.17 Minute 17/06 Park in the Village to be made clear to Sky Vision in a letter that was being written to them regarding the parking abuse at WMH PPA. Ongoing FC 17/28 Committee Clllr Martin Trevett advised that he would Cllr Martin Trevett Minutes Planning take the non-availability of plans for 06.06.17 some planning application up at TRDC. Completed – email sent and explanation from TRDC rec’d FC 17/28 Committee Resolution That the Policy & Resources Committee Policy & Resources Minutes Policy and consider amendments to the Grant Committee / Cllr Resources 20.06.17 Rec 1 Criteria and donations which may be Jackie Worrall Grant Funding required for the forthcoming years with a C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\006.Docx Page 8 of 9 report back to the next P&R Committee with Cllr Jackie Worrall as the Lead Councillor Ongoing: Cllr Jackie Worrall and the Clerk had met and a report would be presented to the October P&R meeting

FC 17/28 Committee Resolution That the Council works towards Cllr Jane White , Minutes Policy and accreditation at the Quality Award level Officers Resources 20.06.17 Rec 2 of the Local Council Award Scheme with Local Council Award Cllr Jane White as the Lead Councillor Scheme Ongoing FC 17/28 Committee Resolution That the footnote as documented be The Clerk Minutes Policy and added to Standing Order 1 Resources 20.06.17 Rec 3 Completed Amendment to Standing Orders to reflect Change in HR Provision

FC 17/30 Height Barriers Resolution To install Height Barriers at the War The Clerk, Chair of at WMH PPA Memorial Hall permissive parking area Open Spaces with the final decision on the choice of supplier delegated to the Clerk and the Chair of Open Spaces. Completed FC 17/33 Neighbourhood Resolution Cllrs Jane White and Steve Watkins The Clerk, Cllrs Plan Terms of Reference together with the Clerk to work on the Jane White and Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Steve Watkins Terms of Reference and come back to Full Council when the Business Proposal was presented in September. Completed

FC 17/40 Neighbourhood Action Minutes and schedule of Neighbourhood The Clerk Plan Advisory Committee Plan advisory committee meetings be added to website. FC 17/42 Matters Arising Action The appreciation of the Council was to be The Clerk conveyed to Cllr Martin Trevett for expediting the completion of the fence FC 17/43 Chair’s Action The Deputy Clerk to circulate the Deputy Clerk Announcements proposed structure of the new Website out to all Cllrs. FC 17/46 Action Requests for Parish Path volunteers and Cllr Raj Khiroya and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) the Deputy Clerk article by Cllr Raj Khiroya be included in the next issue (November) of Chorleywood Matters. FC 17/46 Resolution That the paper put forward by Cllr Stuart The Clerk Marshall in response to the Local Plan issues and Options and Call for sites be adopted by Full Council as the Council’s formal response to the consultation.

Note: Completed actions will be removed one meeting after completion has been recorded.

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Again this has been a busy period.

Training – Managing difficult situations – The Clerk attended an extremely interesting Course on Managing Difficult Situations, and came away with some useful tips and tools to help deal with stressful situations.

Data Protection - The Clerk and Deputy Clerk attended a a training session on the new Data Protection Act which will come into force in May 2018. There are going to be considerable changes in the way the Parish Council is allowed to gain, access and store data, which is likely to have an impact on the way officers work. The Council will have to appoint a Data Protection Manager who will ultimately be responsible to ensure that the Council stay within the law. Officers are currently looking at finding a viable solution which may include sharing of services with our fellow parish councils. A full report will follow.

Year End Audit – The Council has again received an unqualified audit which means that the Council has maintained it high standard of managing its finances and Accounts.

New Auditors – The Clerk met representatives from the Company PKF who have won the contract to carry out the external audits for the parish councils of for the next five years.

Elections – The Clerk has received communication from the Election Officer at TRDC advising that there is to be yet another change to the wards within the Parish. Chorleywood North, will be split and renamed in 2019 and will have one ward of two members called Chorleywood East and another ward of five members called Chorleywood Common & Loudwater. At present further clarification is be sort as to how this will effect elections next year and if there is to be another election in 2019, who is to pay for it. A further report will be forthcoming when more information is known.

Quiz Night – On the 17th November we held our 8th Quiz Night which raised £8,500 for 21 local charities. This means that in since the Parish Council embarked on this project £68,000 has been raised helping 41 local charities. Our thanks as always goes to Bob and Diana Whitney who organise this amazing event on our behalf.

Remembrance Weekend 2018. – As you are all well aware next year will be the 100 year anniversary since the end of WW1, and therefore 100 years since the War Memorial Hall was agreed to become a permanent memorial to the fallen. To mark this anniversary the Parish Council will be holding a series of events over the weekend of 8th – 11th November 2018. The Book Shop, Film Club, Chorleywood Orchestra and Dance Schools have already agreed to take part. There will be a series of events ending in the service or Remembrance which for one year only will be held at the Hall. Again more information will follow.

General/Reports/Full Council Reports/Clerks Reports/Clerks Report 5.12.17.docx Parish Ranger – Andrew Goddard our Common Ranger left the Councils employment on 1st December to start a new life as a small holder in Wales. Meetings have taken place between the Councils HR committee and HR and it has been agreed to advertise the new post of Conservation Ranger in the New Year. The three other Rangers will now work as a team carry out the agreed winter work. The Cemetery Ranger will now be called the Senior Ranger and will report directly on behalf of all the Rangers to the Clerk.

South Lodge – Final designs have been drawn up and received unofficial approval from TRDC. There is however discussions taking place with regard to the terms of the lease, and the renewal process. Legal advice has been obtained and the Chair and Clerk are seeking a meeting with TRDC legal department to try to move this forward.

Computers – The Clerks Computer broke down and has been replaced. It was about six years old and could not be repaired. The cost has come out the IT Budget.

This is the last meeting of the year and Officers and Rangers wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Dates for your Diary

The Office will be closed from 12 noon on Friday 22nd December 2017 and will re-open at 9am on Tuesday 2nd January 2018.

General/Reports/Full Council Reports/Clerks Reports/Clerks Report 5.12.17.docx

CHORLEYWOOD PARISH COUNCIL To be received by Council 5th December 2017



Chairman: * Vivian Lantree (VL)

Councillors * Steve Watkins (SW) * Jackie Worrall (JW)

Committee Members Jon Bishop (JB) Peter Dixon (PD) * Gareth Hunt (GH) Robert Mann (RM) * Alan Manson (AM)

* Denotes members present

Officers present Yvonne Merritt – Clerk (YM)


There were apologies for absence from Jon Bishop, Peter Dixon and Robert Mann


This was the first official meeting of the constituted Advisory Group



There was a general introduction and the committee welcomed Alan Manson (AM) as a new member to the group. Vivien Lantree (VL) advised that unfortunately for this meeting the other new members, Peter Dixon and Robert Mann were unable to attend.


It was unanimously agreed that VL should continue in her role of Chairman of this committee


The committee agreed to adhere to the Terms of Reference for the Neighbourhood Development Plan Advisory Committee approved at the Full Council meeting held on 5th September 2017

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VL explained the history behind the NDP advising that this was a legislative document after consultation and it had been passed, however the plan could not contradict or override the local plan. The NDP had to be pro-development but the plan could suggest structure and characteristics for future developments.

There were now a few precedents which could be called upon. Croxley Green Parish Council was further forward having reached pre-assessment.


VL advised that the presentation from the group had been well received by the Parish Council at their meeting in September. They had unanimously agreed to constitute the NDP Advisory Committee. Having already discussed the potential conflict with the new TRDC local plan it was agree that at this stage this was of no concern for the Parish.


Timelines – JB had been tasked with putting together timescales for delivery of the plan


JW had been tasked with finding maps for the conservation area and flood plains.

It was agreed that a list was required of local community assets which may need safeguarding and protection in the future. These could be structural or indeed valuable services held within the Parish.

Examples of this were o the hedgerow in Homefield Road which is believed to be the old boundary hedge between Wessex and Mercia (?) o High brick and flint retaining wall opposite the station entrance on Station Approach o The postbox at the Swillett o The Telephone box opposite the Gate PH in Rickmansworth Road o Chorleywood Library o Churches o Public houses o Chorleywood Common

VL advised that there was a good example on Kirdford PC NDP website.

VL and YM were tasked with putting together a list of Community assets which should include photographs.

YM advised that the new Computer mapping system could be very useful when putting together the plan as many maps could be created in house reducing the costs.

Z:General/Minutes/Allotment Users Meeting/ Allotment Users Meeting Minutes 08.03.16 Page 2 of 3 Parking was discussed as an issue that should be included in the plan using information from the Chorleywood Residents Survey on how long people spent in the high street and the use of the Ferry Car Park. This would need further investigation but valuable suggestions could be made.


2. Policy development applications

Homefield Road – take out as an example and include Valley Road and Clover Court. Back this up with evidence using pictures or examples

Bad examples were also discussed which included Briary Court.

