BAM : , tsiusd Wesklr, Entered u BMond-CUii MitUr ml tbi Pott- &LUME XLYt N0. .4e:> oBot it Btd Buik, N. J, unto th« Aet at Hirab ad, lilt. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1925. $1.50 PER YEAR. , PAGES 1 TO

ikon away'two or three or four or left, to his granddaughter and his A MONUMENT. OTS OF H1GHHQLDERS. ve at a time, orevej* if tile nest HOT SCRAP FOR OFFICE. WII1S OF TWO SISTERS, grandson, Mary,. Hunter Wheeler TAX APPEAL HEARINGS. LOOK OUT FOR APHlftS robbed completely of its eggs, the and Henry Hunter Wheeler. AH tyENTY-NINTH REGIMENT TO (ORE' OF THESE BIROS THAN smale highholder will continue to TWO DEMOCRATS. WANT TO OLIVIA AND MARGARET BOR- the rest of his estate he left to his THEY WILL'BE HEARD FROM GREAT INFESTATION OF LEAI ":BE HONORED SATURDAY,, FOR MANY_YEARS PAST. iy eggs.untll there is left the six RUN ON BOTH TICKETS. DEN MAKE SIMILAR WILLS. daughter and his son, whom he JUNE 22D TO JULY lOTH. LICE LOOKED FOR, r seven eggs wh[ch she regards As named as executors. Idnument Commemorating Their her Dii Out Knot Holes and Cut proper, number to hatch out.<* As Two Democrat! Are on the Demo- Their Estate Goes'to Two Other Sis- MrB. Ann E. Timmons of Bradley All Appeals from Assessments Must Dr. Headlee, Stato Entomologist^ ^Services to tho Country to be Un- Hole* in Decayed Limb* of Tract lahy as fifteen or twenty eggs have cratic Ticket for Mayor of Allan-' ters, the Last Survivors of a Beach left $100 each to two grand- be Filed with the Clerk of the Says They Are About Duo to Da» frelled at Fair View Cemetery— forlTheir Neiti—One Nest li In ieen taken from a: single highholder tlo Highland*—Each ii AfteMho —-Family-Circle of-Nine Children— son»,-rRalph-fl1r-Sttrart-iind--Vincent: ng—District—and—With-*h» idblBillions on Mow iy.Organisation! to Tako Part an Unused .telephone Pole. test by boyi in tho old days, and af- Repiiblican Nomination Alio, Will of Rev. William P.. Tighe. Foster Hopper, All the reBt of her County Tax Board by June 15th. mouth County Truck Farmi. i^The monument in commemoration Highholders ' are uncommonly ar these had been taken in little Republicans who yearn for office Two wills which were probated at estate is to be divided, equally The JMonmouth county, board of .A demonstration of dusting frulk ttthe services of the 20th New Jer- lumerouslh and around Red Bank ?ts' at; intervals of three or four at Atlantic Highlands are. scarce, Freehold last week were those of among her children, Frances Mor- taxation has fixed the dates when it trees was -• held . last Thursday In ky regiment in the civil war will be thla, year.;, The hfehholder i«v the ays, the highholder, laid, enough but there, is a plentiful supply of two sisters, Olivia" .and Margaret gan, Isabel Hopper, Ralph Timmons, will hear complaints or appeals from James C. Hendrickson's orchard Invellod at Fair View cemetery the largest of our woodpeckers, It usu- lore to give'the nest the usual Democratis who desire to become Borden of Shrewsbury. , The two George J. Timmons, and Mathilde the assessments of this year. All near Middletown village. Among oming Saturday afternoon at three ally.makes its jiests in the hollow umber for^hatching. •„ public servants. Among them are sisters'made their wills the same Tyndell. .Ralph, George and Fran- appeals must be made" directly to those present was Dr. Hoiidlee, head 'olock. The monument stands in limbs-or trunks of trees, where it Every old-time Red Bank-bjby who John It. Snedeker, former chief of day, on February 5th, 1924. They ces are the executors of the will, the% county board of taxation. Any .state entomologist. He said dusting; Je-park section of the cemetery, a ays its eggs and rears its'young. Uected birds' eggs and who police of the borough, and Charles had previously made other wills which was made last September.' person :wishing to appeal can ob- was one of the moBt effective moth« lort distance from the main en- "Two l*iw of hlghholdere have vatched the birds, whether he col- R. Grover, former postmaster of the but deaths in the family circle The witnesses were' Katharine F. tain blanks from the county board ods of.fighting-aphids or leaf lice. ance on the King's Highway. The IUIU their nests this year, in hollows ected e*ggs or not, used to have a borough. . caused them to make a change. The Hurley and Alice Hackett. of taxation on which the appeal He said that reports from the south' a'se of the monument is cut from a they have dug out In high limbs; in great time when the young high- Mr. Snedeker was recently haled wills of the two sisters were exactly must be made. Two of these ap-1 em part of the state indicated that ranlte boulder, on which stands a two maple trees, on the west side of holders were big enough to leave before the mayor and council on alike, so far as wills made by dif- FARMER MOVES TO TOWN. peal blanks must be filled out. One i this section was duo to receive the atuto of a soldier with a rfiglmon- Maple avenue. -One of these trees he nest. Young highholders leave various charges., The outcome was ferent persons could' be alike. of them must be served on the clerk worst infestation of aphidsi of re. fi uniform, including the long in front.of the Atwater house and le nest before', their wings are neither a victory for him nor for Olivia Borden left all her estate to Jacob Wyckof? Becomes a Resident of the. taxing district where the cent years. Ho.said truck grower* vercoat with cape and cap worn he, other in, front pf'the Phillips rong and they can do very little his opponents.. While the trial was her three sisters in equal shares. of Red Bank..x property is located and the other and orchardists could not begin too uring the civil war. A space has louie. One pair of birds took ad- lying. At that time it Is easy for in progress Mr. Snedeker and the These sisters were Jerusha H. Bor- Japob Wyckoff, who lived all his must be sent to the secretary of soon to use liquid nnd dust nicotine eon cut in the bate of the monu- antage of a knot hole in the upper iriyone to pick them up. For three borough officials, who wanted him den, Margart Borde\) and Anna W. life up to a couple of years ago or the board at Freehold. sprays for the. control of the posts. * four diys they cannot fly higher |ent for papers, documents, etc., lart of the tree to start the nest fired came tO an agreement by Borden. Margaret's will left all' her so on a farm in Middletown town- . No appeal can be filed after June^ He said the vanguard or scouts of nd for a roll of members of the ind this left them very little work han three or four feet among the which Mr. Snedeker consented to estate to her three sisters, Olivia ship, has leased one of the Mrs. the aphids were hero- now and had ihrubberyv- Cats get many young 15th. The law does not permit ap- 0th regiment. A large bronze tab- to do except to clear out the hollow resign, provided that he be retired Borden, Jertisha H. Borden and Thomas S.*Hubbard houses at Hub- peals to be heard if the appeals are laid egga for billions of plant lice to st suitably inscribed will be placed lghholdors' owing to this inability on a pension. This agreement has Anna W. Borden. The witnesses bard park, in the eastern part of begin depredations within a few; In the limb. The other pair of high-" o fly and many and many a boyin not received by these officials on or rj'.the boulder base, . holders made a complete neat by since been carried out. There is to both wills were Benjamin John Red, Bank. The house is close to before that date. days. \ •^Patriotic societies and military :he old,days before the bird laws nothing In the agreement to pre- Parker and Evan F. Jones, both of the spot where the original Joseph utting a hole in a. big dead limb. ere enforced tried to tame young Most of the tax bills of the tax- The peach orchards of this section rtjeties of the county have been Phis pair of birds was busy for more vent Mr; Snedeker from running Shrewsbury. Alfred' Throckmorton home stood. ing districts of Monmouth county are beginning to recover from tha lighholders fie had caught, These It was built four years ago for El- (ivited to take part in the exercises. ;han a week outtisg out the hole for rials were never wjccesaful and the for mayor. Tho Borden family, of which have been already sent out. A few infestation of peach aphids which Jheie organizations include the sur- ;he nesti • • , toys usually released the young The Republicans have no candi- these two sisters were members, mer E. Whittaker of New York, collectors are waiting until the court began about three weeks ago. This Jyirig members of tho 29th regl- On the east sido of Maple ave< il'rds after a day or two'.. The old date for mayor-and the lines are was one of the largest families of who has occupied it up to this sea- gives its decision in the suit brought is the first time in eleven ycurs, Dr*i nent, the . cavalry troop, Sons of .lie, almost opposite these, two ilghholdera take pretty good-care being drawn for a great scrap for Shrewsbury, there being nine chil- son. The house has ten rooms and by several taxing districts to set Hcadlea said, that peach trees in. Veterans, all ladles' auxiliaries,- the lests, two-other-pairs-of-hlghhold- if the young ones for several days the Republican nomination between dren. These children were RoSdolpH three bathrooms and is provided aside'the'present assessments. this section havo been injured to junty historical'society, boy scouts irs have built nests in tho upper ifter they leave the nest and they Mr. Grover and Mr. Snedeker. Both Borden, W. Lambert Borden, Frank with all improvements. The rental The dates and places when and any great extent by aphids. Thai 'nd girl scouts, public officials and lmbs of maple trees. One pair of re nearly as good parents a3 the men are Democrats and their Re- Borden, A. Holmes Borden, Anna was made by Edward S. Allaire. where the county tax board will aphid must be a close relative to thtf •detachment from .Camp Vail. The ;hese birds made its nest by open- mother .quail, who keeps the young publican friends will" write their and Ashbee W. Borden, who*were Mr. Wyckoff sold his Middletown meet to hear appeals from assess- mosquito, for its method of making? lescandants and other Wla'tlves of ing up an old knot hole and clear- nes together and protects them un- names in the Republican column. twins, Jerusha H. Borden, Margaret farm ^o Jacob p. Rue'/Jr;, about ments in the various taxing districts a living is similar to that of a mos- He members of the regiment havo ing out all the dead wood and rub- 11 they are almost full grown. The scrap has assumed outlines not Borden and Olivia Borden. The two years ago. He bought the Jo- of Monmouth county are as follows: quito except that it sucks the Juice ieen especially invited to take part, blsh with which it was filled. The • • «• in the least politically partisan but only members of this family circle seph L. Donahay residence at Free- Monday,. June 22d, at 5:30 A. M.—At out of leaves instead of sucking tha flie Camp Vail band t will furnish ither pair of highholders cut a new intensely sharp; Feeling is running now living are Jerusha and Anna hold/which was formerly the David the city hall, at Lon? Branch, to hear ap- blood out of a person, as tho mow peals from Lonit Branch city, We»t Lone riuslci .: ' • •:. ••••; . lole in a decaying limb fax up MAKING A RIFLE RANGE. high. Each side seems to be very Borden. S. Crater home. He has now sold quito does. confident. . this property to Dr. G. G. Reynolds .Branch borough, Deal borough, Oceanport ;.The exercises will be in charge of toward the top of an adjacent tree. rooperi Clear Off Part of Wood- borough. Momnouth Beach borough. The other day Walter D. Fields oil These two nests correspond almost ' Two councilman are to be elected, George E. Jenkinson of Middle- of Freehold. • Mr. Wyckoff's wife is 1 ''large committee, of which Fred- ^' land Tract at Nutswamp. town township made his will Janu- Wednesday, June 24th, at 0:30 A. M.— Colt's Neck walked' across a field inck W. Hope of Red Bank is chair- exactly -with the two highholder but only one Republican has filed a a daughter of Rev. Horace li. Good- At the borough hall at Spring Lake, to of alfalfa. He waB wearing tics or ary 30th of last year. Tho wit- hear appeals from Sprint; Lake boroufrh, nah, Rev. Frank t, "3. Reynolds of nests on the opposite side of the Members of the. Red Bank cavalry petition for a place on the council, child of Red Sank, who was for low shoes and after he got across: roop last week cleared off a strip of nesses were Charles A. Reed and Bridle borough, Manaiquari boroush, Sea- Ceyport .is secretary, and Rev. Wil- treet. This makes four highholder He is James B. VanMater, an em- many years pastor of the Middle- girt borough, Belmar borough. Wall town- the field he noticed that his feet lests within a distance of about 160 voodland 200 feet long and forty ployee of the" Atlantic Highlands John M. Sweeney. Mr. Jenkinson town Baptist church. ship and South Belmar. lam E. Braistod of Red Bank is left all his property to his wife, seemed wet and sticky. Taking off reasurer. The other members of 'eet of eaclv other. , teet wide on the property bought bank." The Democrats have three Dr. Reynolds will take possession Friday, Juns 26th, at 191 A, M.—At Henrietta Jenkinson, and named her the district court room, Professional build- the shoes, he found that the insldes rie committeo are Joseph Grover, ast year at Nutswamp by the Mon- candidates for the two places. They of the house at Freehold which he of them were green -with tho bodies One of the queerest places for a mouth cavalry troopers' association, as executrix. Ing, Asbury Park, to bear appeals from, ttbert 'C. Harrison, Fred P. Gill, are Walter Williams, a plumber, has just bought on June 15th, and Asbury Park city, .Allenhurst borough, of tens of thousands of aphids which' lighhblder'B nest in Red Bank is the he section cleared off will be used James H. Fitzpatrick of Port itpnel G. Harrison, , George TC op of an unused telephone pole in Ernest B. Webber, an insurance Mr. Wyckoff and family will move Avon-by-the-Sea borough, Bradley Beach had been brushed off tho alfalfa in-' jhandler, Walter Davis and Millard s a rifle range and it will be wido man, and William F. Conover,- a Monmouth made the Hoboken Trust to the house at Red Bank which he borough, Neptune City boroueh, Intcrlaken front of Frank A. Long's garage on company the executor of his will. borough and Ocean township. to the shoes and had been crushed ..- ft; Tetley of Red Bank; Charles enough to accommodate ""four tar- painter. This councilmanic scrap is has just rented. to death, The, alfalfa aphids have, White street, opposite the Red Bank ets. The work of putting up the He left all his estate to his daughter, Monday, June 20th, at 9:30 A. M.—At Imith of New Monmouth; Joshua postofflce. This pole has been used not arousing anywhere near as the borough hall at Red Bank, to bear ap- mostly disappeared. They ruined' r targets will be started immediately Dorothy Fitzpatrick. The will was peals from Red Bank, borough, Seabright 1 anPeItr Somers Ti Champion and much interest as the flgtit between THREE FIRES IN ONE NIGHT. several fields of alfalfa in Atlantic ' for a highholder'snest for the past made April 23d, 1924. The wit- boraugh, Fair Haven borough, Rumson bor- 3,;Norris,Plppitt of Atlantic High- nd the range will be ready for use Mr. Snedeker and Mr. Grover. That township. five yean, the hole in the pole hav- in about a month. The troopers will nesses were John Kovalesky of ough. Shrewsbury tovrnship. Eatontown inds; Rev. Harry P. Grim of Highi will be a battle royal-from present Red Bank Firemen Quickly Subdue township and Little Silver borough. ing been dug by a pair of highhold- Port Monmouth and Herman C. Vor- lands; Roy. Frank H. Shermer of practice on the'new range for the indications. Blazes With Slight Damage. Wednesday, July 1st, at 9:30 A. M.— KEEPING THE CINDERS DOWN,' srs in the spring of 1920. It has shooting contests'to be held during burger of Hoboken, Wlddletown; Elmer Compton of Bel- Middletown. township, usually a Three fires occurred at Red Bank At tin borough hall at Keyport, to hoar been occupied every year since then the troop's stay at Seagirt in Au- Rev. William Patrick Tighe, pas- appeals from Keyport borough; Rarltan A Water Wagon Now in Service iord; Daniel VanPolt and Henry A. by.a pair of these birds. Thesehigh-; stormy petrel in the political sea, last Thursday within ten hours. township, Matawan borough, Mntawan Chlnery of Keyport; Dr, William K. gust, whero tho troop will spend two tor of St. Agnes's Roman Catholic None of the_fires.,wasjerious and townshtp,>Holmdel township and Keansburg River Pla'ia. . holders may, bo the°original.pair weeks. The mounted range at Nut- will probably be one of the calm- church of Atlantic Highlands, where Campbell and Forrest Green of est placesi in the county this year. the quick "response and efficient borough. The • state highway commissiortj which dug, out the hole in the pole, wamp was completed some time he had served ten years, made his Jlonday, July 6th, at 0:30 A. M.—At the Long Branch; Maxcy Applegate and for; these birds often return year Only,ope!bflclal'ifi^'ba elected, a work of the firemen prevented any courthouse, Freehold, to hesr appeals from took action last Thursday morninp James E. Soden of Freehold; Milan '; " ' will last month. He left $100' to considerable damage. to have the cinder detour roads at, ? iter their .original nest, thi township comihitteeman. Albert to the Church Extension society, of Faeeliold borough, Freehold township. Mill-' Rosa', Ira E. Whyte and Harry A. same as fishhawks'and wrens usu- Ruhyon of Belford, who is chairman The first alarm was a still one stone township, Atlantic township, Howell River, Plaza sprinkled with water.T" Borden of Asbury Park; 'William H. MUSIC CONTESTS. Chicago for masses for a special in? and was turned in shortly after township, Manalapan township, Marlboro A water wagon was put on the job ally do. Mr, Long sayt that "every of the committee, will run for re- tention of his; he left $200 to.the, township. Upper Freehold township, Allen- Seely of Newark and Walter'Haft spring there is a fight between eer-> Red-Bank Fint in Muiio Memory election on the Republican ticket: ftvera'etoek for a blaze in some bur- town borough','Englishtown borough/ and and-an-attempt-was made with « Seely ol NawYorkv , same society for massed for the re- lap in the garage of the J. D. Tull- Farmingdsle borough. motor to pump water from the rlvef eral pairs--of ,.Ti)ghHolderi to, see Teat at Ocean Grave. No Democrat has filed a petition to pose of his soul; and he left to the which. pair, shall posseig the nest. run against him. er company on Monmouth street.- Wednesday, July 8th, at 0:30 A. M.— into the wagon. The motor did npb ASSISTANT POSTMASTER. Red Bank, high school won first same society a gold chalice engraved Liberty^ fire company jut _this blaze At the Community club rooms. Atlantic work well_and for this reason the, While the pole was used for tele- place. mJhe_music_rnemo.ry-contest, '- -Highlands.-ito-hear-appeals from-Atlantic —TOEnsley Rogers has been appoint' Long gets a great deal of enjoy night. left $1,000 to his housekeeper, Julia The sixth annual meeting of the succeed himself as township commit- .—»'— . . \\>4 was sworn in"«ps an attornoy-at-law teeman. The Republicans have ed assistant postmaster to succeei ment in watching the highholders last week. He was one of a class The graduating class of the Leon- Kreisler. He gave to his nephew, Past Masters' Masonic association A RESPITE FROM STUDYINC ' Mr. Many.' He has been employe and especially in watching their bat ardo high school will arrive home to- Theodore Wubber, his wholesale and of Monmouth county will be held in nominated no one to oppose him. of 101 new attorneys and was tho The township is normally Demo- Lincroft Pupils Did Not Open Thtl|\'' about twelve years at the postofflce, tles for possession of the nesting, only one from Monmouth county. night from a three-day trip to Wash- retail grocery business at Brooklyn, the Masonic lodge room in the Eis- Study Books Last Thursday. ';,* he having served two years as clerk hole in the spring. ington. all his household furniture, clothing, ner building next Monday night. A cratic and it is seldom that the Dem- Mr. Tansey graduated from Red ocratic ticket is opposed. Mr. Van- The pupils of the Lincroft public^ and ton years aa carrier. Highholders* are common through Bank high school in 1921 and from \ jewelry, silverware, pictures and banquet will be served before tho school enjoyed a respito from thelp* Card Party and Dance Tomorrow.- other household goodB. This neph- meeting. Several amendments to Mater is a well-to-do farmer and he out the country and they have a tho Now York law school in 1924. lives near Hazlet. studies last Thursday. The granti r' R.ed Bank Firm Gets Road Contract, greater number of names than an; Ho served his clerkship in the office A card party and dance will be ew also has_the right to buy the real the by-laws will be voted on at the mar gradesd , witih theihi r teacherh , MI l . held on Thursday night of this estate in, Brooklyn where the gro- business session. The association Anderson, visited the reform school! .A contract to Improve a two«mll other bird in the United States. Th of Alston' Beekman and will be con. "It Certainly is a Great Paper." most frequently used names in thi nected-with Mr. Beekman's office. week at St. James's hall on> Mon- cery business is located for tho sum has a membership of over 200 made at Rahway. They made tho trip inl section of the road leading from James Garrity of Matawan re- Lakewood to New Egypt has tioeh part of the country are highholder, mouth street by the women of St. of ,i.l5,0QP, and tho right to buy his up of pa^t masters of the thirteen automobiles provided f roe of charge), highhole, yellow hammer, golden- \ "It's Our Protection." James's church. The card games residence property'at Colt's Neck Masonic lodges of Monmouth coun- newed his subscription to The Reg- by Lewis. S. Thompson, owner off awarded to S. S. Thompson & Co. of ister last week. With the money he Hal Bank' for $03,300. The roa^ winged woodpecker and flicker. Un "Do you know why Blue RibRibbob n and' dancing' will start at nine for $5,000. The sum of $9,000 was ty and of tho lodge at Point Pleas- Brookdalo farm. The primary pu* will havo a sing base and fin tor. like other woodpeckers the high s the only butter "I evor buy?b?" o'clock. Mrs. Maurice Hollywood ordered set aside and the income ant, sent a note in which ho said: "I pils, with their teacher, Miss Ham* holder often alights on' tho ground writes Mrs. Canfield. 'Because the is chairman of the committee in from it paid to his nephew, Edward dont want to miss a single copy of mond, spent the day picnicking ati thcro will bo a layer of crushel Roof Experience. ttone and asphalt. whoro it finds a great deal of it; sealed carton absolutely protects it charge of tho affair. W. Wubber, as long us he Iive3, and The Register. It certainly is.a groat Phalanx/ ' •; food. It Is very fond of ants" an from all impurities and keeps it per- at his death the $9,000 is to go to It is not an experiment for us to paper." • _ . _ fectly clean. I'vo had enough of President Coolidge Said— apply our roofing over your old Get Your Hair Cut Early. . Pianoi. Ninety Per Cent t is said to eat more ants than al Edward's children. All the rest of shingles. Many years of experience less overhead than that of otho butter that is to unclean "It's time to save!" One pair of his estate was ordered divided equal- Just What You Have Been Waiting As Decoration day falls on Satur* other .birds combined. At certain hnnds and trreasy butter paddles. shoes a year—with Grand quick have taught us how a roof should ,for—a regular VanDyk tea and cof- dny this year if makes it bad for tha ;- dealers Is only one reason why the periods of the .year more than hal ly among his sisters, Helena Wub- bo laid correctly. Let us give you piano purchaser gets more for his That's why Blue Ribbon is tl.o only sorvice—that's enough. If you be- fee agency whero VanDyk's cole- barbers. I havo decided to clone all its food consists of anta. butter I would ever servo at the lieve with President Coolidge that ber and Anna Burke; his brother, the benefit of our experience as brated teas and coffees may be had noon on this dny, but will have ex- Money at Dlrhans* where practical roofers by re-roofing your home 1 exporlcnjRgand suprome quality pro Hlghholders like to nest tneai table." Try a carton todny! Your it's time to economize on footwear, John Frederick Beekman; and his' absolutely fresh, at VanDyk prices, tra barbers on hand so everyone will dealer sells it.—Advertisement. wo can help you turn your desires sister-in-law, Wilholmina Beekman, now. Write or phono todny regard- Take advantage of our reducod get expert service. We do all stylet - vail. PlX(5*fe\vareroom and sno houses. The apple orchards of old ing our "guaranteed roofing.". G. (rear ot residence), Drummon en days were much beloved ol into a reality. .Grand Shoe Repair widow of his brother, Honry Beck- prices. Alperin's Delicatessen, 20 of Indies' nnd children's bobbing. - More INourliHini Than Meat. Shop, M. Grand, proprietor, 28 West M. Olson & Co., Inc., Atlantic High- Got your hair cut early in tho wew place, Red Bank, phone 033.—Ad highholdors* as places for thcl: man, one-quarter of tho residue of lands, phone 540.—Advertisement. Broad street, Red Bank.—Adver- vertlsemcnt. Pure, properly mnde mayonnalsa Front street, Red Bank, opposite the estate going to, ench. This resi- tisement. and do not wait until tho last day* nosta. In'the old days apple treei O'Brien's plumbing establishment. Our hours are from 8:00 A. M. to} ' Is a nea*. body builder. Our Na- ; due includes nil real cstato ownod ware allowed to grow very high, tional mayonnaise, containing only —Advertisement. Arthur E. Brauer Mr. Property Owner, 8:00 P. M. dally nnd Saturdays to>f« with huge trunks.and mighty limbs, fresh eegs, btst salad oil and high- by him in this country and in Ger- availablo as concert violinist nnd in- why not wire your house now for 11:00 P.M. Curchin's Barber Shops '< > Authorized dealer, for ' Garod many. Two of Mr. Beekman's Zenith, DeForrest and Famine Trimming the' apple trees ofte est grade spices and vinegar, is an Records Reduced. structor. Summer studio nt rosi- oloctrie lights. Wo will give you Second National bank building, Red Godley Producti. Monmouth Ra caused decay and a knot hole ap Ideal food. Ask for it by name it Tusting's aro telling Red Seal friends, Henry Troger and John donco in Navosink. For further eloven months to pay for It. Write Bank.—Advertisement'. I '\ dlo Service, Socond .National Bank pearod whero a limb had been cul you want th* bost.—Advertisement. Victor records at hnlf-prico: McCor- Trogcr, wero named as executors. particulars address summer studio, or phqn Solu-FIII Dirt, Curd and all othen. 06 conti each For Lunoh, dancing Monday, Juno 8th, 8:00 Hnhn wore namod n's executors. Tha von,'Thursday, May 28th, from 5i30 Grading of all kjndi. Try ed birds' eggs and evory collecto will wns nindo last Jnnuitry nnd was Beverages. vQp«n tonight. Tustlng'a, 10 Mon Our delicious sandwiches and P. M. Benoflt S. P. C. A.. Tickets to 8:00 o'clock. Admission 60 conts. prices. Howard a.,RoitveU, ReiM ' mouth itroot, Rod Bank—Adve had a lot of eggs to trade with otho froth salads art tlwayi rofreihlnC. 60 conti.—Advortlncmont, wltncMod by Albert l'\ Dcssart,,' Sr,, For your cnrhoiintoil nnd mnlt —Advertisement, Bank, phono 600 J.~Advortl«r*f ir boyi who. wart llkewlsa collectin boveragos call Bonjnmln H. Crate, tUgement. | ' ' . Spaclal prices far quantities". AT< and Louis II, Foster of Bradley ; ^; eggs,' ' Hiffhholdari' ' eggi won porin'i dollcatoslen, 20 Broad Victor Nlfht at Tustlng's. Donch. 14 North Brlilgo avenuo, Red Bnnk, • Turkey Dlnnan , ,. •' Handiome Cups phono 1485,—Advertisement. sorvod at tho Cozy Corner Ton Why Not R.duc* Your Tsill' •njong tho easiest to (tot, next t itroot, tied Bank.—Advorlleomcnt. , Wedneiday nighnjght iia Victor family Honry Wheelor o( Ocean Grove ftraiontori ni prltei at show i thoia of thi robin, catbird and.ioni night «t ~Tustlng's " 's,, Opon ovory room on Saturday and Sundnyi. by inoHtfntr at IJIllMMt, the,- armory Monday, June 8th, nt 8:00 Contractor and Dutlder. Wodnoida. y, nigh...... t. PPianosi , Vlctrolos, mndo IIIH will noven years ago. Ho The Central Shoe Repairing Shop. Ordors takon for homomario cakes nuburb of Long ymnch, on Or tnarrpw, Almoat every boy had orclcroil his ontnto1 to lie loft Just as Prompt attention uml good work- ind ploi. 5C0-J, Rod port nvonutT Th« lownt U» o'clock P. M. Tickets 60 conti.— showing of hlghh6|der tfn In hi Denjamln W, Covert, 1113 Uorgon RadiosRdi , ViVictot r RRecordi.—AdvortUo. Advertliament. . • __ place, Red Dank. Tllo, brick, ittuc- rnnnt. It was until tho denth of hl« wife, mnnahlp gunrniitocd, 70 Monmouth Dunk.—Advortlnomont. tricb^n tho county,~»Advar>ln(H| collection* ThTi was not wholly dui co or frame construction. I'lnni and his wlfo In tho meimtltno to hnva.tho utroot, corner Mnplo nvonuo, Red ',' Stamplni for Embrolderr. (o the «»• with which hlghholde •poclflcntloni furnl»liod>*-A.(lvortli(i- Typewriter Hsadqusrtars, • UKO niul licnollt of liln cstnto.' At Bnnk.—Atlvortlnomont, Beit of Muslo SalsiuXW , Letters ana' monogram*, whit nciti could be robbad. H|gnholden ment, '_ _ Typewriter! rented, bought nnd hi* wife's death ho left two houses nnd miny attractions at Hellof Eri< Only •xporlenetd law'a Novplty Shop, 18 Monmout havi ont very pioullar attribute •old, Trubln'a, 58 Broad itroot, Rod River Plata Feillval. gin* Company'* fnlr, ltld Bank, Iwiet, Bad Dank.—Advtrtliemont. Fair. nnd lot* nt Ocean Grove to his June 6th to 13th.—Admtliomont. which li not common among- in; Bank.—Advertisement. dnughtor, Mrs, Mnry W, Newberryi Doconitlim dny nftnmooit nnd other of our Amtrtcin blrdi. Th Drbvont Park ami looimrdo Fire (IVOMIIIK on Mm, Mlllor'n liuvn. JUltm M*id« Ltwtti, Company nt tho Ilrcvont Park flro- Radio Supplies, and two hounoi nnd lots to hla son, 8truwlicrrlc», rultu, lomoimilo and HenutlUhlna and DrMimaklnf Denl Mlti »tr«oi d J lttl Rid iJank.wAdvertliemont. hquio and lot at Ocean Oroyt ho inenti '• d DkAdtlWt i BANK REGISTER, MAY 27,1925. ~ H. A. HENDRICKSON NEW APARTMENT HOUSE; NEW FOXWOOD HOUSES. SOLD FOR BUSINESS SITE ' ; • OLD RED BANK LANDMARK Thli Tract Befor. Fall.' WAGNER CARPENTER and BUILDER WILL SERVE THIS PURPOSE At least nine nouee»»will be cwn- Newman Springs Aye. plotd or in course of construction Red BariE, N.'J. David ShipUen, the New Owner of iy. fall at Foxwood Park near Red The Compnay Paid 320,000 for tlje Red Batik 1202-J . Estimates Furni.ned the Sutphen. Property on. Pros- Bfink,,ac.cording.t9 Frank.A.,More, P>o^erly and' It will Obtai,£po«. pect Avenue, Will Have. .the house, general, agent for the tract. lenion^June lit, 1926—An An- MORE FLOWERS Home Rebuilt and Altered, , This will make "a total of ten houses cient Home on the Place. 18B4 v ,TeUphone 111 An old but not unattractive on the tract, as one has just been Daniel G. Wood last week sold house with an odd history changed completed by Mr. Morehouse. This his property on tlie-ntirth side of Geraniums \ ipdragon ALEXANDER D. COOPER owners last week,, when the old Sut- was built as a model house to pro-Monmouth street, almost .opposite phen porperty oh Prospect •venue,, vide lot owners on the tract with an the town hall, to the Wagner mar- Ageratum lindula which is a landmark of Red Bank, idea' of the kind of houses desired ket company for $20,000. The land Real Estate and Insurance there. It cost ? 10,000 and it is onis 4i%xl57 feet and two houses are Begonias Coleus was-bought by David Shipkeh from : Morris Becker and Joseph Baker." the soyth tide of WpodbW avenue. mit. > One house faces Monmouth -4^8-64 BRQAP STREET RED BANK. N. J. 'Alth""ch'»"y »p«'' their named dlf- ThVhouse^a.-'-double-':. bale fldoia treWand back of it is aether Sweet Elysium Vinca ferontly, Mr. Becker and Mr. Baker throughout and it is prpvidede witlf house, which is occupied by Mr. Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado and are brothers. Mr. Shipken, is pro- mode.™ improvements. ' Wood. .The Wagner company has Cannas Vertleiia Plate Glass Insurance - prietor of John's Busy Corner, a . .Eightof the nine new'houses will not announced what use it will lothing store at the corner of East be occupied by their owners"and one make of the property, but it is sup- Heliotrope Funlda will be built as an investment As posed t,hat stores will bo built there. Front street and Wharf avenue. • L The .house-will-be .turned intoan is requiredwhen Foxwood lots are THe'company doejr-not obtain pos- German & English Ivy Marigold TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN apartment house by its new owner. sold; the plans for the'new houses seasion until June 1st, 1026. It has sixteen rooms. It is almost haye been submitted to Mr. .More- The house farthest back from the Petunia Boston Ferns iquare in shapo and looks 'some-, hojse Xrjd apprbyedi ,;,•''Georjje VI, street has quite a history andjs one Contractor and Builder Howland will build'a house.;at tPIe SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING thing like a castie. It has become of the' lanuniaTks Bf-the town. -It is -adly run down during thd past few corner of Woodbine avenue and «id to.have been built 107 yearB WE WELCOME VISITORS' SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES years and Mr. Shipken w^ll have !ross street at a cost of $15,000; ago by Jacob Longstreet, who was Telephone 881-M ISO Bridge Avenue, Red Bank, N. J.much repair work done. The lot isI. R. Crouse will build on Woodbine its first owner. Ho owned it only a V large one, with 152 feet of front- avenue, at a_coifc of $10,000; W. H. short time and then sold it to Ely Our Greenhou«es are open at all times, for inspection and age on Prospect avenue- and 160GrejTwill build :ai.-the corner of Sil-Bergen, Ely Bergen was a brother HUGtt H. GETTY . L. T. GETTY feet of frontage on Wallace street. verton avenue and-Cross Street at a of. John. K. Bergen. This was'the we respectfully solicit a call from jrou. The fplans for the apartment house cost of ?J2,000;.DenlBe W.Heyer 'first .or original John E. Bergen, will build oil Woodbine avenue at awho.'by old-time Red Bankers is Orders taken now for Sweet Potato Plants in lots, either, have not yet been prepared.,. -M,r. > GETTY, Inc. Shipken says- he will spend -about. cost of $10,000; F..A.'Quackenbush sometimes referred to as John Ber- wholesale or retail. , •• $7,000 in converting the house into' will build on Woodbine sveriuVat' a' gen th«'First, in" or6Tcr to distin- Established 1875 an apartment house, ,-. , v cost of $7,500; W. F." Cogari willguish Jiirn from, his son, the late build on- Woodbine avenue at a cost Jdhn BiJ-Bergen. Both father and BUILDERS The house was built 48 years ago of ?10,QOO;Dr. William A. •Wirth son for many years conducted a by two New Yorkers,'Melville Sut- will build on Woodbine avenue at-a shoe business on'Broad street. WILLIAM MEARS yl2 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. pl.en and John P. Devlin. Mr. Sut;cost of $11,000; and M. H. Dangler When Jacob Longstreet built the : ; : phen was engaged in the fish busi- will build bn'SUvertori avenue, at' a --. ' .••:' •••-, FLORIST , '- • 'l];r ' • > Phone Red Bank, 1746 ness at New York and Mr. Pevlin house Bed Bank had. ho. railroad sta- cost of $10,000. A house will be tion and no Monmouth street.. The was in the steam fitting business at built as ; an investment by James WHOLESALE or RETAIL the ' same place. The men were house is "vabout midway between Norman'&-'Siri-on Woodbine" avfr Monmouthland White streets and in brothers-in-law. BotlrwereweaHhyV hue.-"-. " ;'.* '."';•_—_;-, -. " SALMHWOMj.ndGREENHOUSES--AvenueTwo Rivers, Runwon, N. X\ as wealth :Was counted in those' the old day's the only jmethod of ap- days. They, called the house Twin proaching it.was by.m'Baris of a lane Telephone^361 ; 1Cottage, for the reason that it. was A NEW BUNGALOW. extending southward from White NOTICE! divided into two parts^one part for street. White street in those times the • Sutphen family and one part Brooklyn Re.ident Building fqr Herwas called, l^oye Lane..'. the house !|Nowiithetimoto OVERHAUL FURNACES, REPAIR | for the Devlin family. The two Own Ocupancy at Red Bank. is in good condition despite its age. .Mrs. Annie DeCahnara of Brook- |i; SMOKE, PIPES, /have LEADERS and GUTTERS $ families occupied the house for 1 The pther'.hpuse on the property lyn is having a semi-bungalow built was built 37 years ago by the late ^REPAIRED for the Bad-Wcather-whichi»-$ur*.toxome._^ 'or-her-own-oeevpattey-rOJHHroperty- years. Tho grounds were attractive^ KTrByT She wastTie" $Get our estimates (or PLUMBING and HEATING 'f on the west sideof-Branch avenue gfandmotfeer of .the late Ely^ Kirby. and well kept and the prbperty was which.she bought a short time ago. ^together for Fall Alterations so that when' that bad * considered one of the show places The property haSi.beeft owned bp The contractor is the G..& J. Con-descendants of the or^inalEly Ber- ''weather .comes you will be ready to meet it with a smile. of Red Bank. struption company, the members ,'of Mr. Devlin's health-failed and he which, are. John'Gunstpn-end;Qar- gen^bput 100 years, Me, Wood lost the'plaee. On March rett Jones. -The bungalow "will be bought it-six'years ago from Mrs. 20th, 1888, he sold' his interest in 24x30 feet. The sides of the build- Hannah Taylor, -who'now lives at HOWARD FREY the property to Mr. Sutphen. Both ing will be enclosed with weather- Bordentown. SANITARY PLUMBER brothers-in-law are now dead. Mr. boards and the roof with shingles. Devlin was very rich when he died, The building will have modern im- Changei pf Residence. 74 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. but Mr. Sutphen got in untoward- provements. Four rooms and a Changes of residence can be financial circumstances. He passed quickly and satisfactorily made by The Miracle all-year resort City Telephone 6O9 ' bathroom wil be on the first floor. enlisting the service of Luke Long- away four years ago with very lit- There will be space for four rooms tle left of his Wealthy a.side from head and The Register's want de< I€*I»X»I*X<^^ on the second floor, but this part of partment.—Advertisement. this house. He was survived by five the dwelling will not be finished un- daughters and three sons. One oftil later. 'The bungalow will be fld ty STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY tho daughtors has since died. completed by July 15th and the cost ,|. ^-Time Tafcle -in. Effect May 27th, 1925 (Daylight Saving Time) For a few years after Mr. Sut-will be $4,300. RAY H. STILLMAN | Investment opportunities in Florida now are stupendous, Investors in Flor- j|S ....:; iSubject to Change Without Notice pfcen's death the place was occupied ida in the past few years have been handsomely rewarded; Opportunities by his daughter, Mrs. Philip Mar- NEW HOUSES AT BELFORD. Monmouth County t) gules. Her husband is a tailor and for the rise in real estate .values in "the whole state, especially in, south- llteamers SEA BIRD and ALBERTINA he had his place of business' in a MM. John E. Foiter and Harry j pitwcen Pier 24, foot of Franklin Street^ New ,York (Landing at the small building on the property; The Lang- y/m Build. : eastern Florida,- are now at their height. Florida is the oldest and yet the .-•,) * Battery to take on and let off Passengers only), and Highlands, property was bequeathed to the Ground was broken last week on . Shore Estates & 1 A. Oceanic and Red Bank. ;, ' eight children, but a dispute arose youngest of the, states—growing in wealth and population now much more Campbell avenue" at.-Belfofd lor a All Forms of INSURANCE i (Telephone Call, Walker 7090 New York 1 ' 423 Red'Bank, N. J.among them and it proved impossi house costing $12,000 for Mrs. John than any other state. • .•< . ble for them to agree as to the divi- i,\' "' Highland! Telephone 1264 E. Foster of ^ort Hancock..-s The. STILLMAN FARMS sion of the property. After consid- house will be enclosed with concrete State Highway - -.-}.•.- - FOR RED BANK_;..:_... FOR NEW YORK erable litigation, with Mrs. Mar-and it will have eight_rooms, a EATONTOWN, • - • M. l.g 50 Miles South of Palm Beach; 17 Miles North of Miami gules on oneslde and her seve'nlifs- ' i .^ • DLU} except Sunday Daily except Sunday bathroom ahd~moa'ern impxbveT I'-f- .••-.•••• A.M. P.M. ters and brothers arrayed on thements. Golden & Johnson of 'Bel- The Miracle City of Florida is Hollywood-by- along the east coast of Florida. ~ It^ has broad -\ti«»»e Pier 24,^foot—il- A.JA. PJM. other side, the courts settled the ford are the-Sca, 60 miles'south of Palm Beach and 17 8^Ie5iL?n4_^5Hl£ya!5iJ modern hotels, banking matter by putting the property on •>f Franklin itreet., 8:30 2:45 Leave Red Baiilc 7sOO~ 4:00 The same firm has a contract to Trniia7iuifth7orM!amlr-It-lt<>s--dllfSi:tlsnJn-th6r ~hotise, stores, parTts, iciiooIjS, cKurcTes, nparfc- , Leave Battery Landing 8:00 3:15 Leave Oceanic 7:20 4:2th5e auction block. Atlantic Ocean, on the Dixie Highway, the Flor- ments, homos—oil buildings done in Spanish build a house of six rooms on the ida Coast. Railroad and the Inland Water Way nrchitccturo, #rive Highlands Leave Highland. 7:55 4:50Mr. Becker and Mr. Baker bought same street for Harry -Lang of Bel- 5:00 Arrive Battery Landing Canal/ Two miles out from Hollywood-by-the- about ..' 10:50 tho placo for $5,500- at tho auction. f'ord.- -' - •:• ' -'•• Arrive Oceanic about 11:20 5:30 about 9:60 6:50 Sea Is the Gulf Stream, aiding In furnishing the Hollywood-by-the-Sea ls'in the midBti.'of an Arrive Franklin atreet. This was less than a year ago. A most wonderful climate in all the world. ' Arrive Red Bank I few days ago, they sold it to Mr House Bought Ai an Investment, $18,000,000 building program, including a new i v.about 11:50 6:00 about 10:00 7:00 $3,000,000 hotel on the beach, which will be tho Shipken for $5,800. Mr. and Mrs. Mrsi, Frieda Adler of Brooklyn, Ilollywood-by-the-Sea lies in tho world's great- finest resort hotel in • America, according to ;V'< SUNDAYS- • SUNDAYS Marugles are now living in a house i I- . A. M. mother of Hyman Adler of Red est winter playground, n section, that according claims. * P. M. on Prospect avenue adjoining the Bank, has bought a double house on to predictions, will be built in a few years solidly , j Leave Pier 24, foot of Frank- eld Sutphen place. from Palm Beach to Miami. I lin atree( ' 8:30 Leave Red Bank' 4:00 the west side of Washington street A deep water harbor, the finest between New Leave Battery Landing 9:00 Leave Oceanic 4:25 as an investment. The lot is 60x120 York and tho Panama canalxoatlng $15,000,000, Arrive Highlands about . 10:50 LeLeavv e Highlandg . 4:50 BUIDING A HOUSE ALONE; feet. One side of the house has five Hollywood-by-thc-Sea lies in tho world's great- according to estimate, is under construction and AArrivi e OOceanii c aboub t 11:21120 Arrive Battery Landing about 6:50 rooms and a bathroom and the other in that time from a wilderness of Palmetto lands construction is being supervised; by Gen» W. W. and tomato fields. When the north is in tho I Arrive Red Bank about 11:50 Arrive Franklin street about.. 7:00 Hoboken Man Will Hava a Home at side has four rooms and a bath- VJSIT Goethals, who built the Panama Canal. Hance Park. room. The ,new owner will have grip of winter, HoIlywood-by-the-Sea is as June | ;•' NOTICE—At Battery Landing, all elevated trains for uptown, in New Jersey. By weather records, tho av- I subway for uptown or to Brooklyn and. surface cirs antj ferries, to Without assistance of, any kind, improvements made to the house. FOXWOOD erage summer temperature above the winter Hollywood haB diversified tropical • «ports Sfaten and Brooklyn, can bo reached in two minutes. John Fries has got the foundation, surf bathing, isea.nshing, a fine 18-hole goll temperature is but ten degrees. ' • course with an ornate golf clubhouse. Gene . ••'• At Red Bank, busses for Shrewsbury, Eatontown, Long Branch, frame 'and floor in place for a semi- Two Changes at Belford. - bungalow for his own occupancy at PARK Sarazen,. former American open champion and Asbury Park, Fair Haven, Oceanic, Rumson, Little Silver, Camp Vail J. Crawford Compton will move Hollywood-by-the-Sca has soven miles of! Leo Diegel, Canadian open champion, were pro- ! and Oceanport. the corner of Hance avenue and tomorrow from Compton street at Modem Well Built Ocean Beach frontage, the finest bathing beach fessionals at Hollywood-by-tho-Sea last winter. Orchard street at Hance Park in I, 't Special attention given to tho care of Autos,- Horses and Carriages. Belford to his new house at Bay HOUSE FOR SALE Shrewsbury township, near New- side Heights, near Belford. The Hollywood-hy-the-Sea is the most attractive investment in Florida. If you are seeking invest- [ |j;-. On July 4th and Labor Day Boat. Will Run on Sunday Schedule. man Springs. A\ present Mr. Fries -All Improvement. ; Plot 100x104 house vacated by Mr. Compton was ment in the state of winter ftowers and sunshine, investigate Hollywood-by-the-Sea. ','!;!'. Burdge & Russell's Sightseeing Busses to and from Long Branch is living in a small building on the bought a short time ago by Elmer Price $11,500, ine third caih J and Asbury Park will meet all boats on their arrival at Red Bank. place, which he will use later for a Z. DolsOn of Keyport, who will oc- Lota $1,000 to $1,350, ea.y term.. v; DECORATION DAY, MAY 30th and SUNDAY, May 31st—Leave garage. The bungalow will be cupy it. Mr. Dolson has a barber FLOYD E. BRADY Fjranklin street 8:00 anil 8:30 A. M. Battery 8:30 and 9:00 A. M24x2. 8 feet and it will have six shop at Keyport.. (Returning leave Red Bank 3:30 and 4:00 P. M. J:30 Boat from Red rooms and a bathroom.. Water will F. A. MOREHOUSE Telephone 589-J, Red Bank FAIR HAVEN, N. J. iBank, Battery Only. bo provided by an electric pump on AGENT ON PREMISES tho premjs^s, Mr. Fries until re- Male and female help Is scarce, Telophona Red Bank 1SO9 cently liv'ed at Hoboken. Ho owns but Luke-Longhead's department in The Register is tho surest way of an acre and a half of land at Hance getting, what you want.—Advertise- C< $100.00 among others with whom th.y secure proper, appropriate and adequate Light- will he refimde.d »hd you "win hite WORKING FOR YOU! liMa our iu.•• We eollfll ihe moat rigid Inveitlii. Rumion and Seabrljlil Rental*. tlon » to our builneei repulallon and ! You need this book to secure More and Better flnancUl etand, throujh any Florida 4. To reform any present trade Tho Sweeney & Mace ronl estate n.n<, Northern Hank or your local ALLAIRE & SON HENDRICKSON & STOUT Home Lighting and Equipment. You need our oiicy of Soabrlght has rented abusos- or objoctlonablo trade Mrs. U'llllimi Mahnn'n houso at An enchanted eiperlence of lenie- practices, and to sccuro and ad- 60 Broad Street. 69-71 Broad Street. experience and advice to sec that the work is tlnnal pleaaure awalti-jm durlne your • done properly, Kumson' (o Frank Calahnn of that varatloti when you can combine bull- vise rolinblo Information In all place; Iilchnrd Itogora's .houio at neii wllh pliaeurt, Realty mnttors- ir Intereeted, merely (111 out attached HAWKINS BROTHERS HYLIN &SALZ Jiumson to John Houghton of Now coupon. York; Mm. Jnmoj R. Arniitrong's Wo provide Bowd appraiuli 10 Monmouth Street. 42 Broad Street. at Kumion to W. J. Miller of I'lfnu amil rr«. without oblli atlon, HOGAN'S ELECTRIC SHOP Ml parllcu •i. r>iruiUni ' rlnt.r Brooklyn, and tho Cooper property ll«v«n, lla., propoiltlon, of property. « 8 WALLACE STREET RED BANK, N. J. nt HnibrljiM to Miss Irono Solomon N»m« WILLIAM A. HOPPING A. L IVINS AGENCY of I Atlilm. „-..-.«.„.B.,u._.._. We alio effect First Mortgage 1 Clir » 40 Broad Street. 42 Broad Street. Telephone Red Bank 389 U.UKHHMIMMHMIHH. Loan*. Both at reasonable Mnla ftm l fomnle liolp Ii «c»rce, tatei. > l;:' ; ThmfirmttftbitttlofkulMbtalhmi "it l.uko Longhond't department In HAVE3N V.lXA.'Oa.' ibnla h dlwtd jer Utftltu Vlxtuns. Tho ItcitUtar In the ruroit way of LAND & LOAN CO.. NEWTON DOREMUS, Prei., 10 East Front Street. (fottlnif what you wnnt,—Advertlic ment. W&VXAX*W&&^^ -»I,' r •ul ff&/R^ y-^/^jJi-^f T- V'V*1 ''r^U^'n-t^* n>y7«..;-/- > i "t'» :-^< ••>:>•

atiie^rlasting #nd

7 ••'.x—. •.••• ••.-•-v.. r-

SEPULCHRE of snowy whiteness is rising amid the quiet Jiills of Gl^yppdfCem^tety, West Long Branch; a shrine where our deariybeloV^ddead may find their last resting place within marble qrffits;^^

* '•.>:.

No longer need the terrors of the grave bring a-shudder of Generations hence, many will pause amid the stately corridors of this structure and?t>ehold the snowy-white compartments wherein lie those whom death has apprehension; no long'er need we fear the foul contaminating touched. Each compartment will remain hermetically sealed against atmospheric darkness. Glenwood Mausoleum, nobly beautilful, time-defying conditions; a patented system of air desiccation protects the body for all as the Pyramids, brings within reach of every family an enlight-•., time against the ravages of decomposition and decay. Here also will be found ened form of burial above ground. Heretofoife only the; rich niches for those preferring urn burial (cremation). and illustrious were accorded such burial, but today a marble IJ As God's own sunshine filters through the exquisite cathedral windows, and the bless- -edness.of the Last Peace reigns over Glenwood Mausoleum, one may well recall rhe crypt in Glenwood Mausoleum costs no more than ordinary grave burial!poet's sublime exclamation1: "Death, death! Oh, amiable, lovely death!" A Worthy Abiding For Our Beloved

What:if this noble sepulture harks, back to the ancient burial splendors of GLENWOOD MAUSOLEUM IS NON-SECTARIAN EgypfafldGreece! Does not our own civilization feel the same reverence ' People of every creed and religion may avail themselves'of and affection for those who have gone to their Last Reward Surely, within its benefits. Here your family, name and traditions arc pre-' this inspiring edifice, towering nobly above Glenwood Cemetery, generations served everlastingly. A heavy endowment fund, administered. 1 under .New Jersey State laws, guarantees that this Mauso- of mourners willjbe comforted in seeing their forebears enshrined in pure white leum willbe forever kept in a state of absolute perfection. 1 f

marble^so suggestive of cleanliness, spirituality and the final resurrection. 1 ' •'



i Copjrrllkt Itll. Olfiiwwxl M»umlium Co, Address „.....,. i,.,,....,,,;.,. •• i,« RED BANK-REGISTER, MAY 27,1925.

to be getting madder and madder at TAXATION ON FARMS. ., THE RED BANK REGISTER. each other. High Aiieismants and High. Turn* ?5 ' JOHN H. COOK. Editor and Pnbllihtr. • • e Duo to Demand, for Improvement!. ff> i OtOBOB g HANCE. Attotlatt Editor. It would seem that history Is re-To The Editor of The.Register: peating itself; that the recrimina- 1^, ,, THOMAS IRVINQ BROWN. I look at the taxation question In tions and acrimony of the Edge- MONEY BACK A BUSINESS \_\ :.',•• Buitntti M»mg«r: • different way- from Theron Mc- Kean struggle are likely to be en- *•* Ttlepbontti—R«d Btnk II ampbell. I think we 'have on the acted again. There is this im- whole a good lot of officials in New Btd Bank 1100 portant difference, however. Edge IN 5 DAYS THOUSANDS^ eraey, from the_governor of the j L Subtcrlptlon Prlcett and Kean are rather pudgy looking ( , Oat »ter *l.§0 men, rfbt' especially distinguished itate down' through the 'county V BU month' '» oards'of freeholders.and tax com- MERELY FOR A PROFIT IN Three raoothi ..^...i *° looking, however well they may bo; equipped with brains.' Both of them mistioners to our local assessors. Enttrcd at the poitofflet at Rtd Bank. They are'doing the best they can.* H. J- at tecond elut matter. look as if they could spill a lot of PENNIES rough stuff if they wanted to. It is The pressure on executive officers THE ASKING for increased Improvements and WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1925. not such a shock to see such men slinging ink at each other .and fly- more refined service is constant; and ing at each other's throats with the insistent. The taxpayers are the Decoration Day. weapons of verbal warfare. , anes who exert this pressure. The _rowth i arid development of the Thin are the blue-clad ranks today, towns and the outskirts of the towns 43 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. ^ once half a million strong, ... But things are different or the new subdivisions require a And slow and feeble are the feet Cran, Whitney and Doremus. They continual increase of expenditures. thai; once marched'far and long. are all fine looking men; prize beau- t is up to the taxpayers and voters Once* more together will they march ties, so to speak. At least, that's to see that they have careful, eco- Many thanks to the People of Red Bank and vicinity for their with slow uncertain tramp what their pictures make them look nomical and efficient administration. To see their comrades who have like. It would seem like a safe bet The burden of taxes should tie, ills- confidence and patronage given us at our opening sale. gone before them into 'camp. for any Jerseyman to make that ;ributed with due regard to earning these three candidates are the finest rapacity and selling' values... It is The tents are spread, the low green looking and most delicately mould? apparent that farms ; are paying You see women coming a running to Kauffman's. That tents 'whose windows tichtly ed lot of gubernatorial candidates more than their share of taxes. Ex- Our advertisements are a revelation to the public; they ' close; in the whole United States. What cept for small farms... adapted. to speak of values that are unsurpassed anywhere, and every means many dollars saved for them. We dont blame them No reveillo will waken those who business have such prize beauties to. ;ruck, poultry or small fruit raising, statement is backed up by great stocks and tremendous values. one bit! It's some sale. Come tomorrow! See for yourself! sweetly there repose; be fighting each'1 other! It looks .here is. no demand for the best '••• No nibre their weary feet will toil very unseemly for ouch examples of farm lands. This is because they Whatever we. advertise, we give, and the people are learning You can keep yourself poor all your Ufa by paying too o'er highways rough and damp; beautiful manhood to muss each lo not make carrying expenses. that our statements are .true, and are responding generously. much for everything you buy* For .them the long hard march is other all up and to say mean, nasty With taxes, labor and upkeep on tha Take advantage tomorrow of our great sale. BUY AT KAUFFMAN'S AND SAVE done, for they've gone into things about each.other. resent level it is generally impos- camp. iible to make them pay. There Is 10 great difficulty in disposing of Their comrades oome with song? and Good looking candidates ought to .own property at good prices and flowers; the banner of their love live up to their looks. The best .here is less difficulty in finding floats proudly out upon the air,way they can do this is by saying ;enants who can afforcf to pay a fair their low close tents above; nothing. At least this is the case •ental. ' WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD^ Oh, many a mile they've followed It so far as McCran, Whitney and The title to the land rests in us, 1 with strong and steady tramp Doremus are concerned. Although ut we a;;o in .effect renting from Before they heard'..the order given: they lambaste and roast each other, the state. This condition is not so Visit Our Visit Our •; -"Break ranks,go'into •camp,'.' there is, essentially no difference be- much due to selling prices as it is tween them. They may differ on to the.cost of production of crops. Graduation Dress Boon all the weary feet will'.halt; the Dry and Wet question and onThis includes taxes, upkeep, of build- Graduation Dress? the last march will be made; a few other unessential issues, but ings and fences, insurance, seeds,, Department For them the low green tents be on the real bread and butter issues fertilizers) farm supplies, tools and Department spread on hillside or on glade; they are, alike. With hot weather the maintenance of equipment, to- No more together will they march coming on and with folks trying to gether with- the largest factor, farm with slow and broken tramp; make both ends mefet to pay. their labor. - Infants' To all the order will be given: tax bills, there is no reason why It is regretable that the produc- Broadcloth "Break Tanks, go into. camp>" three good looking men should stir irs of food are placed in this unfor- A Sensational Purchase of Women's up a big fracas and otherwise add tunate condition. Something must Blouses to the heat and worries of the Silk Coats TOWN TALK. be done to remedy it. Perhaps an and Misses' season. rganization to co-relate selling val Edward Braseh, who' has tile con- , . . e • • uea and earning capacity of farms ?5c tract for transporting pupils to and ' If, these prize beauties cant give and town property can help in $2.35 from the River Plaza schoolhouie, up ths pleasure of calling each this work. The existing disparity has made an unusual contribution of other names, then at least let them of assessments is due to predomi targe value to that community by use their, energies to have the date nant town interests and influence. Lingette Bloomers, INFANTS'SETS taking all the children of that sec- for the primary election changed to Thomas H. Grant. DRESSES tion in his bus, regardless of wheth- the fall,! when it used to be held. Middletown, May 21st, 1925. and Step-ins er they liva outside the transporta- It isn't leCran( Whitney nnd Dorcmui rndo will bo hold on Wtdnosdny, nnd President of tha Hoard of Trim- BRASSIERES ' \v« bi«n, throwing brickbats at September 2d. This will ho thotool. GREAT SAVINGS h other at a great rate, At first latot date on which tho pnriulo hni mmly »l»pp«d each other on •vor beon hold and was loloctod lU but M the dalo for thowith n vlow of helping to lengthen (Pilil for 1/ J.iob n. Ltltirti.) This Store Will B© Open Fridtay Evening, May 26th th« icnion at Aibury F«k. ^iMt RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 27, 1925.

