Fast and Faithful Geometric Algorithm for Detecting Crest Lines on Meshes Shin Yoshizawa Alexander Belyaev Hideo Yokota Hans-Peter Seidel RIKEN MPI Informatik RIKEN MPI Informatik
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract and various combinations of continuous and discrete tech- niques [23, 37]. While estimating surface curvatures and A new geometry-based finite difference method for a fast their derivatives with geometrically inspired discrete differ- and reliable detection of perceptually salient curvature ex- ential operators [12, 27] is much more elegant than using trema on surfaces approximated by dense triangle meshes fitting methods, the former usually requires noise elimina- is proposed. The foundations of the method are two simple tion and the latter seems more robust. On the other hand, curvature and curvature derivative formulas overlooked in as pointed out in [27], fitting methods incorporate a certain modern differential geometry textbooks and seemingly new amount of smoothing in the curvature and curvature deriva- observation about inversion-invariant local surface-based tive estimation processes and that amount is very difficult differential forms. to control. Another limitation of fitting schemes consists of their relatively low speed to compare with discrete differen- tial operators. Further, since predefined local primitives are Problem setting and solution used for fitting, one cannot expect a truly faithful estimation of surface differential properties. This paper is inspired by two simple but beautiful formu- Our approach to estimating the surface’s principal curva- las of classical differential geometry and a seemingly new tures and their derivatives is pure geometrical.