Protection of Bungalows was discussed and it was agreed that due to the aging population these should be protected within the plan. (it was suggested that the Committee look at the wording from the Croxley plan for an example)

4. Characteristics of new property developments outside a conservation area

Para 4 – VL to work of rephrasing the paragraph

JW suggested that the Committee look at ideas good and bad keeping in mind local characteristics especially in areas of the Cedars Estate and Millend.

JW and YM were tasked with this.

5. Development Designed to Match Population

Para 2 - GH stated that he felt that the group should consider the flattening of developments in certain locations to either put in smaller dwellings, or 3 – 4 storey blocks which could be more desirable for those wishing to down size or for affordable housing.

It was agreed that developments promoting affordable or social housing should be endorsed.


The meeting having commenced at 7.30 pm closed at 9.30pm. The date of the next meeting was set for 8th November 2017, venue to be arranged.

Signed ………………… …………………………………………… Date ……………………..

These minutes were agreed as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Signed………………………………………………………. Date…………………………..

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Chairman: * Tony Edwards

Councillors * Jo Clark * Raj Khiroya * Jill Leeming * Alison Preedy Martin Trevett * Steve Watkins (ex officio) * Sarah Wright * Jane White (ex officio) * Denotes members present

Officers present Yvonne Merritt – Clerk Claire James– Deputy Clerk Laura Hamilton – Admin Assistant

There were three members of the public present.


There were apologies for absence from Cllr Martin Trevett.



The meeting was suspended at 7.32 to allow, with the Chairman’s permission, a member of the public to address the Committee.

Anne Pearson addressed the Committee on the process of the confidential business taken at the end of the meeting of the Committee of 11th July 2017

The meeting was reconvened at 7.35pm


The Committee RESOLVED That the minutes of the Open Spaces Committee and Allotment Users meetings held on 12th September 2017, be approved as a true and correct record.


There were no matters arising. 17/49 FINANCIAL COMPARISON STATEMENT 2017/18 C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011b.Docx Page 1 of 10

The Clerk advised that the ‘%of budget’ column had been added to the report following comments at other committees.


The report was considered in detail.

Christchurch Car Park: It was noted that travel time by the contractor had not been factored in to the extent that would have been necessary given the traffic delays caused by the roadworks on the A404 at the time the work was scheduled.

Virtual Fencing Replacement: The Clerk confirmed that the quote of £4680 plus VAT was for complete replacement of the virtual fencing and included a replacement energizer. She also advised that it had not been possible to use the cable laying machine from Epping Forest following Rangers advice that the Council tractor did not have the correct tyres for use with this type of equipment. In response to a Member’s question on the Grounds Maintenance budget the Clerk advised that there was nothing else planned this year that would use the budget.

The Committee RESOLVED That the quote for the repair of the virtual cattle fencing be accepted and the work programmed in.

This was proposed by Cllr Steve Watkins, seconded by Cllr Raj Khiroya and carried unanimously.

Golf Club Winter Works: Members were advised that the Golf Club would be getting a contractor in for the crown reduction work but had requested help from the Rangers for the felling work. The Ranger present explained the benefits of the proposed works.

The Committee RESOLVED To give permission to the Golf Club for the proposed works.

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.

Common Users Group: The Clerk clarified the previous membership of the Group.

The Committee RESOLVED That the Common Users Group be re-instated.

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.

The Committee RESOLVED To note the Officers report

ALLOTMENTS C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011b.Docx Page 2 of 10


The continued availability of allotment plots at all sites was noted.

The Committee RESOLVED To note the occupation


The Committee RESOLVED To note the details on the waiting list.


Copmans Wick Clearance: In response to a question from the Chair, Members were advised that the work required at Copmans Wick was part of the Winter works programme and completion would be weather dependant.

Water Tap Timers: Members agreed that timers on the water taps were neither practical nor cost effective and would therefore not be progressed.

Allotment Competition: It was noted that only a small number of winners of the allotment competition turned up to collect their prizes and some members felt that the council was very generous with the prizes which represented a significant percentage of the allotment income. Members agreed the following alternative: • Winner at each site to be given their plot rent free for the following year. • Certificates would be issued for the 2nd and 3rd winners at each site • A novice prize to be continued.

Allotment Tenancy Agreement: Members agreed that the revised agreement was a considerable improvement on the current version. It was confirmed that anyone can take on a plot but that during times of high demand residents of Chorleywood are given priority.

The Committee RESOLVED To adopt the updated Tenancy Agreement as presented.

This was proposed from the chair and carried unanimously.



The Committee RESOLVED To note the number of interments that had taken place.

COMMON AND GROVEWOOD C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011b.Docx Page 3 of 10


The Clerk explained that the document reflected the basis of what would form the plan and was not the plan itself, further adding that it had not yet gone to consultation. She advised that as the Stewardship agreement was now in place this needed to be tied together with the plan. The report was reviewed page by page and a number of amendments noted for feeding back to the author. Members agreed that the Council would not be seeking Green Flag award status at this stage. In terms of consultation the Old Shepherd Public House was added to the list of Consultees and the Gate Public House removed as the later was not directly affected by works on the Common. Christchurch was also added to the list of consultees. The Clerk advised that the Parish Council Website would be used for consultation, with paper copies also available at the Library. There would also be a poster on the Council Notice Board advising of the consultation.

The Clerk advised that once the consultation had been completed, Cllr Tony Edwards as Chair of the Open Spaces Committee would present the plan to the TRDC Environmental Forum. If accepted it would have the added benefit of works being able to go ahead without having to seek permission on each occasion. It was noted that the Golf Club were keen to buy into the plan to demonstrate it’s commitment to the environmental work of the Parish Council.

The Committee RESOLVED That the Common Green Space Action Plan be accepted with the amendments as recorded by the Clerk during the course of the debate.

This was proposed by the Chair and carried unanimously.


Given the forthcoming departure of one of the Rangers, Members were advised that the Winter Works programme had been pared down. It was also noted that the programme was weather dependant, if it gets very wet then the work at Copmans Wick may be started earlier than planned. The clear up was a significant piece of work estimated at three Rangers for a period of two weeks. Once the work was done at Copmans Wick, the Clerk suggested that a letter be sent from the Committee advising that any subsequent dumping of rubbish at the Allotment site would result in tenants being recharged the clear up costs.

It was hoped that the replacement of the virtual fencing would be completed before the Common Ranger left the Council.

The Committee RESOLVED To accept the Winter Works Programme as outlined in the report

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.


It was noted that one tree highlighted as requiring urgent action had already been actioned and the tree was due to be felled on the 20th November. A new contractor was being used, chosen on a cost basis and the work would be monitored. The quality and comprehensiveness of the Tree Survey report C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011b.Docx Page 4 of 10 was noted. The requirement to repeat the survey every two years using this report as a base was highlighted

The Committee RESOLVED To note the report.


17/58 REVISED BUDGET 2017/18

Following discussion on the figures presented

The Committee RESOLVED To approve the revised budget

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.


Members agreed the 4% increase to Fees and Charges for the Memorial Plaques, Allotments and Licence to use the Common and Foundry increase for the Memorial Plaques but wished to discuss the Lawn Cemetery Charges in greater detail. Members considered the actual costs to the Council of the work involved in an interment by both the Rangers and Officers and the key additional capital costs associated with the cemetery. Comparison was made of the charges of other cemeteries in the area. Members also discussed the fact that parishioners paid an element towards the Lawn Cemetery as part of the rates and discussed what the appropriate charge for non-parishioners should be, the current being two times the parishioner rates. It was agreed that the Council was providing a service but also had a duty to cover costs. It was also noted that the ongoing maintenance costs for the length of the Exclusive Right of Burial were not included. It was noted that with increased numbers of graves and plaques the maintenance of the Cemetery was becoming more labour intensive as more strimming than mowing was now required.

The Committee RESOLVED To increase Lawn Cemetery Fees and charges to cover actual costs and Non-parishioner costs to increase to three times the parishioner costs, with all other fees and charges to increase by 4%. (see Appendix 1 for full list of agreed Fees and Charges)

This was proposed by Cllr Jane White, seconded by Cllr Jill Leeming and carried with four votes in favour, three votes against and one abstention.


It was noted that the figures in the report would now need to change to reflect the resolution in the previous agenda item (Fees and Charges). The report therefore represented worst case scenario and less would be put on the precept as a result.

The Committee C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011b.Docx Page 5 of 10 RESOLVED To agree the draft capital and Revenue Budget for 2018 – 19, subject to adjustments to reflect the Lawn Cemetery Fees and Charges resolution.

This was proposed from the Chair and agreed unanimously.


Members considered the document, agreed that the changes made sense and noted the document with no objections.


It was noted that the Nature Trail was ongoing and that many of the carvings should be in place by Christmas. The Clerk advised that grant of £3500 had been left to the Council for the Nature Trail by a benefactor and that she would be meeting the son of the benefactor on the 2nd December to agree what it should be spent on.


There was nothing to report on this item.

Before closing the meeting, the Chair Cllr Tony Edwards thanked Andrew Goddard on behalf of the Open Spaces Committee for his commitment, contribution and hard work over his time with the Council and wished him well in his new venture in Wales.


