


RM 1096

Lot 5 - County Council; Youth, Libraries and Older People Services

1. BACKGROUND TO REQUIREMENT 1.1 (the “Beneficiary”) is examining its options for how youth services; library and information services; and, day opportunities for older people and people with a learning disability (‘youth, libraries and older people services’) can be better delivered through a new local delivery model in three separate Localities: ; Tavistock; and, (the ‘Localities’). The delivery model for each locality should be led and developed by these communities.

1.2 Youth, libraries and older people services have been selected for review because of their geographical impact, their central role in communities and the need for local capacity and engagement to ensure future sustainability. The Beneficiary believes that there are alternative delivery models for these services that could secure better value for money, potentially provide an economic boost to the local communities, alongside giving these communities greater control and influence over the way in which their local services are delivered.

1.3 The Beneficiary has chosen to focus, initially, on three localities in order to explore and test new delivery models for the above services. A brief description on each of the three localities is below:

1.3.1 Totnes is community with a strong recent history of development and independence, particularly around sustainability and the transition movement. The community has clear and ambitious views about the development of a ‘care hub’ to support and commission around the social and care needs within the town and hinterland. A senior officer (Locality Lead) from Devon County Council has been working closely with a number of local leaders since September 2013 to develop a stronger relationship between the community and the organisation and to develop a different type of conversation.

1.3.2 Tavistock has a proud heritage and a successful track record of community participation and activity. The town has many assets and the community is starting to plan how, working in partnership, it makes the best use of these assets and how the community could respond to future “touch choices”. As in Totnes, alocality lead has been in place since September 2013.

1.3.3 Ottery St Mary represents a different opportunity. The town has a track record of independence, local leadership and community activity. Whilst Devon County Council’s recent engagement has been limited, the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has been in active dialogue with a number of local leaders in partnership around local implications of changes within health and social care. Having recently appointed a PROTECT [IL1]

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Locality Lead we will work closely alongside the CCG, utilising their strong ties. The Beneficiary is keen to test their approach to compare the benefits of early and intensive engagement against a community in Ottery in which our activity has been limited.

1.4 Across each of the Localities, the Beneficiary’s objective is to develop a new local delivery model for youth, libraries and older people services, to enable better integration and greater involvement of communities in the governance of public service delivery. If successful, the Beneficiary will look at including other services within the new delivery model in the future.

1.5 Youth services

1.5.1 The Beneficiary currently delivers youth services in-house through 24 youth centres, (17 owned by the Beneficiary, 7 held on extensive lease), with a £3.7m annual budget, a 2 year savings target of £1.6m, and 114 staff FTE. In Ottery St Mary there is 1 centre, with less than 5 FTE. In Tavistock there is 1 centre, with less than 5 FTE. In Totnes there is 1 centre with less than 5 FTE.

1.5.2 Work to inform the remodelling of the youth services started in July 2013, which included engagement events with staff, young people, voluntary sector organisations, communities and local councillors. The intention for youth services across the county is to move towards targeted provision, rather than universal, aimed at early help and prevention for those most in need.

1.5.3 The Beneficiary’s youth service staff are fully engaged and have begun exploring mutualisation as an alternative delivery option through the Cabinet Office Mutuals Success Programme. This programme is designed to develop the participant’s commercial expertise and to explore whether the public service mutual model might be viable for the youth service. The options appraisal to be conducted, and engagement with the community, will need to consider this option alongside any community delivery vehicle.

1.6 Library services

1.6.1 The Beneficiary currently delivers 50 libraries, 8 mobile libraries, 3 prison libraries and a range of online and outreach services, with an annual budget of £7.3m, a £1.5m savings target across 3 years, and 175 staff FTE (supported by 75 volunteers). In Ottery St Mary there is 1 Library, 1.22 FTE and £63,959 budget (direct & indirect costs). In Tavistock there are 2 libraries, 3.95 FTE and £220,614 budget (direct & indirect costs). In Totnes there is 1 Library, 3.05 FTE and £155,819 budget (direct & indirect costs).

1.6.2 The Beneficiary wishes to explore alternative models of library service delivery and uses of assets including library services being delivered by a range of community groups.

1.7 Older people services


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1.7.1 The Beneficiary currently delivers owns 34 day centres for older people and people with learning disabilities are currently delivered in-house. They are considering the closure of all but 9 of these centres, with a view to giving existing clients the option of either transferring across to independent centres or using personal budgets to purchase alternative packages of care. The service has an annual budget of £6.2m, a savings target of £2.278m over 3 years, and approximately 319 staff FTE. In Ottery St Mary there are no centres. In Tavistock there are 2 centres, 15.89 FTE and £519,000 budget. In Totnes there are 2 centres, 10.10 FTE and £283,000 budget. Following engagement with service users, the Beneficiary has recently reviewed all 34 of the Beneficiary’s in-house day centres to ensure services are delivered in line with changing needs and demands. Mapping events with voluntary and community providers, care and support providers and local universal services were held in the autumn of 2013. These helped the Beneficiary expand its knowledge about the types of services and support that is available in the independent and voluntary sectors.

