Technologijos ir menas, 2016 (7), ISSN 2029-400X UNIFICATION OF THE CANT AND MAXIMUM VALUES FOR CANT DEFICIENCY O. Patlasov, E. Patlasov Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan
[email protected] Abstract. The article provides the analysis of the TSI requirement to technical specification of interoperability related to cant in curve. Based on the identified discrepancies it proposes to adopt uniform criteria for the established of maximum cant and cant deficiency for gauge 1435, 1520, 1600 and 1668 mm. Keywords: Interoperability Directives, Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI), cant, cant deficiency, accel- eration, conventional and high-speed rail network. Introduction revision of existing TSIs, keeps them up to date, and supports the sector in their application by issuing ap- In order to enable citizens of the Union, economic plication guides and by dissemination and training ac- operators and regional and local authorities to benefit tions. When necessary, ERA may also draft new TSIs, to the full from the advantages deriving from establish- based on a mandate from the Commission. Links to ing an area without internal frontiers, it is advisable, in all TSIs including their accompanying documents and particular, to improve the interlinking and interoper- previous versions are to be found on the right hand ability of national high-speed train networks, as well as side of this page. An overview of the chronology of access thereto. all TSIs (including the repealed