INTERCHANGEABLE LENSES OFFER catalogue. Each lens has uni que features to developed with the latest technologies and YOU TOTAL CREATIVE CONTROL provide you with t he ultimate in both high crafted w ith skills that are not inhibited by performance and high quality. estab lished standards. Instead , Tamron creates ORIGINAL TECHNOLOGY One reason for the popularity of single-lens new standards. All so that you are able to Extra Features to Give You The Extra reflex (SlRs) is their ease of use w ith a With Every Tamron Lens, You Get create pictures with faithful colour rendition, Edge great variety of lenses of differing focal lengths. Superb Image Quality Backed by high contrast and unsurpassed definition of A single scene can be totall y transformed by Tamron's Advanced Technology both highlights and shadow s- even under the simply changing lenses. You can create images most demanding conditions. And all with A fine SlR lens m,ust start with the'finest optical from the striking spat ial pe rs pective of an equipment that is light, compact, and characteristics, such as contrast, resol ution and ultra-w ide 17mm lens to the large magnification convenient to handle. colour fidelity. But it cannot end there. The of distant objects w ith ultra-telephoto lenses. is the art of capturing fleeting majori ty of SLR s are light, compact, easy to use And with a zoom lens, you can cover all the moments w hich happen only once. At Tam ron and versatile. Their lenses must be too. focal lengths between the two extremes w e know that, because w e are photographers At Tam ron, w e believe there can be no without having to change lenses. too. We w ouldn't want to miss any of those compromise between quality and convenience At Tamron, we have for years specialised in moments. And w e wouldn't want you to, either. of use . A Tamron lens must have the highest producing optics of the highest quality, Continuous Focusing [!liI standards of both, w ithout sacrificing one for resulting in the comprehensive range of 35mm Tamron's Continuous Focusing (CFl feature lets the other. The result is a family of lenses interchangeable lenses illustrated in this you hold you r su b ject in focus from infinity to macro {the minimum focusing distancel, simply by

f 35mm, F/4, 1/60 sec (TAMRON 35-70mm FI3.S)

/,-'21Omm. FIB. 1/250 sec (TA MRON SP35-21Onun FI3.5-4.2) f 48mm, FI8, 1/60 sec (TAMRON SP24-48mm FI3.5-3.8) f 9Omm, FIB, 1/250 sec (TA MRON SP90mm F/2.S)

TAMRON Photographic Accessories F-IFixedl System Special Cases for Tamron Short Zooms/ Exclusive Lens Hoods 2X Auto Tele­ SP90mm and Telephoto/ Zoom Lenses Special Tamron lens hoods available as optional extras for Filters for SP Converters One case is ava ilable for use w ith most Tamron sh ort zooms the Tamron SP 24-48rnm F/3.5-3.8, SP 28-80mm F/3.5-4.2, 500mm F/ B Tele­ and SP 90mm FI2.5 and another for the Tamron 35-135mm 3S -70mm F/3.5, SP 35-80mm F/2,8-3.8, SP 28-13Smm A ra nge of high quality and BO-210mm (without hood) with the ca mera in use. The F/4-4.S, SP 3S-'13Smm FI3.S-4.S, SP 35 -210mrn F/3 .S-4.2, Macro Catadioptric 7 -element fixed mount 2X case is avai lable in three sizes (small, medium and large) to 28m rn F/2.S and SP gOmm F/2.S. Rea r 30.5mm filter set auto tele-converters with fit most popular SLR's. BBAR coat ing. Available for consisting of ND4X, Y52, ~ 056 and R6D available. Penlax/Praktica screw ND2X and 81 B rear fi lters mqunt, -K, Ni kon Ai, and a special 82mm normal MO, O lympus OM, fro nt filter also ava il able as (anon FD. and optional extras. /. Supplied with case.