The meeting having commenced at 7.30 pm closed at 9.40pm.

Signed Agreed by email Date 22/11/17

These minutes were agreed as a true and correct record at the Open Spaces meeting and signed by the Chairman.

Signed………………………………………………………. Date…………………………..


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REFERENCE RESOLUTION ACTION REQUIRED BY WHOM / ACTION OS 16/76 Action To write an article for the next edition of Cllr Raj Khiroya Chorleywood Matters explaining the CiL rules and the use of the initial monies received for the Nature Trail. Ongoing: target the October issue of Chorleywood Matters OS16/87 Action To look into the costs of strimming and Allotment rotavating vacant plots and the costs of Administrator weed suppressant membrane for plots given up. Completed OS 16/89 Action To analyse the actual costs incurred by the The Deputy officers in the preparation of a grave for Clerk burial and the ongoing maintenance to input to the meeting of the Open Spaces that discussed the fees and charges for 2018/19. Completed: Costs presented to the November meeting. OS 16/89 Action To research the charges made at other The Deputy Cemeteries in the surrounding area for the Clerk next committee meeting that discusses the 2018/19 Fees and Charges Completed: Comparison presented to the November meeting OS 16/89 & Action To arrange a parish paths meeting to move Deputy Clerk 17/06 the leaflet forward. A meeting to be held with the residents who had volunteered to assist with documenting the parish paths in Chorleywood. Ongoing: Action points combined and progress update to be given at next meeting OS 17/06 Action Formal letters to be sent to Sky Vision and Clerk / Cllr the local Taxi company that were abusing Martin Trevett the parking arrangements in the permissive parking areas. Ongoing: The Clerk advised that the taxi company had been approached and were no longer parking at Shepherds Bridge. Cllr Martin Trevett advised that he was trying to get the parking restriction signage replaced outside the station. 17/22 Action The Clerk undertook to investigate the area Clerk of fencing allowing deer into the Copmans Wick Allotment site. Completed: Rangers to address the issue as part of the Copmans Wick clearance work in the Winter Works Programme 17/22 Action To investigate the cost of timers for the taps Allotment

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011b.Docx Page 7 of 10 at the allotment sites. Administrator Completed: Committee agreed neither practical or cost effective to install timers. 17/22 Action To review the current allotment Tenancy Allotment agreement, including other Council’s Administrator agreements in the review. A revised agreement to be brought to the September meeting of the Open Spaces Committee Completed: Revised Tenancy agreement brought to the November meeting and agreed. 17/35 Action To advise and explain the legislation Clerk covering cycling on the common to local schools for further dissemination and use social media and the Parish Council website to further support this action to discourage cyclists from using the Common. Ongoing 17/35 Action Faulty gate bolt preventing the gate being Allotment held open to be repaired. Completed Administrator 17/35 Action Review of allotment competition prizes to be Allotment included in Allotment report for the Administrator November meeting. Completed: Reviewed at November Meeting and alternative prize structure agreed. 17/35 Action To write to the appropriate officer at TRDC Clerk / expressing the Parish Council’s appreciation Allotment for the completion of the fence at Copmans Administrator Wick. Completed 17/35 Action A tool to report issues with Parish Paths be Deputy Clerk built into the new Parish Council website currently under development. Ongoing

APPENDIX 1 C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011b.Docx Page 8 of 10



INTERMENT CHARGES 01/04/18 – 31/-03/19

EXCLUSIVE RIGHT OF BURIAL 2018/2019 Parishioners Non-Parishioners

Exclusive Right of Burial £735 £2205 Full Interment

Exclusive Right of Burial £515 £1545 Ashes/Infant

FULL INTERMENT* 2018/2019 Parishioners Non-Parishioners Single Depth £565 £1695 Double Depth £690 £2070 *For the interment of caskets an additional charge of £780 will apply ASHES 2018/2019 Parishioners Non-Parishioners Single Depth £360 £1080 Double Depth £360 £1080

Notes: 1. For interment charges purposes people who have left the Parish within the previous five years are considered Parishioners. 2. Parishioner/non-Parishioner rates determined on the location of the deceased, not the purchaser of the Exclusive Right of Burial/grave. 3. Infants – One charge for Exclusive Right of Burial only (no interment charges due).


The Foundry used by the Council for the supply of plaques increases its charges to the Parish Council effective from the 1st January 2018. Two phases of increase are therefore required.

STANDARD PLAQUE CHARGES 01.01.2018 – 31.03.2018

Foundry increase of 6% effective from 1/1/18 (rounded up before VAT)

12” X 12” - £546 ex VAT 24” X 12” - £992 ex VAT 7” x 2” - £76 ex VAT

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STANDARD PLAQUE CHARGES 01.04.2018 – 31.12.2018

Inclusive of Foundry increase of 6% effective from 1/1/18 and 4% proposed increase (rounded up) from 01.04.18

12” X 12” - £568 ex VAT 24” X 12” - £1032 ex VAT 7” x 2” - £79 ex VAT

NB Plaque current & proposed charges do not include VAT (add 20%)


4% proposed increase rounded up to nearest 25pence


charge Total 2018/19 Proposed charges Allotment Charge (no Charge


Whole Plot £37.50 £10.00 £47.50

Half Plot £19.00 £5.00 £24.00

Pensioners Whole Plot £25.25 £10.00 £35.25

Pensioners Half Plot £12.75 £5.00 £17.75

Additional Charges (No Change)

New Tenant Admin Charge £25

Key Charge for Copmans Wick, The Swillett & Dog Kennel Lane £5 (non refundable)

Late Payment charge £10


The current charge to the two regular licensed users of the Common is £12.50 per hour. With a 4% increase this becomes £13.00, an increase of 50 pence.

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CHORLEYWOOD PARISH COUNCIL To be received by Council 5th DECEMBER 2017



Chairman: * Cllr Rodney Kipps

Members: - * Cllr Carol Kristian * Cllr Stuart Marshall Cllr Ken Morris *Cllr Alison Preedy Cllr Martin Trevett *Cllr Steve Watkins (ex officio) Cllr Jane White (ex officio) Cllr Jenny Wood

Also in attendance * Yvonne Merritt – Treasurer * Michelle Putman – Secretary


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Ken Morris, Cllr Martin Trevett, Cllr Jane White and Cllr Jenny Wood.


Cllr Rodney Kipps declared an interest as Chairman of the Royal British Legion


The Committee RESOLVED The minutes of the meeting dated 19th September 2017 were approved as a true and correct record.


There were no matters arising.


War Memorial Hall

The notice board signage outside the War Memorial Hall - TRDC planning department have been contacted with regard to what sort of planning application the Parish would need to apply for to have signage outside the hall.

Push bar Locking System – The caretaker has put forward a different locking system which will be much easier to install. C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011c.doc Page 1 of 4

The Orchestra - The Orchestra hired the hall during October for an Orchestral event. The Clerk has been in correspondence with the Orchestra with the possibility of partaking in the WW1 event in November 2018.

WWI EVENT - November 2018 -Cllr Carol Kristian was asked if she would be prepared to run the event for the Council and she agreed with the added help from fellow Councillors.


Cllr Carol Kristian asked if the fridge/freezer had been repaired yet. Unfortunately this has not been completed yet.


It was requested that the signage for the Common Room be moved to the end of the front of the War Memorial Hall which is closer to the Common Room entrance.


The Committee RESOLVED To note the report


Members considered the details within the report.

The Committee RESOLVED That quotation A was the one that the Committee wanted to go with, and the Officer to contact the company and arrange installation.

This was proposed by Cllr Marshall, seconded by Cllr Preedy and unanimously approved.


It was noted that the income for the War Memorial Hall was increasing, but also that the income for the Bullsland was decreasing. More work would be needed in the new year publicising the halls, and the new website would assist in this.

Members considered the revised budget details within the report.

The Committee RESOLVED That the Revised budget be approved. This was proposed by Cllr Preedy, seconded by Cllr Marshall and unanimously approved.


The Committee were advised that with the current deficit in the budget which will need to be addressed and an increase in fees and charges should carefully be considered to allow for growth but not to loose hirers due to high fees.

The Committee RESOLVED

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011c.doc Page 2 of 4 To adopt the fees and charges as detailed within the report.

This was proposed from the Chair Cllr Kipps, and unanimously approved.


The Committee consider the draft budget for 2018-2019 with the possibility of asking for further assistance from the Parish Council towards reducing the shortfall. The Committee to take into consideration items from the Four Year Vision.

The Committee RESOLVED To approve the budget for 2018/19 with the request for £5,000 grant funding from the Parish Council to ensure there were sufficient funds in the account for cashflow purposes. That the sum of £5,000 be placed in the capital fund to ensure funds were available for larger capital projects.

This was proposed by the Chair Cllr Kipps, and unanimously approved.


The Committee had concerns with the heating systems for the hall and especially the radiators which are showing signs of wear – this would be a costly exercise to replace the system and therefore it was agreed to monitor the situation..


