“The Duel of the Ironclads” the CSS Virginia
“The Duel of the Ironclads” Hampton Roads, Virginia 9 March 1862 The US Navy Historical Center Compiled and Edited by Major Paul L. Stokes USMC 20 February 2004 “The Duel of the Ironclads” Table of Contents Map of Hampton Roads Area and Lower James River, Virginia, 1861 3 The CSS Virginia 4 CSS Virginia destroys USS Cumberland and USS Congress, 8 March 1862 5 The USS Monitor 7 "The Duel of the Ironclads": Action between USS Monitor and CSS Virginia, 9 March 1862 8 The Aftermath 12 Battle Reports and Letters 13 - Battle Report of Captain Marston, U.S. Navy, senior officer present, aboard the screw frigate USS Roanoke (Pg 13) - Battle Report of Lieutenant George Morris, executive officer of the frigate USS Cumberland (Pg 15) - Battle Report of Lieutenant Pendergrast, U.S. Navy, executive officer of the frigate USS Congress (Pg 16) - Battle Report of Captain Van Brunt, U.S. Navy, commanding the steam frigate USS Minnesota (Pg 18) - Battle Report of Lieutenant Greene, U.S. Navy, executive officer of the [ironclad] USS Monitor (Pg 21) - Letter from Chief Engineer Stimers, USS Monitor, to Captain John Ericsson, giving an account of the engagement (Pg 22) - Battle Report of Flag-Officer Buchanan, Commander of CSS Virginia and the James River Squadron, C.S. Navy (Pg 23) - Battle Report of Lieutenant Jones, executive officer of the ironclad ram CSS Virginia, in command during the battle with USS Monitor (Pg 29) - Battle Report of Major-General Huger, C.S. Army, commanding Department of Norfolk, on the impact of ironclad warships in warfare (Pg 30) Sources & Notes 31 2 “The Duel of the Ironclads” 3 “The Duel of the Ironclads” The CSS Virginia (Formerly USS Merrimack) On 20 April 1861, when Virginia authorities took over the Norfolk Navy Yard after its evacuation by Federal forces, they found, among other valuable items, the hulk of the steam frigate USS Merrimack.
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