, --- --.. ~ rotating the focusing ring. You don't have to take the macro mode at any focal length, instead of photography. Furthermore, it enables you to use fixed-mount. Whereas fixed-mount lenses can your eye away from the subject to grope for a having to pre-select a particular setting in advance. today's new ultra-fas t film s in even the brightest only be used w ith cameras o f the same mount mac ro button-there isn't one on a Tamron CF This can improve the speed and convenience with light without risking over-exposure or having to system (this usually means sticking to one make lens. Tamron pioneered the CF feature so that you which the macro mode can be selected, and also switch bodies and films. of camera), Tamron lenses can be qUickly and (an concentrate purely on composing and allows you to create special effects by zooming M.O.D. Selector System IMele) simp ly coupled to almost any SLR on the capturing the image on film. during exposure. The Tamron M.OD. (Minimum Object Distance) market. Therefore, should you decide to change Tele-Macro iii!iI Constant F-Number Selector System enhances the close focusing or upgrade your camera body (or simply require I he "tele-macro" function found on many Tam ron On Tamron lenses featuring' constant F-n umbers, capabili ties of your lens. It gives you different an additional body) you will not be restricted /Oom lenses means that the maximum the F-number (the ratib of light transmitted minimum operating d istances for each focal length just to the cameras which will fit your lens magnification ratio of these lenses is obtained at through the lens aperture) stays the same even along the entire zoom range. The possibilities this system. Also, should you ever decide to the telephoto end of the zooming rang e, allowing when you focus from macro to infinity. You don't provides you are endless, from macro photography you to keep a convenient distance from your have to worry about variations in exposure as you at telephoto lens positions to close-up upgrade any of your Tamron lenses, as your ,ubject. This can be an important asset for many zoom, And if you're using an automatic electronic photography at Wide-angle positions, interest in your hobby advances, you will find it macro users, especially when shooting wildlife or flash, you will obtain the correct exposure without a great advantage that many more camera other subjects which may be easi ly disturbed or having to make any compensation for it. Tamron's Unique Interchangeable Lens owners are able to consider your· lens as distracted . A secondary advantage is that the Mount System Enables Tamron Lenses opposed to one with a fixed-mount. F/32 Minimum Aperture ~ In creased camera-to-subject distance allows to Be Used With Most SLRs Photographic d ubs and societies find that the lighting to be easily arranged without obstruction. and Half-Stop Aperture Settings Tamron are virtua!!y alone amongst lens interchangeability of Tamron lenses make them With nearly all Tamron lenses you can stop the Full Zoom Function ~ aperture righ t down to F132, giving you the extra manufacturers in producing lenses which utilise an ideal way of spreading costs when sharing Several Tamron zoom lenses al low you to enter depth-of-field so often vital for macro an intercha ng eabl~ mount system instead of a equipment, for example, at club evenings.

f 30Omm, F/ll, 1/12S sec (TAMRON SP6o-300mm FIB,S'SA) j=21Omm, Tele·macro 1:2.7 ( TAMRON SP7o-21Omm FIB.S) Hard Case BBAR Multi-Layer Coating All Ta mron lenses are ; ':.!~;:'. i n a hard case w ith a Conventional single-layer lens coatings, developed in the 1930's. carry ing strap. Ir effectively prevent fla re and internal reflections only in the Simplest lens deSigns . Through Tam ron's uni que Broad-Ba nd Anti-Reflection coating, as many as 7 coating layers are deposited on each glass-to-alr surface. The result: Significantly increased light transmission. virtual elimination of fla re and internal re flections, and a beautifully crisp and accurate rendition of even most subtle colours in your pictures. This superior coating technology is but another reason for the continuing acceptance of Tamron lenses by photographers throughout the world.