Publicity and Marketing – Cllr Carol Kristian was concerned that the War Memorial hall was not a listed building and requested that the Officers investigate having the hall Locally Listed.

Maintenance Programme – It was noted that the parapet wall at the rear of the War Memorial Hall needed urgent attention. It was agreed that prices be sought for this work to be carried out as part of the Maintenance schedule.

Website – There was no new information to report – work is still on-going Cllr Marshall did volunteer to go into the hall to have a go at making a virtual tour of the War Memorial Hall to go onto the website.

The Committee were concerned that some of the bookings previously held at the WMH were now taking place at the Junction, Christ Church. The Committee requested that the Officers look into the decision notice when the Junction was built to ascertain what conditions were placed on the application.


Nothing specific to report

17/40 LEASES

The lease for the Hollybush and the CKTS office are currently with the solicitor.

17/41 CLOSE

The Chairman again thanked all the members of the Committee and the meeting having commenced at 7.32 pm, closed at 8.51 pm

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011c.doc Page 3 of 4 Signed ………These minutes are draft and have not been approved………. Date …………..

These minutes were agreed as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Signed ……………………………………………… Date ……………………………


REFERENCE RESOLUTION / ACTION REQUIRED BY WHOM ACTION 16/35 Action Leases for the Hollybush and CKTS Clerk 16/36 Action Report back to the next meeting on the Secretary changes/improvement required from the website meeting 17/06 Resolution Advise contractor that Company A be awarded Secretary the electrical contract to include the stage lights and external lights and to obtain a quotation for category C2 and 3 from the electrical inspection 17/06 Action Re-look at the storage areas for bin sheds at the Clerk WMH 17/06 Action Arrange for a push bar to be placed on the door Completed leading from the gents toilets area 17/06 Resolution Start to charge late payment fees in line with Completed government guidelines 17/06 Action To look into CCTV for the War Memorial Hall Secretary 17/08 Action Update conditions of hire for the WMH – with Clerk insurance and flame information together with photos 17/09 Action Obtain quotations for works identified from Secretary surveyors reports for the next meeting Obtaining quotes 17/10 Action Arrange for site inspection of all the halls before Secretary the next meeting 17/17 Action To create a user guide for the dishwasher at Secretary/Cllr both halls, including photos, and laminating Kipps them for display at the halls 17/17 Action To include works to the parapet walls at the Secretary WMH on the works schedule 17/19 Action Investigate the need for planning permission Secretary and/or conservation area consent for a new e-mailed notice board and obtain quotations for a notice planning Dept- board in a similar design to those ordered for TRDC the village and cemetery 17/21 Resolution Investigate on line booking systems for the halls Clerk 17/21 Resolution Investigate the promotions of the halls using Clerk social media and other free outlets 17/25 Resolution Investigate the role of a Venue Manager, Clerk including Job descriptions and costings 17/33 Action Advise contractor that Company A be awarded Secretary the hearing loop installation.

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CHORLEYWOOD PARISH COUNCIL To be received by Council 5th December 2017



Chairman: * Vivian Lantree (VL)

Councillors * Steve Watkins (SW) * Jackie Worrall (JW)

Committee Members * Jon Bishop (JB) Peter Dixon (PD) * Gareth Hunt (GH) Robert Mann (RM) * Alan Manson (AM)

* Denotes members present

Officers present Yvonne Merritt – Clerk (YM)

Also in attendance TRDC Cllr Angela Killick


There were apologies for absence from Peter Dixon and Robert Mann


The minutes of the meeting dated 27th September 2017 were approved as a true and correct record.


Discussion took place on the properties which should be included in the locally listed building at it was suggested that buildings shown on the Parish Map should also be included as all of them had historical and/or local interest.


Policy 7 - Variety of Retail Amendments were made to the policy to include the fact the retail should support the demographic area, EG the loss of the convenience store at the Swillett.

Policy 8 – Secure by Design It was noted that this was a police initiative which offered the service for new developments to assist in creating designs which were anti-crime for example the avoidance of dark alleys or

Z:General/Minutes/Allotment Users Meeting/ Allotment Users Meeting Minutes 08.03.16 Page 1 of 2 unlit walkways. The policy should stipulate that developers must take into account professional advice.

Policy 9 – Street Furniture and phone masts SW to take photos to evidence good and bad examples throughout the village. YM advised that TRDC had indicated that they were changing some of the signage around the village to highlight key places such as the library and station and easy walking routes. The Parish Council had been asked to approve the style of signage.

Policy 10 – Community and Leisure Facilities VL will add the statistics from the Community Plan with regard to feedback regarding the leisure facilities. It was also important to make the actual policy more generic.

Policy 11 – Environment and Health

The policy should be made more specific and should read as follows:-

Developments of 5 or more dwellings must be made accessible to Chorleywood Village centre by means other than by car, by safe routes.

With regard to leisure facilities the policy should be made more specific and should read as follows:-

Developments to accommodate 30 people or more include provision of community centre facilities.

Policy 12 – Flood Risk

JW advised that she had been able to obtain the map from HCC which highlighted the areas in risk of flooding. It was noted that the policy should be altered to stated that developments in a flood risk area should include elements to prevent ingress of water into the properties.

It was also agreed that the web address for the flood risk areas should be included in the plan.


The meeting having commenced at 7.30 pm closed at 9.30pm. The date of the next meeting was set for 12th December 2017, South Lodge.

Signed …………These minutes have not been checked by the Chairman……… …………………………………………… Date ……………………..

These minutes were agreed as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Signed………………………………………………………. Date…………………………..

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Chair: * Jane White

Councillors: * Tony Edwards * Rodney Kipps * Raj Khiroya * Carol Kristian * Alison Preedy * Steve Watkins * Jackie Worrall *Denotes members present

Officers Present: Yvonne Merritt – Clerk Claire James – Deputy Clerk There were two members of the public present


17/37 DRAFT BUDGET 2018/19

The Committee RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND That a working group be set up to review options and come up with a plan for the way forward for the building asset being acquired.

This was proposed by Cllr Steve Watkins, seconded by Cllr Tony Edwards and carried unanimously.


There were no apologies for absence.


There were no Declarations of Interest or Dispensations.


The Committee RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting dated 3rd October 2017 be approved as a true and correct record.


In response to a question from the Chair, Members were advised that the revised IT back up arrangements were now in place. It was agreed that a test of the back up would take place in due course.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011e.Doc Page 1 of 6 17/36 FINANCIAL COMPARISON STATEMENT 2017/18

The Committee RESOLVED To note the report

17/37 DRAFT BUDGET 2018/19

Members were advised that there was no further news on the possible rent increase for the Parish Office. The Clerk also advised that she had received notice that morning from the Boundary Commission that the ward boundary changes were coming into effect in 2019 and therefore a second election would need to take place in that year. This would mean that Councillors elected in 2018 would theoretically only stand for one year before going out for election again. Given the cost to the Council of an election the Clerk had challenged the information and offered a number of solutions for consideration. There was also the acquisition of the building asset currently progressing where an estimate of the repair costs were required. The Surveyor had suggested a figure of £5K but there was concern that this might be insufficient once the asset was acquired and the full extent of the repairs required became more evident. See Recommendation 1

It was emphasised that the figures under discussion were estimates for budget cover for contingency should the money need to be spent. It was agreed that there were therefore a number of items for which budgets could not be estimated at this stage and further consideration of the capital budget should be deferred to the next meeting when further information may be available.

Before the revenue budget was agreed the Chair asked the Committee to consider Agenda Item 10 – Grants and Subsidies to allow a figure to be agreed for including in the revenue budget (See Minute17/42). With this figure agreed further discussion took place on the revenue budget items.

The Committee RESOLVED To Accept the Revenue budget with the amended Community engagement item and associated budget of £5K and to defer consideration of the capital budget to the next Policy and Resources meeting in January 2018.

This was proposed from the Chair by Cllr Jane White and carried unanimously.

The Chair then sought agreement to bring forward Agenda Item 11 Community First Responders.

The meeting was suspended at 8.10pm to allow Keverne Bailey and his colleague present to address the Committee on their application for grant funding for the initial costs of equipment for a group of volunteers who give up their time to help the Ambulance service respond to emergency calls in the local area (specifically Chorleywood) known as Community First Responders. The meeting was reconvened at 8.25pm


The Clerk was asked for an update on the Council reserves as it was likely that the funding would have to come out of this. The Clerk advised that it was likely that the amount in question could be covered under the revenue budget this year as there were a number of budget lines that were underspent which would mean that the money would not have to come out of reserves. One Member asked if it was possible to fund two sets of equipment but it was agreed that under the new grant funding criteria the group could come back next year to ask for a second amount of funding. It was noted that once purchased, the equipment was then maintained by the NHS. The work of the Community First Responders and the role they played was acknowledged, noting they volunteered their own time and were not paid. It was however noted that funding by the Parish Council was effectively double taxation as Parishioners paid taxes to Central Government to fund the NHS and this was asking parishioners to pay for equipment that should be funded by the NHS. Whilst there was general agreement of this fact, it was felt that this was a bigger issue that needed to be taken up elsewhere. The Clerk advised that the Parish Council had both the power and authority to give the funding and it was for a service that will be paid back into the community. Members asked if the First Responders would fill in the new form that had been drawn up for future applications as a test of the forms appropriateness and to feedback any issues which they agreed to do. It was also noted that publicity of the Parish Council sponsorship would also assist the scheme.