NOW OWNS HIS HOME. k Planning to Build. r . . SPECIAL EXCURSION SALE OF KEYPORT LANDS, Arthur Mercer Get* Deed for Houio Herman, Labrecque of Campbell's Junction,, in Middletown township, TWO' PROPERTIES TO CO UN- Where He Livei. last week bought four lots at.that Arthur Mercer, who is caretaker DER THP HAMMER, . place from H. T. Sherman of At- f tho grounds of MrsV-Sigmurid lantic Highlands. 'Each ..lot is VIA lisner's place, last week' received •ymen'J. Cohen'* LoU on Broad 1 25x100 feet. Mr. Labrecque paid' FORT MYERS and DWIllon lo be Sold from A, W. Chappel) a dee4.for the $800 for the property and he states by the Sheriff at Freehold Next house where he lives on McLaren that within a year he will have a ,TO Monday. > itreet." Mr; Mercer has been buy- business building on it. is situated on-the West Coast of Flpr- ing the property on the "instkllmont Jd^along the taost beautiful and deep- Two properties fit Keyport are to ten and he has tho last pay- NEW YOIVR est of Florida.rivers, the.Calaosahat- o sold by tho sheriff at Freehold ment- The price was $5-000 and '"•• ' Building Two Bungalows. From AH Stations lext Monday afternoon at two : first payment- was made six The' Compton realty company is Pt. Pleasant ; ' chee, arid is 400 miles nearer the equa- i'clock. One of these properties is having two bungalows built as an years ago. At that time $5,000 was to Matawan, ind. Trip tor than San Diego, California. the business'district of Broad afair price for the place, tiut today investment at Beach View Park in itreet. A house and a store are on it is worth a groat deal more. The iddletown townehip. Thome Bros, SUNDAY, MAY 31«t his lot. The other property is on ot is 40x150 feet. The house has of Leonardo are' doing the work.' Ticket.. s good only on Special Train, leaving i Edfeon-said:- „_ 3tvlsion-street-and the two-proper- Jach^bungalowL-wiH-coSt-$4,80pr-Ji les join each other in the rear. The x' rooms, a bathroom and modern n nm "There is only one Ft. Myers and Division street lot is vacant, but it improvernents* . iacri will,have'five rooms, a bath- sios.'X. Mig. leave Now York. West 23rd •oom and modern improvements. St.. 7:47 P. M.; Liberty St..8:00 P. M. • ninety million people are going to increases the value of the Broad Children 5 years of age and -uqder 12, ^ find it out." itreet property became it provides t pays to advertise in the Register, '. . , half fare , rear entrance to the. store and BOAT BUILDING WORKS. EASTERN STANDARD TIME SHOWN. house now' on. the Broad street lot. Let us help you find out all about it. Th'ls rear entrance will be still more NEW INDUSTRY/TO START AT valuable when- the entire lot on FAIR HAVEN. Call at our ~ office, write us or phone, Broad street'is occupied by stores. The two properties are owned by Building Costing $15,000 Going Up Red Bank 1888, and* ask facts and fig-, Haymen J. Cohen and they are to at the Foot of DeNormandie Ave- •ures issued by Ft. Myers Chamber of be sold at the foreclosure suit of nue for the Kbtick Boat Company Commerce. •••'-•"•'•;,'• Kaao"Pearson.'. 'The-'two properties —To Employ Fifteen Men. HI each side of the Broad street lot A boat building plant costing • • V-M•'/!•;'• J, v "'•-'. •, • ... ..,,...,' ;,..••• have recently been sold for businesi 115,000 is going up at Fair Haven, Obey the impulse—do it now! purposes. This lot is 42 feet front The promoter of Fair Haven's, new ind 109 feet deep. Lots immedi- industry is the Kotick boat com- ately adjoining which were recently pany. George W. ^Helme of New sold for'business purposes are said York is president "of the concern; HADLEY-HALL to have brought $70 per foot front. The building will be completed and This would make the Cohen lot ready for' use" in July. About fif- (Opposite Depot) worth $2,940, without counting the teen men wlllxbe employed al the .value,of thet buildings. The two start. ' 111 Oakland St. Red Bank buildings on the lot are valued by The new industry is; located on real estate sharps at $2,500 to the old Meyer property on the river $3,600 to replace. bank at the foot of DeNormaridie avenue. The building will be in the • The lot on Division street is more »•••>•••»•< Arm of the letter*T. It will te 100 »•»•••»»•»»»••••»•••»••»•» than twice as large as the Broad fuet wide across the*front facing ON DECORATION DAY • 9, • •• . street lot. This lot is 94 feet front ti;e river. The sidewalks will go 'on Division street and is 109 feet back twenty feet and at this point The Trustees and Directors oF deep. There is ample room on this the width of the building will be re lot for two houses, with a broad ii-ied to sixty feet, making Hie front roadway leading, to the rear of the section 100x20 feet. The se.-tion in Broad street lot. the rear will be sixty feet wide and GLENWOOD •Business property at Keyport is eighty feet long. C. L. Olsen of On her toes. You bet! Every jetting scarce and is rapidlym'ount- tied-Bank is the contractor. ing in price.; The Broad street Co piston purring -with power. than medicine hen lot is the first Keyport prop- Hollow tile wiil be used to en- MAUSOLEUM Every drop of gas doing its erty suitable"ior business purposes close the building. The windows to be sold at auction in a long time. will .be large and will have iron bit. Naturally—it's "Stand- frames. A large opening will be cordially invite you to visit Keyport, like all other towns in made in the center of the front wal ard", the' gasoline that leads the shore section of Monmouth to admit big boats. A marine' rail thesiteofiheMausoleumin county, is feeling the surge of_pop- way will run from the building to them all in pep and power. ulotion and improvements which be- the water. New machinery cf the BORDENPS, the Improved Malted Milk, is a .' gan on the jower shore section of splendid food-tonic to hasten recovery. Doc- s litest type for building boats wil the county a couple of years ago, be installed. GLENWOOD CEMETERY tors recommend it for invalids.and convales- Lands at Asbury Park and in thai part of the county have increase' The boat company will buiH WEST LONG BRANCH, N. J. cents. It meets all their special requirements cruisers of any design but it will 1 for a food that is nourishing, digestible, and once and a 'half to two: timeB in value during'the past two years. make a specialty of building cruis- inviting—as no other malted milk can. ers 25 feet long^ A temporary STANDARD Business property in Red Bank an and also to inspect the..__. Bprden's is more nourishing—because it con- Midd\etown township have likewise workshop has been erected on property. Mr. Helme is a motor tains more milk. Builds strength, restores shown a big increase in yalue. This GASOLINE boat enthusiast and owns two spec Temporary Vault, tired nerves, stimulates the entire system. prosperity is now setting in strongl at Keyport and along the bay shore, boats.' He is now building a new now completed < It is more digestible—because the milk casein The southern part of Raritan town- speed boat which is expected to go is partially predigested. Delicate stomachs fifty miles an hour. It will be "27 town, of which Keyport'is the een MADE IN NEW JERSEY assimilate it easily. ' ter, iB building up' fast. So is th< feet long and..will be'propeled by a Liberty motor of 450 horsepower. It is more delicious. Free from nauseating sweet- northern part of Middletown town- \ ship. The borough of Keansburg, ness. Appeals to the most finicky appetite. the fiew borough of Union Beach PERMITS FOR SIX HOUSES. If there is an invalid or convalescent in your. and the section near Lorlllards, an Building Permits .Issued Last Wee: ; family, make Borden's Malted Milk a part of all growing "rapidly. These local Amounted to $40,050. the regular diet Sold in 7 and 15 oz. glass ties are KeypOrt.f A this means additional business fo: Building Inspector Charles A packages—or in 5 lb. tins. Order some from Frak'e of Red Bank' issued eight Keyport stores and this in tur : :v your druggist today. The Borden Company, building perrnits_ last week, six oj ?••••"•: . . •. ••--• : • .•• •••• • " mean's "thlFhigKeF prices:will"have _<»_•_• _. , . . ____._• Borden Building, 350 Madison Ave., New to be paid for Keyport business which werS four hew Houses. Th YkNrv property. 050, as follows: Those who foresaw the .great in- T Frame dwelling, corner South street fin •;• crease in value of business proper- Brown place, 16x28 feet, with wins 16x2 ties at Asbury. Park, Red Bank an feet, co«t;mt (0,000.< J. C. Delatush own er and builder. t other places [along the shore, havi Alterations to factory, coat S1.400. C. reaped big profits. The same \vi" E. Conover Co., owner, Earlinir, Johnson & t be true of Keyport and the proper Frake. bulkier,. ties there which are now just out- Frame garage, 16x18 feet, 35 .Shrews- bury avenue, -cost 1150. John C. Oliver, f side of the main business district, owner. •> The old-time, days, when Keyporl Frame dwelling. Wallace street, 22x3' MILK was mainly an oyster, i clam sri< feet, coBtinff 16.GO0. Susie M. Doughty owner, Hayniond Doughty builder. Stores Closed fishing village, have passed away. It Frame dwelling, corner Throckmorton has become a business town. Every avenue and Mechanic street, -22x30 feet, -in the square package V new home established within several cost ¥6,000. Joseph C. Flcone owner and miles of Keyport adds to the busi builder. ness dona by the Keyport stores. As Frame dwelling, Throckmorton avenue, AH Day 20*31 >4 feet,, coit 55.000. Joieph C. this business increases, additional PIcono owner and builder.' • property must be taken up for busi- Frame dwelling, Throckmorton avenue, ness purposes, for increased popula- 22x28 feet, coit S6.O00. Jose;h C. Fl cone owner1 nnd builder. tion and increased values of busi- Frama dwelling, Mechanls street, Memorial Day ness sites always go together. 26x33 Vj feet coat $0,000. Joseph C. Fl cons owner and builder. At tho same time the sheriff sells the Cohen properties he will sell BIG COUNTRY_HOUSE SOLD. A Gup of Coffee. four lots oh the east side of Beach View avenue at Union Beach in The Heyer Property at Colt's Neck Raritan township. > These lots are Bought by Red Bunker. Saturday, May 30,1925 Every morning more than 25,000 cups of each 25x100'feet and the foi^r lots Tho Frank Heyer property a ; make a plot IQOjclOO feet. The Colt's Nock has been bought for coffee are used by the adult members of the .7,300 plot is fifty feet Bouth of Third $7,500 by H. P. Simmons of Red families who read The Red Bank Register. .Tak-' street. This property is owned by Bank, who expects to move to the Myer Goold and Florence Goeld. placo the coming summer. Mr. Sim- Again we have the opportunity %o gather with ing one heaping tablespoon per cup, sixty table- Nino shares of stock of tho Atlantic mons is a tobacco salesman and a Highlands building and loan associ- now resident of Ked Bank, he hav- our neighbors and friends and pay our reverent re- spoons to the pound, that r.::;.ns that every week ntion will' be sold in connection ing moved here about two months S: more than 2,800 pounds of coffee are sold to the with the lota. _»_'_ ago. He is occupying the John Holl- spects to those' who have given * their all that this mire house on Shrewsbury avenue. families who read The Register. HOUSES RENTED. Mr. Simmons bought the Hc,ytT nation might live. And so it is only fitting that we New Residents for Placet in and property from Mrs. Harriet Ladd Near Red Bank. of Froehold, who formerly occupied lay aside our usual duties and cares for this day In addition to these 2,800 pounds of coffee it. It is a short, distanco west of The Hadley-Hall real estate firm the village center on tho county and dedicate it to their memory. ' these families every week consume great quan- of Red Bank has rented a number f stono road. Tho land comprise; t tities of other foodstuffs and necessities. Some- of residences in and nenr Red about two ncres. Tho house hns Bank. These rentals include the nine .rooms and it is ono of the ? , .body must sell these families the food and other' river cottage in, Beaftie park at Rod largest and most attractive resi- t As a visible token of our respect, we will close articles they use every day and every week. Bank to Fred A. Sello of NovA dences at Colt's Neck, For many T York; half of- the Obadiah Edward years it wns owned and occupied our respective places of business all day Davis houio on Maple avenue, to by tho lato Frank E. llcyor. T Harold B. Brower; Dr. Herbert •». — T There is no better way-of securing your Reose's bungalow on Waterman avenue at Rumion to Walter J. Fire Damages Hotel. t - share of this business than by telling your busi- Kent of New York; tho Fox.homo The Koswlck hotel on Third ave- nue, Aeburv Park, wns damaRcd to Saturday, May 30th on Blossom Cove rond, near Itlver- ness message through The Register. . the extont of $3,000 by n fire Thurs- I tlclo drlvo In Mlddlotown township, to Goorgo M. Murray of Plalnflold; day afternoon, Tho blnzo started Miss Gcrtxmlo Dillon's house on betweon tho drat and second floors The 7,300 homes whdr? The Register goes Ocean avenue at Monmouth Bench nnd wan probably caused by defec- to Martin W. Irvlno of Newark; tlva wiring. Considurnblo dnnmm each week—enough to make acity of over 85,000 was dono by water, tho firemen be- Miss Klttlo'n , house ' on Rivordnlo 1 ? Red Bank Easiness Men's. Assn. inhabitants—include practically every home in avenue at Monmouth Boach to ing forcod to flood tho lowej part all this section. This great home circulation Chnrlos T. Fass of Woatchestor, of tho building. Now York; and Edward' Morton's Stores will be open makes The Register .the best medium for the house nt Elboron to Slgmund Brady i Bought Lot to Build. of Now York, as well, as homos to Joseph S, llyrno of Brooklyn linn Friday Night, May 29th. merchants and business men. of Monmouth' Mr. Brady's | sons-in-law, Abrnm bought * lot 60x900 foot on Granite [County to tell the people in these homes what Pols nnd Ivan Lovy. avenue, oast of Rod Bank, from the Land and I^onn compnny for T they have to sell. . William A. Hopping hits rented % 1,700. Mr. Dyrnb Intonds to ntnrt t William F, Durham's houio on, Ma- n houio for his own uso' next month < • . • '• •'-'-' pie avenue to Louis Mllbnuror. of on thoi property^ tv Newark, « " •. V THE RED BANK REGISTER'S MOTTO: - Humion Lot Sold. ' New Builnen Near Belford. Patrick H. Konnody of Ilummn ••• "A Paper in Every Home." The Compton rcslty .company tins hii bought A lot on tho Pnrmly pntk T lensed Its automobile lorvlco station tract at thnt pines for |(10U. Tho T tit Bayildt Heights near DcUord to lot is COxlOa foot nnd Is on tlio t Qrovt D; Haynii of Nowark. Mr. woit ildo of Forroat nvenub. " opined thi plan* for buil< KinntdKd v ontha l wpioU to build n.houio RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 27, 1925. afternoon was spent with the host- defeated the Fortis Homo team of Extra train* are running for tha Ft Myer«,building permit* MIDDLETOWN GRADUATES ess -and refreshments were served. Keyport at that place on Tuesday summer. A large number of sum- Mrs. Marcus Lee will entertain at by a score of 16 to 8. The Hazlet mer residents commute from Sea- in, one year increased 200 FORTY-FIVE PUPILS TO FINth. e next meeting. boys are anxious to book games bright to New York. per cent , - on Agateware ant RADIO ISH SCHOOL STUDIES. Charles Lupton and Miss Frances with other junior teams. Joseph The Pannaci hotel has been're- WHY? Lupton of New York are visiting Claffy is manage of the Harletfoponedweened,. Tho Peninsula hotel will Aluminum SALES SERVICE Comrnoocoimnt Ex«rci«e» Will to Andrew J. Latham and family. team. be reopened in a few days. See page 5 ,, Held at the Scb.oolhouie Friday John'Kondrup^ and family have Miss Maude Ackerson and Ken- Walter J. Sweeney has-bought a Pots with Cov< Night of Next-Week—Tha Grad- moved Into the V. A. Nairn bunga- neth T. Ackerson were New York new Essex coach. uating Cleu on « Trip. lbw on Brailley avenue. visitors on Thursday. Lindley M. Garrison and family 6 6 6 SEE WINDOWS ARTHUR V. GREGORY The commencement exercises of 1 > v have "reopened their summer home Mrs. Albert Schonberg was taken ...., i "-'y'i'-?;,'-. v-. 2 !• a' preicrlptlon, for the Middletown 'townshljj) high to St. Peter's hospital at .New at North Befcch. EX-NAVAL AND COMMERCIAL OPERATOR Seabright "N.wi. Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, school at Leonardo will be held Fri- Brunswick on Sunday. The railroad company, has re- A traffic flash signal hus been put WELLER'S la White St. Tel. 474. Red Bank, N. J. day night of next week. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. L. Jack- sumed its boat service between At- up at the corner of Ocean avenue Bilious Fever and Malaria. Carton of 'Minnesink Park will be son have returned to New Haven, lantlo Highlands and New York. and the Rumaon road. It kill, the gtrmt. 7 Broad St. Red valedictorian and Mildred DeVetty Conn., after spending several weeks of Naveslnk -will be aalutatorinn. in Red Bank, where Mr. Jackson's IIMIMIHIIHHUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIH ••••••«•••<»•••••••••'• ••••••••«••»••••• Others who will receive academic father lias been sick. They Spent honors are Helen Roarke, Kathleen Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; John L. Kemble, Louise Beyer and Char- Webster. " . . ,, lotte Roller. Two medals, one from Mrs. Harvey Hyer is recovering NeW York and Keansburg the board of education and another from her. recent sickness. ; RUGS! Decoration Pay from the alumni association, will be William :Storzinger of. Long awarded at the commencement .ex- Island has sold his' house on Beth-, ercises. The names of the students any road to William Ecklocamp of Effective Saturday, April 25th -- is a Legal Holiday. Our store will be who will receive these medals have Keyport. , ; not yet been announced, nor the (New York Time) qualifications necessary to secure Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carney, CLOSED all day Saturday, May-30th. . Miss Edna. White and John Carney, them. •• . ' ' . Jr.,' motored from their home at LEAVE BATTERY NEW YORK Eev. A. H. Stephen, pastor of the Hoboken and spent Sunday with P. New Monmouth Baptist church, has O. Weigand and family... .. Weekday*—9:30 A. M., 5:30 P. M. been requested to deliver the fare- Mrs. Clarence E. Bahrenburg was J.YANRO well sermon to the graduates Sun- Saturday*—9:30 A. M.; 2:00. 5:30 P. M. A hostess to the Thursday afternoon day night at the high school. The card club at her home at Keyport Sundays—9:30 A. M.; 2:00, 5:30 P. M. < Formerly Adlem & Co. Red Bank, N. J. . annual senior reception will be held last week. Prizes in five hundred next Monday night. Class night were awarded to Mrs.~ Ethel A. LEAVE KEANSBURG exercises will take place- next Cowles, Mrs. John Cottrell and, Mrs. Wednesday night and the alumni Harry S. Cowles. Refreshments Weekdays—7:00 A. M., 3:30 P. M. reception to the senior class will were served fdllowing the games. take place Thursday night of next Mrs. William M. Ackerson will en- Saturdays—7:00 A. M., 12:00 M., 3:30 P. M. week. tertain the club at the next meet- Sundays—7:00 A. M.; 12 M.; 4:00, 8:00 P. M. The members of the graduating ing on June 4th. : class and some of. the teachers left Monday for a visit of three days at Mr. and Mrs. Jerry-Boa of As- A HELPFUL Washington. Due to the outbreak bury Park spent Saturday with KEANSBURG STEAMBOAT CO. of smallpox at the national capital Thomas G. Cowles. __. (MORTGAGE SERVICE all the pupils were vaccinated The.Hazlet junior baseball team against this disease before starting 1 Tov CAN OBTAIN a loan here to financeth e on the trip. The expenses of the building or the purchase of a home or to re- journey were met with money NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS!!! finance the present raised by the pupils. The members of the class are George John Arm- | The size of this company (the largest, of its " strong, John Alvin Bahrs, John 129 WesfeFront Street, Red Bank, N. J. j kind in New Jersey) is your assurance of com- Milton Bennett, Louise H. Beyer, i plcte protection and cooperation at all times, Lawrence Augustine Carton, Ray- i You will find a courteous staff ready to give mond S. Casey, Curtis Wells Clay- DIRECT FROM MILLS AT YONKERS! :, you suggestions or advice, and our charges are ton, Nancy Carolyn Cocke,. Cleri- _ surprisingly low. ' ^ hew Treat Conover, Norman De- Over 150 Bales of Rugs! Grote, Mildred Isabel DeVesty, Ray- DICKMAN'S Come here first for your mortgage needs. mond Joseph Flanagan, Evelyn V THE STORE OF GREATER VALUES All of lateBt patterns and all absolutely perfect Louise Gilleran, Donald L. Grossin- 201 Bales Tapestry Brussels Rugs, size 0x12 at i..$13.50 ger, Rena Ellen Hailstork, Mary 25 Bales of Velvet Bugs, 0x12 sizo ad $17.80 Fidelity Union Heath, Austin Willett Johnson, Cor. Broad and Mechanic Sts., Red Bank, N. J. 50 Bales of Heavy Velvet Rugs, fringed; size 9x12, from; Title ^Mortgage Guaranty Co. Walter Howard Jones, Kathleen M. $25.00 to $29.50. - Kemble, Arthur Edmond Linzmay- These prices will take effect next Thursday and last until 755 Broad St. and 9 Bank St, Newark, N. J. er, George John McDonnell, Jean We, wish to thank the worthy shopping public of Red Bank and thi^-lot is sold. Morris) Jane Catherine Murphy, Ctrttu. «ro Suwuu—Ovn'5!JOO,000 vicinity for their generous response and hearty enthusiasm "' Also about 1,000 Scatter Rugs will be on sale at the same Maud E. Norman, Vivien Osborn, time. • '•••-• • , % •••'- '• • Myrtle Blanche Pape, Ralph Eu- .Do not delay if you want a bargain in honest made gtfods. gene PixleyrEvelyri-M. Post) Emma they have shown on pur opening day. .,,. Quast, Charlotte D. Rapp, Henry 1 • •"• * •"•.•"••"•'• • ••'* Ritterman, Helen Grace Roarke, It was a wonderful sight to see the happy faces expressing their Charlotte Marie Rollar, Herbert William Schafer, Frank Scauman, opinion with a satisfied smile. . , Norman Robert Scott, Phyllis Marie If You Trade at Butler's Smith, Dorothy Mai Starke, Edna We shall try our utmost to keep them continually satisfied by Catherine Till, Florence Elizabeth , You Buy the Best Ulrich, Anna Barbara Wake, Har- offering eyery day wonderful merchandise at the most remark- old Frederick Weiler, Harold Baker able low prices. - • Wetherbie, Albert K. Woodruff and Malcolm L. "Woodruff. Children's Overalls Muslin Custom Slips DAMAGE BY LIGHTNING. 59c children's play overalls, Fruit of the Loom muslin in a $1.00 novelty custom slips. khaki or blue, red trimming. very fine linen finish, specially Barn Burned and Two Other Build' priced. 69c — irigi—Struck Saturday. , 29c _^__ Lightning Btruck a hotel at Marl- 16k yd. boro, a house; at Freehold" amT of barn at New Bedford Saturday Wash Cloths Porch Dresses night and considerable other dam- 15c- double terry wash cloths, $1.79 porch dresses, all sizes. age was done throughout the coun- colored edgings. Sheeting ty by lightning, wind and the. heavy 8-4- unbleached sheeting. ,• $1.17 downfall of rain. At Freehold lie Frank Drew's house was struck and 37c yd. The Stamp of Quality the chimney was badly damaged but Table Cloths no fire resulted. John N. Algor's Windsor Crepe barn at New Bedford was destroyed $1.59" fine damask table cloths, Very fine quality Windsor crepe, MEMORIAL DAY \ hemstitched, beautiful colored Kimonas for potter lingerie. by fire after it was struck and two borders. The thought* of the. nation turn vrith a deep feeling horses and five tons of hay were Ladies' hand embroidered crepe 5 yds $1.00 or gratitude to the brave, heroic patriot* who made lost. The Ocean house at Marlboro $1.00 kimonas: the supreme sacrifice that we might enjoy peace and was slightly damaged by fire after happiness as a free, independent and humane people. it had been struck by" lightning: $£59 A* the rank* of our veterans thin out the appreci- Cotton Toweling Ladies' Silk Hose ation of the nation grows deeper. .'••,. SIDECAR RIDER KILLED. Good quality cotton toweling $1.00 ladles' fine silk .hose In On Memorial Day, our hearts will be leaden with with red border. , '. great assortment of shades to Newark Woman Fatally Injured Gingham Dresses select from. sorrow and gratitude for thoie who have passed be- Sunday Near Cliff wood. $1.00 and $1.50 children's fine yond. ( Mrs. Elizabeth Ralph of Newark yd. gingham dresses. 59c . We mourn our lots. died Sunday in the Long Branch Signed, JAMES BUTLEK. hospital from a compound fracture 74c of the skull which she suffered in an Dress Gingham accident on the state highway near 25c fine dress ginghams, very Bungalow Dresses Cliffwood early Sunday morning. fine patterns. Ladies' fine gingham bungalow A Delicious Dish for Holiday Picnic Lunch Mrs. Ralph had been •visit.'r.g her Knicker Suits dresses; good, large sizci. son Vernon at Atlantic Highlands, 16k Children's khaki knicker suits making the trip in the sidecar of a of genuine Hill's Jean. 69c Del Monte Sardines o^Si ' 2''«25tr motorcycle driven by Russell Boys' Blouses Value $2.60 A FI«K That Ha* Strengthening Qualltl** Grimes. The motorcycle was struck Submerged In Rich Tomato Sauca by an automobile and overturned in 59c boys' blouses of good grade percale. $1.59 Boys' Baseball Suits a ditch. Louis Smeath of Perth Boys' extra strong- baseball Amboy was arrested later in the suits, sizes 8 to 8. / tollte day as the driver of the car which 39c 39c WHAT IS MILK? caused the accident. Madras Shirting 89c Sheets 36 inch madras shirting: In a great variety of Btrlpes to select Evaporated Ik. 3 Cans 25C DISORDERLY HOUSES RAIDED. 72x90 bed sheets, the well A'CertifieA Ctlfldd ProducPdtt for the Kiddle* Milk is the fresh, clean, lacteal ge- known Dallas brand. Keg. 1.50,from. Prosecutor Quinn Bojini Cletn-Up 19c yd. Children's Dresses Green and N 2 cretion obtained by the complete In Neptune Townihlp. $1.00 $1.95 Children's Imported ging- Tender Early June Peas c° 25c County detectives and police ham dresses in very pleasing an milking of one or more healthy cows, raided ten disorderly houses in Nep styles. e tune township Saturday night and Silk Vests :. Ginghams Sif California Tomatoes bCan 15c Best quality silk and rayon vests. $1.00 properly fed and kept, and contains twenty women and forty men were A molt beautiful selection of arrested.. Each of those arrested Imported-gingham for this oc- not less than 8.5% of solids, not fit, was hold under bail by Justices 95c i casion. Mwyland Tomato 10c Cornolius Bnrkalow of Freehold Silk' Crepes and not less than 3.25% of milk fat. and Henry F. Ilylln of Red Bank, 27c yd. A most novel, assortment of up No. 2 who accompanied the raiders. The Bandeaus Holding satin bandeaus. to the minute novelty- silk crepes Sinclare Lima Can 15c (The U. S. Government definition.) rnlds wore tha first conduted by or- for better summer wear. der of John J. Qulnn of Red B-inl, 25c the now prosecutor. Bath Towels $1.00 yd. Mazola Oil, Pint tap 27c (To Be Continued) Extra large size heavy Turkish Gathering Place for Klin. Fancy Garters bath towels. Itog, 69c. CRACKER SPECIALS FOR HOLIDAYS 30c Indies' fancy garters of fine NABItCOIS-N. B. C. Neapolitan* ' . . . flo Plant of tho Kit KIux Klnn for Curtain Scrim Sumhlna Naw Soda Craekara . , , . Re developing a 400-ncro tract of land silk ribbons,.beautifully colored. 34c 30 Inch fine curtain icrlm, some Sumhlna Lamon, Yum Yum and Vanilla* , a for to for the exclusive uao of its members with uttractlvo border. N. •. C. S*«l*l Dellihta • . . . \ leo-aoo are outlined in booklots which nro 25c Fraah rrult H« Sara . , . . aib*a»o being distributed bj the Monmouth QUALITY, BIVIRAOKSTOR TH E WHOLE fAMJLY plcnsuro club association. Tho , Cretonnes Night Gowns 154c Qr*an and Oold Qlng*r Ala, pint .' . , lOo tract of land Is west ol Bclmar and 35c beautiful drnpory crctonnci. Lndlcn* night gowns of lino qual- Rainbow Olngar Ala, axtra dry, pint . . . lOe was formerly used by the Marconi lumba Laman or Cream Soda, large bottla • . I4o ity Windsor crepe, beautiful WHAT TO GET XUb WHERE wlroless station,' A largo building colors, ' 24c yd. Khrat't, Lelbwann'*, WuppeM't or Wai'* . 4foraBo will be converted Into • hotel and TO GET ITI other buildings, will bo erected. 79c Ho.l.ry, Underweer, ' White There's Health and Strength In World Famous Step-in Set* Goodt, Cldihumi, Sllk.t Voll.i, QUALITY-SERVICE HAZLET NEWS. Cralonnat, CuiUlo Goodi, Crepe Bloomers f 1.50 Udlsi' stop-In tot* of very, Sht.U, ChlldMn't W««r, BON-BON BREAD J. Fr nlc Walgand Sworn In Indies' lino cotton crepe bloom- lino rnoroerlted voile with beau- Delicious Standard White Loaf 6c Coum«llor-at,LaW. en or ntop-ins, laco trimmed, tiful medallions. *"' DICKMAN'S J. Frnnk WclKand was »worn In Car. Braid * M««k»nU Sli. New 21 or. Giant Loaf .;,... ,10c n» touimollor-nt-Uw and muster In 39c $1.00 R«<) Bmh, N. i. Big 28 ox. Double Loaf, for large families. • 12c MONMOUTH DAIRY CO., Inc. chnncory at 'fronton on Thursday. I Mn. Cuthorlno Cooper onttr- 1 BUTLER~STORES EVERYWHERE " j, J, Telephone 886 Ulntd th« Social Nina at h«r homo CORNER BROAD AND MECHANIC BTREJETI ',ea Xujidty iJjvpW A P.!SM«Bt .... •, . v RED-BANK IJGISTER, MAY-27,1925,

GENEtUNNEV. e'r motored tp Cranbury/and Mt. Phono R.d Bank lajB-M lly on Wednesday to inspect A D.acrlptlon of a Red Bank Raal- hurch kitchens with a view of get- S. ESTELLE HAVE YOU »:! dent', by a Pap.r. ing ideas for the kitchen to be W. J. Be The Kansas Olty Post a ihort time milt for the church here. . DECORATOR Headache? i LET'S GO ago published an article on Gene William C. Weederi of Asbury Oo rour ttyai burn ir itch) A Automobile Trimmii Oo tt|.r faal Ur.a « atralnad) >J Tunney of Red Bank, who Is the ark visited his niece, Mrs: George and and '• , Follow the Crowd to the champion light heavy-weight boxer Errickson, a few days last week.. Plain Decorative II aa, iia«a reur ayaa aumliadi >• of the world. The artlcje was writ- Rev. Fred W. Druckenmiller and ^ four flatiaa mmy aaad a ebatg*. V Upholstering ten bjr the sporting editor of the .. PALACE ROYAL RINK Gl W. Conover attended the Sun- Painting Tops, Curlalna, Curtain Llf Poit and b aa follows: day-Echool meeting and banquet in 1 STILES & CO. | Slip Covera, Cuihlona, Etc; In Antsrlcan sports . thara hava bean he Metropolitan hotel at Asbury 54 Mechanic Street a Philadelphia Eyo Special!.!* »} There-will be Skating and Dancing with Military Band. many ao-ealled old matters. At laat eomaa Park on Tuesday night. yt 2nd Nalioo*: Banli Bld|^ Room ZS [* the itudent of tha prlsa rim, Ona mtiht RED BANK, N. J. umoat call him tha scholar. If It war. not Miss Tarn Conover, Miss Edith •J Evarr Wadnaaday Houra 1 to S o.m. »J 150 Monmouth Street.• -, Admiiiion—Fifty Centi, including all , for hla youth—tha Henry Cabot Lodge of Itstlana. . • Piquet and Fierce Young spent Sat- ' Phone 594 Red Bank, N. J. U day In tha camp of young James'Jo- rday at Philadelphia. - . ' , Under Professional Management of Metropolitan .Champion aaph Tunnty Icavaa th. obaervar mota or Miss ' Mildred Hulsart was the en bawlldarsd. Here, indeed, la a clean- »•••<••••••••••«••••»•«•< ' Speed Skater, JAMES C. AFFENIT. guest on Friday evening of,Wilton 1 limbed, olear-ayad .younj slant, »«rdad •r - by many o( tha txperta aa tha next heavy Wright, a graduate of Drexel col- walibt champion of tha world, and yet ha Ocean and Chelsea Avenues Long Branch, N. J. U.aa far from tha generally accepted Idea ege,* '.Philadelphia,' attending the of the pugilist aa a man can he. Thare dance of his fraternity. , la nothing aUggeptlve of the "pug" about Oena Tunney. V • Eev. Fred Kullmcr j>f Baltimore IW4M . Someone haa likened him to a young was the recent guest of his aunt, ,We, tafce 'great announcing to the resi- lrlih prlait. Ha appaara rnora the lerloui. 0tH0«»l «•••••«••>«#»•••••••••••••••»#»•»»••••«<•••>»••• minded senior at Vale—tha atudent who Mrs. Jacob Trautmann, Sr. dents of Red Bank and vicinity that oiir newly erect- hai made tha crew and th. football team . Mrs. Jennie Martin of Easton Is and never hla been delinquent In hl> atudlea. . . ' . isiting her daughter, Mrs. Theo- ed Bathing Establishment will be open for inspection Thar, la .van the palnataklng Entllah dore K. Hann. - , ' ' of th. collega, senior In Gene Tunney'a apeeeh. ' Ha la metleiilouely correct * and Garret B. Conover attended cartful In all that he taya—not tha studied :oncert given by his grandson, Gar- Saturday,^ May 30th, 1925 expressions for publication, but In the give •nd taka of an all-day conversation which et B. Conover, at North Hampton, may cover everything from Confuelui to ?a., last week. DECORATION DAY Bab. Ruth, from the higher philosophies of lite to the ethics of modern builnan. 'And to. Gene Tunney tha ethlea of tha COLT'S NECK NEWS. iWe have two large swimming pools, one for the.kid- Save Coal and Get More Heat prlia ring hav. nothing'to concede to pre- vailing commercial trinclplei. In fact, ha dies; also a beautiful Casino, everything modern in avowa If th. aame ppotfight of publicity Thirt-Seven Freehold Women Feint ' . by installing which beata upon the aquared circle today at Thi. Place. its appointments. were turned upon tha average huaineaa deal thl ring would gallop off with the banner Thirty-seven Freehold women en- of clean dealing and conaclentloua effort joyed dinner at Emil Hofman's The beach on this property cannot be surpassed, for th. rltht. tel here last Wednesday night. It la a atranza experience to talk to which will make ocean bathing really delightful. chdmplonthfp contender for the better part The occasion was a farewell party of a day and not hear a word of alang drop for Mrs. Elizabeth Barber of Free- from hla lips. Thara wai, for Initincf, the Our books are' open /for season members. 'Appli- young boxer'a delight at hll laab meeting hold, who will sail June 3d for Eng- 1 Draft Combusto System with Jack' Dempiey. land. A gold wrist watch was given , "You are looking fine, Jaek," he ex- caton blanks may be had upon request, claimed, "and yet there la aomethlng un- to her. The diners were enthusias- On Your Furnace Door uiual about you." tic, in their praise of the food and . "That'a all rliht. Gene," reaponded tha champion, "I gueia It'a the baezer." treatment they received at the ho- (Steam Boiler, Warm Air Furnace.or,Hot Water Heater) And it waa the "beexer," the new noie tel. _• _ _ _ Hny-raadi-fonrackTwhen-he went into the _West End Casino, Inc. movies. Tunney, as ha stands today, needi TMfs. lydia Fields of MarTEbro" About 32% of your coal is not consumed but goes up the no plastic surgery. Ha ia aa. atralght at spent Thursday and Friday \yifh her Ocean Avenue "'» West End, N. J. an arrow. Ha elands etc feat one, and yel son, Walter D. Fields. flue in combustible gases but the Draft Combusto System, by you ar. amazed whan you hear tha meas ure for these is no Impreaalon of unuaual Mr. and Mrs. David I. Vander- creating an almost perfect combustion ignites and burns up' these height about the man,, not until you see him In a group of admirers and ha towers veer of Red Bank spent part of last heat units. . far above them. week with their daughter, Mrs. Ar- 'Thera la no height to Gen.' Tunnay be thur Soffel. causa hla physics! proportions are ao near- Guaranteed saving from,10% to 30% in fuel, equal or better ly perfect—an expanded chett forty-five Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Soffel of »»•»•* inehaa, a waist of thirty-four. When ha Newark spent Saturday and Sunday heating conditions, elimination of coal gas escape, reduction of la not in tha tights of tha ring In his ac- tuil workouts, Tunnay apenda most o( hli at their summer residence here, ash, clinker and smoker ' . , time in jolt clothea and here Walter H« Anna Buck, Isabelle Doyle and ften had better look to hla laurcla. Fo Tunney has said that next to being i Laura Schanck will graduate from Steam and Hot Water . Prominent Churches, Banks,.Schools and .Individuals have chimplon boxer ha would rather b. i the Freehold high school this year. Saves Food champion golfer than anything else In th installed the System 'and recommend same as a great coal saving ' world. Hla work on the links is' not yei They went to Washington last week It cooks in tireless Heating. device.- of the championship variety, but It la a with the other members of the grad- esrneat and painstaking aa everything th uating class. '• units that keep in young man easaya. the flavors antt pre- Cost of installation on ordinary furnace about the price of Tunney spent last winter at Miam: The members of the sewing club Sanitary Plumbing Beach and played golf with most of. th< of the Reformed church met at the vent loss of food by two tons of coal and more than pays for itself in one season. prominent visitors. Among them wi a Specialty. former, Governor Cox of Ohio, and it ia chapel yesterday and re-upholstered evaporation. \ iWill outlive your furnace. • • atrlking tribute to the character of the ai chairs. plrant to the championship that after om round the governor exclaimed! Mrs; George Gordon of Brooklyn _£ JNST^LI/NOW AND GET SPECIAL DISCOUNT. :__• "Any father should be proud _to have spent.part oJLlast.. week with her son grow up like Gene Tunney, clesn o Pays Dividends Tin and Copper ftilnd and body, ambitious, earnest, bant o parents, Rev. and Mrs. D, P. Doyle. Full Particulars. Mailed on Request roehlng the heights." This village was enveloped in a It cuts your month- Young Mr. Tunney haa ao many of thl Gutters and Leaders story book virtues and tralta-that one her pall of srhoke late last Friday night. . ly gas bill in half, Hates almost to set them down, lest thi A number of residents who atooke relder gather the Impression o( an Horatlc thought at first that their houses and during its 20 F. A. WODEHOUSE .Alger hero'rather than a real human be- lni with a mission and a goal. Gene TUD- wer6 on fire. The fire proved to year life pays real Tin Roofing. nv ia real. •'• .' be in woodland south oliEatontown. 1 (REPRESENTATIVE) Perhaps he his hesitated In the psst ti dividends..- ,-.„ •lellver the last blow of unconiclouinen Several automobile owners rode, to hut hla handlers Insist the blow la then the fire. Hot Air Heating. whenever Gene Is ready to unleash It Tha 215 Maple Avenue Red Bank, N. J. blow. It la admitted, la all that Hindi be- Mrs. John Collins, Mrs. Oakes tween him and the heights, for ht haa and Mrs. Carter of ScobeyvlIIe HOWARD FREY ..(TV" youth and apeed and cleverncsa and the > rmnxss Estimates ova of the game. spent part of last week with Mrs. 1 74 Monmouth Street Turning will have Just turned 2T whe Asher Crawford. Chambers' GasRangt .j ateps Into the rlnir on June 6th. Ha COOKS ttlA i/!« GAS TURNED OFT) Red Bank. N. J. Cheerfully Furnished. will meet the veteran Tom Gibbons, nearly George L. Hance's hew house on 91, thOj father of five ripe boya and the the Freehold road is nearing com- Rc«ateit defenilve flthtcr of. the n«w PUBI- llam. pletion. It-will be ready for occu- Tnrar^panoy-about--June--16thi---'—=<—-—~ - btcauae Tommy puttied him. Glbbona Walter D. Fields has been hav- raiata > muter of aA

