A N I T O W O C O U N T Y MM CC OFFICIAL DIRECTORY 2020-2021 Compiled by: Jessica Backus, County Clerk Laurie Heier, Administrative Assistant 2020 INVOICE The Official Directory is provided free of charge when picked up in the County Clerk’s Office. If it is mailed, the fee is $1.00 to cover the cost of printing and postage. REMIT TO: MANITOWOC COUNTY 1010 S. 8th Street, Suite 115 Manitowoc, WI 54220 [ ] Please place my name on the mailing list for the 2021-2022 Official Directory. [ ] Please place my name on the mailing list for all future editions of the Manitowoc County Directory. Company Name: ______________________________________ Name of Requestor: ____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: ________________________________________________ State: _________________________ Zip: __________________ Visit the Manitowoc County website at: www.co.manitowoc.wi.us for more information. Manitowoc County Government County Courthouse 1010 S. 8th Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 (920) 683-4000 Web: www.co.manitowoc.wi.us County Executive ROBERT ZIEGELBAUER
[email protected] Chairperson of the County Board JAMES N. BREY Vice-Chairpersons KEVIN L. BEHNKE – First RICK L. GERROLL – Second Corporation Counsel PETER CONRAD County Clerk JESSICA BACKUS Printed June 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Addresses of County Buildings ......................................... 1 County Government Directory ........................................... 2-3 County Department Descriptions......................................