TERMS;—$1.50 YEAR HARRISONHUlUi. VA,, THUKSpAV. SEITRMHKR 13, 1883. VOLUME XVIII."'NO. 47 Household. ; A CHAJUitljrififtfKKTCH. A Tetv Danger Signal. ^pKofcsslcmal (Pavels. Icailwarts. pxiscctTimcons.Xtsccttaucans. I SoHUtit «««..,.1. Summer fiqtiAsn.—quarter them, seed ' The mule sfe'emcd pgfWVe, even snd, Two trains were run over the Ninth ave- " CJICO. u. okattan, Itiiltimore unit Ohio Uoilrond. DUMOCUATIC [PJbAXKOKM. As if by oonselendA'prickod , mle eievatC(j railroad yesterday to test the ATTOBITEY AT-LAW, IlABBiRONBnB? VA. «-Of- MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, them, pare therti (tnd lay in cold water. Hut. when they otMR#** ahare his woes, ■ . . , „„ flfA. Sontli Sldf of Onurt-Houar M.iuAro. TIME TADEE OF HATEU'S FEBRV AND VAL- Market Street, near the Depot, The following U tlio ji} fit firm adopted Hoil rintil tender, drain, mash smooth, sea- Ho raiged objeciimutr-kicked. f 1,1911 electric railway cab signal 1 he V. A. DaTSOKRI'IKLD, LEY BAANCU HALTIMORK A OHIO K. R.. "Wlixclnester "Vev. by tbe Democratic Coy^tution which was ,son With butter, pepper and salt. trains ran between Fifteenth and Hector TO TAKE EFFECT MONDAY. RAY lalH. 18-8, held at Lynchluirg : , TheThe oat cameoaine opup tuttt njrrtpatliize,aympatli ize, streets. The signal of danger in this case, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, Hahbibobucro. Va. •»-Of- SITPEdrtKDINU ALL PREVHlUK RCHEDW.ESl r/l Jeldev Cakf,.—A cup of sugar beaten With mew and ge«Me purr; • . j n i • , •, r .u Hco South RlOe < f the Public Square, la Swiuer » M. D. ALB1N, The Democratic party nl Virginia in con- With mew and goth- purr ; ,n9tea<1 new bulldiug. W F.Hi MOUND PEA I.Kit IE vention assembled declares as lollows: to a cream with I cup ol butter; add yolks Alas!Alual she got witWithin inn hi?his reach,rcacji, ^being gwen by the side of the K. A. SlIANDS, Leuve New York. 1'i CO p'clock at night. Marbleized Iron and Slate Mantels, Mar- FIltST—TAKkTION. of 3 eggs beaten light, I cup of sweet milk Wlien—fldtlle-siriijgsWhen nddle-strlhgi and fur. track, is given in the cab of the locomotive •• I'nilHtlt Ipbla 3 5.^ A. M x by the ringing of a bell, and the advantage ATTORNEY-AT LAW, HAHBIBOUnunu, Va. Olflc.e In •• BaUiunire, 7.1.^ A. M. 4.2b P. M. ble, Slate aud Soapstone Hearths, We oppose any (ncrCusd oft axation what- and 2J cups of flour sifted twice with one TimThe dug,dog, in pity,pity.nentpd neqtpd him, too, : . . . . , , the old Clerk'* OIBoe HuildiUK. up «Ulr*. Can fill •• WuHldiiwtou. H.ro A. M : 5 45 p. M Soapatone Foot-Warmers flto. altrnliou tu collection of oUtme. «ep'28 AMD M AS IT FACTUII KB -OF soever, directiy or indirectly. teaspoonful cream tartar and i toaspoonful To alleviate liishis care; claimed is that the engineer, in foul and " «K«»K«K K. HU'K, SECOND—THE BVATF. DEBT. of soda. Fill when baked with jelley or liefie tried to pass aroundarouh'cl hinthiifl once, foggy weather, can hear what ho might not ATTORNEY-A^-EAW, Habbibobuubo, Va. Ofllce Monuments, Headstones .Tablets, The Democratic pa^ty accepts as final whites of three eggs beaten with IJ cup But- sausage mCTiff'wnament hnd hair. be able to see, and so save his train and woet side "I Court-ysnl Sqnare. In Harris Build " ' v I "I its iuR. Prompt attention to all loual buslncte. Cemetery Curbing Statuary, XTrns, Va- the recent pottlbniont pf the public debt of sugar, 3 table spoonsfuls grated choco- And John, thetho luvnesthonesi farmer boy, passengers from destruction in case ses, and every kind of Cemetery pronounced constitutional by the. courts of AVIio hadhud the beasninbeasrSn cliarge,charge, there is a broken rail or a misplaced switch isi>. S. CONRAD, Work. lust resort, State and Vederul, und will op- late and vanilla flavoring. , Tried recklessly to HarnessImrness him— ahead of him. The secret of the whole (•DCCBBBOB to tabcby a uobbad.) Snporlor iVobkuam.hu' from mtsx mslcrials st the pose all agitation of tfie question, or any Stewed 8wJfKT Corn.—Cut from the His funeral was large,large. system lies in the fact that the entire truck, ATTORNKY AT-LAW, Baubisosiiobo, Va. The Lowest pbices possible, iu|d sstisractlou Busrauteed. disturbance of that selUementby appeal or cob, and staw 15 minutes in boiling water. business ol the Isto flrm will receive the alien a^-AU orders promptly sttended to. Lsslgus sud otherwise. i „ r _ . r.r. •„ Oh,Oh. trifling were the causes which which is separated into divisions of con- tion of the eurvlvtne partner nn25 estiiualns furnlshep' Turn off.most of this, cover with oold milk f, ^ , , , hllU 448 |ai« 220. 288 5sM S1 d exnmlue my stock, tbe largest and beet In TIIIUD—INTXUlNiL gKVENUE, HkHis flexflexilec leg? (unftlrlodllfl rlod 1 venient length, is insulated, and the loco- U. V. bTBATEU. WIBFIKL!) LIl.OETC. tha Vsllay, 1 can phwee >011 both In d.aigna aucl We favor unconditional snd immediate and stew until very tender, adding beliifc And many were the quadrupeds motive acts as un agent in breaking tho STRAYKU & IaIOOETT, Leave Baltimore..,. prices. Write mo for full Information, or If yon do- you take it; up a large lump of butter cut That soughta unotheranother world. . ATTORNEYS-AT-LaW, HAnniKoBnuuo, Va. Ofllce WaHlilngtou.. alre mo to call upon yon personally. aliolition of the internal revenue system— continuous circuit whenever anything is Boutb-slds Public Squsre. oppoidte hIk Sprlnn. " Frederick..., a nursery of spies and informers; a men- into bits and rolled in flour, aud salt apd IIeneTj.r ^id a decent'thing, •* Hagci stovvu.. ace to tho freedom of eleptipns ; an intol- He never did a decent thing, wrong. The breaking of tile circuit gives UNDERTAKING! erable burden on the tajjiayersj a soprcc pqpPjOi'tq taste. B Pb-aohhs.—After the fruit Some Saratoga, __ Styles. eight montlis on the spur track between ATroHNBYS-At-LAW, Hmhusonbumo, Va.. will 44 AVe favor a tariff for revenue limited to is prepared weigh and allow % lb. of sugar Thc yo ~ 1;ldi~re have adopts nrao.icu In all the Oourta of Bockiughani county, 44 Strasburg.... 12:82 the necessities of a government economi- j The young ladies lure have adopted n Third avenue and the Grand Central Sta- the Suuremo Court of Aypeale of VitgiuU.md the Mt.Jacksou 2:38 3:09! to 1 lb. of peaches, Crack i of stone?, charming fashion,fll8^(mi whichwllicll will doubtlessdoubt tion, on Forty-second street. It has also 44 A.M. cally administered, and so adjusted in its District and Circuit Courts of the United Statoe Hnrrisoub'g 3:45 6:00 7:00 break the kernel? and bod until soft in d thro llout the co,jntry a8 „„„ been tested in , and has the ap; holden at Harrlfonburir. Arrive Htannton ...... 4:45 1 8^48 application as to prevent unequal brethren; spread throughout the country as soon as encourage productive interest at home water to cover them. Cover them and sot ^ news out They all wear whl dijPKlSlkldBTON BRYAN. BAST BUUNU. thc news gets out. They ail wear what is proval of European engineers as a practical and afford just compensation to labor, but aside. Put the sugar and fruit a.terna y known as t]ie look of merry ^ OOMMI88IONEB IN CHANCERY AUD NOTARY Arrive at WnshiBgtou at 2.16 P. M. not to create or foster monopolies. known as the infantile look of merry glee. automatic system.—ff. Y. Times. PUBLIC. HAnaiBONDUBO, Va.—Will give speoial "4 at BaltiBiorc, o* 3.20 P. M. into the kettle. AVarm slowly all through. Any youngyou^ womanwnmnn who doesdoe8 not wear>vear the utton ion to the Uklug of depositionfi and ac- 14• at Philadelphia. 7 45 P. M. FIFTH—FREE EDUCATION. knowludgmeuts anywhere in the county of Hock- at New York, at 10 35 P. M. and all kinds and sizes of WOOD COFFINS. CLOTH then strain thc kernel-water and add it. eexpression peB8i()n wlienwhen out i9is not a f.^hionfashionable Wonders Never Cease.

luflbam. Will Also- prepare deeds, arUcloe of The Democrajio party of Virginia, hav- . Baltimore Accom | "3 COTTERKD COFFINS, for grown persons, and GLOSS Boil steadily until the peaches are tender y- womani and if, qlllte out of the r)l agreement and other contracts on very moderalo cr 5 to3 WHITE COFFINS for Children. ,ng founded and organized the public- young woman, and is quite out of thc range A long time ago the wise man said there tonns. i 3 *< 1 I havca good and nice HEARSE and will give prompt school system, and originated every act of and clear. Then take them out and lay of good 80uiety Thi8 lo()k ot glce r B cr attention to burials iu lown or country. of good society. This look ot glee must i? nothing new under the sun, but yet the U^FRRRXLL & PATTKBSON, mjcr t the Legislature which secures its efficiency, upon large flat dishes. Boil the synip until |have)ave dancinrrdancing cyes^ a perpetual smile and ATTOBNBYB AT-LAW. Habuisonbubo. Va.. prje- 2 t ar Telegraphic orders promptly attended to. Prices daily experience of hundreds seems to 2K tra tr always low. pledges itself to its continued support until almost a jelly, skimming well. 1' ill the lI andftnd |laughallgb at the slightest provocationprovocatie of ttce in tue Courts of Rocklngham and ailjoiuipg r+CP ? Country produce taken at market price. every child in the Commonwenlth, of what- jars until little over, half full, pour on tbe the merriest character, continuing for prove thi? false. Some contend that the counties, the Court of Appeals at SUuuton, apd ?r f? « ever color, may secure tho benefits of a free i the merriest character, continuing for five the United HUtt s Courts at HanlBonburg. •"O 5 oaa June 14,1883.y A. HuCKMAN. boiling syrup and seal. minutes, while the head is playfully sbt days of miracle? are past, but yet it ap- BS^Prompt attemlon to collections. . DOw e » education. minutes, while the head is playfully shaken c. T. O'PBBBALL.Iato Judge of Hock m Co. Court. SIXTH- - NO MIXED SCHOODS. pears as if they are not yet gone by when B. Q. Paxtkuson, formerly of the Arm of Haas A GEO. S. CHRISTIE, A MOTHEIVS IiOVe! itat the naughty man who provoked the such men as 1. N. Tidball, of Washington, Pai e -sou. «19 231 291 283 217 AVe oppose the mixing of the white and laughter. It is rather hard to look volatile ; THE OLD RELIABLE colored races in the public schools, and Pa., give the following remarkable testi- W-J POINTS, ,lf AM. i'.M A.M. P.M A Practical Illustration pf Its Power. and merry for eight and ten hours ou a CoWMise-oBEB is CBABOKBTjjf the C'rcul' Oonr*. 7:00 3 15 the placing of colored trustees and teach- mony ; Leave4 StauntOD. ] 1:19 stretch, but the truly fashionable young Rock.nBhsm Uuuuty. Alui. ccmnit-siuiier id Ac- •44 Harriftonburg 7:50 5:25 4 56 ers over white children, and are in favor A Mother's Love 1 AVhat a potent thing "l have been a severe sufferer from chro- couuIb for Bald Court Offlo" over the lu'ercal Mt. Jhckwou 8;5<5 6,54 9:35 of preserving the school organization for women succeed very well. Bovunue Offloo, Esat-Markot Stroot. inB NicholasJ t 4 11:23 MERCHANT TAILOR, it is! It will melt the lieart of the most nic rheumatism and kidney affection for building. i. - , ' • StniBburg* 9:53 8:33 the two races us separate and distinct as I must make it a point to inquire of the 44 P.M. (Wilton Building) possible, giving to tho colored people for hardened criminal when no other influence over twenty years, and after having tried ■ " DK. KIVllS TATU-H, Middlctown 10:16 9:15 12.14 next fashionable authority if dog pockets nearly everything without getting relief, PHYSICIAl AND HOKi3EON, Hsrrlsouburg, Vs.. 44 A.M. HAS JUST RECEIVED III3 their schools all the preferences and privi- would he effectual. No one but a mother 44 WlucheBfer..:....; 6:10 10:47 9:46 1:48 leges which we demand for the whites, in- are features of ladies' walking costume? ol commenced using Peuuna a few months gives prompt atUutiou to all profe-alouala osllu. Charlestowu j 6:6(1 11:35 11:0' 3:27 knows its full moaning, but every one can 03- Office over Jaa. h. Avla Dmg Store. [ P'l ^ 44 7:10 U 6< 11 ;3H 4:20 G-oocXis, cluding colored trustees and teachers, and the present. I saw last night a fashionably- ago. The benefit I have received is won - Harper's Fe'y.... A.M. appreciate it if tlicy will. ft is known, : 4 Embracing all Goods in his line, which you'are In- making no discrimination in the distri- dressed lady of about thirty-five come into dcrtul. I feel like a new man, and am • * 44 bution of school fund on account of color, though, that it means sleepless nights, care, 44 Hagerstown vited to the parlor of "The States." She wore no Frederick and we pledge tho Democratic party to inconvenience, and, if necessary, want, fully restored to health." Virginia House, Harrisonburg, Va. 44 Wushiugtou 10:00 2:15 adopt all necessary legislation to perfect wraps, and her gloved hands and arms Surely such n cure is remarkable, and Arrive Bol timoro 10:45 3:20 bb «l hardship and death. But tho subject lias 3. kaVaNaHOH ...■■ ■•• .....I'uovuiF.Ton. 7:45 the plan as best for all concerned. swung free and easily by her side. Sud- none should hesitate any lunger about "44 Philadeluhia.. 10:35 been too eloquently treated by the sweet- Tbla popular bouse now under the control of tho New York SEVENTH—STRICT ECONOMY. denly I heard the solid "chug" of the fall using Peruna, the great remedy discov- lain Msuagera ul the Farmurs' [feme, via; Johli and COLUMBUS AND CHICAGO LINE: EPISCOPAL FEMALE INSTITUTE, AVe demand snd will exact strict econo est poets and the ablest writers to furnish of a heavy body. Nothing was visible. A Joseph Kavauauyh. has hoou refibed. refcrulsUed Leave fttauuton. 3 16 p.; in ; or 7.00 a. m. WINCKESXKR, my in all the branches of the Government an essay for these columns. Too many ered by Dr. Hartman. Send to your drug- sud put in first class order for the benefit ot tbe Arrive Harper's Eerry, 11.38 p. m.; or 11.58 a m. moment later a twenty-pound dog came gist for a bottle, and ask for his book on ouhlic. All late modern acoouimodatioua have Leave 44 " 11.52 p. uior 12.12 p. ui. Rev. J. C. WHEAT, D. l>., Prlnolpal. —State and Federal—and that tho number practical illustrations occur in every day been au ipllod, and ev ryjlblug ueceaaary lor the Arrive ColurabuR. 3.10 p. rn.; or 5.20 a. ui. of officers and the amounts of their salaries out from a side skirt of the lady and trot- the "His of Life." complete equlpmont of a flist-olaaa hotel can bo •• Ohlcngo. 6.55 a. m.; or 7.20 p. ra. ^ miHIS is a chartered Institute of the highest grade life for it to.he dwelt upon, so that it is ted joyously ahead as far as a small chain found. rjsfjE MA-Tl, 1 with A FULL CORPS OF WELL QUALIFIED shall be reduced and kept within the mini- unnecessary to speak of the subject further CINCINNATI AND 81'. LofrtS IaINE, TEACHERS. mum requisite for the duo perfomunce of would permit. Ho jumped about as if The ChristianMoTHEU.-There she sits, Leave Staun^on at 3 15 p. m.; or at 7.0a a. m. ^-Special facilities for the Stu ly of Music, the public service. in order to make the reader understand the justreitascd from irksome couflnemeut.— tinder tbe managomout of ikUful and proper per- Arrive at Harpers Fei'ry 11.38 p. m ; 11.58 a, ra. the Modern LHiiifimgeH, Ac. Tho cbarges are the old Christian mother, ripe for heaven. Bonn, haa been reluruisJUcd aud rrst eked with ele- Lei ve 44 '* 11 62 p. iu. ; or 12.13 p.m. moderate in uoniparisdtt with tlie advantages enjoyed. KIGIITir- REAL CrVII.-SERVICE REFORM. full meaning of what is to follow. Cor. Chicago Neice. aaplluuccs lor ths acc .iBmodutlou of gcntic- Mrs. Henry Schualen, of Ashland, Ky.. Her eysight is almost gone, but the splen- raeu, and as a quiet and geuteol rcoort will be Arrive44 Martlueburg 12 20 a. m : 12.50 p. m. The 10th Annual Session begins Septem- We demand such real civil-service reform dors of the celestial city kindle up her found on 1 of tho boat lu tbe Slato. fHo cb'^Mt 44 Cumberland, 2.48 ft. m.; 3.40 p. in. as will make merit tho test of official fit- write? that her daughter has been cured of Too Good For tlie Men. brsads of wloos sunf tiquora, also cigars, kept ou 44 Purkerhburg. 