-FIVE BOYS INJURED. EVERETT NEWS. NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, DUtrtct ft R«II»f Engln* Houif, Emmnjontl *>(> the Ofneral Ammbly or New, Jersey, trlote 111 Shrewsbury -Township, and tbt" Bwtnifb of Red Bank, N, J. l 1 * a Member of .tha Board of Chosen J?rel- polling place. {? ^f»Jh;Jg' »» ««(!«-•«'J Notlei la hereby glvtn that a Oenefml Seventh Election Dlatrick ' | f ; A Claw of 25 to Receive Fir»l Com- holdars, for three rears, for th« County 1 Auto Skids ia S»nd .and Orei-turna Election will be held In and (or tha Bor. Beginning at a point where tha eeatar of Monmouth; a Mayor for tha tloroagh All that aoctlon lying wait et .bor. * in Ditch. munion the Coming Sunday. ough of Bad Dank, In thi County of Mon. line of Broad street la intersected with th* of'Rumion for two years, a CoUector, for jugugh line of Llttla silesilverr bborough *»d mouth and StaU of Ha* Jersey, on Tues. esntar Una ol Reckless place, thanes south- th f th EttoTl wardly along the eenter Its* «( Uroad ihrs* years, an Assessor (or three,yean, north of thi Eatontown-Tlnton Fall! atone Thomas Lutes, fifteen years old, ' A.class of about 25 children will day, November Sd, 1028, between the ,woiCoujcllmin. (or three years, and a oad to the Tlnton Falle and Pine Brook houn ot alz A. M. and seven P. M., at ths atreet to tbe southerly boundary of the of Cream Ridge, suffered a fractured receive first communion next Sun- Borough 'of Bed Bank, thence nnrtliwcat. Justice ol tha Peace, (or flyt years, . , :ormr, thenoo In a direct line to the wnt- • respective poll Inn places in said Borough. irn boundary line of the towoehlp. skull and his brother, aged nineteen day at St, Catherine's church. wardly along the tenter line ot the tracks „ Notice ol Frlmarr Elastjoa. ,t <• Bald eleetlon will be held in ths said or road bed ot the New York and Long • We polling place (or the First Eliotlon years, suffered a broken leg in an William Leddy is winning famo Borough (or Hha purpose of electing, • r a'° 'olitle" lt>U ""' * 'ftf. ilHQm District If Chi Flrehoun, Shrewibarr. Governor of the State of New Jersey, a Branch railroad company to Its Interlectlon automobile accident Saturday week as pitcher for the Lincroft baseball with ths center line of Chestnut street, bald I" the said Borough, In paid Coun- Second District. Member of the House of Representatives tbenca taatwardly along tha esntar Una All that lection lying i6uth of .h« Eat. in which Martin Clayton, Frank team. Sue largely to his effective from the Third Congressional District to ontown-flnton Falls stone ro»d, rod, tha fill the vacancy canted by tha deatb of T, of Chestnut strest to Its Intersection with ieen thi hours'of seven A. il.ijnd'nlna Potter and Harold VanHisc ol Im- twirling the team has lost only one the center Una of Maple avenue, thaae'e - M. (Standard tlm«,' ' " • • Una above mintloned. , ' Frank Appleby; Two Members of the Tien* scuthwirdly along th* esntar line of Uaple Elsctlon to be held ta t Tha-polling Place for the Second Dis« laystown were slightly injured.-The game so far this scasop. eral Assembly of New Jersey, a Member avenue to tha Intersection:with the canter l.vadlatrloUaiW rlct Is O. Battler'i Here at Wajaldi, of the Board of. Chosen Freeholders of the Una of Reckless place, thence eastwardly e'^lvsil.^louVs^Sru.ffiSia'rtK'a'Jd injured boys are members of a calf A number of the-residents of this County, of Monmouth (or three yearsi.two aid Primary Election wlll"r»*>,fa'fo>'lha •,^ ^ !tHAWHotlc»:.ftii;AbMatW1Votiri.- ' \>y\ : Councllmen for the -Borough of. Bed Bank along the eenter Una ot Reckless place to purpoie nominating perspns'it,ty-**«.- _ Any elector-, who la> registered for the club and were on a tour to theplace/attended a euchre party last Ue canter line ot Broad street, the point or !ener»l Election, -who by reaion of Inabll- for three years, one Councilman (or theplaca ot beginning. ' , • . i partes;tp tha,of)lee»;.abov* Token of Respect homes of members of the club when Wednesday night at Seabright for Borough of Red Bank to fill the unexplred '5? •'!? *O-el»KM*mb«r»'etf,th«, ty through, Illnesa or- ablenca .'rom thr the accident occurred. the benefit .of Holy Cross church of term of William H. a White and three The polling placi for the Seventh Eieo." lit- i- E?"-"'-'va' W")l-'i"; Uffieb JpV County,In which ha,resides Is unabll to Justices ol the Peaee'for five,rears. .-••,- tlon District Is Louis Davldaon'a sarese, Meal party. patUalwtUijr' In'atfa " ' • cast hla ballot on ths day of the General Lutes was driving, which that place:•" . Notice oi" Reitstrstion. •.••',•'.•-.-'• Jhleh he* rciW« or to'the County Beard of ty, on Tuesday, June ISth. 1026. be-:he shore of the North Shrewsbury river. ,*!", '*k« notice: that Dljctflct Boards Election of the County of Monmoutb, on or Examination! for Detective. i.eker, was out of school with a'cold tween the hours of seven A. M. and nine thence, southwardly along the.writer line of Registry and Eleetlon for said.Borough 'efore Tuesday, October 2tllh,, 1925, and* of flowers as a token of two days last week: ,"'.-•- '• ' P. M. (Standard time.) Bald primary of the tracks or road bed of the Vew Jer- will- meet Thursday,. May 28th, 1028. (orformal application will be forwarded said Examinations- for chief county Election to-be held Jn the places In thesey, Southern railroad to. Its Intersection elector and whin-^propcrly filled ..oat' and John Dolan hns been very s^ck the purpose ofcrganlilngas required by respect. Although dead, detective arid for county detective respective districts as herein set forth, and with the center l|ne o>r Herbert atreet, law, ' • ' ' . >./ •" ' t .:. ;* returned to the County Board, of Elections •with stomach trouble, but he-is now (•Id Primary Election will be held lor the .hence wes.wardly along ths eenter Una of And further i take notice on Tuesday. of the, County of, Monmiiuth, an absentee of Monmouth county will be held purpose of nominating persons of'the re- Herbert street to Its Inte-icctlon'with the June H, 1925. the Boards of>-.-B«gb! their true character still re- by the civil service commission' at improving. - -. spective patties to tho office, above men- center line of; Shrewsbury avenue, thence fry-and Eleotlon shall meet In their re. tioned and'also, to elect- Members of thesouthwardly along the center lln* of spectlve districts and' proceed to .make' a The last of a series of special ihrswebury avtnue to ita Intersection with Trenton. Thursday of next • week. County Exeoutive, Commtttea for each po-' louie to house canvass of the voters In ^ y mains< as an example to The examinations are open to male services will be held at St. Cather- Itical .party, participating ta said Primary the oenter line of West t*ornrd street. their respective districts, registering all ine's church tonight. • Election: also a Member of the State Ex- ;henca westwardly atong the center line of persons entitled to vote at the ensuing NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. residents of Monmouth county. The ecutive Committee for each politicsl party. W«t Leonard street to Its Intersection \Vi.•"••••• Atlantltj Township, N, J. "~ others. with the center Una- of Lelghton avenue. Primary and General Elections, which said t maximum salary of the chief detec- Maud Norman, who is a member The Boards also sit .on this day for regis- canvass ahall ba completed on or before ''N°«« of th. ttac:#nd plac,; of holdln* tration purposes,. - , - :nence northwardly along the center Una of ha QenMal Kleetlon andpf the officers to tive is $3,5,00 a year and that of of this year's graduating class of Lelghtow avenue to t(s; Intersection -with June Oth. 192B. ' ,. .. . .'••.; . the Middletown township high ' Notice of Registration. ' ' the center line of Locust, nvenus. thence Second registration day—Primary day, IO elected, and raeetlhg-Lof the Board of the detective from $1,800 to $2,600. Alio take notice that District Boards westwardly along the center line of Locust 7:00 A.M. to 0:00 p, M. (Standard time,) Jjglatry and Election liShe Towhihlp "t school, is enjoying a three-day trip of Registry and Election for said Borough avenue to its intersection with the adore • Third registration day—October ISth, •W', n the.County of Monmo«h;v • i» ' .. ' i . will .meet Thursday, May 38th, 1825, forof the North . Shrewsbury river, thence 1025, 1,'Ot) P.M. to.0100 P. M,, torevlse Notle* la hereby- g ven that » General at Washington with the graduates. and .correct tha list for the General elec- •leotlon wlll,be hid Ifrand tor the Town. the purpose of organising as required by iortheastwardlyiuon(f.the shore of the ship ol Atlantic In the. County of' Mon. TINTON FAU.S NEWS. Mrs. Grove Thacker is suffering aw. . . North Shrewabury river to Its Intersection tion. ' •. ' • ••"•-... v•'-. , from poisoning caused by poison And further taki notlca en Tuesday, witti the center line of the track or rosd Boundaries of the election dlitilcta In y; November Sd. 1626, from'the hour The Fir»t SWimmera. Went' In at June 2d. 1025. the fiords of Regis- >ed of the New Jersey Southern railroad, the Boroush of Rumson.'. and tha polllne al« o'olock A.M.|to the hour; of canvass shall be completed on or before Math Election District. Tha colling place for the First Election nml"; .?,."" Third Congreiilinal % swimming to be done there this VANDERBURG NEWS. June 0th, 1025. Beginning at a point where the eenter District Is Hook, and Ladder -louse, Ooo- line of Shrewsbury avenue is Intersected anlc, District-to fill, tbe vacancy caused by th* '' ;eason. ^ Second registration day—Primary day, «««hof-T. F«nk;Applebyt two Member* V 7:00 A. M to 0:00 P. M. (Standard time.) witb, the center line of Herbert street, Second Election District. of h 1 A mb1 Peter COM Haa Improvement! v thence southwardly along the center Jlne of All that portion of the Borough of Rom- M i-P" "?'.i "^ ,' °' New Jersey: > The six employees of the agricul- 'Third registration day—October 13th, aNerrtDer of the. Board of Ohossn'rFree- -'• Made to Hit Farmhouse. 1926, 1:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M., to revise Shrewsbury avenue to its Intersection with aon situate east of the uenterilne ot Blng- r Sural department of the state, who the center llns of the Newman Springs ham avenue between tbe North and South jolders, for three yean, for the County et, ~ "'• %dllr. CltdandLn and correct tie list for the General elec- Monmouthj and for tha following Miinlol. ', have been boarding at David Peter Coss has had improvements tion. road, tbenca easterly along tbe center line Shrewsbury fivers. • * , . of the Newman Springe road to Its Inter- Tbe polling place-for ]tbe -Second .Eleo- pal officers. vl«t One Townihlp. Committee- • made to his farmhouse. The work Boundaries ol the eleetlon districts In man, for three yeans and two Justlceaiof ., Scott's, left Saturday and they ate section with the center line of Brosd tlon Dtstrict is Rumson Fire Company's the Peace, for live-yeara each. ; i** - "was done by Charles Soulia,' who the Borough of Red Bank, and the polling street, thence northwardly along the_cen- House, Rurnson. now at Red Bank. They examined placa In eacb district, are as follows. ter line ot Broad street to,Ita Intersection Nolle. «l Primary Election, " ,.••. the trees thereabouts for; eypsy completed the job Friday. with the oenter Una of tha tracka or , Notice to Absentee Voters. Alip take notice, that a Primary Eleitlon ,'V .Flret Election District. road bed of -the New -Xorlt an* .Long Any elector who Is registered for thefor all poll*carpart|ej'entitled thereto will ' moths but found none. MfsrC." Raymond Benjamin and Beginning at a point pn the shore of General Election, who by reaaon ot inabil- be held In- and-,for the Townehlp of At, •'' Branch Railroad, thenca. -northwesterly ity through" Illness or absence from the ; her son Raymond have been spend- the North-* Shrewsbury River directly be- along ths center line of the,road bed or lantlo.-. on-- T(iesdar*rJutie- 16th, , Iflat, .•!,.-L. The young son of Henry Jotter County In which he realdes Is Unable ta 1 ing' a week with Mrs? Benjamin's tween the properties owned by the Mon- tracks of the New York and Long Branch from the hour'of .seven o'clock A. M. tu> has improved sufficiently to be out mouth Boat Club and the property known Railroad to its Intersection with the center cast his ballot on the day of the General the hour of nine o'olodk P. M. (Standard '' ' mother, Mrs. Breitenbach of Newas tba Red Bank Lyceum, thence south- line of Chestnut street, thence southwardly Election at the polling place In '.he Elec- time.) Said Primary.Election to behelil''- fter a sickness of several months. wardly to the center line of. Broad street, tion District in which he ia registered, may r York. along the center line ot the tracks or road make application for an official ballot to In the place-in the respective district as * The improvements which have thence along tba center line of Broad street bed of the New Jersey Southern Railroad the Municipal Clerk In any Municipality tn speclflcally above mentioned and said Prl- '" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dey and their to ita Intersection with the center line of to Its intersection with the center line ot mary Election will be held for the purpose '% >een under way at Morris Lelchuk's which he reaides or to the County Toard of 1 son Charles spent Saturday with Mechanlo atreet thence eastwardly . along Herbert atreet. thence westwardly along Election of the County of Monmouth, on or ot nominating persons of the respective ' are nearly completed. Berry I. the center line-of Mechanlo street to thethe center line of Herbert itreet to Its In- before Tuesday. -October 20th, 1026, and a parties to the offices above mentioned, ami'' Christian is doing the work. relatives at Asbury Park, end of Mechanio street, thence southeaster- terjection with the center line of Shrews- formal application will be-forwarded said also for Members of the County Exscutlv* ' ly along the Fence Line to the curved bury Bvenue, the point or place of begin- Committee (or each political party partlcl- Jfliss Anna Scanlon of Elberon elector and when properly filled rut and 1 Charles Holmes caught nine whit- boundary line of the Borough of fied Bank, nlng. • returned to the County Board of Elections patlnit In said Primary - Election, Also a ing in the ocean at Long Branch spent Saturday and Sunday with thence northeastwardly and northwardly of.the County of Monmouth, an absentee Member ot the State Exeputlva Conmittea her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick following the curved boundary line of the The polling place for the Ninth Election ballot will bs forwarded to such elector. tor each political party. 'riday night. Borough of Red Bank to the shore of thsDistrict is Union Urchouae. Shrewsbury Said date will also be the. second regis- • Scanlon. Frank Havey of Long North Shrewsbury river; thence south* avenue. JERE J. CAItEW, try date In aald Townihlp. < Mrs. Calvin C. Cooper was called westwardly and westwardly along •the Tsnth Election District. ' Clerk of Rumson Borough. ."tjOEALLY excellent, you know—these celebrated Island was a recent guest of Mr. Dated May 16th, 102B., Notice oi Registration. ! to White Plains last week by the shore ot the North Shrewsbury river to Beginning at .« point where the center Also taka notice that tha District Board • iy. Thatcher Tubular Furnaces. Got one pp at the Scanlon. the point above' mentioned at the shore line of Shrewsbury avenue Is lntersectlil of Registry and Election- for said District sickness of her 'niece, Mrs. Leon Una of the said river directly between the with the oenter line of West Leonard NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, i , house. Wouldn't be without it. No matter how late street, thence southwardly along the cen- Holmdel Township, N. J. will meet Thursday. Hay 28th, 1925, for Dickerson. Mrs. Dickerson is now properties owned by the Monmouth Boat the purpois of organizing- as required by : \ 11 you get in, the house is wonderfully warm and comfort- SCOBEYVILLE NEWS. Club and property known as the Redter line of Shrewsbury avenue to its Inter- Notice of the time and place ot holding improving. section with the center line of.the Newman the General Election and of the officers to law. ' " l Bank Lyceum, ot the point or place of be- be elected, and meetings of the Board of And further take notice that on Tuesday, able. Gives you real pure, fresh air—heated.' Quite a Frank Holmes of Burlington Laura Schanck Enjoyi Trip to ginning. Springs road, thence westwarilly along the The polling place for the First Election center line of the Newman SprlnrrH road Regiatry and Election in the TownBhip of -JJO 2d. 1026, the Board of Registry : contrast, you know, from the stufly smoke-filled atmos- county, who formerly lived here, Washington with Freehold Girli. to its intersection with the North Shrews- Holmdcl, In the County of Monmouth. and Election ahall -meet and make tbe reg- *' phere at the Club. A few shovels of coal a day—that"s District Is Navesink Hook and Ladder bury river, thence northeastwardly along Notlca is hereby given that a General lalry by a house to home canvass, which continues to improve at the- hospital Laura Schanck, daughter of John Firehouse, Meebanlo street. the shore of the North Shrewsbury river Election will be held in and for the Town- said canvass shall ba completed on or be- about all there is to it. No trouble whatsoever." t Camden, where he underwent an G. Schanck, returned last Wednes- Second Election District. tollts Intersection with the center line of ship of Holmdel,' in the County of Mon. fore June Oth, 1026. • Beginning at a point where tlie center Locust avenue, thence eastwardly along mouth and Statetof New.Jersey, on Tues- And that on Tuesday, October ISth, * /•pHE ".Porcupine" Fire-Pot of the celebrated Tiatdier"ToboIar" iperation. day from Washington, where she line of Mechanic street is intersected with the center line or Locust avenue t toUd The Baptist ministtrs of Mon- the rear of said Bank one hundred feet nentativet from the Third Congressional Notice to Absentee Voters. returned Friday from a visit of afrom tha eenter line ot Wallace atreet, District to fill the vacancy, caused by tha mouth county will have an all-day thence eastwardly by a straight imagln- The polling place for the Tenth Election Any elector who Is registered for the TEffi THLrVTCHER COMPANY week at Boston. ary line to Its intersection-with the center District ia Westaide Engine Hou>e,!Lelgh- death ot T. FranV Appleby: two Members General Election, who by reason of Inabil- meeting at the Baptist church at lines of Linden placa snd Wallace atreet, ton avenue. of tho General Assembly of New Jersey; a ity through Illness or absence from tha this place early in June. A dinner Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Oryl last thence northeastwardly along the center Notice to Absentee Votera. Member of the Board of Chosen Freehold- County In which he realdes li unable to ••• SacclSSO line of Wallace street to Its Intersection ers, for three years, for the County of caat hii ballot on the day of the General for .them will be served by the wom- Wednesday attended the funeral of Any elector who is registered for theMonmouth; and for the following munici- Election at the polling placa In the Elec- 39-41 St. Frauds Street ' with the center line of Prospect avenue, General Election, who by reason ot inabil- en of the church. Mrs. Oryl's father ;it South .Amboy. thenco southeastwardly along the center- ity through .Illness or absence from the pal ofllcers, viz: One Township Committee- tion Dlatrlct in which he is registered, may NEWASXN.J. Si-wTo* J. Carroll Barclay has had hisline of-Prospect avenue to the southerly County In which he resides Is unable to man, for three years; two Justices of themake application for an official ballot to The Sunday-schools of the Ee- curved boundary line of tbe Borough of cast his ballot on ths day ot the General Peace, tor five years each, and two Sur- the Municipal Clerk in.any Municipality In barn reshingled. ' Bed Bank, thence northwardly along the. Election at the politnnr place In the Elec- veyors of the Highwaytortoue; yeal.each. •which.he reBldes orlo the County Board ot lormed and Baptist churches will ' Notice of Primary Election. Eleetlon of. tha County of Monmouth, on or curved boundary Jlne of tbe .Bant>ugh of tion District In which he Is registered, may before Tuesday, October *Oth, 1026, and a start practicing this week for the Bed Bank to the Fence Line, thence north* make application for an ofActs! ballot to Alao take notice that a Primary Election formal application will bo forwarded aald union children's day exercises westwardly *a]on£ tha said Fence Cine to the Municipal Clerk in any Municipality In for all political parties entitled thereto will elector and when,properly filled out and the center line of. Mechanic street, thence which he resides or to the County Board of be held In and tor the Township of Holm- returned to the Oounty Board ot -Election* which will be held June 17th at 'the westwardly along the center line of 1M>- Election of the County of Monmouth, on or del on Tuesday, June 16th, 1925ot ,the County of Monmouth. an absentia baptist church; — ohRnio -etreet to Us- lnteraectinn_utth the before Tuesday, Oetoher 20th*. 1025, and a from th« hour of seven, o'clock A. M. toballot will be forwarded to such elector. " center line of Broad atreet, tbe point or forwarded paid the hour of nine o'clock P. M. (Standard "MrT'CKarles—S-Ely-is-on—the pTace'of '' •——- elector and when'properly filled out andtime;)—8nld~Primsry~£leetlon-to-be held JONATHAN H. JONES, Township. Clerk. , iick list. -- .— Jeetlens- -ln-theplace. In tho respective~diatrlet as Dated May 18th; 10J6, The polling place far the Second El-o- of 'the County of Monmouth, an nbsentee specifically* above"merttloned^and; said 'Pri"- Mrs. Samuel Ford and family of tlon district Isjndepentent Firehouae, Me- inorREolsTRVANO-ELEO chsnlo street. ballot will'be forwarded to auch elector. mary Election will be held for the purpoie AMY E. OL8EN. of nominating persons of the respective Borough of Fair Haven, N, J. Bloomfleld spent Saturday with Third Election District. , ' Notice of tbe time and place of holding : Clerk ot the 'Borough ot Bed Bank. parties to the offices above mentioned, and the General Election and of the offlcera to ^ YOU do Mrs. Henry Tilton. \ Beginning* at a point-whara Dated May 16, 1825. also for Members of the County Executive line of Wallace street Is intersected with Committee (or each political.party_partlcl- be eleoted, and meetlnga of the Bowd of John Jeffrey, son of Jacob Jeff- the center line of Broad street, thence NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, geglatry and Election In, the Bortugh «f natlntc in laid Primary. Election. Alflb a Fair Haven, in tha County of llonmouth. " rey, is laid up with a sprained ankle southwardly along the center line of Broad Little Sliver Borough, N. J, Member of the State Executive Committee Off* another street to Its Intersection with-the; center Notice of the time and place ot holding Notice le hereby given that-a General for each political party. which he sustained last week white line of Harding Road, thence eastwardly the General Election and of the officers to Election will be held In and for tha Bor. Said date will alao be the second regii. ough of Pair Haven, In the County of Mon. laying baseball. along the center line of Harding Road to Ita be elected, and meetlnga of the Board of try data In said Towmnip. v wash- Intersection with the center line of Branch mouth, and State of New Jersey, on Tues- Registry and Election In the. Borough of Margaret Ely and Mary Tilton avenue, thence southeastwai-dly along the Notice of Registration. day, November 8d, 102B, from.tbe hour of Little Silver, in the County of Monmouth. Also take notice that the District Board center line of Branch Bvenue to ita inter- Notice Is hereby given that a General six o clock A. M. to' the hour ot seven attended the senior dance at the action with the center; line of Bergen of Registry and Election for said District o'clock P. M. (Standard time), at the fol- Election will be held In and for the Bor- will meet Thursday, May 28th, 1025, for lowing placea In aaid Bproughi Bed Bank high school Friday night. place, thence eastwardly dJrectly between ough of Little Silver, In the County ot the properties owned by the Eit. ot Sarah the purpose of organising as required by Flnt Election Dlitrlct. DO THIS" William H. Crawford, who has F. Woleott and Emily Spinning one hun- Monmouth, and State ot New Jersey, on law. . , ' " en on the sick list, has recovered. dred and fifty feet from the center line of Tuesday, November 3d. 1D25, from the And further take notice that on Tuesday, All that part of the Borough lylnr eait " -•-• Atsk for a Maytag Gyrafoam Washer to do Branch avenue, thence southeaitwardly by hour of six o'clock A. M. to the hour of June 20, 1925, the Board ot .Registry of a line which beglni at that point where Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Ely will a straight line to the curved boundary line sarVen o'clock P. M., at the following place and Election shall meet and make the. reg- tho center of -Cedar avenue, U extended, In said Borough t Little Sliver Volunteer would Intersect the'Rumioo Borough llrn: it with. No obligation at all. leave Friday for a visit at Hartford, of the Borough of Red Bank, thenca north- istry by a house to house canvass, which thence,running north along the center lino eastwardly along the curved boundary line Fire Company's House. said canvass shall be completed in or be- • Said election will be held for the purpose of Cedar avenue, to that point where the Connecticut. f of the.Borough of Red Bank to its Inter- fore.June «th,1025, • . '• center line of Cedar avenue Intersecte the Undisputedly the world's leading washer—j section with the, center line of Wallace of electing a Governor of the State of New And that on Tuesday, October 19th, . Mr. and Mrs. James Davison of Jersey, a Member of the House of Repre- center line of Fair Haven road; thenea east street, thence aouthwestwardly along the 1926, the Board of Registry and Election along the center line of Fair Haven road you must have heard about it. Women every-; New Brunswick were recent guests center line of Wallace street to Its Inter- sentatives from the Third Congressional will meet at the place at which they will to the point where the center line of Baltln f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tilton. section with the center line of Linden place, District to fill the vacancy caused by thehold tha Ceneral Election above mentioned, road Intersects tbe center line of Fair Ha- where are talking of its wonders: 50 lbs. of dry," thence directly westwardly by a straight death of T. Frank Appleby, two Members between the ijours of one o'clock In theven roadi thence north along thi eenter lint to the rear of the Second National of tbe General Assembly of New Jersey afternoon and nine o'clock in the evening, line of Battln road to the Shrewabury clothes an hour—a tubful of linens, silks; wool-, Bank; thence northwardly to the center a Member of the Board of Chosen Free* for the purpose of making the final revi- river. line of Wallace street, thence westwardly holders, for three years, for the County sion and correction ot the register (or the ens, spick-span in half the time required by any MJ ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE1 OF «".«<» OBNEBAL IM- to the eenter line of Broad street, the plsee of Monmouth, and tor the following munic- h for Flrit or point of beginning. General Election. ,i T >* ".""I.* •*••• ."• •loottos PROVEMENT BONDS OF THE BOROUGH OF BED BANK. ipal officers, vis: Mayor for two years, two Notice to Absentee Voters. „ district ia Monmouth hall. Pearl street, other washer—never a bit of hand rubbing Councilmen,' for three years, and two Jus- _SeconrJ Election District, Th. Borough of Red Btnlt has heretofo'n'borrowed money to temporarily finance Any elector who Is registered for the ;needed, even on wristbands or collars, The polling plsce for the Third Election tices of the Peace, for five years. General Election, who by reason of Inabil- All that part of tho Borough tying; mit e following improvements, as follows: Amount District Is F. H. VanDorn Co.'s Showrooms, Notice of Primary Election. ity through Illness or absence from tha of tho line u laid down In First dlstrlot east side Broad street, opposite Monmouth Also take notice that a Primary Election County in which he resides is unable to above.- . , Improvement Location. fiTw'oo street. for all political parties entitled thereto will Tho polling place for the Second election Not a dolly, oscillator, or any type you're cast hla ballot on the day of the General district la Auguilua Mlnton'i garage, Eait iving of streets with concrete Peters place ...... ••' 'Z'."".™^ 41,'523.89 Fourth Election District. be held In and for tbe Borough ot Little Election at the polling place in ths Elec- familiar with—but an entirely new principle— Beginning at a point where the center Silver,, on Tuesday, June 16th, 1925tio, n Diatrict In which he is registered, may Side Park, Fair Bayen road, nesr LIncolo from the hour of seven o'clock A. M. to avenue. line of Broad street Is interseoted with the make application for an official ballot to Bald election will be held for th* pur- years ahead I Its results will_amaze you. .• .. «• <» •• Branch avenue center line of Harding road, thence east- the hour ot nine o'clock P. M. (Standard ths Municipal Clerk In any Municipality In >• .. « " " - Riverside RvcnUA . .—. time.) Said Primary Election to be held purpose of electing a Governor of the State wardly along the center of Harding Road which ha realdea or to the County Jiosrd ot of New linty, a Member of the Home of .. - 'i •• » Oskland street — to its intersection with Branch avenue, In the place In the respective district aa Election of tha County of Monmouth, on or specifically above mentioned and ssid Pri- Representatlvea from tha Third Congm- Don't fail to'try it—next washday 038.18 thence solttheaitwardly along tbe center before Tuesday, October 10th, 1025, and a •lonal dlatrlct to 911 the vacancy earned line of Branch avcaue to its Intersection mary .Election will be held for the purpose formal application will be fomarded said Shrewsbury avenue 096.07 ot~ nominating persona of the respective by the death of T. Frank Appleby: two or sooner if you wish. Phone im-' 16,718.16' with the center llns of Bergen plaee, elector and when properly filled out andMembers of the General Assembly of Ntlir Herfien place « thence eastwsrilly directly hetween the parties to the oulcea above mentioned, and returned to the County Board ot Elections Jeney: a Member of the Board 'of Chosvn RickKsi place . 8,722.60 also for Members of the County Executive mediately. 8,725.60 properties owned by the Estate of Sarah of the County of Monmoutb, nn absentee (reaholden (three years) for the County sanitary fewer! Plnckney road - F. Wolcott and Emily Spinning, me hun* Committee for each political party partici- ballot will be forwarded to such elector. ot Monmouth and for the following munici- Drummonri tract «...»....»...•» »..» 7,288.39 pating In said Primary Election. Also a 2,376.52 dred and fifty feet from the center line SIDNEY V. BRAY, Township ' Clerk. pal officers, yl«! two Councllmen, for three Outstanding Wyckott plan ...._ - of Bergen plsce, thence southeastwsrdly Member ot tha State Executive Committee Dated May 16th, 1085. yeara. , - ' ._ 9 Maytag Features Maple avonue „ - ..... 1,390.50 by a straight Una to the curved boundary ter each political party. Madison avenue ...,. «..«..-.. 807.30 Una of tha Borough of Red Bank, thsnee Said date will also be the second regls NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, Notice ol Primary Elsctfon. 1 - Washes faster. Miple avenue — •— — 1,959,00 southweltwardly along the curved bound* try date in the.said Borough. Shrewsbury Township. Also taka notice that a Primary Eleetlon 2 - Washes cleaner. Vista place - ••— 060.00 nrr line of the Borough of Red Bank to Ita Notice ol Registration. Notice Is hereby given that a General for all political partiea entitled thereto will Niwmutwman SprlnsKorlnBsi road,. Harrison avenue, Election wUI be held In and for tha Town- be held In and for the borough ot Fair Hk. 3 — Largest hourly can. Intersection with the center line of Brosd Also tnhe. notice that tha Dlatrfct Board yen. on Tuesday, June 16th, 1031, MarloMl n street, Worthleh y street and ClinCli- slreet, thence northwardly along the cen- of Registry and Election fnr aald District ship ot Shrewsbury, In the County ol Mon mouth, and State of New Jersey, on Tues from the hour of eeven o'clock A* M, to ncity in the worm. ton Jilacplace t| ,;' ...... 3,070.62 ter Una of Broad street to ths intersection will meet Thursday, May 28th, 1028, for dsy, Novembsr Sd, A. D. 1025, from the the hour of nine o'olock P. M. (Standard 4- Most compact wash- Sidewalk! and eurbi Cftnnl Htrcrt Hi front of .property of tha with the center line ol Harding .oad, the tha purpose of organising as required by time.) Bald Primary. Election to be hell 2,568.80 point or placa of heglnninir. Uw. hour of six o'clock A. M. to tha hour ot er made. United Stntcc 150.00 ssven o'clock P. M,, at ths respective poll In the placet In the respective dlattleta as Borouguurouifn h••'•""••••»•"" The polling placa for the Fourth Elec- And furtheMake notice that on Tueaday, specifically above mentioned and ia d Prl- - S-Cast aluminum tub. 670.80 tion District Is Mrs. F. L. Blalsdell's gar* June 2d. 11326, the Board of Registry Injr places In said Township. 2,0117.00 Said election will ha held for thi purpoie mary Election will bi held for the purposi 6-Easily ntijustcd to Rorowrh H«ll h«Unff plant - ~- age. Broad street, i anil Election shall meet and make thl of nominating persons of thi respective ii.tflMh.stchlhg* *n*Aroid be hiAd . Monmoutii *lr#el , 600.00 Filth Ejection District.' registry by a house to bouse canvass, of alectlng a Governor of tbe Sta^e of New parllei to tha oBleii above mentioned, and j jew height. Ix months' interest anil costs Honmoutli street Beginning at a point on ths shore lint which said canvass ahall 111 -completed on Jersey, a, Member of the House of Repre- alao for Members of tha Oounty Executive | 7-ClothMCanbeputin on notes discounted to tem- of ths North Bhrewebury tivsr directly be- or before June utli, 192ft. sentatives from th* Third Congressional Committee for eaeh political partyVartlil. or taken out with porarily finance Improve- tween the properties owned by tha lion- And that on Tuesday, October 18th- District to fill ths vacancy caused by thapatlng In laid Primary Elwtton. Alio> ments herein referred to mouth Boat Club and ths property known 192G, tho Board of Registry and Election death of T. Frsnk Appleby! two Member, Member of the State Exscutlve Oommlttia the washer running. as the lied Bank Lyceum, ihtnci south- will meet at the place at which Miiy will of the General Asismhly of New Jeney for each political parly, . ' 8-Tub cleans itself. hold the Oeneril Election aboVe mentioned, a Member of the Board of Chosen Free- wardly to tha esntar line of Broad strest, holders, (or three years, for tha County ot Said date/will also be the iicopd Mill- 9-Automatic drain- thence southwardly along the oenter Una between the hours Df on* o'clock tn the afternoon and nine o'clock In the ivtnlng, Monmouth j one Township Commltteeman Irj- dale l/tbe laid Borough, , board. Instant ten- of Broad street to the Intersection with thi for threa man, a Collector, for three yesra Notice of Railatra.lon, ' center line of Monmouth street, thenca for the purpose of making the imal re* 1 . sion release. All wsstwardiy along the center line of Mon* vision and correction of the regliter for and a Justice of the Peace, for Ave tears Alio take notice that ths Dlstrlot Board mouth atrset to Its Intersection ••Ith ths the General Election. Notice *i Primary Election. of Registry and Election for said District parts enclosed. Alao taka notlee that a Primary Election will meet Thursday, May S8th, I»as, for canter Una of the tracks or oad bid of Notice lo Absentee Vo|ere* for all politics.) parties entitled thireto will thi purpoie of organising aa required by Reasons for tha New Jersey Southern railroad, thence Any elector who li reglitmd Tor the be held In the said Township, In said Coun- i»w, . .,. World Leadership northwardly along the eenter of ths tracks Clmera! Election, who by reason of Inlbll. 9 ot tha Haw Jeraey Southern railroad, to Ity through Illness or abiineo from the ty, on Tuesday, June ISth, 1925, be- And further take notice that on Tunday, tha shore of ths North Shrewsbury river, County In which he ruldii Is unable to tween thi hours of levin A.'M. and nine June 2il. loss, the Boardi of Hlilstry. thanea southaastwardlr and northeastward- cast his ballot on ths day ot tha General P, M. (Standard time.) Bald Primary and Election ahall meet and nuke the rsk- ly along the shore of the North Bbrewa. Kleetlnn at tha polling place In tha Elec- Eleotlon to ba hsld In tha places In tha ri- latry by a home to houie canvaie, whlih bury river to tha eenter tine between ths tion District In which ho Is riglstired, may speetlvs districts as hersln sst forth, and •aldacanvaai shall be oompletid on of be- property belonging to the Monmouth Tloat make application for an official ballot to laid Prlmsry Election will be held for thifora June nth, USD. . - OBlftKAN0K. (Hub and properly kntwn as thi Red Dank tha Municipal Clitk In any Municipality in purpoi* of nominating persona of tha re- And that on Tuesday, Oslober llt The Major end Council of tne Ilorminh ttt Hed n»nk. New Jersey, ordain as Lyceum, the point or plsea of Wulnnlng, which hi resides or to the County Board ol •paetlve parties to the offlets abovs men- 10EIS, the Hoard of Reglairy and Bl.cllo follows i—~ > Ths polllnn place for ths Filth Klectlm. Election of the County of Monmouth, on or tioned and also to sleet Members of tbawill mait at thl plaon at which (h«» will Dlstrlot Is Liberty Enjlns llcuie, White l.ffure Tuesday. October JOth, lull, and a Oounty Kmeutlve Committee far -iaeh po. hold tntf Giniral EUetton iibovi mentiod Section 1. Genera] Improvement bonds In tha principal amount of C2BI.000 formal application will be forwarded salo mieal pally partlelpstlni In alld Primary bitwein the houra ol oni olloeklo'lloeklnn t street. . . ft d i 'lk I th Gyrafoam ^Washer Section 1,' The monir to be railed l>/ said >»>ml< snill ha applied to lha pay Skill Election District. elector and whin propirly filled cut andKlaetlon. Tha Boards alio sit on this day afternoon and nine o'elock In the avertirtingn , mint of thl Indebtedness diicrlbad In tha recitals hereof for the purpose- ol f.nsnclng returned to thi County nptrd of Eleatloni for reflilrallon purposes. lor.the purpoie ol'maklnf tbl flnel rtvl llsglnnlnit at A- point where ths eenter of thi County of Monmouth, an abientll CAST ALUMINUM TUBo, thi traprovimints for which »al to be raised (or «alil pursoae le I2SS.O00, southwardly alone lha santer line ol of (leilitry and Election (or said Vownshlp Nolleonc*e lino AoaeniaAbssntaa Vclirvoiiree. Section I, The following mettiri are neriby determined anil declaridl Droad street to Ita Interaction with, tha Borough Clerk will rant .Tlmriuay, May ZBtli. load, for Any elieto•Jsetorf whwhoo ", li reilstsred tot tilt (a) The Average of trie different periods of uierulnese of the Improvementi tor center lint ot fteeklssa plaee, thenc-e wait* Dated I,llt|s BI|»sr,.N. X, May lfth, 1W the purpois o( organising as required by sneral EKleatonl , who by reaion of lubil. whlon aald bonds an to bi Inued,' taking Into consideration thi amount ol bondi to wardly atom th* eentir line of 'Iscklss* law. ' }» througugh Illrjellln.«i i or ibiin-ibiine irem • OnOn hi Issued on account or thi laid several ImtimvemiMi wllliln tha limitation! of flec- place to Its Intersection with the tenter NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, And further take notlei that on Tuiidar, rjoUnt.ounfyy Inn wlilewhich hee risldsa Is unablubll tto tion 4 of tba Act nfirred to I fa amindad) In thi leiltili luriof (i thirty vein. ' line ol Maple avanue, thatiss northwardly Dorouih at Rumsen, N. J. - , lune art. Hill), tha lloard of Digit. eaifait hlal tatlotaijotl ooonn thlhea d«da»r itdf tlithe* fOinirnf (b) The averaia iseeiied valuation of tin taialih real property (IticMlnir Im- alonu tha c«n(er Una of Uaple avenue lo Nollee Is hsnby given that a Oeniral try and Kleotlon shall melt In their lespn* KlMtlon it the poll HI p/soi In thee ElseEl* pioTamentt) of tha borough, computed upon Ilia neat preeaillnR thru valuationa there- III Intsraaetlon with tha center llns ol Elselion will ba hsld In and for the Dor-tlv* dlitrleta and proeisd to make a houit tlotl n DitiDistrictt In whlowhhl nils rigliUredrigliUre , ruy of In the manner providid In Beotlon It o( islil Aot Im Is |I,(I2C,O3<.{II, Chestnut stre.t, tbsries weatwardlr .long ou«ri of Rumson, In lha County of Mon* to houit canvass of the votirs In their ri* makke applltallnrllll . ffor in oRlelaRllll bballet lo Chas. K. Hopping (e) .Thi net dibt of thi Borough eoniputed In tha manner provided In Section tha eanUr Una -of Ohsstpu* alrsat to Itsmouth and male ol New Jifier. en Tues. ipactlve dlslrloti, registering all perloni thi Munfcipal Clirk In any Munlelptllty In 11 of laid Ait (si imendedl U «8n,«n»,H3. InUrieetlon with the tracks of thl New|y UoiM of M) The aUtemant rejulraJ b» lutlan 13 of laid Act (ai amindlJ) has bein Jsraey Southers railroad, thenes north, hours ol six A. M. ami seven IV H., at (lanirai Klutloni, which llM earns.I shal plMtlonj)f th«.Oemnl)r of Monmouth, on oc made and nlid as Ihereln nqulred, , wsrdly alonl the traits nr road bed of the tlis respssllM pofllug plans \p said Dor. on or before June.Slh, 19" The (ortgolni ordinaries hie bun Introduced, and the Mayor and Council will eon- NeNtw Jin?Unn' «outb«»rBotitlMtni rallrnatrairoadl tojlto lls IMjjn j Reconri Vl»Ulratlon'dM-^PrlnisrUttl dfPi yday \ .,. formal'ippjl,allot, will pa forward*! isl| REtt BANK, N. J. •Mir thl ftnil casslgi thiriof en thl ill diy of June, lUiD, at tha Borough Hell lection wllb-tha aintir line of Monmo ""laid itHtlori will U htjltor lha liBrjou I.»TiOO0 A,. «M.. to.Mto »t00 ftt, M.U.' IStsStandar, J..dJ time llrn,,i! )f sector and whin propsrln fjilii out tnri •I •!»» P. M, ' •tree*, tpintf caitwardlal » alonalgg the emliemlirr of iltetlng * Oovemor of IhaHlats of New Third realisation da»~0ljob« llih, rkturntd to th« County Soifd of tlistlini Any penon er piraoni deilrlng te bi Utxi will U.glvin in opportunltir at thiIlm ol itonmoiititonmoi h streetreet to III InteriiInteriietloe n Jirisy. II Hembsr et (he llouse of l.i»«* IPJJ, 1.00 )*, M, lo liOd P.U.. lo reylia VJV ^Xfi* ?' atonmnntn, an (bsintai Hmt and pUit i/ernald. .«,-.,._. witith MittarJIfttrJIfiif of hroed strustrutt, ththii point asnlatlvt* (roM thl Thlrti Cotiirllilonal aid aorrist tha Hit tor Ih^ Oinlral Iln< ballot •»! S* Jprwirdjjd to, ittah iljilor, 1 _ . M. »IjOYD SMITil, Doroufh Oletk. - \ . A. m- OMEN. falitrlit to (IHths «««aft(l' «««4,>>»'.'' * Uo phone 263'M • •...,.'.. „ '„>. i }-. ,. «lf>K. rjiatb el T, Sank AjpUW, two Minwn |iMfkoiiitapr4lati' tt thi tlMtitn dU- Oilid F«lr lliven, K. j,, Illy .•"», till, ' ,| r4 ' •• JT'1 ,r ;' . -1 ''•'•"' RED BANK REGISTER, MAY- 27,1925.

were very badly damaged by early at the age. of 86 years, leaving Sarah and John P. Elliott of-Maple YEARS AGO BANK. frost. The ; farmers'•' who 'Suffered three sons and two daughters. avenue, died at the age of 2. Thomas Applegate wore a #ellum, had a May party at which out and suffered a loss of $15,000. Mr. and Mrs. TenBroeck Davis of cream colored sateen dreii, tha the guests were Hazel McQueen, .-> protection positive by putting them' in out, Tylee W; Throckmorton was ap- West Front street celebrated their front of the skirt being hand paint- : Helen and Anna Shields, Millie Mc- pointed street superintendent of golden wedding. They were mar- •Safe.-Deposit Vault wfyere you can-rent a Pri- ed, and won first prize. .Mrs. An- Dermott, Pearl and Albert >Worden, Red Bank, at a salary oi f 100 per ried May 28th, 185G, by'Rev. Robert drew B. Coleman won second prise Herbert Frake, Hnrold and William vate Lock Box for $3.00 and up per year.- year., iWilliam H. Houston was ap- T. Middlcditch. ' - •; - for the handsomest dress, Andrew Orennan, Christopher Comar,.Leila R. Coleman of Red Bank took the pointed town'treasurer. Mr. Hous- The engagement was announcea ton also had,charge of the school Patterson, Leroy Smith and Ruth first prize for tho blggeit necktie. and Percy Edgerton. of Henry Willard Allstrom, eon of money, and his entire salary was Professor Harold K. Allstrom of He wore a necktie each end of which The Red Bank "golf club, which f 300 a year, '•. Red Bonk, and Edith Harbeck Kline was over twenty''feet long; Mr. played golf on the Joseph'Stilwell Sailing vessels were carrying a of New York. ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK i You Can Be Sure Coleman had made a framework of farm op Upper Broad street, elected great' deal of produce to the New John S, ^Applegate III, son of i light wood and had fattened the C. Walter Cannon as president, Her- York markets,' A schooner of 120 John S. Applegate, Jr., cut the tip FREEHOLD, N.J. necktie to this framework. Frank bert S. Hill as vice president, Gil- Things are REALLY CLEAN when we return them tons was launched at Tottcnvillc and of his finger off while playing with ITS MOTTO-SERVICE Shultz of Keyport had a big neck- bert S. Reckless as secretary and had as its captain Charles L. Ed- a lawn-mower. The.boy was four to you. AWntnmber thorough cleansingiseihealth tie that was held in place with traill William S. Child as treasurer. /; wards of Long Branch. The schoon- years old. precaution,'. •''•'•• •'••'•;•' ; •,',':. ' •'• fishpoles, John Mount won a prire Richard Little, Edward Billings, er was named Annie E. Edwards. George O, Nelson, principal of the for the smallest necktie and his Douglas Garrigan and William Dwy- A ball was held by St. James's Fair Haven public, school, was ap- WE CALL AND DELIVER necktie was so small it could not er of Oceanport won a dinner, by club .of young men at St.' James's pointed supervising principal ,of be seen except by a very close in- defeating Whitney Conrow, Edward lyceum hall. The lyceum hall was township schools in Sussex county. spection. Fred Gill won a backward Champlin, Charles Walling and E. ;he former St. James's church. The Forman Cossaboom was appoint- skating race in which Ben Ford was J. Maps in a bowling tournament. Leon's Red BanK the other contestant... ball was very successful and vm in ed supervising principal of the At- ' Cornelius Morris died at Tinton charge of Thomas Norman, Joseph A farm hand who had been em- lantic Highlands public school to Ryan and Edward Cole. ployed by Frank Matthews of Lin- "SINBAD" Steam Dye Falls at the age of 81 years. He : succeed William T. Whitney. croft hung himself from a tree had' lived on the Morris farm, a Joseph.Stout and his brother, 1 William D, Sayre, son of Dr. Jer- Master Cleaner and Dyer of This Vicinity. short distance east of Tinton Falls John VV. Stout, Jr., had a quarrel alongside of the Lincroft brook. I he emiah E. Sayre, came homo from ARAB STAL.LION i and a fracas at Stoutwood Park in body was found on John Bailey's Jefferson medical college for the MAIN OFFICEi 24 Weit Front Strait village, for over sixty, years. He Registered by both Arab Horse Club and farm by Hen'drick Bennett. summer vacation. FACTORY: had raised a large family, consist- MIddletown. Each had the* other I 76 White Street ing of eight sons and one daugh- arrested arid their father, John W. Seven pupils graduated from the A horse stepped on the foot of Jockey Club Fair Haven public school. They ter. The living for the family had Stout, Sr., went on both their bonds Rev. Octave vonBeverhoudt of SERVICE FEE: BY AGREEMENT •I PHONES' been made on the farm and In addi- to keep the peace.: , were Bertoh Allaire, Vincent Willis, Colt's Neck and the foot was badly tion to 'getting a good living for the The fish commissioners of New.Mary Coyne; Willianr VanNote, crushed, .-'" * ' Nine of hit produce, one- tofour yeari oldt can now be aeea - Red Bank Claribel Doughty, Carrie Smith and family Mr. Morris had la!4 by aJersey notified-the hat. factory at Grace Methodist church of Red i~ »t my place, the MAJOR ENGEL. FARM, . ' Thelda Parker. small fortune from the profits of the Eatontown that they must stop run- Bank celebrated its 26th anniver- 734 Edmund Wilson and James Coop- V FOR SALE farm. ning refuse in Pine Brook. The sary by a week of special services. er, Jr., returned from a fishing.Out- - POLO MARE: One-half Arab, ona-half thorough. 1045 refuse from the factory was said to A rural mall route was estab- George Norman, son of Robert ing among the lakes of Canada. The ."' . . bred,' bay, 10 year*, 18 h»nd«( per* have' poisoned most of the. trout in lished from Freehold through Colt's Norman cf Broad street, while play- fishermen brought home many lake hapa be»t in U. S.; played in many practice and two natch the stream. Neck; Vanderburg and Montrose. ing around the house, caught his ear trout which they distributed among gamei, very fait, exceptionally good mouth, gentls and in- William E. Andrew, Jr., of At- telligent; luperior brood mare, proren by her in the crack of a door just us the. A branch of the state building their friends. lantic Highlands, moved back to that door was being closed and his earand loan association was organized Mrs. Minnie S. Chadwick, wife 6f plate from a ranch in Colorado. POLO STALLION SON:—by l«t prize Polo was cut almost entirely off. The atHolmdel with John Henry Heyer William L. Chadwick of Pair Ha- b 3 Richard W. Herbert of Wicka- Stallion, Lord Rock Sand, »r« rw§, tut, tenth. ear was sewed on again by Dr. Wil- as president, William Carson as vice ven,' died of cancer. She was 47 There's something more tunk bought ten shares of the Mat- intelligent, not yot trained. i liam B. Warner, who said that the president, J. Alex Guy as secretary yeara old and was the daughter of awan bank at $140 per share. flesh would unite and the ear would and William W. Conover as trea'sur- Lamber N. Snedecor of Fair Haven. REGISTEREp, 4-yoar-old Thoroughbred Man, Chett- ' than color and lustre «V ••.•.'.• •' Conover Applegate of Navesink be as good as ever. Mrs. Benjamin W. Spinning - nut, lire: Long Tongue, dami Merry Blue, very fail, gentle, , bought a horse and wagon to .peddle Thieves went into the yard of J. Henry H. Curtis was advertising caught her foot in a rug in her likely to be a winner. 8 one and two-year-oldi, by SINBAD. , clams through Red Bank. \. 2 Purebred Arab Marei, registered by Jockey Club and ! in Tufcote Varnish Stain! C. Fisher on the river bank just east at fifty cents each the best outing home and fell. Her right arm was Frank E. Sieh was appointed su- Arab Hone Club. of Red Bank and stole a large quan- shirts in cheviots and sateens lie loosened .from the socket and the pervising principal of the schools of XX7|?ftN you renew a scuffed floor, a time-worn tity of flowers and shrubbery. • An-,had .ever offered.'. He was also offer- ligaments were torn away. , *» chair or marred woodwork with du Pont • other raid on the same premises was ing at fifty cents each the best line Middletown township. ; Lots on Shrewsbury avenue in Mrs.- A. M. Hurley of Headden's M. A. MOSLE Tufcote, you can be sure of, beautjfl&i hardwood made the following night and an-of straw hats he had ever sold. West Red Bank were offered for other large quantity of plants and Mies Henrietta M. French, daugh- Corner, who was 84 years old, fell Tinton Falls Road EATONTOWN, N. J. effects that will delight the eys-t-but more than ___ Bale by Theodore F. White ifor $400. in her home and'her right arm was flowers was stolen. "~'~~"." ter of Charles. G. French, was. mar- Miss Abbie C; Elliott, daughter of v : that, you can be certain that the lustrous, gleaming Samuel A. Patterson of Asbury ried to Charles Hill Bergen, son of broken. •urface will keep its lustre as the months and Park, son of George Washington John B. Bergen. The ceremony was years go by. Patterson, got a judgment of $500 performed by'Rev, Charles E. Hill, against James A. Bradley for libel. grandfather of the groom. And oncje* you've seen what fun it is to refinish Mr, Bradley was publishing a paper Mrs. Maria Morris, wife of Rich- things with Tufcote, you'll always ke*|> it handy. called the Artesian and he referred ard Morris of Headden's Corner, Come in and get a can today. We'll be glad to help to Mr. Patterson as.a legal scaven- broke her thigh by a fall in the ( you on any refiniabing job. , ger. • • : house. She" had been sick and was A tramp entered the house of very weak and was tottering about Sma^CheerM'ffirniture John Sutphen on Prospect avenue the house when she fell. j FRANK M. CHAMBERS and demanded something to eat. He Agnes Walling of New Mon- We have taken great care in selecting r Jnf OUMnU SUItlHtCr PAINTER and DECORATOR terrified the household, in which no mouth, aged eleven years, was the our Summer Furnishings for your com- / Dail*'^ one was at home except women and champion pupil of the New Mon- fort during the hot days.and our over- \J l/ayo^ 26 Weit Front Street children. The police had to be sent mouth public school during' the for to get him out of the place. school year just .ended. Howard flowing stock is here to take care of your every want, some o£ which you will -Phone 58^ - - _i RED BANK, N. J. Rogers was second' - -find-below,-but we^would-advise-you to get your summer-shopping done-early- Miss. Sadie"E.~Wilkins of Colt's r Ji Neckyformerly-of'Middletown-town- ..L-beforeiheJiot-.weather_setsjn. _.—•_ , -, : _•* ship, was married to Frederick Lup- lantic Highlands council1 of Ameri- ton, Jr., of Matawan. The bride re- can Mechanics- a flag1 which he had ceived enough gifts to almost com- bought in New York the day Fort pletely furnish a house; Sumter was flred on. •—-•• - : — Sherman Terry of tyttle Silver, Mary, Helen and, Elizabeth Bor- got married and had begun to fur-den, daughters of Randolph Borr nish his house where he and hisden of Shrewsbury, were learning to bride were to live, when thieves ride the bicycle; They had many brolce into the house and stole al- falls while learning,. most all the furniture. Henry Ritter was appointed dog The board of health ordered all killer at Atlantic Highlands, with property owners along Crow Hollow instructions to kill every dog_ that brook to clear up the brook: and was not registered.and that dfd not open it for the free flow of water have a proper tag. > ; under penalty of arrest and fine. Mrs. Lizzie. B. Higgins was grant- White Mountain The- design for the bronze bas- ed a divorce from her husband, reliefs on the Monmouth battle mon- Frank S. Higgins. Mrs. Higgins TEN-PIECE WALNUT DINING SUITE Refrigerator ument at Freehold were accepted. was the daughter of John B. Grover Whitney Go-Cart Top leer and niado with 7 Made of reed in ivory , 7.00 Which eonshbi of hufTet, 60 in. table, china closet, server, 10P nn The subject of the bronzes was Mad 6£ Red Bank. U0 walls of* insulation 10 Qtj • PAINTS & )VARNISHES Anthony Wayne's charge. Dogs belonging to Arthur E. color. / 5 chairs and one arm chair. This is a special nt! .' lOD* to save ice. 10'vs* and Iodtuttiil Us 9 Henry D. Hendrickson, assessor Smith and Horatio Johnson of Fair ibr every of Holmdel township, was tried on Haven were poisoned and a number an indictment charging him with of cats at Fair Haven were also misdemeanor in office*, but the jury poisoned. . . did not find him guilty. The village improvement society The best quality of ladies' merino of Oceanic held a ball at which over gauze vests were being sold at R.$100 was cleared. The money was Taylor Smock's store at the corner raised to light the streets of the DISTINCTION with of Broad and Mechanic streets for village. , • •.'•••• 25 cents. - ! Thomas Norton was sent to the Mrs. James H. Peters of Broad county jail for thirty-days for INDIVIDUALITY street let a piece of marble fall breaking into Theodore1 Stilwell's from her hand and her big toe was store at Holmdel and stealing goods. \ You May Choose the Color and Uphobtety broken. The gas companies of Rod Bank of Your New Packard Bight „ An association was formed at At- and Long Branch were merged un- lantic Highlands to wlpa out restric- der the name of the Consolidated tions against liquor selling at that gas company of New Jersey. tOM the very When you place place. jThe board, of health of Shrews- 1 THREE-PIECE FIBRE SUITE P. first .every yourorderforyour Mrs. John. Abbott Worthley, Sr,, bury township ordered that all gar- Couch Hammock • Packard Eight has Packard Eight you fell down the area way of herbage removed In that township must Auto spring seats covered in fine cretonne. Mado in Vhakl color 0,75 been built with no may choose the house on Front street and broke her be hauled away at night. A real- special ...... ,j.. 105-00 with chain supports. ** arm. John Murphy of Tinton Falls lost Stand, 4.95 extra _Xj thought in mind save color of its finish,an d , The steamer St. Johns mode her over four acres of strawberries and the quality, comfort you may select the up* first trip from New York to Atlan- two and one-half acres of musk mel- Porch Rockers and distinction it was holstery. ons by a heavy frost. ' ( Best itindo rockors in natural or tic Highland*. t0 to provide its owner. Thirty Ye«n Ago. Harry Badeau of Red Bank won grccti color. '9 50 R SO Packard will co-operate a shooting match over Henry . C. Same price. *• \J'UV While the dirtincrion in producing your own Lulu Hesse gave a May' party to Whito of Llttlo Silver at Joseph of Packard lines is car—a car combining a number of her schoolmates. Meta Little's Oceanic Inn. Cowart was queen and Percy Davis A monument was erected to the unchanged the new all the grace and beauty was king. The others present at the Packard Eight can be< of a Packard body with memory of Rev, Mr* Rlley, who was May party were Cecil Weaver, Nola pastor of the Holmdel Reformed come more than ever your own good taste in Curtis, Fanny Shaw, Maggie BIBII- church for 48 yeiti. your individual, your decoration and ap« dell, Grace Davis, Florence Glbor- v , A new fire company of fifteen personal car.' , polntmentt. son, Lillian Murfett, Bella Rogers, members was formed at Atlantic Nettie Carroll, Emily Conover, Ma- Highlands with a chemlcn! engine mie McMahon, Olive Weaver, Lulu as their apparatus, •. < Robblns, Dtrtlo Krldel, Kitty Bray, Aniel Croft of Red Bank won a Mlnthorne Worthley, P«rcy Davli, ;\ Waldo Curtis, Jamas Weaver, Her- silver cup and 150 in cash by win- Lawn Swing PACKARD ning the county championship In a bert Davit, Oliver Sutphen, Will Four styles to choose from*, cAsk the titan who owns one Bailey, Eaiton Hendrickson, Fran- pool tournament, FOUR-PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE cis Newburger, Howard Bailey, Joseph Parker, ton , of Richard Lawn Benches 9.75 •• Parker of Little.Silver underwont Doited logn In natural o og A suite you will bo proud to own, Tho vanity with n 10C.00 Willie Conover, Thomai Henry, lonir centre mirror, Inrgcr Ihnn photo dhows, nnd only... lOv tHB PtthrdEiihtU tmittln tn fafr typa.hw MM tni Samuel Rogori, Hurman Dietrich, an operation in New' York on his color...... /.,.. **. ChUJrW* 9I» , 7. tit tndoitJ, ranting In prlc* from $S7S0 to $ilOO 01 DUil P«d Kulior, Myron and .Thomas note and .throat. A Utnal monthly ptymtit pUn mtht$ ponibh tki [ Irving Brown, Jamei Bray and Aaron Tllton, Jr., of Tinton Falls SPECIAL mJoymtHtofP*'**™ Sight ttmnklp pttrthnki out tf luttrnt Gaorgo Bray. caught a trout In tho millpond nt SPECIAL m butted of capital, ' '.- that place which weighed ovor a You Will Always Dp Better At Mn. Hinriotta Conover died at pound, Children's Rad Bank at tho age of 74 yoars. Gtorgi M. S, Goff and William Sh« was th« widow of John f. Cono- Voorhtes took a Sunday bicycle rldo Tree vsr and ihi left four children, Mrs. to Newark, Pattraon and lUckon- H. L ZOBEL, Gtorg* W. Hanco, Mn. Daniel H. •ack, • Swing AppUgatt and Mis* Ann It Conovtr Oc«anport at It* school election ROBERT HANCE & SONS Red Bank, Tel. 96S. Seabright, Tel. 00. of Rod Dank and Stephen 8, Cono- decided to ralst $700 to carry on Its v«» of Long Branch, 1 public iohooli for tho following 1.39 12 Broad Street Red Bank, New Jeriey Potato, torn*to and othor crops yaaiv •• • . • %\ it> mm Jphn y, Ackenon of ynsltt RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 27,1925. s bury Park were married lut week v. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. at the Como Methodist panouge Announcement by Rev. Angus C. .Struthers, Their HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN attendant* wero Mrs. Carrie Ben- HOTELS . MONMOUTH COUNTY. nett and Miu Genevitve Strutter*. There's Father • AND RESTAURANTS ManMqimn Girl Wedi, Personal Hotel, Salea of Property, Mr. A. P. Aldcn of Asbury Miss Margaret Stoker, daughter Building Operations, Loll* Do* of.James Stokey of Wanasquan, Park,, our local representa- ingt, Slight Firei, Birthl, Mar- witkmyWr tive,'is leady to receive or- was married Saturday week to ders ftir the laundrying and riages and Oeatlit-^Othar Itemi. Frederick Miller of Belmar.' The supplying of Hotels and Res- John Layton of Oakhurst, who ceremony was performed at the BROTHERS taurants. Ho is prepared to has been employed by tho Consoli- Methodist parsonage at Manasquan attend to all calls from new dated gas company of Lone Branch by Rev. C. M. Hogate. and old customers and has several ye.ars, has been .made fore- :i supply of Linen for im- man of the high tension electric cui*- AiburyP.r^ Couple M»r.led. ' TOURING CAR mediate use. rent and has 43 men under him. Miss Elsie- Benwick and Walter LACKAWANNA LAUNDRY A testimonial dinner was given at G. Kutterldge of Aib'nry Park were . COMPANY the (Imperial hotel at Long Branch married last week by 'Rev. T. A. Friday night for Assistant Prosecu- Roche, pastor of Holy Spirit church « When summer, invites you into the Aabury and Ridge Avei., tor Langdon Morris by tno Long at that place. The! groom is adver- tising manager of ths Reade thea- country, you will appreciate more Teh 1580 'Asbury P«rlt Branch American Legion, of which 1 Mr. Morris is an officer. ters at Asbury Park. • . than ever the advantages}of'Dodgfc •' Mrs. Joseph Baicr, Miss Helen Decldei to'• Go to Jail. Cartan, Frank H. Conover and Hiram Slocum of Asbury Park, BrdthersTourihgCar.dpentofresh Ralph W. Hertick won prizos at a who had appealed from a sentence air arid Sunlight the Touring .Car TWICE IN THIS bridge party given a few pignts ago of thirty days in jail on a charge Iby Miss Geraldine Brown of Mata- of drunken auto driving, appeared is healthful and delightful to drive. wan. at Freehold last week and an- \ WOMAK'S LIFE David A. Groves of Long Branch nounced his readiness to begin! serv- and two of his employees are being ing his jail tern). Moreover, it is common knowledge Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegeta- sued by West Long Branch borough Veteran Cook Dead..... , on charges of dumping garbage , everywhere that Dodge Brothers UTrigleyi' gives the penny a bigger ble Compound Helped Her within the borough limits. Calvin H. Garrett of Freehold (value lit delightful, long-lasting and from Sickness to Health . died Thursday night: at the Long "product is dependable, and will Charles Beers, Jr., who was man- Branch hospital of paralysis. He [beneficial refreshihent. ager of the Asbury-Carlton hotel at was seventy years old arid for many carry you on your way without • Ellensburg, Washington—"When Asbury Pary last summer, will man- years was employed as a.cook in I was first coming into womanhood I age the Leighton hotel at Point Coming home on ,the train or in the Buffered terribly Tunis V. Yetman'a restaurant at annovance—and at small cost Pleasant this season. Freehold: 23 years old, is at the Long Branch In South America. - hospital undergoing treatment for Captain Thomas B. Morgan of leaking valves of the heart. Asbury ParS,js in command of a The new Seacliff hotel at -Brnd- schooner which' is now in South ley Beach was 'opened Sunday with America. Captain Morgan is mak- a reception and dinner given to ing a journey, into the jungles,in about 400 guests. search of a hardwood cargo. Richard Tindall of Long Branch passed the final examination at the Splinter Cautee Infection. Columbia university college of phar- William Peterson of Farrningdale 5 Tho cia.-avia.-j picture macy lost week. has been suffering from an infected $ hows how the blue flame Mrs. Martha M. Scott, superin- finger caused by running a splinter of the Florence goes tendent of the Long Branch hos- into it. It was 'necessary for him ttraight to the cooking. pital, is enjoying a vacation at Lon- to have the finger operated on at The heal is focused jiot don, Ontario. the Long Branch hospital. where you want it Miss Ethel McCann of Freehold A Farewell Dinner. was taken to St. Francis hospital A farewell dinner was given at at Trenton last week suffering from the Jumping Brook country club appendicitis. Thursday night for Walter Stein- •A class of 100 was confirmed in bach, who sailed on Saturday for St. Rose of Lima church at Fres- Europe. The dinner wag given by Better cooking hold Sunday of last week by Bishop the directors of the dub. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Hayes of New Heating-System. Freehold are enjoying an automo- Royal F. Smith.of Elizabeth hat with this Jocus&d heat bile trip through the New England been awarded the contract for. the states. new heating and. plumbing system T'S easy to do better, cheaper, The Florence Oven is famous for fts Mits Olga Ogilvie of Keyport in ths Oakhurst school at {12302. I quicker cooking on nn oil range even baking. This is due to the "baker's graduated as a nurse from St. The work will be done during the . that directs its heat just where it will arch," which prevents air pockets, and John's hospital at, Yonkers last summer vacation. do the most good. The Florence Range to the patented heat-spreader at the week. Sentence Suipended. sends its' flame right straight to the bottom. Frank Ward O'Malley, the noted The sentence of William A. Mor- bottom of the pot, where there is work writer, is suffering a nervous break- ton, a Manasquan policemn, on his The Favor of the Evening When you see the Florence Oil Range down at his home at Brielle, conviction of assault and battery, forit. This is The principle ol focuscdheat. was suspended last week by Judge ' You waste no time or energy in at the stoje you will be delighted with Thomas White of Tennent is re- its substantial beauty." Ask to see it in modeling his houso and is having Lawrence when he learned that Nor- priming, in trimming'messy wicks, or electric lights installed - ton had resigned.. . Is in the Flavor of the Cream in cooking on a weak flume. Nor do action — you will realize that you can't Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Whitney of (Continued on next; page.) you nce.l to waste fuel on a strong afford to do without this stove with the Matawan will move to Now Bruns- NICE ice cream served at a nice party finishes the evening just wick June 1st. Jocuscd heat. , N A about as pleasantly as anything you can think,of. And New. • ' flame when a low Jlnme will do the job A son was born to Mrs. George Miss Rogers Gained — simply turn the levers and you have Jersey is fortunate in nice ice cream favored everywhere Randolph of Freehold Monday of . in the state and known everywhere in the United Stages. •vfhatt'ver degree of cooking heat you. FLORENCE STOVE COMPANY last week. 15 Pounds in Six Weeks need. William A. Morton has resigned New York omect It is apleasure tous to know that many ice cream manufacturers The Florence burns a clear, gns-liko 45 17lli Strtet, New York, N. V, from the Manasquan police force. Sltlnny Man and Woman Gain 5 come from all over America to study bur method. flame from the vapor of kerosene. It Telephone: Stiiyvunnt 31D0 Fined J2S. -_ Pound! In 30 Dayi or Money Back. is not a wick flame, such as you sec in Fred Browington of Asbury Park When they ask us how we make our ice cream, we tell them that tlottrt o! Florence Oil Ranoct, Florence Orent, was fined $25 last week for having My dear Friends: first of all we put plenty of pure cream into it. Second we use pure an ordinary lamp. Florence Water Ileaitrs and Florence Oil Ilealen stolen goods In his possession. Brow- After my. attack of Flu I was ington was charged with having 86 thin, -sun down and weak. I had a flavors and fresh fruits and finally we use the Heathized process to pieces of silver, stolon from tho tallow complexion, my cheek* were bring out those flavors and insure its purity. ' Lexington pastry shop at Asbury sunk in. and I was continually Park.7 Ho claimed ho bought the troubled with gas on my stomach. So that in most cases, whether with children or grown-ups, white articles at an auction sale. I felt stuffy and had lost my ap- you see a nice party at which they serve a nice ice cream you will r petite. I hid read ibout McCoy'* usually find that the name of that cream is FLORENCE Children tn Matawan Operetta. Cod Liver Oil Compound Tablet* Two hundred girls and boys will and decided to give them a trial. take part In an oporettn to be^Iven At once, I began to pick up an ap- on Friday afternoon nnd night of petite, my cheeks filled out and my thla'weok nt tho Mntawan high complexion became healthy looking O lilt, F. K. Co. school building. Tho production is and I sained 18 pounds in tlx weeks entitled "The Maid with the Golden nnd am very thankf'i'i for what Mc- Sllppor," Mrs. Horliort Glttlns Is Coy's Cod Liver Oil Compound directing tho children. Tablets did for me, Owneri of New Care. Mist AlborU Roferi, 2C* W, Cerro Gorda St., Decatur, III. Christian Heuscr of Mstuwan It FLORENCE OIL RANGES the owner of n now Flint touring To tako on weight, grow itro'wt 1 ; v car, Edward D. Sanford of the and vlgoroui, to fill out t>i« hollows DlyMon of National DaliyJfroducti Corporttloa j''' " ARE FOR SALE IN. RED BANK BY nhino placa h«» bought in Oakland In cheeks and neck, try MoCoy'i touring car anil Wllllnm A. Shep- Cod Llvor Oil Compound TabUti herd hit on Eiaox coach, A Studa- for SO days. 00 tablets—60 cent* DealersEverywherrtnJ'JSfewJersey taker*sedan lini been bought t>y F, at »11 live drugglati everywhere'If 'SAMUEL SWARTZ they don't give you wonderful1 help ttoyd. In 80 il»yg, got your Monty back— IRVINGTON N13WARK PERTH AMBOY T^phone 1387 . . 14 WEST FRONT STREET Married at Come. . you be the judge. But bi rare and Mm. M»ry VnnBrunt of Spring aik'for McCoy'*, tho original mdl k |ud b pt.Aj. g«AUlD.e< J-' ' ' •--\ RED" B'ANK REGISTER, MAY 27,1925. J Pao Mrs. Peter Archer of Adelphia was JtElLLY, BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. •truck by an automobile a few - COL.. Where Radio l» a ProfeMlon, Not a Side Line nights ago. Mr.~and Mrs. Archer WbltOeld Dull.., were thrown out but were not badly Johriji. Qulnn, rheodortD (Continued from lait p»Be) . WILSON ~1. Members of the graduating class hurt.- • ' '.' Burdge & Russell OOUNSEIXOM if the Freehold high school are Mackerel Biting at Piar. ; OWeeai » East >ro»t iL ompeting for gold' and silver med- Hook and line fishermen made ALSTON BEEKMAN, als to be awarded in an eiruiy con- some catches of mackerel from the 0OUN8«UX)R_AT LAW, Monmouth Radio Service \\ Expert Movers of Household Omees," 10 Broad 8U. RBD BAtlr K. . test. The awardt will be made at Long Branch fishing pier last week. the graduation. •. * - It It unusual for this variety of fisit- JAMES A. HEN0R1CKS0I Goods and Pianos. C0UN8ELL0B AT LAW,' , Second National Bank Bldg., Broad St, Red Bank, N. J. to be caught on a hook in this sec- Raised |4,000. ;.t .•';.,/' ;•'•-. :'•.: Offloaai 101 Eaat from atraak Red Bank,", Sixty Freehold men conducted a tion. •• '..' •'.',.'-.. : • ."'••. Tal, Bed Banlt (IU.B. Phone 1184. R. 8. JOHNSON, Prop. WILLIAM E. FOSTERT campaign last week to raise money To Furni.h Hotel Mu.Ie. City Movings a Specialty 0OUN8ELLOB AT LAW. for the young men's Christian asso- Harold Stilwell of Freehold has New York, .. Naw Jan •0Bd AtiUBl EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR ciation. In four days they secured signed a contract to furnish the mu- contributions, and pledges ambant- sic at the Monterey hotel at'Asbury Large, Well Padded Vans GEORGP. D. COOPER, injf t»?4,0pO,'; .; : •:.:..; -Park' for the: fourteenth- consecu- OIVIL CNOINEER, tive (season., • Careful, Courteous, Experienced Men Sueeaaaor te. Otorta Cooper, 0. B. A Limn Shower. • , • • •Patterao atMiautni Building;uuilUlllVr<••',: :<. . nbl/'OflnnRED BANKi CTs. N, W4i A surprise linen shower was given Freehold M<"> to Wed.'. GEORGE K. ALLEN, Jr., C £.;«si GAROD ZENITH ast Wfe&for Miss Esther Hollander William Carney, an employee of Sight Seeing Busses for all Occasions GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, C. E. OIVIL ENGINEERS AND BUItVEVOItV at the home of Mrs. Harry Schin-ttje Freehold, water, department, and »0 Broad Street. B«d Bant. N. i. ALSO AGENTS FOR dlefvOf • Asbury Park.' Miss Hol- Mrs. .Jane Grady of Glenville, Now Anywhere, Any Time. WALTER a VAN KEUREN, ander I5 engaged to wed A. Gdlis York, will be married early next CIVIL ENGINEEB AND SUVi ; of flew York.. ' . .' ; month. ... • • . Fireproof Storage: Packing and Expreii. 1" Broad Streal NaUonil Bank BulWlqj, Rid BaaiV, N. J. Stromberg-Carlson, Paragon, aitor Operated On. Seagirt Man to Wed. . GEORGE Met TAYLOR, C. B. Office: Globe Court and Mechanic Street CONSULTINO ENOINEEB, .Rev.'Walter H. Semple, pasto? of George E. Cure.of Seagirt and CIVIL ENQINEER and SURVEYOR. he Manasquan Presbyterian church, Barbara E. Yogeney' of New York Bti Rector Place. Ited BanV" N. J. Western Electric. underwent an operation fot the re- will be married at New York on Tel. 894 RED BANK, N. J. DR. HAROLD J. STOKES, DENTAL SURGEON. moval of an Intestinal obstruction June 6th. Mr. Cure is a carpenter. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4« **•••••»»»•• Sueeeaaor to Dr. Funk Lte. at tho Orange Memorial hospital — r- r 1 <2 It Broad Etnat, Elan.r BaUdln*. Autoist Jailed. Rooms t, 6 and 6. ast week/. , . Qus Conover, a colored garage Offlca Hoars SilO to 6:00 Veloak, Tulaphona S02.W Bigr Catches of Mackerel. man of Freehold, was sentenced to WILLIAM A. HOPPING, Boston'mackerel were caught in sixty days in jail last week on Real Eatatt Brokar, arge .quantities'- by the Seabright charge of driving a car. while drunk. Trial Bulldlnir, 41) BROAD : f RED BANK. «. J. fishermen last .week. On Wednes- Champion Tea Drinker. ' day over 600 barrels were landed. Bradley Beach now claims a tea- The fieh sold at 11 cents a pound drinking champion in the person of BKleadsWoilSyrup wholesale. Lew Meyerson, who says he drinks Died of Old Age. from 46 to 48 cups of tea.a day. Carefully Mrs. Carrie G. Chandler, widow Odd Fellowt' Demonstration. of Augustus Chandler, died at her . years'' tea. 'gold etew wliaraj A degree demonstration was held mall;, »o » bottle. • home at Long Branch last* Wednes- at the Allentown lodge of Odd Fel Bet. C. A.-Vootteea, M. D. rkBaiatoaJai day of old ege. Mrs. Chandler was Compounded lows last week, when a class of 85 years old and was-bom,near twenty candidates was initiated. f Matawan. Summer Policemen. EGAN S Habit Forming Clinic. Cleveland Taggart, Theodore " The LOUD; Branch hospital has es- Crammer and Joseph Sullivan have tablished a clinic to aid mothers In Auto Vans and Express been added to the Asbury Park po Now that moving time la nsar t ausj training tHelr children in good hab- precartd to do jrour eat moTlng of rarnS lico fofce for summer duty. 1 tun, oUnos or bugw* to all nrli o# > ts, such as eating proper food, obe- The careful compounding of- pre- city 6r,oountrr, la the Urgest padiad »anT dience, the use of money, proper New Restaurant Proprietor. in Bed Bank. Bafore yon bate Torn seat scriptions is just as important as the moving dona, write, send or eaU for the play, etc. . Angelos Comidas of Newark haL only reliable furniture moiera In tows, ami leased the.restaurantjn the Belmont get my prices on your next Job. All klnda Long Branch Woman Dead. choice of a doctor when you or your of hear/ or llgbt tmoklng dona it abort hotel building at Freehold and will notice, Call or addnsa Mr*. Deborah J. Wright, an oldopen it next week. loved ones are sick. Eident of Long Branch, died p J. T. EX3AN Avon Property Sold. 11 WALL STREET, RED BANK; Thursday at the home of her. The best efforts of your doctor will go Residence Phone) 292-R ' daughter, Mrs. C. L, Morris. She Thomas C. C. Hann of Newark T Tp and down-—back and forth—all daylong. has bought a house and' lot at Avon for" naught if what he prescribes is not Office Phon. 539-R N was 82 years old and leave's seven 10 WHARF AVENUE vJ Tireless feet that scrape and pound. Grit children.' : from Robert R. Branin. The house carefully followed to the last item. Cook—Springer. has eight rooms. that grinds—wet that.rots> Pity the poor floor! We specialize in this work and are Miss Clara E. Cook; daughter of Three Fine;r« Cut Off. worthy of your trust. - Or, better still—save^ it with Devoe Marble Perririe Cook of Farmingdale, ^and John Magee of Morganville lost Andrew J. Hill George' E. Springer, also of that three fingers in an accident last Floor Finish Varnish. ' \ ' • place,'Were married'at West Ocean week at a Matawan factory, where Paper Hanging Grove Thursday night by Rev. J. J.he is employed. . - Painting and ; SCHROEDER'S PHARMACY It seals the floor against abuse—reveals the Messier'. -•' • Wnnti Another Term. Decorating Corner Stone Laying. Maypr Thomas, J. Gilmour of H. C. HUBBARD, Prop. Exporiencad b all bnuclit)* [natural beauty of the wood. Brushes out evenly The corner stone of the new high Keansburg has announced that he —dries quickly. Result:—a durable, elastic, school at; Freehold,will be laid Fri- wjU be a candidate for another 16 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Estimatea FornUhad day afterppon of this week. Charles term. 14 WORTHLEV STREET all-protecting film. J. Strahan, assistant commissioner New Matawan Bungalow. of education, y\\\ be the principal L. H. Stemler of Matawan is Telephone 146. Telephone 38. a Red Bank, N. J. When you want to know anything about paint speaker,' . .'.'..'.".' ... building a bungalow of four rooms PLooe 1416 R«a Bank Bennett-j—Thomaa. . and bath for his own occupancy. or painting drop in and discuss your problems Ethel M. Bennett, daughter of Salvation Army Quota Exceeded. • with us. Howard Bennett of Asbiiry Park, Over $4,000 WBB raised for th was married Wednesday to Or,ville Salvation army last week at Asbury Telephone 936 ' ' S. Thomas.of Neptune City. Rev. ParR; The quota was $3,500. J. J., Messier performed the cere--Visitad-Tannant Church. •'-- - Red—Bank Hardware Store inonyl '.".'[ . " T The history_class qf_ the Long _ ~ 3 fiOBERT DONOVAN, Prop. ~ " "~"~ - To_Vqte ^ojsalj jlJL _ Branch high school yislteiTOld'Ten- Hardware, Painti and Oilr ~HouseHolcrUteiislli—— The voter3 of Asbury ParkvSil nent church list week. ------38 Monmouth St. Red Bank, N. J. vote at the general election Novenv Auto Buiinoij Sold. ' ber 3d on the proposition of build- C. H. Clayton has sold his garag ing a convention hall and amuse- and auto agency at Freehold to S ment center at a cost of ?1,250,000. B. King of Marlboro. More Trout Liberated. When [Better Automobiles Are Built, Buicfc Will' Build Them When>bu Wani to Know^DE VOE New Postmaster. .._..• Game Warden Davison' last week George W. Kampf, a West Long deposited, a load of rainbow trout in Branch electrician, is the new post- Pine and Hockhocksen brooks at master at that place. Tinton Falls and in Wemrock and Topanemus Brooks at Englishtown. Buys Blooded Stock. Do You Know Today's Lewis Kneisler of Imlaystown has bought, two thoroughbred Holstein cows from Jacob Zlotkin of Free- Oakland Six? hold. The cows now produce over thirty quart!) of milk a day each. Tailori Organize. The tailors in the shore townB have formed an association for their mutual protection. Charles G. Bahian of Asbury Park is presl' dent and John Harris secretary. Fire Explodes Shell.

