Big Tank Battle Reported On
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New York London Edition Ja Paris Daily German Lesson Daily French Lesson Der Antobus geht schooner Deux premieres, s'il vous plait Der Outabooss gar shneller THE STA TRIPES Dull prumyair seel voo play Two first-class tickets, please The bus goes faster Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces*- in the European Theater of Operations VOL. 5 No. 24—Id. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 29, 1944 Big Tank Battle Reported On Speedy OK Dynamite Writes_ Finis to Nazi Pillboxes Nazig Tell OnStettinius Of 7th Army Is Expected Vosges Blow, German reports said yesterday that WASHINGTON. Nov. 28 (AP)— a great tank battle had opened on the Quick Senate confirmation was pre- southern flank of the Western Front, dicted today for the nomination of claiming that the Seventh Army had Edward R. Stettinius Jr. as Secretary thrown 200 tanks into three thrusts of State to succeed Cordell Hull as a south of Saar Union, .on the western approaeks to the northern Vosges Moun- lone list of urgent international problems, tains. headed by the need to complete the Dum- While there was no direct confirma- barton Oaks world security plan. awaited tion of the enemy assertions. The Asso- ciated Press reported that the Seventh Chairman Tom Connally (D.-Tex.) Army, its flank secured by the earlier called a meeting of the Senate Foreign. breakthrough to the Rhine in the Stras- Relations Committee for tomorrow, and bourg area, had sent a force of tanks 'Vice-President Henry A. Wallace said he against, German forces retreating north- was confident "the Senate will support the ward above Sarrebourg. President's choice by confirming him Planes Batter Foe unanimously." At the State. Department. Stettinius, Allied planes were said to have hit who had been carrying the double burden troop concentrations in this area as the of Undersecretary and Acting Secretary weather enabled the air forces to raid of Stare since Hull entered Bethesda behind the enemy lines, hitting bridges, (M(14 Naval Hospital in October, buckled gun posts and rail yards along the battle down to the enormous job confronting front. Black Widows were reported operating on the First Army sector. Ii was expected Stettinius' policies The Seventh was said to be making would follow Hull's closely. However. it good progress north along the Rhine's was also expected that Stettinius, who west bank above Strasbourg, but round- calls himself -ritimarily a business man," about reports that Allied troops had would rejuvenate the State Department, crossed the Rhine in this region went with- possibly bringing in new personnel. out confirmation. If confirmed, Stettinius. only 44 despite First. Arm.), troops were three miles his silvery white hair, will be the youngest from the Roer River town of Duren, man to hold the office since George next major objective along the Adolf Washington appointed Edmund Hitler Highway to Cologne, as they Randolph, 41. fought through the streets of Jungersdorf. K nne P11,10 Born in Chicago, son of a millionaire partner of J. P. Morgan and Co., Stet- Blasted by dynamite placed by Ninth Army engineers. German pillboxes in the Geilen- • enlo !mitts is the product of a private school kirchen sector mushroom toward the sky in a thick column of smoke. Two GIs hit the DuNsselrlarf in Connecticut and the University of Fliers Share dirt to escape the force of the explosions. Virginia. in his youth "Stet," as he is nd known to his friends, wanted to become Gladbach a preacher. Their Smokes / At Virginia, Stet organized a one-man Weather Grounds Heavies; Special to The Stars and Stripes Gologna employment agency for fellow sit:dent*. I ;e was so successful that John Lce Pratt, Altaii BOMB GROUP, England, then vice-president of General Motors Nov. 28—In a voluntary Your Monday Battle s Bizzest Corp.. offered him a job at 44 cents an Smokes" move inspired by the current While adverse weather curtailed opeiations by Eighth Air Force air- hour. Three years later, Stettinius be- cigarette famine, combat airmen of this Duren came Pratt's assistant and shortly after craft yesterday after two straight days of heavy Luftwaffe opposition, ."'""Aa0umik fortress station, commanded by Col. , Bon .is promoted to a vice-presidential desk. James S. Sutton, of Findlay, Ohio, held a complete reports indicated that Monday's battle was the war's biggest clash houri General Motors, Stettinius went -et; . meeting today and unanimously voted to between fighters of the Eighth and the German Air Force. hoetsook/ Eu kitchen to the U.S. Steel Corp., and by 1935 was lei noncombatants share in the limited Ranging over the Magdeburg, Hanover. Munster and Brunswick areas on MILES 10 20 30 chairman of its finance committee at the cigarette ration. a strafing mission about 500 Mustangs age of 35. vo. tit Under the plan, which