10 35 a. m ; 11.40 p. in. ber 12tb, 1883. vision. The gray light of Heaven's morn 44 Ctnciiiuati, 0 li> i). m.; 0.30 n. ra. For Circulars address thu Princij al. ness, and exclndu the loathsome system of deafness which resulted from chronic ca- ^'r'biire^l's'stttujbad .0 tho Hotel commodbnta ata 44 Louisville, U 40 p. ui.; 12 86 i>. m. J. C. WnE\T. bargain and sale of office, and the partisan has struck through the gray locks which Ht. Louis, 7.20 a. in.; G-lo p. m, Rekeiue obh:—The Dishope aud Clergy of Virginia, tarrh. She tells how she had lost all hope Here is a lady with her daughter. The bins where accouimiidatious for horses, at the mv at West Va., and Maryland. Julyl9-2m preference tor the ignorant, vicious, and mother would be tho model mother-in-law ; are folded back over thc wrinkled temples. • reasimablo rates can always be aecured. [mayfi- i 0. K. LORD, T. C. PRINCE, W. M. CLEMENTS, cuivupted, which is now the disgrace of the of her daughter (her ideol) being cured. ft. P A. 8. of T. M. of T. she is rich, sincere, affectionate, witli dig- She stoops very much under the burden of Geary's Hotel, W^oodstock, Va. ROCKINGHAM SEMINARY, Btate and Federal Governments; and we | and how overjoyed she is at the result .PBOVB ETOL. Chesapeake & Ohio Itailway. denounce the sham methods which have After trying many remedies she says Pe- nity, but, alas! age, also. By her side sits care she used to carry lor her children. H ARRISON13UHG, YA. heretofore been practiced, aud which have runa brought a cure and that the daugh- a girl once as fair as a lily. Ten or twelve She sits at home, too old to find her way This Hotel baa been recently enlarged and re OPENED THROUGH KENTUCKY rendered examinations, investigations, and paired tlmnmhout. le neatly furuiahed and coti- —TO— A school for young ladies conducted by the Misses ter's hearing is restored. She conoludes years have passed by, aud with them, per- to the house of God ; but while she sits Campbell. trials new sources of corruption and new therq all the past comes back, and tho taiiiH a largo number of airy and well ventilated LEXINGTON* Tho Elovcuth Session will opeu ou Monday, Sep. 3, objects of just derision. by speaking In the most flattering terms of Imps, the matrimonial chances of thc fair cooins. Tbe very beet of faro at moderate rates. 5 children that forty years ago tripped r«"p22 tr ^ CINCINNATI, and 1883, NINTH - OPrOSITTON TO 110S8ISM. Peruna, and then describes in the most daughrer. _ They have plenty of means, travel from around her arm chair, with their griefs, aud gX.lsccUancorxis. LOUISVILLE, TEIIMW MOOErtA-TE, AVo are inflexibly opposed to the system lovely manner the happiness it has brought of Bossism which befits only the minions her, and reviews the distress she experi land to land, city to city. None come joys and sorrows—those children are gone Making direct conBcottions at these cities for the ol a tyrant, which is at war with every now. Some she brought up are in a bet- DR. R. S. SWITZER. uBtire For Circular glviu? full particulars, apply to enced while her daughter was afflicted. within the radius of their acquaintance DENTIST. MISS 3. L (UMl BELl,,, principle of honor; manliness, and Itcpub- but respect them ; yet, for some unknown ter realm, where they shall never die, ami Ha,ri-i^oiiTo\xrer,"V" a.. Southwest, West & Northwest. licau freedom, and ha? been but recently A Disinfectant Used iu Lioiitlon. thc others out in the wide world, testing aug lii-4fc Hirriaonburg, Va. introdnocd iu Virginia only to corrupt, reason the girl has never had an offer o' Establishedinl 873. U'""" THE ONLY ROUTE marriage. 11 — thc excellency of a Christian mother's dis- LEMUEL VAW1ER, degrade and disgrace her. A disinfectant introduced to the medi- Pullman Sleeping Cars RING ROLE IN VIRGINIA. I have sometimes looked at this couple cipline. Her last days are full of peace, Dr. Frank L. Harris, cal profession by the late Dr. Goolden lias and SOLID TR UNS puom BOOT & SHOE MAKER, AVe denounce the ring now in power in and thought how proud they might be of and calmer and sweeter will her spirit be- dentist, been used in eight years. Half a Has isst taken the Pallor rooms In the Spots- WitHlilnifTl on City, THolkkikond. Ofposite Suck Lett's* Corner, Virginia and masquerading under such a young man in the family; how grateful come, until tho gates lift and lot in tho wood Hotel building, where be can bo fonild OH ULOTTKKV11.EK, drachm of nitrate of lead should be dissol- disguises as Liberal and Coalitionist, and his affection and care might be to them worn-out pilgrim to eternal springtide and until October tst. ISSli. i.vW Waynesdoro*, Staunton and Clifton Fobue, HHVING ^o-opeued his place of bufiinnnH in Ilftr- charge it before the people— ved in one pint or more of boiling water, ; —TO— rlsouDurg Va . on Main Street, in tbe Rtore how that young man might there find at youth, where the limbs never ache, and the building, op' oeito Hrury Sbacklett's store, would 1. Fir betraying the Democrats who vo- and two drachms of common salt in a buck- PROF. C. W. CLARY LOUISVILLE and CINCINNATI, Hav to bin old patrons and all wbom it. may oueeru, ted the Hancock electoral ticket put forth once a mother and a wife and have his eyes never grow dim, and the staff of tho H iving located in Harrisonburg, respect fully offers that lie is prepared to serve them at short notice with et of water. Pour the two solutions to- his services as a teacher of imisio. Voice culllire CONNE TXNO AT THESE POINTS FOB any work In bis line. IU? workfe tbe very best mate- as the only true Democratic ticket in tho portion made for life and be able to look exhausted and decrepit pilgrim shall be- aud vocal music receive special «t»eutlon. riftls and will employ none but superior workmen. hands of the worst political enemies of tho gether, nnd let the sediment subside. A come the palm of the immortal athelote! All calls for Piano kuning promptly aesvonded to. Nasliville, MeipMs aad Texas Points. Ho yields tho^> Im to no c«T.petiu>r iu any particu- people. down the vale of year? in independence. July26 8m —TO— lar for firss-elass Avork. Give mo a cull at least aud cloth dipped in this and bung upin a room sen what you can have done at my shop. 2. For supporting the partisan vote of w]11 sweetGn a fet;d atmosphere instantly. Men do not marry, however, where they Cincinnati, Indianapolip, Cliicago, Saint July 26 if. L- VAWTER. the Uhited States Senate whereby the re might nor where they should ; there seems Deaf Mutes anil Slang. Louis, Kansas City, .Etc. or the solution thrown down a drain or DENTIST, moval of disabilitie? of an ex-Confederate , to be required the spark of fire to flash be- A very curious thing about deaf mutes aoccEf-sou to Db. F. L. HAnuis. HOWARD HOUSE, was prevented. over a heap of rubbish will produce a like Teeth extracted without pain. Nitrous Ox- RATES OF FARE are as low as by any route. 8. In seeking to establish a servile and [ twecn soul and soul and ignite both.— is the rapidity with which they learn thu Howard und Ualfrimore Streets, result. Clothing worn by a patient with Philadelphia Timtt. subsidized press by requiring official pub- infections disease, or bed linen, can be put meaning and use of slang words and phra- Othco at same place; Main 81., near Eplpcopal Befote selecting your route, write to one of I ho lications to be made In partisan journals, Church. ' fehl5-ly Agents named bt-low ior|fiill informatiou; you will BALTIMORE, MD. at once into this solution without injury ses. The ordinary street language ot the save money, aud avoid frequent and uupleasaat without regard to their circulation or fit, Fright Sight—Night. changes of cars. ness. to the material, thus destroying the risk of day seems to bo eyery bit as familiar to Dr. D. A. B[ickeri J. 0. Biisltr, 2.00 PER DAY. I saw a vision in the night them as it is to people whose organs of Dentist, AasisTakx, REMEMBER, that the Chf rapeake and Ohio Route TERMS, 4. For multiplying offices and increas- infection for the persons who wash the BIAIDGEWATEll, VA. can ticket you and transport you to any point. ing salaries to reward favorites. clothing. Although it is a strong poison Which chilled my blood almost; hearing are not impaired, and they will This bouse is most centrally located and convenient 5. For attempting to take thc business Artificial teeth $15 a plate. Oold ftllings $160. West, Northwest or Sonthwest taken internally, it does not injure the skin. And scared me into dreadful fits— say, in their own way, "you bet your boots!" Oold and Platiua Alloy ollluga 15 cents. Extract- to all the Depots and Wharves. ot the people ontot their hands by creating An awful, horrid ghost! or "you bet your sweet life !" with us much lug a specialty. . , - _ more cheaply aud comfortably, with less number CLIFFORD F. WOOD, Sfipt. more than one, hundred new officers to be A room could be scrubbed with the solu Branch ottloe at Doe Hill* Highland Co., Va. of cnauges, than any other Route. called commissioners of sales, and at the case and grace as if they had it at their ian 20 tion, nnd would be swecntened at once by With turtle's head and lobster's claws, 0. C. DOYLE. Pasaeuger Agent, Lyuchburg. Va. same time rtftiBing to allow the people to tho process.—London Later. tongue's end all their lives. One of the P. H, WOODWARD, Pass'ger Agent, Stftunton Va. elect them, Ghost made it plain to sec, afflicted young men whom I asked for an DR. ROBERTSON, J. O. DAME, General Southern Agent, Richmond, Virginia. PHILOTOKEN. C. For attempting to legislate circuit *i* '-Revenge is too dearly purchased at I'd eaten rather late at night explanation of this remarkable fact said 31) N. Liberty Street, Baltimore, Mil- A tried and reliable Cure for ailmeuts of Ladies. judge? out of oftiqe before the expiration More than was good for me. From 20 yeara'experience In hospital p actice, 0. W. SMITH, H. W. FULLER, Will aid Nature, prevents NatiHea and Nervousness, the price of liberty." Is it a disordered the deaf mutes got their knowledge of guarantees a euro iu Venereal aud all diseases of the General Mabager. Gen. Paee. Agent. and should be taken during tbe critical period. Has of their terms, and dishonoring the judi- Urinary Organs, Norvous and Hemiual Weoknesa, ootl9 SB vcfTmany lives. Endorse 1 by thousands of lad Irs ciary in many instances by the aeloctipn of liver giving you a yellow skin or costive There came a sound like angel's voice, slang from thc papers; that they were great Nocturnal Eralsslona, Impotency, Lost Vitality, as tbe best remedy of its kind. Any Druggist. $1.00. judges notoriously corrupt and ignorant. bowels, or do your kidneys refuse to per- readers, and snapped up a new phrase or Neivjus Deprossloii, Confusion of Ideas, Wakcful- beBt aiuce c aud Clear as a silver bell ; ncsa, &c. All Urtherai or Urinary diseases recently W. H. R1TENOUR, Risley's Buchu, Jfi? " 7. For making the public offices, which forra t;iejr functions? If so, take a few word just tho moment it made its appear- contracted positively cured in 3 to 5 days without Cures most Kidney aud Bladder troubles, Weak should be public trusts, the spoil of factionfacrimi of K w ^ natul.e will re. It said, lake Phrrv Davis's the useof meroury or caustics. Call or write, in- the uess. Whites, ami Pain iu back. divided out by lavonUsai,iavoiitism, without regard , , - , , , Pain Killer,—and be well." ance. They not only use slang in writing, olosing stamp for reply. AU coneultationa strictly Supersedes all otUer kidney remedies. All drug- store eacl1 du 1 lius confidential. Special treatment for ladies sufforiiig WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, gists $1.00 a bottle. to merit.merit, oegan, ready for ty- but also in their sign language.—St. Louis from ii-regularitlea and suppression. apl'i ly angJU 6t CHARLES F. RISLBY. NEW YORK. 8. For making the asylumnaasylumn? of thothe in- health will be cheaply "purchased at the Thc PreHh-Water Serpent. Post-Dispatch. Hub a superb stock of gooda on band pertaining to sane, deaf, dumb and blind, the State Uni- 1 i e of Kidney Wort. his lino ot trade, to whiob public attention is in- i T . IT; • • 11 4 : la 1 ) Vl ur C * JOHN RYAN & CO., vited. How tojlest Easy! versity, tbe Virg'fi' Agricultural and Me- Tho existence of the fresh-water sen ser- A Pithy Sontcnoe. Walchc H. Clocks, Jewelry In all latest Btyles and chanical Cojlegc, the Virginia Military Two New Colors. pent, which has been recently scoffed at, TYPE FOUNDERS doBigus^ Silver and Plated Ware, some elegant Hll- INSURANCE IS A GOOD PILLOW.—If your prop ver Toilet Articiea for ladles, also a fbll Hue of erty is not insured, you are always uneasy about Institute, and the entire public free school can no longer lie questioned, since he is A well known statesman of this coun- Ealtln>ox*e, M.cl. Spectacles aud Lye-Olasses. suitable for all, aud iu your home. Your rest will be sweet and undisturbed system parts of a vast machine of partisan Several brilliant intellects are now en- steel, silver and gold frames. if you bavo a policy in tbe Liverpool and London and power aod plunder. vouched for-Uy a Mr. Sanndors, to whom try once said when summing up thc events 49- E S T A L. 1 SHE D 1 8 5 S .-g* His store is ou East Market street, just around Globe Insurance Couip uy. It is one of the oldest gaged in inventing new name? for old col- of a lifetime; "Youth is a blunder, man- the Wise corner from Main, where he will be and sti-ongest compuniea iu tbe world; offers the 9. For attempting to gerrymander the ors in ladies' dressmaterial for next season. ho appeared in Lake Michigan, with a The Largest autl Best in the South. pleased to see all of bis old fti'Mds and tbe ptrbllo lowest rates and the best security. When your pres- congressional districts of this State in out- hood fi struggle, old ago a regret." Ho generally, to wbom be returns thanks for past gen- ent "shaky" policy is about to expire, call on GJto. O. One man, after working sixteen hours a length of sixty Icot and a head like an a} For BEAUTY snd DURABILITY their Coppar- erous patronage, and guarantees bis best efforts to Gonbao, aud be will insure you so fully that you will rage of fair repreeeutative expression. ligator's. It is convincingly added in tho might hove added many more wonders, mixad Type hat no equal. Refer to all tbe leading please ail in future as in the past Jan4 rest easy and safe. 44And don't you forget it." 10. For attempting to band together day for two week?, has succeeded in evol- but they are not necessary, for Ids 'aphor- papers of Baltimore snd tho Slsta of Msjylsud. dec2l « " i and incense the colored race against the account that Mr. Suunders is an employee Furnish promptly outflta for Newapapor or Job Of- ving new names for two tints viz : "toper's ism expresses much. Y'et it is a well ftoea, no matter how extauaiva. Electrotyplng a JAMES L. AVIS, white, through league? and religious organ- nose" and "kicked dog." The latter is cf a Chicago ice man ; and this detail set- apecialty. Ordera receive careful aud prompt at- MAllOW-AllE* izations, and by false and infamous appeals tles tho whole question, as no ice man known fact that the above could not bo tont'on^Mr, j Harrlaonburg. Va . will DRUGGIST AND PHARMACIST, AT A. H. WILSON'S, to the worst passions. yuller, of course. K North Main Street, llarrieonburg, Va. would bo guilty of overestimating a weight said of life wore all classes aware what a prepare eatlinotoa for newapaper or Job office out- Main Street,. ,.. .Harrisonburg, Va. XI- For flooding the polls all over the "Markod BenefU." great remedy Peruna is, and what won- flta. lurntah specimens and take orders for this State with illegal and fraudulent votes, or a measurement.—V. Y. Sun. Foundry In Virginia or South. Hie well-known ca- jQarPbysicians' prescriptions, town or country, Savannah, Ga., Feb. 31, 1881. drous cures it has performed. For the ills pacity and experience will bo valuablo to those who carefully cooipouuded, and prompt attoution given IF YOXT WISH manipulated' aud counted by corrupt offi- intend to puroUaer printing mstorlal of any either day or night. to take an agency for the VIRGINIA ORGAN, or cials. H. H. Warner & Co.: Sirs—I have The wheat crop in Kanana is threshing of youth it is a wondrous specific. Tho kind. spl'J-em you want a DesorlpUve Catalogue showing sly its aud 13. For resorting to mean and trivial taken your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure worry and tear of manhood's struggle for Whitewash Brushos. prices, write at once to out much heavier than was expected, and HARRISONBUKO IRON FOUNDRY, technicalities to count into office delegates, for kidney and liver diseases with marked tho State Board of Agriculture has revised existence enfeeble his system, and lie A fine assortment of Wbitewaab Brnsbcs. all ilUEBUSH. KIEFFEll & CO., representatives and officers who were re- P. BRADLKY, sizes aud prices, pure bristles, fur sale at AvU' Drug DAYTON, VIRGINIA. jected by the people. benefit. J. B. Joyce. its former estimate, and now says that the needs such a tonic, and when old ago MANUFVCTUUER of IdvIugH- I || $■ III Store. comes on with its feebleness and regrets ton Plotve, Hill aide Plowa,jUWi-Kw. 18. For claiming the consciences of King Watermelon. crop will aggregate 35,000,000 bushels. Straw Outiera. Oaue-Mllla, Road-KsL^JL^tt Vegetable »iul Flower Seed. 5 for failures and mistakes, the great reme- Scrapera, Hoi ae-power and Threaherltoy^jflH""! The corn crop, it s estimated, will reach Repal a. Iron Kettlea, Foil abed ■KoMMBias A fine stock of LandrethX sibley's. Ferry's and 1 TO HOUSEKEIiVERS. ' Tho watermelon looms up with almost fully 200,000,000 bushels, and will bo tho dy, Peruna, can still be used with good Wagon Boxea, Circular Saw-Mills, Com and Flaater Cros^man's. Warranted fresh and (rue to name, Cruabera, Fire Gratee Andirons, Ac. Alan, a anpe. for sale at AVIS' DRUG STORE. Wo iuvite your atten'.iou to JOUBTOK'S DRY gardless of their oaths to support the Con- kingly pride. The very prevalent idea largest over produced in that State. effect, nnd if given a fair trial, will (iccum- rior srtl.