A three-inch'< army shell was ex- ; 120-iaIIon capacity pump. «O-cjcI« ploded in a forest fire near Howard L motor, 8>8allon, fcQ/1 7^1 ft (air. tank. coriipleU ipOtal O Emmohs's saw mill at Farmingdcle /". o. b, factory last week. Fragments of the shell were found after the explosion, The Cheapest Party for School Teacher. X surprise birthday party was / "Hired Helpi' given last week by the teachers of the Allentown public school for You Can Get I. Miss Margaret Dominick of Mata- i Water Under Pressure wan, a teacher at tho school. iWater under pressure savestlme tost, in pumping and carrying water. And; Why do you $ at Spraina Ankle in Fall. provides abundant i Miss Marguerite Johnson of f. ijx water for every purpose, instead ol tha factory 1 J skimpy, hand-pumped allowance. . Coach 1215 Bradley Beach suffered a sprained J" Abundant water adds to your proflM.' find better workmath Qmetal Moron' Time-Payment Plan iaves you money livestock and garden! lose a day's), ankle last week in n fall on the growth when they go thlnty for a few t floor in .the Asbury Park Press of- hours. Water under pressure will' You don't know the Oakland of today until you have driven the •horten the work. too. of eleinlni ship in Wrick motor fice, whore she is employed. turns and dairy. It will Increase tha new Oakland Six. Even with all the good things people are now Snedeker—Dennan. milk yield with the lame feed. Adds to Comfort While i'i cars? laying about the car you must know it first-hand to appreciate , Announcement hns been rnado of Increasing Profit u, ••.''* It. f=> /=> Accept our invitation to put an Oakland to any test that the mnrrlnge of Miss Mnrjorlo E. And while It Is Increasing proSts and Snedeker of Manaiquan to Richard esvinR time and labor, water under yoii want to, Certainly it's good business on your part to know pressure mnkea your home more Bennen of Princeton. Tho mar- healthful—more liveable. It Is the key; comparative car values before you make your choice. & & Learn riage took place May 10th. to (he modem home—bath. Inside _jllSWer* Buick's precision methods are toilet, and labor-saving laundry and what Oakland's powerful six-cylinder L-Hcad engine —four- Ailenhurst Resident Dead. | kitchen. ., wheel brakes—'Fisher body—-Duco finish—centralized controls Frederick A. II0M0 of AUcnhurst }L I Tlicro la a Folrbanki-Morsa U, possible because of Buick's great volume. It and balloon tires ° actually mean to your driving satisfaction. - died last Wednesday after n short 'I' •) Outflt for Your Home > sickneis. Ho leaven a widow nnd , Whatever your source ol supply— would be impossible to put such fine workman- if aprlnii. like, shsllow well, deep well ope ion. Mr. Hcalo conducted a —whether you live In a small bunga> butter and ogg business, low or on a country tstate, there la* i ship into Buick cars for their price, if Buick T. H. McKnight Filrbinks-Morse Homo Water riant Two Matawan Candidates. that fjja your needa »nd your purse.l' U EAST FRONT ST, RED HANK 2(»as!lon and larger aliea gWe real ' , , PB»« 701 , Joel A.- Walling nnd William H. flteprotKllon, Everyone ofthe out- built but a few thousand cars a year. Dlggln iro candidates for the offlco flta Is supplied with ilia world-limoui W1NNINO n A N D ,' KOI D1NO < OOOD WILL Falrbanka-Morae pump. Electric, gu> of borough colloctor of Mntawan on ollne pr kerosene power can be used tha Republican ticket. Mr. Dlggln for operation. j Is collector at pro»ont. Turn B Faucet on On« of Fir* Damages Bungalow. . Thoso OutOtt \ OAKLAND SIX Turn a/aucet on .... of these „„,„,outfit*, A bungalow at Holmnr, owned by •nd,see for yoursr|f th,e! wateatr prpreaaurprmure e PRODU C;T OP OEU E R. A4. • M OTO RS E. L. Rlloy, w»i d«m»nod to tho ox- ft glrea youu, ,all all iht A lim:Imt. .TrTryy the aatt- tachmenl thahat giveilvn* roil frasfreih wster tont of $2,000'last Wednosdny night whenever you wanwsntt ItIf.WateIf. WateWtrr uridiiuiiiid r H. L,. ZOBEL ••' 1 by R flro which started from ft do prei.ure Is tha cheapest Hnrant you / can dire. Let us give you complete, in- foctlvo ght itovo. , / formatloa sj" Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor New. Drum Corps. , I Phone, write or com In ind M« US. MaiMMUih Count/ Orphana Court. dscaaaail |i InsuflUlent to par bar deMa, Umanta and real aatate of tha aald da aH . : A»rll T*tm. A, 1), IMI. mill rmuaillnii tha aid «( tin Court In eeaaad ahould not be anlil is will be lUf Xho Freehold lodfc-o of,Elk] hm In Ui« nuttentt r ell thth i attaltla 00'' HniBr«i tfta pramloa, It It Itiarafore ordered that lalsnt to par her liable, or the real<|u< org»nliid n. (Ifo nnd drum carpi WHad T Red Bank, N. J. Sea Bright, N. j, , Itn>Ut IMirtaiat ItKkar), illis l •II paraona Inlaraalad In the lands, tana, fhereof, as tha ease may rai)ulit, , , ohDtlf V(5 BIIOW OAUs mtnu and haradlUminta and rail, mate, or she Court, ' . compoidd ot ^ovon drummon, four- «t th« ••Id deeeaasd. appear before thi JOBEriltU DONAHAV, teen flfori, four buglen anil ono Telephone 955 iV.. Court, at the Court House, In Fraahold, on i BuriogatiBurroaal . arl. hsv Triiirtdir. ttw, iwtnlfMtn ity «f Jun«, Palail April Hat, /.P. ) til. cymbnl player. Dont nut that out-irrown furnl lU hudd d twntf» r oath, A. U> nineteen hundsrtl ,aridl t«rant».l»e luro in tli'c attic. Soil It througli •stua* (three i' It piyi to »dv«rtli« ln'Tho Fegu Aulo Hlli W«|on. , . Lute* Jjoniihontl1* dopurtmunt «t Xh hw«4> «AdY«tU»mt , A- ytgon oqoupjid by Mr, »nd WIIEN»BETTCB. AUTOMOBILES. A1VE DUIITI ' ftED BANK BEGISTER.MAY 27.192&

NEW ROUTE FAVORED. , final examinations in • few d«yi. son'* fun. The eontut wai clou Mm. Fannie Longttreet tha heart Glrli Ft Myers U calleV 5 Your Home With Oil! Twenty-five pupil* are. in the class. and exciting throughout, with first prise and Mrs. William Kaneythe At ft fleetinfg g of theg girls' com- Hicowty Comraliiion Will Appropri- The'commencement exercises • will ne tiara »nd;thtn the other In the consolation prize. ,- - munitity clulbb of^LonfL g BBranchh llast 'The City of Palm." " ata $200,000 for Back Rout*. be held on June 18th ot 19th. ad. "Mrs. H. C. Mecklom is visiting week Miss Margaret Ways was' ap- The freeholders were informed at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Miller of Fred Horifall, Jr., had an'opera- relatives at Portland, Maine. pointed chairman "of the ways and WHY?, t their meeting last week that the Anglesea, in South Jersey, have Ion for tonsil trouble last week at Mrs. George Cook of Brooklyn la means' committee, Miss Caroline state highway commission is ready rented a house on Second street. e Long Branch hospital. He wasspending several days with .her Bell chairman of the publicity com- , See page 5 '' to contribute $200,000 toward a Part of Navestnk avenue, which the hospital two days. daughter, Mrs. S. Vincent Willis. mittee, and Miss Anna West chair- NO LABDR ' NO COAL ' NO ASMS back routo from the proposed bridge Is being paved with concrete, has School will dose, for the summer man of the' membership committee. at Avon to relieve congestion on the been reopened. Work on the road •acation on June 12th. The .Regiiter's mftto—"A paper for particular! wrltt or plona In every home."—Adveifatment, state highway route No. 4 through is being pushed in order to have the James Soden caught six large It pays to advertise In .the Rejrjsur. GOODPYE D. H. BENNETT the shore towns. The back road will job Completed before the summer drp^near the Phalanx bridge laet connect with an improved highway season sets in. eek. INDIGESTION ) FAIR HAVEN. N. J. at West Long Branch. The free- MichaefMondet's house on Fourth The ' strawberry . festival which ' i Demomtralton. at Monmoutb Plumblnc and Supply Co., Rid Bani, N. J. holders will go over tho proposed street has been rented to a New- n to have been' held tomorrow S. ft and .GAS Wimlow Boiler & Engineering Company, route and arrange for conferences ark club. light at the chapel has been post- Announce th« Opening of Their with the officials of the districts in TAKE : m 11» ined. WEST END BEAUTY PARLORS which the road will co. MARLBORO NEWS. The play of "frying Th«m Out" This Store Will Close at 6:00 P. M. Friday It was also reported that the high- illl be given at the schoolhouse Fri- Extenslvo alterations-and the installation of highly modern way commission has decided to pen-C. H. Pattenon Movoa from Brook- equipment makes this tha most up-to-date and pleasant lyn to HousaHa Bought H«re. ay night by the young folks of the shop in New Jersey. • ' CLOSED ALL DAY DECORATION DAY alize the Galena-Poole company of immunity league.' Trenton to the amount of $6,199.63 C' H. Patterson of Brooklyn has for their failure to lay. concrete with completed alterations to his home Permanent Waving a uniform thickness on tha Free- purchased from the James _H. Baird RIVER PLAZA NEWS. by Expert and Skilled New York Operators , < . hold-Smithburg road. estate and moved his family there iouiwarmlng Party Given for Mr«. • • a» on Tuesday, Hair Dyeing and Bleaching Fred RecheUV Last We?k, • HIGHLANDS NEWS. J. H. VanMater visited his sister by Specialists in this most important department at Lincroft and his son Albert at The members of the Woman's Hairdressing, Water Waving, Facials, Funeral of Fitzhugh L. Miller Hold Colt's Neck tho past week. ub gave a housewarmlnje party for Lait Thursday. Miss Marjorie Ely was e week- Irs. Fred Rochelle last Thursday Scalp Treatments, Manicuring, Etc. "• The funeral of Fitzhugh L. Miller end visitor at her hdme here. ight at her new home on Carpen- ' BA'RBER SHOP ADJOINING of this place, who died from injuries Leon Conover is adding to the ir street. A merry time was Lidlei' and Children'i Bobbing a Specialty received when he dove into shal- appearance of his home wuich" he lyed by everyone, . DEMONSTRATION SALE low water while he was swimming purchased recently by giving it a Mrs. Alex Spenee spent last week • MAYPINKS CO^ at Pleasure Bay, was held last coat of paint, the first in many 'ith friends at Brooklyn. - H. BUTTS, Inc. LAST TWO DAYS St. Andrew's church years. ' • The 600 dub met last Thursday 619 Ocean Avenue West End, New Jersey Thursday. May 28, Friday, May 29, until 6 P. M. and was one of the largest funerals Mrs. Quick of Pennsylvania was Mist Lena Borland's. Mrs. Ed Opp. Wait End Sboro Club. Tel. Long Branch 1877 at this place in years. The service the, guest of her brother, C. J.ward Scattergood won first prize, Branch of 889 Seventh Ave. and Hotel Vandorbilt, N. Y. C. Ail Druggists LOOK! COMPARE! BUY! was conducted by Rev.' Howard Courtright, a.part of last week. Mrs. John McClaih, second prize, Frazer, rector of the church, and Miss Doretta Cottrell visited her 81x90 Pequot Sheets, each ...... $1.59 Rev. Mr. Grimshaw. Delegations Mother at Allentown on Sunday. were present from the Masonic, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson 45x36 Pequot Pillow cases, each ..., .39 Elks' and Red Men's lodges and thereturned on Tuesday from a visit 72x90 Ripplette Bedspreads* each .. 1.69 fire company. The-burial was made with their son at Highlands. at Stone church. The bearer^ were Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Palmer at- Opaque Window Shades, each ...., .50 Herbert Hunter, Frank Reid, C. tended graduation exercises at the 40-in. Printed Voiles, yd...... ,.., .25 Mell Johnson, Allen Liming, Ran- theological seminary at New Bruns- dolph Borden and Nathaniel Craw- wick last Wednesday. Cretonne Bungalow Scarfs, ea. ...— .39 ley. Mr. Miller is survived by his F. T. Burke and family spent the mother, Mrs. Frank Layton, and heweek-end at Manasquan beach. Lorig Cloth, 10-yd. piece •., 1.59 also leaves three brothers and three Heavy Bath Mats . .69 sisters, they being Mrs. Emma LINCROFT NEWS. Qrimshaw, Mrs. Fred Corse, Mrs. Ladies' Rayon SilK Hose, pr. .,..., .69 Gertrude Adair and Elmer, Russell MM. Montague's Funeral—Oil Bad- 1 Novelty Silk Gloves, pr .-.« 1.29 and Malcolm Miller. ly Needed—Home Nino. Wini. Rev. Edward Weeks is attending The funeral of Mrs. Jane Mon: Ribbed Rayon Vests . . . .i 1.19 a summer school for. clergymen at tague, one of the most respected colored residents of this place, was Nainsook Princess Slips, ea. .,... :<1 1.19 Madison. Cyril Parker has been appointed held Friday. It was largely attend- Ladies' Colored Umbrellas, ea. .. 1.49 a Bpecial inspector by the state ed not only by members of her own race but also by white folks. Burial Exceptional Hand Bags, ea : 2.69 board of health. Mrs. Frank Horan gave ibirth towas made at White Ridge cemetery Shetland Wool, ball . .-., . .14 a son last Wednesday at the Long at South Entontown. Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs, ea. ..•..-. .10 Branch hospital. Mrs. Horan was Oil is badly needed on the county formerly Miss Viola Beige. road. Dust was flying thick and . Joseph • Bennett's baseball toara fast from the road' last week. This Store Will Cloae at 6:00 P. M. Friday held a dance last Saturday night at The'boys' baseball team trimmed CLOSED ALL DAY DECORATION DAY Kruse's pavilion. a team from Red Bank last week by The pupih of the graduating class a score of 12 to 11. The game was of the public school will take their played on a lot in Lewis S. Thomp-

We Want YOU as avMember of tke Million Dollar Club * You Are Eligible For Membership

i^iigjifoatristcr''™- -*-—— If you want to own your own Lome tome day. . •.., ..'..- If you want..a fund to pay your insurance, taxes, etc. If you want a fund for the education of your toy or girl. , If you do not want to be dependent upon others in your old age.

CLASS A MEMBERSHIP' Chart Showing WEEKLY DEPOSITS at Your Age, to Reach Amount You Want at Age of 65.Years, • With Interest at 4% Per Annum, Compounded Every Three Months. YOUR PRESENT AGE Amount IPriywess in Sport— you want 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 45 50 at ijt 65 y Progress in Industry- $ 5 000 $0.76 $0.84 $0.93 $1.02 $1.14 $1.26 $1.41 $1.57 $1.76 $1.96 $2.21 $3.14 $4.63 10,000 1.53 1.68 . 1.86 2.05 2.28 2.53 2.82 3.15 3.52 3.93 4.42 6.29 9.27 Leadership in F'asHion— 15,000 2.29 2.52 2.79 3.07 3.42 3.79 4.23 4.72 5.28 5.89 6.63 9.43 13.90 20,000 3.06 3.36 3.72 4.10 4.56 5.06 5.64 6.30 7.04 7.86 8.84 12.58 18.54 25,000 3.82 4.20 4.65 5.12 5.70 6.32 7.05 7.87 8.80 9.82 11.05 15.72 23.17 To live in America--to look like .an American-to dress 30,000 4.58 5.04 5.58 6.14 6.84 7.58 8.46 9.44 10.56 11.78 13.26 18.86 27.80 40,000 6.12 6.72 7.44 8.20 9.12 10.12 "11.28 12.60 14.08 15.72 17.68 25.16 37.08 like an American-that's a popular ambition abroad-so lift 50,000 7.64 8.40 9.30 10.24 11.40 12.64 14.10 15.74 17.60 19.64 22.10 31.44 46.34 Money Deposited May BeWithdrawn at Any Time With Interest at4% Per Annum up your head, throw out your chest and dress the part.

• ' •-. • . • •••••• • i CLATS B MEMBERSHIP Chart Showing ^WEEKLY DEPOSITS at Present Age of Child, to Reach the Amount You Need When Child is 18 Years Old, to Send Your Child to College or Give It a Start in Business. I PRESENT AGE OF CHILD Ruppenheimer Amount for Child 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 •t age 18 14 ' $ 100 $0.08 $0.09 $0.10 $0.11 $0.12 $0.13 $0.14 $0.16 $0.19 $0.22 $0.25 $0.28 $0.35 $0.44 and,our own special makes, in the new shades of blue, 200 .16 .17 .19 .21 .23 .25 .28 .32 .38 .43 .49 .57 .69 .89 gray and tan, some with two pairs of pants-others with 3C0 .24 .26 .29 .32 .35 .38 .42 .48 .57 .65 .74 .85 1.04 1.33 40C .32 .34 .38 .42 .46 .50 .56 .64 .76 .86 .98 1.14 1.38 1./8 knickers to match. 500 .40 .43 .47 .52 .57 .63 .70 .78 .89 1.02 1.19 1.42 1.74 2.22 1,000 .79 .86 .94 1.03 1.13 .1.25 1.40 1.57 f.78 2.05 2.39 2.84 3.48 4.44 2,000 1.58 1.72 1.88 2.06 2.27 2.51 2.79 3.14 3.56 4.09 4.78 5.69 6.97 8.89 I 2,500 1.99 2.16 2.35 2.57 2.83 3.13 3.49 3.92 4.45 5.12 5.97 7.11 8.71 11.11 Money Deposited May I3e Withdrawn at Any Time With Interest at 4';'o Rgr Annum $2500 to $0500

Select Your Class, Come In "With, Your First Deposit. Accessories to complete your' > Help You By Paying 4% Interest Which is Compounded Every Three Months. Memorial Day Outfit Accounts Can Be Opened By Mail. you ivill wonder why you didn't start toonor when you.sco your money piling up so fnst. It will mean success to you somo day and success moans independence, Straw Hats - $2.00 to $5.00 Phoenix Hosiery 35c to $2.50 Manhattan Shirts, $2.50 to $10 Nobby Neckwear 65c to $3.00 MERCHANTS TRUST CO. f NO. 62 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. Open 0*11/ from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Saturdays ifrom 0 A. M. to 12 Noon "• J OFFICERS - —- CHARLES II. THROCpiOIlTON, Pronldcnt ARCHIBALD L. MILLER, Vlco President JAMBS D. OTTERSON, JIV., Vlco Prcs. nnd Treni. EDGAB N. McCLEES, Secretary I DIRECTORS ARCHIBALD h. MILLER JAMES D. OTTEUSON, Jit. WALTER 0. FRENCJI RED BANK JACOB YANKO JOSEPH L. DONAHAY CHARLES II. THROCKMOnTON 0RANDIN V. JOHNSON JOHN J. QUINN .WARREN II, SMOCK ,*,,Q, HAHOLDNEVIUS WILLIAM A. BARRY , Store Closed Memorial Day—Op^jn F'rlday Evening. ;3' i ',*, '• 'US >'• BANE TER r Uni4 WeiMr, EoUrtd « Btfowl-CUoi'Matter •« tht Pott. OLUMEXLVil; NO. cfflot •) Red fiuk, M, Janata tfct Art of M«»ti Id. Mil. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1925. $1.50.FER YEAR. PAGES 13 TO,!