The Committee RESOLVED To grant fund the Community First Responders for Chorleywood the amount of £2k for the equipment required.

This was proposed by Cllr Steve Watkins, seconded by Cllr Raj Khiroya and carried unanimously.

The two members of the public left the meeting on completion of this agenda item


Cllr Carol Kristian circulated copies of a number of Parish Council items that had appeared in the Chorleywood Magazine. The report was then considered. In response to a question from the Chair, the Clerk advised that if the Council went with the Chorleywood Magazine option, if the May edition of the Chorleywood magazine was not published for any reason it would affect the Council’s statutory requirement to publish the annual report. In response to another Member’s question, the Clerk advised that the Magazine went to a wider circulation than the Parish publication but it did not cover some of the Parish. However it was noted that the Editor of the Chorleywood Magazine had agreed to increase the circulation to include all of the Parish if the Council wished to be part of the magazine. Discussion centred on the control of the Council pages if part of the magazine and possible conflict with other articles in the magazine that the Editor would want to include which could lead to confusion. It was suggested that there would be the opportunity for the Editor to include expanded articles on particular subjects which could benefit the community. It was suggested that Chorleywood Matters could also be extended to include such articles as necessary. Concern was expressed over the loss of identity and possible conflict and of previous occasions where reporting of an item had given a misleading impression of a decision taken by the Council.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011e.Doc Page 3 of 6 The Committee RESOLVED Not to pursue negotiations to merge Chorleywood Matters with the Chorleywood magazine

This was proposed from the Chair and carried with six votes against pursuing negotiations, one in favour of pursuing negotiations and one abstention.

The Chair thanked Cllr Carol Kristian for bringing the idea forward for discussion by the Committee.


Thanks were expressed to the Officers for another splendid internal audit with no issues raised.

The Committee RESOLVED To note the report.

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously


The Terms of Reference (TORs) for the HR Committee were reviewed and it was noted that the Clerk has a regular monthly meeting with HR. If she felt that the contract was not being fulfilled she would raise the issue with the HR Committee. It was agreed that the grievance process needed to be updated to reflect the TORs which would be undertaken by the Clerk.

The Committee RESOLVED To adopt the HR Committee Terms of Reference as written with the grievance policy to be updated to reflect them.

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.


It was noted that it was not the intention to change the grant funding that was in place but to add an additional category that would support ongoing funding eg the Citizens Advice Bureau. It was explained that the proposed budget of £5k was partly acknowledging the grant funding and subscriptions already made, the application considered at this meeting and to facilitate more than one application in a given year. It was noted that any budget not used did not roll over into the following year but went back into reserves. It was suggested that the proposal outlined in the report was good business practice, the Parish Council is there to serve all the Community and this proposal did just that. Separate budget lines of Subscriptions, Donations, Grant Funding and Community support would be added to the Community Budget heading.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011e.Doc Page 4 of 6 The Committee RESOLVED To agree the revised funding criteria and application form with a budget of £5K.

This was proposed from the Chair and carried unanimously.


The Clerk explained the policy and members discussed the document. It was noted that it mirrored Watford Borough Council policy rather than Council policy.

The Committee RESOLVED To adopt the Sickness absence policy subject to the amendment of Line Manager to Clerk where appropriate.

This was proposed from the Chair by Cllr Jane White and carried unanimously.


The Chair suggested that the item be deferred to the next meeting, explaining that she was working with the Clerk on a Succession planning and Vision strategy that would tie in several of the items currently on the 4 year vision, items discussed earlier in the meeting together with the legacy of Councillors moving on into some sort of a plan. It was hoped that this would be available for the next Policy and Resource Committee in January.


Nothing to report


The item detailed on the agenda was noted.


The meeting having started at 7.30pm closed at 9.15 pm

These minutes have been checked by the Chairman.

Signature ………………………………………………… Date……..…………

These minutes were agreed as a true and correct record at the Policy & Resources meeting and signed by the Chairman.

Signature ………………………………………………………..……. Date ……………………………

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011e.Doc Page 5 of 6 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS REQUIRING ACTION

REFERENCE RESOLUTION / ACTION REQUIRED BY WHOM ACTION PR 16/41 ACTION A quote for the IT works required with the move was Clerk also requested and the quote to be brought back to the next meeting. Ongoing PR 16/41 & ACTION Cllr Raj Khiroya agreed to act as lead Cllr for the office Cllr Raj Khiroya 45 Refurbishment project and assist with the insurance documentation aspects of the School issues. Ongoing 16/70 Action The suggestion for a transfer of money of £750 from Clerk the War Memorial Hall for the new website, to be put to the Halls Committee as many of the improvements are for the Halls. Ongoing 16/75 Action To convene a meeting of the Property Register Clerk working party. Ongoing 17/11 Action The Clerk to see key officers at TRDC to discuss the Clerk Parish Office lease renewal and the proposed refurbishment works. Ongoing 17/23 Action Changes to the website as specified in the minute. Deputy Clerk 17/26 Action Sergeant Neil Canning to be invited to the next Full Clerk Council Meeting to refresh the council on the roles and powers of the PCSOs. Completed: Sergeant Neil Canning would be attending the Full Council meeting on the 5th December 2017 17/28 Action To update the South Lodge Refurbishment text to Clerk reflect the current state of play Ongoing 17/28 Action Add ‘Acquisition of Asset’ and ‘Strategic Clerk Planning/Succession Planning’ to the Four Year Vision. Ongoing 17/29 Action To invite a number of alarm companies to review Deputy Clerk existing system and advise on replacement options. Ongoing 17/35 Action To arrange a test of the new IT Back up arrangements Deputy Clerk in due course 17/41 Action To update the Grievance policy in line with the HR Clerk Terms of reference 17/43 To amend the Sick Absence policy with the Clerk Clerk instead of Line Manager as appropriate

Note: Completed actions will be removed one meeting after completion has been recorded.

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CHORLEYWOOD PARISH COUNCIL To be received by Council 5th December 2017


Chairman: *Cllr Raj Khiroya Councillors: Cllr Rodney Kipps Cllr Geoffrey Liley *Cllr David Raw *Cllr Steve Watkins (ex officio) *Cllr Jane White (ex officio) *Cllr Jackie Worrall

*Denotes members present

Officers Attending: * Michelle Putman - Admin Officer

There was one member of the public present.


Apologies were received from Cllr Rodney Kipps, Cllr Geoffrey Liley and Cllr Jackie Worrall


None received


The Committee RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the 24th October 2017 be approved as a true and correct record.

Cllr Jane White was concerned with the treatment of Cllr Steve Watkins at the Planning meeting at TRDC on Thursday 19th October, 2017.


Tree application 17/1819/TPO which was brought before the Committee at the Planning Meeting at TRDC on Thursday 16th November, 2017. Cllr Raj Khiroya attended the meeting and there was extensive discussion about this application. Unfortunately as Planning permission had already been granted it was approved with certain conditions.


No letters received.

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The Committee RESOLVED That the attached comments be submitted to TRDC (Appendix 1).


There was one planning appeal this month, which was noted.

16/2421/FUL - Pindari, Quickley Lane, Chorleywood


The Committee RESOLVED To note the tree applications.


The Committee RESOLVED To note the planning decisions received for the period ending 21st November, 2017.


The Committee noted ’s new Local Plan.


Following the last meeting on the 15th November, 2017, jobs were divided between the members.

The Committee will start investigation into funding for the Neighbourdood Plan

The two new members will join the next meeting which will take place on Wednesday 12th December 2017.


None to report


The Committee noted the temporary road closures during the Chorleywood Christmas Festival.


The Committee were issued the Planning policies, which was compiled by Cllr Jane White with input from the Officer, Committee members were asked to use them when making comments on the Planning application.

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The Committee wish to start the investigation for ‘the footpath to be placed along Pheasants Wood, Berry Lane’, from January 2018.


Cllr RaJ Khiroya will attend the Development Control Meeting on Thursday 14th December 2017, at Three Rivers District Council.

17/122 CLOSURE - The meeting having started at 7.34pm and finished at 9.04pm

Signed …………………These minutes have not been approved…………… Date ………29/11/17…….…………………………………..

These minutes were agreed as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Signed ...... Date ......