-le of Thiniblo Skolua, and alt klndaof STZKD KAI.805IINV:. kuowlng that they meet your that it is au unwholeEomo fruit has been MILL GEARING, Ac. hari ioisllillg of every •* Cfgats. '' wants for makluu your home bright and cheerful. stitution. plish wonders. di'Bcrlptijn, done promptly, at reuaouutile prices. The finest FIVE CENT Cigars iu town. Several They are cheaper thau lime-wash, last for yeara with? 14. For concentrating tho powers of dissipated. Physicians not only eat it Address F. BRADLEY, out chnuRe of color or quality. They can bo mixed Government, State and Federal, into tho Washing Blankets.—Put 3 heaping Jan fan Harrlaonburg, Va. newbrauds. A pure Havana flllid Clgsr for 5 cents. and used by any one, simply reqairlug to be mixed ireely, but prescribe it to their patients. tablespoonfuls of borax and a pint of soft Cigarmnkers' Assembly No. 53, of Phi- For sale at AVIS' DRUG STORE. with water, tbere.fore ttey urw always for imiuedlate hands ofn corrupt and intriging oligarchy, ladelphia, has adopted a liluo label which 1 use. requiring no expeiimcbiss tho color aud quality subordinated to the power of a ring-leader Eaton freelv it is an almost certain cure soap into a tub of cold water. When dis- Avis Infallible Vermifuge Paints, Ynrnishes, Etc. are seen before using. Wo have a complete stuck of for dysentery and diarrhoea. Its effects up- is designed to lie placed on all cigars Is the best article of the kind In use. It is certain, I have tbe largest stuck of Paints, Oils, VaruiBbes, colors, each package covering a apace of 400 square through the machinery of a pledge-bound solved put in the blankets and let them safe and pleasant. Physicians prescribe and re- Colors, Putty, Palut-RiuaheeaDd all articles uaed by feet. GiVo it a trial. For sale by caucus, and exercising these powers with on the kidneys are wholesome, aud as an stay over night. Next day rub and drain manufactured in shops employing union commend it There is no uupleasaut smeli or twite Paiuters and iu Paiatiag, ever brought to the couu- L. II. OTT, Druggist. shameless tyranny. men and paying union wages. Twelve about it. But it has a delightful taste, aud chil- iy, and am selling tbem ut tbe lowest prices. nllayer of thirst it is better than ieo water. them, rinse well in two waters andf^iang dreD ako it and cry for more. Prepared aud sold at PERSONS CONTEMPLATING PAINTING will JUST OPENING! —Philadelphia Star. umnufaetnrors in Pbiladolphia have used AVIS' Drug Store. find it to their interests to give me a call before «-THE OLD COMMONWEALTH, them to dry. Do not wring them. Lowest fkicks* buying. AVIS' DRUG STORE. ten thousand of the labels. All thc other BEST GOODS, Harrisoubnrg, Va., Price $ 1.50 a Ycarl; For one dime get a package of STANDARD ARTICLES. A New Stock of Spring Goods. $1.00 for Eight months ; 75 cents for Six Diamond Dyes at the druggist's. Tlicy "Dental" Scotch Snuff should tie used by branches of the Knights of Labor have Oustomers and tho public generally please call at Harness Oil, been requested to purchase only the cigars A. H. NVILSON'S, Castor, NeAtafoot, Fish, Vienuzn and other Oils for months: 50 cents lor four months, and color anything thc simplest aud most de- ladies threatened with decayed teeth. So -iVfjrth Main Street. Harrisoubiifg, uear tho Luth- greasing burucss uu.) all kinds of leather, for sale at j>yCA.,L AND SEE THEM; 25 cents for two months. The Cheapest [ bearing the blue label. vian Church. AVIS' DRUG STUllE, i apl2 aENUV SUACKLETT Paper in Rookinghara. Try 1 siruble colors. say the chemical profession. The war was bmnght on by fatiaticUm. JUDGE JOHN PAUli, THE ftTATK CA?fVAf?.S, the Adminiatfation people, that thl* i* a ^ducvtlacmcnte. Itciw A^ucrtlscmcirts. DIDCOMMONWEALm Democracy would have avoided It by com- class diatinction, lie thnweil that in the (>111 Spoocli of Hon. WulloF It- Htaplos at eatabliahing a colored normal school it was New Orleans, August 1, 1888. promise awl eguitable setllcraont. The cf- At the Octolier term next of the Federal Halom. "THE PEOPLE/' H AHKIxOMtl IMi. provided that *11 Ihe tciicbers and all but fnrta of the Virginia Committee, and of | Court in thli place. Judge John Paurwill one of the trutteea should lie negroes. This, TO THE PUBLIC 1 A. r. FVNKIIOrSEH, Pnbllnlier. for the flret time go npon the Bench a In his opening Judge Staple* laid : "It Tiiurbdat Mowning, 8eptkmbkr 18,1HH8 such di-tinguisbed gonllemen as Senator baa bain more than twelve year* since I he thought, ahould close their nmutha for YovararlvfM I A. P. FCMKHOI SF.R and C. I. B. BRANK, John J. Ciittenclen, of Kentucky, and con- Federal .lodge, he having laat wrwk taken made a political apeceh, and, fellow citi- against any remonatranre that they might Po«tnM*t«r CtoiierftI Or**«lBfn tmring •uhllahM m K-.ltvr*. servative men from various aeetionn of the the oath ol otflee. Judge Paul now occu- tens, perhaps yon can form some idea of the make against race distinctions. [Ap- wilful And idaIicIouh fulMhood in Wtfrnrd lb U»f» ch»r- A Rw wreklz t.T the people. The elm of Ihe Pnb. feelings I have in appearing in this new plause.] ■cUr ..f Th« Lonialan* Lottory ComiMnr. the llsnere end Edllore la to ■, eke "THE PKOP1.K" ■ OEWOCRATIC ^OUNTY TICKET. country, were nil spurned by the Republi- piea a new relation to the people, among following tacla are* girrn to tba p«Mlc to prova hi* iieeeeeity in eviry home In lie lerrttory. whom he haa heretofore been known only i theatre ; but I know that lam in the house BOSHISM. •Utamrnl, (hat w« arc «ngagad In a ftraodnleut buab KOU STATF. SKKATK: can administration. A settlement could ot my friends |applause] and I am not One by one the planks in our platform itaa* to bu falae and nutrae : It.. wll.' al-o"1HK en I'EOI'LK"tivftte important will lie eflflda newij not Dewepeper, now orrn- have itecn made if reason had controlled ; as a politician. Just here it may l>e as Amount of pritaa paid by Tba Lomlalana Rtata I ot. pled by any pap.-r in onr a> rtion. 'Jbi* first aim Ip to GEORGE B. KEEZEU afraid." [Great applause ] were considered anil approved. His re- tary Company from January 1. 1879. to tba preacut make a porn pappr. NotbinR ml gar or Immoral will hut fanaticism prevailed and a long, bloody wcil tosav that in all our animadversions For all Ids twelve years' retirement from marks with reference to the internal-reve- date : wi an full ted lo ita coir, mns in advertiatog or readliiK the hustings the Judge showed no embar- Paid to Rontharn Kxprca#Co., Haw Orlaana mattei. All advertl ing of a purulclonn li.flnpnce or KOU llorHK OK DKI.KOATKS: war followed. of Hon. John Panl, wo have never been nue repeal wore heartily applauded. He T. M. Wceroat. Manager 91.9M POO frandnlenl charact-r will be scriipnlonNly ej(uind**d. OAK. GEORGE G. ORATTAN, actuated by personal Ill-will. Such feel- raasment. He spoke without heaitation, endorsed fully—notwithstanding he did Paid to Konlbiana National Bank. Joa. H. The local new# deparimctit wui be hi*daily looked without the aid of manaacript, and at timea not launch into any abuse of Mahone—that Oglaaby, Praatdant 468,900 after under the bead of ••CUR N E^B LEITKR," As JOHN K. SOI'EE. The eyes of all VTrginlans throughout inga wo have never entertained toward Paid to Ironlaiara Rtate National Dank. 8. anon an ponaible, i orrrppcuduiitn and reportera will was pathetic and at others warmed np with plank of oura which opposes the tyranny H Kennedy. Praeldeut 124.100 be ppcured at every important point wbi re ••THE the world are turned to the old Mother him, tor amid all the bitter wrangles inci- indignation, as only the best of our cam of bossism, and said ; "IfQeo. Washington ^ald to New Orleana National Bank. A. r I'ROPLK" circnlales. l>KMOCRATIC COl'NTY COMMITTKK. State tliia Fall in anxious expectancy that dent to onr wide political divergence, onr paigners can do. or Roliert E. Lee could burst their cere 3aMwln. Preeldenft 8v B0 The EDUCATIONAL WORK aball hare tbe promU Paid to Union National Bank. B. Cbarlaron, nent and important place it denurvpp. ihe editor of her past glory will l>e maintained by a personal relations have ever been kind. He said that be had been a silent but not ments and return to earth again, I, (or one, Caabler 64,440 tho Rducaiional Depnrtment will aim to bare two coU AS1IUY DIPTHICT. a disinterested observer of political events. would never give either oi them the power Paid to i itisena' Bank. E. L. Garriere, umna devntud •xclunvily to thin cunae. Hcbool A. Sliutters, M. Strickler, W. H. Blake rousing Democratic victory. It is. therefore, that the pleasure to us is Ho had seen our partv repeating the story Pr* aid nt (7 000 tenuberp will find it • npucialiy valuable. Kdnuational posseseed by General Mahone." [Applause.] Paid to Oermania National Dank, Julea currePiKindenuo iaroltrilfd. In onr nection tbla fea* more, B. F. Ritchie, M. J. Moyerhoeffer. heightened to note the retirement of Judge of Actieon, who was torn to pieces by his THE NATIONAL DEMOCRACY. Caaaard, Preaidcnt 30,000 tnre belongs only to ••THE PEOFLE." dogs. When he was elected judge the party Paid to Hibcrnia National Bank. Chae. Pal* The Rnnday-Pcboo)—tbe Habbatb homo ot the youth CRKTHAl. UIATUirT. Hayes was not elected and was a fraudu- Paul from the political arena, and we are Our allegiance, said he, ia the National frey. Oaabb r 37 000 of the land—shall have hall-colnmn on tbe current lent President, yet. he gave us a fair ad- pleased, as we have heretofore said, that had just achieved a very distinguished and Paid to Canal Bank. Kd. Toby, Caabler.... 13,160 Snnday-Kuhrol Lennon. C. T. O'Fernill, O. R. Eaatham. J. S. honored victory. It had saved Virginia Democracy—a party of the people, a party Paid lo Mutual N'atloual Bank The columnn of • THE PEOPLE" shall be open to llarnslierjfcr, \V. M. Loewenbach, James niinistrntlon. Qarfleld would have been a our able and talented friend has been ele- that is least influenced by monopolies, that Joe. Mitcbel. Caabler..,.*. 8 24240 0 Chnrcli and Temperance work at all times. We hope from the perils which had struck down our believes in a just limitation of the power those intercateU will see to it that they are repre- JI. liinewcavcr. pretty pood President, very probably, but vated to a position that we are confident sister States of the South. "It bad saved Total paid aa shove $2,263,640 sented wrek'y. the Republicans killed him. Arthur sue he will adorn. Judge Paul is of that Virginiafrom tbe domination of negro rule, of the Federal Government; not a party Paid in smnn of nnd* r $1 00 ' at the various (Jimationp of pnblic In'erent will he dipenaeed in ihe T.INVtl.I.K DISTntCT. which resta upon an army of bayonets and ofllueM of the Company throughout the light of the bent Intormation obtainable and by per* W. R. McKeever. Chas. P. Brock, J. B. coeded to the Presidency by accident, and mould of man, in our judgment, that will led on by Henry Happy Wells and the ear United i tatea 2 6J7.410 sons well qnalifled to do what they attempt. pet-baggers who came down to engorge office-holders. He had seen a letter [inter- Growth, progrvnp, development, In every sense, Ganifwcr, Joseph Woniter, J. R. Price, is the worst of the lot, The Republicans put off the miry garments of the politician themselves upon the little pittance left us " viewed!] from General Mahono ^stating Total paid by all $4,881,060 will be endorsed nod encouraged. vi. a ins nistmcT. have been tried long enough. From Grant as he dons the ermine of the Judge. that the Republicans, if they "did not ahow For tbe truth of the above facts we refer the public "THE PEOPLE" will be ntrlcllv devoted to thn He pictured Virginia in that hour of tri- too much squeutnishnesa." would win in to the offirers of »be above-named rorporatb na. and beat loterePts ol THE HOME THE SCHOOL. THE P. W. Puph, Erasmus No ft', George Wit- on they have been going down hill in po- For these reasons we are glad ot the umph and in this ofherpitiful humiliation. for our legality and atandiug to the Mayor and Offloera CHURCH. AND THE STATE. the next election. He didn't know what of th»* City oi New Orleana, to the State authoritiea of TWO DOLLARS PER TEAE tig. A. II. Fulk, Jno. Harrison. lilieal charactor, and in the quality and elevation of Judge Paul to the Federal In a passing remark he showed that for the was meant by "too much sqneamishness," L'ninians. and alto to the U. H. Cfflciala of Loniaiana. SPECIAL PRICE: successful establishment of public schools We claim to be legal, honeat and rorn-rt in all onr To the flrnt one thoneand aabneriben. on* dollar STONKWAI.I. niSTIIICT. moral character of their standard bearers, .Tndgeship, as well as for the further rea- in Virginia the Democrats deserve the unless it was that they mnst not be too tranaai ttone. aa much so aa any buninesa in the coun- per year each, in advance. until the American people are sliamed by sons that in onr opinion he will be a good particular, but lie thought that the pros- try. Onr standing taooneeded by all who will inves- WSUBSCHIDE NOW. Z. D. Gilmore, C. S. Gibbons, H. II. credit. He showed that in 1871 when they t.gate. and onr etork has for yean* bcou aold at onr A P. FUNKHOU9ER. Pnbllaeer. Bpimlle, Dr. G. W. Kemper, C. W. S. the debauchery of the present occupant ol Judge, is "to the manner born," and will came into power there were in Virginia 100 pects were of a Democratic victory in the Board of Frokera, and owned by many of onr bevt •Pf>13 Harrlaonbnr , Va, public school Iiouaes; in 1880 when they next presidential election. He read a list known and respected citixens. Turner. the White house. A change is demanded. dispense justice to the people among whom of the States Democratic at recent elec- 1W. A. DAUPHIN, President. W. H. RrTKNOKK, Chairman. went out there were 2,895, and teachers and JtXiscctlimeoxis. ho has lived all his life, whom he knows pupils in proportion. tions to show th it those who join Mahone The so called Rcaiyustcrs of the Valley for the sake of Federal office will in ail so well, and whose esteem he has in an THE KUNDINO BILL. J.t" P.n Kerr, Jf Secretaries. of Virginia sliould look up Muhoue's re- eminent degree, unprejudiced by partizan proUMlky Ins disappointed and as for CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. As for this, he said, "I never was for it Virginia, he l>€lieved that the spirit of . . •««« ui . *. UBMOCKATIC COUNTY KXKCCTIYKCOM- cord In opposition to the charter of the bias, but simply as an agent in his high as a man or as a judge, and I am happy to lilierty which la planted deep in the hearte "n»r »».oo Share. In proport'on. MITTKK. Valley Railroad. Those who live on the place, holding the scaies of justice at equal say that my opinion is to-day receiving the of the people la more than ever now alive line of the Shcnandoah Valley should do balance at all times. saction of the must eminent judges in this and will eurely reassert itself. [Great ap W. H. Ritonour. chairman, ex-ojfficio. country." planse.] J. S. HnriiKbergcr, likewise. Wc notice that several of the newspa- But, said he, it was not passed as a Oeo. P. Eastham, I The DemocratsofRockingham arc work- Democratic measure; a Democratic Legis- Accidents. I1GHT RUNNINr Wm. M. Lneaenbach, pers of the State are devoting considerable lature, in (act. repealed it. No, it was not j ing to the perfect organization of the party. Louisiana Slate Lottery Company. Chas. T. O'Fcrrall. attention to the discussion of tho'bill be- a Democratic measure. It was conceived Wtlloughby, son of Clarence W. Boyd, : and the program, as laid down by the fore the last Mahono legislature, known as liy Gilbert C. Walker—a stranger in onr Esq., fell as he attempted to get off of a " We do hereby certify that ice superriee the PRKCINCT COMMtTTEKS. Lynchburg Convention, will be closely midst, who was selected and put forward arrangement* for all the Monthly and Semi- the Commissioner- of- Sales bill. AVe had for Governor by General Mahone. train at the depot on Friday evening lust, i followed. The enthusiasm in our ranks is not perceived the necessity for this; hut as which he had boarded for a short ride. Annual Drawing* of the Louitiana State At a meeting of the Democratic County ■ Of General Mahone Judge Staples said it Lottery Company, and in pernon manage and indicative of work, and work means vic- time develops the tact that it is yet a pet was not his purpose to speak unkindly, but He struck his right knee against a large Committee held in Harrisonburg on Mon- tory. The Democracy realize this, and the control the Drawing* themiehe*. and that the day, September 3. 