A New Mineral Related to Sillimanite from Pegmatites in Granulite-Facies Rocks

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A New Mineral Related to Sillimanite from Pegmatites in Granulite-Facies Rocks American Mineralogist, Volume 83, pages 638±651, 1998 Boralsilite (Al16B6Si2O37): A new mineral related to sillimanite from pegmatites in granulite-facies rocks EDWARD S. GREW,1,* JAMES J. MCGEE,2 MARTIN G. YATES,1 DONALD R. PEACOR,3 ROLAND C. ROUSE,3 JOEP P.P. HUIJSMANS,4 CHARLES K. SHEARER,5 MICHAEL WIEDENBECK,6 DOUGLAS E. THOST,7 AND SHU-CHUN SU8 1Department of Geological Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469, U.S.A. 2Department of Geological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, U.S.A. 3Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. 4Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, P.O. Box 1, NL 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands 5Institute of Meteoritics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, U.S.A. 6Advanced Materials Laboratory, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106, U.S.A. 7Australian Geological Survey Organization, G.P.O. Box 378, Canberra A.C.T., Australia 8Hercules Research Center, 500 Hercules Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19808, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Boralsilite, the ®rst natural anhydrous Al-B-silicate, is a high-temperature phase in peg- matites cutting granulite-facies metapelitic rocks at Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay, east Ant- arctica (type locality) and Almgjotheii in the contact aureole of the Rogaland Intrusive Complex, southwestern Norway. Stable assemblages include: (1) quartz-potassium feld- spar-boralsilite-schorl/dravite (Larsemann Hills); (2) potassium feldspar-plagioclase(An22)- boralsilite-werdingite-dumortierite-grandidierite (Almgjotheii); (3) quartz-potassium feld- spar-boralsilite-dumortierite-andalusite 6 sillimanite (Almgjotheii). Boralsilite is estimated to have formed between 600 and 750 8C and 3±5 kbar at conditions where PHO2 , Ptot. The name is from the composition, boron, aluminum, and silicon. Representative electron and ion microprobe (SIMS) analyses of Larsemann Hills are: SiO2 10.05 [12.67]; Al2O3 71.23 [69.15]; FeO 0.48 [1.10]; MgO below detection [0.23]; BeO 0.004 [0.094]; B2O3 19.63 [18.11] wt%, totals 101.39 [101.35] wt% where the numbers in brackets were de- termined from Almgjotheii material. However, the SIMS B2O3 values appear to be system- atically too high; boron contents calculated assuming B 1 Si 5 8 and O 5 37 atoms per formula unit (apfu) yield B2O3 18.53 wt% corresponding to Fe0.08Al15.98B6.09Si1.91O37 ideally Al16B6Si2O37 for Larsemann Hills. The analogous composition of Mg0.07Fe0.18- Al15.66Be0.04B5.565Si2.435O37 for Almgjotheii appears to result from solid solution of boralsilite with sillimanite (or Al8B2Si2O19) and subordinate werdingite. Boralsilite forms prisms up to 2 mm long \b and 0.25 mm across and is commonly euhedral in cross section. It is colorless and prismatic cleavage is fair. Optically, it is biaxial (1); at l5589 nm, the Larsemann Hills material has a51.629(1), b51.640(1), g51.654(1), 2Vmeas 5 81.8 (6), r . v extremely weak, and g\b. It is monoclinic, space group C2/m with lattice parameters for Larsemann Hills of a 5 14.767(1), b5 5.574(1), c 5 15.079 (1) AÊ , b5 Ê 3 3 91.96(1)8,V 5 1240.4 (2) A , Z 5 2, and Dcalc 5 3.07 g/cm . INTRODUCTION ®rst reported naturally occurring compound related to The new mineral boralsilite is the ®rst anhydrous Al- synthetic, ternary Al-B-Si compounds orthorhombic in B-silicate to be discovered in nature. This high-tempera- symmetry and having structural af®nities to sillimanite ture phase occurs in two pegmatites cutting granulite-fa- and mullite (``boron-mullites,'' Werding and Schreyer cies