Rait; and Harry A. Brown have ANOTHER POPPY SALE. HAVEN'S TAXES.iPLENTY OF CANDIDATES. filed petitions at candidates for the LITTLE SILVER MAY PAVE INJURED WORKERS AIDED DENTIST BUYS A HOME. BOUGHT A LARGE HOUSf Democratic and Republican nomina- They Will, be Sold on Friday and Saturday, by War Veteram. IMPLAINTS' OVERvTrlE BIG THE-MEN READY TO RUN FORtions and Robert NWelss is seeking ONS1DERING CONCRETE FOR SEVERAL ARE GRANTED COM- TOWN WILL GAIN DR. PEARCE LOUIS PRATE INCREASES HIJ INCREASE • W_TAX; RATE. IREfr "BAN* JCOUNCILMEN. the nomination on the Republican THREE STREETS. PENSAT1ON AWARDS. Hed Bank post of the Veterans 1 ticket., Mr. and Mrs. Alexander of Foreign Wars will hold its an-, FOR A RESIDENT. REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS. J lyor Crots Shewed that the In,1 Thro at Thnrara on Join Repufc. Adatt are, running for members of irge Atttndance at a Meeting John L. Pearaall of Fair Haran nual sale of poppies on Friday and 1 He." hie * Bought from Mn. Minor, Hia Latett Purchaae ia tie Augus'l preaie ««' Dae to Inereaied lUan land Democratic Primary thonBfpublic'an •- county-executive Lait Nifht and a Special Com- Gets Award for Injury Suffered Saturday of this week on the streets Brown the Houio on the Weit tui W. Haviland House and Latj School Expandlturei, which were TlekeU—Three Candidate! for committee, for the first. district and/ mittee of Cititeni Appointed to in 1923—Atlantic HlgMandrMan in the bprough. The first poppy Side of South Street which U Oc- at the Corner ot Mechanic and'? Bring in a Report. • Reported Injury too Late. ' - L Voted'for-by lh« People. < JuitUe, On* of Thtm a Woman. Mrs.; Anna D. Gilbert is running -for will be'sold Friday morning by Ser- cupied by William S. Smock. Mount Streeta, ' , t. Th«re is no ,lack ot candidates The taxes at Fair Haven,'are membera: of, trie .Democratic execu- The' largest and' most interesting Compensation, was granted to geant'George T. Smith to Mayor Tho house and lot nt the south* C' for councilmen in Red .Bank tois tive commtitee, -In the second dis- William H. R, White. Mayor White pr. William M. Pearce, who is as-r { fan higher this year than last nesting that .themayor and council several injured workmen".in .this sociated with Dr. Frank L. Manning wesfcorner of Mechanic street and.-^ ar -and there has been much year. Usually it is hard work to trict Mr*. Josephine; P: Hardy has if' tittle Silver.have held in a long section by the. state commissioner, has issued a proclamation endorsing l; scare up a flock,of candidates suffi- in' the' practice of dentistry at Bed Mount street in Rod Bank, oyfhetf rnplalnt on the part of the tax- flled>» was 81 cents on $100, and the Democratic ticket. Mr. Francis Winchester H.'Packer for'miyor. to move in the house next fall. ,At of the best builders Red Bank has) eport which had- been, circulated mund Eisner company of Bed the poppy sale headquarters in : e "borough rate this year will have no opposition for the nom- The terms of Councilmen' William present they are living' at Mana- ever had. The mate'rials of which. 1 hat the property owners would 6e Bank, was confirmed upon a re-ex- Frank Leslie's electrical store on the house Is built are also the old*' ),i cents on $100. This is an ination. Mr. Worfhley withdrew his W. Letson ind John Stprer. expire Monmouth street. . ' squan. Dr. Pearce haa been asso- ircaqe of only 3% cents on JJ.OO. and they will run again. Mr. Let> assessed for half the cost .of the amination. Miss Squillante bruised ciated with Dr. Manning for some time kinds, with much heavier tint-', name on' Monday and th,e only way mprovement and that the assess- her finger while t.miming overalls MayorM' ' CrosCss said that the in- the Republicans am nominate •, can- son is a Democrat and Mr. Storer is time past, with offices in the Broad bers and much heavier general con-^ very largely a Repubfican. .Walter J..'Sweeney, ment at, the rate of $2.50 and an infection set in which even- A NEW TEA ROOM. street national bank building, - struction than the houses of these eeasa e in taxes was didate for this place,is by writing lineal, foot. Most of the proper- tually involved her hand and fore- his name on the primary ballot on will run; for councilman on the latter days. Tho house was framed r ie'to the Increased cost of run- es are farm lands. arm. Her award had been fifty The Taylor Homeitead at Middle- J prlhiery dsy. „ Democratic ticket arfd James H. town Rented for Thii Purpote. DEDICATORY EXERCISES; of heavy posts and big sills, Inter-* - 5i ng the public schools. He said Johnson will run for justice of the Senatpr William A., Stevens, the weeks' pay at $8,66 a week -for ties and plates, in the manner iiu e school tax rate laet year was J, Blrdsall Pharo got himself peace on the Democratic ticket. He orough counsel, stated that the re- 33 1-3 per cent loss of her left The, historic Dr. Taylor home- Program of Ceremonial at' Fair which houses were built before the! > ,ft.cents on $100, while this year nominated On both tickets fog a full was the only candidate who filed a >ort that the, cost would be at the hand. stead on the King's Highway at View Cemetery on Saturday. days of what is known as "ballooan o school tax rate was $1.68 on term. His name *vill appear'as a petition for that office. •ate of $2.60 a foot to the property . Alfred M. Hawkins of Fair Ha- Middletown village has been rented frame construction" set in. Al-j 00. This is nearly double the itfners was entirely wrong. He ex- furnished for five years by Mrs. The exercises at Fair View eeme. candidate' for councilman on the ven was awarded twenty weeks' tery Decoratio'h day afternoon at thougli the house is upwards of' hool tax rate of last year. The primary ballots of both parties. Llttla Silver to Hare a New Mayor. ilained that no one knew how large permanent' compensation at $17 a James Stryker of Rumson. The fifty years old, it will stand a hun-, ntagh officials, he said, had he assessment would be until the rental-was made by the Hadley-Hall the unveiling of the monument in Two'other candidates for council- J.' Elwood Harvey's term as may- week for the loss of the left third memory.of the 29th regiment will dred years or longer with ordinary^ ithlng whatever to do with run- men have filed, petitions > entitling- or.of the borough of Little Silver imount of the benefits to the prop- finger and 3% weeks at the same real estate firm of Red Bank. Mrs. ng the schools. That was done irty owners' had been determined Stryker conducts the Orangs Lan- begin at three o'clock with Ered W. care, them to a place on each primary expires this year and he will/not be rate for the loss of part of his Hope as chairman. The program tJrely by the school board. He a candidate for' re-election. Ellas y the property owners. He said it tern tea room at Hurason and Ehe The transfer of title will be made; ballot. These men BTO Charles H. fourth finger. He was employed on will be asTbllows: next month. The price paid for the rther said that the school board English and Alphonso M. Gasklll. S. Black haa filed a petition for the was becoming more and more, the the-William H. English estate in will opeft a larger tea room at the uld ortly do what the people of practice not to levy special assess- Taylor homestead, where she will Patriotic airs by Camp Vail band. property was $7,500. Mr. PrateV On the Republican primary ballot nomination ior mayor on the Re- Middletown. . Invocation b? Rev. Frank H. ilr Haven \oted for them to do. publican ticket. His petition was ments against property owners but feature, ancient Monmouth. county bought the place as an investment* ie school board could not spend three other names will appear for James Grimsldal of Shrewsbury Shermer. • He "has previously bought several full terms. These names are those the only one filed for that office and o raise the amount needed by'tax- avenue, Red Bank, received an hospitality. The house will be sur- ie' cent of the taxpayers' money it is not likely that he will bo op- tion. He stated that the county rounded with old-fashioned flower Singing of. America by assem- pieces of real estate in that part t)ess the taxpayers voted for of Alden S. Mason, William W. award of $16.67-a week for 1% blage, led by Mrs. Donchian and of Red Bank. Cook and Nathan A. Sutton. The posed. The tcrmB of Councilmen freeholders were improving roads in weeks and temporary disability al- gardens, rose arbors, jasmine-bor- lem to spend it. He said the John Bates and John A. Gamewel ;his manner. dered paths, sun gardens and moss Mrs. Beene. lople of Fair Haven' had voted names of William W. Cook and Na- lowance at the same weekly rate Address by Rev. W. E. Braisted DRUG BUSINESS SOLD. than A. Sutton for full terms, and expire this year. Mr. Bates, and ' After remarks had been made by for fifteen weeks. He injured a backed rock pools. To tho'antique raise $28,000 to bui)d a new collection of Taylor furniture at the on "Memorials of What?" George C. Worthley for the short Frank- Dean are candidates this 'arious persons a committee of six finger while working for Peter ,Di- Hollywood'* Pharmacy Bought Yea* hool and that it was costing the year and .they will run on the Re- homestead will be added old-fash- Solo by Mrs. Angel Agnes Don- term, were all placed on one Repub- itizens was appointed to make a Ponte. .;' chian.. , terday by Corneliua Aller, ; 'ople of Fair Haven $5,000 a year- publican ticket. No petitions were eport at the next council meeting ioned furniture from the Stryker lican petition) with One set of sign- George Hartung of Atlantic house near Mount Vernon. An- Presentation of flagpole by P. J. Hollywood's pharmacy, one of thef i send their higher grade class ers .for -the three. The names of filed by Democrats. •-: to the proposed improvement. oldest drug businesses at Eed Bank,7 illdren to the Red Bank high Highlands, who claimed he suffered other feature will be colored serv- Gisles'on, state; council. conductor, Mr. Cook and Mr. Sutton will not be Union Beach Democratic Ticket. The committee consists of three cit- a rupture last month while working oh behalf-of the'American Mechan- was bought yesterday by Cornellils' hool. Tho increase in taxes had izens appointed by J. 'filwood Har- ants, homespun hangings, tallow bracketed together, as the law per- Ajmmber of Democrats gathered in Joseph Banfield's boat works, candles and pretty much all the ics past councilors'association. Aller, who has been employed at the >en voted by the people them- mits when this Is requested on the vey~and three 'ciflzena" appointed by failed to obtainT compensation." He storerthe"past~22 yearsir'The busl-,j Ives at tho annual school meet- in the Union Beach firehouse other features of early colonial Presentation of American flag by nominating petition, but will run Wednesday night to choose, candi he property owners of the streets did. not discover or report his injury Mrs.' Catherine Coggins on behalf ness waa owned by Maurice Holly», g of the district which, it is proposed to improver road inns, about the only omission independently of each other. The dates in the new borough for the until three days after the accident. being the mint-julep. - . of Arfowsmith Post, ladies'' auxil- wood and it was established 85' otheV ,two *c»ndidate4 fptoi council; The members of the committee are He was informed that the laW-.'ie- iary of ArrowsmitH Post and Sam-years ago. The past fourteen years; \| CLOTHES SHOP NOT SOLD. June primaries. Cyril V. Farley man on -the Democratic ballot are acted as chairman and James Mc J Thompson Iiovett, Lorenzo quired that a person who suffered a uel T. Sleeper camp, i • ' ;. it has been at its present location at! '- rotpeetlre Purchaier Failed to Edward S. Crelln and Ralph B. Kltterlck secretary. The'following Getty, Thomas B. Hasler, Alexander rupture must be carried from the MOUNTED SPORTS NIGrlT. TJfli of.flag and-singing of the corner of Monmouth and Westi i Slck.hj Err^cks<>n,;.,CJiff|)rd. Herbert ,aij4 Btreets.' , ' Complete the Transaction. candidates' were decided on: Fo scene and-report the case .. ..., ied m^::^;: ' • Frariijt'fStorck." ' '••'•"•'. '• " " •••>'• "•'•• ployer within 24 hours in 'order to" ^^ie^i . Salute, to the flay by-firing squad. The Rochester'clothes shop on •Ijfhew are three justices o{--tbV mayor, James McKittrlck; council- , Bank'Armory.' ; . .-•;, flflat b by fii d . Mr. Aller states that he', will r v pea'ce"to be elected this year. Two men, Fred Clauss, Cyril V.- Farley, Councilmarl i Wilkinson,-whoWkih . is prove that the injury resulted from . Acceptance of flag 'atid flagpole duct the business under the name oft': est Front street, owned by the A mounted sports night for'the itate of Joseph Finkelsteln, which cindtdsteKKav^flled^tiflon? mpleted and the. buyer paid a nattnjr petitionpetitio s for Charles B. Jones; justice of the peace, Thomas 20th • regimental • association by iBtered pharmacists. Mr. Hollywood^ RbRobinsoi n ,arid fof r Mm Adelaide prov^d, roads were barred. Mr..Wil- Fire to -Thomai Field'* Burn. at the armory. A feature of the Fred W> Hope and Rey, Fr'on,k t1.' B. will assist Mr. Aller in" conducflngA sposit on the purchase of the bus> MacDonald and Charles Splelman, affair will be^ the showing and J. >Wainrlght.. On the Democratic inson said Jn Ms oplnion_no_spe- A brush heap back of Thomas Rey Holds;. j . • :_'._, ....,•_ __ the business for a time and will thenfij Tess. Last week he notified Mrs. g ati Sr.} -oommitteeman, -Charles-Sap- judging of "horse's "iff three" classes" ticke.t_the_candidateJkh i s Henry F, pah,. Sr,,. and committfie.won5an.Mrs,. clal assessments should be levied Field's TBafii" in "Middletown "town- .Unveiling, of by Miss retire from active work.' Inkelsteln—that-new-- conditions alSffisFth^plbpeftFowners beneii^ uiivcMiilK. ui iiiynuuieiiL uv IXIIBB hich had arisen would not per- Hylin.. - ' Edward Klein. when it was struck by. lightning. uMpter An «dditldnal< candidate for jus- ed but the'entire-cost should be met class, anothar for green hunter3 late ' Gapt. Thomas Compton, il; him to complete the deal and e» ie» William Truex, Jr., of New- Mon-and another for polo mounts• hunter. Ens- tlltb i Gt Thh Ct Preito L«nch Buiinet* Sold. j '-$ tice of the peace can'be nominated by taxation. • Charles A. Smith, veterans of William Pappas and John Morris.' lat-he- would forfeit the deposit RECRUITS WANTED. • Parts of the -streets which it is mouth, who happened to be passing tries for these classes are' being t had previously made. The bus-at the Republican primary by writ- the 29thregiment, i .. h^ve sold the Presto lunch buiineist Training Canip "Rally Held at the proposed- to improve are now eov-by the place, noticed the fire and made to Lieutenant Joseph. E. Fix, .Acceptance of the monument by ices will therefore be continued ing the name of any other candi- notified Mr. Field, who waB at the on Broad street, near Wallace., date on that ballot'at the primary. Armory at Red Bank. :red with cinders, Residents of Jr., at the armory. The entries-will Uriah Seeley.and William H. Seel- y the FinkeUtein estate. A military training camp rally house and who did not know about close June 6th. Events to be given street, to Christopher Kitsos and> Two additional names for justice of Prospect avenUe presented a peti- ey. '•.',.-•. • ' . , • . • was held. last Friday night at th< the fire until he was told by Mr. byi members of the cavalry troop Gabriel - Andrew. Mr. Kitsos wa«> the peace can be written on .the ion complaining, about cinder dust. Solo by Mrs. Minna Lee Beene. formerly employed at tho Strandi RED BANK BUSINESS SOLD. armory ait .Red .Bank. There was Clifford Herbert mads- a similar Truex, Mr. Field and Mr. Triiex include an egg and spoon race, pick- Dedicatory address by Dr. Walter Democratic ballot at the primary, if fought the flames and put them out 'restaurant. The new owners have any Democrat chooses to do so, and speechmaking, a five-reel military complaint about conditions neat the up race, saber tilting contest, night- HofT Seeley. • •• ,rthur ShermarTiuye the Buslneai motion picture, a drill by Camp Vai station. These complaints were Te- after a hard battle. The barn was gown race, saber and pistol contest, A taken .possession of the business." ' of the Late W. T. Sherman. this would entitle those two per- not damaged. Singing of "The Battle Hymn pf soldiers, demonstrations of signal ferred to the committee previously, Roman riding exhibition and plume the Republic." ' Arthur Sherman has bought the sons to' B place on the official elec- tion ballot next fall. corps work, a drill by the Red Banl mentioned. cutting contest. Benediction by Rev. F. T. B. Rey- Two^Water View Lots Sold. j ' Bed and grain business on West cavalry troop and music by the Aa MONEY FOR HOSPITAL. nolds, i '. Mrs. Verna N. Scholes and Mrs.' S. L. deFabry complained be- 1 irept at. Red Bank which was Rumipn'a Candidatea., bury Park high school orchestra, cause tfie^itney bus companies had Annual Reception of Red Bank TWO WHO SURVIVE. Taps. . . Florence Bertram of Newark have Wned by the late W. T. Sherman, Rumson voters next fftll wiH'elect? Young men from seventeen to twen^ Auxiliary to be Held Next Week. During the exercises the surviv- bought two lots on the Water View? charged their route through the Lincrof t Had Twenty Spldieri in the 'jie ;>now owner was associated for r-mayor,, two councilmen for full ty-f our years of age were Urged t borough so as to eliminate the most ors of the regiment will seal within tract near Belford for ?500. To-" sventeen years .with Mr.Sherman The annual reception of the Red Famout Old 29th. terms,' a collector and an assessor. join the August quota of the "citi- thickly settled part of town. This Bank auxiliary of the Long Branch the monument a bronze box contain- gether the lots are 50x100 feet. l tlie business. His work has been Mayor W.'Warren Barbour has de-zens* military camp at Platfsburg. makes a shorter route for tho busses In last week's Register it was ing the roster of the regiment, its Tho new owners are close frlendsv hqspital will be held at three o'clock stated that Lincrof t provided twen- irgely in the nature of a traveling cided-to run again. He filed a peti- -•*•>• but a great deal of inconvenience history and a list of the survivors. and they will build a house on the* ilesman. He states, that the busi- next Tuesday afternoon at the home ty soldiers for the famous old 29th tion^-for •the- Republican.snomiria- Not- Enou|h Horse*. for passengers. Senator Stevens of Miss Annie Brasch on East Front property for their own use. * jtisi'Wiil be. conducted'along the tlon.•' ;N« ^etltiori was filed for- the regiment of the civil war and.that '"Didn't have* enough horses. stated that the borough, by adopt- street. A program of music will be ime lines ;a» in the past, with se'v- Democratic nomination. This has ng an ordinance, could lay out the none of them is now living. This NEW BAKERY IN TOWN. Olirer, Frake to Build. Luke sure does the business. Could rendered and'refreshments will be ' 1 ral new features. been taken as an indication that the route for the busses and could re- was an error. T. Leonard Davis have sold a dozen." That's whal served. Mrs. Walter A. Rullman and Joseph Grover are two surviv- Two Long Brancheri Rent Dpminick Oliver Frake has bought a lot at Democrats will'not oppose Mr. Bar- fuse to grant a. license to any bus will be the hostess. A. Mazza'a Building. Silverwhito Gardens on Pinckney/ ;.- . • For tho,M««.! ' , bftur.; 'He is popular with membera Mrs. Louis Soffel of Eatontown said concern which did not traverse the ors of the Lincroft soldiers who • Get your hair cut or shaveat the when she called at The Register of- joined the regiment. -Both are now Dominick A. Mazza hag rented his road from the Tuller construction ' of. both parties and Democratic designated route. Mr. Stevens was PROCLAMATION. company for $2,000. THIs Is the ' tatldn Barber Shdp, 184 Monmouth workers,at a recent meeting voted fice Monday to order the discontin- living at Red Bank, There are no store building on the west side of treet, opposite the railroad station. directed to prepare such rn ordin- Broad street, where he conducts a first, lot to be sold on the tract and • not to (Jut up a candidate for mayor uance of a want advertisement she ance. The bus companies will be Red Bank Citizene Urged to Buy survivors of the regiment who live \>u can get It done at this shop be- Inserted in last week's Register of- "Buddy" Popplei. shoe. repairing business, to Alex the sale was mado by Paul Revere. -5$ ore your train-leaves for the.cHy,! ihoiild- Mr. Barbour decide to run notified that the mayor and council at Lin croft, Mr. Frake will build a house on the : fering a horse for sale. Whereas, the President of the Paszmant and H. H. Holt, proprie- agaln.; •••',- •>'.' (•• ;- . ' , .-; are about to take this step. our chairs, no waiting. We also United States has placed his en- Triangle But Co., Inc. tors of the City bakery at Long property for his own use. ave a bootblacotblack at youyou r servicr e at John M, Ellis and Van R. Halsey At the conclusion of the meeting dorsement and approval upon the i GivGi e us a trial.—AdvertialAdver- La'uter's Now Store. (Gray Lines), announce the inaugu- Branch. Mr. Paszmant and Mr. U time, will be Mndidates for re-election as On June 1st we will remove t several of the borough officials ex- annual sale of poppies made by dis- ration of through service to Middle- Holt will open a bakery business in Triangle Bua Co., Inc. liement. councilmen on the Republican our newTstore, 628 Cookman ave. pressed gratification over the large abled men throughout the country town and Keansburg beach. • Busses under the auspices of the Veterans the building,- under the same name (Gray Lines), announce the inaugu- '•' ' Did You Know ticket. • They will be opposed by nue, opposite Stelnbachs. We al- attendance of citizens and the in- leave at 6:16, 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, as that of their Long Branch bak- ration of through service to Middle- ' hat A; B. Dirhan is the unly piano John Embly and Augustus Bedford, ways have bargains, but if you neg- of Foreign Wars of the United 10:16, 11:15 A. M., 12:16, 1:15, town and Keansburg beach. Buuei terest shown, "Toll them we meet States, and ery. The lessees will take posses- Sin In UP'1 Bank and vicinity vho who are Democrats. Charles B.. llect t coming in before we movemo, yoy u the second and fourth Tuesday 2:15, 3:16; 4:16, 6:16, 0:15, 7:16,sion June 1st. Mr. Mazza will move leave at 6:15, 7:15, 8:16, 9il5, • wns hlx piano store, which Is very wilill misi s somethingthi . We..W . do no Whereas, the Veterans of Foreign 8:16, 9:15, 10:16, 11:15 P. M. 10:15, 11:15 A, M., 12:15, 1:15,, Ward wlll.Tun for rRitJectlon as col-' nights of eachrmonth at the fire- Wars will cause to bo sold on May his business to another location onvenlently located rear of his lector on the,Dern«cr»tic ticket. No call it a sale any mrmore. We an AU other busses .will run on the 2:15, 8:16; 4:16, 5:15, 0:16, 7llB, esldonce, Drummond place! No practicallll y givinii g pianoi s and phono- houso and that the more citizens 29th and 30th "buddy" popples, to hour and half hour as formerly. which he has not yet selected. The 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 11:16 P. "" normous overhead. Need we say Republican filed a.petition for that graphs, away. Open evenings. Lau- there are present the better we like bo worn to perpetuate the fine sen- Effective Friday, May 29th.—Ad- ental was made by William A. Hop- All other busses will run on ... uore? Phone Ked Bank 038.—Ad> offlce. .There wlllbe a right for as- ter Piano Company, 816 Cookman it," said Mr. Wilkinson in talking timents whiqh have made the poppy vertisement. hour and half hour as formerly. ; Mtlsement.• _. - . ' . sessor. ' In November. Assessor avanue, Asbury Park.—Advertise- with a Register reporter. ' so peculiarly symbolical of the serv- Effective Friday, May 20th,—jAiK ^ Jarnii SI Bogleii'a candidate again ment. . ices and sacrifices of tho mon who . • " '; Dont Worry vertisement. _ _ ' j When unexpected guests arrive Corner House Rented. Horn* Mad* Candy and on the Democratic Jewelry Graduation Gifta. . gave so much that freedom might rom tho Red Bank Candy Kitchen. ticket. Councilman Lewis T, "Wil- French Brick Ice Cream survive in tho world, and and you are without dessert or light John Malonis's house at the cor- Trimmed Millinery. Ve nlm have Apollo, Nero, Belle contains the purest Ingredients, In A full line of samples of Gold- Whereas, the proceeds from this refreshments just step to your' ner of Washington and Wallace Wo have a. number of models we',?]! son haa filed a petition for the'Re- smith, Stern & Co., jewelry manu- phone, call Red Bank 1610, and l«ado Sweets, Page i!Sh»w and publican nomination for assessor.^ eluding crushed fruits and nuts; 8( facturers, will be displayed Thurs- sale are to be used to alleviate tho streets has been rented by William are closing out at rcducod prices for g ther I'ulcbrated confections,—Ad- cents quart. Red Bank Cand; conditions of other war disabled, nave us deliver some of our cele- A. Hopping to Mrs. ItKoda Mat- this week only; white hats rot ln«* " day. June 4th, from 10:30 A. M. to brated Ice cream, either looso or In Wtlsi"' nt. I For Republican county commll- Kitchen, 00 Broad street. Yes, wi 6:00 P. M. at John DIFlore's itore, Now, thoroforo, I, William H. R. thews of Colt's Neck. Tho house eluded. Miss A. L. Morris, mlllU teetnen Birtram V, Borden wilt run deliver. Telephone Red Bank 1010 White, mayor of tho City of Red brick. Rod Bank Candy Kitchen, ncry parlor, room 10, Eisner build* , Victor Night at TuitlaiV 126 Shrewsbury avenuo, Red Bnnk, 09 Broad street—Advertisement. has seven rooms, a bathroom and In tht flnt-dlstrlct and William H. —Advertisement. N, J. Here Is an exceptional oppor- Bank, N. J.,' earnestly urge that the modern Improvements. , ing, 66 Broad street, Red Bink.-H *j . Wednesday nlrnt l» Victor family Mahon,ey In the second district. No tunityito buy gifts for graduates of citizens of this city give their sin- Advertisement ^ •'* right at Tustlng'i, Open every The Regular Monthly Meeting cere co-operation to this cauia ', Radlot PetlBoniVwars fllid for women of the Red Bank auxiliary of the the best quality at the least expense Authorized dealer for Garod, Sohool. Freeh Strawberry lee Cream, ' ''". Vednssday night. Pianos, Vlctrolit, membinot th« committee and no —Advertisement. ' which his for Its purposs the com- ladloi, Victor Hecordi.—Advertise, Ann May Hospital will be held Mon- Zenith, DeForrest and Farrand JJUriUBurtonU uailHall,, Babt 6v0v UnaEast. *•»*#».,Front, By tho pinto or quart; In bulk, 70,!, petition* for rnembert of the Demo- memoration of the sacrifices of nont. [ day, June 1st, At it will be the las those who gave their lives and Oodley Products. Monmouth Ra- street, Georgia B. Hazard, principal. cents quart, Wo solicit orders by, cratio county ex«utlv« committee mooting until Oetober everyone Help Your Dumb Friends. telophone anil wo • will deliver . Benefit for them at armory Juno lenlth in tho defense of their coun- dio Service, Second National Bank Primary, Intermediate, college pre- ' Why Not Reduce Your Tasts were filed. Names of persons to fill urged to attend.—Advertisement. building, Broad street, Ked Bank. paratory; French, Spanish, drawing, promptly. Rod Bank Candy Kttchi,' iy locating at Hlllcrest, the new 8th at 8:00 P. M., nuiplcos S. P. C. try. these places vtill, probably be writ- A. and Troop E. Jumping contest, Signed, Phone 1184. R. S. Johnson, proprie- Salntlng, etc. Phone Bed Bank on. 00 Broad struct, Rea ' uburb of Lone Branch, on Ocetn- ten on the primary ballots, Wefflei—Waffle.—W.ffl.i tor.—Advertisement. , 10-W.—Advertisement. Tolephono 1010 Advertliomint. »ort avenue? The lowot tax dl«- riding contest and dancing. Tick- Wm. H. R. White, and everything good to eat at tho ets 60 cent*,—Advertisement. Mayor. rlct in the county.—Advertisement. On«'C»iDtWt •tjFairHaTen. ' . ' Dixie Cafeteria, Coleman House For the Sweet Girl Graduate. Neitle'i Lanoll Permanent Radio I , , 1 Comer on Klngsley street, Aabury •Advertliement. __ , waving, ?16 full head, guaranteed, The Tinly.primary,'fight «t Fair Butlden. Htnd painted candy jar filled Lot Bob Jolmson solve your rtnW- Experlineed Sewers Wanted Park, N, J. R, M. Qulnncy, propr Ice Cream Flavors. with HofTmire Slstors' delicious Hair and beauty work in all Us problomi for you, Monmouth Rl ' Haven, will bi -for a- Republican Lakewood sand and washed gra- 1 hln-cliii drciimaklng establish* dor.—Advertisement. < We have pure, loose Ico cream by candy. At tho Party Shoppe, 21 branches. Vlolot ray treatments. tllo Service, Second N»tlon«| . ••lJt,tn, noM shpshop, 78 countjr«AmmHt«»ttfo*'the first vel, slag, clnderi, bluestone, peanut the plate or by tho quart.. Vanilla, All cordially invited. Phono 1755, •tone,' Prices reasonable, Howard Mndon place, Red Bank.—Adver- building, Bt'oml iti-eot, Rod . Bank.—AdverBkAd - district, mtiffIf. Dennis and Jo- ^ For Sale. chocolate, frosh strawborry, cherry, tise Vont,_^_^^^___ Long Branch, uptown, 640 Broad- Phone 1184, It. S, Johnson, prop seph W. Davis will fight it out for Thirteen acres on the White roa Q. Roi«velt, Red Bank. Phono coffee and orango Ice. Why not let way.—Advertisement. tor.—-Advertisement., ' ' tn»,. Job. Two coundlmen will be 1,000. feet from Branch avonut 600-J.—Advertisement. us deliver some to your home. Tele- Cabo Sale Star Sedan for Sale. price right. I. Jay Trubln, phone Red Bank 1010, Red Bank for the benoflt of St. Mary'a church, Why MUe Hal? lha Fun InLla^ A new lot of iport and — rBeasonablai' wall equipped: re- elected for full terms, Augustus , Baby Chltki. M. Mlnton and Joiiph Hindrjokion Broad strcot, Rod Bank,—Ailvc Gnndy Kitchen, 00 Broad strcot,— New Monmouth, held at Campbcll'a Learn to dance correctly. Good hatii. Com* It snd look, then > lohdltloncd, live cord tires. Phone tlsement. White Leghorn!, 10 cents each, Advertlioment. Junction, 2:00 l\ M. to 0:00 P. M., danqlnl g developdl s grace, poise and at Mrs. Lohmtn'i, 14 Br«»d Atlantic Highlands 218,-Adver- wll llb Plymouth Rockt and R. I. Reds, 13 May gPtli, lOZtfV—Advortliement. attractive manner. Tho Analytical over Lafetra's gtoOtry 1(01 iliemint - ! llm'Bt-Llttl*,*Jr.'^!^J 'l^% l be Wanted to Rent or Purehai* cents e«ch. Call up Freehold 620. Dance and Amuia Younelf and School of Dancing, 1B4 Monmouth Btnk.—Advertlsitnint. ' Democratic' candidate. Mr. one ten-ton road roller, one law t M. M, Prown Co.—Advertlioment, with the many attraction* at Relief New Fair Dalai. street, Red Bank.—Advertlioment. t!V Top.SallImDI tht d M Litl ble^ and one small dock-scow abou Engine Company's fair, Red Bank, nellof Enalno Company'* fair will .Grading of all kinds,, TTry niy Mlnton and Mr. Little art members M*y laic > of the. pmtpt council',' 00x00 foot, i Address Contractor Turfcty E«|» For 9»le. Junne Oth ttoo 18th. Wliterla Garden ho held at the (Ireliouie, Drummond Un The Register*! Want Dopirt- still going itrotif ati ,0 Mloai, flowird_Q,,RoM.veI drawer M, Hod Bank.—Ailvortli Pure bred large brontoi $8.00 for Advertliement. place. Juno Oth to lath. Attractions Bros* street, »b>r«ln. -M RIveriM* eve. i' TMsd very suddenly early'Monday have bodies placed free of charge Tennent, 62 years old, who was re- large number,of .boy, 'scouts from Florida weet coast. The concern' gun a campaign to Install gas beat- mis, Eea-Unit,. , Ki , - y-'siri$ni!iig. , He had been in poor in this vault until the final inter- cently released from the stats hos- Monmouth. county will meet the will handle only such properties as ers for heating houses. They claim •wnr F Hoiiit with il* rooms, ill la coot «t*i I ; ment in the mausoleum. On Decor- dltlon. all taprovementai one'ilia (nlfe'l - health the put five months and it pital at Trenton, killed her daughter, Pennsylvania boys \on their arrival have stood rigid 'Investigation of for gas heaters tha,t while the cost oeean on eemented road; 16.500, terAfi^r •• ^r*i resided thst there was no hope ation day the vault will be open for Gladys, aged 28, earjy yeiterday at Tennent. H. A. Wahl, northern representa- of heating a house with gas Is some- W. Mahnaahna,, 87 Eait front atmt, Had Bank/ inspection, when representatives of The Hit of directors of the boy tive, and C. P. Huntlngton, who forwhat higher than the cost of. coal, ^BlHLDTNOLOTSrOllSALfc cti his recovery, But it .was not morning while the latter was asleep. building lota looated on the Glenwood mausoleum company scout* of Monmouth county now in- a long: time was associated with the there Is no dirt, no dust, no janttpr Deilrtble building lota looated on lorte * thought that the end in so near. will be present to give any desired Tha mother had literally hacked h« of the but itrtetttet i in tn*ton*;; onljnl r afafttv W«. cludes John L. Montgomery, Harry St. Petersburg chamber of, com- service, and none of the trouble due tatter took them over. D. W, Martin. 240 ' l)e»th w»s due to heart disease and information to interested visitors.'' daughter's face, to pieces. A blood' it came IO unexpectedly that there stained axe, hatchet, hammer and C. BurroweJ, Monroe Eisner and merce. to*-fluctuation of heat when the fire _, , **ww*«» rvn null, 5ait Pront itriet. Rid BankT phone Ull. 1 0 1 FOR RENT. , ,~as not time to summon a doctor. a, paring; knife gave evidenea ofr tha Edwin. C. Gilland of Red Bank, Dr. The members 'of the firm of gets low or when a new fierce fire T?" ^.^!? ! " fcrtenti privilege of Furnlihtd or vnfurnlabed, a very deilr*, 1 He "virtually died while asleep. Edwin F. Stewart of Fair Hiven, is built up. They say that the heat able houit; at 48' South itreet; will>be-1 insane frenzy which possessed the Hailey-Hall are F, ^.'Hadley, who JNTELLIGENf vacant thi tint of Beptimbir; will rest J Mr, RItter was 62 years' old andDEATH'S SUDDEN elderly woman when th» attack was William H, Mahoney bf'Rumson, has been a summer resident Q{ is regulated from a thermostat and jy thq year or loafer. Call HIM, Ri4 I •" Vra* » aon of Bradford and Margaret mad*. All of the Implements'Indi- Charles W. Billings pf Ocesnport, Red Sank and neighboring places that the house or building will re- Bank. , ' * •• I Hsusell Ritter of Philadelphia. Be- cated • they had been uied in the Eliiha K. Camp of Atlantic High- main at the same temperature re- HOUSE FOR SALE. " , ORLANDO J. WARDEN DIES for the past twenty^years; and Mrs. DISPOSING OF ALL \ Near bai line, lehool and eenUri iom*,| side; his widow he is survived by a slaying, A neighbor discovered the .lands -and Ee.7. F. T. B. Reynolds F. W. Hall, who has previously gardless of the weather out of Whlta Kings, CarmauV ,rid~'flOrair Improvenentai hardwood floors^- goc4'sli« VERY UNEXPECTEDLY. v tieders; reasonable, W, O. Thomai. shone son Bradford. He fame to this, sec- murder and notified state troopers, iand W, S^~Wri|ac,ej)f Keyport.' doors. M W M lot) ruionabl* pricet on pnmlie* «r been in) business In Red Bs\nk in a Middletown. UST-YV''- * ' ' - xhrouth your agmt, 60 Spring atratt, Ked tion about nineteen years.ago and He Waa Stricken in Hia Bedroom who placed Mrs. Quackenbush under gift shop .on Linden place and at A meeting of heating men, fora short time engagedin poultry Sunday Morning and Harassed arrest and took her to the county MRS. HUNTING IN HOSPITAL. the Orange Shutter tea room. plumbers, gas fitters and other al- Sweet potito, tomato and Denir NINE ACRE FARM, 11,000. fanning at Swimming river, near Away Before a Doctor Could be jail. : lied lines of Monmouth county was large or amall quintltlei. William Seven room houn. fcarni, apple aia Fair Haven* Resident' Operated on phone 861, Ramlon^ peach orchard), located in Pine Brook I I lincroft. Later he and Mrs. Bitter Summoned—Funeral Today. Mrs. Quackenbush was the widow held a little over a week ago, and" UPRIGHT PUNO FOR SALE: iome bargain. O,ulok, ie« Charlia DreillT, conducted the Empire moving pic- " for Appendicitis Lait Night. Woman'* Leg Broken. last Friday night at Asbury Park US W»t Front itieet, phone 111, 'Bed 1 Orlando J. Warden of Little Sil- of. Holmes Quackenbush' and -lived housy upright plane, prlae Ii8. Bank. > , tun' and vaudeville business. on ver died very suddenly Sunday alone with her daughter, Just%hat • IJwi fTpny;'.Sf. Hunting: if Fair Mrs. Garrett Wyckoff of Branch meeting of the • architects and htn'i Pltn1>lanoA BhQWMomflhAniwiirii , Dcunmonnetetve-t-Mik-fed A islaei, avenue slipped and fell oh tha wet phone Bid B»n.K(l88.- - ^- - HOUSE VACANT. „ . „ Iforimouth street.. morning, of heart, disease. Early time.the killing took place is'not Haven underwent 'an' operation for; builders of Monmouth county was WANTED. Seven room houie vacant, all modem 'For a -number of'yearn Mr. Eitter that morning he seemed to be en- known. The head of Miss Quacken- appendicitis last night at the Long sidewalk, near her home Monday held. At both these meetings talks Ford roaditer, 1024 model. It good con- convenience!, on Brown plaoe, near hlga,{ morning; and. her leg was broken. dition. Aptly Steven Donlon, care Ulddla- •chooi, reildentiil (action. Apply to Hr|.Hr|.;J hsd Jived at River Plata. He wasjoying his usual good health. He bush was hacked almost from.her: Branch hospital, She was taken were given telling about the tech- J. P. Ford, 77 White • treet, ptone 11444, I She was taken to the Long Branch town Farm. Red Bank. Bad Bank. ' employed as a mechanical draughts- had no sickness of late. After read- body and the face was so badly sick yesterday She grew, suddenly nical and practical parts of the gas SALESLADIES WANTED.' ~ men, but for'several months past ing a newspaper he went upstairs to gashed it was not recognizable. - worse last night and it was decided hospital, where the broken bone was heater and one of the heaters suit- £x9>rlenc(d laleiladiu minted: good COOK WANTED, < , set. Mrs. Wyckoff is getting along •alary and itiady poiitlom. Straui Co., White woman; alio girl for generel ! hi had been unable' to work. He get something 'n his bedroom and to operate on her Immediately. Mr. able for a moderate sized house Broad itreet, Red Bank, houiawork (white or colored); and goo& nicely, it was reported this morning:. laundreii by the month. Weman't. Ex», was a member of the men's club of while there he was stricken. He Hunting was attending a meeting of was on exhibition. A similar' heater JERSEY COW FOR SALE. change. 46 Rlvinldi avenue, Red Bank,' AN OLD INCIDENT RECALLED. ' »i» . River'Plaza and of the executive died a few minutes later. A doc- the mayor and council of Fair Ha- is on exhibition at each of the offices Oow for isle, halter broken; ver•ry gentle; phone 1422. , . • •. "- •'; -•"' committee of the River Plaza boy ven, when he was nptlfied that MM. Girl's Arm Broken. of the company.^ _ . . no uie far iiraii'JBO. On Louli ~Dry Farm, tor was sent for and -although he Edward Otkei of Atlantic High* phone 1820-J. IUd Bank. • • HOUSE FOR SALE. ., , ,j,. scouts. He was active in the civic Hunting wai going? th the; hospital. Home of liven roomi, hof water heat,'I was prompt in responding Mr. War- landi Telli of Findinf a Purte. - , Doris Johnson, • six years -old, , MAID WANTED. .-.. • ,-. hardwood floors,-Hreplace, eneloild; ' and social life of River Plaza and a den was dead when he arrived. . He left the meeting and went to the daughter, of Harry. P.: Johnfon of Dont put your.discarded furniture Enperltnced maid for genertl houiework tfo-oir caragsi good termi. B.'% m large 'owner of real estate there. 'F^r three or four weeks past The hospital with her. This morning it in the attic. Sell it. Luke Long- In imall family.', Apply Mra, Hance, 184 tin, 3.0 Eait Front street, Bed. Basket! Mr. Warden was in his 67th year, Harrison avenue, is laid- up with a Maple avenue. Red Bank. phone 1188. . : .•.-.-». The funeral will be held at four Register has been printing items of was reported that the operaion was head will help you.—Advertisement a native of Lincroft and a son of happenings in this locality of forty broken arm. She was injured in a .-..•• YOUNG MAN WANTED pgBLIc' , o'clock at the house 'this afternoon Summerfield and Sarah Laird War- successful and that she was getting fall last Friday while playing on the to he generally uieful' in candy manufac- Bel Bank Clearing Ho'u7e7»« Hb-ttoittfil years ago, thirty years ago and along nicely. ' turing; iplendld opportunity. Lnratu, Inc., •treat, household and offlce furniture, tools, i and the jermon will be preached by den. He moved to Little Silver 45 lawn in front of her house. The 16 White itreet. Red Bank. carpets, rugs, antlaues, hrie.a-brae, rtdlo L Bev. Robert MacKellar. Burial will twenty years ago. __One_! of the WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. sets] also a Dodge ledm, perfect'run- I years ago and he had since lived items was about Edward Oakes of Mr. Hunting had planned to give broken bone was-reset by Dr. Wal- HALF OF, DOUBLE HOUSE FOR RENT. ring order, im.- ... •> e be made at Fair View cemetery. a dinner party last night to the bor- ter A. Bullman. RELIEF ENGINE CO. FAIR Newly" decorated, all "Improvement!; An* there. He was a flagman at the Atlantis Highlands finding a purse June 6th to >8th, everyjilght;^ __ location. Apply Oardon'a, 68 Broad itrett, ROOMI.'' • ... • • •'• ,Vj;W| railroad crossing at Little Silver. with money in it on a train thirty ough officials and the members of ^PRIVATE GARAGE FOR RENT or phone 125-W, Red Bank.' ' I have for tent two'frofat adjoining >f AGED RESIDENT DEAD. the Memorial park, committee, but Edward PercWal Married. it in Bait Front itrtct, B«d Bink. FOR SALE? roomi, .complete' {or light houeekiijlngl I During the greater part of his resi- years ago. something entirely new; home-like, wfthi I the'dlriner>''w_» calledI .off because'of TEAMS AND MEN FOR HIRE. ; • Braia bed, box aprlnga and mattreie; *Y i«rlr». Applegate was 86 Yean Old dence at Little Silver he divided his Mr. Oakes has written a letter to Red '.Bank friends of Edward •o canning outfit Including fruit preii and every convenience. At 4S Monmouth. time between farming and acting as Mrs. Hunting's condition; •' Apply Partnly Park, Kumson,.N. J. boiler. Phone Red Bank 624-M. street. Rid Bank. '. ' "Tiret Day* Before Her Death. The Register about that item. He Percival of . St. Louis, Missouri, WOMAN WANTED. road supervisor of Shrewsbury MAN WANTED, FLOWERS. ' •; •••••.' '••'•> ,v, ' Mrs. Deborah.C. Applegate', wid- says the item did not tell the whole formerly of Bed Bank, have re- One who can cook. Call Bed Bmlc 2S-R. ' Man wanted to live in tenant houie and Ruitio boxei and palntid pott with dow-,-1 jiw of John S. Applegate, died Fri- township. Fair Haven Council Doin»i. ceived letters and postal cards from FIGS FOR SALE CHEAP, drive team on farm. Thomai 8. Field, Bid era for the porch, window! or gravel; ga> ' story > of the incident. He says he Apply to Thomit Welch, Ohiuel Hill. Bank. Phone 800-J. B:',; at light homework. Call 260 Muhanto HOUSE FOR RENT. .• REAL ESTATE. .. ,;•.-, .,-•.• ,the son mentioned Mrs, Applegate P. i Warden and W-lter T. Warden Bevv Charles W; Nelson, vicar of •tr««t, Bed Bank, Will ncriflco semUbuiUcalow. ilx rooall .1 dreamed that he had found a pock- ',.; letter 'of 'thanks t Blx room home., furnished;'ill modern and bath, lot S0x2P0 feet, ehloken hoMle T of Little Silver. The funeral will BOY WANTED. Improvements; garine. Inquire it 21 New- Waves two daughters, they being etbook on a train and there wag a sent' to -Ferdinand -Salmon, • George St. Thomas's.chapel of Bed.Bank, wan Spring! road. Red Bank, phone 1442. on property.; .THU property he i,ol4,' Red ! , John S, Sutphen of New York, a finding the purse and one of those A fire hydrant will be installed drees Gray. Oceanport, K. J. _' ' ' •'•'••<] efcnreh Mrs. Applegate was a> mem- : "Why?" asked his neighbor curi- ardo poitofnce. M. Bank. director of the " Shrewsbury - dairy to whom, he wrote, Mrs..J.J.Dale on Grange avenue, near-the Bed FOR RENT'FUBNISHEb; ''., . ^ ber. Burial was made at Fair View ously. . . . GOOD LAUNDRESS FOR SALE. Three rooms and bath, for light'httUie.- company arid "the Shrewsbury "irn^ of Trenton, wrote back' and'de-. Bank and Fair Haven road. . ''He came over to my .house last want! day'i work.' Gall 61 Central evenut, Three-hone Detroit one-cylinder motor, •xeeplns;: steam heat, electric light and gas! , fceraetery. - Hed Bank. Mri. Brown. in running order: will loll reuonable. John provemeht company, died of pneu- Bcribed a purse and its-Contents evening and borrowed my gun to central location, on Monmouth street, In-- \ «* • *»i Policeman Joseph Herdon turned GARAGE FOR RENT, McClaln, Foiter itreet, River Plait, Red quire 104 Monmouth atreet, phone 1B5-W,V' monia last Saturday after a sick- which she had lost. The' description in, $16 in peddler's fees and ¥1.60kill a dog that kept him awake Bank. Red Bonk, after 4 :Q0 o'clock. _ DEADINBED. 15' per month. Samuel Cardner, 52 ness;rt-f our daysr: Thefuneralwas tallied-with- that-of-the purse-Mr. for-dog-licenseSi- clianlc-atrtetrBeJ-Banli. •• _..__...-_...'.JEWELRY . ,..•—• HOUSE FORrSAtEi :•—-,. . f[The> Sudden Death of Mri. Andrew held Monday morning at St. Igma- Oakes had found and he sent the '.Well, what of .thatt*.' SALESLADIES WANTED. •ultahle for irnduitlon gifts will he dli- In Atlantic Highlands, eonilitlng of.? A donation of $15 was made to "Why," shouted Mr. Wilkins, "it Only experienced need apply. Hirry'l, played Thuridny. June 4 th, at John Dl- threi itora* and twenty.on* roomi and l*>o.5j , Strohmenfer of Rnrason. tius's church at New York and the purse to her. He received back a Arrowsmith post of Bed Bank. <8 Broad atreet, Red Bank. Klore's !tore, 12S Shrewsbury avenue, Bed bathi; located on Flnt avenue. Your own burial was made at Woodlawn cem- very courteous letter of* thanks. The was my dog he killed." Bank. . • . _j termi. W. Mnhm, 27 Eait I'Vont streetl- f Mr*. Margaret Strohmenger, wife • • a* RELIABLE WOMAN WANTED oppoiite Qlobe hotel, Red Bank. >:> *% etery. Floral tributes were sent by re-publication of 'the item in The for seneral hoaiework; halt tiros' only. LESSONS "IN "STENOGRAPHY. {bf Andrew Strohmenger of Rumson, Jailed In Virginia. Private lcsioni In itenonraphy and typ. >ARM"BARGAINr . • ~~P. the employees of the dairy company Register was a very pleasant re- The Profeiior and the Student. Telephone 77-W, Red Bank. 1 'died very, suddenly -Friday night of HALF OF HOUSE FOR RENT ing taught evenlngi. Addreii Box 804, " Thlrty-flye "acresr^Koon ' ground,' "ilx" hSfiJdisease. 'She was found dead and the members of the Shrewsbury minder of the incident to~Mr. OakesT ..John Matthews.of J^est Front "Whstjwould you • do,^Jimson," Port Monmouth, N. J., or phone Keaniburg room houiei barne, fruit: Eatontown: S600 . 7 street and Harry jDavis,^f Mon- •asked Professor Brainfag; _^'if y6u In Bed Bank, all Improvement!. JuneJ culi, bslsnci of - I2.BO0 . can—remiln _ onul inbea~Mrs. Strohmenger had been firTTTompSSy'r ~*~ ~ ^gic3..Baiik 8«»J. mgrtnate. Charles Dreiier. US Welt I mouth street .HWEWRITERrUS,i 1 HOUSE FOR RENT . Kewly rebuilt Century semi-portable Trorit flfreeT," phone 6287R*d-Balto sick two week", but it was not re- Mr. Sutphen was born B8 years REAL PUBLIC SERVICE; without apparent'reason?" In Bed Bank July lit: all improvement!. alized that her condition was criti- nineteen, years' of age, ran away typewrlter'for «i)e, Apply W. L. Selbtrt, FORD SEDAN FOR SALE.' sgo at Jersey City... Ho-graduated from their; homes several weeks ago, "I really wouldn't know what to Telephone R«d Bink 849-J. ' Little Silver; K. J. Tciephono Red Balik Ford sedan, good tires, look wheeV-dfi-L 'eal. She leavei six children. They from Colurnbia university in 1888. "Eddie" Breach Believes In Safety FOR. SALE. 1075-M. mountable rims, eelf starter,' ' elietrlo.' .1 Word was received at Red Bank po do, sir," answered the young stu- . -Jen«j'.:cow»..-lx-.yeari oldf also plze. llghti, all eQulpment: good running order] fl are Hisses Catherine and Mathilda Flnt for, Children, 4 He was a' director of several New lice headquarters yesterday that 3ent." 'TthinkTshouldJUSt:ethlrji Phone Middletown ICt-t'-U. "" - --•" GIRL WANTED ' '•-• Pric«*rt8'.-" Apply aftey 81JO: -fc-Mi—Jf»M->-| 'Strohmenger of Rumson, Edward lie there. It would certainly be to. work in. office. Apply John Hlntel- Brown, 0> Willic« itreet. Hed Bank. York banks and was interested in All the children who attend the they are now locked up In a jail '• 'GIRL WANTED. 'Strohmenger of New York, James wrong: of any man to drop.dead in mann, Inc., Bumion, N. J., phone 867, INSURANCE, icnumber of hospitals. Mr. Sutphen River Plaza school are now being at Newport News, Virginia, and that Apply at Atlantic hotel, Fair Haven, Rumion. 4 and William Strohmenger of Deal was a member of the Sons of Amer- transported to school regardless of the street without first giving his N. J. - Phone 466, Red Bank. >Your pollciei placed with us In •trongY'l they were arrested there while try- FANS FOR SALE. CLERK WANTED. reliable companies mean prompt and com", and .'Andrew Strohmenger of Red reasons for doing so." plete, •itisfacllon. Our aim li lervlee—,. ican Revolution, the Holland so- whether they live in the transpor- ing to break into a store; • Two electric fani cheap. 118 Harding One who cm drive car.' John Hlntel- •Bank.' Mrs. Strohmenger leaves a road, Red .Bank, phone 187. mann,.Inc.,'Rumion,'N, J., or phone 867,' •lwayi. Doremui ft Taylor, room,9, tt*' ciety; the University club and St. tation area or not. Edward Brasch Bumion. ' ' ' Inter building, phone 1704, Red Binki "sister, Mrs. Daniel Schumann of Andrew's golf club. His daughter, of Nutswamp, whose wife Is princi- She Wouldn't Walk. GOOD COW FOR SALE . Hollywood Hotel Sold. "Madame," said the doctor, "what with calf by ilde: halter broken. Apply to BULBS FOR SALE.. LOTS FOR SALeT 'Fair Haven. Mrs. Strohmenger was Mrs. M. S. Knott, is vice president pal of the school, has the, transpor- Patrick Ahem. Keaniburg. W. J. My big. shew dahlia bulbt; set them ' Lot! 10x160, near ocean, along Men- • a.native of Germany. She had lived. and general manager of the Shrews- tation contract. His contract does The Hollywood hotel at Long you' need is more exercise. Why while they laat at 11.00 per doien,' Fred mouth roid; S17S up. This la a very good don't you walk four or five miles PRIVATE ESTATES CLEANED UP. RocHellc, C^penler ifreet, River Plaia, Investment; easy . termi.' Coma end iee .«j, Burnson forty years. The fu- bury dairy company and president not require him to transport pupils Branch has been sold to the Holly- Planting and lawn mowing. Albert J. Red Bank. _ _ the map, or will take you to tha grounds, every day?" Lambert, phone_Bumion 660-M. _p^_ W. Mahm. 87 Esst Front itreit. Bed Bank. neral was held Monday morning at of the Shrewsbury improvement living within a mile of the school- wood estate corporation, of which "BLbCH.BABV'CARRIAGE FOrTsATL. "And have people think we've had TWO~FOUR"ROOM~APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE; •".'.- \ • 'Holy Cross church at Rumson and Gray color, wooden wheel!, nleelr up- ; company. house. Mr. Brasch is transporting J. Ammeron is president The newto sell our automobile? I guess to let. lot Wallice street, corner of Wal- holitered and In excellent condition. Call Going to the cont: will nil honio with a requiem high mass was chanted all the children because of the in- owners , are restaurant proprietors liea and Spring itreetl. Red Bink. after «:30 evening! at 48 Riverside avenue, lot 61x200 feet, fruit and ihada on proper-'•' notl Red Bank. ty. Houie hai ten rooms, bath and all rai- . oy Rev. John E. Murray. Burial DEATH OF MRS. COSTELLO. creased danger to pedestrians and they plan to conduct the hotel " aie. ' MAID WANTED. : 'Kitchen maid wanted. Apply 181 Hud- provementi; no reasonable .offer refui^a^ J. Vajmade at Mount Olivet cemetery. caused by the use of the roads at this summed. The sale also includes The Office Suited Him. RIVER PROPERTY FOR SALE. Termi. Edward Uayai, phon« Ked Bank* Former Resident of Everett Panod •on avenue. Phone Red Bank 119-W. Semi.bungalow, ilx rooms and bath; one 495. , .... ' ' -)•* ' . River Plaza as a state highway de- the let-hole golf course and ten cot- "This office you are applying for " TO RENT. of the tineit location! on the Shrewsbury Away Lait Night. river. A bargain. Edward Hayei, phone tour. There are no sidewalks in tages. 'Will require your constant atten- Nicely furnUhed room, with all convent- 1 - DIED IN HER_87lh YEAR. Mrs'. Ellen Costello,' widow of encei. fly* Hudion avenue, Bed Bank. 49IS. Red Bank. Asters, snapdragons, atraw flowers, tin' j the village. Taking these extra tion," warned the eminent official. nlae, French marigold!, lalvli, Momin* John Costello, died last night at the Spent Honeymoon in Rail Bank.' ' "That's all right. 1 dont believe DOG FOUND. ..CARS FOR SALE, ',.-. • Bride and others, 21 Wonderful opportunity for younf mar* ' rli. Nut bread, 86 centi a loaf; birthday ti f . her home on Worthley street from for the public spirited action which moon with the groom's mother, Mrs. eakei to order: ipontre cakei 11.00. Wom- tied couple; 1421 six ropms, bath,-.every 'i monia last winter and _he had been We sincerely thank all those who ICE BOX WANTED. Improvement. Owner reserves one room''* a complication of diseases. She he has taken to safeguard their chil- Alfred C. Murfitt of Oskland street. an'i Kxshsnge, 46 Rlveriide avenue. Red : in poor health since. She was a assisted us during our recent be- Butcher'! ice box, about 8x8x4 feet. Bank, phone 142Z. for himself. Phone Installed at no ei- had been in poor health since last dren. Mr. and Mrs. Murfitt will spend Phone Hed Bank 88S. Monmouth Dairy penss. Inquire of Frank R. Oonkiln, • 49 daughter of John and Sarah B. reavement, caused by the death of PtANTS AND FLOWERS. T Oaklind itreet. Red Bank. Phone, 17-M. -.' fall, but her condition did not be- Coyne and she was brought to this Decoration day "with Mr. and Mrs.Joseph P. Hoffmann, also those who Co. Geraniums, IS and ?B cenii; panilei, IS come serious until a few weeki bo- tent floral pieces, especially the FORD WANTED. and 25 centi * baiket, Tomttoil, cab- FOR SALE. •• country by her parents when she IT'S HOME TO HIM. -" Henry Meyer of, New York.' ' A iecond-hand Ford ledan, with itarter, bagei and, all other vegetable" and flower Small farm of ilx acres'with alx-ioem pfore the end. Mrs. Stier was in her was an Infant. Tor many years she Knights of Columbus, Rainbow Di- on monthly payment!. Phone 442-W, Key- plant!. Open ovenlngi. Nelion, 411 Loouit house, lsrge apple orohard, pear and ether , ! vision Veterans, Veterans of For- port, avenue. Bid Bank. fruit treei; Urge chicken houie on prop-'. 87th year. She leaves'four chil- lived at Everett. In addition to New York Fireman Goes to Lin- Lodga Banquet at Trenton. trty; also aiparagua bed j price 14,100,. eign Wars, American Legion and AIREDALE PUPPIES FOR SALE. HOME FOR SALE. fdr*n. They are Mrs. Barbara Mrs. Vernell she is survived by croft Every Chance He Geti. Raphael Santangelo, Tony Pal Five m'pntha' old Airedale pupplei for 12,000 down. Oriiteit bargain I hare* te Navesink hook and ladder company. A.imill modern home with the privilege offer. Edward Hiyea, phone Bed Bank •Brasch and Jacob, George and Fred three (laughters and two sons. They David Noonan, a fireman at New mero snd Samuel Biizarro of Red Mrs, Lillian Hoffmann, • ale: pedigreed. Telephone 1514, Red of WnmedUte toqienion; furnltheo or un- 405, •' • - ' : ' >, iStier of Red Bank. A tlster also Bank. furnlihed. Price right. Term* to lUlt.' are Mrs. Albert Keough and Mrs.York, is having repairs made to his Bank and John and Frank Mulvl Mrs, Stephen-Hoffmann, COW FOR SALE7"" ' Phone Bumion K86. $80 REWARD •-' • aurvivej, she being Mrs. Jacob Deg- house near Lincroft. on tha bsck to any person not having a food time e| Frank Thompson of Red Bank, Mrs. hill of Fair Haven attended a ban- and Brothers and Sister, Freih Jeriey cow; price |25. 1. t. UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE. 1 ,enring of Red Bank. The funeral rank Egan of Bridgeton, Daniel road to Red Bank. He expects to quet given Monday night at the —Advertisement, _ . Hayei, Fair Haven, K. J., phone 4», Red Mahogany upright piano, price fsB. Dlr- !ne Shrewsbury Koie Company ! fair to''' Bank. hin'e Piano Showroom, Drummond place, be held at the llrebouie June 10th, 24th, .•was held yesterday afternoon nt Costello of Mntawan and William spend his vacation the coming sum- state convention of. the Foresters' phone Bed Bank 988, 25th, 26th and 27th. Mew dance floor!.' •Trinity church, of which Mrs. Stier Card of Thanh* CUT FLOWERS FOR DECORATION DAY. best In Monmouth eountyt flrtt-elsji or« Costello of New York state. Mrs. mer on the property. Mr. Noonan of America lodge at the Stacy-Trent Price to eenta and up, William S. Boat, MONEY TO LOATT . chestra, refreihmenta and faney artlalir.. ,Wa_ one of the oldest member*-. The We desire to thank most sincere lflK Branch avenue, phone Red Bank Costello nlso leaves two sisters, Mrs. was born and brought up on the hotel at Trenton. ^ yl all the friends of Wilford Swetn Have amount! of from »1,500 to 18,000 on sale. Busses pass door, sermon was preached by R«v. Rob- Lincroft place which he owns. He I4S-M. to loan On (lnt bond and rnortgsga. Wil- Mary J. Toomey of Red Bank and •y for their acts of kindness.and RUGS FOR SALE, . liam N. Worthier, ,real estate, 68, Eait HOUSE FOR RENT: ' ' ert MacKellar and burial was made Mrs. Elizabeth O'Ncil of Elizabeth. says no place will ever seem quite Front itrett.' Red Bank. Blx rooms. In perfect condition) not we« Show et Colt's Neck. assistance while he was suffering Bin till: Bruueii rugi. Second houia ter heat, electric, bath, and all Improve', Vt Fair Vi«w cemetery. The funcrnl arrangements have not so hear and dear to him as that one About 100 persons attended a from his Injuries'. We especially from Rumion achool No, S, louth on Blvar • STORE PROPERTY FOR SALE mentis lot 100x180! ell laid-out In liwni,-: yet bnen completed. Mrs, Costello and after ho retires from the work thank the, Knights of Columbus and avenue. on Eaat Front itreet., eonilitlng of three fruit trees and garage. Can he boueht for ' show given s.t the Colt'i Neck GIRL WANTED ilons and two acartmentu all Improve- 18.000. If you are foolibij for « Mai borne OCEANPORT MAN DEAD. was 81 years old and wai a native of fighting fires In the big city he the Elks/ to work lit nfflti. Apply John HlnteU ments] price right, W. Mlhni, 17 Eait here's a bargain. P. F.. Kennedy, 114 schoothoust. last Friday, nlfht. It Front itreet, Red Bank. of Ireland. expects to end his days on the old was given by Engllshtown folks. Mrs. Van C. Sweeney snd Family. mann, Inc., Rumion, N. J., phone 867, Monmouth Itreet. phone_447;R,.or 18ia.Ii A. Wolcolt Died Monde? at —Advertisement. , Rumion. WIND MILL FOR SALE. rural homestead, Half of the profits went to the ~ Wind mill In good order, tell very ret ! ' A.e of" 76 Yean. T'CLERrTwANTED. 14,000 cash, balanee on mortgage, will llshtown folks and half went to the Card of Thantu. One who can drive ear. John Dime], lonible. Can be nen at Oakhunt, oppo- purchase a vary attractive elgit-reom-,? I' Jacob A. Wolcott of Oceanport, Forman Stllwell Dead. mann, lno., Bumion, N. J., or phona 8*7, lite teheol, or apply to W. Mihni, V Eait house with all Improvements r lot Stalli ' ' Riordan—Toner. - school. Each party made 125 by To the many friends of the Ut* Front itnet, Ited Bank, egffd.78 years, died Monday after- Fprman Stllwell of North Cald- FtUhugh L. Miller we wish to ex- Rumion. fseti two-ew garnet on one of the flneit well, New Jonoy, formerly of the show. '. '.''.'.' MAN WANTED ~~PLAYER PIANO FORSALEr reildintlal stresti In Red Bsnrk. A real noon after a long sickness. Mr, Miss Catherine Riordan of Long press our heartiest thanks for their to work In the laundry. Jeney Ooait Mahogany,",).note player piano, beneh bargain If bought qulekly. C. fnlrg Ttt- '.Wolcott w*l th« (on of the late Everett, died Saturday of heart Branch became ths bride of Francis Kind sympathy in our bereavement; foundry, Wait Front street, phone Bed and mui|o rollii.eoit ,1650, Mil for $18S. terion, 60 Broad itreet, phona IBlf, «*«,•( Trouble WMi Broken Arm. Bink 2O«. DlrBan'i Piano BbowroooM. Drumniood j'Amoi Wolcott of Eatontown and disease, He Was a brother of Theo- X. Toner, son of William Toner of slso for the beautiful flowers and place, phone Rid Bank Sl«. _____ 'was a painter hy trade. He leaves doro Stllwell of Everett. The fu- Thomaa Olse'n of Leomrdo is automobiles. FOR SALEINSWORD: PROPERTV FOR SALE, Linden place, Red Bank, Sunday Kllht room houm II.S00, S1.009 down, FARM'ON "STATE HIGHWAY; Two houses near high lohooll — 'five children, Mrs. Carrie C. Kautz neral win held yesterday. Among afternoon at the Star of the Sea having more thin his share of The Fimlly. 120 monthly. Addma W. R., drawer M, Ten urn, beautiful bungalow, bith, etc.; and 112,000. Another new houie, with > i land Joseph A. Wolcott of Long those who nttomlod it wnro Thto- church at Long Branch. Rov. trouble with his right arm, which —Advertl»»ment, R»d Bank. . fine for truck or ehleken farm, 111,000, half every Improvement, elx room* and bath,1; 1 enh. Chirlii Dreiiar, 118 Wait Front double garage, f * too. A let with 10* fiel Branch, Grover C. and Marshall was broken thre* weeks ago. * It BOY WANTED. • treet, phone 828, Bed Bank, cloro Stilwcll, Mr. nnd Mri. Bert Father T. Gibbon performed the Card of Thanks. Muit be siiteen yean old. Jereey Coait fronuge on itreet, f 1.7,001 atreet le paved, Wolcott of Oceanport and Howard Sehenck and Mri. Edwnrd Frnncls Ceremony. Miss Marion Desmond, has been necessary, to ra-iet th* We wish to thank our friends snd Laundry, Weit Front itieet, phone >04, DOO GIVEN AWAY7 rurbed and ildewalk la' laid. Influlre Good witeh dog, kind end until! would Frank R. Conklln, 40 Oaklind itreiV >ll< W.plcott of Florida. The iuncral of Everett and Mrs. Alfred Cono- n cousin of tha bride, was brides- arm thre* times,.and Mr, Olsen neighbors for their klndnisi and ned HV Denk. Phone 1T-M. APARTfMfcrJf'rOR Ike to give It to lomeone living on farm wlU b»' held at hla late home to- vor, John C. Conover and Edward maid, and John Dugnn of Elizabeth now has to, ktep it in • cast. sympathy during the sickness and fll<-rnom abartnent. with ImvravemtnU, n country who would give d»g a good A BARGAIN PROPOSITION. ; death' of our wife and mother. 10ml. rhone 1410, Rail Bink. BeiulKul country home, newly rewei. morrow afternoon at two o'clock. Conovor of Allcnhurst, wai groomsman. After th* c*r«- for rent, Intutre at It Monmouth ilreet. I •naaeaia-ia vv»ei"*v'sT ** The service will be conducted by mony a reception was held at ths Three) N*f Bueiei^ . 'Andrew Strohmenger snd Family, Red Bmk. tw6 AND AriALy ACRis6 i lONb -' , --•—-•painted Jnildi•--"*- . «outsideu | eeten rooms. —Advertisement. . . STORES FOR KENT. In Xatontowm good, for ehlokan farm end elliht e.llar.adJJoinino g with goo* will"" JUrr*. E. R. Oralg. Burial will be Death of Mln Donaldson. groom's home. The couple l*ft on The Trlarfgt*. bus company Two itoroi, eheip rmt, at Campbeirt roidilindion ro»d from ,JCitonto«n lo Ai- teir, double waihtuirfubt ind,toilet|" hurr Park; ISOO will buy it,, W, «ahni. i, fen«edisedll . ninninee , aoreacres ge made In West Long Branch ceme ' Miss Harriet A, Donaldson, who a motor trip to Washington, D*C, bought thr*« new bums Sunday, Junction, Inquire Wuner Market Co,, Wit 'IN MEMOMAM. Red Bink. ' T)__t Front >lmt, Reif Bank ' ») iltuated on t»e t»*I» re lived with h«r iliter, Mrs. A. P. and,,on their return will live at On Saturday the company will put ,' In loVlnn mimarr 'I our diuihtir and ihUken eoopen.k .*»: Ivwttt, - ihna. ksfi iltur, OUr* I* MHIOK, who dtpirttd thti ~roWfAHxrtiH~6fiiiiafl—*" Mi, Jew teie» ....l Wilton of Eait Front etroot, died Newark.' Tho bride wai the recipi- into effect a half-hour ichedul* on Sedan, IIISi iiieltini lontltlani' any Bieauie nl e new orgen, the Embury M. froweame «!•¥"'Red Ba• *eni ^ than III* ti*r 14th, 1030. ..ill plaie for ll,u.r ...v »-.. . Al Stnlterhun On* Day. lsst night from s complication of ent of many wedding gifts, Its routes betwsin H*d Bank and Some itt *• ihell in ran tuln, dun Int. Owner h»ln« town, rhone Rid B, church. Wttle BIWir. will i.«r|nje their poiltlvilthoiltlvili yr mrtM_C«nawortlil Cenje,, tieMO,, «uko sit . ",f Bank 114*. ' \ . potUble pipe organ for II00. Imbutr •ouour 'eaaonahlleaaonahle oo)f«f r 'lha t' *t wl nie» Je.r.'.t Minnie Slcklti, wl(« of Ed diieaiei. She wu a native of New Ktyport, and b*lw*«n Red Bank SOMI nr w< •Mil •<•« In teat fieiI ' iloUsiifidLD dMtf K K. chureh, Llltle Bllvir. N, J, Jroken traUtUt. U. Marinei , led York state and i daughter of Wil- Till thin «• (hell «Wih > miner* hise. Jfrokers »r«l of Fair Hav«n, died Ire Sperllnf J.lted, ' ,nd AUantlo Hlthlsndl. That aren th«,»*iri kin't h«d «t Rod Bink and the cnught lira In iome Unknown man IN MIMORIAM. One ton elian rre itraw delivered it Itntls hti sold Jtwett to John Ifiijiti ilftt Hit: A, Nltlrni, boi 17, Ciiii of Blw miihlnti, Cut tm\ ilrtilL' police of- tbla town had ilno* bttn nir, The firanun put thi bits* out •tied lull ' "" ' Kit Bink, ... , Mulllftsn and Charles Btvig• and a TO MMT RED BANK'BEGISTER