1883. the following measure of the Mahoneites—or at least of he should discuss his public acts, and stone, cutting it very badly. Drs. Hopkins tame are conducted with honesty, fairne**, SIMPLE manner in which the hoys roll up their quite a number of the lenders—it begins would say that of all the men in tliis State and in good faith toward all parties, and we named gentlemen were appointed Preeinit most responsible for the passage of the fun- and Harrison rendered the necessary sur- sleeves and pitch in shows that they mean to dawn upon us that a discussion of tbe gical attention* authorise the Company to use this cert if rait, Committeemen for the precincts in Rock- ding bill General Mahone is ihe man. But with far similes of our signatures attached, business. Never since 1809 have the De- measure it necessary, in order that the I will not dwell on the public delrt ques- Willie, a five-year old son of Capt. John 1 ingham county : mocrats of this comity been as determined in its advertisements.'' M.AINS ntSTIITOT. people may be made acquainted with the tion. I thank God that it is dead. We'll McClain, met with an unaccountable acci- and active, and if the enemy have done no iniquities so deftly concealed behind this not even hold a funeral over it. Let us rath dent on Friday evening last ot his parents' Itrnrnhray—J. M. Garlier, E. S. Pon- other good, they have at least set us an ex- er rejoice that it is settled. Let it be pro nington, Eugene West, Dr. J. M. H. Sto- new invention for public robbery. In claimed over ail the land that all parties residence, on North Main street. His ample as to how to win a victory, and we future issues we shall therefore give some are glad to get rid of it. Do I say all par- mother beard him scream, and found him ver, Wm. Minnich. propose to profit by our schooling. We Cooles1 Store—Dr. J. G. Cootes, J. Henry attention to this subject. True, it is not ties ? Well, that requires some modifica- lying senseless at the yard gate. Dr. Har- intend to do our level best to redeem likely to he cnacfcd into a law for several tion. The "Readjusters" know very well rison was summoned, and after considerable Smith, John C. Sprinkel, Jos. N Riddle, Rockinghnm and put it out of the list of that it would put money in their pockets J. H. Neff, Moses Carrier, Harrison Smith. reasons: First—That it is very unlikely to readjust readjustment. [Applause.] difficulty, he recovered sufficient to speak Commisstoners doubtful counties for the future. Let all that Mahonitcs will control the next Leg incoherently. His mind wandered the TimherriUe—Chas. E. Fahrney, B. F. necessary agencies be employed, and have DONE KOR. Incorporated In 1868 for 26 yearn by the Leg! lature Garlier, J. C. Henkel, John Wampler, S. S. islature; and, second, that a Democratic entire night, and he has not yet been able for Edumtional and Charitable purponei*—with a capi- every man at Ids post to the end of the Judge Staples quoted Riddleberger and talK ot ll.ouo.tNN)—to which a reserve fund of o er Legislature never has, nor is it probable if other functionaries of the Administration to account for his injury. Ho received an $. .6r.0G0 ban nluce been added. Powtnan. fight By an overwhelming popular vole Itn francblne wan Wtttig'n Store—Israel Coplinger, Philip ever would, place upon the statute book so party to show that the debt i$ settled, and ugly contusion under the right eye, and made a part of the pr nent State Constitution adopt- he ridiculed the idea that the Democrats ud December 2d, A. D., 1879. Souder, Ahab Dove, Henry Wittig, Isaac The taxpayers of Virginia would he vile a piece of political machinery, by his breast is badly bruised. which robbery would become but a pas- would reopen the question—after all they "Bertie," the sprightly son of Daniel The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed Fink. #5,000,000 better off to day if her present ■have suffered from it—if they got into by thepeoiAe of any State, time, and the public made to dance up to power. Dechert, Esq., was thrown from his father's Tenth Legion George Harrison. Wm. G. Senator, Mahono, had not been a railroad It never Scales or Postpones! Brown, Reuben Koontz. J. W. Taylor, D. wrecker, and ]>er *e, monopolist. If her the requirements of a petty county official, The Judge is right about that. These horse, which slipped on the stone flagging who would, in many instances, bo the Democratic people out here would consider at the crossing of Water and Germnn Itn Oraml Sing;!© Number Drawlngn take G. Murtz, Julius Sibert, C. G. Jennings. taxpayers do not forget this, and have any any man perjured who was elected on the streets, on Saturday evening last. He place Monthly. I.tNVtt.I.K DISTRICT. respect for their own rights, they will hoist leading corrupter of the ballot-box and A SPLKKDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN Lynchburg platform and would attempt fortunately broke no bones, but received a A. FORTUNE TENTH ORAND DRXWINO WEWHome^ Iloorer'e Shop—Philip Slioemaker, Henry this turncoat this Fall at the polls. the beginning of a legalized class of public directly or indirectly, openly or covertly, severe contusion of the right thigh, caused CL48H K, AT NEW ORLEANS TUESDAY, OCTO- Shoemaker. defaulters and thieves. to undo or impair that settlement. by coming in contact with the curbing, BER Dili, iR^S—lOlst Monthly Drawing. •SEWING MACHINE CO- Singer*» Olen—J. B. Gangwer, C. H. UMTKI) STATES SENATOR. I reckon not one will ever l>e found in which will cause him to be an invalid for KKNATORIAt, CANVASSKR, such fix. If so, furewe'il to his good name some time. Dr. Harrison relieved "Bertie" Capital Prize, $75,000 Long. 8. L. Rice, P. D. Kildow, M. J. The Legislature to be chosen next No- The following gentlemen have been up and fair fume. so far as within a surgeon's skill. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. CHICAGO.ILL.- Bixler. vember will not elect a successor to Ma- THE PARTY OF PROSCRIPTION. Fractions, in Fifths, in proportion^ ORANGE, MASS. Kiiom—J. C. Beery, Joseph Qeil, Jacob pointed Senatorial canvassers for this dis Meeting of the Rend Just er County „ and ATLANTA. GA. _ hone, whoso term does not expire until Judge Staples attacked the Administra- LIST OF PHIZES. Baxter, David Beard. Col. E. Sipe. trict: tion party in Virginia as the party of pro- Committee. March 4. 1887. One half ol the State Sen- J. B. Stcpbenson. W L. Yancey, Dr. E. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE ...$76,000 Mi Inge— H. B. Armcntrout, J. R. Bow- scription ; instancing that the more than The Roadjuster County Committee met 1 do do ... >6 000 D. H. IjANDKS, near HorriHonbunc. Va ators, however, will be elected in Novem- A. Herring, John W. Blackburn. M. Lin- 100.000 Democratic votes in the State were 1 do do ... 10.000 man, B. F. Cherryholmes, Wm. Sellers, ber for four years, and these Senators will as effectually excluded from participation at Paul's office on Saturday last, it being 2 PRIZES OF $6,h04) .. . 1'2 0O0 Hon iKoulinrg Office at C. \V. BOVD'S, Euk-, Mioliael Allebaugh. don, M. J. Martz. T. R. Filler, J. P. Low- 5 do 2 4 0 » ... lo 000 Market Street. Sec Big Sign, have a voice in the choice < f Senator Ma- in the management of the affairs of the an adjourned meeting from the previous l') do 1.000 ... In too aprff-fim Mountain VnUey—Gen. W. Yancey, B. P. man, George P. Burtner, Wm. A. Penca State as though they were an alien and 20 do r>o> ... iotno h'lne's successor. It would be well for tbe W. H. Ritesouu, Saturday. Tho committee declined to KO do 2Oil ... 2o0(l Armcntrout, C. W. Barley, John Boyers, proscribed race. accept the resignation of Mr. Rock. Paul 300 do 100 ... 30 000 In the "Whole History of voters of Rockingham to bear this fact in Ch'm. Dcm. Co. Com. It bad not been so in old times, and the 600 do 60 ... i^OoO Medicine Henry Bennett. as chairman. They also "kicked" against 1000 do 25 ... 25 000 mind, and elect our gallant standard bear- J.K. SMITH. )s5,eore . nriC9. Judge recalled ihe names of Whig judges No preparation has ever performed snch Asimv DISTRICT. J. P. KERR, ( ' - kept in office by Democratic Legislatures. the "opinion" of the Spirit that there APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Moyerhoeffer'e Store—C. A. Van Lear, B. er, Geo. B. Keezel, by sueh a majority as should be no election for Circuit Clerk 0 Approximation Prizca ol $T50 i--* 6.75 marvellous cures, or maintained so will convince Senator Muhone tliat bis po- Further, lie sharply criticised the enemy 9 do do 500 ... 4.600 wide a reputation, ns Aybk's Chbriiv F. Saufley, W. T. Carpenter, W. H. Wine, for their prostitution of public institutions this Fall. The Readjusters will therefore 9 do do 2(0 .... 2,260 litical course is not approved of by our He is known as a Petershurge.r; but on Court-day nominate a candidate for Pectou.vi., which is recognized as tho James M. Saufley. and public-school machinery for political world's remedy for all diseases of the lionest people. If an unforeseen occur- after the elections this Full, lie will be Circuit Court Clerk, to be voted for ut tbe lUtIT Prixea, amounting to $265 500 CroHn Key*—Dr. E. A. Herring, W. S. purposes. throat and lungs. Its long-continued rence should elect Dr. Webb, he may vote known better as a Peter-outer. November election. Application for rat- n to clnba nhenld l»e made only Slusser. Samuel L. Slusscr, Peter S. Good, THE COALITION. to the office ol lb'' Company in New Orleans. scries of wonderful cures in all cli- against Muhone for United States Senator, C. W. Williams, formerly of this county, For further information write clearly, giving full mates has made it universally known Wm. A. Shownlter, James Scott, Phineas ADDITIONAL LOCALS, The part of his speech that produced the nddrcn*. Make p o. Money Orders pry able and ad- deepest effect was that in which he showed and a printer in this office, has sold the drenn KegiHlered Letters to as a safe and reliable agent to employ. Stiekley. taking as a precedent his vote lor Harris Against ordinary colds, which are the against Paul in 1878. County Court Day. up the Coalition and exposed the fallacy of Slater (Mo.,) Index to Hez. Purdom. W. NEW OUUSANH NATIONAL RANK, forerunners of more serious disorders, I'leoxnot Volley—R. C. Cleveland, Peter the proposition that "Arthur is for us." New Orlettna, La. it acts speedily and surely, always re- Monday next, Sept. 17, will be County Here he referred to the fact that Arthur has had a severe spell of sickness, from Ordinary lottera by Mall or Exprenn, to Kaylor, Mar'in Dellinger, George Huff- Senator Wm. Ma hone is the so-called lieving suffering, and ofteu saving life. man, P. C. Tutwiler. Court day, and all who desire to subscribe, had vetoed the river and haibor bill, which which he is rapidly recovering we are M. A. DAUPHIN, The protection it affords, by its timely chairman of the Committee on Agriculture contained #300,000 for southern rivers; that New Orlvnna, La., Ml. Cravford—Qeo. H. Hulvey, Henry for the Commonwealth fi>r the campaign pleased to learn. or M. A. DAUPHIN. use lu throat and chest disorders, of the United States Senate. Now what In the appointment of 331 ministers and 007 He veil th St#, Washington, D. C. makes it an invaluable remedy to lie W. Roller, S B. McFull, Geo. W. Showal are earnestly invited to come forward. consuls, Ac., the South had gotten but 20, The Highest Education. ■ep18-4w kept always on hand In every home. we want to know is, what has he ever done and the north had gotten 30(1, and that he No person can afford to lie without It, ter, Jos. Crawn. for the agricultural interests of the coun- Price, 25 Cents Uridyeieater—S. Q. Driver. J. H. Wy- hud placed the entire Federal power and There is a great deal that is wrong 'n IXCURSION FARES and those who have once used it never try ? Did he stay in Washington and dis- for any two months, which will cover the our modern method of education. It teach- —TO— will. From their knowledge of Its nant, Adam May, Andrew Miller, H. C. patrouage in Virginia in tho hands of Ma- charge faithfully his duties us a member of period from now until after the November hone. And, indeed, were Arthur for us, es a man to be gentleman, but jet does not composition and operation, physicians Hale. LOU ISVI TLj Ui E, use tlie Chekky Pmctoral extensively that committee, or did he stay in Rich- election. should we sacrifice principle to that end ? give him the power of making a living. It Dayton—John M. Sheets, A. C. Fish- Not go. stuffs him with facts and meaningless VIA THE in their practice, and clergymen recom- mond and try to '•boss" the "big four ?" To prominent Democrats of means we Just here Judge Staples spoke of the words, phrases and theories, but does not mend It. It is absolutely certain in back, Lewis S. Byrd, Preston Coakley, II. would suggest, that they cannot invest enable him to think for himself and be- its healing effects, and will always K. Devier, E. Gromer, J. S. McLeod. time when Col. R. E. Lee was sent for, and CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY, cure where.cures are possible. The Blidgewaler Journal and tlie Harri- money in the campaign to any better ad- offered that most illustrious and glittering come a man in the highest and best sense. TO ATTEND For sale by oil druggists. Ottobine—T. M. Trnssell, Jacob Sbickel, sonburg Spirit are notatune. Tbe Journal, vantage than by subscribing for and circu- position, the command of tbe United States His education is too general and not prac- tical enough. All classes should be taught Lucius C. Haney. B. F. Cromer, James A. anent the legality of e'ecting a clerk next lating the Commonwealth among their aimic8;and the Judge asked—asked an The Great Southern Exposition ^ FOR sale: Funk, Daniel Cupp, Joseph Myers, Geo. audience largely composed of ex-Confeder- that Pehdna the great remedy compoun- —OF— November says : "Judge Johnston was neighbors and friends. Apart from the fact ate soldiers—did Lec say "I am for Lin- ded by Dr. Hartman is the very thing ho L. Croushorn. evidently right, and acted in accordance of the price being low. and the fact of the coln because Lincoln is for me ?" [Cries. needs for the restoration of his health and A TRACT OF LAND CBNTUAI. DISTRICT. ART, INDUSTRY AND AGRICDLTDRE, I with law when he ordered this election to advantage to be gained to the party, there "No," "No.] "Do you suppose he would the toning up of tho body. Being com- Uontinulni; till November 10th. Keedetoien—Aug. Armcntrout, N. N. B. ,| till the vacancy occasioned by the death of is a duty to the Democratic press behind it have disposed of his people like cattle in posed of pure vegetable substances and the shambles ?" [Cries, "No," "No."] containing no poisonous minerals, they are Rontul trip tli kots, good to return for thirty day a Hannah, W. H. Clatterbuek, Jacob C. Mr. Shue." all, besides the duty resting npon every from date of laeue, are on nale at ihe principal ata- Virginia's vote. just the thing for all classes of people, and tiuUH ol the Chonapeake and ubio Railway and con- Fiinkhnuser, George Grabill, Humphrey The Spirit of the Valley on the same sub- Democrat of using all proper means to fur- all should leurn at once that it is to their ueciiona in Virginia and Nortii OHroiiua. a Lyina on Broad Run, the South Judge Staples declared that he believed, Hton over will be allowed at the famous 4:raenbrier '•''lo. two railea below Bm-kland, Shughrne. ject says of Judge Newman, who claims ther the party's interest. interest to inquire into the merits of these White Sulphur Hpriuga or other reHOrie of tbe Cln-Ha- kn three miles from Heymarket, end Ml. Clinton—James C. Heltzel, Dr. J. S. though of course the evidence was not in medicines, for therein lies the highest edu- pt »kc ami Ohio Railway, within the time-limit of the three from Gaineville. This is tine there can be no election for Circuit Clerk, Come forward, then, on next Monday and Ids hands to prove, that there is a bargain Ticket. ^ -iJn 'fOm'iK- guitable tor Corn, Wheat.Ac. Curry, J. II. Frank, L. C. Hopkins, D. K. cation. Ask your druggist tor Pkuuna. Fast Trains, with Pnllmau bleeping Cars, through "We do not see how any one can doubt the bring us in the names of hundreds, who by which Arthur is to give Mahone con- the Virgiuiae to LouiBVillo without change. It has a Comfortable Two-Story House on it, Cromer. 9. J. Dundore, E. A. Bare. correctness of .1 udire Newman's decision, or should have atthis particular time all the trol oi the offices and patronage of the SPECiAL FSATURES. coutaiuiug five rooms buRidea Attic and a PaRaago be- Federal Government in Virginia, and Ma- Hon. Jno. 8. Bsrhnnr, Chairman Vir- While every day during the Expodtion until the tween rooms. Tbe buildings are new. Apply to ILarritonhurg —Win. Liggett, Snm'l Coff- liesitatc to sustain him therein." political light possible from a Democratic ginia Democratic State Committee, has cloning, will be full of the most liAereHting features, hone is to deliver to him the State in the certain days have been set apart lor ep-cial attrao D. G D. MOXLEY, man, 11. V. Stiuyor, B. K. Coe, W. W. Rol- source. presidcntal election.. fully opened his campaign in that State tion*, which will be of direct iutoreat to a large num- angS0 4w Greenwich, Priuce Wm. 0 Va. ler, E. S. Strnyer, M. O. Crabill, J. M. The Democratic papers in Virginia this full by a perfect organization through- ber of people. This paper has never wavered nor falter- THEIR LEGISLATION. out all the counties and tbe appointment The Fall Meeting of Ihe Louiaville Fair ABgocintion Royer. should secure the files of the Whig of ed in its devotion to the Democratic party. will be September 18tL'. 