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011f.Doc 3 /RSP CHORLEYWOOD PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 9 And the Chorleywood Station Estate Conservation Area Appraisal and Planning Decisions Received up to 21st November, 2017 Planning App Address. /FUL. (previously Development C/W Comments TRDC Decisions No. 17/1860/FUL 4 The Mount Partial demolition of the house and The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED the erection of part single, part two application storey front/side extensions, two storey rear extension, front and rear dormers, front canopy and alterations to fenestration

17/1846/FUL Furtherfield, Erection of a detached carport APPROVED Chenies Road 17/1933/FUL 91 Berry Lane Part Retrospective: Single storey The Committee had no objection to this APPROVED rear extension, front porch and application render to front of house

17/1888/FUL 1 Parkfield Part two storey, part first floor side The Committee had Concerns with this REFUSED extension including linking garage to application on the following grounds:- The proposal would significantly dwelling increase the bulk and mass of the * Due to the previous refusal, the dwelling with the size, scale and Committee were unable to see any design of the extensions resulting significant changes in a disproportionate development which would not respect the spacious character of the host dwelling and visual amenities of the area. The development would therefore be contrary to Policies CP1 and CP12 of the Core Strategy (adopted October 2011) and Policy DM1 and Appendix 2 of the Development Management Policies LDD (adopted July 2013)

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011g.doc 1 17/1890/FUL Shalom, 15 St Single storey rear extension, two The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED Peters Way storey front extension and first floor application rear extension 17/1897/FUL Touchwood, 7 Ground floor rear extension The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED Ladywood Close application 17/1866/FUL 4 Penn Close Single storey front and rear The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED extensions, first floor side extension, application front porch, extension to roof to include increase in ridge height and insertion of dormers and rooflights to form a second floor and raised terrace to rear. 17/1820/FUL Stamhus, Construction of an outbuilding to The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED Troutstream Way rear of dwelling application 17/2035/FUL 66 Hill Rise First floor side, front and rear The Committee have no Objection to this APPROVED extension application as the drawings display the 45 degree angle and the 1.2 m distance to the boundary. 17/1777/FUL Inglenook, 12 Replacement front door and window The Committee had no Objection with this APPROVED Artichoke Dell, application - and concur with the findings Dog Kennel Lane of the Conservation Officer 17/1733/FUL 23 The Drive Demolition of existing dwelling and The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED construction of detached two storey application dwelling with roof level accommodation 17/1864/FUL Rajans, Installation of an Air Source Heat The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED Chorleywood Road Pump with fencing enclosure application 17/2199/NMA 10 Grovewood Non Material Amendment to The Committee did not comment on this APPROVED Close planning permission 17/1491/FUL; application as it was approved before it Alterations to fenestration came before the Parish

17/2015/FUL Tanglewood, Shire Alterations to access to create The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED Lane carriage drive served by new application. vehicular crossover and installation of brick wall along frontage.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011g.doc 2 17/1813/FUL Saracens Cottage, Demolition of dwelling and erection The Committee had Objections to this APPROVED 107 Quickley Lane of two detached dwellings with application on the following grounds and associated parking and landscaping wish to CALL IN, unless the Officers are minded to refuse this application.

* Overdevelopment of a difficult site - DM1 * Increase in traffic into Quickley lane * Out of character with the street scene * The residential amenities for the neighbouring properties * Demolition of trees - DM6 17/1365/LBC The Hayloft, Listed Building Consent. The Committee had Objection to this APPROVED Bullsland Farm Conversion of Hayloft from a mixed application on the following grounds and use of residential and commercial to wish to CALL IN, unless the Officers are independent residential dwelling minded to refuse this application. with associated parking and curtilage * Detrimental impact on the Grade II listed farm C9. DM3 * The farmyard is pertinent to the dwelling * The loss of the hayloft will be detrimental to the farmyard. 17/1364/FUL The Hayloft, Conversion of Hayloft from a mixed The Committee had Objection to this APPROVED Bullsland Farm use of residential and commercial to application on the following grounds and independent residential dwelling wish to CALL IN, unless the Officers are with associated parking and minded to refuse this application. curtilage * Detrimental impact on the Grade II listed farm C9. DM3 * The farmyard is pertinent to the dwelling * The loss of the hayloft will be detrimental to the farmyard.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011g.doc 3 17/0911/FUL 23 Parkfield Single storey and two storey front The Committee had Objection on the APPROVED and side extensions, conversion of following grounds and wish to CALL IN, garage to habitable accommodation unless the Officers are minded to refuse this and loft conversion including application. increase in ridge height and rear dormer. * Overdevelopment of the site with the bulk and massing - DM1 * Increase in the ridge height * Out of characters with the street scene - CP12 * Proposed development will be intruding in front of the building line.

17/1769/FUL 140A Berry Lane Part Retrospective: Loft conversion The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED including insertion of rooflight application 17/1990/FUL Sunny Hill, The Variation of Condition 2 (Approved The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED Clump Plans) of planning permission application 17/1255/FUL to include alterations to the dwelling on Plot 2 including increase in footprint of garage, first floor front extension above double garage, additional side and rear rooflights; alterations to roof above the single storey side projection serving. 17/1830/FUL High Corner, Demolition of existing dwelling and The Committee had Concerns with this APPROVED Chorleywood Road construction of replacement application on the following grounds:- dwelling with basement level parking and swimming pool * The proposed development will be out including alterations to land levels of keeping with the street scene and access * The development would be contrary to policy CP12 of the Core Strategy (adopted October 2011)

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011g.doc 4 17/1681/FUL 118 Valley Road Subdivision of the plot and erection The Committee had Objection to this REFUSED of a detached two storey dwelling application on the following grounds and The proposed development by with associated landscaping wish to CALL IN, unless the Officers are virtue of the plot sizes, and the alterations minded to refuse this application. scale and design of dwelling would result in overdevelopment * Overdevelopment of this in-fill location of the plot and a cramped and - DM1 of the Development Management Policies LDD (adopted July 2013) unduly prominent form of * Lack of amenity space development to the detriment of * Out of keeping with the street scene - the spacious character of this part CP12 of the Core |Strategy (adopted of Valley Road. The proposal October 2011) would also result in encroachment * There is concern that there is a Covenant into the RPAs of trees which on this property - '(b) Not to erect any contribute positively to the building other than one detached character and appearance of the dwellinghouse and garage upon the said area and it has not been land hereby transferred or any part demonstrated that the trees would thereof'. not be adversely affected as a result of the proposed development. The development would therefore result in demonstrable harm to the character and appearance of the area and would be contrary to Policies CP1, CP3 and CP12 of the Core Strategy (adopted October 2011) and Policies DM1, DM6 and Appendix 2 of the Development Management Policies LDD (adopted July 2013) 17/1990/FUL Long Wood, Removal of existing chimney stack The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED Woodland Lane and rendering of dwelling application

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011g.doc 5 17/1756/FUL Old Meadows, Dog Subdivision of the site, demolition of The Committee had Objections to this APPROVED Kennel Lane existing detached garage and application on the following grounds and construction of detached dwelling wish to CALL IN, unless the Officers are and replacement garage minded to refuse this application.

* This application has been called in as the applicant is known to the Councillors

* The property is located within the Common Conservation Area - Policy DM3 The proposed is not c)I)v) of the Development Management Policies LDD (adopted July 2013) * Overdevelopment of the plot * Concern with the narrow access for further traffic use DM1 a) ii) of the Development Management Policies LDD (adopted July 2013). 17/1750/FUL 2A Berks Hill Erection of detached two storey The Committee had Objections to this REFUSED building with lower ground floor application on the following grounds and level to provide two flats including wish to CALL IN, unless the Officers are Refused on amenity grounds, due alterations to existing building and minded to refuse this application. to contrived nature of associated parking and amenity development, overbearing, space provision * Overdevelopment of the site - unneighbourly development and Contrary to Policy DM1 of the Development Management Policies LDD (adopted July overlooking. 2013) * Lack of amenity space * Out of keeping * Shortfall in parking spaces - Contrary to Policy DM13 of the Development Management Policies LDD

The development would be contrary to policy CP12 of the Core Strategy (adopted October 2011)

The development will have an impact on the boundary of the Conservation Area.

C:\Users\User1\Desktop\CW-Parish-Nov17\011g.doc 6 17/2040/FUL Long Wood, Change of material to roof and The Committee had no Objection to this APPROVED Woodland Lane dormer application

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At : 13:46 Current Account

List of Payments made between 01/08/2017 and 27/11/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