Ta mron Lens w/multi-layer SBAR coating r The Tamron Familyof Len Light Weight and Compact Size l\!Jatched Q Model 1 3 A ~Iilll this Tamron lens st ill offers you compilct size and light weig ht. c_. With its one-touch, three-action control, this is a highly versat ile SP24~4SmmF3.5/,. ... to the Ultimate in Optical e lens; ready for a wide variety of photographic opportunities from This is a compact high-periormance ID... candid portraits to motor racing or nature photography. zoom lens that is also extremely .. al Model 3' A I!!ii ~ Iilll iHiJ ~ versatile, coverin g the most ID .. commonly used wide-engle to SP 20Cl--50OmmF5.6 normal focal length ranges (24mm, 28mm, 35m m and standard ). ::I ... This powerful tele-zoom lens has Th is Tamron lens le ts you focus as close as O.6m (2 3.6 ' ). As the lens incorporates a new type of optica l system designed to an extremely fa st maximum minimise flare which is lik ely to occur at a wide angle position » \~ aperture of F/S ,6, which is with conventional super-wide l ooms, it provides high contrast ::I maintained throughout the entire images throughout the zoomin g range. Ie zoom range, allOW ing the usC' of most TTL metering and AE systems. The 14-element 10-group design provides exceptionally ID- hig h contrast and optimum fre edom from chromat ic and Model 27 A I!!ii Iilll iHiJ ~ Mlolo] o en spherical aberrations, The resolvi ng properties of the lens are SP28-S0mmF3.5/4.2 outstanding, eve n down to the minimum object distance of only 0 2.5 metres (8,2'), The SP200-500mm F/s,6 is not on ly the Thi s new Tamron le ns extends the ... closest focusi ng 200-s00mm zoom lens aVil ilable - its features range of possib il ities and is rapid ly also include a tri pod mount, a drop-in one-touch rear filter gaining popularity as the new <_. system and a buil t-in lens hood. A conveni e nt an d durable hard "standard" loom. It provides Q Model l3A ~ Iilll Model 01A I!!ii 1illl~""lo l o] carrying case is supplied as standard. wide-angle* coverage- extended to 28mm. w ith telephoto coverage ID o Model 27A I!!iilillliHiJ ~I~lolo ] Model 17A ["!1;I£ffimi~] h~l.l.) o o Model 28A Iilll ~ extended to SOmm. Ideally suited to everything from snapshots ~ mMode l 028 Iilll and scenic views to portraiture, th is l oom delive rs ra zo r sharp SP 24-4SmmF3.5/3.8 SP 2S-S0mmF 3.5/4.2 35-70mmF3.5 SP 35-S0mmF2.S/3.8 SP 2S-135mmF4/4.5 re production throughout its wide ra nge of focal lengths. Minimum 2SmmF2.5 focusing distance wit hin the F = 32mm to 80mm range is O.36m 'i_. (14.2"), and at the 80mm settin g macro photography wi th a ... I This popular Wide-angle lens maximum magnifi cation of 1 :3.4 is possible. features a fast F/2.s maximum :r aperture, togethe r w ith a compact ~~, lengths of only 37.5mm (1.5 ") and a C_. weight of o nl y 180g (6.3oz,1. Its iront and rear groups consist of 35-70mmF3.5 ... two concave and two co nv ex elements, each optimallrarrang-ed ... to reduce fla re to a minimum and produce exceptiona Image !?v.~ This is the classic standard l 0o.m _ t~fi;n~!_ ~s, combining light weight With ID quality from edge to edge, With a minimum focusing distance of O.25m (9,8"), you get excell ent close-up capabilities as well. The COfIlp.:!t::t dimenslofTs- for excellent .. ~\t~ portability. With thi s one lens you ID Tamron 28mm FI2.5 lets you capture strik ing w ide-angle effe cts even in low li ght. can cover most everyday shooting situations, which require focal ::I lengths in the 35mm Wide-angle to 70mm short telephoto ra nge , ... II) Model 52B I!!ii iHiJlilll In addition, macro photography with a maximum magn if ication (alio of 1 :2,8 at F-70rnm is possible al the minimum object ;t SPSOmmF2.5 cffit ance of O,25m (9.8") , without -ril nge, pxtremelv COmpilrt RII-. ultra-telephoto lens is so compact l oom measurin g only 1 00.5mm 13.96") long with superb handling - ~ . U dial It le~l~ comlOlldoiy Ifl lill;: ~aim and offering all the convenience of a standard zoom. High of your hand, thanks to its un ique refractive-index glass and a newly developed four-group mirror-lens deSign. Aberration changes as a result of fOCUSing arc multi-motion design combine to give superb sharpness and compensated for by the new evaporated silver rear-reflex mirror distortion-free pe formance at every focal length. Ideal fo r general te<:hnology. Focusing is continuous from infinity to macro wi th a purpose. ponalture and travel photogr performance tele-converte rs, created in response to profeSSional qualit y In nature, portraiture, sports and many other applications - demands, you <.:an be assured of the ultimate in quality. 