19tli, 2«th. ilnt and 22d. STONKWAI.I. DISTRICT. What the Mahone party did in the way ot most excellent canvassers. Tbe Southern Expoaitiou has made Fair week 18G9-70-71-73, and republlsh its brilliant Hence, we expect the party to stand by it Mr. Barbour is one of the most astute ••Kentucky Week." MeGaheynellle -J. A. Hammcn, C. M. of legislation, proposed and perfected, The Fall Meeting of the Louiaville Jockey Club c HAS BEEN PROVED .• editorial screens against the' "negroes," with the party's patronage. Judge Staples reviewed. He spoke of the managers in Virginia. He has often baf- comuieuces September 22d, and contluuea about Z. The SUREST CURE for » Killian, J. H. Berry, Brown Crawford, | the "radicals," the "carpet baggers," the commissione-oi-sale^bill which they allow- fled and defeated Mr. Mahone, while the tweu y day a. The famous atalllon atak'B, paying tho I KIDNEY DISEASES. | Frank Shaver, Jos. Armcntrout, Geo. R. "bucktails," and the "colored line." In The examiuatioii ol Public Hchool teschers was held ed to die because an amendment was adop- latter has never yet been able to defeat winning borae twenty thona n t dollare, will induce (" Doee »Uina b«6k or dlaordared orlno Indl- in thin place ou Friday last, as pur notice. There him oncq, and consequently the country the moat celebrated racers to be entered at this meet- Ergen bright. parnllel columns with the slush of that ed [on motion of General New berry] ma- ing. The stables of Ohinn, Lorlllard, Dwyer Bron., £® HESITATE;oate that you use arc Kidney-Wort a victim ? THEN at onoe, DO (drag- NOT ® were 1'iO toachore preacut during the exaiuiuHtion, king the commissioners elective by the can again this fall look confidently to the and other renowned racers have been entered (or this c Port Keptihlle—Wilson Harper, Thos. journal of to dav, they would furnish in- and we learn that tbe examination waa a very Batia. former for a decisive victory. meeting at Louiaville. ®« gistscomo rocomineadthe diaaaso it) and and restore It wfllapeedily healthy action. over- u© Maupin, Jefferson Nicholas, John W. factory oue,oue indeed. TheTbe attendance showtdBU w d that people; of the hill proposing to vacate all ExcqihIodh from Lonlavllle to Mammoth Cave ® _ ^Jj! For complalnta peculiar > teresting literary"foodJ for nflection. * '* ' i the offices of notaries public ; of the con- Being somewhat acquainted with the ©very d.iy. Tbe cheap Exp< eitlrn coupon-rate, com- £ fciaillCcka to your sex, auch oo pain-I Blaekburn, R. A. Scott. therett.acu u.illwill betw> plentyi.lontv nfof toa.UiAPateaebera fr.pfor Hiptbe iiiihlii*public Ri'tmolllacboola people of Virginia and having the most pritdng railroad and stage iare. hotel and care fees, oi tbU county tbe coming year. gressional reapportionment bill intended will enable vlsitora to the Oreat Southern Exposition **£ andaa it weaknesses, wiU act promptly Kidney-Wort and safely. la unaurpoaiied, - Furnace No. S—Sebastian Propes, J. N. to elect eight Administration and two thorough faith in their integrity, are satis- to visit the moat iutercnting nnturai ourloalty in the Either Sex. Inoontlnence, retention of urine, « T1 unrUr the Democruti". congressmen, and of all their fied they will never again permit them- world. § brick duat or ropy depoeita. and dull dragging A Cloud, E. C. Dearing,Deuring, Benjamin Haney. * circumstances, we wore the The Veterans' Visit, selves to be either fooled into disgracing EXCURSION TICKETS TO L' UI8VILLE, GOOD TO palna, all apoedily yield to ita curative power. ~ Conrad'* Store-.).Store—J. A. Hammer, W. C. ",,cro of tho crater" we wouId loP lWn other measures to'furtlier proscribe the De- RRiUHN FOB THIRTY DAYS, < 45- BQT.T) DY AUI DB-UCKTiaTB^Fri^fl^ * the mocracy—the whole forming a vast scheme themselves, or yet remain quiescent, when Are for sale at the points named, at the following low Long, Dives Shilllett,Shifflett. W. E.K. Kite, Wm. H.11. sWcsof our hat, draw in our small legs After all, tbe proupecta are good for a creditable a vindication of their honor is simply de- ratea: feet nnd m ke 11 bKl1 of 0 r8e f and reception lo be giveu the ••vole-aua" of tbe Federal of aggrandizement devised to make people Chariottenville. ••*.$16 60 Marshall, Walter H.II. Miller.Miller, J. T. Burner, ' " ° ' armies who have arranged to viait the Valley of Vir- come over to them for the offices. In this pendent upon their attendance at the polls Waynenboro 15 76 „ .. ,, , idav1 "straddle hug," and stand the chances to give the lie to all who claim to carry 35 T. K..K. Ilarnsberger. ■ . ... . , , . giuia tliis month, rpendiug Sato day, Septumbor 22d, connection the speaker paid an eloquent Stauuton 36 16 8 them in their breeches pockets, of one who 14 ANNOUNCEMENT. W.... II.11.TI Ritkkour,Ritenour, Chairman.,,, . _ of being, . mashed, byf a cart-wlieel in the In this place* Ou Haturcay n ght a meeting of oitU tribute to the patriotism and independence sens was beld In tbe Court-House. Ou motion of only gained their confidence by false pre- SCHEDULE OF FAST TRAINS I hereby annonuce myaoll aa a candidate for the I K Smith / revolution of its "hub," and die happy that of the Big Four senators. v a C. A O. Railway. Hluae ol Delegtca fMu Rockingham County, and Col. O. B. Roller, J. 8. Harusberger, Esq., was called NEGRO TRUSTEES. tenses of loyalty to his State in the past. Leave Charlotteavllle fl.lB P. II. reapectfully aollolt the votes of the membera of the J P Kerr! 1 Secretaries. "Old Yirginny never tired" in tho destruc- to the Chair, and tbe newtp .per editors present re We heartily congratulate Virginia upon •• Stanuton 10 40 P. M. Republican party lu particular, and other voters in tion of humbugs. At least two thirds of their voters are •• Goahcn ••.....11 61 P- M. general. I am a Repnbllcan ; If elected I promiae to quested to act as Secretaries. The meeting was small her evident determinat'on ol planting her iwe every effort to p.'oraot© the proaperlly of tbe peo- DHMOGUATICDEMOCRATIC M AMS MKBTINOft.MEETINGS. | " ou account of tho sbortniRauf the notice. Ou mo* negroes, Judge Staples said, and it became foot squarely upon the neck of her modern ple of tho State. Election day November 6th 1883. lion, a Finance Connnitiee to solicit snbecriptioua waa necessary to conciliate them by turning tyrant, as shown in the selection of Mr. Very Reapecllfully, white men out of office to give some ne- Vanilla, Lemon, Pineappl-, Strawberry, Ac., for fla- Aug. 16 te. A. A. HUNNICDTT. There will liehe Democratic Mass Meet- "Our William," alia* "Billy Mahone," is appointed, an follows: James W. Rullivan, James W. Harbour as Chairman of her State Com voring Ice-Oream, Padding, Water Iocs, etc. ings held in the Court House, in Ilrrrison-Hrrrison- said to love hog-lish and ids ante-bellum Blair, W. W. Roilor. J. C. Staples and B. Ney. groes places. That was how tbe intelligent mitteo.—National Farm and Firetide, Hal- For sale at AVIS' Drug Store. *'burg, burg, ouon SeptSeptember em her and OctoberQctober County enemies. Time is a great leveier, and our On motion. J. P. Hyde, Esq., was made chairman people o( Richmond came to bo insulted by timore. Used with any cUan penfor mark- of the Committee on Refreshments. The remainder tho appointment, ot two ignorant negro or ATTV'O ORGANS 27 Stops 10 Bet Breda Only ntivelug anv work fabric. on linen. Pupalnr Received forUecera- Ceu- Court days, ut 1 o'clock, p. m. ThoThe meet- William thinks lie can get more of the of the c< mm it tec will be appointed at another meet, school t rustees-one of them Cameron's mes- T"" PIANOS $126 up. Rare Holiday "What Might Have Been !" • liiducementa ready. Write or call on BEATTY, mwami EfttnbiiHlo-daOyowra.' ta u r^ DipioM. bolt] by all ings will helie addressed by distinuuisheddistinguisbed devil into him by eating /ley-fish than in ing to be held ou Tu< sday evening at the same place, senger—and he thanked the editor of the Washington .New Jerey. KEULIJhJmHi >ruggL>i>s^ " »« B d News Agfa* DemocruticDemocratic speakers. Ibm,Hon. John E. Mas- any other way, and ns a great General in at 8 o'clock. At t o same time Ihe Finauoo Ommlt- Dinpatch for bringing this outrage to the It is sad for the dying consumptive to aug 2 6m tee will report, and other nt eeaaary oommUleea be Trxt88eB and Supporters. soysey and Gen. James G. Field will speak the late war, lie is enabled to prosper at attention ot the people. Ho warned the reflect on what might have been if Hale's appointed to carry out (he program of reception and enemy that before long the negro trustees Honey of Horehound and Tar had been A large stock of varioua sty ha soil prices. Can fit ••THE ■E»T I« CHEAPEST.** " on Monday, September 17th. the expense of ids former friends by coa- enteririnraent of the visitors. would be saying : If we are fit to sit on any case. For aale at AVIS' Drug SUae. HGIMS, TUDirCUCDCSiWMm The aubscrlptiou was started at the meeting on taken early enough. Sold by druggists. HonePoweni I nntOnLnO CloverIhller. u - Icscing with their political foes. boards with white men ourchildreu are fit Fikk's Toothache Drops cure in one Extracts lemon, pineapple, oranoe "TheTho utterances of Gen. Mahone and of _ Saturday uigbt, and although there were but few per itnapberry, Strawberry and Vanilla, foe flawrlDg (Salted to all brctiono.) Write for a'niSB lllus. Punphict aoiia present, yet the handNume sum of $79.(1) was to go to schools with white children. To minute. and Prloea to Tbe Auitnuui & Taylor Co.. ManaOeld. tjhto. his intimate friend. Col. Brady, the chair- What man in Virginia has denounced show that the negroes do want mixed schools From Eminent James H. Southall, M. purposea. at OTT'S DRUG STORK. raised for tbe object In less then flltoen miuutea, be quoted from resolutions of tbe negro1 D , Little Rock.: "1 willingly bear testi- ► UOGY AND CARRIAGE HARNESS C^ARKIAGK AND RIDING WHIPS- man of thetlie republicanrepnlilican executive committcocomndttco | "carpet baggers" like Mahone, and wdio which ussurea tbosueeess of tbe undertaking. This editors and from resolutions of the negroes $ All styles and prrtrea, at A. H. WILSON'S y A full RKRortment at WILSON'S, No'th prompUiuss shows that tho CowMoNwicvi.ru, by lie 1i mony to the excellent food tonic effect of North Main St.. near Lutheran Church. Main Street. iu8 of Virginia, ought to satisfy every fair- i now W^ar-couts and swallows them like persistence in sdvncattog the reception and euterisin- of Washington city. All that the negro Gulden's Liquid Beef Tonic. I regard can reasonably ask. or our people ever con- it us a mild, unirritating and easily diges- IOUSu: COLLARS. Hoksu klankkts- minded. , , man that... any republicanrepnlilicani i-„ „ who is |i this little, 90-pound would-be boss ? , Who, meut of the Northern Ciihtura. -has aioused our peo" The beat article in tbia lime canbe had vnrv tiro nnd ChftRP. at A. H- WIL- | vdlihcd tlie negro like Mahone, and who pie to a sense of Uu-ir doty, and we ere now gratified sent to grant, is what the Lynchburg plat- ted tonic, well adapted to cases of chlorosis, at A. U. WILSON'S, North Main SL SON'S. North Main Street. Ju8 presentedliresented bybv tliethe national oonventionconvention can \i , , , ■ i .i .i . r form proposes—white teachers and whitei nervousncsB. and vascular debility, consa- J j , wautB to crttm bbn down tho throats of lu making the BUtement that Hatriscnburg will vie fc 'DING BRIDDES, depend on the entire and bourbon vote or fellow-citizens, like this Lilliputian with other cities and towns of the Rhennudnub Valley trustees tor wliite schools; negro teachersi quent upon the climacteric period of wo- t Blind Bridles, etc.. at A. H. WILSON'S. depend on the entire anti bourbon vote of : lli3 men." (Remcriber the name, Coldbs'b— North Main Street, nearly oppoaite I n»h Kewand graphir Pi^onal History of the irrcatfrcatBATTLES. Sc«Sc* fightsrights ofpft^w M in extpndliiH it. hop. lutitfe. to thr stninnerB who ' and negro trustees for negro schools. Wcrhl. fiv Mcrtiral Director SHI.'WKN. U. S. N. Addre^, Viiilia. —~ U'%j2 Cheatnui St.. PluUdalphia, Fa* Maannle Hall. Home Mannffectory. Local Onto. (Coctcspomlencc. liUsccUaneous ^(XucctlscmcHtB. Oin Common wealth. The citizens of Harrisnnburg on last Passing along Court Square a few nighta Court day next Monday. M. E. D tot riot Conferonco. HAKKl^ONBUHO. VA. Thnrsdsy and Friday nights were fur- ago at rather a late hour, nnr attention "The aear and vtllow leaf" Lr*\v. Va., ) PURE FINE WHISKEY. TnrnsnAt Morning.... RKPT. 18. 1888. nished a rare treat by the performance of was attracted to Edward W. Sullivan's Oh. deer 1 where hi my rifle ? Septcmlier 5. 1888. ( ; the plays of "A Faint Heart" and "The cigar manufBcfuring establishment. Think- District Conference, for Bockingham •T. K. VMITH,... KdlUtr And r«iHlli«hrr. Little Tnrkey Tender," by loeal talent, ing possibly a "fire" item might be fonnd< Dinah, where Is the stove polish t tt ROSENHEIM & SON, The farmer with the best corn will soon District, HnUimore Conference, M. E. Entered »t »lie Herri•ombarg, eecnnd* under the management of Mies Hattie we investigated, anil found all of his work- Church South, met here last night. Rev. J. cleee mail matter. Wcorns, of Baltimore, the blight particu- begin to show his ears. Wholesale Liquor Dealers, men bard at work, making cigars as rap- C. Dice, P. E., presiding. The opening TKRMft:—tl.W a year; f l.oO for eifftat ; 7® lar etar of the evening. Miaa Wecms as idly as their deft fingers could manipulate Mr. Jack Frost was in town last week, PaOPBIKTOR and patentke of THE OEEEBB \TED criita frr alx moothr; (Ml renlj for fnar mmihlN; Tf sermon was preached by Rev. J. E. Arm- cent* f«»r two month*. « aah In ad ranee In all raae*. Rosa Van Der Linden," in "Faint Heart," them. Enquiring the cause for working at after an ataence of a few months. strong, of Hnrrisonburg, to a large and at- SPRINODALE PURE RYE WHISKEY, AI)VKRTT?1N0;—1 Inch one tlmo fl W; each con- was indifferently supported. She also such an late hour, Mr. Sullivan showed us tlnnan11 cent* Yearly: 1 Inn' $10; al* monthe, Dr. Harris will remain in Harrisonburg tentive congregation. After the sermon Nfo. a7a WBmT OA.X^TIMOliE $0.00; three month*, $4.41Adocrtlalna hill* ear. $ 5 I.ejnil adTrrtleement*. If ler* than Persons having gardens are complaining Houek, Esq., was re-elected secretary. The In liivltlnM allaiitlon to lb* 8prittff<1*l" Pura Rjr* Whl*k*r pat*nt«d and tnamifiartur d by Mr. three Inche*. $.% , 0. A Hove tliree Inrhe*. reunlar this play as well as in "The Little Turkey for 10,000, the second for 5,000 of the brsnd 11. RoiMiiib*lm. It I* but doit g junttan in li'nt tmliTldnany. and cotrerrlngf * favor upon tboac wh" d» *lrp or rate*. dd-Lance advertiaeracnta are •nhject to of their tomatoes rotting soon after thoy roll was called and tbirty-fivo members bav* na*d for au article of und oibted purity aiul unauipaaaad In quality. o mtraat. fjoral Bnalne * Notice* flrc cent* a II' e Tender." In the latter piece she played of cigars manufactured exclusively by Mr. are pulled. found present. The Presiding Elder and Tbl* Una Whiakry 1* * pre ally maun ra< tu rod by Mr. Ro*- nheiir., under letter* patent, and la for *a1e by each InaertUm. a®"Addreea Th» Old Co who m- the character of "Jenny, the Little Turkey Sullivan, known as the "Clan na-gael." Mm rxelttNieely. Ybna la no a-rollar article odered in the UalUmore inMrkut. aud. It* m It* |>uri(> aud • leel- wbaltr, Harriaonlmrir. Va, Not a particle of quinine nor any min- pastor, Rev. A. Weller, were made a com- leti *e, aliouM be in the cnbiaet of • vary one who vatne* ■ Ane and pure article go frrs- from cv* ly adult* ra- Tender," to perfection. She was ably as- This cigar is sold for $76 per thousand, tion I* thi* Wb'Rkey, and *o rar« fully has It b en nianutoctiired. that it 1* largely ftaerrlbed by the m* db-al H«rrl»onbarff Poat-OIIIrr—Arrlrnl nnd I>e»- eral substance is contained in Ayer's Ague mittee on worship. From the first window nroreeainn In mae* nqnlrin • a atlroulavt, .Ab belora *t«4ad. thi* flue Wlii*k* y onn I.i» • btalrrd inly at th* partnre of MmII* : sisted by Mr. Frank Bear, who as "Jack, and is composed of Weil's imported Ha- forward was fixed as the bar fur the mem- Mbo amle Wararooma of Air. Roacubeim. No. 375 W* *t Hnimincra alreat. 'J liia Whlakey I* land S yt»ra old. Open* 7 A. M-Cloare 7 P. M-llouey Order Hour* the Shepherd," did some very good acting vana fillers and pure Havana seed wrap- Cure—but it does the business. War- —9 A. M. to 4 P $1. ranted. bers of the Conference. Delegates Bishop The pur ty and carefbl manufacture of Ibla Ane Whlakey la atteated by tba Editor. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE. and singing. Misa Bertie Patterson and pers. The workmen in Mr. Sullivsn-s and Hobhs, and Rev. H. W. Kinzer were aei C if Pr. J.T. KING, LdlUtr Baliimora Trade Exh hit. Arrive*. lieave*. Miss Annie Kshman rendered, their re- establishment who are detailed for this The ice-wagons, with the drivers in North. B. A O. R. R « A. M. H A. M. overcoats and woolen comforters, perambu- appointed a committee to examine Quar- 3 40 P. M. 3 40 P. M. spective parts of "Godmother" and "Ex- particular brand are four in numlier, and terly Conference records. The hours of South. " ** 8 AM. 8 A. M. are considered as among the best cigar- late the streets, disposing as best they can m « " 5 P. M. 7 A. M. ecutrix' as well as they could have been business were fixed at 9 to 11 A. M. and 8 GRAND OPENING. STAR ROUTER. done by professionals. The "Lady Spin- makers in the United States. The finer of their frigid loads. RrldgewalerHrldgewaier... .. 10 30 A.M. 4 P. M. to 5 P. M. Preaching, 11 A. M. and 7:45 Ilawley BprinR*.Rprinc* 1$ M- 1 P. M. dle" and "Mrs Dwindle" of Mist Mary L. grades of cigars made by Mr. 8. are in the Ap infallible remedy for Fever and Tenth Lejrioii.. 11 A. M. 4 P. M. P. M. Port Republic.. 11 A. M. 17 M. Eshman and Miss Charlotte But'er was order named: "Clan na-gael," "Hibernia," Ague is Ayer's Ague Cure. Wholly vego- Elkt n IP. M. 2 30 P.M. SECOND DAY. New Market.•••Market 10 A. If. 1 P. M. immense. Their impersonation of the "Black Prince" and "Qracie." He munn- tabie and containing no quinine, it is Conference met this morning at. 9 o'clock. All Malla rloaed thirty inlnnte* hefoie arhednle characters was as near perfect as even facturea what ha terms medium brands, harmless and sure. time of departnre. Ji« Rulmtaw, P. M. After usual religious services the roll was The Grand Central Clothing House, Harry Winter, the cynical dramatic critic known as "Dat's Boss," and "Little Tom." As cold weather approaches, the wood called. Rev. J. E. Armstrong and dele- of the New York Trihtne, could have de- and then ho also makes a cheaper cigar, XOCAL AFFAIHS. market become lively. We counted from gates E. S. Conrad and B. G. Manor were GREATLY ENLARGED AND NEWLY PITTED UP, sired. The chorus of the "Charity Girls" which, by the way, is a very good one, our sanctum window Saturday last 27 Two Kind, of Citizens. appointed a committee to draw suitable was given in perfect time and chord, the called "Jeaaie." The prices range from loads for sale on the South and East sides resolutions on the death of Rev. E. O. WILL BE OPENED FOR EXIHBITION The.fact that so many favorably-situated singers reflecting credit upon their in- $18 to $00 per thousand. He has his of the Public Square. Vandiver and Moses Walton, Esq. A com- structress. The "Sleeping Beauty" ta- boxes made in Washington and Winches- towns and small cities continue at astand- A farmer told us yesterday that he shot mittee, of one from each charge, was ap- 7, 18S3. at'll year in and year out, while other pla- bleaux was an excellent "sell." The per- ter, and all of his lithographic work are ten English sparrows a few days ago, and pointed to consider and report on the fi- ces less favorably situated grow and pros- formance closed with "Magic Music" that specimens of beauty. His "Dat'a Boss" upon investigating their crops, found no nancial condition^ and necessities of the per, has long been a source of conjecture. sent every auditor home in the very hap- lithograph is worth framing. Mr. 8. bonds worms or insects, but they were all well District Parsonage at Staunton. Reports The same measures will not remedy the piest of grod humor. for twenty-two cigar-makers, as many aa stuffed with grapes, corn, wheat and oats. from the various charges show increasing evils in all such cases any more than one These performances were given for the ho can possibly work in his establialiment. spiritual prosperity and general progress ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND SEE THE benefit of Hnrrisonburg institutions-the His trade is largest from Washington to The regular season for town cows to mi- particular mode of tTentmcnt will cure all grate into other than their owners' gardens in the church work. Rev. H. W. Kinzer the ills of humanity ; but as there are some Ladies' Memorial Association, the Rectory Lynchburg, along the lines of the B. & O. preached at 11 A. M. Fund, and the Guards. The citizens re- and Shenandonh Valley roads. Ho is, and truck patches is at hand. The police Most Splendid Store-room in the Valley, diseases more common to the human family officers have had several calls from differ- There are nineteen charges, stations and than others, so also there arc some causes sponded to Miss Wecms' efforts creditably however, receiving many ordcis from circuits in the District. The attendance in point of nuiubers, and we can say she Staunton to Huntington. We are proud ent portions of the town to impound the AND EXAMINE which hinder industrial growth more than foragers, during the past week. of members is unusually full. Quito an others. While it is not necessary to enumer- had the best behaved audience we have of Ned's success. It shows what a Har- additional number came in tbis morning. seen congregated in Masonic Hall for a Our Western people arc liable to be laid ate the numerous causes which effectually risonburg boy can do. He started his The attendance of town people and visi- OUR SUPERB STOCK OF NEW CLOTHING \ long time. It was a decided compliment manufactory here in 1881 on a very lim- low by malarial fever when breaking up check advancement in this direction, there new lands. The folks in the East arc also tors is large. is one cause in particular which, moie than to her and her assistants. ited capital, and he now makes and sells The church is a largo one and handsome As an actress, Miss Hattie Weems will more cigars each month than he sold the complaining of fevers, chills and agues, any other, brings about this state of af- arising from decaying vegetable matter ly frescoed. fairs. never achieve that position on the drama- first year. He lias by using the best of Revs. G. T. D. Collins, Lynch and Strick- tic stage which her talents, natural sad material, fair, square dealing, and prompt- and imperfect drainage. For either East IT WILL AFFORD US GREAT PLEASURE TO HAVE YOU COME AND SEE There generally live in every town a few or West the best remedy is Ayer's Ague ler are here, which insures good singing. acquired, entitle her to. She locks lung ness in filling orders, won the position of OUR ESTABLISHMENT. wealthy individuals who own all, or nearly Cure. Revs. W. K. Boyle, editor "Episcopal all, the desirable property within a mile or power. If she had the voice of a Lotta, rival to old established manufactories, with Methodist," and B. F Rail, Sunday School she would be a recognized rival, and for retail dealers in the cities of Washington, two of the place. These men usually either We anticipate our day and hour of pub- Secretary of Baltimore Conference, arrived M W~3 M { -M' I Iw compose the local government or exert a arch childness, she is the peer of Katie Baltimore, Richmond, Wheeling, and as lication by thirty-six hours, hence our to day. Rev. Dr. J. J. Lafferty is expec- Putnam. In a hall the size of ours, she is far West as Dakotah. Ho pays his work- next will probably contain some items that great influence over its members. Like ted. LEADING CLOTHIERS IN THE VALLEY, the rest of the race, they are either greatly competent to fill it, but would be "lost" in men promptly every Saturday night, and may appear old before wecan publish them. Lnray is improving very much, but needs a city theatre. The unanimous verdict of interested in public affairs, or are entirely our tradesmen feel the benefit lie inciden- But our boys want an Oriole holiday and sidewalks badly. The dust is of goad our people is that Miss Weems gave one of O, "X7 W disinterested, as the case may lie. The for- tally confers, and wish we had many more there was no other way to get it except quality, but too soft and thick. the very best light comedy performances mer is ever ready aud willing to do all in manufacturing interests to boast of. working ahead. The'paper to-day is full Large excursion to day from Baltimore we have ever been favored with. their power for the permanent good of the The Kvcnt Will Occur Again on Octo- of interesting matter and we do not feel to Luray Cave. %* ARRIVING! place. If a manufacturing concern seeks FIIUj'ccutB ber Olh. that there is need of any apology—simply a suitable location for factory or mill buil- explanation. Letter IVoni Ml. Crawford. Is all it will cost you to subscribe for the Thtre was excitement through the land — dings, they endeavor by ail honest means MT. Cuawfobd. VA., ) • to induce it to stay with them, in many Common wkai.tii for four months; twenty- over the 14th August (the 139th Monthly) A Successful Enterprise. September 4, 1883. ( five cents for two months. Drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery. instances donating either money or lands, We are never slow to extend our hand Departed this life, August 80tb, 1883, at THE MAMMOTH STOCK OF and securing other inducements like low The cheapest paper in the county; Gen'ls G. T. Beauregurd of Ln., and Jubul the residence of the late Samuel Bare, on Live and alert in the Fall campaign ; to any effort that will add to the pros- taxes, etc. Other places are unfortunately A. Early of Va., both of them used to hot Naked Creek, of cancer of the breast, Mrs. The paper yon need; perity of our people in a religions, intel- handioapped with leading citizens who weather, found it warm. As the Wheel of Mattie Pleckor, wife of Mr. Wm. E. Plccker, China, Glass, and Queensware, Every Democrat should have it ; lectual or material point of view. Provi seem opposed to anything like industrial Fortune icvolved, it evolved this result: aged 40 years, 3 months and 27 days. She Come and subscribe on Monday next, Ticket No. 94,177 drew the first prize of dencc has lavishly bestowed his blessings advancement, who make no exertions for upon our section, and tbe only thing was buried at Naked Creek church on their town's welfare, but, possessing plenty County Court day; $73,000, and placed with others among the Come early in the day, else you might needed to make the Valley of Virginia Friday, the Rev. Mr. Carnalmn conducting of the world's goods for themselves and happv pnrchasersjof fifths at $1 each were the services. forget it. Rev. Moses Zerovich, of No. 544) South rank in advantages with the best coun- families, settle down to a dreamy, mono- tries is untiring energy and endeavor, di- Our worthy postmaster, Mr. John Foley, J. A. Loewenbach & Son. tonous existence, caring for nothing, appa If you can't come yourself, send your Canal St., Chicago, III., and W. T. Muse, of name and money by your neighbor. rected by unquestioned intelligence. We with his brother Jacob, have gone to Louis- rontly, but themselves. The following in- Rocky Mount, N. C. No. 71,880 drew the ville. During their absence they will vis- second prize of $25,000—sold in fifths also note with pleasure any attempt of this stance may illustrate the latter : The pro- it relatives in Ohio. . Doalh of Mr. Henry Snyilcr. at $1 each, to Samuel Selig and Dr. J. M. character, but point with peculiar pride prietors of a large nail manufactory sought Mrs. Harvey Earman has gone on a visit when successful effort is made by our own a- am a suitable location for a new establishment, Mr^Henrv Snyder, one of the best me- Littlehale of Sclmn, Ala., and Gustay Bau- to Roanokc City, where Mr. Earman is en- man, of No. 40 W. Monroe st., (care of the people. and asked certain reasonable concessions chanics of this place, was buried at Cedar The occasion for these reflections arose gaged in business. from the owners of suitable lands adjoin- Grove Cemetery on Thursday last. From Prebel Machine Works Co.), Chicago, 111. Miss Laura Wise, from Fauquier county, No. 97,503 drew the third prize of $10,000 in watching closely the Shenandonh Val- ing a pretty little town now unknown to the Spirit we glean the follotring account ley Assembly from the first utterances of is hero visiting her grandfather, Mr. Jacob of the cauae.of his death: "Mr. Snyder had —sold as a whole at $5 to Jack Graves, TDXTPTTIiEnFl. Xj ATIEXR.- Industrial fame. Not only were the con- the founder, through all its stages of Lago. gone to East Virginia on business, in com- the driver of The Stockell Fire Engine Co.i cessions refused, but, under a mistaken growth, to its 'successful outcome during Lottie Sannders, little daughter of Mr. pany with John Morrison, and on his re- of Nushviile, Tcnn. Nos. 75,779 and 70,- idea that they were determined to buy the ten days preceding August t7th, the L. A. Sannders, cut her cheek quite badly J. F. SNELL. J. M. SNELL. J. H. FUNKHOUSER. turn botli gentlemen stopped in Little 119 drew the fourth two prizes of $0,000 at any rate, a price far almvo the real value date of the closing of one of the grandest one day lust week, by fulling off of a board of the land was demanded. Disgusted, Washington, Bappahannock county, on each, and were sold in fifths, at $1 each, to on which she was standing. Still Ahead! Messrs. Wm. E. Gates, C. Willis, A. A. meetings this Valley ever had. they located in a neighboring town, where the night of the 27th inst. Mr. Snyder, in Miss Fannie Rhodes is visiting friends The Old Reliable Prescott and Rob't Payne, of Vicksburg, The undertaking was both novel and they now employ scores of workmen, be- the night, had occasion to go out, and in in Shenandoah county. Wholesale and Retail Miss.; Mr. J. V. Vondersmith, of 2029 Lo- difficult among our people, who move sides adding greatly to the town's interest. passing from the porch of the house, hie Our friends in Bridge water may "take GROCERY HOUSE of cust st., Philadelphia, and a party in Now slowly, and yet the result was such as to SNELL BROTHERS & CO., The place whoso citizens for the sake of foot caught in a scraper, precipitating him the cake" . .. tall corn and many potatoes, Orleans, La., among others—so on ad in- leave but little doubt of the building up of Is TAKING THE LEAD this Season on gain frightened them away, will probably violently to the ground, from which he re- but Mr. Geo. C. Shipplctt, ol this place, finitum. It all goes over agein on the 9th a permanent educational and religious remain just what it now is—"a nice place ceived a cut above the right eye and con- has a cucumber growing in his lot, which SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, &g., day of October, and all information can be centre. to live for a man who can afford to be idle, tusions about the head, which afterward measnres 42) inches in length and 10| in- had on application to M. A. Dauphin, New Coal Oil Salt, Cement. Fertilizers. Fruit Jars, Stand- but no place for business;" at least, so resulted in his death. However, Mr. Sny- The most novel and bold part of the ches iu circumference. long as the present generation shall live. der succeeded in reaching home, where he Orleans, La. work was the publishing of the Shenan- ard Biand and a specialty to tbe Jobbing Trade at low Rates. ^ » Mr. Charlie Rhodes, who has been very The mistake of placing flctitious values took to his bod, a sufferer, until on Wed- Judge John Paul. donh Valley Auembly Journal as a daily on much interested in buying calves for his HEADQUARTERS FOR PRODUCE, and FARMER'S MAR- on desirable sites for manufactories is a nesday lockjaw set in, which produced the grounds. KET STORE. Remember the Old and Reliable Grocery Wm. B. Lurty, Esq., as United States farm, is happy, as a valued row of his a common one, owners seeming to lose sight death in a few hours." There were many obstacles in the way. few days ago gave birth to two tine ones, House, No. 5 AST-MARKET STREET, where we of the fact that the enchanced value of Mr. Snyder leaves a widow and six Commissioner, on Wednesday last admin- It required a large investment of money ; pay highest market prices for Produce, and sell istered the oath cf office to Hon. John At the meeting of the patrons of our goods at the Lowest possible prices. their remaining lands would amply com- children in very reduced circumstances; the publisher was without previous news- school on last Saturday afternoon, a fair Paulas Judge of the Western District of Always Trade at Headquarters, il pensate for selling the few acres wanted at but Harrisonburg has a reputation for paper experience; the office temporary—in representation was present. Geo. F. Sher- Virginia of the United States Court. Wo you want to SAVE Money. reduced rates or even donating it. While never permitting the deserving to suffer. the woods; the difficulty of securing a man, Esq., took the chair, W. E. Shinnick useless extravagance is always to be con- One of Mr. Snydcr's faults, if fault it can extend our earnest congratulations to Judge sufficient working force of compositors for Therefore Trade at John Paul, and believe that "when life's was made secretary, and Henry W. Roller OLD NO. 6, demned, wise outlays for the good of your be called, was liberality, and in many of so large a daily paper (the size of this); was elected to fill a vacancy on the board fellows is always to bo commended. Of his acts of deserving charity-giving, it fitful fever is oyer," the following verses East-Market the enterprise was new—nothing of the of local trustees, which now consists of 8. Street, course, every man has a perfect right to will be a case of bread cast upon the from holy writ can be truthfully inscribed kind ever attempted here—while the in- upon his monument: C. Switzer, John W. Sherman and Henry do jnst as he pleases about such matters; waters. difference of the people was certainly to W. Roller. Prof. Geo. H. Hulvey was re- but the town which is thus borne down by "Whose ox have I taken ? or whoso ass If you desire a pure Whiskey, distilled have I taken ? or whom have I defrauded ? lie expected. Added to these, the man- elected Principal. The other teachers will A SURE THING! I IT STANDS AT THK HEAD! these human dead-weights is indeed de- whom have I oppressed ? or of whose hand I aging of the Assembly devolved upon the be selected hereafter. serving of sympathy. from Bye only, and of great age, call for Boscoheim's Springdalc. have I received any bribe to blind mine publisher. Miss Maggie Shuey, of Swoope's Depot, -».