SEVEN- ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT ••' . UVE •. > •••' F >LATS FOR RENT. , • ,.i FOR SALE. , , FOR SALE. ' Ith garsgf and barn. Apply !< ittle. aatvea, Moga and poultry wanted. Two beautiful flats, esch containing four Fine ibe room* bungalow on State high* Gray and blue breakfast set consisting United States Springe road, i __. _. 'airy Farm..' " '' ''" : ' • Buda. phon. 867-B. Bed Bank. ooms and'bath; Dne airy rooms, rood '.-corner lot; fine place, for tea room buffet, drop-leaf tables, chair., aereen, .t; MIDDLE AOEDMANlT' STORM ENCLOSURES. 1 SWEET POTATOPtANTa. mrroundlngs, etc.-.,Peter.^DaPontl, phone gas* ststion; between Eatontown ami ly; 9x12 Axminster rug, large graaa rug, (Amtxlcsn).-. would Ilka' work 'or summer Now ii the «ms to have them pot up, Orders taken now1 for • sweat potato 14-J, or call at 2(5 Shrewsbury,avenue, ing. Branch: 16,000. terms. T Elw iml •slon porch swing,- reed rocker, gas back to the farmer around Place In EeilBsnk j outside, lawns lont wait until bsd weather. Phone B«lants; whcleisla or reUU. William Mean, led Bank. , ••' •_• lyiler. phone 2136-B, Eatjntownv' ites and tea wsgon. Mrs. Arthur, Bat- money, loanr money, to ta or.gardsn, Phons Bsd Bank U18-M. • Bank 1408 for Ralph B. Blekels, tl\e oar- lorl.t, HuMion,. N. J., phone 8«1. FOR SALE, i ..-.'.' HOME ON HIGHWAY. . .' i road, Fair Haven, N. J. bond and mortgage at 5Vj EXPERIENCED j LAUNDRESS WANTED. penter and builder. ! ': v -•--•'• • TAKE NOTICE. Esven rooms snd bath.'jelectrle, gal, city ' FOR SALE OR RENT ait to pay off mormortfag*.t , ;r) SU room house, all Improvement!; iteam stocktk , makek- IImproveminti, et«, It Aliirto aulit with houiework; no cook- TRY CURCHIN'S FOR FACE VALUE, I have iivonl used gas stove, ana cook ,pen fireplace: l«,800. See P. F.'Ken- the amount loined. Alstcn Beekman. at- and porch boxes. Fenclos. Robert ed Bank,-' or Louis Soffel, - at his yege- Sailboat "Sandpiper," Jib and mainiall: This attractive aeasborseashore home otly- , t*» • :'••. ^ jrMEY~DTyc»TofANT~~ ledy, 114 Hotuhouth street, phone 447-B. torney. 10 Brosd street. Bed Bank. j. Cook, 87 Sunset avenue. Bed Bank. ble market, Mcoimouth road, Estontown, lilt, by HerreshofT of cedsr and oak; 25 minutes' walk to station: Including sntrM* ^^^:^WalTlM,?Wi!»vn avenue, ir U28-B, Bed Bank. ' ' . :et over all; 16 on water line; draws i%. Ing furniture. One acre ground I ttt' " baby ehlcki. 85 eenti each) tittlng- eggs , CLASS 'HEADQUARTERS. ^ lone 1488,' • •. • 1__ J. Telephone 2486-M. Eatontown. i : :et; good condition, with new sails and to ocean. First floori aun parlor., jgfrArjj!r,.*yMvj.-- '-• "_jJ - •'"/• 10 cents! purebred, heavy laying, free ~ ~~BVN6AL0"VY FOR SALE. All slsei of single and double atrengtb -POULTRYMAN DESIRES POSITION TWO NEW BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. room, dining room, flower ;roon, pu range atojk._jHauvert,_Holmdil. N. J.. All Improvement!, hot water heating •»• window glass. Plata glais windshields our i$200 will buy them, with balance on 1 equipment. Can be seen at Clayton's N. J. 'Tali l private estate at Rurason, N. J.; thirty ist house, Belford, 'M. J. pantry. Second Aeon Four mailer __- • -£ ,BORQ AUTO STORAGE ~ era;' 16,900. See P; F. Kennedy, 114 Mdalty. Miller's Hardware Co.. 88 Weat eara old, married; six years' experience, onthlypaymenta; all improvements; also rooms and two baths; four, maids' room* MK£mlZ Mscbanlo atreet and Globe Court Will Monmouth street, Red Bank. IPhone 447-R ront street. Red Bank, phone 79-J.' nderstands everything about ohickens. irage for two csrs, cemented cellar and Temporary Stenographer Wanted. and two baths: sleeping porch, Sun roaaj fSiVATE.OARAOEFOR,REN'r " •ton. your car by the hour, day, Weak, or 1520-B. Bed Bank. FOR SALE. >Roy Bubb, 24' Bedford itreet, ' East ak floors, Inquire 172 Monmouth street, The use of a. stenographer is deilred den. Third floori Trunk room, two maldr %«IM'Broad atreet, Inijulre J -L month or year, Day and night'nrvlce. " ( - HUDSON RIVER BLUB STONE Lincoln two-passenger Judkfns coupe, )range. N. J, led,Bank, business hours phone 1216. i a commercial office tn Red Bank for rooms ind bath, porch. • Nswly palnUd. dBlM;J WHEEL CHAIR WANTED. . tor 'driveways, 15.00 per cubic yard d.llv- irfeet 'mechsnlca! condition1, reasonable HELP WANTED, iree or four weeks during the absence Two-car garage with chauffeur's Quarters "FOR BENt ' An Invalid chair; muit be reaionabla. ind In or near Bed. Bank. Larger altea iriee. Esstern Auto Sales Co., Long ~ "O"ONN STATE HIGHWAY. Men'.. 18 to 85i'become railway mall ' the regular employee. Pleasant eur- and bath. Price 185,000. Tiroa 'ft di* «4 Wallici itrest, sired. Ray H. Stlllmtn, State Flghwar, Phona_K«yport 442-W, or addmi P. 0, 'or concrete work. Collins Brother!, talc- Iranch. Phone Long Branch 1472. .Good seven room houis on highway, near lerks; commence (1,000 year. Common lundlng). Apply by letter at onca to r Box 887. Union Beach. Ktyport, K. J. lone Keanibutg 26. . . KEYPORT, N. J. icean, for inly $6,000, City gas, hot air lueatlon sufficient. , Sample exsmlnatton B.,_drawer_M,_Red_Bsnk. Estontown, N. J. ••* . • -,-•:'• •>.Ji1lDTS3"C6TF0R'SALE. . - FOR SALE. CARS FOR SALE. Green Grove avenue, ten room bouse, lot beat; one acre of good garden aoll; excel- isching free. Write today. Franklin In- "ATTRACTIVE SEASHORE HOMES. ; FOR SALE. ,,-„,. MBOxlOO. Innulr. John McOlaln, Foi- Thirteen .acre, on the Whlta road. 1,000 Seven panensej'•;,Kluel sedan, Packard 100X1501; drst-clais condition, all improve- ent neighborhood; Ray H. Stillman, Eit- :ltute. Dept. E.U8, Hochester, N. Y, .'•• . Homes and estates in Monmouth Beach, -I am selling farm. .implements at leak Krl.t. River Plata, N, J. feet from Breneh:»venue; price right. L isasls -tw|n alx, cheap. James H. King, ments^ aun pallor;' $10,000, terms to'siiit. intown.'N. J. . LOOK—FOR SALE. ,ong Branch, West End, Elberon, Deal, Al- than colt I also have low prleee on the) Jay Trubln, 88 Broad atreat, Red Bank. 1 Main" atreet, Keyport, N. J-> pbone M. F. Collins, phono Keyport 870-R. WILLIAM. V. DIETRICH, . . Six-room house and a little over three snhursr, Loch Arbor,. Interlaken, Asbury following articles': Fencing "and etatt1al» -f BDV ' Keyport, N.J, lumbing, heating and tinning. Pumps and . ...»...,.' o|d aboil. P. Vellin, 10 IT HAS NO RIVAL. . SCOTCH TERRIER FOR SALE, crea of lard along convetw rofcd'on eor- 'ark.. Inspection on appointment. Ray garden ami' field leedi, Imectlildei, lm» nu FARM-HANDS SUPPLIED . •Indmllls repaired. Agent for Master ear- l[o. 1 on map of Bait Side -Park, lunds, 75 cents: rough dry waib, 6 centa agate, enamelled were and tinware; oil and .Baya'aaveraB l houiei tor itle at Port ,.-.. . FOR SALE. PIANOS. cook itoves, with wicks and supplies to fit I ~ S HOUSE FORRENTFOR'RENT.. • 1 ?air Haven, facing Main road; 74 foot ?er pound. Rough dry waib and flat work Hojmouth, N. U. Oalib.L LukK BaJ. TOWER HILL. At West Long Branch, ten acre farm, Our plinos and service are superior In roofing, baskets and chicken luppllel. > Single ;houie, illx .roomss, watewart and gti. hpne Red Bank 1500. - EXPERT UPHOLSTERING. FLAT TO RENT ATBELFORD. rublnV 88 Broad atreet. Bed Bank. MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE. • MONEY TO LOAN. Overstuffed furniture, cushions, slip cov- Second floor flat to rent; five foam*an d next sesson. 88 South atreat, Bsd Bank. SALESMEN WANTED Twenty-one foot open launch with five iath. all Improvementa, with or without the new inburb of Long Branch, on Ocean* - close roofing contracts'. Attractive ode, .jn bond and morwago on ieal#«tlttii In s made to older; supplies, tapestry, ere- . ROOM FOR BENT "" lorse power, single .cylinder engine; price iS.BuI or vicinity Tn sums of I60O to :onne and leather: lamp shade silks, wire Brage; corner Church and Compton streets, port avenue, your 'opportunity. • The ad* friligh* housekeeping. Apply §8 W«sb- with private family;. large front room, fur- to those who qualify, - Men with automo- 100, or will exchange for Ford car. Scott'e elford, N. J. Call or write any time, vantages of buying here,are many. Thaw-. iiton!»treet; Bed Bank. FhonaHOS-M. biles preferred. Apply to O. M. Olson & ISO.ODO. Apply J6hn A. Loyely^oounselor- Iramea, trimmings. H. Chark's furniture nished; with .four windows. Call at 6« loathouse. Hubbanl bridge, Red Bank, ;.|.w. South Amboy. N. J, phone South ore. 80 Monmouth street, Ited Ba k. 'hona 373-W, Belford, or address Mrs* tax rate is extremely low. every lot la J.',"••'* G. ESCHELBACH • SON, Co., Ino, OirReld and First avenues, At- high, and has more thsn six Inches ot top South street, or telephone 788. Bed Bank. LOT FOR SALE. Imboy 131-M. ' ' ' NINETY PER CENT LESS I. A. Miller, box 60. Belford, N. J. K.fyeat Front etreet. Bed Bank, phone ^^^™^^5^^T3^^^^iIS^r« "*™^***"T^^^*"""*?""*.™^-~**"""".« antlc Highlsndi, N. J. soil: It lies on the most direct and traveled-'. - • POULTRY BOUGHT /|ND SOLO,." Lot 40x144 for sale on Drummond tract, FRESH PICKED VEGETABLES. lyerhead than that of other dealers Is only \1i. Anto accessorial and Tulcanlslngg. JUNE 6TH TO 13TH East Sunset avenue. West Red Bank; side- CARPENTER JOBBING road from Long Branch to Red Bank. Pub* t 170* AQlo •coBi»wri»s» »'»• "»"»» Alive or frslh drsitcd <*lckin« bought Special this week, ipInicH 40 cents a ine. 'ressoii viby the piano purehaser"gets y competent man in any branch of work. lie busiei running pait the property cash ' INISHED. or sold will pay best prices. J. Baker, ire the dates for Relief Engine Company's walk and sewer. Price $650, part cash, jach basket; also lettuce and radishes. nore for his money at* Dlrhan's Piano Io job too large or small to receive prompt >L66HS CLEANED AND FINIS Mechanle atreet. Red Bank. Phone lOCl-J. fair, at' firchouse, Drummond place, Red itrleted, Phone Red Bank 883-M. halt hour, about one-half mile fron Llttla Old and new floors. H. Sptlngettenl . 447 live your friends a treat on Decoration Vareroom and Shop (rear of residence), Mentionn. Sash cord and glazlnr. Eatl Silver itatlon on the New York and Lonjf Bsnk. Dancing, many attractions, Wis- Sod Cutter and Cultivator Wanted. Tummpnil place, phone 883. Red Bank. atet** furnishedfurnishd . ScreenS s a specialtyilt . prtgat street. Bed Bank. Phane.l88l-M. DONT RIDE teria Garden orchestra. lay. Mrs. M. Dodge, Rumsoti road, Lit' Bnnch railroad. City water, electric Hgbtw. LEM:' SUTPHEN, with a broken windshield. Bring yoour ear A one-horse sod cutter In good condl lie Silver. N. J. ' BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. trices rlatht, C. H.BennettH.'Bennett, 121277 Mon- telephone and gas. Lots f 100 and* uq* and decorating. IS- S Me- HELP THOSE WHO HELP YOU. nouth streettt . RRedd BankBk, phonh e 124-R124. R W oere and let ua pat In a new elate l .ion; al.o a one-horse cultivator wanted. TUXEDO SUITS FOR HIREi Setting hens and hatching eggs by bun. wards, sold on eaiy piyment plan: a dli* treat. Red Bank. Phone 1141-W. Miller's. 83 West Front strut Bsd Bsnk, Attend Rolief Engine company's fair, lay L, Smithi-Locust, N. J. Phone after red or setting; pure.stock, vigorous, fret. CARS FOR SALE. count for caih. The Home Site Develop* . Drummond place, Red Bsnk, June 6th to Latest style Tuxedo suits for all occa 1 WIRE WHEEL SERVICE. OARDENER WANTS POSITION, ;00 P. M., 108, Atlantic Highlands, slons; sires 33 to 44. Can supply any arm range; also cockerels and pullets for Chevrolet, L924 model, with suburban ment, Inc., Oceanport avenue, Oceanport* , ^ .Wire wheel* rebuilt. John H: nun, 42 18th. Attractions for amusement and ireedlng. Mrs. Louis Soffel, Monmouth iody, all In A-l condition, for sale, (GOO. Gardener, caretaker, handy'man: mid- iroflt of all. Dancing. HOUSEKEEPER WISHES POSITION. amount needed. Monmouth Street, Men s rest Front atreet. Red Bank. Phone 72.B. dle aged, married. E. Knight, 27 Park American .woman wishes, position In wid- Shop,. 28 Monmouth street, near Broad road, Eatontown, N. J., phone 2436-M. ludson, 1916 model, touring body, engine GENTLEMAN'S FABM NEAB RED BANK ".!•'-..,' APARTMENT FOR RENT. Row, New York City, care Patterson Eros. APARTMENT FOR RENT iwer's home as housekeeper;' good cook. reel, Red Bank. ' - . POULTRYMAN, 'ebored, new rear axle, for sale, $260. This property seen to lie appro*'< 'Second floor, 17 Broad street. Apply R. , , .FOR SALE.. - . on Broad street, Red Bank; fine apartment, References given and required. Address _jrled, no children, desires position on rVrlte Gordon Douglass, Hlghlsnds, N. J.,dated. One of the most beautiful location* lancl ft 8oni, 12 Broad itrcet, Red Bank. Iron bid and - aprlng, • aidebbard,' couch six- rooms,' two baths; garage, heat and merlcsn Woman, drawer M, Itcd Bank. MONEY TO LOAN rivate or commercial.plant; wife willing to r telephone 100-M, Atlantic Highlands. . on the state highway. Ten minute! to ' Ji and folding bed: each-15.00. No dealers. janitor service. -Ray H. Stlllmsn, agent, on first snd second mortgsges in amounts irork or board help: twenty*years' practi- LLOYD FRANCIS. Bed Bank station. A genuine colonial •:A!. COWS^FOR SALE7 ihone Eatontown 2178. . ELMER C. WAINRIGHT, Df 11,000 to (20,000. Will also buy good Two good family oowi for sale at Mag- O. S. Jenki.81 Front itreet, Keyport. N. J. ustlca ot the peace. Criminal and collec cal experience; finest references. H. Shep- :eneral contractor and builder. Porch en- farmhouse completely -remodeled. Flv* ) jll«_FjsrnvMatawan, N.^^PhoneJ44-W. HATCHING EOGS FOR SALE; tlon case* retelve prompt attention with second mortgages. Phone Bed Bank pard. 1961 Bergen street. Brooklyn..W. Y.- closures; jobbing promptly attended to; master bedrooms •• and .three bathlt two FOR SALE. " ~ 195-M. Edward Wolf, 100 Monmouth istimates cheerfully furnished. 45 Linden Choice' co'eker Spaniels, with full pedi- . Barred^Rock hatching egge, by the sst- results. Day and night service. Phone 4. PIANOS AND PLAYERS. servants' bedrooms.and one bithl two 1ST* Jng-or-Ahe hundred,--White -Pekin duck itreet, Red Bank. lace, Bed Bank. Residence Whlta rard. Portable docks" and' Ooitn a JroecWtr. gree pipers i fit to so In the beit of homes, Office, 1»< Catherine sUeet. Bed-Bank. You will always find dependable used pi atorles: large living room with colonial Gibion '.Kennels, .phone Eatontown 2180-J. eggs. F. C. Byram, Upper Broad street. PROPERTY WANTED. inos on our floor, with two years^aarivllegi pper Broad street. Shrewsbury* N. J.fireplace, cozy library wltb.large open* ,8. White, 88 Oakland jtreet. Red Bank, Red flank, phone 81-R. RUGS AND CARPETS SHAMPOOED hone 073. Red Baiik. Window screens. place; dining room, servants' dining roont, ind dry cleaned. Old carpet made Into Have t client who wishes to purchu if exchanging at, full value for nej TTTLADYVBICYCLE WANTED. " ~~ . WANTEE ~ from four to six acres of land on the State LOOKING FOR LOTS? laundry and kitchen; hot water beat, city Two girls,-not under four yeara;.best BOOKKEEPER' WANTED. ( rugs. Rag rugs^woven. Call us. Mon- )Irhan'e Piano Showroom and Small a|ie, good condition; reaionable A young lady wanted al aiilatatlt book- highway between Red Bank and Keyport. hop. Dromraond place, phone Red If you are looking for lots to build new water, gaa, electricity; garage far two home and. care In private family; rates mouth Carpet Cleaning Co, 2216-J, Mon cars, hot water heat, two bedrooma and «• cssh. P. Llebrlch, box 161, Red Bank. keeper and ofHc'e helper; omce experience moutb Betch. William Gross, manager. . William' Hv Hintelmann. Rumaon, N. J..188. lomen on I have naps in my office of all reasonable. Address B;, box 46, Keyport, icwly developed tracts; especially Shrews- bath; large barn with eight box cUlle. ~~~. FOR SALE... • • • • riot necessary. Child'. Bakery, West and phone Rumson 600. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Fifteen pounds Hubberd aquash need, N. j. • • ;•• Wall streets, Rid Bank. •__ DAHLIA, BULBS. iury Heights, opposite Shrewsbury golf chicken house, piggery, work shop. larg* . While they last, 30 cents each: beautiful BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Iron bed. bedroom aultc, mirror (4x6 meadow with brook, spple orchard. Tbia cry choice. Hullf Qlberion,' Holmdel. N. J. •• :FOR SALE.. Blue reed with yellow wheels, corduroy Inks. See P. P. Kennedy, 114 Monmouth One harrow, three cultivator., and one R.I. RED PULLETS, $1.25. isortment, rich yellow shades; also.phlox, 'eet), two stands, living room chairs, s}de itreet, phone 447-R or 1520-R, ReJ Bsnk. property may be seen by appointment. Bay •• MAS0N"CONTRACtOR. block and fall. All In good condition; Mri. Ten weeks old June 6th;-early hatched Iris, tomato snd cabbage plants. Mrs. M. iholstering: moving away, will sell chesp. loard and dining room chairs, desk table, H. Stillman, State . Eatoatovaj SsUmates eheefully' given. Eugene pullets lay In fall and will fetch price paid aone Red Bank 68-M. One block eastmusic rack,' ice box,, paper rack, two hat RESIDENCE FOR SALE. N.J. Frank Harm, Little" Silver; N. J., near da. Dodge, Rumson road, Little Silver. N. J. Residence of eight rooms, all improve- •- 68 ?eotor place. Rid Bank, phone pot. •• .'• . ' next summer for meat; also ' cockerels. of Little Silver garage, Little Silver, N. J. racks and two couches. Phone Red Bank, Blauvelt, Holmdel, N. J. FOR SALE. Mrs. J. T. Watson. 769. icnta; garage, large grounds, near High- FURNITURE FOR SALE. . • Beautiful six room bungalow, bath, all way, convenient to station and beach; sell* HEAVY HAULING ,' ! SPRING MATTRESSES FOR SALE. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Improvements; 160 feet from Stats high, FOR RENT FURNISHED. FRUIT AND TRUCK FARM. ing out estate. Terms or cash. Particu- of all kinds. Batea reasonable. AidstiN Handlome solid mahosany dlnlnff room Ressonable, seven room house, bath and Two spring mattresses 'or sale; In per table and eight Chippendale chain. Ad- ind builder; jobbing done.-' Jacob (EulrIcbt way and bus line;' *4,600, terms. T. El 104 acres, over 460 fruit treei; 40 acre lars write G. Freibott, Waterview, Hop- Brothera, phone Bed Dank'704. ' set condition; reaionable. Call Red Bank dre.s Dining, Room Suite, drawer >M, Red corner of Appleton and' Hamilton avenue. wood Snyder,; phone 21336-B, .Eatontown. ^ ll improvements; large grounds, short dis- ;ood tillable, large woodland; twelve-roon plng's Crossing, Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Bank. ..•-"• Ocean View, near Leonardo. Addreia FURNISHED BUNGALOW'S FOR RENT. tance from ocean and river; Blackpolnt road IOUBC: a positive bargain at S8.G0.0, S8.000 Experienced Sewer* Wanted . VtS. IT WILL BB DONE R1OL Leonardo, F. O., box 178. - 1 snd Avenue'of'Two Elvers. Address Box caah, balance, easr terms. Edward W. HIGHWAY FARM FOR SALE. i. PIANOLA FOR SALE. > At Belford, N. J.; completely furnished, Lintner, 5 Weat Main street, freehold, Five-acre farm on State highway with for high-class dressmaking establiihmeittt vjour ear ti washed at the Boro SUSHI, SMALL FARMS WANTED. 81, Rumson, N. JJ Pianola; and 'eighty tnuelo rolli; in good bungalows, screened, large porches; May to iBtabliahed roadalde business, good build- Apply at the Boie Shop, 73 Broad itreet, no- waah stand.- Obarlss A. Jones, eypirt condition; price 1150. Lulgl Nannlnl,,806 If you.have a small farm or country October. (175 to *200. Garland, Main ' TITLE EXAMINER. ings and fine modern house with all Im- aaner.-. Shriw.bury.' avenue,. Red Bank.-,. Phone lome for; aale for $2,500 or less; .nail par- street, corner of_Eaet road, Belford, N. J. Dont invest one cent In real estate until 33-ACRE FARM ONLY 13^00. provements, Good . value for $16,000. R«d Bank. . . " . .,-;' MARBIED MAN WANTED Iculcra at once to Ray H.. Stillman, State yau have erst had the title searched. Ver- Six room farm house with outbuilding V 1031. • ~RAis!NG~CANABl£S . Berries, fruit and rich garden ground, Ray olllva In tenant house.and do general farm ilthway. Estontown, N. J. non W. Row. title ixaminer. room 80. ind thirty-five acres of fertile farm land, H. Stillman, State highway, Eatontown, CARPENTERS WANTED. !<>\ rdrV. J, B. Rue, Jr., phona Mlddletown CALIFORNIA. Is a pleasant and profitable pastime; fe, Iroad Street National bank building. Red iltuated on good road, for $3,500:' Hsndy Motoring to 'Lot Angeles about July 1st. FOR SALE male canaries and breeding cages for sale Bank. Phone 78-W. Ten non-union carpenter, wanted at , 76-F-43. on Railroad avenue, Belford, frontage 850 1 to ahore and in good neighborhood, Ray Would you like to-Join me? Have room very, reasonable. Woman's Exchange. 45 H. Stillman. State highway, Eatontown, HOUSES FORSALE. once, long job. G. A. Hswklni, Fair Ha*, I",.- • T WHEN MOVINQ T"~ for three. For particulars phone Red Bank, eet by 140 feet deep; facing two avunues. . SMALL FARM. 'rice 81.000. Caleb . h. Luker, Belford. Hlverslde avenue, phone 1422, Bed Bank. Eight room house, good condition: somi N. J. ' - Ranging from {3.000, $3,600, 14,000, ven, N. J. ' ' ' all-'Anderson Brothers. Telephone Bed 500-1:, . • . ' ' <,E00, ?6,0007 $5,500, $6,500, 17,500, aok. 704. and get our ratea. Anywhere, ''hone 75-F-81 Kesnsbnrg. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. improvements; large lawn, shrubbery; net RED BANK. SWEET POTATO PLANTS. Newly furnished front bedroom for busl 18,500, $9,500 and up to $20,000. Also 1922 CHALMERS TOURING CAR school: four acre, of land; bsrgain. James I have for sale aeven lots, S7Ux,128~H leveral river- properties ranging from WHEN MOVING At 100,000 large, itrong . red and ytllow for sale;' engine' in perfect condition, and ness couple or two business women; also A. '• Curley,' real estate, 6 Elm place, Bed feet. Will sell separately. S650 esch. or • MONEY TO LOAN. •weet, potato -planta .for tale. -'. G.-Dougla. •ingle'bedroom, All improvements^ Apply 120,000 up. See P. F. Kennedy. 114 Mon- Oall Anderson Brotbiri. Tslephon* Hrf^ 704 and gtt out rttes. Any»h*ff, , pply to A. L. Ivlm, Beglatar building, ReRdd BaiikBaii P . > \ •> . ' • W. Rlker, Avenue of Two Rivers, Rumsan, FOR SALE. !snk. *T< J.. phone Rumson 614. ' MOTOR BOATS FOR SALE. Motor lawn mower, Caldwell 1823:.fltie Luker, Belford. Phone 76-F-81 Keans Any time. , *-_•_.. GRAVEL FOR SALS. mrg. POLICE DOGS, CHOWS, AIREDALES . , . • .'.• O. F. rllLL. : „ HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE Open boats and cruisers from 16 to 46 ,^avy roller; 140, eoit 1400; reason for FIna gravel for ro.ds; can alr.nd ln.pec. 'eet; many, are great' bargains for quick idling, have newer model. Needs, a bit of and Great Danes. Puppies and half grown STORE FOR RENT. • ' itumblng, heating and tinning Iff alltlon; thirty centa _per cubic yard. IL Bit- at Belford, N. J.; house and Jot, also one CURCHIN'S FOR REAL ART. •SI of finest breeding .obtainable. Noted lot on. Church street. For "terms write buyers. Can be eeen at Dickmnn's bost iverhaullni, but ie in good condition; Tfl- Curchfn's barber ahop is the place when Large atore; two windows; ataaat I»«atr> iranohts.. 94 Westslde avenue. Red Bank, zau, phona 26-W, Red Bank. AIM concrate works, foot of Wharf avenue. Red Bank. dogs at stud. Police dogi and Airedales onrl215.. . _ . . gravel. ' owner. M. E. Walling, 624 Fountain street, ghone Red Bank 373 irt means something. For rear proof tr: trained by. German trainer. A tew pups to furnished. Apply A. ClUrelia. 71 Moa- Havre de Grace, Maryland. _ • * FOR SALE. SALESMEN WANTED is once, and then you will always. Thli give to reliable people on- breeding basts. TRIVER~FRbNT- LOT FOR SALE. AT STUD. mouth street. Red, Bank, BROILERS. . Furniture for a wholu house; breaking Io close rooting contracts. Attractive otter ils'o applies to lsdies and. children. Sec- Strongheart Kennels, Eaiton avenue, New Facing on River avenua, comprlilng Imported German pollcs dog, pedlgiead up housekeeping. Probably could rent the ind National bank building. Red Bank, up Brunswick, N. J. :. • Criminal Polliel, Riedeckendurg Uckarmark Milk-fed broilers, weighing pound and a to those -who qualify. Men with automo- bout one and a halt imt.- D. family, hslf'to two and a half pounds; only about hou.e if wanted. Write for appointment, biles preferred. Apply to G. M. Olson 4 italrs. laleslsdy wanted; thoroughly experteoteds',' lurnion. W. J. •train. Talephoca Highland. 1263, p. 0, addressing H.' J. K., drawer M, Red Bsnk. MAN WANTED. CORN FOR SALE. box 281. •. 100 left. C. L. Grant, Everett, N. J, Co., Inc., Garfleld and First avenues. At- •FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RgNT. W« will make interesting proposition to one who can asaiit with buying. phone Ml RECORDS REDUCED. Two hundred and twenty-five appU trees, ft Pond,- makeri;: beautiful tone, in fine I build garaces from 1100 up. Let me At 76 Monmouth street, near corner ol — FLOWER ROOTS FOR SALE. show you some of the many I have built, rage; price, furnished, $6,250. Ray H.• Tustlng's are selling Bed Seal records a' Maple avenue, now occupied by Consoli- pears, plums, cherries, quinces... grapn, PONY FOR SALE. Dahlia and Irli rootii il«o baby chleki condition. Addresi H. J. >K., drawer M, Stillman, State highway, Eatontown, N. J, half price: McCormsck, Caruso, Elman, jerries and asparagus; 660 Leghorns, two ! Red Bank.j ?alph B..SIckels, carpenter nnd builder. 84 dated Gas Co.: immediate possession giv- 1 Piebald saddle or pony horit for ) t .ale. Ifra, V^ VanDorn, Half-Mlle McLaren-street, -Red Bank. --- , RUGS—ORIENTAL RUGS, aiuekj-0all(-Ourel-and-aU-.othera,-«5-eenU en-—Apply-on • premises - or- Jerfley-Centrs hortes.-all tools, four head of cattle , six* gaT Bed Bank* II FOR RENT; Bought, aold, exchanged, stored. Clean. each. Open tonight. Tusting'l, 16 Mon- Power A Light Co., 65 Broad street, Red room bousa and all buildings; f 10,600, -Fnrnl»h«d-"Trr™mift)rnlshed;-elgh*»i SHH&, QQ hh» l ggt*^aeb^£lbI* -. * *.. .stKinu iftMh Fully equipped service ststion forssle narand"repatrlng->r~speclaltyr~'Hand-waah' •mouth-strcet.-Red-Bank«- Bankr- Have jour screens msde or repaired by bouie, all Improvement!., alecplng. .porch, ing at lowe.t rates.. Prompt service. . 6 RECORDS REDUCED. FOR RENT FOR sfeASONJ Luker, Belford, N. J. • Phone Keanuburg;, Red Bank. garage, chicken house. Phone 1258.W, C Drummond place. Red.Bank, phone 1044-R. 76-F-31. Thomas Olassey, 15 Bridge avenue, phone Red Bank, $2,2Yo? "Apply "Ray° H. "stlUmanr a' Tostlng's are selling Red Seal records al Two five-room . bungalows, bloek t[ lM-J.:BapVBank. , yay. Eatontown, N. J. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. half price: McCormick. Caruso, Elman, beach;-S225 each for season; also four MODERN HOME ON RIVER. Carpenter Work Wanted. „, •FUBNTSHED~APARTMENT FOR RENT. • HOU.SE FOR' SALE. General repairing; estimates given oq Gluck, Gaill-Curci and all others, 65 cents room cottagei iroprovementa; $150 season A'bargain on the Shrewsbury river; one "ThtW-TOomapartment; all Improvements. '.Houio-o£"i!x- roomi. -tile hath, all tm< FOR SALE. RED.BANK, and one-half acres of ground; fine seven* All kinds of jobbing attended to bj an t ' 1 B all kinds of buildings, blue printl fur- each, Open toniKht. Tusting si 16 Mon- Shown on' appointment.. Mrs. DeCtrloi 1 ... * . . n t fY !— L i ' ' * — it AW* >i A laiannAfiH provenienta; 86,800. P. K. Kennedy, 114 fifteen lata 60x155 'feet, restricted, high room house, two tile baths and one serv- uperletieed carpenter. Write to'fchDoW loply 48'Throckmorton avenue, telephone elevation, along good .street.- For theished; prices re.sonsble, alt work guaran. mouth street. Red Bank. 362 Valley Drive, opposite Leonardo hlgl 1247-J. Mdnroouth r'"eet, phone 447?R or 152O.R, teed. A. G. GofT, phone Red Bank 126-M, school. ^j ant's bath; hot water heat, electricity, hot Marvin. 83 Herding toad, ' ited Bans> »;a B.nk Red Bank. whole, IS.fiOO cash. Caleb Luker, Belford. FOR SALE. and cold water; oak floors, open* fireplace; TTWOTNEW BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. Phone 76-F-81 Heansburff. SHREWSBURY RIVER. Large sited Ice box, white emmel: 60' WINDOW CLEANING. large porches. Price for quick sale Phone 350-J. , .' > Six rooms and sun psrlor: all Improve- We make a specialty of cleaning; win. - SUBURBAN~BODY~WANTED7" . HOUSE FOR RENT near Rumson Country club, elghteen-acn flsh bowls, all sites; also medicine cabinet S22.600. Ray H. Stillman, State highway, nenti: .7,1100 and »«,000, Phone.Eggle- at Fair . Hsven; seven room house, fur- estate, large houee, garage; large watei B7 galvanized drawers and large show casi dowa of stores, offices and private real. Eatontown, N. J. • , - ADAMS & MOXLEY. ; itbn,' 9 Matawan. Second hand luburban body fcr Bulck dences; alio general office cleaning. Rates atawan. Six cha.ali wanted; must be In good con. nished or unfurnished; for the season or by font; $45,000, one-third cash. F.~A.'More, Fred Msddelena. 108 Shrewsbury avenue, LOCATED AT CENTERVILLE, Eteeplejacki and general ' contraoton^ HARDWOOD FLOORS. ""^ hou.e, Foxwood Park,, phone Red Ban' Red Bank, phone 440-J. reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. 48 dltlon and reasonable • price. Phone 70O-R, the year; all improvements. On bus line. Washington atriet. Bed Bank, phone on continuation of. Laurel avenue from AU high construction -*ork. Riding, Any kind you want. Give ua a can for Mlddletown. . ' Telephonp e Red Bank 1054-J. 1509. , FOR SALE. 1 CHICKENS WANTED. 654-M. Keansburg, farm of-seven acres, five room wrecking and high painting. 11 Kari*» ' utlmate. Ralph B. 8lckel>. carpenter and EXPERT AUTOMOBILUTOMOBILE WASHER FURNISHED APARTMENT TO RENT Beautiful country home, .evia rooms house, fine cellar, barn, etc.: an Ideal place mlldif. Red Bank. ' Will pay highest market prices for fowli LOOK! LOOK! ttreet. Bed Bank. •_ " ' and broiler.. Csll cr write Alex. Zwlckt, now In chsrge of the wash itand a* th< for the summer;.all Improvements: nicely bath, all improvements: on* aers ground for chicken farm: ground will raise any- TlOUSES FOR RENT, Boro >Buss.s, Inc., Globs Court and Me furnished; pleasant surroundings;- l\i all kinds fruit, garage,'chicken hjiisei. f.n- List your properties for rent or call thing. Will sell or lease; farm koown as 8B North Broadway, Long Branch. N. 3H special demand for houses In Fair Have] HAMILTON S.BA'l'llN, , . lit.-150. and ICO. See P. F. Kennedy. phone 1500. chanla street. Get.your car washed wbll miles to ocesn; convenient to all busses lawn; 17,500.-terma. T. Elwood Sayder the Pat Lawless farm. Call or write Mrs. 114'.Monmouth street. Phone 447-B, or In town.' Service guaranteed. garsge. Adults. Inquire 2489-R, Eaton- phone_2136-R. Eatontown. ^__ Little Sliver and Rumson; hsve clienl M. Jantten, 154 East 60th street. New Insurance broker, repreientt tht aimrceT * HOUSE FOR RENT. r waiting for Immediate posseislon 1620-RlOtVlii .BI URe uaaiid mBank •• , . TRACTOR FOR SALE. town. LIVING ROOM SUlTE FOR SALE. York-City, phone Plaia 5458. and not the company. Telephone! Keel', ALL-ROUND MAN WANTS. POSITION, Six rooms, all Improvements, furnished Inquire at O'Flfeherty's stors at Fair FOR SALE AT RED BANK. Handiome five-piece living room suite, Sweeney & Msce, Ocean avenue, Sesbrlgh or unfurnished; by the season or year, phone 217, HELLO tl Bank 1279 and John l!0«. All klndt af ailther Inilde or outilde *»rk or In reitau- View. Midwest tractor, plow, cultivator Three lots 85xl28U feet deep. A iverstuffed, newly upholstered in silk dam. We repair radiators, mudguards, hoods, rlnt or lunchroom. Address J, A., cars For particulars phone Red Bank 622-W, $25 REWARD Insurance. New York offlce, 10 Haidra Mrs. Havell. and lawn mower attachments, ¥109. J. T. sidewalks, sewers, -water and electric For aak; sold at -bargain for lick' of room imps, and do all metal work. We sell a box 44, Keanabarg, V. J. Wright, drawer M, Red Bank. the plot, 105x128 U. $1,000, patt cash. Phone Ked'Bank 1784-R, or call 11 will be paid for Information leading to re. radiator for a Ford for 114.60 that Is aLane. "NEW'HOUSE'FOR SALE. PIGS AND PLANTS FOR SALE. Caleb. L. Luker, Belford, 76-F-31 Keen.- Branch avenue. Red Bank.' turn, of % Canada goose lost from the ei> honeycomb radiator that dont freeze. We Five six-weeks-old pigs, pait~ Berkshire! UPHOLSTERING. t.te of S. J. Bennett, Tlnton Falls. N, I AH Improvements; «5,!00. See P. F. Upholstering and reunlshlns; ot all kind-, burg. . . COOKING POTS AT LOW PRICES. sell Firestone and other makes of tires. SINGER SEWING MACHINES, also a few. thousand large pepper plants. of furniture. Frank Howard, 121 Win FARM NEAR TOWN. questions asked. Telephone or. write Dl Windshields and door glssaes a specialty. Kenhedy, 114 Monmouth street, phona Bed Charle. Vogel, near Crawford'a Corner, Agate ware and aluminum, with covers R. 3. Bennett, 516 Atbury avenue, Asbur: 'Reasonable, prices. Red Bank Auto RadI* U down, *1 week; 25 years' rellahle.aaM. " Bank 447-B or 1520-B. Front atreet. Red Bank, phone, shop 88SJ Old farmhouse, suitable for remodeling; at hslf regular prices. See windows. Sap- Ice. All makes repaired. Drop poltal Holmdel, N. J. residence 860-V?, ReJ Bank. electricity, heat; four acres ground; fruit, •ark. N. J. ator Works, 118 Wist Front atrett. Bed . . r_WREW J."iTi i - . olln porch furniture ensmels, vsrnisl Bank. Phone 1177. Free trial o( Singer electric Ftuk B, i •Paper hanging and decoratingnr—: Interior •-. MANUFACTURER WANTS THREE LOTS FOR SALE. trood neighborhood. Price $4,000. Rsy stains, 'slso .... •• • houao has just been painted. Can be seet The Mutual life insurance company of 2X51-M. . . * pion Specialty, 1917 Bushwlck ' avenue, '• ' ^FOR SALE. '. , at any time. For key and Information In- New York has several splendid openings BEDS. MATTRESSES AND SPRINGS. at Fairfleld Gardens. Carl J. Diets, 128 2S-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE ON RIVER. Home-In Shrewsbury; six room houi Brooklyn, N. Y. . West Front street, Red Bank. 115,000 for thla larg. boarding houee: quire of Elmer Compton. corner Churcr In the counties of Monmouth, Mercer, and - Neitle't Lanoil Permanent . In all sliea a.nd aualltlei at low price., garden, chicken home, garage, line lawn street and Walling avenue. Immedla Middlesex for local agents who must be amuel' Swarti, 14 West Front atreet, off CASH PAID . . UPHOLSTERING. year round business; large garden ot tw lome Improvements; one minute from bti waving, »15 full head, guaranUei, Hatt for falls teeth, dental gold) platinum, dll acres. City water and gas. Garage. Ra possession. ' business men In good standing In their Iroad street, Red Bank. Upholstering and retnlshlns of all kind B line; $3,000, terms. T. Elwood Snyder community'.' Owners of motor earn pre- and beauty work in all Its branches; vle» carded jewelry, diamond and magneto of furniture. Frank Howard. 181 Wesi H.. Stillman, State highway, Eatontown, FARMS WANTED. ROOF LEAK? ~ potnti. Hoka Smelting & Reflnlns; Co., Ot- phone 2136-R, Estontown. Have city clients ready to buy farms ferred. Apply with referencm to 'District l i J. H. HICKS, OUR- BARBER. NEW HOUSE FOR SALE. List your properties for rent or sail "SECOND-HAN D CLOTHES BOUGHT. . OLDSMOBILE CAR FOR SALE. furnished or unfurnished; seven rooi_ special demand for houses In Fair Have: modeled and electricity, city water and vice given as to what, wbeu ead hew lt> Mine only! must tie In good condition. Is all right, so his friend, say. Hair out Having bought a - new car have n Six rooms, and bath; all,Improvements evary modern eonvenlencs: delightfu heat installed. All neeeissrr farm out- ting Is Ms specialty. Clean .service and Little Silver and Rutnson; have client plant T. E. SUlei, til Bwdtaf coca)., Call at 1. Ktrber'i. 168 Uonmonth atreet. further use for my Oldsmoblle eight cylln. extension of butler's pantry; beautlfullj neighborhood: $70 monthly furnished. $51 waiting for immediate possession nnd aalei buildings. About one mile to the ocean satisfaction guaranteed. Shop, DC Linden dir tourlitk car, Will icll reasonable. Me decorated; two minutes from the bus, A unfurnlthed. Edward W, Llntoer. 6 Wee and handy to Red Dink. Ray H. Stillman, Hed Bank, phona tl«. , Bad Bank, phone 172-J. place, Red Bsnk. _—^__ Sweeney k Mace, Ocean avenue, Seabrlghl • HIGHEST PRICES PAID Alllster, phone Red Bank 1828, J.-Hendrlcksoh, Newman Springs road, Red Main street. Freehold, N. J. phone 217. State highway, Eatontown, N. J. •TCHT-ACRE FARM, $4,000. 1 Bank. AREATTBARGAliN. . far. ill Wnda of live poultry. Jacob Betk- '• WHY PAY BENTT FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. COMMUTER'S HOME. FOR SALE OR RENT. er, 17t Shrewsbury avenue, Red Btnk, or Handy to ihora and "R«d Bank: six roDir LOTS FOR SALE. New seven room itucco houie, all mod house and barnt all klnde of fruit,.grape Your home planned and built to youi Eight room house, all Improvement! At Point Fleaiant Beach, on the beach, Mew alx room bouse, all Impruvuglatat phona 1819-W, Red Bank, choice: financing arranged on etty terms Lots, 50x136. on Parker av'enue, one ern Improvements, open fireplace, tile hath, Inree lot, shrubbery, Rsrase; near statioi "Bonnie Dunes," house of ten roomi, bsth, cement walks and cellar one. bloek.b*aa.i and berries. Term.. Ray 11. Btlllman, .J!, A. Hendrickson, 78 Newmsn Springs bloek from Main road. Fair Haven; electric room; on Tbrockmorton avenue. Apply B. v I"H AVE "SEVERAL" L0T3"A£0NG Eatontown. 'N. J. Price $5,200 or $6,009 furnished: Thl two open fireplaces, plct 50x250; garage, bui, Ava mlnuUa to statlosi IHIeV the tUta-road for sale! also a nice five- avenue, phone Red Bank 1202-J, liRhts and water In Parker avenue; price Klnkeltteln. 12 West Front street, Red must be seen to be apprcclnted, Jamei two porches all around house; suitabis for room bungalow, Caleb L. Lukir, Btlford. ) REPA1R1NO AND REFIN1SHINQ . SATURDAY SPECIALS. S800 per lot, Addreis P. O. Box 160, Rec Bank, or your own broker's. Curley. real ratate, 6 Elm place, Ited Banl s clubhouse. Also two houses. Aeven Terms. Phone 1907, Bid Bank. MM aV ,' of wood or metal of all kinds; speolallalng Bank.^_ Phone 7B-K-81 Keansburg. Hot roait beef, hot roait pork, rots FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. phone 1745-W. rooms, all Improvements. Apply A. L. Al- Ewlng, 80 Weililde avenue. • , on auto bodies and furniture, J, "orton, chicken, all kinds ot plei and cikei and a FOR SALE^ New seven room atucc? houie, all mod pers, 315 Arnold avenue, Point Desiant, "JAMES SOPEN, . corner of Maple avenua rnd Gold streat. In FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT N. J.. phone 823. Alio two houses on eontraetor, and bulldert. all kinds of Job- full line ol Rrocerles ami vegetablea. C Lloyd reed baby carriage, $9.00; oal ern improvement!, open fireplace, tile bat! SAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS, rear. Red Bank. • • room; on Throckmonon avenue. Apply B In Fair Haven, one block from Main roa< South Front street. Phone 2207, Emerson, Wng done,. Dealer In building material. Raymond Luillow., Belfordrd, , N.. JJ,, serving table, four osk dining room chairs and one block from river; by the year o Buga—beautiful reverelble n|a aut* James floden. • " " ' FOR RENT. oak rocking ohslr. floor lamp and old-fash Flnkelateln. 12 West Front street, Red Kllaabeth. £_^ HALL FOR DANCES. t~ Bank, or your own broker'a. for summer season; eight rooms and batl from your old carpeU and rugs. Icld! i Furnished rooms; single or double roomi, W. O. W. hill over Clayton A MageVa, loned bQDkcsie. 26 Drummond place, Re< or your own brokr. all Improvements; garage. For particulai CHICKEN FABM FOR ~ TRbOM FOR RENT, also roohtk for light' housekeeping. Smal Bank. > . SPLENDID HOME FOR SALE Eight room house, old farmhouse, chick- poital for elicolar ui toll tartlfulan.' X«rge''room ' In private home on the 19 Broad street, Red Bank, to tent for address Furnished, drawer M, or pho porch swing for iale, 183 Monmouth dsneaa. Fine danea floor. See Albert E. HOUSE FORWENT In Freehold, $6,000, $760 oeita down, ba! Red Bank UOG-J. en houses for 600,. concrete floors, feed Wslrlleld Bui apd Carpel Olsanlng O*« Shrewsbury river, In Red Bank. Apply Bl street. Red Bank. ance eaiy terms i six nice rooms, bath, ho house, brooder house for 500, brooder v Bait Front itraet, Red Bsnk. •___ 8nyder, room ».. Blsnerr buildingil , at 68 Bergen plsce, between South streel »1 Wslrfleld itrct. Brookljn. H. «. JU3' T __. and Hudion avenue; six< rooms and hatn and cold water, new heateri large corns; FOUND— • tove, oil'burner; fruit of vsrloua kinds: "•"'.•,.•. , WXNT TO BUY . BOXRDINOT lot 60x150, Edward W. Llntnsr. It Wea „ fine .place to etore your oar for ah:overlooking Keyport, Matawan, Amboy, Lane ihlptfent of.jas ringtt In al all improvements; fine condition. Apply al period of time: open day and night! Ju. StWE W661T chickens and ducV.l will pay beet price. tltet and low prlcn, Simut Single and double rooms with board i al. 112 Brosd itreet, or phone Red Banl Main street. Freehold.' N. J, Itarltan bay and Btaten Island. Also horse, Improvlmeotsl hot arid cold running water, a block from Broad street: plenty of rooi wagoni, all tools for the firm, furniture, Blah wood itwed In iteve liaalh, prll* ' Phone »1«-M, Red Bank, or call, 71 Bridie Bwarti, 14 Wilt Front street, oft Drot I84-J. HAND PAINTED DRESSES. avenge. Bid Bank. B. Aolar. reasonable ratss, Hudson House, it for either Indoor or outdoor parking. Boi kitchen utensils and the traile aces with elptlly oak; 110 for tht large tratk loa« street. Red Bank, Hudson avenue. Phone 118-VY. CEMENT BLOCKS. The latest thing In Paris. Drei.ei Auto Storage. Meohanlo atreet and Glo the sale beildes ths shipping boxes. A. ~ xof"f"Os FOR R SALEtfALE. CHEAP EdOS" " .earfs, hats, underaesr and hoslary, ps|n that regularly told for 111,00, O.O.D, ! I hare lateral lota neat high school, Bad SSV>.~.~ i \OUV6 R OLbb CARPETS: Sidewalks snd mtion work: Bxlt csmm court Red Dank. Nllnen. llstlet, N. J. make nice Christmas money when turned Beautiful ravarilbl. rugs made from ol blocks, ilxtesn centa In yard, .lahteei sd by professional srtlits at res.onah Delivered. John IL Cook/ Jr., 'the)*M»'i Bank. Prices right. Caltb L Lukir, BeU Into roaitlni chlekem.. Hatch then al prices. Woman's Exchange,' 45 Rlverili ^FOR SALE AT BELFORD. BABGAIN, EIGHT ROOM HOUSE. ford. Phone Keansburg 78-F'Hl. / ctrptta and ehenllle portlerea. Write for eents delivered In town. Peter DsPontl Two flve-rDom hunsalows and cslln Bprlngi avenue. Red Baak, fhon« •<••*> The Yarmond Poultry Farm and Hatchery, circulars. Amirlcsn Rug Manufsotorr, It 248 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, phom avenue, phnne 1422, Red Hank. Corner home, 19,000: «ood condition, ~; wiNDbwoLAss. • Vanderburg. N. J. ,464-J. $800 cash, bslance like rent. Fur rent, fm npm fireplsoe, hot wster best: Improve- All slin carried In clock, .pi"l;«,,1lone Vermont street, Brooklyn, N. Y. FOR SALE. nlshed, In Kean.burgV Ilelford and Pnmrnts; cement cellar, porches, ihadeil lawn, AND •t raaionable prlcn. Phone 70-J. Miller1!, ' ' i R6OM7TO RENtr FOR SACET FURNISHED ROOMS IN LITTLE SILVE Living room aet; alia Fprll touring ca Monmouth, several hunnatowa. Cai fruit trees, garafe; reililentla] seotlon, plot Oliinara. repalren an4 reversible w*a». II Weat Front street, tteil Btnk. Front bedroom, newly decorated, wit Neat combination coal and iaa rang Four fumlehed rooms for rent wltt for salt) cheali. Ford may he seen, an; Luker, Belford. phone 7f>-l*-ai Kesn.burH 150x1*16; also furnlihliiBi cheap; immedi- in of your old Ooorlngi, Out kaad ••jfe. twin bedti suitable for two builntaa men aolld top • over gas burner:-latlifaolor board, or privilege of light housekeeping evening. S. Thompion. corner Harrlsoi IR SALE, WEST LONG DRENCH. ate pfliieiilon, Kour adjoining lota ob- Ing reitorsa the nao-, Let ntpaWllty tH "*" . FOR'SALE. board If desired, Call at 75 Weat fronl every wayi ptlce reasonable. 223 Mapl also garagei rent very ressonable, Thin avenue and Harvard road, on. block fror a *#i> tyfv'M-ua ribui uuiiu kJi*r.t * t*ia talnable. City commuting by Bandy Honk B«eond-hand upright piano.(I.lndiman * ttreet, Hed' Bank. avenue, phrme B6*2.R, Rul Rank. house from station. Phone Red Btnl Hahllng rosd, Fair Haven, N. J. Flv. and a qunrtor acroa: bungalow hosts; twenty mlnuttr frnm Red llsnk. your reaulrements. Carpel ClMain, (, f S6ns). Mrs.O, Bohoen, Hartshorna lans, ' FOR SALE. 1587-M. STORES FOR RENT three roomi, pantry, lun psrlor, celli Write or call at 90 Kait Lincoln avenue, Druramond place, Red Bank, p'boaa 1H«.|U' * ' geahrlght, N. J., phone B»mson_40ll. chicken houie 12xD0, brooder 14x1 1 l aomrmaarria: BU room house, all Improvement., n»i DERRICK OPERATORS WANTED. in'Doremus building, on Mechanic itre<. barn, Atlantln lllghlands, N. J,, owner. Ofr£td^*i***KHVi'f*fiiVt ' ' * aanmii i •ALFALFJ'-l'l i 11 1 ''j I. . AtrUAr HAi Vf I • «FBOATEJ . gsrags, home partly furnlihei tat rnin's second-hand clothes at the Oily river and Iiroad itreet. Red Bank! $6,600, Xxptrlineid atsam holitlng engine oper- rlrht mar Broad strait: excellent locatloi lfi.000. Ow. . Luker...... -.,, .Belforil, N, J., pho . Several tens of alfalfa hay, new eropi Ory Olaanlnl Workl,,» Mechanl* itrcet, 18,000 eaih, lialance mortgaite. Caleb " ators fnr derrick work wanted: non-union. all Improvements) sites to suit. Apply t 76-F-81 Keanaburg, BEAirfiFUL"L_._ Z." , nmnuii in cniiiu* dellver.d or In (1.1OlTs ahlnes and npslrs. 'O. II. Hurley, Shred Bling._JJM!road etr..^ Red Jjank,__ __ In Rumson, fair Haven, Lltlla Silver .. for only 115,000, This la a bargain ami Six roorai, bath, all Improvementu sun Threi-burnir.fH itovei with litie over SEWING MACHINCS. " «ay. plllia. Muila Committee., phona for «t a apsclil price of 114,00, regular tirle Cominuter'sitema In Illitorio Ihiewe.ui K'Ubrlglit. We liave ••vital Imuiea an one of the tnoit attractive home. In thli Urroi.Urroi.* Art Bo»ee, 8UM8U-M,, numionnumion.. . srlor and faragei II.BOO. P, T. Kinnsdr, OARAGES FOR Modern eight room home .with two ba,t bungtlowi fnr rint mil fnr inki furtilNh lection. Ray 11, Stillman, Slat* highway, AU the Itlatl laprart* altMtri* I 14 Monmouth atnel FKoht 44T.R, i 130. Mamual Hwarti, 14 Wtit Fron ^rWEWRlTER'HEADtlUARTK^rWEWRlTER'HEADtlUARTKRSR. r strait, off llroid itreet, Dank. Five nles gar.fil ffor rent on Rrotrf and om-half sore ol ground) In extluil and unfiirnillinl. Alan lot fnr iala on ca Kalonlown, N. J. aingtr tewlat sHtklnts, tWia* Typewriter, rented, bought and toll. HIM, Red Bank. . atriet. oproilfe Womtn's dubi 16.00 pei ntlthborhood. for 119,000. One mils, ' payment!. Hwt>i\»y * Mice, Ocian ave- Ti IXUNDRiSS's" WANTED7 ;CE 014 maakloei Mtn It e*MkUM • TfUdfn'a, Hi Broad street, Red Dink. slag roofsr; tin roofs, ooileif'and mait< •nonth. For further partleulari Inmul Rail Btnk. Etsy terms, flty )[. Btlllma ie, Bulirliilit, illume 217. Your opportunity to bur in .ittraollv* aWT^7SiO7 Jllgh.rlsis laiindreit to wnrl at |loNa r's Msrkel, 10 Eiit Front State hlgjniiajr, EatAntnwn, N. J, lime paiatmth UlatiUM^M*' llgRb . Ohimn.y..'.r.i«lr.d, K«oflnf%a» three, da/t m week In my launilry. Til ""*~*II;ARM 'FOR "SALE, ' four-room lodge, located out In th« luau- fo» will •! llu.r r-" "--- .Turnlihiil room, with tr without miiUi lerlal for isle. 111 Uudsoo tv.Dui, phone Mri. Lobdill, Humsnn (II, or eal —. -— OPPORTUNlfV-«ToR-fUNITY. . S.v.nty-llva >n< farm or will nil a pa tlful hill country of Monmouth eounty. •Uo Kotitiketphg apsrtmint, t Newman Rank, phpjit 400-J at Billivm avinui and Ridge mail, Ssveia] young min and young womi Twelve toont houn, electric, toll.t a 'twenty mlnulei to Bed Uank Lirje llv. Jr. a|**U, M |pfl»l» wad, phone hid Dank 1IB.W, i nl aetory lob. Ml wanted for new moving picture and th bath I hot anil tola watsr'l usual outliulli Ing and dining room comblnid, tidy little atrlcal gompany. Bend photosrapn If po Kitchen and Iwo airy bidrqomt npittlri. Uitk. ' '';-'•: ITI0N Two unfutnlihid rfomi, kluhmetti Flor«nei anil New iPetfeetl Ir, Obirlia L Jonei. Imi than lhr»e mllei to Rsil llanl detoratof andall-rodnd man sultablt for biislmss' coupli or smi •Ibis. Kxperlsnea unhaienary, Addre Price I1B.O00. Valib I,ulen«ive fads are continually added Bwk line paying an income tax who are. now o the school system of the state. Accuracy* skill and ex- Suktcrlptlw PrlcMi required to pay it, • ,, .. . • • * _ . . ; .," ;.' erience enable UB to OM »«t •••!! ••••«»'•.•. ' Al for the local school money, o the most delicate re- ill ttonthi ...... , »• •]• S The people who are making these .hat la fixed by the voters of each pairing. We guarantee %kn* nonta* » **•*" charges . against Senatorv Couzens ichool district. This matter is di- satisfaction. Our prices ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1925. are the very men who last year ectly in the hands of the v6ter« will please you. tried to make a tremendous reduc- each school district. They can Silverware Repaired ; . TOWN TALK. tion in the incomo taxes of the very make the school money large or rich, while making ;only a trivial^re? small, just as they please. But if and Replated Like New. '(Continued from pigo 4.) ductlon in the taxes of those whose they vote for * big expenditure, of Tha success of the Leonardo incomes were comparatively small. money, they must pay the bill. «hool agricultural pupils in raisins REUSSHXE'S The income tax scheme put for- ", ••'. '•••••• • ,.• ... . money for-a- tour o£ the farms of ward'at that time provided that one 38 Broad St, Red Bank Northern New Jersey is an example Many voters apparently believe million dollars of income in the axes are high because of the work of what pupils might do with'the hands of one rich man. should get knowledge they gain in school to >f the assessors, or the county tax as great a reduction of tax as idard, or the state tax' board. This »«««»••• • •••••••>•»••«.••••«••••••••»•••«.••»••«•••••••»•••••••••••••••• perform practical workadny results. twenty-five million dollars of in- Saturday; May 30,1925 The agricultural pupils got their an absolute error. "High taxes are, come In the hands of a number of :auaed by those who fix the amount money for the trip by telling vege- men with small Incomes. , table and flower, plants which they >f public money to be apent. If a railed oh the school grounds. bt of money is spent, the taxes are Four Trotting Races This w.ould have suited the menligh. If a small amount of money