0>. o Model 103A I!!ii ~Iml iHiJ ~ 4D Model 200F SCl--2 10mmF3.S/4 High-Pertor manee SP 2X T ele-Converter The key to the optical superiority of ! A lightweight, compact design Model VI ~ the new Ta mron SP200F high- 4D Model 200F ID l40F ----M1 . ~ l t. _+ coupled .with high performance has SP 1.4X r:J N 1l()- performance 2X tele-converter lies //:Jj U I made thiS Tamron telephoto lOom SP 2X Tele-Converter in its 6-element 4-group optical t the best-selling loom in many 4JI Model 01F Tele-Converter system using high-diffraction glass and div ided into two major count.ries. Its one-touch, three-action mechanism gives it excellent Q) Model 608 ~ Iilll ,«i) Model 5588 I!!ii lim iHiJ parts: the front group w ith negative refractive power and the rear handling. Other advanced functions are also provided, such as SP 2X Tele-Converter group with positive refractive powe r. Thanks to this new optical tele-macro capabilities with a maximum magnification ratio of SP300~F2.S LOI.F. III Model 02F system, spherical and chromatic aberratio ns, together with image 1 :2.8}t F . 210m.m~ with a min imum focusing distance of 0.9m 500mm SP500nvnFS field curvature, are thoroughly compensated for, giv ing superb (35.4 ). ThiS lens IS Ideal for sports, portrait, nature and everyrlJ}. W Model05T , Tele-View Adaptor image quality from edge to edge. The tele-converter requires just photography. ya ay III Model 09F two stops exposure increase whilst in creasing magnification by 2X. 20-60X Catadioptric Zoom When attached to a Tamron Its compact design helps it retain the handling qualities of any of Tamron Unipod-Pro in terchangeable lens, this adaptor the fo ll owing Tamron lenses with which it may be used : 13Smm ® Model 30A [!]ij Iilll iHiJ ~ creates a telescope with ! Spotting Scope The Tamron unipod-pro is a truly professional quality F/2.s , 5P300mm F/2.8 , 5P300mm F/s.6, 5P500mm F/8, a w ide field of view and SP200-s00mm F/5.6. SPSO-ZOOmmFZ.S LD un ipod with i1 solid construction using rigid, all the high performance, Zoom lens photography attains new specially treated alum in ium tu be having a high resolution (I) Model 140F e- ij ~ ~.I . ~t- versatility with this exciting addition maximum diameter of 44mm (1.7") characteristics of a fine to the Tamron range. This fast h ig h­ and a generous size camera High-Pertor manee SP 1.4X T ele-Converter 1 platform fo r maximum performance tele-loom not only Th is tele-converter uses a 5-element covers the most fre.quently used long fo cal lengths but a lso offers If'11l] 3-group optical system with the speed quality comparable to fixed focal length telephoto il~ d ~lU' . elements made from high-refractive lenses. Despite t~e fas t F/2.8 maximum aperture the le ns is very glass. The design consists of compact measuring only 178mm (7"1 in length by the employment stability and cemented front and rear groups and corrects various aberrations of a new fou~ group optical design using high refractive-index normally arising w ith ordinary tele-converters and multipliers. Thus glass. Abe~rat l ons , III particular chromatic, which are often the sharpest possible resu lts, This excelle nt quality is assured. This teleconverter is supplied as a hrevalent In f.a~t lOom lenses having a conventional optical design standard accessory with the new Tamron 5P300mm F/ 2.8 L.D . I.E ave been minimised by the use of low-dispertion (LD) glass unipod is ideal where space is restricted and a le ns. It is also compatible w ith all Tamron fi xed focal length lenses ele~ent~ couple? With a ~ew design giving optimum power of 90mm or greater and the new 5P200-S00 F/s.6 zoom le ns. The tripod cannot be used and dl s t~lbutlon With in the optical system. (Thb lens is expected to be tele-converter is remarkable compact, measurin g a mere 21.9mm avarl ablc In summer 1985). for ease w hen travelling. This I Tamron zoom telescope is the worlds' smallest and (O.S6 in) and weighing just 169 grams (6.0 Oll, yet in creases the ID Model 23A Iilll ~ lig htest i (mirror) optic yield ing a high magnific ation of magnification of iamroin lenses by 1.4X. Only a one-stop exposure 20-60X excellent periorman<.:e characteristi<.:S. An innovative photographiC le ns. For increase is required. When you combine it with the Tamron SP6G-300mmF3.S/5.4 I using silver-sputtered rear-reflex mangin mirrors example, the Tamron SP300mm F/2 .8, for example, you have a 420mm F/4 fast undistorted im ages without chro matic a be rrati o n, This is an ultra high performance Te le-View Adaptor ultra-telephoto. common o<.:cu rance in high magnification teleS<.:opes converts a zoom lens to a -- IlIIl -n- ~ - tele-loom lens with a zoom ratio of 5X. spanning the wide range of e" pl"y conventional optica l design theorie s. lOom tele scope and the ~ focal lengths from a standard 60mm ul tra-telephoto 5P SOOmm to super .tele photo 3 00mm, With optical performance that delivers Conti nuous Focus (CF) Full Zoom Functi on F32 Aperture Tele-Macro Constant F-Num ber Minimum Object Di stance (M.OD.) Selector System le ns to a powerful 2S X out standing resolut ion and contra st throughout its l ooming range, ~ ~ ~ ~ IM-]-) spotting scope.