•••■ eyes therewith ? and I will restore it you. IMPROVED THE LIGHT-RUNNING Death of Capt. John Avis. And they said, thou hast not defrauded us, And yet we must pronounce the Journal who has been visiting here for several "W. W.," from McGaheysviiie, in last nor oppressed us, neither hast thou taken an entire success in the hands of its pub- weeks has returned home. "DO MESTIC." We regret to announce the death of Oapt. week's liegut-er, charges County School John. Avis, in this place, after a lingering aught of any man's hand." lisher, Rev. A. P. Funkhouser, and his The farmers are busy threshing their illness, on yesterday, at the age of CS years, Superintendent A. P. Funkhouser with ——— —^ - —— able assistant, Rev. C. I. B. Brane. 'wheat and clover seed. Owing to the dry That it is the acknowledged LEADER 1 month and 20 days. He had for many publishing the notice of school teacher ex- Musrum.—Mr. Dan O'Donnell has at weather, a largo portion of the latter crop Hedicated Meat IN THE TRADE is a fttct that cannot his saloon, a collection of minerals, fo88ilB One peculiar feature about this publica- he disputed. years held positions of prominence and aminations in but one paper, the Spirit. t tion is the creation, this year, of a litera- wil not turn out well. Whs. trust in this community. He was a Lieu- "W. W." in this case stands for irrite skeletons of birds, old coin, eggs, and other [The above letter was written for our MANY IMITATE IT ! tenant in the Virginia Regimeut in the rare curiosities. He has them handsome- ture purely and solely belonging to the Mexican war; subsequently a Justice of trrong, as a reference to the Common- Aiaembly Journal. last issue, but came too lute.—Eu.j the Peace and as such member of the Coun- wkai-th's advertising columns will show. ly arranged in a case, something on the or- NONE EQUAL IT! ty Court, for many years before the late The charge made by "W. W." of partizau- der of the curiosities exhibited at the pat Lectures, addresses, sermons, Normal Irregular Mails. —FOR THE— outlines, notes, Ac., &c., to be found no- Tie Largest Armefl. war; was Deputy Sheriff and Jailorduring ship in this matter falls to the ground, as ent office iu Washington. Lovers of the There is something radically wrong the Brown raid, and had custody of John rare and curious by inspecting Daniel's where else, are among the contents of the probably would other charges which have with the mail service between this place Tie Lightest Rnnning, Brown and hie captured associates duriug minature museum can pass a very pleas- first number Protection of Meat their imprisonment; served in the Con- been made against Mr. Funkhouser, which The Most fianUM Wood-worh. ant hour. and Baltimore. The letter mail is rea- federate army with the rank of Captain; he has deemed unworthy of public notice. When it is remembered that our people sonably regular, but it has become of late and was Provost Marshal at Stauntou, Va., read little—that there were only ten days AND IS WARRANTED acting directly under General Lee. Since The finest on the market is Bosenheitn's Shands & Buti.ku—Respectfully in- the exception, rather than the rule, for the NO FARMER To be made of the best material. of work, and that the Journal secured a Baltimore newspapers to arrive here on the war he has been Mayor of Charlestown, celebrated Springhale Whiskey. form their customers and the public that To do any and all kinds of work. Superintendent of the County Alms House, place at home, having several hundred time. The Valley Branch Postal clerks they will finish out the season with supe- subscribers—something of the success is Should be Without Them. To be complete in every respect. and .1 ustice of the Peace, holding the lat- Fnasn Cows Sbippbd.—On Tuesday are, we are assured, not to blame. Wher- ter oflice until his declining health forced rior Northern ice. 8w seen, but none but what was well deserved. him to resign, a few months since. Such evening, September 6th, Mr. L. Pottiger, ever the fault lies, it should be remedied. FOR SALE ONLY BY Agents Wanteil in Onoccnpieii Territory. of this place, shipped torty-six head of Mr. Funkhouser, together with Mr. a record itself is the best evidence of the "Cibcdit Cmciik Appointkd. Mr. New- Brane, announce a new paper, "Tub Pbo- esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens fresh cows from our depot, consigned to ton Black qualified on Monday last as Public Sale. Address fi.e," under favorable circumstances which and neighbors. Captain Avis was ready buyers in Lancaster, Penn. All of the clerk of the Circuit Court of Bockingham ROHR BROS., DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., and anxious to depart, looking to the fu- county, appointed by Judge Newman. it is not necessary to mention here. The D. H. Rolston, administrator of the octl$-lT Rlohmond, Virglnin. ture with full faith and trust in God's cows, wo learn, were purchased in this Bock. Paul, Esq., roeigned." prospectus of "Tub I'kopi.k" promises estate of John Niswandcr, dee'd, will sell county, the price paid averaging #45 per HarrUouburs, Yirginia. mercy and Christ's redemption.—Charle- Resigned I resigned what f Rock. Paul much, and from our knowledge of the on Friday, September 14th, all of the per utoton (IP. Va.,) Spirit of Jeffermn, Sept. 4th. bead. This town has become a leading fablA _ , was never Circuit Clerk, that we know of. publishers and the editors, we have no souai property at Mr. Niswander's late ems WHERE ALL ELSE PAILS. S James L. Avis, Esq., of this place is a stock market, and buyers tell us that Oh yes, possibly our friend Barbee means, BeatCongh Myrnn. Taateagood. S doubt the promises will be well kept, and residence, about midway between the toll- BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL! Uaalniime. Bold by druggista. 2 son of Capt. John Avis, and attended his Bockingham horses, cows and cattle com- resigned to his fate • if so he might have gate, near "Smithland," and Linville. The father's funeral last week. For twenty-five that "TtiK Pkopi.b" will find a welcome in mand fancy prices in the Eastern markets. added, "me too." property to be sold is desirable, and well years we have known Capt. Avis and we many homes, as it well deserves. BEAUTIFUL I worthy the attention of the public. esteemed him highly for his many good Capt. John Donovan's resignation as The "Dental" Snuff, manufactured by IVISW <3-OOX>!s4! hut This nisf Springdaie Whiskey has a world-wide 1 qualities of mind and heart. The brief ex- Ivey & Owen, Lynchburg, is strongly re- T aoM'k" Ss commandant of our excellent military com- reputation, and can be had of H. Rosen- Horsk Injuukd.—On Tuesday night, ■ bring . you In MORE MONE/ ii>" One MonthM• Hon. John Paul, was severely injured by AGENTS Wanted ^Ronks i IBiblesT their armory with a life size photograph Dbad.—Dr. Harvey Kyle,of Bridgewatcr that celebrated brand. running foul of a diabolical wire fence.— Jewelry, Elc. lowworks in ofrrice; character: greatlast: nee-Aed variety-.DOUKS evcrywlierc; l.lbrrulQL Dllllt39 terms. responsibility conferred upon him by his of their late Captain, whi;h will be hand died, after a lingering illness, on Wednes- Spirit. ||. P. JohnaoM A' !'•»., ion M*1d • F ' nn »•' V'n, fellow-citizens, attests that he was a valu- somely framed. day morning last, Sept. 5th, aged 76 years The drill of the Guards, commanded by That "diabolical wire fence" must have O^VXjI_J -A-ISTID SE3EJXD. HEED THIS! able citizen, and one who will be missed 3 months and 0 days. Dr. Kyle was one of Col. O. B. Boiler, on Friday evening, at- been the residuum of the "diabolical wire" W. H. RITENOUE. rilAKEGOOD AD VIC K. Dmi't re*t day nor night aud his death deeply mourned not only by All snuff users are earnestly requested to the wealthy men of this county, his estate I working, of a few days previous; at which I until ynn *»»* the • KLDRinGE" RKW1NQ MA- tracted quite a crowd. The Guards deserve, Farm and waoov harnfrs, I CHTNR. Don't buy of Tom. Dirk or Harry. uiiMI liis immediate family but by the whole try the "Dental" Scotch. It is endorsed being computed at $200 000. He died | time, from point* obtained by us, the hyde Cll .t A. H. WILSON'S. North M«In St.. by the chemical profession as a preserva- as they possess, the kindliest feelings of | tor tit, hrtit itood» in thip lint*. yon b in? wen the ' KLDHIDOE." Qon't botteve «Hy people iqjiere he lived and was so well childless, and wo learu his widow inherits ] our citizens. They arc a body of soldiery ! ol several prominent readjuster aspirants man** wor 1 mo*** tbau your own rye*. Your cyr* tive of the tectlL LAP BOIIFB tyill tell vou tho *• LDillDOfh" I* tLe beet. " Vnd known.'' ! all of his fortune. that any community might be proud of. i for the clerkship was barbc(e)d. i At A. U WiLOOK'S. North Uun Street •lon't you lorrfet it." dfcc31 WIT AM» WISDOM. JWefNrtne*, 3£ti:. Absence of the Sniiill Ifoy In Saxony. FcttUtecr. m iwmniowv iv\[;m OldComonivlaltu —The sccrpt of success is tjp know I was some vrecks in before H VA, how to dciiy yonrsolf rind other people. -jJL'r I missed tho small boy, probably b«- We Desire to Call the Thoughtful Attention of Farmers —..V, O. JHctiyrm*. Advice to n Vonng Man. canso I had but liUte time to think of him, —When a man is half-seas over yon ; £S ^ -vvAAiJP -'U there wore so many new nnd beiiutiful tO THE SUPERIOR MERITS OF TIHIIISIIAS' MonNJNO,,., SKI'T. 18, 1888, may harbor a suapieion I hat his judg- Gat married, my boy ? Tolemaclins, tilings to he seen, and probably because ment is afinat.—mis'tm Shir. come up close and Iook me right in the i ^ rWARNERS-'! It is almost absolutely necessary that he Spoopoud.vkc Cral^FUMng. —"Charity begins at home," is well nye, and listen to mo with both ears. shall be near you onue in a while in or- defined by a'lltlle Siuidsy'-Achool child Get married. If yon never do another der that his absence may lie thoroughly Coming up tho river the o'.hcr day, as meau'ug "giving to others what we thing in the world, marry. Yon can't SAFE felt and thoroughly enjoyed when he I saw a midd'e-ngcd gentleman in a don't want for ourselves " afford it? Yqur father married on a retires. But, anyhow, it gradually be- gan to dawn upon iny mind that 1 had ping hat and business suit seated In a —Some ttne n4vLsfts womcu to culti- smaller salary than you are getting now, not seen him since my arrival. 1 searched snow beside an aitraclive lady, ft'ellng vate a pleasant voice. The disposition my boy, and he has eight children, f-'d around among a lot ot strings pendant nndernoaili tunst be plcMant to make doesn't have to work very bard, and for him' along Hie magnificent boule- every year he pays a great pile of your vards of , through the glorious from the side of tho boat, and warning the voice so.—N. K Kxandner. fVAINVM' < S(i f>i». t-T < I AS A FERTILIZER FOR tho lady that she could not keep too little bills that your salary won't cover. 1 avenues of Dresden, along the narrow pcd to be bookkeep- use lias had such unvarying success aud continued popularity. Borne of " What ye doing?" yelled Mr. l!9th of Fell ma rv was the answer to the er. Good, reliable five hundred dollar but that I hailed his absence with feel- young men are not such a drug in tho GRWITTIVE PAC-SIIinLE-Prominent Lei* ings of of unmixed delight. I was in- the largest and best farmers in these three States use it almost exclusively Spoopendyke, straightening up and riddle.—ffarcurd Lampoon. {era, ALL white on a bleck ground. clined to look upon his downfall and ex- glaring at her, as the crab struck a line market as you suppose. You marry,and ncwere ofdoalero who attempt to palm off It HueeeNsl'uI, because It is Nature's own provision for her ex- —An Irish soldier, on hearing that your wife will bring tact, and love, and IMITATION, SITBSTlTIITIOilirorWORTM- termination as one of the results of a for Newark liny. "What'd ve think f his widowed mother had been married LESS ifoods which yield them a LAKGEIl higher and happier civilization than we hausted fields. had there, the bottom of the river? Since lie quitted Ireland, exclaimed: skill, and d imeslio genius and wo- PROFIT. IVono aro genuine without the What'd ye suppose ye was trying to manly economy that will early double enjoy in America. I noticed that Hie It Im Low Priced, because we have none of the expense of manu- "Murther! 1 hope she wpn't have a your salary. But you wou'lJ have law was supreme in Germany, and that factuiers, and, without regard to its h'gh commercial value, we base Its catch, a church? Take it oat! Give it sou older thau me: if she does 1 shall zw S A F E D JE it had routed out gamblers, bunko- here!" ftnd he grasped the hldy arofina lose the estate!"—N. Y. News. to deny yourself many 11'tie lux- H. II. WARABR A CO., Rocheater, N.Y price solely upon Its actual cost to import. the waist aud took the net away from uries and liberties? Certainly you steerers, tramps, garroters, burglars, her. —When to look for a rise in gas- would; or rai her you'd wil- ward bummers, and other enemies of IVe refer yov below to some of the farmers who have used it, and ask "Did I scalp him?" asked Mrs. When balloons begin to go np. Men lingiugly give them up for groalor hixn- society and disturbers of the peace, Und you to enquire of them as to its merits. Spoopendyke, flushed with her exer- who always give down weight—Pile ries. And you don't want to shoulder it struck me that it had not spared even tions and trembling with her excito- drivers. Why is tho boarding of a ship the burdens and cares ot married life? tho small boy, but swept Kim away, vuent. "Show him to me! let mo see at sea by pirates like a tower cloek?— I see you do not. And I.seo what you DYS ENTERY too, as public nuisance and a living WOOLDRIDGE, TRAVERS & CO., Importers, what he looks likoJ" It's a hlgh-hiuided all'air.—lioslon Trao- do not realize, perhaps—that all your menace to the happiness of the people. "Look-Kko!" roared Mr. Spoopen- tiler. objections to marriage are mean and But I missed him, and the more I 64 BUCHANAN'S WHARF, Baltimore, dyke. "He looks like Sandy Honk by —An asphaltnm sidewalk Is a thing of selfish. You haven't given one manly MER missed him the wore I felt that, if it reason for not m irrying. If you do were possible. I would like to gaze this time! Why didn't yon scalp him? joy in winter, I lit it lias its disadvant- SUM 1 COMPLAINT What's tho matter with yon?" ages in tho summer time. One of our m iiry, you are going into a wrtrhl of upon his machievous, dirty, happy-go- TEZSTIDVI OTSrT^a.3_.S . " I—I couldn't tell which was his most prominent burglars was running now cares, now troubles, new embar- lueky face again. I would even allow rassments. You are going to be care- him to trip me up on a piece of orange- C. N. Sbepp, Tnglewood, Rockingliam county, Va., wrote, Juno 1, 1888: "I saw yes- head," faltered Mrs. Spoo -eudykc, who down Pine stroet last Thursday with a There is no time to be lost when those peel, and undergo the torture of his in- terday a field of wheat where Orchilla was used, and I tell you it is wheat. The laud is hadn't seen anything at all. "Pull him live hnndivd-do'dar watch and a lot of ful and worried about many thiuars. very poor, too." up again, and you'll see if I don't silver-plate which he nan eorallcd, when You are going to be tormenied wi'b we love arc taken with these born satire as my heels went up, if I scalp tho last hair on his skull!" he stopped near the Californ'a market household cares and perplexities all now could only enjoy his disreputable so- Messrs. Kline & Miller, Broadway, Rockingham county, Va., write, July 15,1883: Tho Knglish language lost its last and was inextricably mired up to ids and untried to vou. You are going to terrible diseases. ciety for ten minutes. "The following gentlemen, of this county, have used Orchilla Guano with good results, ankles in the municipal pilch of which be pes'ered and b itherod and troubled. The German people feel no longings charm for Mr. Spooponkyke, and he for him, for they have never known him. and have Imight again for this full's seeding. They desire to be referred to, and will bo turned to his strings with a witheriug our elegantly organ z.:d coimuuuity is You will have to walk the floor with ten I The beauty of PERRY DAVIS'S glad to recommend it by letter to any one who will address them: look of contempt for his wife. proud.