1.7.2 Recommendations were made to Cabinet in October 2013, which subsequently agreed to endorse the proposals for community enabling and community capacity building within the Beneficiary Strategy.

1.8 In each of the Localities the Beneficiary has appointed Locality leads to move this agenda forward, acting as specific support and contact for the Delivering Differently programme.

1.9 Other than actively supporting a national neighbourhood community budget pilot - One - the Beneficiary has limited experience of supporting community-led delivery models for public services. The Beneficiary is currently exploring: Community Boards; the development of a Community Impact Fund; and, the different use of technology to share information across communities, to support this project.

1.10 The Beneficiary does, however, have strong experience in neighbourhood participation and is committed to developing this through a range of infrastructure support arrangements at both a local and strategic, level through organisations such as the Devon Council for Voluntary Service and Community Council of Devon.

1.11 Through the review the Beneficiary will be seeking input from both staff and communities for ideas and proposals to run services and deliver differently in the localities.

2. THE REQUIREMENT 2.1 The Beneficiary project lead(s) is/are: 2.2 Simon Kitchen – Head of Strategy, Policy and Organisational Change.

2.2.1 Simon has worked in both the public and private sector and has delivered a range of projects and programmes. Simon worked within the financial services industry latterly to move groups of employed sales staff to set up a series of individual and independent financial advisor businesses. When working for the Met Office Simon helped to move customer service operations from Bracknell to . Within local government he has worked within customer service and contact centre projects alongside PROTECT [IL1]

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operational management, delivery of corporate performance and risk arrangements and now leads the organisation’s strategic, policy and strategy teams. Simon is currently leading on the Beneficiary’s community development programme, which will complement all aspects of Devon’s Delivering Differently work

2.3 Louise Taylor – Partnership Research Manager

2.3.1 Louise works within the Organisational Change team at the Beneficiary and was the Beneficiary’s lead officer for the Neighbourhood Community Budget pilot in Ilfracombe. Currently involved in the organisation meeting the challenge programme around the budget pressures the authority faces over the next 3 years and aiding this work with an understanding of the geographical impacts of the collective budget proposals.

2.4 Part 1: Options Appraisal 2.4.1 The Supplier will provide all necessary technical and advisory support (but not including project management support, interim resource or backfill) to enable the Beneficiary to fully appraise and report on the range of alternative delivery options across the three relevant service area(s) described above for each of the three communities: Ottery St Mary; Tiverton; and, Totness. The exact options that should be appraised will be determined in agreement with the Beneficiary, but are likely to include a mixture of external commissioning (via the VCSE sector and/or a mixed economy of VCSE and private providers), a joint venture, a trading company, and a public service mutual (which may include a mutual joint venture if appropriate, and/or community ownership). Any ‘do-minimum’ option should focus on achieving significant improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of the service in-house (i.e. there should be no ‘do-nothing’ option).

2.4.2 The options appraisal will need to take into consideration county-wide changes and efficiency requirements across the three service areas, whilst concentrating on new delivery models relevant to the communities identified.

2.4.3 The Beneficiary is keen to ensure that the communities of Ottery St Mary; Tavistock; and, Totnes are involved in the design, delivery and governance of the project.

2.5 Part 2: Plan for Implementation 2.5.1 Following identification of a preferred option, the Supplier will provide all necessary technical and advisory support (but not including project management support, interim resource or backfill) to enable the Beneficiary to develop a detailed plan for implementation. This should be a single plan, but may include variations depending on the models explored in each of the three communities and the implications for existing county-wide services. This should provide the Beneficiary with a clear practical understanding as to how to actually implement the new delivery model, along with an outline business case. This must therefore include (but not necessarily be limited to):


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(i) The vision and drivers for the new delivery model;

(ii) The financial, economic and social case;

(iii) Key work streams, activities and products and associated timelines needed to achieve the transformation;

(iv) Assumptions; key risks (and their handling); resources and skills requirements; and costs;

(v) Checkpoints, quality gates, approvals and governance requirements etc.; and

(vi) Dependencies (including with other projects and more widely).

3. KEY MILESTONES 3.1 The Supplier is required to Successfully Submit the Deliverables in accordance with the deadlines set out below: Deliverable Description Successful Submission Within 8 weeks of Contract 1 Part 1: Options Appraisal Award Within 12 weeks of confirmation of the preferred 2 Part 2: Plan for Implementation option following options appraisal in Part 1

4. LOCATION 4.1 The location of the Services will be carried out at: Devon County Council, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, and as appropriate in Ottery St Mary; Tavistock; and, Totnes to facilitate community conversations.


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