.. , Specifications of TAM RON Lenses

Con- Focal Min. Focus Macro Mag. Filter Length at "" Tamron Adaptall-2 Interchangeable Mount Aperture Angle of struction Diameter Weight Model Length from Film Ra tio Size in. (mm) lens Hood Accessory Range View I In. (mm) oz. Igm) (mm) Plane in. (mIt Imm l [w/ System I mount]

77 in 2.5 2.4 (61 .0) 12.2 Bayonet , 13. 24- 48 9/10 23.6 (0.6) - Hood IIccepts 7 7mm lill &l1; . ' ~;2-::';' " hood 164.5) 12.6 (65.5)) (346) f/3.5- 4 .2 1:3.4 11:1.71 3.2 182.0) 16.9 Bayonet Accepts F-system 27. 28-80 75' - 30" 1 8/9 Iii 1! ,2IO.361 2,' - 32 , AE 1f-8Omm) '7 (70.0) 13.4 (86.5)] (480) 'yp' 2X tele-converter. F/3.5 9 .8 (0.25) 1:2.8 [1:1.4 1 , L6 Push-on Accepts F·system , 17. 35 -70 - 34" 1 717 ,,'6., -32, AE .' 1f::7Omml (f .. 7Omm) " I . ,;; : ~~~ (330) 'YP' 2X tele-convener. I f / 2.8-3.8 1:2.5 [1:1.25] 2.5 13.6 01' 3S-S0 ·30" 8/9 ~IO . 27 ) p~n Ac cepts 01 f conven er. , .' " . i ; F/4-4.5 78.7 (2.0) 1:4 [ 1:2) 2. 42 2~0~ 25.2 Bayonet 28. 28- 135 10/ 17 67 Accepts 0 1 F converter. - 32. AE " (f= 135mm) \f = 28mm) (70.01 [4.4 \1 10.5) ) (71 5) 'YO' F/3.5 - 4.5 3\ .5 (0. 81 1:4[1: 2) 3.8 (96.0) 19.3 BIlY (ln8t 40' 35-135 63°- 18° 13/ 15 2.' Accepts 01 F C(lT'lVerter. - 32. AE If .. 135mm) (f _35mm) " (65) (4. 0 '(\00.5)) (547) type I F/ 3. 5 -4.2 63.011.6) 1:3.B \1 : 1.91 4.8\1 21.2 ) 30.9 Bayonet 26A 3S-2 10 64°-1 1° 12/16 67 2.' Accepts 0 1 F converter. -22. AE (1_210mm) (f=3Smm) 173.0) Is.O (125.7)] IB75) type , I F/ 3.S 30.3 Bayonet I 19AH 70-210 34" _ 12" 11/1 5 33.5 10.B5) 62 2.' Accepts 01 F converter. - 32. AE ~;:~,'~; . I (71 .0) [6S. 1.9 :~~~~)l . IS60) type F/ 3.8 -4 26 5.4 (137.7) 22.4 Screw in One of the most important reasons for the worldwide popularity 103A ISO-210 10/1 3 35.4 (0.9) 1:2.8 [1:1 .41 Accepts 01 F converter. 30°-1'" [S.6 (1 42.2)] (634) of Tamron lens es is that the unique interchangeable mount - 32. AE " 165.0) ~ F/ 2.B 3.1 6.8 \173.5) 43.0 Bayonet system allows Tamron lenses to be qUi ckly and easily coupled to 30A 30"-1 2" 1211 6 59.0 (1 .5) 77 Ac cepts 01 F converter. - 32. AE (80.0) [7.0 (178)] (1.2 18) type most SlR came ras. So should you decide to buy another camera, F/ 3.8 - 5.4 2.7 641 . 30.7 Bayonet ins tead of your lenses becoming obsolete you si mply change the 23. 60-300 40°-8" 1 1/ 15 1i fl';'~ b~~jl Accepts 0 1F converter. - 32. AE ( l=4j~6;;'% ) " 168.0) [6.6 (166" .0)) 18701 type mount to su it your new camer a. In nearl y every case, full Fl5.S rear 4.1 14.2 1 96.1 II Accepls OlF. 140F, 200F compatibility is retained which allows you to use all of 31. 