—San Francisco News-I.clicr. pounds of baby and a barrel fullof colic, They have never seen a very angry and J. B. Oline, Cowan's Station. Hauvkv Landis, Cootes' Store. "Now you bo careful," he said at when yon are nearly crazy for sleep. PAIN KILLER is that it acts excited dog running through tho street Samuel Gray, Baker's Mill. J. M. Glass, " " —Connlrvmau: "By Gosh, them sus- You will have to tell stories to the chil- hotly pursued by a tin em; they have length. "Here's another varmint, and penders air too short. Tncy pull my Jonathan Buannisu, Broadway. 11. H. Snow alter, Baker's Mill you musn't let him get away. When I dren when yon want to read. You will so promptly, surely and never witnessed the anguish of two in- pants up so tight that I can t work my have to mend a toy for young Tom when nocent and unsuspecting cats whose A. J. Douoheutv, " ' J. J. Bowman, Broadway. say'Scalp!' yon shove the not unUor legs. .liavcn't i'you got longer sus- efficiently. D. IT. Zieoler, " J. B. Mason, " him and fust bring him aboard." yon ought to bo wri'ing loiters. You tails were firmly united with a piece of penders?" Moso Schanmburg: "M'no will have to stay at home in tho evening fishlinc; tliuy are unacquainted with J. P. Zieoler, " "Can you see him yet?" asked Mrs. Hen, you vasli mishdaken. Dose sus- Spoopendyke, waving the net over her when you 11 e l to go to the club. The Don't be without Pain Killer ! the stove-pipe hat in which is hidden W A. Jones, Waynosbore', Augusta county, Va., writes, June 30, 1883; "I used Or- bend -rs vash de longest k'nd—ivuhorted baby will rumple vour nopktio and the the silent but potent brickbat; never head and peering into the water. goots. Yon keeps dose snsbonders, nnd Have it ready for instant use! chilla Gnano last fall, and it uuted splendidly in producing both wheat and grass. I al- "Wail! Yes, there he u! Careful, other rh'lJreu wi I trample into your lap have they stooped to pick up the p'e- so used it on corn this spring, and it is doing well. I certainly recommend Orchilla as shoost you puys for dree tollar und a with their dusty sIiool Your wife will Keep it with you at home thoric pocket-book from the sidewalk, remember. Now, soalp!" hallaf a biilr of bants vat comes down a good fertilizer. It is safe for results, and cheap.'''' He must have been a orab of phe- have so much to do looking aflor the only to find that it vanishes like a more on dfn- gfonnd, urid drt vill lit comfort of her husband and child en or abroad! dream; to them a soaped doorstep W. F. Wellcr, Stnnnton, Augusta county, Va., writes, July 7,1883: "Orchilla has nomenal scholastic advantages to have doaoimborted braocs."—Texas Siflings. gotton rid of that swoop,for Mrs. Spoop- that she won't be able to sing and play would be an awe-inspiring novelty, done well this year, and ab who have used it in this neighborhood are pleased with its • ^ for you everv evening, as your sweot- 1 the Saxon lover has never felt the work. A number ot orders for this fnll's use have already come in, and there will cer- endyke, with a view to redeeming her- ALL THE DfiUGG/STS SELL IT self, went for tho end of the siring blind- A Cure for Styes. hoartd d- Your time will not be your pangs excited by the bent pin on the tainly be a good deal wanted. Any number of certificates to its good results could bo ly, but with a strength of purpose that own. and yon will have loss leisure and chair widen his sweetheart's youngec obtained here. The following persons say they would be glad to tell any one interested mailo failure impossible. She not only Among the most troublesome and freedom for fishing and shootiug excur- brother has prepared fo-- him, nor upon what Orchilla has done for them : oftcn-noti ed eye afl'ections are what sions, ea nips in the mountains andyacht- bidding adieu has be found Ids hat to AVm. H. Johnson, Mt. Sidney, Augusta Co., Va. Thomas L. Harman, Staunton, Va. • got the crab, out she slammed net, are known as honleolum, or common fng trips along Hie Coast, than your )e full of flour am confusion. No crab and all over Mr. Spoopeudyke's •.one.it wayfarer walks Hie stroet with a Noaii Early, " " " M. J. Swink, " head. stye. Dr. Louis Filzpatrick, in the bachelor friends of your own ago. I JOHN S. Grooms, " " " B. P. GAW, " Lance!, difi'ers from some of his profes- admit all this. But then, vou will be ■land-bill pinned to his coa'-inil. There A. Shumake, " " " G. L. Peyton, " "What—wah-h ! !" shrieked that sional brethren, wlio persist in ordering learning self denial, yon will be living is not an instaneo on record whore tho gentleman, as he felt himself im- Ti the wonder of the world. It^iae cured key-holes of the Saxon's house have A. P. Anderson, " " " pounded. the appliqutian of poultices, bathing for some one else; you will be loving miiiiy cases of Commmption when all with tepid wider, etc. These n<» doubt some vine better than you love vonr- other remedies and physfclana had utter- been filled with p.tUIy, and street lamp* Jacob D. Grove, Wayneshoro', Augusta county, Va., writes, July 14, 1883 : "I used "Lost him again!" exclaimed Mrs. ly failed, 60 iu Chronic RhcuniH- Spoopendyke, who hadn't the rrtnotest do good in the end, but such applica- sclt', and more than a thousand fold that eav stay out all night "vi'.h purfeoi im- Orchilla Guano again last full on my wheat, and I teli you it just heats anything I haue tions li.tve the great disadvantage of compensates f jr all that you give np. tHm. In this disease it has never"failed pnnily. — Cor. tlKiot'jo Hrr i .t found yet for wheat nnd grass. The best proof I can give you of my faith in it is that I idea what a crab looked like. "Why, nrolongi.sjj the career of these unsight- Whv, you want to remain single now, in u solitary case. In Scrofnla/whcth- dear, what's that awful big spider in er of the flesh, glands or bones, it is nn un- intend to use it altogether this fall. I cheerfully recommend it to farmers for wheat and tlie net! Gpod gracious!" ly sores, and eneouvage the produciion m ' boy, just bio.iuse you are selfish. failiug cure, as can be seen on inside of grass. I also used it on oats this spring, and the yield beats anything I ever raised." of fresh ones. Dr. Filzpatrick Ima Aed the longer; you stay single the more ! front lidlid of ""Ills Ills of Life," a book fnr-lfnr- Natural Forces. "Take it off!" howled Mr. Spoopori- found, after many trials, the local ap- this selli hiess will iLcr l>l»«eaHeo» ch© forms of matter, manifested while their fanners who used Orchilla Guano in this neighborhood last fall speak encouragingly. endyke, tearing tho net away. "Let go, index finger of the left hand, while the toft worn m—not a p-etty, young girl, constituent atoms aro undergoing chem- Dr. G. G. Davidson, of Lexington, who is one of our best farmers, says it has made him ye brute! Wah-ha!" and the unfortu- iodine is painted over the inflamed pa- but a liutuely, wrinkled woman in a ■M. icil or structural changes or forming a good crop of wheat, that the sheaves are very heavy, and it. must be well filled. Ho nate man wrenched the fish from off his pilla with a line camel's-hair pencil. S^^.81*351 mujaia-A.. new elementary combinations. All will use it this tall. Another farmer told me ho used Orchilla alongside of a popular ■ ear and dashed it in the bottom of the shabby dross; who is it heads tho chari- The Pds should not be allowed to come ty subscriptions; wh i pays the largest Tt Is the foe of nnfn, and brings peace to matter—liquid, solid, gaseous, animate fertilizer, costing one-tuird more money, and lie could not see any difference. Both boat. "What's your scheme in doing in coiifadl until the part touched is dry- pew rent; who feeds tho beggirt; who thefiuiTeror* (For a book on the " Ills of or inanimate—may thus be said to have did well. But the sheaves from tbe Orcbilla handled very heavy." that ?" ho demanded, holding his ear Life," ask yonr nearest druggist, or ad- A few such applications in the twenty, finds work for the tramp; who are the dross S. E. Hart man F.K^U IHtOTliKKK,jr*XO»%crl, V**. bination which takes place when it rusts and goods for mixing, warranted first-class and pure, husband had pulled hard tor sometime. twentyjjtwws ago-." "My ftieridf' replied nlkflMv Cijfur Holders. Card Ponrd in Bcrop from exposure to the air, but in either "Homo!" grinned Mr. Sppopeudyke, v.vprYib-tiDirrnd KvcryllilntfJiiscparublo Jelse emu-Itj with . case exactly the same amount of force— |j.gpWrite for circulars or call on ns. with a horrible oxprovsion of visage. the lady addressed, "it is not me you are By Universal Accord, complimenting, but 'Glenn's Sulviiub rSR-H-imn S 11 IS ffl bsliTaxtUoaianiintitWreri! Jfq'iy.os. of rineConSovcs pmnmed La- heat—Is developed. In the former it is " I'm going home to show tho people Soai".' Have you never before witnessed ffit S ° Plnnor.. Artinclol J- lowers. Iimtatlp i Aveu's Catiiautic Tills arc the best evident; in the latter the process is so how nmoh damage a rusticating idiot hi StotncuQ1II83aiiaKtrawqgKlB.t.alS- of all purgatives for family use. They slow and gradual that tho increase of —Show alter $ Thomas,— asylum can do with, one measly crab its ell'eot ? Thjc is iwthing impohiibl$ to its • A^riri-dw urt Mskenk Sc..ntprUed by OaUofi jsncers as a heaUtifier." Beware of counter- JKOTTOO® orTlu Barrel. Cover) 12!lr. byjoull IlottlclBrnshana povtrqilLlttCto are the product of. long, laborious, and temperature is not appreciable. —All tho when she pins herself down to it!" iemji >!x. hovle. extra: Mulloaonlybviiismifsc'.urers successful chemical investigation, and Year Round. "Of course," assented Mrs. Spoop- ieif#. Wee tlmt "C. N. CrttteSton, Pro- Neav B. & 0. Depot, Harrisonburg, Ya. prietor," is printed on eacli packet, with- ^ U. 0' M E A R A & C 0. w «1.1 «*«■«..m-jS their extensive use, by physicians in endyke, humbly, "but say, dear, IdvcAgontB Wan ted Every wbera Sqldby Druj-yiHta, their practice, ami by all civilized na- would n't you get on fajter if you untied out which none is genuine. Sold by drug- r roccrH. Stuticneru, HaitiMui-o audOej-eiasBtoredi gists and fancy, goods dealers. tions, proves'them the best and most —Out of forty-two poems on Autumn the boat?" effectual purgative Till that medical Mr. Spoopo idyke turned and gave a Hill's HAtu anT) Whiskek Uve, black r| «B DfKSt ii Who arc Interested In which have appeared in our exchanges sharp look at the bow. Then he hauled or bruwu, Iffty cepts. science can devise. Being purely veg- within a week, thirty-seven have im- Grow na Drm etable no harm can arise from their parted the startling information that his hat down over his ears, stepped ARMEISB a " ' use, and being sugar-coated, they are "^"' ^°l "th a|dy and s icccsriehj "autumn is here." Autumn generally 1 ashore and struck out at a brisk walk. P. A. Switzer, at Ruddle, is authorized C pleasant to take. In llitrlusio value arrives about this tiiup of year. We ElRht lurgp paKi'H -50 columnH—antJ Ouly C'tpftl Oil© B>ollnr a ITear, ami theoholce of a licatitlfiil pict- " i don't know," sighed Mrs. Spoop- shruld write us tor our pamphlet on pure u rr or uftfCul Uouk Iu every atibBCnner. The oltleifi, luiglUHsi, lurKiist, eti on peat, arid host weekly paper endyke, as I took boat in tow, "I to receive subsoriptions lor Hie Common- end curative powers no other Tills don't remember that its coming was iKIbllAbe'l. H Is mure generally tuken Iho euunlry over because Tt is the best, ami ilia luatb- {He best wealth in Peudletou county, W. Vu., und (ertilhors. f.'rH tjeod fcriilher can be made can bo compared with them; and every ever postponed on accountof the weath- easlvatbe cause puper ii haa to the get lurg<*Ht aiuiacriborH circulation, for, aptl ami vur therelure terms to ihclncomeuuimiuh are toot justify extraordinary the necossary liberality. outlay. IVo It wantIh tho don't know, but I don't think I care pdrson, knowing their virtues, will er. When every family can now get an Agcut*. Mikerimrn IUbe«( lu Ciciriunall, Fire in a l>ry Time. it.' H. C. Wilkinson & i Co., 135 aOd Maiuifacluw^ol nnd erire, If timely taken. They are Truth Misplaced. The puatmuiiler will receive your tmbacriptiou ii there ia no ageuliu your place. 107 yrilrorrmreet. New Y'drk. the best and safest physic to employ Is no more dangerous than a cotisunip- Powell's Tip-T "I have made it a rule through life," Bono, Potasli. Ammonia. &c. for childreu and weakened constitu- tive Cou^h. Arrest it with Hack's Honby TO ISALfTMORF. ADVKUTIZKUS. tions, where a mild but elfcctual ho said at the luueh table Hie other day ok 1 loiu..hound and Tak. kiold by drug- OAl'l'. a VL UHJHABDdUN. No. B0 Wt*t F«J^lto 16 LIGHT STtlEET. BALTIWOUE, MD. cathartic is required. to the man at his left, "never to niou- i PURBATIVE gisis. Slrect, ib iiuthoi ut'd to cunt rut for advcrtiHiUij in For sale by all druggists. dlo with another man's business." Pike's Toothache Dnors cure in one tbe Commonwealth, in lia.tiiuore City, Md. " That's right, perfectly right," was the Bultimoro liuHinenH Mi-ti, deniring to ndvertise will Paynes' Automatic Farm tngines S500 REWARD! reply. " But I see you have a new eon- /####/ pleuBc call ul tbe above named No. hiid Btrest. OF ALL KiWDS.—Established 1840. WE will pay the above reward for »tvy caw of Liver Comjilalnl' fidential clerk." " Yes, sir—yes." Advt rtinerB in Bidtimore Blunild secure liudr du- PyiVC|iiia, 6iuk Headache, JndiKeriWin, ComUpatloa or Cq»Uveiie*t, "He's a hard looking case. I've seen And Will rompletel v change the Hood In the entire syfltem in three tnonthi. Any perjnn who will take ONE PI LL ce THE OLD COMMONWEALTH is liuu the Oriole week, by auvoi'tiBiutj at ouce iu tbe we •■aiiuok cure with Wesl'i Vrgclabla l.ivyr 1311*, wbeu the dlrcc- EACH NIQIU PROM ONE TO TWEfjVDWEEKSrm«v herefitoTcd tosotiudi henlth. if .uoh a th ng i« poMible. uuuutry iieirBpaperH. tlona are atrlully com (died wKh. They nre Jiurely vejieUble, md him drunk a dozen times, aud I For curing FemaleComplainti tbe>e Pills have t.oecjuu . W.ynclan^M them mjfto^prnctice. Sold.everywnere, an Inclepeudent, Consarvatiye Democrat- never fail to cive katUfaclion. Pngar Coaled. Larga Ikjxcs, con- or tent by m&il for H cents in sUiUkB' Send for psropblet. I. S. JOHHBOW te pp.. Boston, affaas. ic and Family Newspaper. All the lead- laininK 30 plll«, S5 cent*.*-' Pof aahi'hY nit dni|rfrl»t». IWwaru of wouldn't trust him out of my sight ing Local Events, tioueral News, Mar- cmu.turf.lls and iuiilatluru. TL« penujue jnnuulaclurrd only by with a nickel. Too): him in out of ehar- Paints. JOHN C. WEST A CO., 181 ft I8T W. MadUon fit., Chitaeo. ity, eh?" "Well, not altogether, you ket Reports and other interestihg read- Free trial package tent by mail prepaid ou rci elpt »f a :t cenl lUu'm mm mm mm m M ■H ■ M A M An English Veterinary surge on and Chemist, now ing laid before its readers weekly. I have the ot atocliind grcuteBt aRflortmont of know. He happens to be my oldest." A An MM ■ B L a mk B «y. n A vt# traveling in this ooeutry, says that most of th« ^IIXED PAINTS ever bi'otighi to thu-towu ; nine Pure Then there was a period of sileuee, so mi MM MM Ha EMS h Rfl m B #1 W ^orse and Cuttle Powders Hold here are \vort>* White l oad Biaiidon, Ka) and Uuileil Liiiticcd Oi)h. J feet Pin* Lniiibec in 10 lioura. WANTED A™s painful that both wished some one ■ VIC^ImlB ■BHBI W BSD#*1 ■ Powders are absolutely pure and ImmenseWimmenserj cIob UHcd iu paiutin^ and by painters, which will be Wlirtiurn nv oufi <• feet long, coal. Straw and com slalka to Beii our popular ^Me *^ ?rr'■ t would yell " Fire" to break it.— Wall valuable. Nothing on earth will make hens lay like Sheridan'sffridan'sCondition Condition PowilePowaers* is. Doso.lDose.l tea8poo|tMtteuspoopfai V.Vrlil.K"v. and unpliirlij-MctUrnl I'iciorial Diiertor Historvoflhc SinpPHN. gurat I' S. Sca K. lights Address of the Hold wry low for C VJlli. Call and uxauanopnevs, tec., Send for Price LUt and < Hlalojrup G. _ Town ami Couniy. j v« to 1 pint food. Sold everywhere, or sent by mill for 8 Ictl-er-slumps. I. s. Jou.nj>on & Co., BosroN, MZM^ l.C. MwLUKUV & Co., 63a Chestout Si., I'bUttdeiphla, Pa. i beiurc pui'chiuiiug. JAS. L, AViS. ii. W. PAYNE ir SUNS. Bux UOO, CJorning, N *• B.F. JOHNSON a CO., lOl-Maiu si., Itichuiuiid, Va. Street News.