' . •••• with big incomes right do>n to the apent, the taxes are low. The The lesson of this example of ground. They fought for. It long people'elect the men who pass the Two Running Races Jetting' practical results from school and hard. But the congressmen laws regulating the expenditure of M'udles would seem to be particular- and senators of the United States money. The people themselves de- ly applicable to manual training. refused to enact such an unright- cide on the amount of money which Big Field. In All Clmiei There are a great many people who eous law. . They passed a law which spent for local, school purposes do not believe in manual training treated those with big Incomes and and for local purposes in townships, National Association Rules to Govern in ichools. At every school elec- hose with small incomes alike, The whole question of high taxes or tion It is invariably tile case that taking the same reduction to each. low taxes rests on the people them- taore votes are cast against the 'he rich men, including the very selves. manual training appropriation than •ealthy who hold government post' West-- Music by the Crescent Band of Eatontown «galnst anything else on the ticket. ions, fought this law to the last Mayor Cross of Fair Havenfper- "Apparently a lot of people believe itch. But their fight was unavai). formed a public service last night Races Start Promptly at 1:30 P. M. that manual training does not prop- g. The congressmen and the aen' when he showed the people of that 'eriy belong in the school curricu- tors passed the law which gave the lum. • . iorough the condition's under which same proportionate reduction of in public money is raised and spent. Admission, including Grand Stand, $1.25 • . • , « « * ome tax to all; The people themselves have the 1 But suppose that the manual whole matter of taxes in their own ;training pupils made the same prac- The same fight -will be made the lands. If they elect foolish and In' tical use of the knowledge they competent officials to the legisla- RACE NO. 1. igslned In school that the agricul- oming winter to pass a law which i reduce the* income tax to be ture, or If they vote to raise big S.SO CUu Puce—PUM« $400. tural pupils of Middletown township sums of money to be spent for any 7 Itis said about town, by the women who have felt made of their knowledge. Suppose, said by the very rich, while giving •• Thr«« Htlt PUn—S«ven-E!ghth« Milt H»tt ittle or no reduction to the ordl. purpose, they must expect to pay tor example, that they built, a the bill. •',the miraculous clip of his shears—is the deft new Mon«y Dlrided Each He»t. •fcouia under the supervision of lary tax payers. This wiU prob- barber in the quiet little Beauty Shop on the Second "some first-class carpenter. Wouldn't ibly have the same result as the MONMOUTH'SJPlRST QUAKER. SANDY McGREGOR, B. O., by Alex McGregor this cause a big change in pco- ittempt to pass euch a law last Floor of Steinbachs. C. B. Pitman, Trenton, N. i, car. A law of this kind would be He waa John .Woolman and Judge GYPSY MAJORi B. ,O., by Major Woolworth ' pie's opinions about manual train- L.wrenc. Will T«ll About Him. •Jng? It would be a whole lot more rank injustice. Its passage would ' ' "He makes a clean cut—a neat cut—an artistic . C. E. Pitman, Trenton, N. 3. practical to do this and a whole lot e notice to the people of the The Monmouth county historical PRINCE C, Ch. 0., by Foot Prince . more Interesting to the pupils than, country that the country is gov< association will hold its May meet- cut," they tell us. "He holds the secret of smartness C. E. Pitman, Trenton, N. J. to make things of little,or no prac- rned by the wealthy for the hene Ing in the old Quaker meeting poised on the tips of his tools" and his phone (Asbury; BILLY McKINNEY, B. G., by Hal McKlnney •tieal valus just for exorcises or as It of the wealthy. house at Shrewsbury on Thursday . D. O. Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa. a pastime. - afternoon of this week at threi Park 4000) is constantly jingling "for appointments. MISS STOUT* BllhM.,-by Lord Stout V o'clock. Judge Rullf V. Lawrenc< J. E. Landln, Aabury Park, Ht, 3, • * « will be the speaker and his talk'will A house built by pupils would Mayor Charles P. Cross of Fair MONTS CARLO, Blk. O,, by•.Cocnato Haven at the council meeting last principally be about John Voolraan, If you have not yet tested his powers, do so at S. B. Ruttell, Lewlitown, Pa. have other advantages, too. It who was the pioneer Quaker of this •would prove a good investment. night explained the main cause oi your earliest opportunity—you will like the distinctive LADY SUNRISE, Blk. M.( by Da]o the big increase in the tax rate a section of New Jersey. John was a William A'. Moore, Freehold, N. J. The manual training courie would traveling.preacher who drove about become "largely self; supporting. that place. He-showed that the in airJiis artiatry imparts to your bob. _ _ A.GN8S DEWEY, Ch. M., by Lord Dewoy - crease was largely due to tha in on horseback to the various:meet- , , _• • „» ^,,, G«org« V. Hunt, Plalnflald, N. 3. Such a project would fire the Imagi- ing houses. There aroTtot many m A1 A nation of the average boy and girl creased cost of running the school: DILLON, B. G., by Kmg Dillon and that the people of Fair Haven Quakers.'. around her$ now,' - but G. Eijioslto, Manvllle, N. 3. to do his best. He would work hard there are a lot of descendants oi to make the job right and he would themselves fixed the amount th BETTY J> S., B. M., by Harry IS, ichool board should spend. the Quakers, and many of,these de All other branches of modern beauty culture . Daniel H. Smock, Freehold, N. J. try to master the details of build- •cendants are Just as good stuff, ai Ing. ;• • * • • any of; the old-time Quakers them' are mattered with equal skill by other Stein- — -* «•* • RACE NO. 1. "1 The rate of' school tax In Fai selves e.ould possibly have been. The plan has never been tried Haven is nearly double this yeai bach Beauty Shop worker*. A Steinbach 2il4 CU» Trot—Fur.. 9400. , but that Is no reason why It should what it was last year. At the an Two N«w Butiei. permanent wave insures absolute and lasting not bs tried. It would bring the nual school election each year thi Hut PUn—Mil. He»t—Mon.r Dlrld.d Etch Hc»t. ' schools in closer contact with every- people of each school district decidi The Boro Busses, Inc., of Re satisfaction, oil shampoos and scalp treat* Bank, has just received two ne 'GROVBTOWfJ, S. G. by Native Klnit ' , ' day practical life and give boys a how much money that school boarc merits bring out the natural beauty and re- D, E, Blair, Now York, N. Y. -better idea of the realities of life. shall spend that year. The tchoo busses for which $12,000 was span PETER BUSKIRK, B. G,, by Peter tho Great Oneisbeing-used-on-tha-company' * * * board~cafinot~legalljrgcrbeyond~th< store the health orLyour hair, henna rinses inton, N. Jft- lum so voted; belt line and the other will be use , by '.—To some folks it may seem p on the Seal)rlght-line.~The beHrllni give it that fascinating auburn glint, marcel- ~ • • • • rCamd«ni N. Jl ' .poiteroui for bays to build a house. hJJMk 7TR"f61krdtmdtlrf AlPoviSrihe^couiRryilie peopli ling or water waving insure a-becoming-coif-- is a Dodge bus. Both are'the latest 1 > Cmittl "to find fairly good examples of boy- are demanding that more money makes of auto busses'. They havi fure, clay packs and facials bring the glow ELLEN K., B. It, by Unworthy ' ish carpentry. In nearly every spent on the schools. The state electrical equipment and other lm of youth to the complexion, and a perfect '.town or village there is one or more legislature ..each year makes addl. provemonts arid conveniences foi k ULSTER, B..G. by 'huts or boys' club houses built by ;ioni to the school laws which call the comfort of passengers. manicure adds beauty to your hands. All of S. B. Russell, Lewhtown, Pa. juveniles. Some of them are really for spending more school money. these are best performed—and most economi-' EMMA BARIENT, Ch. M.( by Barlent 'remarkable examples of architec. The people of each school district Sociable at Holmdal. R. Carr, Freehold, N. J. ture, considering the small amount vote on the amount they Want thi The girls' athletic club of Holm cally—at the Steinbach Beauty Shop. .of instruction that the boya received school trustees to spend. del will hold , a box sociabla and RACE NO. 3. ' . ', regarding house building. Every- * • • one who remembors his boyhood dance Friday night, June 5th; Ji24 Cltii Trot—Puno $400 ' will realize after a little reflection No one cares what sort of me the club's rooms In Mrs. Harr: Thrtt Htat PUa—Savsn-Eighlhi M1U Htati , that It house building were under- re sent to the legislature. Th Helm's hotel building at Holmdel Montr Divided Each H«al. taken aa part of the education of juoatlon which arises at electio Little's orchestra from Red Ban! boyi, there wouldn't be anything imo is not whether the candidati will, provide the music. AXIE HALE, B. M., by Senator Halo ' . !| ' that could compete with it in popu- for the senate or the assombly ii tottptuj. Al Kline, Reading, Pi. a man of tound common sense ADELE I. DILLON, B. M., by Dillon Axworthy ii larity and interest so far as boya Coming Strawberry Feitlvtl. 1 were concerned. So much so woald not. The question which arises li A strawberry festival and sat D. J. Wright, Bordentown, N.J. , this be the case that it wouldn'^ bo the mind of almost every voter o of fancy articles will be hel MAY VO, Br. M., by. Peter Volo necessary to take up school hours election day is the kind of pollti Thursday night of next week Thomas McFarland, Burlington, N, 3i for the work; The average normal cal button the candidate wears i: the New Monmouth Baptist church. CHEOPS; B. G., by Dillon Axworthy . ..'•.'! boy wouldn't object to working af- his coat. If the candidate wears The ladlos' aid society of the church C. E. Pitman, Trenton, N.!^. ;he same political button that the Vter school.hours and on Saturdays will be in charge of the affair. .•*»•»«»«••«•••»•«•»•••••••»«•••••••••»«»»«*•*•••••*•»••«••*«•»•»*•»••••«**•• BIN JUDGE, Br. G., by Judge Maxey at such a Job as this. A. H. Entwistle, Frankford, Pa'. • '• i '• PEARL, Ch. M., by Robert L., Jr. ! Ed Lindley, Camdsn, N. J. , It was largely outside of ichool DOROTHY PETERS, Ch. M., by Peter the Great .hours that tlio young Leonardo " - -. Ed Ltndley, Camdan, N. J. farmers planted, cultivated and LADY SCOUT, Br. M., by Border Scout > • "tilled the harvests which provided Theodoro Pope, Freehold, N. jJ. the money for their trip. Doing SILK LASSIE, B. M, by Slllko i; ' something practical like this is al •••••• . Thoodore Pope, Freehold, N.iJ. •ways more-Interesting to a young BARONETTA, Br. M., by Etawah. ater than doinc something merely T. Huda, Perth Amboy, N. J. for training value,. RED BANK PUBLIC MARKET DORA ROTH, B. M., by Peter Glltnor ' 1O BRQAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. S. B. Russell, Lewlitown, Pa. PINK LADY, B, M., by pale Axworthy • United States 'Sumilor 'James C. John Dangler, Allentown, Pa. Couzem of Michigan hns declared in favor Of increasing the exemp OUR MOTTO IS: "TO SELL. THE BEST FOR LESS." tion to Individuals in Income tax WILL. CLOSE AT NOON DECORATION DAY. OPEN FRIDAY EVENING RACK NO. 4. natters. At the present timu Iil3 Cliu P«ee—Pun. $400. married man or tlio hond of a fam Ily is entitled to an" exemption o Thro Htal Plan—MIU H*«u-^Mon«r Dlrldid E«h Hut. , $2,500 from his Incomo before tin Boiling Beef Chuck Roast HILDA HAL, B. M., by Hal B. payment of Income Ux 1 0. E. Pitman, Trenton, N,1 J. Phila. Scrapple Chopped Beef ARROW TRANBY, G. O., by Wlltranby . This exemption applies to every ' . C. E. Pitman, Trenton, N. J. 'one, whether his income 1« small oi CHORISTER DEE, B. O. by Oratorla , great. The man who hai <•: milllo Pigs' Liver 9c Roast Veal 14c D, C. Luoai, Philadelphia, Pa, ' dollars of incomo ccti Just at grea PEIR0B SILK, Blk. O., by Blngen Silk 1 an exemption an the man who hai -*«* ,„ ' ' S. B. Rusatll, Lewlitown, P«, ' an Income of onljr 19,000. All th Boneless Hams Stewing Chickens BEN R., JR., B. G,( by Benny Boy man of tht country are thus'ploco Charles MoOue, Lakewood, N. 3. on an equal baili. Leg Veal GEORGE MACK, B. O., by Norohen w * • Smoked Hams CUvoland Patttrion, Freehold, N. J. Senator Coutem believe* th« 24c - this exemption should be Increased Chuck Steak 19c Gem Bacon RACE NO. 8. Ha believes Hint tlie cxemptlo '* Flra This Is treating all income ta 31b SIZE Edr/srd Boyd, Trenton. N. J. 'Myers allkt. The very rich MI< '.thai* who havt Incomes of |5,00i Frying Chickens P, F. Runyon, Frtehold, N. 3, ' 'or $6,000 • year, get exactly th Roasting Chickens • J. Fr»d Margerum, Trenton, N, i, '>MUW enamptlon on their Ineomei Sl g and Tlnum ' « would Him that nothing could b Roasting Chickens " Sliced Bacon 44c Fr#d 0hMVi, Philadelphia, Pa,, fitarttr - )Wtit thsn this. 39c Edward Blmonlon, ffeibold, N. J,, 8ii))r»Ury and > , . : * • • At launden, Racing-flicnUrr Mjr p»rioni ot tttmindou BrookOeld-Cloverbloom Crea Butter, In ,1-4 Ib prints, Ib 49c HfUUJi'Mttt p, ,

tin ' tj''.Utti i RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 27, 1925. ze Seve PERSONAL., AN. INDIAN EXHIBIT. BACK FROM FLORIDA. SNUFF USERS DECREASING, ' / The new Tamiami High' ALL OUT OF LlttU SlKar Arc Du. Il WilrboHtld Durinf Jw at, the Floyd E. BradyTikei the Real E«- Sale> of Snuff Have Dropped Since ATLANTICCITY53.75 way runs, from Miami to Nty'.iinkaibrary; * . . ' tat* Game Down Ther«.' - Women Began Smoking. and return •- 1 So Was This Rad Bask .H .,. ,,_;^,,.^w Waihlngloa. Ft. Myers ^Thefwembers'of the'graduating During June the NavesInE library Floyd' E. Brady of Fair Haven Twenty to. thirty, years ago there NEXT SUNDAY and June U and JuDi 28 Who Till. Her Eaasrica.. Rote Klatiky of, . clasMf the Mttle Silver school will association will hold a historical ex- has returned with 'his family af tor were many users of snuff in Red Uava Rtd Bank 8:0OA.- M. WHY? All too offw women neceptl hibition and entertainment based a winter's stay in Florida. Mr. Bank. Most of the buyers of snuff Tickets good only on special train pains and «hes si natural tp I ce, has been •> spending three return today front Washington, -• See page 5 sex. They fail *o realize that \. with" relatives at«, .where > thjiy. -have been spending on life in Monmouth county, The Brady, who conducted an automo- in those days were girls,' who usual- date rfor which issued. Indians' who were here when the tidneys are often to blame for I •Jlsland. •• three days. Their teacher,, Mrs. ile repair shop at Fair Haven, was ly told the cigar store dealers that Eastern Standard Time Shown backache, those headaches, i'' ja.;Willtam Ai Barry: of tlnto Kpfa,ert RotbwelJ, is^th them. The white men came will'be" particularly so impressed with the possibilities the snuff was for their grandmoth- NEW JERSEY CENTRAL Bpells ond thpt tired, - deprt et ga,ve 'birth.1 to- a '.daughter members of :the, glass era Lucia featured. Tho library association of Florida real estate that he hasers. This statement often would be feeling. Thousands have found n« iday at the Long Branch hoi- Parro. Frances Carhart, Ethel OJah, would like'to hear from collectors given up the automobile business accompanied by a furtive wink of FUR STORAGE health and strength by helping' " sl.' ' '•> William Taylor, Leon Eaatmond and of New Jersey Indian relics and and has taken a position with n the eye. Many aged women un- PIANOS weakened kidneys with Doan's I Jesse A- Sabath of ,Hubbard James Ryan. They stayed at thefrom those knowing about old In-real estate firm which is developing questionably did use snuff a genera- I.VOGEL&SONS i ttimulant diuretic. This home yesterday dian camp sites, and those who Hollywood-by-thc-Sefl, one of Flor- tion ago, but many girls and young- Tuning Repairing Bank case is one of many: . p'.j rl(' returned George Washington hotel while at 158 B'way, Lone Branch, N.I. r fa; the'lon. g Branch hospital, Washington. know where traces of Indian life ida's real estate .developments near er women.used it also, Mrs. Hiiriot -cwis, 54 Suns /•underwent-an operation To help meet the expenses of the may yet be found. Persons who Miami. Mr. Brady reports having Times have changed, Many of A. B. Dirhan Avo., says: "My back ached have collections of Indian relics are sold to several Eed "Bank and Fair the aged women who. used snuff have Phone 933 I had bearine down pa|n thrdu i appendicitis. , \ ,., trip a minstrel show was held at; the the 'small of it. As time * 'ent i liiss Anna'Olsen of Spring street public school last Friday night. It asked to write a description of Haven folks plots of his firm's tract away. Hardly a girl of to- Red Bank, N. J. them, or'to Ipan'them to tho'llbrary I got so bud .:iat when I got i ., a.^new employee in the office of was attended by lfiO persons and' since his return North. day uses snuff at all, the cigar store Geq. W. Sewing in my chair or In bed I had to b* 'Bj.Thompion & Go. of Herbert the,profits amounted to $50. The' for tho.exhiblHf they have no -ob- dealers of Red Bank say. The girls helped up. My feet and ankles^ feet,'.,' performance 'was ably, rendered. jections to doing do, Mrs. Theodora Cornerttone Laying. and women smoke cigarettes Instead THEATRlCAtr-^-. CONTRACTOR swelled and my kidneys noted too/1: Bhoades, formerly of the Newark andthe use of cigarettes is increas- CLEANERS and DYERS Dry E, A. Scott, who Is conTher- e was much applause. Ethel; The cornerstone of the new fire- WORK CALLED FOR AND frequently. ^1 nho.had diwy spells ,' pted with a private hoipltal at Olah wai interlocutor and the "end museum, will have charge of the ex- ing all tho time. What snuff is sold • , , DELIVERED , . and BUILDER and felt tired and >vorn out Af-,'. hibition, and-she' will' be glad to house at Ocean View, near Leo- nowadays la bought principally for Ofiica 31 Monmouth St. r«L S80-W ter using three boxes of Doan's pills >.i iw York, has been Spending a men" were Lucia Parro, Frances nardo, will be laid Sunday after- Factory! 37-39 ?roip«ct',.v«. hear, from, anyone having .'Indian use by aged men who began the - .TaL 230-V/ p" RED BANK, N.J. from the Knickerbocker Pharmacy, a w^daysiwlthj: hj«nf amlly;oh :Eas« Carhart, James,Avati, Walter Mor* with special ceremonies. The An1l^iA4lnv««, AM l^nAvtrii*Ar*A *«j%f *"**'•*win' habit many years ago. - !£ Office In Eianer Building the trouble lift mo." • fj, rls," Leon- Eaatmond, Martin O'Con- ons or knowledge of early^^,, 0, varioua towna and vil- Kelly, an operator at nor, Austin Morris and Woodrow Iridian life here. • ?c : : ' Room 3 • . •, • Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't-', lages. have *been invited. Music Whether you want to buy, sell, simply ask for a kidney remedy—it i ;Bed Bank telephone, office, has Wilton. Herbert. Solos were sung will be provided by a band and re- Telephone 850-J. •-•'•"—'-1—• chief operator at by Helen Imlay, Virginia Satter.Ed- rent or find, Luke Longhead can Blue Ribbon get Doan'i P.'i>—the same that CLASS H^S, A BANQUET. freshments will be served. help you.—Advertisement Jobbing ef All Kindt Mrs. Lewis had. Foster-Milburn" laiisburg. win and,Elizabethjlfobbs, Florence Eitimaiei Cheerfully Furniihed. Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. [ Raphael Santangelo of Red Bsnk Davlson, Frances Carhart, • L*ia Mothodlit Sunday-School Workers l . Spend a Jolly Evening. presented the Foresters of Anier- Ffcrro arid Howard Wilson. WE CALL AND DELIVER itllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMlilHIMIIMMIIIIIMWHWitt J'lodgeof Eed.Bank at the state The: Alpha Kappi Pi, a Sunday- BABY The wet wash way is the modern nvention of the rrdor at .Trenton FOLKS GIVE PLAY. school class of women of the Red Bank Methodist church, enjoyed a woman's way. It means greatly y. . About $400 Cleared by Muilcal reduced washing cost and great- 1 banquet Monday night at the din- fliepn de' u ..cuusiUe, most Comedy at Atlantic Hishlandi. ' Ing parlors, of Oscar Hesse, Jr., on ly reduced washing labor. The wthy grand matron of the East- CHICKS Graduation The,young,folki of the Atlantic Broad street. Sixty members and fact is we do the heavy labor n Star order o£ New-Jersey, and Highlands Methodist church pre- friends of the class were present. A rs.. Adele Conoyer,- grand Adah, part. We deliver on time. You sented the musical comedy, "Spring fine -dinner was served. Remarks hang out the wash and Iron it. e attcndlne a stato meeting of- the Time;" -last Thunday -and Friday; were made,by Mrs. Francis Ayres ON SALE AT OUR STORE ier at, Atlantic,City.' '•.'-. • •' Gifts nights at.the new.high school audi- oh the work of-the class and by Mrs. ,Edward M. Tote of. Montclair, torium, j The auditorlumi-'on:bothl: Ellwood B.'Ivins on the spirit of Individual Laundry 68 Broad Street rfliarjy of Rod Bank,, was a visitor nights was filled arid several people the class. .Both the speakers wel- of Red. Bank, Inc. Red Bank, N. J. Boy or Girl ftown Saturday. Mr. Tate and .werej standing. .The' play was comed the guests at the banquet. i;''filt''family-•••returned d NrtNorthh llastt coached by Howard Hill of Cleve- Mrs. W. Eolland. Raver- responded 12-14 WHITE ST, RED BANK, N. th, from Florida, where Mr. rase; "•""•"••;. land [and the cost included nearly for the guests. After the' banquat 780 Broadway ate haa been selling res}estate a hundred persons. The setting was and speechmaking the guests went iring'the winter. during the period of hoop skirts and to the church, where the class song Long Branch, N. J. Frederick G. Fisher, Jr., of East the costumes were very elaborate : and community songs were sung rent street,.; physical •; instruction and pretty. Quaint dances of they:and games were played. The class TRUBIN'S rector .on the steamship, Levia- 'sixties and solo parts in the play song Was composed by Mrs. Joseph 206 Main Street ian, wai home part of 'last, week were, well rendered by Miss Aline Turkington. ille the ship was in. port, He Werner, Mrs. Lavlnla Smith, Mrs. J. ARTHUR SHERMAN Asbury Park, N. J. 58 Broad Street Red Bank liled'again Friday. , Hinman'and Howard Hill.' Mrs. Le- /Miss' Shirley Bell >f Phoenicia, ola Muir and Hollls Hart captivated A FAMILY OF 900. _e%:Yorfc, is visitint' her aunt, Mrs. the house with their acting of the Successor to W. T. SHERMAN Pick of strong, lively Baby Chicks Crispell-of Madison ave less serious parts of the show. The The Scuddort Will Gather Saturday that live to grow to be a credit soloists were assisted by Raymond at Telegraph Hill Farm. PHONE 27O to your place. Tayjbr at the piano and Ezra Mc- The' Scudder family association •Misi Alice .Pope, daughter, of Henry •with the violin. ' The pro- of America, which has a member- rilHam' Pope 'of William street, ceeds olthe play amounted to- about Stamping of Name on Fountain Pens :epp\d on a rusty nail last week ship of 900 persons 'scattered all id it.pierced her foot. The wound over the United States, will have its •MMMMMMM•MMi N as cauterized. •. ' ' , annual reunion on Memorial Day MUSICAL EXHIBITION. on Henry G. Scudder's Telegraph PHONE 3O9 Mrs; Leon Longstreet of Sunset Hill farm in Hblmdel township. The venue has returned' home from Hay, Grain, Feed We Deliver Annual Affair to Be Given at Junior affair will last all day. The farm rpodley hospital at Little Silver, High School Next Tuesday. has' many picturesque spots and here; she underwent, an. operation ! .The annual exhibition of classes commanding hills and it makes an it, appendicitis. ideal place for an outing. James Miss Florence Fernbnck of High- in, physical education and music of the Red Bank-schools will" be held E. Wolcott of Red Bank will be Produce and Fertilizer iJldVPark, Brooklyn, was a guest caterer. S. Donald Scudder, vice v6r the- week-end of1 her, cousin in the junior high school auditorium ! next-Tuosdoy-night.—The -program president of tha,Scudder family as- Bss Frances • Koch—of" Towerhll sociation, will direct the affair. This venue. ', '",'•.••. has'boen arranged by Miss Emma Lafetra, the musical supervisor, and will be the first time in several .Mri. Edward W. Wise of West Miss Irene Loux, the physical train- years that the. Scudder family will 16 West Street 'ront street, who underwent an op- ing teacher. The different schools have held a reunion in New Jersey ration for, appendicitis last week at will, present choruses, dances and le Long Branch hospital, is lmdrills. Individual the pro* ATHLETICS AND LAWN PARTY. *•*•< >•••••••»••••»•< >•••»•••••••»»••«••»>•••• roving. , : •••••; gram will be taken byTJollia Dannj ,Mr>. Harry Caplan of Locust ave- Martho. Ingles, Frances .Lewis, Ed-Benefit for St. Thomas'i Church to Barred Plymouth Rocka 13c each ue, who has; been confined to, Hie rd-MuyskenSjJlary^Starks, Jessie be Held Decoration Day,- Rhodei Ialand Reds 13c each rr»p Gaynori' Helen ' McKee; "Margaret ThV inoftgageff iind club~of StT Leghorn! 10 centa eacli efc. Her condition^fgoeyere Magee, Sylvia Miller and Frances Thqmas'B church in_West Red Bank Everyone enjoys reading ays was critical. •..;... •..,.'. Blaisdell. the public is invited to will hold an outdoor athletic "meet" Black JencyGianti 20c each Miss Frances Hall, treasurer of tho exhibition. and Uwn party next SaturdBy"afteiP noon and-night on a lot on Shrews- he, Lyman tube and supply coni Phone Red Bank 208-R and wo any of Montreal, Canada, visited FOUR GENERATIONS PRESENT. bury avenue, near West Bergen ,The HERALD TRIBUNE AND fr,.and Mrs. L. .B..Weatherhee of place. The athletic events will in- will hold any breed, or quantity of larding road over the -week-end Dinner Party Given by Mri. Her- clude a maypole; dance and running .Chicks for the day you wish to call. Ir. and Mrs. Weatherbee are for-' man Granderath of Belforl. and novelty races for boys am because it contains all the ler residents of Winnipeg, Canada. Mrs. Herman Granderath of Bel- girls. Boys and girls sixteen years !:• Mr. and Mrs. Lyman C. Vanln ford and her mother, Mrs. Maria old and under.are eligible to take WALL PAPER Coles, gave a dinner party last part in the contests and prizes will pegen of Monmouth street, Mrs. be awarded to the winners. Ad- newsj ably reported, and Dharles Grossinger and Victor week at which four generations Snugly 'Fits the Arch were represented. The party was mission to the lawn party will be Srossinger of Middletown and Miss free. Music will be provided by an dith Schouten of Mount Vernon, in celebration of the first comorchestr. a and refreshments \rill be the best newspaper fea- Tew York, motored Sunday to' Long munion of Mrs. Granderath's sold. Mrs. C. Poole is in general Cantilever 160 Monmouth St. Red Bank gland. They visited friends a daughter, Audrey Granderath, at charge "of the arrangements. ynbrook and Mineola. Miss Schou St. Mary's church at New Mon- JllO6an4 •women en was the week-end guest of her mouth. Others present besides tures in N^w Xork as well. Leading Paint Market in Monmouth County lister, Mrs. Vanlnwegen. those mentioned were Mr. and Mrs. MEN'S LEAGUE DOINGS. John P. Thiel. of, Elizabeth, great Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moss o Baptist League Entertained Boyi at ted. Bank and Mr. and Mrs. Walter grandparents of Audrey; Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Granderath, Sr;, of - Meeting Monday Night. Comfort for 3aul!of Oceanport attended per The Men's league of the Baptist ormances of "Sky High" and Belford, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grob of Elizabeth and Herman, Anthony*, church observed "boys' night" at •Lady Be Good" at New York over their regular meeting Monday by ' beauty's sake he week-end. Helen and Henry Granderath of Hot Weather Belford. • _ ^ entertaining a number of boys who were amused in various ways. Rev. They can't air be • Church * Newi. Why not Jtave your newsdealer jde- Will start you thinking where you can get some- PARTY AT BROOKDALE. DeWltt C. Cobb of North Long The Baptist young people's union Branch gave an address. Members liver The Herald Tribune every wrong, so many thing to help keep you cool. Below is a list of viU hold a radio mystery party to- Mr. and Mri. Jamti R. Rowe Gave of the league will attend an enter- magazine and news- the beverages we can supply you with, that will morrow night at the. church. Mrs. It (or Their Soni. tainment at' the New .Monmouth morning j or a week? You will like it. solve this question for you. Annabel Matteson Is in genera Mr. and Mrs, James R. Rowe of Baptist church Friday night of this paper writers who large of the party. Brookdale farm at.Llncroft gave a week. Plans are now being made ."Pentecost," will be the sermon party Saturday for their sens, Rob- for a series of entertainments next give advice on opic next Sunday morning at th ert' and Thomas' Rowe. Games, fall and winter. Dr. Walter A. Carbonated Beverages rlothodlst church. Music-will b dancing and a supper wore the Gosling, who is associated with Dr. Beauty. They all. H. G. DEGENRING'S Ginger Ale, Cream Soda. {furnished by both choirs. Tho May principal features. The guvtts were Biddle H. Garrison, is a new mem- niuilcale will be held Sunday night. Misses Helen Brodorson, Ann Pan- ber of the league. At the close of -say that uncomfort- Sarsaparilla, Lemon Soda, Birch Beer, Root in organ recital will be given b; ned, Caroline Smith, Alice Stout, the meeting refreshments wcro able shoes cause Beer, Grape, Cherry, Lime, Lemon-Lime, >s. J. J. Wllley, a tenor solo V Doris Llnton and Lois Asendorf, served. Orange Squeeze, etc. ,ussell Woolley and selections b; William Waterman, George Wil- m i » little lines in a wom- choir and quartet. The pasto liamson, Orin Leach, John Hough- CHVRCH'S NEW PASTOR. CANTRELL'S & COCHRANE'S Ginger Ale.— 1 make a short address nn "More ton, Harvey Thompson, Andrew an's face. But— Imperial Dry or Aromatic in all size bottles. ie'coratlon Days." ' , , Murray and Neil Broderson. Rar. Georga J. Kilguat to ba In- Rev. John, Muyskens will • •tailed Friday Night. , Auto Storage CANADA DRY Ginger Ale in pint or split bottle* The Presbytery of Monmouth lharfe of tho Presbyterian prayui .ilOWERFORTEACHER. • 1 O'KEEFE'S PALE DRY Ginger Ale in pint or Meeting tonight. Two religious mo-1 and the congregation of the Fre's - Ion pictures, "As We Forgive" and It was |lven Monday Afternoon for byterlan church of Atlantic High- By the Day, Week, Month or Year splits. 'The 23d Psalm," will bo shown to- ' Mlie Mary E. While. lands will meet at that church Fri- WHITE ROCK WATER in quart, pint or splits. liorrow night at the church under A surpriso miscellaneous shower day night to Install Rov. George J. CLIQUOT CLUB Ginger Ale and Sarsaparilla. e auspices of the ladles' Improve* was -given Monday afternoon for Kijguss of Topeka, Kansas, as pas- This is the popular place; the place that •nt society. At the Sunday morn- Miss MaryKWhlto at her Lome at tor of that church. Rov. John Muys- CARBONATED WATER IN SYPHONS. ling service, at the church' the' ser- Little Silver. Miss "Vhlte, teaches kens, who has boon acting as mod- never closes. If you want day or night storage 'monsubject will be!"The, Foolish- school at Elver' Plaza. Wlion sheerator of the church while it has we have all the name implies. ness of Preaching." Chester. A. Ar- returned home from school sha been without n pastor, will preach These new CANTI- ' \Cereal Beverages thur will be a ipocial violinist at the found the house filled with guests. the sermon., Roy. Andrew Richards GEO. EHRETS EXTRA OR D^RK jrnlng servico and music will be Miss. 'White received many gifts. of Bclmar will chargo the people Yes, wo wash cars aho. Day and night serv- LEVER pumps are The party Was arranged by tho guild J. RUPPERT'S EXTRA or DARK Rendered by a mixed quartet. . At and Rov. Jnmoa H. Owens of Red ice. Expert washer on hand at all hours. Store: the essence of com- (light Mr. Muyskens will proach n of St. John's chapol. Miss White Is Bank wilt charge the pastor. Rev. J. RUPPERT'S KNICKERBOCKER i'ermon to the American Mechanics engaged to wed Fred Ayres of New Walter A. Semple of Manaaquan, your car for the night, give an order for a wash , fort, hence a real *•'- subject being "Three Signs of Brunswick. moderator of the Presbytery of KRUEGERS SPECIAL or DARK Monmouth, will preside. and have a spic and span car in the morning. aidtoBcjmty. Wear KRUEGER'S TONIC ' g Men." Made $70 at Lod»a Dance, The subject for the Junior con- Charges moderate. them for happiness, LIEBMANN'S SCOTCH BREW _ itlonal meeting at the Baptist ,' Th« EasUrn Star ohapter of Red Suppar at Coll'a N«k. , Bank cleared #70 at a dance Mon- hurch Sundrfy morning will-be Tho sewing club of the. Ro< too, LIEBIG'S MALT TONIC- ^Remembering." At th« regular, day night In( the new gymnasium' Special Commuters Service. Our storage of tho nigh ichool, Muslo was pro- formed church,of Colt's Nock met For eldorly pooplo this wonderful Tonlo Is manl(«itfld by iupplp<<>'] irvlcs tho.sermon will b'a by Rev.vided by Hubort Gaul's orchestra last Thursday at Mrs, Windsor Hou- facilities for commuters cannot be excelled. We EXCLUSIVE ins euntonnnco and vitality when nature asks a IIUU hllp* N' 1 " »nk 8. Tolman of Now York, arid favors of piper caps wcro dll- lltt'i •( that placo. October 20th are near enough' to tho depot for convenience AGENCY • 'lvlsn Bratstcd will lead tho young trlbutcd. Tho grand march was led was fixed as the date for the club's We Supply Restaurants, Ice m pie's mooting at night The by Mr. and Mri. O. F. Wennlg. The annual supper and baxar. At tho and your car will be cared for properly during Outing Parties, Dances, Fairs, Road foot.will bo "The Student He- dance committal comprised Mri. conclusion of tho mooting refrcsIP" s your absence. Raymond Bowne Candy and Fruit Stores, Homes, Drag o)t In China," The subjoct of Ethel Vanlnwegen, Mrs. Bamu«l menU of punch and cako were {it,, service it night will b« "HaCogglni, Mlsa Mildred Brow«r and 10'rvod and » social time was on- 621 Cookman Avenue Hotels, etc. Vhp h Wlsi Wlnntth Souls," ThoMils Edith Winnlg. Joyed. • • Orders Delivered Promptly by nnuil- buslnoi miatlng of the 1 ASBURY PARK, N. J. hurch will b« held tonight. R«- •<*«•• ' Comlni Holiday F.itlv.l. FRANK VANSYCKLE and Competent Drivers—Senrlct (• will b« mad*, offlcers will bt Luneheon (or, Hoipltil, The Community club of River |l»c)»d-and thtn will ,bt a sooUl c«ftt«rU luncheon for thePlata will hold a strawberry festival 149 Weit Front Street , Rod Bank, N. J. H.G. DEOEl '0.4r.irlth rffrtihm'inti, / , • btniflt of tnt Spring Lake hospital Saturday afternoon on Mri. August MllltrVVwt KroiH street lawn, At homcclonnliiK time you'll find Manufatturtr, «f CttUntU* M *HWrt- M • Ai/b . ,, Telephone 1206, things you no longor nood, Ball >«m, Uio TRs Koal'tor'i Want Pi* Itj WA«lfc m < P'ot RED BANK REGISTER MAY27,1925. McRann's newly constructed stores BIG KLAN CELEBRATION. Thomas A., Ediwn built hu wnmigi^^ NEWS FROM KEYPORT, on Front street. Mr, Jacobs has been occupying a store ia the Rorl Rain Interferes with ,Klanimen'a Florida home at Ft, Myeri VERY LITTLE INTEREST, IN tan inn on Broad street. Activities »» .Elkweod Park. Nearly 20,000 klansraen, klani- HIGH SCHOOL FLAN. Mr. and MM. A. Morales of WHY? Leonardo were week-end guests of women, American crtusder* and H. S. ALLEN Baptists Buy Paul G. Zimmerman's Mrs. Ella A. Brown and family. junior members of the Wan gath« See page 5 , Houie ' for a Parsonetft—Frank Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Walker ered at Elkwood Park Saturday to ( , "Red Bunk'. Uading" Rudniek Moves Buainon to His will entertain a large number of take part in a reception for Walter Own Buildlnf. .' friends tomorrow night at the ca- F. Bossert, a high official In tbe or> ganization. The visitors camefrom All Ready for Memorial Day? Very little interest was taken in sino at Laurence Harbor. I Christian Science Society f Miss Elsie Morris of Brooklyn all sections of New "Jersey, with ' ' That picnic, the outing, motor trip or the celebration the public meeting Friday night t6 many from New York, Pennsyl- | 84 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. j 1 u the guest last week of her of MEMORIAL DAY at home will prove a big success, as discuss the/proposal to build a, new vania and Delaware. Most ot the far at the "eats" are concerned, it you do your shopping high'school on the lot purchssed, mother, Mrs. Fannie Morris. 2 .. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY , The junior improvement associa. irisltors went to the celebration by S.rvlott Bnaday II A. M, I P. H. 9 in an 4SCD Store: . . ' ..• . some years ago, only & hundred per- tuto but one special train carried sons being present.' There was no tlon will hold a dance Friday night SawI»T.Beh(i«l—8:10 A, M. K Here you will find a large and varied assortment of in the high school auditorium. Miss ibout 300 members. A part of the 63 Broad St. Red Batik, N. J, opposition to the plan and very few :elebration had to be abandoned " fresh QUALITY goods to meet every requirement at sen- questions aiked the board of educa- Adele Young's orchestra will fur- sible prices. • .',,..' • . ••'•• : .-'• nish the music. Saturday night because of the. Rtadlns' Room—W«dnndom—W«dnnd»y» i and V. I (Formerly Second National Bank Bldg.) tion, who called the meeting. .. leavy shower. _ Batudart fromm lllilO to ItoI P.. III, , f ' SHOP EARLY!' AVOID THE LAST MOMENT The First Baptist church has pur- A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. I oordlallr ia«lttd W DISAPPOINTMENTS. . ' • chased Paul G. Zimmerman's resi- eorge IV. Porter last week. •«"l«" and vtait Uu 4 "' Phone 1184 or Monty for Hospitals., 9 Th* oobllam .I s oordlallr ia«lttd W• 4. dence on Main'street for USJ as a William H. Hitchcock of McLean, Ut d parsonage. The present parsonage Vs., former manager of the Mon- In the apportionment of moneys w £ 7. 'i* •«"l«" and vtait Uu A Finest' is located at the corner of Third mouth lighting company, was a vis- o the county hospitals by tha free- ™_ Whole Milk , asco and Division streets. itor here last week. lolders, the Long Branch hospital Frank Rudniek has moved hit Chris Jensen and Edward Hop- eceived 965,636.84, the Spring Beverages shoe store from H. Hele'otis's store kins attended the Tall Cedar con- Lake hospital $17,148.69 and the Cheese n Front street to his own store on vention at Atlantic City last week. Vsbury Park hospital f 2,319.57. tt the same street. Mr. Kudnick haa A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ginger Ale, Root Bear, 27c Sarsaparilla thrown th» two stores that fonnerly Frank; Sullivan last week. It pays to advertise in The Regit- made up the ground floor into one A. .'Strong is visiting relatives ,er.—Advertisement. Rich and creamyr~" No deposit required on bottlesJ Delightful for Sandwiches. large store. iere. He made the trip from Mon- Hiss Alva Decker will give a par- tana by auto in ten days. • SEASONABLE FURNITURE ty to her dancing class Saturday af- Miss' Kathleen Lufburrow, who ternoon, June 6th, at the high school was operated on foi appendicitis OSCO Dried Beef * fr auditorium. last Tuesday by Dr. S. H, Cassidy Selected tenders, trimmed of all waste and sliced as at the Perth Araboy hospital, is rap- f Fred Sayles of Brooklyn was the thin as a wafer. recent guest of relatives here, idly recovering.' at Reasonable Prices The annual reception "and dance Mrs. Nancey Anderson and N. Junior Nabisco Wafers, Chocolate] 6 . of the Keyport high school alumni daughter Stella have returned from Spangles, Lemon, Chocolate, Va-1 p* association will be held on Friday a four months' trip to Florida and IB. night, Jane 12th, in the high school Cuba. " .• . • nilla and Zu Zu Ginger Snaps,! auditorium. Roland-C. Dey hal purchased a Biscuits J. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Massey new Buick standard coach. are rejoicing over the birth of a Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Buhler have daughter, KB therine .Agnes.~ moved into one of D. A. YanFelt's Fancy Norwegian Shaker Mrs. C. J. Collins, Jr., and chil- houses on Third street. ' dren hava returned; to Philadelphia The Thought club will go on a after a month's visit with Mrs. Col' picnic to Belvedere Beach, Keans- Sardines Table Salt Una's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank burg, on Jjune-26th..jr• -,.-. p£ 8 C Walling. . ' ;•• Although all return are'not yet 2 cans 25c 2 * 15 Michael Dietrich died Thursday in from the—p'erfo«nanca_at--the. Little- week at his' home on Manchester Surf theater Monday night for the avenue, aged 43 years. *Mr. Dietrich benefit of the home and school as- Big- was a barber by trade and owned sociation, it is thought that the as- Memorial Day Needs— the shop formerly owned by Charles sociation will net around $125. For every step of the For the Picnic or at Home Miller. He is survived by his wife George S. Cherry and Carl Ray- way, we've oil the things and seven children. The funeral mond were week-end guests of all sizes of boys like to was held Saturday morning from St. Kraft'. Cheese (American Cheddar or Pimento) 2 cans 2pe friends at Palmyra. wear. Joseph's church. Burial was made Miss Madeline V. Pease, a for- Sandwich Cheei. (Swiss Style) Hit) cake 20e- in the church cemetery. Reed Furniture mer resident here, now of New Wash suits — sack coats Uly Drinking Cups (Carton of Eight) * Be 'William Strickland has a position York, was married at noon today to and vests, or Norfotes, vrith is the one and only answer to greater home cdm- Princeii Waxed Paper (50 sheets in envelope) 7c as steward of the Eeyport yacht William H. Wyckoff of this place at club in place of Charles Bailey, who knickers—firsrlong hxi*r fort for the warm days and evenings of summer. Princess Crepe Paper Napkins .' (Package of Fifty) 9e the Fifth avenue Presbyterian suits. Picnic Plates .pkg.of twelve 9c; 3 pkgs 26c retires on June 1st. church at New York by Rev." Mr. I For your convenience we have arranged a, special The senior class of the high school Landis. They, are making a ten-day At prices parents like to showing that will aid you in selecting the pieces Taste Tells Mayonnaise jar 12c, 24c enjoyed a sight-seeing trip to Wash- Imported Portuguese Sardines • .can lie wedding trip and will make their needed in your home. ) FLORENCE OILiSTOVES ington, D. C, last w«ek,: ' '•• home at New York. pay. California Sardines (In Tomato Sauce) oval can ISc Mr. and Mrs. Harry West and Beautiful Reed Suites can be bought at this 2, 8 and 4-Bumer Florence Oil Cora* an-leathCT khoaa, tt. tSSCD Wiiite Meat Tuna Fish .can 27c Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Armstrong wir Bora' fancy percale tilouata. collar store as low as Stoves. Very fine to cook with In tho California Tuna Fist ;..w^.. ..can 14e, 20c spend the week-end at Buck Bii: To Award Scholarahipi. attached, ana sport collar with ahort summer and the most economical The Long Branch high aohoo "TgBSCO* 'Alaski~Red Salmon—~...... r.T.TtaU can "28c Falls, Pa. - __.. - .... lJUJUA fuel burner on the market today. alumni association will award s Boys' fancy printed tnafliaa ahlrta, Bit Juicy Lemons .6 for ISc Edward W. Snyder has sold the scholarship to the February gradu- eonar attached; or with neckband, You will begin to save money when Sweet Mixed Pickles .i...... bo|;18e bouse he recently built on the prop- 11.76. $39.50 you buy a Florence. ating class and a scholarship to the . Bora* fancy penala pajamaa. I1.S0. Sour Pickles or Chow Chow . .'.big bot 18o erty adjoining his residence on First street to Conrad Silbolt June graduating class. The annual Boja' ilsle atocidnEa. 45a, Meaty Queen Olivet .bot 10c, 20c reception to the two classes will be New Brunswick. KOGEES PBET COMPANY Fancy Stuffed Olives bot 13c, 23c The members of the Kiwanis club held Monday night, June. 15th. .SPECIAL flSCQ Table Mustard i. jar 12c Broadway' "Broadway will entertain the boys of the senlo atUbcrtj atWaoea atWthSt. Pulverized or Confectioners' Sugar 3 pkgs 25c class of the high school at the The Register every week prints « Sunshino Raisin Cookie* It) 29c weekly luncheon on Tuesday night. full list of household goods and lOO^Piece other articles for sale and wanted. Herald Sq. Commimt Fifth Ave. Miss Jane Walker of, Westfie* at'35tbSb Contra" at41atSb visited friends here last week. Turn to thewant department of The Register" if you "are" thihltltig of buy - NewYorkOty Dinner Set —George-WrJaeobsrelectrieal-eoiF ing or selling anything.—Advertise DUZ tractor, has rented one of Thomas Removes stains as it washes. This package contains ment. three times as much as the small size. will, be offered for You-can always depend upon the Eggs you buy in an ^ this week'twily at the (SCO Store. very Special Price of Gold Seal Eggs "^ 42c gi g h The Pick of the Nests! REFRIGERATORS doz Strictly Fresh Eggs 38c The Lasting Gibson Every Egg as Represented! Refrigerator 55c VALUE FOR 42c Every housewife Save Thirteen cents a pound. Millions in Reserve will save you money on both We say it without fear of successful contra- diction, that coffee of tha' Quality, Rich, Full your food and ice bill. should take advantage Body, Delightful Aroma and satisfying good- of this offer. Remem- ness of QSCQ Blend would cost you else- $16.75 up where 56c a pound. ber this Week Only. You turn a gas valve and your gas is ready for instant utilization.! Come in and look them over. mo Coffee "42c Back of that valve outside and around to the plant are hundreds With the very first sip—You'll Taste the Difference! and hundreds of miles of pipe lines. Our gas generating ma- chines have a total sendout capacity of 12 million cubic feet. OSCO Evaporated Milk "»- 10" That means one gas stove could bum four burners continuously, tift> pkg ft 4SC0> TEAS .....14c B5c for 23 years. It further would have kept one pilot light going Plain, Black, Mixed continuously on an ordinary gas stove from 775 years before That Ai ^ >/*tt> Hlb OSOO Orantfe Pekoe 17c, 33c Christianity until the end of tin's year. If that same pilot were Inviting Old Country Stylo, India Ceylon Pleating Pride of Killarney Tea relit the end of this year it would burn continuously on" that ca- Rofreihin !b tin 75c pacity until the year 4625. Your cojnpany further stores in its 4SC0 Choice Early Juna ft gas holders in addition to the above capacity, four million cubic Springs and (Butterine 25c Peas - 10ci feet of gas which is available for the mains to draw upon daily. A pure tasty spread. Sweet and tender. Mattress All sizes, all finishes with extra good It is that reserve and that capacity that puts your company, quality mattreBS that will $92*75 feUTTER * in a position to supply your demands at a uniform pressure re- insure Special |.. TalU Itl gardless of whether there are 500 customers on simultaneously Think of being able to buy Butter of this quality for so little. Good houaekeopora will hnve no other. They know it or 5,000. This still leaves ample capacity to take care of the Wonderful values in Porch Outfits. Is PURE and of tho HIGHEST Quality regardless of PRICE. ARBORS and PERGOLAS We carry a complete line of Porch future growth of this prosperous community. / Are the moat attractive Outdoor Furnishing on Richland Butter tho market today. Como and see thorn and ntve Furniture, such as Porch Rockers, Rugs, )-* 49c one put In your yard or flower garden. AH ttylca and designs. tf 1Q OC Couch Hammocks and Reed Stands Biggest Bread Values Sold Today! This style andRockew.

Extra (Bread Big Anytime you need anything for your home iusfc drop around to our Wrapped , store and see the beautiful line of House Furnishings we carry. Cash or erne Loaf 10c Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Credit. Free Delivery Everywhere. • ' , Finest texture So,rich that It is nlmont like cik«. Successors to Consolidated Gas Compauy of New Jersey VICTOR BREAD .... D'« «••» 7C Wchoit and Pur«tt fngredfontf. Serving over IWiquare mile* of territory'in N«u> Jorsoy, including Mnitits, towns Taflt* frltM EffMtlra la Our R«4 Dank Starts. and mailer communitita with Goa and Electricity. > > Globe Furnishing Co. • 4 .••,..• 39 BROAD STREET , 22 Eait Front St Glob Hot*. Bid* Bank, N. J. KAVE ud OAKLANP STREET -• V l ' RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 27,1925. View -held a .card party last NEWS FROM MIDDLFTOWN Wednesday nlfht at Mrs. Moe Jo- seph'*. BELFORD DEFEATED RUM30N J. D. Maher of Inglewood bat SUNDAY 10 TO 1. rented Wentworth" Cranbroolt's house at Leonardo for the summer, Ocean View Firemen Ct«tr«l $15 Mrs. Harry Bartholomew of Bel- Dt, a Card Parly—Two N«w Gro- ford was called to Jersey City last ' itrj Storei to Open at East week by the death of her brother. THE VICTO&STORE OF THE COAST KeatMburg Saturday. Mrs. John P. Thlel is sick,at her The, Belford baseball team on \\* home at Elizabeth,. She. formerly home diamond Sunday defeated lived at Belford. Rtimson by,a icoro of 10 to 1. Dec- The Friendship club of Leonardo OPEN THIS EVENING oration 1?«y the Belford nine will met.last week at Mrs. William Shrewsbury River Hotel play at Kcanaburg and on Sunday Burdge's. J^ .;_ __: they will play at home against F»lr Justice Louis H. Meese of Bel- Haven. ford is confined to the house with The firemen of Ocean View alcknesi. / .' •, . * Announcement cleared $15 by a card party last - Mrs. Henry Pierce, of. Belford weok. Prizes were won by-Mrs. continues to improve irott her sick- ness. "'.; •••_• • •; . • •'•• : ' , Joseph Hickey, (Mrs. Moa Josephs, Mrs. William Durando, Mrs. James JonTTHelhf of Belford continues LOWER PRICES for Black and Mrs. Solomon Newmark. to improve from hi* sickness. A card party will be held tonight J.Clarence Marvin of Belford RED BANK, N. J. at Mrs. Newmark's home for thehas a new Essex coach..- , ' bep«flt of the firemen. Red Seal Victor Records Two new Atlantic & Pacific gro- SUIT OVER APPENDIX. cery stores at East Keansburg will Lesg BraneW Clalsas Surfton Decoration DayT Saturday, May 30 SINGLE FACE .RECORDS ONLY. be opened Saturday. Failed |« R*moT* It. A party of BeUord folks made an Dr. Albert A. Berg, a well-known . ' ' > automobile trip Sunday to Cow- New York surgeon, has been sued ENTERTAINMENT AT 9 O'CLOCK wall, New York, where they spent All single face records by Caruso, McCormack, for $25,000 by Mortimer Corn of the day with Donald MacLeod, a. Long Branch, According to the Chaliapin and Heifetz are included—and they Belford young man who attends complaint in the suit, Mr. Corn Music by Carmond's Broadway Novelty Orchestra but begin the list of the great artists whose au- New York military academy at that states that Dr. Berg operated on place. In the party were Mr. and thorized Victor Records are now available to him for appendicitis in February, Couvert Charge, $2. Meals a la Carte • Mrs. Edward T. Bennett and their 1919, but, that In August of thst music lovers at substantially lower prices. Get. children Josephine and Judson, Reservation Phone 1524—1634 Red Bank year he again felt ptin in the region them while,they last. , . Mrs. S. 1. Palmer,' Ralph Jones, of the appendix. In 1828 other Harold Carter, Miss. Vivian Osborn, doctors' diagnosed his trouble,as sp< Records Mailed—Postage Paid Miss Aileen Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. Owner, HARRY F. McCORMACK pendicitis and In July, 1924, he was Garrett A. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Order by Phone—Red Bank 208-W operated on. Mr. Corn declares he B. Jeffers, Ward Johnson, William has his appendix which- was E. Lee and Lester Bennett. Nam* ' former Prlea ; Now moved in the last operation p Trovatore—Di quell* pire—Caruso $1.00 ' 65c A musicals under the direction served in alcohol. Toaca—Eecondlta armonia—Caruso . • • .. 31.00 68o of Mrs. Ward E. Jeffers will' be MUSIC and DANCING The Rosary (Nevin)—Schumann-Heinle ...... ,»1.00 6Sc given at the Belford Methodist A Dream (Cory-B&rtlett)<—Caruso.....-. .'$1.00 65c church June 25th for the benefit of Ft Myers is the Home Mease Solennelle—Crucifixus (Rossini)—Caruso.»1.00 65c the church.- Those who.will take Kits Me Again (BloB!oi)i-Herbort8)—Garrisson...$1.00 65c . i : l| part are mostly from Asbury Park of the Tarpon Club Friday Evening, May 29 In theTiiwa.o£_Ka?an - i-Borls' Cpdoungwi ...... $1.00 'eSo and Belmar and they have given l's Gwlrie Back to Dixie—Male Chorus—Gluck $1.00 6Bo WHY? On Wings o£ Song (Mendelssohn) violin—Heifetz $1.80 i SOs concerts for a number of wireless Tannhauser~Ellzobeth'B Gebet—Jeritza ' .$1.50 90o entertainments." eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee>eeeeeeeeee#i Old Black Joe (with male Chorus)—Gluck ..... ,$1.50 80s The Naveaink Methodist church See page 5 Nocturne (Greig, Op. 64, No. 4). Piano-Samaraoff $1.50 90c will hold a roll call tomorrow night, 0 Cease Thy Singing, Maiden Fair— Arrangements have been made for McCormack-Krelsler $1.28 80c special speaking' and music. The Don. Carlos—Ella gianimai m'amo!—Chaliapin. .$1.80 90c 1 cotnmittee in charge isRev. Robert Luda Sextette—Scmbrlch, Caruso, Scotti, Anderson, William Swan and May- Journet, etc .$2.80 $1.60 'nard Card. The ladies' aid society Rlgoletto Quartette: Italian—Caruso, Abott, •will Berve1 refreshments after the Homer and Scotti .$2.25 $1.60 servlpe. , . " Many other tingla face Red Seal Records at tEe new' The Navesink tennis club is hold- prices mty be heard at : ing eliminations for the tournament finals to be held the,first of the month. The team winning will rep- resent the club in the cup contest with Kumson and Fort Hancock, which will be held later this sum- tust mer. . • The Navesink library association 14 Monmouth Street RED BANK will hold a handicraft exhibition on Thursday and Friday, June' 18th and 19th,each afternoon. The com- mittee in charge is Mrs. J. Hamilton Braihard, Mrs. Philip Leonard, Mrs. a New Qas Rate W. Strother-Jones, Jr., and Mis« Norma L. Swan. , •, ' Mrs. Thomas J. Eastrnond of Port Monmouth has returned home after having been away , four for House Heating months.—She-has-beeaaUk With t *ftt American Food Co. time at the mineral bathTatMbunt Clemens, Michigan. TTTITH THE APPROVAL Of y Thomas Hobarth of New York, 3 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. •who is employed by a Keansburg V V Commission of New Jersey, we announce real estate firm, was thrown from his motorcycle and badly injured on ~' a new and special rate for gas to be applied Del Monte brand California Goods—Buy. by the Dozen. Church street at Belford Sunday. Mr. Hobarth Is now at the Long to residences, commercial buildings and fac- Branch hospital...... , Fresh Eev. Paul Watson and family of tories in the Red Bank, Long Branch, Asbury Shoulder Leonardo are visiting at Philadel- Milk Fed phia. Charles Frost will lead the JI Park, Belmar and Point Pleasant districts Milk Fed prayer meeting at the Leonardo Baptist church tonight. George | where gas is to be used exclusively for heat- Broilers Smith of Keyport will preach at the Veal church Sunday. ling from a central plant " The house committee of tne Armour's Navesink library held a tea Monday Fresh Killed afternoon in honor of Mrs. Maude | The final cost of house heating by gas will Long Island Star or Blue Spooner, the librarian. Mrs. Spoon- er has resigned and will leave next [ now closely approximate that of coal, with the Ribbon month to accept a position near SMOKED Boston- ' added advantages of flexibility,eas e of control, Ducks HAMS Mr, and Mrs. Frsnk Andrews and 29 family of Jersey City spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert M. Saeley even temperatures, cleanliness and freedom This Market Will Close at 1:00 O'CIock, Saturday, Decoration Day of Port Monmouth. Mr. Andrews and MB family will move to Port ft from labor and attention. Monmouth soon for the summer. Del Monte Del Monte AMERICAN FOOD MEWS .. Thomas h Donnelley of Mon- Published In the Interest of Good. mouth Park returned home Sunday m Recentlydesignedequlpmentforhouseheat- Asparagus Calif. Apricots Health. . . after having- spent threa days at F ing gives assurance of efficient operation of gas Tim large can OA_ the large can Newton and Delaware Water Gap. You Notice Burdette Brown of Boievllle spent Sunday with Mr. Donnelley. fired steam, hot water or vapor boilers, and for Five Robert and William Knudsen, Del Monte Del Monte Del Monte twin sons of Ernest Knudsen of the first time, with this new rate, makes the Sliced Pineapple Specials Point Pleasant, are spending a few Ripe Olives In this week's ad. days at Mrs. Harry Phraner'a at installation of such equipment a wise and N ae And at the top Leonardo while their parents are-on » 26c ° 3 <»"• 25c of ' the ad w» a trip to Washington. economical investment have written There will be a meeting of the "buy by the doz- 1 Mlddletown township brotherhood Del Monte en. ' Friday night at the Baptist church ' With this new heating equipment you can "Mealtime" The writer wai The old-time strong coffee at New Monmouth. A. G. Sinclair Calif. Peaches told by hti fat-' of Bloomflold will bs the. speaker. now be assured of scientific control of the tem- l.r,. .. tidioui ion-in» 39c law last Sunday A. strawberry feitival for the that he would TCdR benefit of the New Monmouth Bap- perature in your house at all times, due to much rather eat canned Del Monte tist church will be held' on the Asparagus than eat the fresh atuff. church lawn Thursday afternoon thermostatic regulation. This is but one of the CURTICE BROS. JAMS Anything with the Del Monte labol and evening of next week. Is like a troU coin wKh Uncle Sam'a Thomas Weathered lias given up many advantages which you obtain if you All flavors including Raspberry and Strawberry itamp of endowment. The peaches his job with the Atlantic- Highlands •nd the apricots and the pineapple gai cotnpsny and he is now em- jar 22c repreient fruit at Its belt. And ployed si an automobile salesman. "Heat your House vskth Gas." surely the aiparagui, aristocrat In the kingdom of vegetable!, has all The msttlng of tho New Mon- the goodness and tenderncts and mouth dressmaking class, which > Full information is now available at any of Van Camp's ravishing flavor of the garden-cut wns to have beon held this after- Try Triscuit article. noon! lisa been postponed. our offices listed below; or a postal card with Evap. Milk It'i like Shredded Wheat Duy by the doten, of courio, be- Henry Granderath, Jr., son of cause: next weik when yon coma Herman Granderath of Belford, Is your name and address on it will bring our 6 caw 55c Into the store you will tea all theio Improving from pneumonia and (roods back at the old price. whooping cough. Men In the employ of the state representative in person. agricultural board have been In- Pouyanna specting trees In the township for PROGRESS gypsy moths. Assorted Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Seeley spent Chocolates part ot lsit week with Mr. Soeley'i brother, William Seeley ot Port Jersey Central Power & Light Ca Monmouth. Frank Vogel's new bungalow at BED BANK • LONG BRANCH • ASBURY PARK • BELMAR • POINT PLEASANT Keahsburg Is nenrly complet- ed. Sir, Vogtl ixpscta to movt In Very delicate looking Drinking It Sunday. • The ladds' auxiliary of Chemical (Ira company will hold a luchro p«r- and dinoi at thi Arthouit Friday ?iit'i RED'BANK REGISTER. MAY 27,192S.

