World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) Uzbek League for Human Rights (ULHR) Joint submission to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Uzbekistan 30th Session of the Working Group on the UPR Human Rights Council (May 2018) The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) that was created in 1985. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. OMCT works for, with and through an international coalition of over 200 NGOs - the SOS-Torture network - fighting torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detentions, and all other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment in the world. Every year, it also protects more than 600 human rights defenders at risk around the world by alerting the international community about their plight, mobilizing support for them and offering training, material assistance and relocation to safety. 8 rue du Vieux-Billard, PO Box 21, 1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland. Tel: + 41 22 809 49 39. Fax: + 41 22 809 49 29. Email:
[email protected] Web: The Uzbek League for Human Rights (ULHR) aims at promoting and protecting human rights and supporting democracy and rule of law in Uzbekistan. Since 2010, the ULHR has been involved in preparing a number of alternative reports to the number of United Nations Treaty Bodies. *** This document is a joint submission of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and the Uzbek League for Human Rights (ULHR) to the 30th session of the United Nations (UN) Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Uzbekistan, to be held in May 2018. This report covers key concerns about human rights in Uzbekistan from the country’s second UPR in April 2013 to the present, and is based on extensive documentation by ULHR and OMCT.