metapelitic rocks, one each at two localities: (1) 1984, 1996). Subsequently, Werding and Schreyer (per- sonal communication) succeeded in hydrothermally syn- Stornes Peninsula, Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay, east Ant- thesizing boralsilite at 1±4 kbar and 700±800 8C. arctica (698249 S, 768079 E), and (2) Almgjotheii in the The discovery of boralsilite began with the description aureole of the Rogaland intrusive complex, southwestern and analysis of Huijsmans (1981) and Huijsmans et al. Norway (58 33 N, 6 31 E), upgrade from the hyper- 8 9 8 9 (1982) of an unknown columnar mineral from the sthene-in isograd (Tobi et al. 1985). Boralsilite is also the Almgjotheii pegmatite. Subsequent study showed the un- known mineral to consist of two distinct minerals (Grew * E-mail: [email protected] 1996): werdingite, from which Huijsmans's (1981) anal- 0003±004X/98/0506±0638$05.00 638 GREW ET AL.: BORALSILITE: A NEW Al-B-Si MINERAL 639 TABLE 1. Minerals in the studied thin sections Locality Larsemann Almgjotheii, Norway Hills Specimen 8812905 HE138B Section no. 1±2 3±6 1234 Quartz (Qtz) X X X X X X Potassium feldspar (Kfs) X X X X X X Plagioclase (Pl) T Ð T Ð T X Muscovite, secondary (Ms) T T T T T T Chlorite, secondary Ð Ð Ð Ð T T Sillimanite (Sil) Ð Ð T Ð ? T Andalusite (And) Ð Ð T T T X Tourmaline (Tur) X X X X X X Grandidierite (Gdd) Ð Ð X X X X Dumortierite (Dum) Rose, high-Ti Ð Ð Ð T X X Blue to purple, low-Ti Ð Ð T T T T Werdingite (Wrd) Ð Ð T X X Ð Boralsilite (Bor) Ð X X X X T Hercynite Ð Ð T Ð T T Corundum (Crn) Ð Ð T T T T Diaspore, secondary Ð T Ð Ð Ð Ð Rutile T T Ð Ð Ð Ð Leucoxene Ð Ð T Ð T Ð Wolframite Ð Ð Ð Ð Ð T Pyrite Ð T Ð Ð Ð Ð Apatite T T T Ð Ð Ð Zircon T Ð T Ð Ð T Xenotime T T T Ð Ð Ð Monazite ? Ð T Ð T Ð Note: X 5 major constituent, T 5 trace constituent (in a given section). Mineral abbreviations follow Kretz (1983) and Grew (1996). yses were obtained (Grew et al. 1998), and a new phase (described in this paper) with optical properties and com- position distinct from those of werdingite. The Almgjoth- FIGURE 1. Photomicrographs of specimen no. 8812905, eii material was intractable for X-ray study. Characteriza- Larsemann Hills, east Antarctica. (A) A skeletal boralsilite prism tion of the new mineral was realized after the (Bor) in quartz (Qtz, Q) separating it from potassium feldspar serendipitous discovery that a sillimanite-like mineral in (Kfs). Crossed nicols. (B) Boralsilite surrounded by blue tour- maline (Tur) in quartz. M indicates the analyzed pale margin of a tourmaline-quartz intergrowth collected by D.E. Thost the tourmaline; the core area is darker, Tur-C (see Table 7, col. in 1988 from the Larsemann Hills was identical to the 2±3, respectively). Plane light. second mineral in Huijsmans's specimen. This sample was amenable to X-ray study, and thus Larsemann Hills is designated the type locality. commonly lie parallel to one another. The prisms occur The name is from the composition, boron, aluminum, either in open clusters or tight bundles up to 1 cm long. and silicon. The new mineral and the name have been Some have a euhedral cross section (rhombic or pseu- approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Min- dohexagonal). Boralsilite is, to varying degrees, replaced eral Names of the IMA. Holotype material is preserved by diaspore (con®rmed by electron microprobe analysis) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian and by a low-birefringence material, which could be ka- Institution as NMNH 171403 and the Almgjotheii spec- olinite, the lines of which were noted in an X-ray powder imen as NMNH 171404. pattern. Boralsilite occurs mostly in quartz, but a few prisms are found in potassium feldspar. The latter prisms PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION are either isolated from potassium feldspar by a quartz