01/08/2017 Mr J Ruth 410180 67.99 Village Day Parking Duties 01/08/2017 Salary 410184 406.82 Salary 01/08/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410181 738.48 Mem Plaque - FN-615 01/08/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410182 356.46 Mem Plaque - FN -611 01/08/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410183 356.46 Mem Plaque - FN594 01/08/2017 Peter Fleming 410185 45.00 Website Updates 01/08/2017 Came & Company 410186 6,639.54 Insurance Premium 01/08/2017 Mills Window Cleaning Services 410187 30.00 Window Cleaning 01/08/2017 Twin Systems PLC 410202 834.16 System Support 01/08/2017 Sarratt Office supplies 410193 13.87 Dymo Address Labels 03/08/2017 British Gas DD 27.53 Boiler service Plan SL 08/08/2017 Co-op Bank DD 19.89 Credit Card 09/08/2017 Neopost Finance LTD 410189 100.00 Postage Credit 09/08/2017 Three Rivers District Council 410190 154.80 HIre Of CW House Estate 09/08/2017 TBs Hygiene LTD 410191 338.40 dog Waste Collection 09/08/2017 Sarratt Office supplies 410193 69.36 Dymo Address Labels 09/08/2017 Hertfordshire County Council 410194 16.37 Packing Tape & Folders 09/08/2017 Maydencroft farm 410196 323.18 Grazing Broken Receiver Repair 09/08/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410197 738.48 Mem Plaque - FN-624 09/08/2017 St John Ambulance 410198 339.14 Cover for Village Day 09/08/2017 Twin Systems PLC 410199 270.00 Panda Cloud Protection 09/08/2017 Three Rivers District Council 410200 242.54 Trailer for Village Day 09/08/2017 Mrs Y Merritt 410188 124.82 Refund of Petty Cash 09/08/2017 Christchurch Chorleywood 4102014 549.00 Manit Churchyard Quarter 3 09/08/2017 Bank Instant Access Account input error 0.72 In put Mistake 10/08/2017 BT DD 185.00 Internet Services 15/08/2017 TRDC DD 87.00 Cem Rates- August 16/08/2017 Auditing Solutions Ltd 410210 453.60 Internal Audit 16-17 16/08/2017 Maydencroft farm 410211 352.42 Collar & Receiver 16/08/2017 Arco LTD 410212 90.01 Jacket & Trousers PPE 16/08/2017 Banham Aegis Security 410213 117.60 Alarm Maintenance 16/08/2017 410214 Salary 16/08/2017 410215 Salary 16/08/2017 410203 Salary 16/08/2017 410204 Salary 16/08/2017 410205 Salary 16/08/2017 Total salary cost August 410206 15.202.46 Salary 16/08/2017 410207 Salary 16/08/2017 410209 Salary 16/08/2017 410208 Salary 17/08/2017 BT DD 28.44 Parish Office - BB LINE 21/08/2017 E.ON `DD 9.35 South Lodge Gas 21/08/2017 E. ON DD 107.51 South Lodge - Elec 31/08/2017 Mrs Y Merritt 410221 186.08 Refund of Petty Cash 31/08/2017 CASH 410222 157.57 Petty Cash 31/08/2017 Herts County Council 410217 5,684.62 Superannuation

Printed on : 27/11/2017 Chorleywood Parish Council Page No 2

At : 13:46 Current Account

List of Payments made between 01/08/2017 and 27/11/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

31/08/2017 Inland Revenue 410218 6,169.24 Tax & NI 31/08/2017 Castle Water 410216 157.45 South Lodge- water 31/08/2017 George Browns LTD 410219 362.04 Repair of Arm on Tractor 31/08/2017 Urban Forestry 410220 216.00 Ash tree- DKL allotments 31/08/2017 Trimlock Services LTD 4102223 4,320.00 12205/437/Trimlock Services LT 31/08/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410224 738.48 Mem Plaque - 31/08/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410225 356.46 Mem Plaque - FN-569 31/08/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410226 356.46 Mem Plaque - FN-768 31/08/2017 BT Retail DD 30.60 Line Rental - Parish 01/09/2017 PHS DD 219.19 South Lodge Hygiene Collection 04/09/2017 British Gas DD 27.53 Service Contract 05/09/2017 Peter Fleming 410228 22.50 Website Updates 05/09/2017 District Enforcement LTD 410229 446.40 Parking Enforcement 05/09/2017 Three Rivers District Council 410230 146.85 Fire Insurance SL 05/09/2017 Chubb Fire & Security LTD 410231 199.61 Fire check - south Lodge 08/09/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410236 356.46 Mem Plaque - FN-655 11/09/2017 Co-op Credit Card DD 175.38 Credit Card 12/09/2017 War Memorial Hall 410234 373.70 Vat Q1 Refund 12/09/2017 CW Hort Society 410232 100.00 Judging of Allotment Comp 2017 12/09/2017 Mrs C James 410235 259.58 Refund of Petty Cash 12/09/2017 Hertfordshire County Council 410233 85.42 First Aid Equip 12/09/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410237 356.46 Mem Plaques - FN848 12/09/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410238 356.46 Mem Plaques- Q745 12/09/2017 George Browns LTD 410239 104.17 Repair to Mower Belt 13/09/2017 Inland Revenue 410250 5,891.17 Tax & NI 15/09/2017 410240 Salary Sept 15/09/2017 410241 Salary Sept 15/09/2017 410242 Salary September 15/09/2017 410243 Salary Sept

15/09/2017 Total Salaries Sept 410244 14,952.06 Salary Sept 15/09/2017 410245 Salary Sept 15/09/2017 410247 Salary September 15/09/2017 410248 Salary September 15/09/2017 410249 Salary September 15/09/2017 Hertfordshire County Council 410251 5,631.42 Superannuation 15/09/2017 TRDC DD 87.00 Cem Rates 18/09/2017 E.ON DD 10.29 GAs-South Lodge 18/09/2017 BT DD 28.44 Sl - broadband Line 21/09/2017 E.ON DD 80.52 Elec- SL 26/09/2017 PHS DD 88.08 South Lodge Collection 29/09/2017 BT Retail DD 30.60 Line Rental Office 02/10/2017 Affinity Business DD 274.60 Allotments Water 02/10/2017 Affinity For Business DD 275.09 DKl Allotment Water 02/10/2017 Bt Group DD 102.00 Broadband Services SL 02/10/2017 Shire Leasing DD 237.41 Telephone Equipment 03/10/2017 Three Rivers District Council 410252 530.00 Lawn Cem Ref col01/10/17-31/18

Printed on : 27/11/2017 Chorleywood Parish Council Page No 3

At : 13:46 Current Account

List of Payments made between 01/08/2017 and 27/11/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

03/10/2017 Neopost Finance LTD 410253 100.00 Postage Recredit 03/10/2017 BDO LLP 410254 1,602.00 Annual Return fee 03/10/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410256 356.46 Mem Plaque Q879 03/10/2017 Watford Hospital Broadcasting 410257 250.00 PA For Village Day 2017 03/10/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410258 356.46 Mem Plaque- FN734 03/10/2017 Konica Minolta 410259 761.03 Copies 17.06.17-16.09.17 03/10/2017 Maydencroft farm 410260 1,932.05 Common Grazing 03/10/2017 HAPTC LTD 410261 195.00 Training 03/10/2017 Peter Fleming 410262 72.00 Website Updates 03/10/2017 Peter Fleming 410263 450.00 Start Up fee- Word Press Website 03/10/2017 Herts Building & Preservation 410255 30.00 Subscription 03/10/2017 British Gas DD 27.53 Boiler Service Plan SL 05/10/2017 Bank Instant Access Account Trans3 129,783.05 TMP 05/10/2017 Fee Sweep DD 30.00 Bank charge 09/10/2017 Bank Instant Access Account trans4 69.04 TMP 09/10/2017 Co-op Credit Card DD 90.36 Co-op Credit Card 16/10/2017 JRB Enterprise LTD 410265 1,038.00 Dog Bags 100,000 16/10/2017 Hertfordshire Constabulary 410266 7,125.00 PCSO April - March 2017 16/10/2017 Old Bill Pest Control 410267 45.00 Pest Control - Hornet Removal 16/10/2017 Neopost Finance LTD 410269 164.58 Franking System Rental 16/10/2017 TBs Hygiene LTD 410270 423.00 Dog Waste Collection 16/10/2017 TBs Hygiene LTD 410272 338.40 Dog Waste Collection - August 16/10/2017 Right Maintenance LTD 410273 84.00 New Toilet Seat & Fitting 16/10/2017 Davies Brothers Nursery LTD 410275 1,002.82 Plants- CWIB 16/10/2017 Chorleywood War memorial hall 410271 656.63 Vat Refund Q2 16/10/2017 Mrs Y Merritt 410268 67.99 Refund of Petty Cash 16/10/2017 Inland Revenue 410277 5,665.07 Tax & NI 16/10/2017 410279 Salary Oct 16/10/2017 410281 Salary Oct 16/10/2017 410282 Salary Oct 16/10/2017 Total Salaries October 410283 14,481.10 Salary Oct 16/10/2017 410286 Salary Oct 16/10/2017 410287 Salary Oct 16/10/2017 410284 Salary Oct 16/10/2017 410285 Salary Oct 16/10/2017 CASH 410272 175.57 Petty Cash 16/10/2017 Mr R Martin 410276 451.00 Replacement Fence 16/10/2017 Herts County Council 410278 5,486.44 superannuation 16/10/2017 E.On DD 43.92 Gas South Lodge 16/10/2017 Bt DD 492.67 parish Lines x 2 17/10/2017 District Enforcement LTD 410264 93.00 Parking Enforcement 17/10/2017 TRDC DD 87.00 Cem Rates 17/10/2017 Bt DD 28.44 Parish Broadband Line Rental 19/10/2017 Bank Instant Access Account Trans5 6,130.89 TMP 23/10/2017 E.ON DD 121.50 Elec SL

Printed on : 27/11/2017 Chorleywood Parish Council Page No 4

At : 13:46 Current Account

List of Payments made between 01/08/2017 and 27/11/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