Phon« R*d Bank Hit. KILLED IN FALL. ers, Ruth Kuper and Gladys* Small day with-Mr. and Mrs. Janes Cul- ' of Brooklyn, visited Mrs, John Ien of Hailet, '-. > , , •VIM Charles, Lewis Steel Worker iilU From Cooney last week. Miss Dorothy Corcoran ipent Ion to proiint ' Tower »t Seagirt. The graduates of Union school Sunday at New York. INSL at erdtr ot Jutph I. Doi- 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' Gus W/inckler, 24 years old,. of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones at- a ot^ftt County of Mon- class of 1925 spent Saturday. at m vA'tKibttmtb dir of April. DEALER IN Jenero, Ohio, a'construction work- Delaware Water Gap and Bushkill tended a banquet at Bed Bank re- &• application or Joupbln. 01- er employed by the Pittsburg and cently. Arthur y. Gregory SttUii"ol tbt «UU ol Wllll.m ails. Jeeuitd, notice 1> hereby given AsiocUte tMi firm with DeaUqinca steel company, was killed Thomas Corcoran, .Jr., and Trading as Mlton'of llld dewued '• exhibit Wednesday when lie fell from a wa- "noribw. nwntrlx •• afowiald. LUMBER durable work it to* cost daughter Estelle of Brooklyn spent Henry Ford built hii Mil d«»«nd> Milnit tht ••W ter tower at Seagirt 75 feet to thethe week-end with his parents, Mr. J. H. Gregory & Son )Wit Oftb, within ill month! tram ground. Wincklor was helping erect Florida home at Ft. Myers fet-thi »fotti»ld ftitt, <,T ther win Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass and Mrs. Thomas Corcoran,, Sr. ifjfijimi of their Mtioni thtretor a water tank for Seagirt borough. Mrs. Scholl is having concrete hkS * Red Bank, N.J. v vttQsoHMr* The tank and tower stand 100. feet walks laid and repairs rhade on her _old/N. J., April leUi. 1925. and guilders' Hardware. THE H. SMITH CO., high, Wijickler sustained a frac- Telephone 474 - J08EPHINB OTTERSON. iroperty. RED BANK, N. J. Fair Haven New Jersey tured skull, compound fracture of Harry Granger of California See page 5 rwiwiw I to Advertise in the Register. the thigh and internal injuries, His spent a few days last week with his death Mas the first accidental ono brother. He is on his way to Aui- i S to occur among the employees of •alja. . ^ the company in fifteen years. Mrs. Charles Marx attended the xowning of the Virgin Sunday ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. night .at St. Mary's church at New Monmouth. Pianos CburchJ. Uni^e in Holding i Me- Mrs. D. Whitaker last week at- THE NEW I mortal Service. :ended a shower given for her s!«• \ Memorial services ^wer held Sun- ;er, Miss E. Flucker of Now York, For Rent dV nifffit at the Jlethodisfc church vho is soon to be a bride, HEIN9E iLtfie' -Baptist and Presbyterian James' McKlttrick, Jr., who was SMOQTHTOP RANGES churches united for the services. 325 onfined to his home with a severe James Seth Morae spoke on "The old, is able to be out again. • Anytime Meaning of Memorial Day." Nor- Mrs. T. O'Neil was, taken sick Anywhere in daily demonstrations, display the. ris Pippitt, acting adjutant of Clin- •hile visiting her sister, Mrs. Mc- ton Fiske' post of the Grand Army, )onald of Convent Station, where Any kind called the roll and four of the sur- ihe will: have ,tp remaia for several greatest improvement in Domestic viving members answered. They are veeks." ' '' ~ ' ' John B. Swan, Joshua VanPelt, Wil- Mrs.'Booney entertained over the Gas Ranges in twenty years. liam Boeckel and Spencer Morris. eek-end Misses Katherine and jbounef' Miss Augusta Katz read Lincoln's Ilizabeth'Rooney of Jersey City. FANCY N.V.STATE "Gettysburg Address" and a violin solo was given by Miss Clara Kate. George Entwistle - and George Harris of Newark spent the week- The men's club quartet and f. Paul 16 Monmouth Street Posten sang. Music was furnished end at the home of Mrs. George PEACHES SEE THESE BEAUTIFUL NEW RANGES IN ACTION by the community orchestra under ntwistle. . A ." . RED BANK cultb the direction of Mrs. Robert Stokes. Mrs. William Kalenski enter- Witness the Tests Which Startled 2,500 Gas Officials at the Gas The boy scouts and the American tained a .number of friends from Open Tonight Mechanics attended in a body. Trenton over the week-end. Show. AH Previous Cooking Speeds are Broken Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen and The Atlantic Highlands and High- ihildren James and Ellen spent 3un- SARDINES:: ? lands baseball team defeated the »T*^ j by the New Speed Burner Fort Hancock team Sunday by the „ score o£ 7 to 6. 'L'he crowd was which" cooks 25%' faster in comparative tests. You have always very slim owing to the weather. The game was slow and no exceptional ASPARAGUS TIP; IE wanted better, quicker, easier cooking.. Now come to our dis- playing was' exhibited by either team. On Decoration day the men's MISSION BRAND *" 19 play rooms today when these advantages are being demonstrated. club team will play, the town team and a very good game is expected. In no other way can you appreciate so quickly what this wonder- The Methodist church held a cake ful Gas Range can mean to you. Liberal payments—everything sale at the community house Satur- day/ to make it possible for you to enjoy the great service that only; Mrs, J. Howard Smith will give a If You Can't Call Personally, Mail Your Order luncheon this noon at the Lockwood • a Smoothtop can give. . 'louse in honor of the ex-presidents Its liineyou of the women'3 auxiliary of the %QQO Seamless Bleached community club. The guests of bin- honor are Miss Helen McNair, Mrs. James Stryker, Mrs. Guy P. Mc- Henry and Mrs. E. P. Magee. to fill* Oil paintings by Franklin Patter- son are on exhibition at the1 com- munity club and consist of local Jersey Central Power & Light Co. scenes, Mr. Patterson is now at Every Houaewife Know. What a Seniation Thia la, \ work on a picture of the wreck of RED BANK: ASBURY'PARK tho-bottt-Now-Eraj-wiich .went. to. EQREtHPUGHT—NOT AFTERTHOUGHT LONG BRANCH pieces several years ago off the The man that fills, his bips with coal when the quality is best, shore at Asbury Park. supply plentiful and prices lowest uses forethought. Serving over 1,1,75 square miles of territory in Neiv Jersey,^including 137 citiest towns Louis Wenger has bought a Sta: The man that waits until there is a shortage) the quality poor and matter communities with Electricity,and Gas. y sedan from the local Durant agency an,d prices soar, uses afterthought. Mr. Forethought, smiles— and John Logan purchased a Nash Mr. Afterthought grumbles. touring car from the Snedeke IT IS UP TO'YOU ' I agency. v Mr, and Mrs. Charles Porteus o: S1.39 Milwaukee, former residents j; N. HANCE Stone Church, are visiting Charles DEALER (81x90 inches) Peck of Ocean boulevard. Mr. P ; The Sporting Goods Shop s is_a restorative artist in th Shrewibury Ave. at R. R. Cro.iing ReJ Bank, N, J. Take notice, you who^furnish hotels, boarding city museum atf Milwaukee" and' wa ™ TELEPHONE 103 — .'...,..- formorly with, the old Eden Musee "or roominghQUsesraswellaB" you:who buy for 5 Broad Street, Red Bank at New York until its close a few private homes.5il-h^"sh"Ktrarrm^rT)f r years ago. Th(* Presbyterian church will hol bleached sheetings--weli finished—size,. 81x90 Announce the opening of a calto sale Friday morning at the inches before hemming. Buy your requirements community club. , The Republican club will holt now at this low price for present and future their meeting Friday afternoon al needs. the community club and a promi- nent speaker will be present. UNION BEACH NEWS. josce of ljOOO Pair Blue Bird Park Conceaiioni An ;. . ' Being Put in Shape. Carl Willup is making extensivi JXQWS Ruffled Tie Back alterations o.n hia Blue Bird part concessions^ several of which hav< C-1 been rented by George Gurtz, Fre Marquisette Curtains Messmer, CharleB Burogh and Al- fred Angley. Mr. Willun has pur- There'8 less fiction in the advertising columns than chased a new organ for his merry Complete at 75c each go-round. Philip Heitzewroder i there used to be, and more cash in the on-tke-level mer- redecorating the merry-go-round. chants' register.—Says the Old Philosopher. George H. Jones attended the an niversaVy of the Royal Arch Masom HARDWARE FOR HARD WEAR at Hed Bank last week.' Sale Lingette, 39c yard The Union Beach Democratii Watering Poti, galvanized* ' 60c to 85c •»*•**•.-. .•< White Enameled Bread Boxes .$1.00 club will hold its firat meeting to Copper Bottom Walk Boiler* $1.49 Butterfield's Genuine Lingette night at the firehouse. Galvanised Window Screen* ". 60c to 75c Soren Johnson is/ suffering from Hedjo Shear* ....$1.70 to $2.50 injuries received wien he fell thre Roof Paint ...$1.50 to, $2.50 First quality- Name on selvedge. All coloi'3 to stories while working on a building Ice Box Space Saver* ., .\.. .90c at Keansburg. Sponge* .25c choose from. • Mrs. L, Scoras of Newark spent1 Chamoi* .40c to $1.25 ssveral days last week with her par- Deitx Lantern* , .$1.00 Regular selling price 59c yard ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parry. Screen Wire, galvanlted Be iq. ft. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kooney en- Headquarter* for DCTOO Paint, Ediion Mazda Lamp*, tertained over the week-end Misses Stormtlght Roof Paint, Ruhberoid Roofing. Catherine and ^Elizabeth Rooney and Joseph Tully of Jersey City. The newly erected homo ot Mr. Red Bank Hardware Store and Mrs. Wonzcl has been complet- Joseph Goldstein ed and the owners have taken pos- ROBERT DONOVAN, Prop. • session. 38 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. Paint Service Station Mrs. McKIernan is snorting a Broadway Long Branch, N. J. new Ford sodan, Free Delivery Ev*ryvrhor* Telephone 936 Walter Waters and granddaugh- Realizing the importance to our cus- arrangement in the handling of Repco tomers of authentip and accurate in- Paints, Varnishes andEnamels. In many j formation on when and how to paint, yean during which we have observed j •^••;«*t«$»*« . your house or garage, home and help you get started on your work, will help you select color schemes, "Wetellyotxhow" will tell you anything you want to know On Decoration Day Our Stores Will Close 1 P.M. Open Friday Evening to paint, varnish, stain and enamel about protecting your property and t • We ere able to give you this service making your home more charming jind None Better at Any Price because it U given to us as a part of our beautiful. THE BEST IN POULTRY Fancy Milk-Fed Fancy Milk-fed ROASTING a-lbslae 7/ CHICKENS BROILERS O pound (law ."•> to Paint,VarnishrStain, and • <•»< j Orookfield-ClQverblooin Butter lb ;;£§O RED BANK REGISTER, MA*T27,1925,

ATLANTIC HAS NO FIGHf. 6ok» M If Patrick M«C«« Would •H"»+'»+++4+++» • ••f4+> •••••••++ b» EUettd Without Opposition. WUUAM O'BRIEN In Atlintle tomiihtp only on» ofr Iclal ii to, be eUctid this year, » townihlp commlttiitmtn. Patrick MEANS MeOue tl Tlnton FalU will run to succeed hinUilf aa a oommltU»man. He it a Republican. No,D»mocrit HIGH GRADE SERVICE has flltd a petition for the offlca and unleis a nomination Ik made by Approved and Improved writing namaa on tha Democratic ticket that party-mil have no candi- LvTl Heating Plumbing Roofing date at the election next fall. Mr. Water Systems Copper Work McCue ts superintendent of theXa- vlgne farm ab Tlnton Falls, which . Earthen and Iron Pipe was formerly known as the Deeves V« $tai^dle that[ American Radiator Company*' pl«c«. Atlantic 4owmhip ii a Dam- odratio ittonghold, but in local at -, ARCOLiA. HEATING SYSTEMS fairs It has been governed by a Ee RED, BANK and SEA BRIGHT publican iownthip' committee .the pait three yean. Dissatisfaction ov»r th« management of the roads by -Democratic official* brought about thii charge. .

Monty from St»t«. The Place to Buy Your Howard W. Roberta, county audi- tor, reported to the freeholders last week that ha had collected S36,- 428.68 from the itats toward the FURNITURE cost of maintaining! patients in the STARTS THURSDAY; MAY 28th Allenwood tuberculosis hospital and U JACOB STEINBHCH'S, BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH, N. J. that about $13,000 remained yet to be collected, Come and see the wonderful values we are offering In Footwear for $1.00 . • . ' Boy'* L*t Brokon. Charles and Irving Heaie, tons Here Are * Few of Our Many Specials at 81.00 of Charles Hesse of Belford,' en- gaged in a wreatilng natch Sun- LADIES' WHITE POMPS and $"| .00 Men's and Boys' Brown and White day, during the «our«e of which x OA Charles's leg wag broken. The OXFORDSrCanvas, Buckikin and Kid TENNIS SHOES, Several Styles .... • boy i» now at the Long Branch hospital. • INFANTS' SHOES $1.00 LADIES' PUMPS ^ 00 RUMSOK NEWS. Large Glose-Out Lot -. -.-.-. -.-:.•. Many City Folks Spent the Week end H«r«. Many more bargains. Come to this sale, as WE TEACH YOUR DOLLAR TO HAVE MORE GENTS-! A large number of city folks spent the week-end here, Many of £ yte are offering all our Furniture and Rugs at a Discount of j them own < bungalows and spent most of the time getting the prop- erties ready, for the summer. I. WEINSTEIN A euchre party and dance will be held on Friday night of this week "A Shoe for Every Foot, a Price for Every Purse." at Holy Kosary hall on River ave- 25", and 3O" nue. A large number of prizes 70 Monmouth St. Between Drummond Place and Maple Avenue Red Bank, N. J. ALL, THIS WEEK have been donated for the winners at euchre. ••••••M••M••»•••••••»••••••••••• Pay our Furniture Department a visit during this discount sal* and Elmer Fearsall's new house at see how little It will cost you to completely furnish your home with the Farmly park will be completed in a few weeks-and he will move Into ••••»+••»••»•••• best quality of Grand Rapids Furniture, which Is one of the finest makes the house- as toon as it is ready. of furniture In America, The home will cost *l2,ooo. Mrs. George Shaw and Hiss Win- DELIVERIES MADE EVERYWHERE ifred Deveney were visitors in town over the week-end. Jenny Green, lightweight fighter, tag rented Arthur Dalby's bunga- low on Lafayette street.. Mrs. John G. Folter attended a lACOB.STEI.NBAC/l meeting of Republican workers last JUNE 1st to 30th week at Atlantic City. Norman McDonald of Jersey City spent Saturday and Sunday with ••••>+•••+ • • 4 f »»»•»•••••••• Karl Davis. Mickey •'Walker has returned i DIAMONDS and WATCHES home from a trip to California, where he knocked out Cooper in one round. Walker will start training; soon for his fight with Greb; - -; : I "REUSSILL&'S SHREWSBURY MEWS. Athletic Cluk to Give m. Dance N«xt WATCHES OF REPUTE AND DEPENDABILITY AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES ._•.. W». offer to.thoiB.who »ppreci»t« the importsneo of buyinjl Watche» car«fullj^ra fathering of.GOOD WATCHES that la. (a. The. Shrewsbury athletic club will keeping wild the high »t»nd»rdi maintained in this itoro't. general policy. » , hold it dance next Wednesday night In buying • W^tch from ui, no matUr how Inexpeniivo, remember that you are aho buying the lervleet of our axpert repair at the firehouae. department along with it. Wa guarantee personally all our Watehei, and we thall alwayi attempt to glre you oar best lerrlcti—• Th« Shrewsbury dairy company not excuiei—in adjuiting any trouble! which may ariie. . Wonder Meat Market at 22 Monmouth St., has bought two new Ford delivery The Watchoi in this Sale have all been tested by ui, and are alt well timed and regulated, i It it not our policy t6 (all tha trucki.. cheapest Watchet made, but GOOD WATCHES, Inexpensive and higher graded onei, and wa' gladly explain their difference*. Dr. Ernest Fahnettock and fam- Red Bank, N. J., ily will reopen their summer home here today. Iron girders have been placed, un- LADIES' WRIST WATCHES is the lowest priced market in the state! der the aecond floor of the flrehouse. INEXPENSIVE GRADES ' The work wai done by Earling, Johnion & Frako of Red Bank. In 25 yr. White Gold Filled $9.75 to $17 William Reynolds has bought a In 14K. Solid White Gold...;..$18.50 to $22 new Chevrolet touring car. Pigs' Stephen Beynoldi, Sr., ii em- HIGHER GRADES Plate or Navel Liver ployed on Mrs. William P. Brown's In 25 yr. .White Gold Filled ....$24 to $32 I '-' property on Sycamore avenue. Mrs. F. W. Robinson is laid up In 14K. & 18K. Solid White Gold $25 to $75 with ticknesl. Beef Edward Sngurton has taken a job M. fresh Tripe Hearts at Rumson. Mrs. William G. Rutherford haa GENT'S POCKET WATCHES moved from tha Metrgar home on Broad street to the- Shrewsbury INEXPENSIVE GRADES Manor. In Green or White Gold Filled..$9i25 to $30 Neck Ice cream stores owned by Lawet In 14K. Solid Gold Cases.... $22 to $40 Chuck Roast Veal Bros., Mrs. Harry Sanders and Wil- liam Curtis have reopened for the HIGHER GRADES aummer. ' ' Daniel Lang hsi returned to New In 25 yr. Green or White Filled....$35 to $53 Stewing York aiter a ttay of two -weeks with In 14K. Solid.Gold Cases $55 to $125 5£?. Chopped Beef Lamb his parents, lit. and Mrs. John Lang. LITTLE SILVER NEWS. UTILITY STRAP WATCHES School Pupil* Will Return from Rollette Wa«hin»ton Today. In Nickel Cases, with Strap $7.75 up SiEnd' Loin Pork Hams The pupils of the eighth grade of In Sterling Silver Cases $12 to $20 the publlo school will return home today from Washington, D, C. In 14K. Gold Filled Cases ...... $25 to $45 They wont to Washington Monday. In the party are Ethel Olah, Leon Pork Shoulder Lamb Eastmond, Lucy Parro, Frances Carhart, William Taylor and James DIAMONDS Ryan. A NEW LOT OF DIAMOND RINGS RECEIVED LAST WEEK A new Studebaltcr coach hai There Is nothing' wo can sny which will convince you why ^ou ihould buy a been bought by Mines Ell* Belli, DIAMOND here. Diamonds tiro «oltl through conlldonco—nothing else, You know Package Emma and AdR Hoffmlro. little of the comrmratlvo vnlues nnd must rely upon your jowclcr. Regular Hams Bacon The borough and the railroad Inexpensive Diamond Rings .•-••• • • •.. •. J20 to $88 company art putting a layer of 3 Stone Diamond nnd Sapphire Combination ... ,.t...... <. ..$38 to $78 gravel on the roadi in tho vicinity Solltnlro Dlnmnnd lltngs, lino qunllty .$100 to $800 of the station. Diamond Bar Pins, platinum or plntinum front $38 to $390 Benjamin A. and George Shoe- Diamond Bracclots, white cold or plntinum front , ,,,.,$30 to $200 Chopc&Ls Stewing Chickens maker are on the sick list, The auxiliaries of St. John'a chapel and of Christ church were See Our Step In and consolidated at a meotlng last week Roasting Frying at Mra. Benjamin Parker'1, at Windows T.Ik WatchM Chiduni Chickens Shrewsbury. for This Sale. REUSSILLE'S Bishop Paul Matthtwi wilt ad- And Diam minister confirmation at St. John'a Cottage chapel on Sunday, Juno 14th. Phone 457-R. , 36 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. EstablishVd U Leg Lamb Butts Parts of the new organ for tha Watch Inaptctora C. R. R, of N. J. Methodlab church have arrived and are being itt up, It Ii expected that the organ will be completed by Mtnmtuth Cdumy Sumiila'i bMti. otand to uMblt to tha iiibiorlbtr. t«««u. Monmauth County lurraiala't OM«. All Roasts Jon* 21»t, when It la planned to ule In tlm mittir of Id* NUU ol Rutui % tor u tfomtld, that) dtbta and J«ra«nd« In tht maltar at tha aitala of William T, CAiltr. (itoiKiid. ttnlml tht iild tiutt, utidir oath, within Sliarmatii d«d«ai*<1. . . . the organ for tlio first time. Notln to eitdlton to pmtnt •Ulmi •In month! (torn tha data o( tha aforiiaM NotlM to aridltori la vtmal ilalMl i .11. 1^11 •mlmt niit*. ordir, or Ihif will b« fnr«»«r birnd ol •aalnil •Halt. . ... l'ur>u»nl to tht ptJ«r of Jmtph U Don. thilt aotlona Ihirtlor igilnil tht aild «ub- I'uriumil to tha ordar of Joitph U D*a< Will Open Friday Evening and Close 12, Noon Oddi and endi of furniture or nlnr. iiirrogul* of ibi County of Mon< •ha/, lUrroialt of thl Uauaty ll. Horn houithold Hopdi that you no longer mouth, m«, on th« atD DECORATION DAY »»!«|ilj £» laltutw at thi (u» T. Otfllf, dHtaiM^nttft* '• tm ita«la*. by Se'd's candy shop on Monmbuth rangements have been made for the chairman of the entertainment , The Bed Bank school won th Street. ' The boat was sailed by itsevent. Mrs. David S. Buck is chair- committee and Mrs. Adelaide M. county track, and field meet by a former owner, Harry Martin, with man, of the festival committee. Miss Balch is treasurer. Speeches will hair's breadth last Saturday after- Ferdinand White at the sheet. Wil- Anna Buck will have charge of the be made by Assemblyman'Basil B. noon at Anbury Park. Bed Bank's liam H. R. White's Dolphin came in musicale. Mrs. George Taylor and Bruno, Sheriff John H. VanMater, score was 72% points while Asbury second, but second place was given Mrs. Henry Ritscher,will direct/the Frank K. Lloyd, Frank D, dovert Park finished second with 72% to Sarafi Clay Brown's boat Eliza- sale of cakea. Mrs. Walter D. Fje}d3 and H. H. Wheaton, points,-; Leonardo was third with:4 beth on account of the-fouling of and Mrs. Frank D.'tFieldg \vlll man- the Dolphin and the Miana while age the sale of strawberries. The points/ Long Branch fourth with punch well will be in charge of Mrs. ' OCEANPORT NEWS. 38% points, Matawan fifth with rounding thestako boat oft* the Mid- R dletdwn shore. Mr. White sailed Arthur Soffel.. MiBS Alice Fields • Y°U. mirror is one 30%,jBeIm'ar sixth with 26, Free- Amber Matthews will sell Republican Women to Hold Meet- hold seventh vyith 17%i"Manasquari his own bost with Dclford Fishcr'at S»d"Wlss ing «t Firehouse Tonight. •*• friend that will-be A day on the diamond calls the sheet. Mrs. Brown's boat was candy. The \ miscellaneous' booth eighth with 7%, Enmson ninth with 1 A meeting under the auspices of **forth every effort oi sailed by her brother, Harry. Clayi will be directed by Mrs. Sidney Ben- truthfully frank with 6, arid Bradley Beach tenth with 3. nett, Jliss Mildred Conover and Miss' the Oceanport unit of Republican you. Howeve*T&> not muscle and endurance, and • The summaries of. the events, with William G. Borner • at the women will ibe held in th» -flie* sheet There was a stiff,northeast Dorothy/ Bennett. The ice cream only those with perfect with the names of the contestants dispensers will - be Misses Isabella house tonight. Tho spealcers will be worry over increasing health can acquit themselves, arranged in the order in which they wind throughout the entire race and,-'Anna Buck, Elsie'Taylor,' Stewart Appleby, Mrs. Lewis ' S. OmafPiuriti af'WS") B%MuT»7 wrinkles or lack of with credit. ./That's why finished, are as follows: the boats were wclPhandled in .the Myrtle. Matthews arid Laura Thompson, Miss Lillian Busling and I D«)1 VID((O prtMurisJ (I'm HiAn windward work. lovely hair. xalftr. figures to largely in the High School Boya' Evanti. Schanck, , Stanley Hunt, William Charles Crawford. -vTeoMiidbFun) B%Muir»j-EiSiiBi Just watch *em grow! 100-yard dash—Leddy, Bed Bank; Glov- There will be a race Saturday Buck, Carl Soffel, Arnold Conover > Victor Raecnl No. 19640.10-lnU *' " training camps of the big er, Chattle; Murphy, Leonardo; Taylor, 1 The infant daughter of Sergeant We can improve your« Red Bank. Time—10.4 seconds. morning at ten o'clock nnd another and Lester Heulitt. Leroy Hunt, DtJShhwTFoxTrat Andeverydaybringsyou leagues. V I race at ten o'clock Sunday morning. and Mm. Piantiki is a patient at'the 220-yard dash—Taylor, Bed. Bank; Leroy Bennett and Harold Taylor Long Branch hospital. . Piul Whllemia ud HU Orehutw complexion,.and .your- Glover. Chattle; Leddy, Red Bank; Brad nearer to your quick will dish out the ice cream. The • The boy scouts went on a hike coiffure. ley,' Chattle, Time—23.1 aeconds, New chapel will be decorated by .Mrs. Tm EQRV record,'/ ; / •-.- . ~ •"' ~ .* • • GOLF NEWS. Sunday and cooked their supper in profits on readily mar- Asher Erving, Mrs. George LI PtidWUtwaaiBdHIiOKhub* - -440*yaVd°i)ash—Vilsoni Aibury; Burdge, thefppen.-. '. . '•'••.-'." ..•.'..:,i. •:'•.•. Try one treatment then Red Sank; Fisher, Chattle; Peterson, First Tournament of Season to BeHance, Mrs. Sidney Bennett and y Victor IU»ri No. I964I( lO-todi VJ- ketable broilers and Chattle." Time—51.3 aecondi. Hew record, Held on Saturday. Mrs. Walter D. Fields. , Mrs. Vincent Grey, Mrs. John N* OM-FOX tnt Jt* SUknt'i Oichtitn early eggs. No other feed note the thange. SWEET CLOVER FARMS ;880-7ard run—Nlvlson, Aibury; Carton, Biel,- Mrs. Andrew Wylie and Mra, Iial Sh* t^SwutHl TUnt-Fn Trot Asbury; Clapp, Bed Bank; Hanson, Leon- The initial go" tournament. of Louis Millar attended, the political'1 will give you such quick DAIRY irdo. Time—2 tninutas, 6 seconds. New the Shrewsbury River country club 'Motr^afai JickSbiikrrt'iOichiitn ecord. DANCING SCHOOL ENDS YEAR. meeting held at Mrs. Lewis S. . ^ Victor RMOI4 No. IM4?. IO-lac!> '•<. ••' -RED BANK. N.J will be held Saturday, the play Thompson's at Lincroft on Tuesday. development. Get your Mile run—Decker, Red Bank; Harris, lasting nil day. This will bo n ^THEY'RE ALL NEWI Aabury; Foat, Red Bank; Simpson, Leon- Entertainment Given by Pupila of Lieutenant and; Mrs, Frank, who Ful-O-Pep now. Tdo. Time—4 minutes, 45 seconds. 'kickers" handicap with a net score Miaa Elaa Heilich'a School, . have been living at the Park hotel .Shot Putrf-Kernp, Chattle; Kelly. As- range of 69 to 79.- Each player Mtnuftotundtr bury; Kalaer, Bed Bank; Moller, Red The pupils of Mias Eba Heilich's sove.ral months, have been trans- TUSTING'S i BEAUTY SALON Bank. Distance—38 feet, 9 inches. will be allowed to select his own ferred", and will leave Oce&nport in JUST A .REMINDER handicap and after the event a school of dancing dosed the season High jump—Wlthrow, Minaiqusn, and with an entertainment comprising few days. . ; r ' 14 Monmouth Street $ Hubbsrd, Bed Bank, tied; Vreeland, Mata- score will be drawn from a hat and 1 26 dances.last Friday night in the The dance given bythe' flracom - Red^* • ••aa' fja^r / v v eje^ q wan, . Brsnln, Red Bank, Hennessey, the player having the net score g Red Bank, N. J. Chattle; Kelly, Asbury, and Wilson, Aa- Red Bank high school auditorium pany on Friday night was/well at- WHERE TO DINE r,. all. tied. Keisht—S feet, 6 inehea. which is drawn will be the winner. before a- large -gathering. There tended. • The .entertainment com- DEALERS 6lr vault^Wllsonr Asbury; 'Kelly, As- A ringer tourpament will "also'be were dances by the junior, senior mittee Is planning a.euchre and _ , SHERIFF'S SALE. bury, and'Allen, Freehold, tied; Bowman, started which will last until Labor EVERYWHERE Bv virtue or a writ bf.fl. fa. to me'^ Ihattle,. and Reynolds, Manasquan, tied. and baby classes, a dance by thedance for the night of June 19th. retted, Issued out of the Court of Cban- Height—10 feet. day. The rules for this event are toe dancing class and solo dances. eery of the State of NewJeraey, vrlll te Broad iuntp—Taylor, Red Bank; Hull, for the players to mark their best Some o£ the numbers were com- cxpoictl to atle at public vondue on Mon- Leonardo; Glover, Chattte; Nlviion, As- Dont put that outferown furni- day, the 22d day of -June, 102B, between 49c Mid-ffay 49c holes on their score cards-before posed by Miss Heilich. The accom- tl\e hours of 12:00 o'clock and E:00 o'clock ture in the attic. Sell it through bury. Distance—20 feet, 3 Inches. turning them in. The best total for (at 1:00 o'clock, Eastern Standard tlm«), Mile relay—Asbury Park, Nivlion, panists were Mrs, Arthur White and Luke Longhead's department of The the season will be awarded the In the afternoon of aald day, at the Court' LUNCHEON Spear, Harris, Wilson; Leonardo; Cbattle; Miss Edna Striker. Register.—Advertisement. , . • House, In the Borough of Freehold, County Red Bank; .Time—8 minutes, S2.4 seconds. prize. . Those .who. took part wera Eliza- of Monmouth, Now Jersey, to aatlify a •Served (ram 12 to 2 New record. Edwin E. Conover and A. S. H. decree of said Court amonntine to approxi- High School Girls' Events. beth Haviland,' Shirley Marks, Vir- mately 91,007,00. '. •, • •• 50-yard daih—Johns', Chattle; Arm- Jones are playing the most con-ginia ahd Lucy Carey, Mare TCohne, All that tract or parcel of land and P tiremlaei hereinafter particularly described, strong, Bumson; Campbell, Leonardo; sistent golf on the course at pres- Lois Layman, Mary Ann Sieling, altuate, lylnB and being in tk« Boto»g)i at Stark, Leonardo. Time J .seconds. Tin entv Jeanette Truswell, Gladys Norman, Bed Bank. In tha County of Monmouth (nil Dollar record. State of Mow Jersey. . ? 100-yard daih—Burdge, Freehold; Fitts, Anna Dean, Ruth Beautell, Doris Beginning on the south side of Chestnut il Chattle: Lewis,' Asbury, ' and Campbell, ANOTHER VICTORY, Jardinei Mary Knott, Edna Carey, street at a point fifty feet westerly from Grill Plate Dinner Leonardo, tied. Time—13 seconds; New Jane Wilkins, Jean Wilson, Jeanette •fZTi the northwest corner of land now or for- record. . Red Bank Grammar School Defeat- merly known aa the Burdge lotj.thetree, (J.)' aoutherly, on a line; parallel with the aald Served from 12 to 8:30 High jump—Soden, Freehold; Hilden- ed Aibury Park Yesterday. Richman, Mary Stark, Margaret Tuller, Emina'Leonardis, Olga Burdge lot ninety-three feet to a a take In brand,' Leonardo; Smith, - Matawan, and The Red Bank grammar school land of Charlea ,W. Eltter,! thence «) Hora, Aibury, tied. Height— I feet, 9 Schwenker, Betty Schwe'ers, Polly easterly, along aald Bltter'a land .twenty. Inches, Ties record. baseball team won its fifth game of Rutherford, Alice Johnson, Francel live feat to a stake; thence (8) northerly, Basketball - throw—Brown, Red Bank; the season yesterday afternoon at Lewis, Helen McKee, Marion Hogan, and parallel with the'lint described course, Our SEA FOOD VanRiper, Freehold; Heath, Leonardo; Knollwood by defeating the Asbury ninety-three feet to the south aide of Gray, Cbattle. Distance—81 feet Christine Malanga, Helen Welt, Cheatnut atreeti thence«)' weatarjy alciia; Park grammar nine by a score of th. aouth tide of Chestnut strait twenty. Broad., .jump-—Hildenbrand,,...Leonardo; Muriel Neunert, Rutii Kirk and Bet- 1ST to™JT Leddy for7 Be7 f PUTTERS Aabury;. Diatance—14 feet, 5',i inches. struck out nine and Henry for As- ment three feet In. width extending,along New record. her clasBes in October. th" •••'•;'>• 'Ide of ..Id lot for a dliUnca ,.f;;. Ar« Umurpaned bury Park fanned seven players. outh r 400-yard relay—Leonardo; Matawan; Canelli, Hed Bank's shortstop, IJ , nf' • «''l> tnm the louth.rly Freehold; Chattle. Time 67.2 seconds. TAR AROUND. TREES. . aide of Chestnut street aforesaid, to be New record. knocked a triple and Leddy and used In common as a driveway, toiether with a oorrtaponding aaiernent of threa Free RADIO CONCERTS Grammar Schooy Boya' Eventa. Decker of Red. Hank nnd Johnson It Prove* an Effectual Barrier'for feet extending for the same dlatanca alone SO^yard dash—Downs, Leonardo; Deck- of Anbury Park each made a double. the westerly aide of the lot now belonging V DAILY er; Red Bank; Eyles, Red Bank; Hogana, Tent Caterpillars. < IEW ARRIVALS FOR to Charles W. Rltter, a tuated on the eut- Aabury. Time—6.2 aeconda. Tlea record. Red Bank will play at Long Branch erly side of the land above deacrlbed. • Md»t powerful aet on, com j 100-yard d«»h—Eylei, Red . Bank; T.his afternoon. Emll Hofman, proprietor of .the Belnj the eame land and. premlaaa da. Wrisht, Aabury; Esan, Matawan; -Down'a, hotel at- Colt's Neck, has been acrlbed In a certain deed from WllllsmM. Leonardo. Time—11.3 aeconda. plagued with tent caterpillars in Petlngtale and May, his «alfe.tb« him survlUng, r, Red Bank; Johnson, Bradley Beach; caterpillars, if not molested will smoked elk and tan calf, -•in black satin'- With the th ln EiBIhb bbt ' ,°» « « Borthwlck. who g •-also-white-and-ilatkrand- -iiew—cordsliiekittg'—new- 1 JV m r li t<> ih ipchea. n the Fair Haven field so far this TdTlAu cl!e'rV " ^ " - - - their depredations. To prevent white with tan alligator 1 th ri 880-yard relay—Red Bank; Leonardo; eason. Jack Knight, Fair Haven's s and DIFFERENT. A ueUer " .t' i '» ?"»f r •>«• Cathar tle.ta.wan; Aabury Farlt, Time—1 minute, them ftom doing-this Mr, Hof man $6,50-. • saddle, $7.50 to $9.50. 15.4 aeeonda. ace, was in fine form. Fair Haven, has put a broad belt of tar around style'much in demand, $8, for jA Grammar'School Obis' Eventa. as not -losb-a game -this year; On all the" tree trunks on his7place7 60-yard dash—Boxley, Aabury; Rice, iaturday afternoon of this week -: ; Humson; .Madison, Red Bank; Emraons, The t^r is soft/and it proves an Our Store Will be Open Friday Evening Hsbury.. • Time—7.. seconds. Ties record. 'air Haven" mil play at Rumson effectual barrier for the cater- 100-yard dash—Ogbura, Matawan; Rob- and on Sunday afternoon at Bel-pillars. Fly paper is also used- for Tire Service Due to Closing Saturday, Decoration Day CE inson, Leonardo; Worden, Asbury; Lewis, ord. _ this purpose by some folks, .but it *»,< "°J' TO BIDDERS. ' TELEPHONE 72-R •bury.' Time—13.1 aeconds. Ties record. Baakettall throw—Johnson, Belmar; is not as good as tar. " Caples, Belmar; Brock, Asbury; Stewart. New B&aeball Management. — • aj». Bradley Beach. Distance—70 feet, 7 Daniel J. Maher and Andy Lust- Re-Open> His Cafeteria. WHITE SHOE GO. nches. ' . • * )aum have bought out the holding Service car isBroad lump—Quelch, Belmar; Scheldt, Robert M." Quinney of Ljnden Red Bank; Osburn, Matawan; Campbell, :ompany which backed the Norwood 9 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. baseball club at Long Branch andplace, Red Bank, has re-opened his Chattle. Diatance—It feet, 1V4 feet. Dixie cafeteria in the Coleman • always ready. New record. will run the team this summer. The ul fl house at the corner on . Kingsley iar * -.' . »"" r, Pi- al.- nn T* _Ah <^. High jump—Tbomai, Red Bank; Km- HHHa I first game will be played next Sat- mons, Asbury; Worden, Aibury, tuid street at Asbury Park. Mr.' Quin- quelch', Belmar, tied. Height-r4 feet) 6 urday. "Lefty" Lloyd, a coach at died at the offlce of ,.1J IS i1 htv* bM» Steam Vulcanizing ney was formerly a member -of the *9* n8l r ches. Ties recoTd. rinceton university, will coach and •nd st the Borourn r .,S "" '»«l»«r. managing staff of the Strand thea- anU may be Insni-t-i I offl"' B»I»J»>.' 400-yard relay—Aibury Park; Redmanage the team this season. ter at Red Bank.' ders during bu/lnesshm^ proi"cll« Wd^> Balloon and Truck Bank; Belmar; Leonardo; Time—57 1-5 Proposal form Is attJh.,1 / Ti" ltal>4«W aecondfl. Hon., cople.•„("wk|2f*'S, •*? *"• nllhspeolfica1 . < ••»• « Team Wants Garnet; It Pays to Advertise in the Register. Extraordinary Special •PPlie.tlon to"'tffV&tiS,* *" « »» Tires in Stock BASEBALL. , The Alpine athletic club of-Rum- lo Z'.£ ,v ion is looking for Sunday games RUFFINI & AMBROSIQ ten The styles aro those which can bo suit-' D.t.i Olk ,vith one hand. So far this season Vegetable Market lbly worn for every smart day-time require- . J., M.y itW ho Red Bank team has won four ment. s 2.95 SHERIFF'S SALE. ' !amos and has lost one. ' 18 Mechanic Street Red Bank, N. J. By virtue of a writ of 11. fi. to ma dl. . Regular Price $5.00 NEW BOXING PROMOTERS. JX" '""•'• •' Mbll, vend", 'on Mo5! ' tha'hour. »? id»iy ,°.'"[»"\"M, between" 1 8 is, Daniel Maher and Andy Lualbaum Walk 200 Feet Around the Corner From 1 o'cloco clockk , VEaater i n"Jf"^"! Standard Tlma\ ••!•««•<•. l» lilui MUnuboaO. V/ ' "«•• • ••• 'i...42.O0 CryiUl Knl» Coslume to dealer, havo takon. a leasa on tha —SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK— WnUbl. Silk Slip. I2.6S I Slips , $1.08 Ocean Park casino at Long Branch Unbr»kabU P.mrl B«di.$1.00 New Uwn Step-lnt 80c >O»Ml.W(«l.*l.l,l\l,| nnd havo taken over tho Ocean View SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE thlctic club, which ha« conducted Smirl L««th«r Hknd B*(s $2.00 DOT* Silk Stripe Step-ins $1,20 ns kajd eouneel fees. matchmaker for tho club, Tho Date*:Way 14, A. ». 1025. opening exhibition will b« held on "Prices Less rnBtllOI.D TltUST COM TAN Y. i'Vlday night, June 6th. Porgies, Ib . . . 15c Clark of -NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT kslate M Xlnathan T, Kleld. daieasad. Than Vein: NollaaMe hereby given that the accounts ivlm In State Shoot. le Die (Bbiarlbarai eiaeulors and trustees Albert L. Ivlns of Rsd Bank fln- leso tit iitate of satiJ fjeeeaaad, will be au- You will always find tho best of Fish and Vege- Olh, i i 1;*M !l*t*d »V ">• Hurroiata of the ilnd toeond In tha sUto cliamplon- EUewhe" «' [. \:lA"? .t".''»<" *

m * 'y\

9 Business is no longer a man to man contact', in which the merchant and the cusfemer establish a personal bond, any more than mo'dern warfare consists of hand-to-hand grapples, where bone and muscle and sinew decide the outcome. Business as well as war has changed in &i.; • its aspect—both are now fought at long range. Just as ^.present day; army has no opportunity of displaying the individual courage and valor of its members, just so a merchant' who i- counts upon his personal acquaintanceship for success is a relic of the past! Monsterguris and explosives developed to a^high degree of efficiency have made it possible to conduct warfare at long range. Ihbus* igess it is adyertising thaf enables the merchant to reach out at a distance and find customers. ' v -

••.•• ••?•"•;. •;«•'.• Advertising Essential to Modern Business The merchant who doesn't advertiseIn these pretty much the same as one who. fails to use all of the modern conveniences' :ianid business aids/, such-as the, telephone, electric light,, automobile, and the many other devices new to the present age. Thelongrange : fr ':.j •/ publicity of a cbmpe^fi6fc\p enable him to reach out aiid^ei business which he"could get in no other way. Unless a merchant realizes ihe importance of advertising, not only as a means, of extending and increasing business, but for defending the patronage already pos- sessedy he must b^prepared to face the consequences of a folly as great as a man would in fighting a duel armed withia sword while his op* 4 ponent held a modern gun. . . . ;; : : ; Too Late to Begin It must not be thought that it is too late to begin advertising because there are so many stores which have had the advantage of years of advertising that has built up a widely known-and favorable name,/ Red Bank and its trading field is1 growing. It will grow moreand^oreryearby year, it needs new trading faeilitiesrjust-as it is hungry for new patronage.- ——-——-— • —••—•—- ,._ But the day of the neighborhood store depending almost wholly upon the acquaintanceship of the proprietor is gone. Newspaper ad- vertising,rtogether)with the improved methods of travel andcommunication, has eliminated this type of store. :A storeiivem can reach out through the columns of the newspaper and draw your next door neighbor to its aisles while you sit by and seethe people on your own block enticed away.without your being able to retaliate or supply new, customers to take the place of those you lose. ; . It is not a question of being able to stand the cost of advertising but of being able to survive without it. The thing the successful merchant considers is not only an extension of his business but in holding what he really has. :\ Advertising is an investment, the cost of which is in the same proportion to its returns as seeds are to the harvest. It is just as un- V, .">' wise to consider advertising as an expense as it would be for a farmer to hesitate over buying fertilizer to increase his crops. Your Advertisement Must Be Read to Be Prof itable The best advertisement ever written will not bring one cent of return to the advertiser unless it is read. A newspaper aavertisetnen? to be of the greatest effect must be placed in a paper that goes into the home and is read by every member of the family. Such a paper is The Red Bank Register, which goes into almostevery home in all this section. With its great home circulation The Register will help any; merchant to get his shares! the nearby; business as well as the long distance trade. ; 1,


• • •, • /, , «A Paper in Every Home" v*r^ EED BANK REGISTER. MAY 27,1925. \ ' "\ • I KILLED BY TROOPER. r^ of the brass band marched the recent guest of .Mrs. £. 0. Fied- hour busies from Keypart through through the principal 'street* of ler. / , Church street, and down Cstt »Vt-i Unknown Colored Man Shot After this place playing their Instruments, Mrs. A. Steinnan of Beacon nue to the steamboat dock and th«y . Firing on Officer, A brisk business was done in sell Beach is spending several days at to Belvedere Beach. 'Walter Simpson, a member of the ing artificial poppies Saturday for New York. • state police, (hot and killed an un-the benefit of the American legion. Miss M. OsboriTof Keyport has It Pays to Advertise in the fltgbttr. TRAN known colored man near English- —Advertisement. » Noble Mosby was'in charge of the accepted a position In the office of town«£aturday,. Simpson had beep salei , , ••;,•.••• Morrisey & Walker. THEATRE sent tb^arrest the colored man, who 'The firemen are considering the Mrs, A. McAlpln has sold her two Ft. Myers Bank depo«U had J>een loitering about Englith- matter of buying a chassis for their houses on Lawrence street to M. J,m one year increased 120 town.ior a week and was thought to hook and ladder motor apparatus. Maloney of N»w York,^who will re- THEATRE RED BANK be dejaented. AM the trooper ap- model them into modern homes. per cent H^^ AMUSEMENT Ca ' >ent> eae » proached the colored man the latter 5' «• * M. H. JACKS. Mutitr. 1 FAIR HAVEN NEWS. The sale was made by Ogden & WHY? .^OOl Kcildtnt Mini|«r, drew* revolver and fired, the bul- Nightengale. H.UnM Dallyi SiOO P, M. SxanUfl JiJO P. II let striking Simpson in the left 1 { \, * u Evtalngi 7it8 lo 10t'4S EVENINGS—Tilt and OlOO P. M. Daughter! of Liberty Lodge Held a The Roll* bus line is now running See page S f wrist.v The trooper fired, twice and . Maiojuerada Party Laet Week. r* «•«•. aiso, eiso, st40. PROF. HAROLD LAROS AT THE ORGAN JtflthibjjlUt».hit_.ttie'man. . ' , _jheJBaughtersof Liberty lodge held a masquerade party last week Today—Wednesday, May 27 Binocnlara Destroyed. in the lodge rooms. About ninety TODAY-Wafnesdiy, Maj 27fo~T0IM M. H Diamond of New York, who persons were present and there was represehta a company which hires a variety? of costumes. Mrs. Harvey binoculars to sightseers at various Little and Mrs. John Hobrough won the cake walk iprize. Music was Salute the Flag! pleasure resorts, complained, to the provided by the Gotschalk brothers, COLLEENMOOREin SALLY' Asbury .Park police last week that Night Ship Eichard McAllister has bought a sixteen pain of binoculars had been B. eF, JK&ttWfiMBElE VAUDBVIULB A thrilling story of love and adventure on land and sea. destroyed, probably by boys. new Buick' coach. Charles Hayden is the owner of a new Chevrolet •eaaaWeMleMBBBaaaflHHHHlMaBBaaHeajBBBjB^Ba^ea^^B^ea^BBaB ' ••• —WITH—. ' • •. coach. . • ' •; . EATONTOWN NEWS. The letters P, B and C, Initials Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 28,29, 30 of the Players' boat club, have been , Robert Gordon, Surpriie Birthday Party Given for set up on the top of the club's _ }; Edmund D. Wolcott. houseboat. : The letters are lighted TomSantchi '•'•A'/surprise birthday party was with electric lights. given'Friday night for Edmund D. B. F. Jerth Vaudeville Mrs. Elizabeth Froat ha< re- FLAGS! creen Snanihoti Inkwell Cartoon Sunahine Comedy Wolcott The guests were mostly turned hpme from a week's stay relatives and friends from Asbury with relatives at Atlantic City. Park. While the festivities were in Daniel Allaire spent Sunday with 4--AII-StarActS"4 progress the members of Crescent his daughter, Mrs. John Wheeling Thursday, Friday-May 28 and 29 brass band of this place marched of Elizabeth.. DECOR ATION DAY past the house playing music. A new floorM s being laid in the Extra Added Attraction Miss.. Clara Wolcott and Miss basement of the Methodist' church; Pauline Wolcott left Sunday for a The work is being done by carpen- Display the Flag From Every Hotne! Thursday evening only, at 8;3O o'clock visit in California. They are mak- ters who are donating their •Services ing the trip by rail and they will and who are working at .the stop at a number of places of in-during their spare time. terest on their way West Mr. and Mrs. John Peawail spent Sterling All-Wool Bunting Earl Wolcott'is enjoying a.vaca- Thursday and Friday at New.York. fDefonteney tion'of two weeks from his duties Mrs. William B. Little, Sr., and with-the Second national bank and Mrs. William V. Bennett, who have 4x6 - $4.85 FAMOUS DANCING GLASS OP trust company of Red Bank. been on the sick list, are slowly im- 45-ENTBRTAINERS-4a Mrs. George C. Britton and Mrs.proving. . . • • - 5x8 * - $7.85 Charles Minard are spending sev. John Farley and; his daughter JGIVEN BY PUPILS OF RED BANK and ewVJdays at Brielle. Margaret of New York spent • Sun- Mrs. William Brown of Asbury day here. . . 6x10 - $10.75 NEARBY VICINITY. Park is.making a stay with her sis- .,. Mr,Sii Lila Mulford his "been ter,'Mrs. Chares MeGathan. spending a few days with relatives Rev. Harry A.'Pa'rriuei. chapliin at Fair Haven^ She bought a house for'the Cook county jail at CLica?o. at Brooklyn recently. Defiance Bunting preached Sunday at St. .James's John Riordan and John Anderson Episcopal church anil he wiii be in•A New York visited friends here 3x5 - $2.25 charge-of the-services ..there next o\er Saturday and Sunday. Sunday. 4x6 • $3.00 '• Richard Covert expects to move KEANSBURG NEWS. soon to New York, where he is cm- plftyed. , •' .. ' Eroander and'War Memorial Atto- 5x8 - $4.00 .". Samuel. Krause of Brooklyn has ciationa Decide to Combine rhove'd to. his summer residence at At a recent meeting of the Bro- this place.; snder memorial association a deci- Robert Aumack has sold his Max- sion was made to join the War Reliance Bunting well . automblle and he has bought memorial association in erecting a a Ford touring car. monument. The place under con- 3x5 - $1.00 Two pi>16; ponies were being led sideration for the monument is the through town Saturday by an em-triangular pice of ground between 4x6 - $1.25 ployee of Max Phillips. They broke the Stone road, Creek road and loose from the tie leads and ranChurch street. 5x8 - $2.50 away. The ponies were caught at The Girl and Boy scout troDps of Shrewsbury. this place took part in the parade With a Brilliant Cast Including School will close for the summer and inaugural of the mayor and vacation on June 14th, council of Union Beach last week. SETS Frank Demarest was arrested last A few of the members of the Ep- r MABEL BALLIIT FRANK MAYO Thursday for creating a disturbance worth-league gave a play at Key- at Taylor's bowling alleys. He wasport Tuesday night for the South Incl. Pole, Flag, Bracket, Rope ERIC MAYNE WANDA HAWLEY held for. the action of tho grand Keyport Methodist church. Those AND A HOST OF OTHER STARS jury, and was released in bail pro- who took part were Amelia Payn- vided-by Ira Wolcofe • - ter,. Lillian Adams, RomaJEastmond, with 3x5 Flag, $3.50 -'—Men4n-tho-employ~of-4,i\e-state agricultural board were here las^vis, Gladys Shipley and Cunrles THURSDAY EVENING ONLY week examining" tiees for gypsy Jarvis. moths. .Mr; and Mrs. Harold Whiskers, ' p.'KennethMorrls hashad atiew formerly of this,placej spent a few Bunting, Silk Flags, Etc. electric sign pteced in front of his days here last week with friends h* store. fore going to their new home at James B. Hathaway has a new Maplewood. Jordan, automobile. The West Keansburg fire com' Raymond P. Brown' expects to pany will hold a dance Saturday • DONT MISS THE FUN. b^ild a house soon for his own use night in the Mahler hotel, Belve- SCREEN GEMS MACK SENNETT COMEDY on'Hproperty which he bought a dere Beach. - s short time' ago on the Hillcrest Mr. and Mrs, John McGuire of * SlDNEVOtCOTtraoix/cnw tract near Oceanport. Crecent street are the parents of a 17 Broad Street, Red Bank, N.J. After practicing in the municipal baby girl! born Saturday. ^Saturday, May 30th building last Friday night the mem- Mrs. M. Carniff of New York was Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday; June lr 2, 3 SPECIAL HOLIDAY PROGRAM Two of the Greatest Attractions in One! B. F. Keith Vaudeville Hoot and the Famous Pendleton Round-Up! OVER THE H0tIDftY5--C0ME OUT TO 9 4-AII-Star Acts-4 HOOT GIBSON World's Premier Showing •tLet'er Buck" PARMLY PARK , With the World'? Greatest Rodeo! Exclusive action scenes of • ths thrilling PENDLETON ROUND-UP. The daring ltinpr of tho saddle in the greatest picture he This is the last call to those who want to buy home sites at Red ever made. THEY'RE HERE AGAIN Bank's Finest Residential Park at the low opening prices. George O'Hara, Alberta Vaughn, Kit Guard, Al Cooke in the PARMLY PARK hi. p.ued «he pioneer e|«»«. profit that cannot fall if you buy al preient "PACEMAKERS" It U developlnj into the community of fin* hornet nrlcai. '• , , which I planned when I decided to heed the march of ADVANTAGESi Parmly Park la an intereiting H, C. Witwer'a two-reel Knockouh, No. 1—"Welcome Granger" local protrci. and open my Rumion Ettat* to reil- ' properly* In the mldat of a built-up .action of dentUI development. • i Imperial Comedy—"Roaring Lloni at Horn*" Rumioni It la a pletureaqu* ipot In ihli "Borough About 20 per cent of the.e fin* lott h»Te b.en Beautiful." "Moat of the'tota are atuddtd with giant •old—to ichcol teacherii ph>ilcUni, profeitlonal oaki and maple treei. Acroia the itreal li the Monday, Tuesday—June 1 and 2 people, euccetiful bu.lnei. men. Four perion. boufbt Shrewsbury River, to which there are aeveral publlo one plot for (heir home and other* loY ln»e»tmertt avenuea of acceii, Victory Park, with ill river beach ELINOR GLYN'S Alreidr the? hare an appreciation of from $80 to " and fre» bathing pavilion., lennla court, and chll. J$300 per lot. \ dran'a playfrouni), It two block, away. A few ml#> «te> on the baa which panel Parmly Park bring! you After Decoration D.y manjr of the Iota will; la Red Bank for eiprei. traina to N.w York or to neve a new value, ai.twenty houtte are) being built' the "Shopping Center of Monmouth County." A , 'avniniillnLIMtiaan on Ihe tract, cr will be it.rt.d ioon. "Man and Maid" few minutes In the'other direction lakei you to Sea. RAOUL^WALSH Buy your home alts now, and realise) to Ilia full. ' Brit hi—-where there li the bed ocean bathing along PRODUCTION •it extant the tncreaia in value thai will Surely coma the Atlantic ' . WITH Rene Cody RICARDOCORTEZ JETTA GOUDAL LOTS 50x168 feet-TW.tK Gu, Water and Electricity NOAH BEERY Renee Adoree | Small Amount Down, Balance Terras to Suit. 'Large Harriet Hammond 1 plots if desired at Bame low rate. $> ADDED ATTRACTION A Saanlih love-drama nor* ro. DALTON PARMLY, Owner raantld than "Tha Sheik,"'more e» I Lloyd in "Now or Never <**»>• New* •Illni IIMH "Blood and fland"' RUMSON, N. J. mom entertaining th«n both •( §H|ir-MONDAY NIGHT ONLY, JUNE 1 Send for IlluitraUd folder, for vounelf or a friend who mar »• Intarrtted. toem togatherl In living near you. . ' OTHER FEATURES ''tl'MmaiJ»§jn elarllng a new lerlit of OPPOR. NOTE LOCATION ?p«ii to all., Dont nlu tielng teen. , Advance In Pric«f