AUSTRALASIA AND PACIFIC OMBUDSMAN REGION INFORMATION MANUAL 2009 Cover-art_InDesign.indd 3 13/10/2009 2:43:16 PM AAUUSSTTRRAALLAASSIIAA AANNDD PPAACCIIFFIICC OOMMBBUUDDSSMMAANN RREEGGIIOONN IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN MMAANNUUAALL 2009 Commonwealth of Australia 2009 ISBN 978 0 9806726 4 0 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the author or the International Ombudsman Institute. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: The General Secretariat C/- Austrian Ombudsman Board Singerstrasse 17A – 1015 PO Box 20 Vienna Email:
[email protected] website: Produced by the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Canberra, Australia. FOREWORD This manual describes the role of individual Ombudsman offices in the Australasia and Pacific region. The descriptions were prepared by each Ombudsman office. The offices covered by this manual are all members of the Australasia and Pacific Ombudsman Region of the International Ombudsman Institute. The Institute provided a grant to support the preparation of the manual. The primary work in assembling and publishing the manual was undertaken by the office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman. The common role of each office in this manual is to deal with complaints against government agencies within their particular jurisdiction. The description ‘parliamentary ombudsman’ is sometimes used to describe those offices. Many of the offices, as the manual describes, also perform additional oversight functions that contribute to accountability, responsiveness and integrity in government. The information in the hardcopy form of the manual was accurate at May 2009. The manual will also be published electronically on the websites of Ombudsman offices, and it is intended that periodic updates will be made.