23/10/2017 Affinity for Business DD 26.34 Sl- Water 23/10/2017 Affinity for Business DD 39.24 cem Water 31/10/2017 Mr P Fleming 410301 40.50 Website Updates 07/11/2017 Royal British Legion 410292 75.00 Event poppies & Wreaths 07/11/2017 Mr G Townsin 410295 233.70 Damage to car Windscreen 07/11/2017 Mr J Ruth 410302 102.89 Fitting of Brackets CWIB 07/11/2017 B R Boatwright 410289 4,800.00 Cut & Lift common & larks 07/11/2017 Twin Systems PLC 410290 594.00 Setup fee- Online Backup 07/11/2017 Urban Forestry 410291 552.00 tree Works - Common 07/11/2017 Arco LTD 410293 115.39 Toilet Rolls 07/11/2017 HAPTC LTD 410294 40.00 External Auditor & Grants Course 07/11/2017 Falon Nameplates LTD 410297 356.46 Q474 07/11/2017 Mills Window Cleaning Services 410298 30.00 Window cleaning 07/11/2017 Butler Fuels 410299 807.73 Red Diesel 07/11/2017 George Browns LTD 410300 536.26 Flails 07/11/2017 Hertfordshire County Council 410303 13.97 A4 & A5 Diaries 07/11/2017 Twin Systems PLC 410304 78.12 Online Backup Service 07/11/2017 TBs Hygiene LTD 410305 338.40 Dog Bin collection Oct 07/11/2017 Auditing Solutions Ltd 410306 453.60 Internal Audit 17/11/2017 Twin Systems PLC 410316 834.16 Quarterly system report 17/11/2017 District Enforcement LTD 410317 148.80 Parking Enforcement 17/11/2017 J. Byne Haulage LTD 410320 240.00 skip 17/11/2017 410307 Salary 17/11/2017 410308 Salary 17/11/2017 Salary for November 410309 14,332.48 Salary 17/11/2017 410310 Salary 17/11/2017 410311 Mrs Y Merritt 17/11/2017 410312 Salary 17/11/2017 410313 Salary 17/11/2017 410314 Salary 17/11/2017 410315 Salary 17/11/2017 Christchurch Chorleywood 410318 549.00 4th Quarter

Total Payments 285,267.83

Printed on : 27/11/2017 Chorleywood Village Hall Trust Page No 1

At : 13:45 Current Bank Account

List of Payments made between 01/08/2017 and 27/11/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

01/08/2017 W403899 Salary 01/08/2017 Mills Window Cleaning W403900 35.00 WMH Outside windows 01/08/2017 Castle Water DD 17.91 Waste Water 07/08/2017 BT DD 102.00 Broadband Services 08/08/2017 Co-op Credit Card DD 15.99 Co-op Credit Card August 09/08/2017 PHS Group LTD W403902 1,088.62 Sanitary Disposal Aug17-18 09/08/2017 Hertfordshire County Council W403901 25.44 Bleach, mops & Dusters 15/08/2017 TRDC DD 17.00 Bullsland Hall rates- August 15/08/2017 TRDC DD -4.00 Input Error 15/08/2017 TRDC DD 18.00 Hollybush NNDR 15/08/2017 TRDC DD 77.00 WMH Rates 16/08/2017 W403903 Salary August 16/08/2017 W403904 Salary August 16/08/2017 Total Salary August W403905 2,549.08 Salary August

16/08/2017 W403906 Salary August 16/08/2017 W403906 Salary 18/08/2017 E.On DD 16.57 Elec- Hollybush 21/08/2017 E.On DD 9.81 Gas- Bullsland 21/08/2017 E.ON DD 12.25 Gas- War Memorial 21/08/2017 E.ON DD 19.94 Elec Bullsland Hall ` 21/08/2017 E.ON DD 90.25 Elec- WMH 24/08/2017 Bt DD 28.44 Bullsland Wifi- Aug 31/08/2017 Castle Water LTD W403915 151.11 Hollybush Water 31/08/2017 W403916 salary 31/08/2017 W403917 Salary 31/08/2017 Castle Water LTD W403914 342.83 WMH Water 31/08/2017 Castle Water LTD W403913 31.04 Water - WMH 31/08/2017 Castle Water W403912 81.54 Castle Water 31/08/2017 Inland revenue W403907 343.38 Tax & NI - August 31/08/2017 Herts County council W403908 755.80 Superannuation 31/08/2017 Mrs Y merritt W403909 119.00 Microphones and Amp 31/08/2017 CASH W403911 46.52 Petty Cash 01/09/2017 Castle Water DD 17.91 Hollybush Water 05/09/2017 Castle Water W403918 9.59 Bulslland Hall 20/8/17-30/09/1 05/09/2017 TRDC W403919 193.00 H/Y Charge Refuse- Bullsland 05/09/2017 TRDC W403920 663.00 H/Y Charge Refuse -WMH 11/09/2017 CO-OP Credit Card DD 153.39 Credit Card September 12/09/2017 Chorleywood Parish Council W403925 1,370.00 Computers 12/09/2017 Castle Water W403924 156.11 Bullsland Hall Water 12/09/2017 Hertfordshire County Council W403922 79.12 First Aid kits, Brush Handle, 12/09/2017 Chubb Fire & Security LTD W403923 222.98 WMh- Fire Check 12/09/2017 Chubb Fire & Security LTD W40921 161.38 Bullsland- Fire Check 15/09/2017 W403927 Salary- August 15/09/2017 W403928 Mrs L Watts 15/09/2017 W403929 Salary August 15/09/2017 Total salaries August W403930 2,678.99 Salary August

Printed on : 27/11/2017 Chorleywood Village Hall Trust Page No 2

At : 13:45 Current Bank Account

List of Payments made between 01/08/2017 and 27/11/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

15/09/2017 Inland Revenue W403931 384.85 Tax & NI 15/09/2017 Herts County Council W403932 732.57 superannuation 15/09/2017 TRDC DD 13.00 Bullsland Hall Rates 15/09/2017 TRDC DD 18.00 Hollybush Rates 15/09/2017 TRDC DD 77.00 WMH Hall Rates 18/09/2017 E.ON DD 10.11 Gas Bullsland Hall 18/09/2017 E.ON DD 16.12 Gas- WMH 18/09/2017 E.ON DD 16.71 Elec- HB Sept 21/09/2017 E.ON DD 21.97 Elec- Bullsland Hall 21/09/2017 E.ON DD 116.40 Elec WMH 25/09/2017 BT DD 28.44 Bullsland Hall WIFI 26/09/2017 PHS DD 88.08 Bullsland Hall Collection 26/09/2017 PHS DD 88.08 WMH Collection 02/10/2017 Castle Water DD 17.91 Dirty Water- Hollybush 02/10/2017 Affinity for Business DD 27.38 Clean Water Bullsland Hall 03/10/2017 Chorleywood Parish Council 403933 108.00 JK Dance Village Day 03/10/2017 Chorleywood Parish Council 403934 84.92 Install of Projector 03/10/2017 Chorleywood PC W403935 193.00 trade refuse Apr17-Sep17 03/10/2017 Chorleywood Parish Council W403936 663.00 Trade Refuse WMH 03/10/2017 W403938 Salary 06/10/2017 British gas DD 34.30 WMh Boiler Service Plan 09/10/2017 Co-op DD 2.00 Credit Card 13/10/2017 E.ON DD 43.92 Gas - WMH 16/10/2017 TRDC DD 13.00 Bullsland NNDR 16/10/2017 TRDC DD 18.00 Hollybush NNDR 16/10/2017 TRDC DD 77.00 WMH NNDR 17/10/2017 Inland Revenue W403939 455.63 Tax & NI 17/10/2017 Herts County Council W403940 725.75 Superannuation 17/10/2017 W403941 Salary Oct 17/10/2017 Total salary October W405943 2,458.87 Salary Oct 17/10/2017 Mr G Smith W403944 Salary Oct 17/10/2017 Mr M Arnold W403945 Mr m Arnold 17/10/2017 Mr G smith 403944 20.00 Bank Error 19/10/2017 E.On DD 60.01 elec- Hollybush 20/10/2017 E.ON DD 57.04 Elec WMH 23/10/2017 eON DD 14.42 Gas Bullsland 23/10/2017 EON DD 20.02 Elec Bullsland Hall 23/10/2017 Affinity for Business DD 19.90 Clean Water- Hollybush 25/10/2017 BT DD 28.44 Bullsland Hall Wifi 30/10/2017 BT DD 176.28 halls Booking Line 07/11/2017 Mrs J Jackson W403951 200.00 Deposit Refund Bullsland 07/11/2017 Mr j ruth W403952 515.95 Salary Oct 07/11/2017 Hertfordshire County Council W403942 18.58 Air Freshener 07/11/2017 Hertfordshire County Council W403945 10.18 Batteries 07/11/2017 Mills Window Cleaning Services W403946 35.00 92075/102/Mills Window Cleaning 07/11/2017 Auditing Solutions LTD W403950 213.60 Internal Audit 31/10/17

Total Payments 19,258.38