will go into Since 1940, Stettinius has been working and Thunderbolts encountered approxi- Other house-to-house battles continued eeclusively :,.er the government. Until mately 400 ' enemy pursuits, shooting BritainAdds Up in the towns of Inden, Grosshau, Hurt- hie appointment as Undersecretary of down 98. ' gen and Langerwehe. The doughboys State in September, 1943, he headed FDR's 20-a-Day.Plentyy. „Apparently the Luftwaffe was deceived. were said to have the advantage now of various emergency and war-time agencies because simultaneously about 500 For- Its War Effort in the capital. Since He Cut Down tresses and Liberators, escorted by 250 lighting downhill toward the Roer, chief WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 (ANS)— Mustangs, carried out a bombing attack The story of Blitain's total mobiliza- Nazi barrier in this sector before the Asks Highest. Honor for Hull Commenting on the cigarette situation at Offenberg, ten miles southeast of tion for war—a closely-guarded secret for Rhine. Ninth Reported at Roer WASHINGTON, Nov. 2x—Sen. Albert from a personal standpoint, President Strasbourg, and at Bingen, west of Mainz, more than live years—was revealed to the Le I Harpy) Chandler (D.-Ky.) today pro- Roosevelt declared yesterday he wasn't unopposed by Nazi fighters. world yesterday when the Government On the First's left flank, troops of Lt. posed a Congressional Medal of Honor suffering because he had cut down on U.S. losses in the day's operations were published a 64-page White Paper. Gen. William Simpson's Ninth Army for Cordell Hull, 73-year-old retiring his customary daily quota. 13 lighters and one bomber. By the middle of this year, the White were reported to have reached the Roer Paper showed, almost 22 million men and at two points, clearing the village of Secretary of State. The President said he used to smoke Meanwhile, the Eighth Air Force • women out of Britain's total population kirchberg, less than a mile south of Chandler offered a Senate resolution more than two packs a day but that yesterday received a letter of congratula- of 45 million were registered for the Julich, on the far hank. Gains on this :iuthortiine the President to make the since his illness last Spring he had tion from Air Vice Marshal J. B. Cole- armed forces, industry or civilian-defense sector were measured in hundreds of eard for Hull's "outstanding mirk in smoked less than a pack. daily. - Hamilton, commanding an R'.F Fighter jobs. Highlights of the story were: yards, as the Ninth ran into the same the promotion of peace and his years of Group, "on the outstanding and truly Arms-102,609 planes, 25,116 tanks, grinding resistance besetting the First magnificent service to the people of the magnificent achievements of both your effect immediately, combat fliers will get 732 major naval vessels, 5,000,000 tons doughboys. Simpson's men recaptured United States." bomber and tighter air c.e,vs and pilots in only three packages of smokes a week, of merchant shipping, 3,729,921 machine (Continued on page 4) destroying no less than 236 German air- while noncombatants will get one pack. guns, 2,001,949 rifles produced since start craft during the last two days." Vignette of War As has been the case throughout the of war. Communications Zone for more than a The letter added, ". convey particu- 1.osses-176.081 servicemen, 57.298 Vignette of Peace — week, combat fliers previously got five larly to your fighter-pilots the warmest civilians, 29,629 merchant seamen killed. A Hero. In packs a week while noncombatants got admiration, congratulations and good Submarines sank 782 ships, totalling none. wishes of mine on the tremendous war- 3,695,00(1 tons, It's the Law Following today's meeting, the fighters winning successes they have and are Houses—Of 13,000;000 homes in U.K., Ski" or Out will voluntarily take only three packs of achieving in shooting down the enemy." 4,500,00q, damaged, 202,000 totally —Or Is It? By Marshall Morgan American butts when they visit the PX. Thirty-one miles of the Dortmund- destroyed. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 (ANS)— Slam and Stripes Staff Writer As noncombatants outnumber the others Ems and Mittelland Canals in Germany Food—Far more bulky, starchy foods, Chairman Sol Bloom (D.-N.Y.) of the WIT Ii THE SEVENTH ARMORED about two to one, this will leave one were drained dry in a night attack Nov. 21 less meats and vegetables eaten than House Foreign Affairs Committee, who is DIVISON—A guy named Joe came package for every other man on the by 120 RAF Lancasters, it was disclosed before war. recognized as,an authority on the Con- down from the skies to an obscure Dutch station, yesterday. Womeh—Seven million out of stitution, posed the interesting proposi- village near here ten months ago and The Dortmund-Ems now has been 16,000,000 between 14 and 59 in auxiliary tion today that the "U.S.