12°- 5" 10/ 14 9S.4 12.51 1:3.5 11:1.751 12 . . . the automatic functions offered by your camera . F/2.5 2.5 1.3 Sc r e w ~ i n 028 75" 7/7 9.8 (0.251 1 :5.8 6.3 [IBOI , " - 32, AE 4 ' (6 4.5) [ 1.5 I type Screw -in Adaptall-2 Mounts Available for: 528 90 6/6 15.3 (0.39) 1:2 [ 1: 11 49 Accepts 0 1F, 1 40F converters. ~ "" ~ ~ ~ • Canon FO/ FT Series F/ 2.8 4 3 8.3 (21 0. 5) 13.9 Bayonet converters. • Contax/ Yashica Series 608 300 7/10 9S.4 (2.5) - 4.' - 32. AE 2 (11 7.5) [8.5 (21511 (2,096) 140F lAX COfl'lerler and • ST Series I '" 'YO' palm-holder • Fujica AX Bayonet Series supplied 8S stan dard accessory • Konica AR Series I 30.5 Screw-in Accepts OIF. 140F. 200F • Leica R4 Series 3.4 (87) 18.9 65BB 500 ' /6 5" 4/7 66.9 (1.7) 1:3 [1 :1.51 rea r 3.3 (8 4) type converters • ZE Series I [3.6(91.5)) (535) • (82 front) reversible Additional 30.Smm rear and • Minolta MD/ SR Series 82mm front filter s ava il able as optional extras. • Nikon AilE Series . • Olympus OM Series I 12.0 1305) • Pentax ES/Spotmatic Series 05T 9/13 65 25 41.6 - 164.5) [13.8 1350)1 11 1S0) • Pentax K Series • Praktica SElectric Reta ins the 2X the mag. 2.5 1.7 (42.5) 2Xfo cathle I I (Orig~~~I)I I I 5/6 S.8 (250) • Praktiea 8200 OIF - - 16 4.5) [1.9 (4 7)) length 01 ) min. f ocus of ratio ori9inallens of originallen$ • XR-P I originat • SLNoigtlander VSL Series I lens , . • Topeon RE Series Re ta in$ the 2X the mag. 2.2 (56.7) • Universal (42mm Screw) 2Xloc theal f IIOri9~~~I) Iens 4/6 2.6 9.9 12821 200' - min. focus of rati o - (66.5) 12.4161.2)) • " C" mount for CCTVNTR cameras and 16mm movie cameras length of origina" ens of onginal lens , original • " MS" mount for CCTVNTR cameras , len$ Specifications and availabili ty are subject to Change without notic e. I .4X the Re tains the 1.4 X the mag, 0 _86 (21.9) 140F focal I( O r ~ i.~a~ . 3/5 2.' 6.0 (169) I - min. focus of - [64.51 [ 1.0 4 {26.41] length of original 'ens of I original I o r i~i ~:"e ,, lens , Specifications and availability are subject to change without notice.

Manufacturers of lenses for photographic, industrial, Distributed in the UK and Eire by I la boratory, video, Hnd scientific applications. • Tokyo Office: JOHNSONS Tamron Bldg., 17 -11, 7-chome, Takinogawa, Kita-ku, OF HENDON, I Tokyo, 14 PRIESTLEY WAY' LONDON J'I,-W2 7TJ'I," Tel: (03) 916-0131 Telex: )23977, 272-2220 TAMRON Teleph one 01·450 8070 'Telex 923812 Cabl" "TAMRONTAISEI TOKYO " ;

Printed in Japan i - .1