Larsemann Hills, Antarctica selvage (Fig. 1A) or entirely pseudomorphed by the low- Boralsilite has been found in a single specimen: D. birefringence material. Nonetheless, local contacts of the Thost's no. 8812905 from the Stornes Peninsula (Table pseudomorphs with potassium feldspar imply the former 1). This specimen is a tourmaline-quartz intergrowth con- coexistence of potassium feldspar with boralsilite. No sisting of black tourmaline grains up to 1 cm long and plagioclase was found near boralsilite. Zoned blue tour- gray quartz. Feldspar grains (to 1 cm) are pinkish and maline locally appears between or around boralsilite scattered through the intergrowth. Boralsilite forms a sin- prisms (Fig. 1B). This tourmaline is distinct in color and gle patch of ®brous aggregates of ®ne prisms in a quartz- composition from the dominant and earliest-formed tour- rich part of the specimen. In thin section, the prisms are maline in the intergrowth, which is black in hand speci- typically 0.05±0.3 mm wide, up to 2 mm long \b, and men, moderate to dark olive (v) in thin section, and gen- 640 GREW ET AL.: BORALSILITE: A NEW Al-B-Si MINERAL FIGURE 3. Backscattered electron image of boralsilite (black)-werdingite (gray) intergrowth, illustrating ladderlike (``scalariform'') intergrowth. Specimen no. HE138B2. FIGURE 2. Backscattered electron image of boralsilite (Bor) in quartz (Qtz) near potassium feldspar (Kfs) cut by quartz vein. grandidierite (.1 cm long), boralsilite is found mixed Several dumortierite grains (e.g., Dum) and one Al2SiO5 grain (Als) are present in the quartz, but cannot be distinguished in with ®ner-grained grandidierite and werdingite in a pla- this image. Analyses of boralsilite and dumortierite are listed in gioclase (An22 in one spot) aggregate in HE138B1 (Fig. Tables 5 (columns 6 and 7) and 6 (column 1). Plagioclase (Pl). 4). The ®ner-grained (,2 mm) blue to purple variety of Specimen no.
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    The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Earth Science Faculty Scholarship Earth Sciences 4-1-2011 Holtite and Dumortierite from the Szklary Pegmatite, Lower Silesia, Poland A. Pieczka Edward S. Grew University of Maine - Main, [email protected] L. A. Groat R. J. Evans Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/ers_facpub Part of the Earth Sciences Commons Repository Citation Pieczka, A.; Grew, Edward S.; Groat, L. A.; and Evans, R. J., "Holtite and Dumortierite from the Szklary Pegmatite, Lower Silesia, Poland" (2011). Earth Science Faculty Scholarship. 42. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/ers_facpub/42 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Earth Science Faculty Scholarship by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Mineralogical Magazine, April 2011, Vol. 75(2), pp. 303–315 Holtite and dumortierite from the Szklary Pegmatite, Lower Silesia, Poland 1 2 3 3 A. PIECZKA ,E.S.GREW ,L.A.GROAT AND R. J. EVANS 1 Department ofMineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry, AGH À University ofScience and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krako´w, Poland 2 Department ofEarth Sciences, University ofMaine, 5790 Bryand Global Sciences Center, Orono, Maine 04469- 5790, USA 3 Department ofEarth and Ocean Sciences, University ofBritish Columbia 6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T IZ4, Canada [Received 24 November 2010; Accepted 30 March 2011] ABSTRACT The Szklary holtite is represented by three compositional varieties: (1) Ta-bearing (up to 14.66 wt.% Ta2O5), which forms homogeneous crystals and cores within zoned crystals; (2) Ti-bearing (up to 3.82 wt.% TiO2), found as small domains within the core; and (3) Nb-bearing (up to 5.30 wt.% Nb2O5,) forming the rims of zoned crystals.
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