Party Leaders Evaluate Outcome of Elections
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The “We’ve been working hard for five years. Serving our Community Don’t think this happened overnight. Since 1888 This has been years in the making.” Item Nicholas Romano Jr. November 17, 2005 Chairman of the local Democratic Committee, on the Democrats’ 75 cents weekly of Millburn and Short Hills capture of two seats on the Township Committee WIENER WELCOME ELECTION Steinberg, Suell learning ropes By Patricia Harris members-elect of The Item said they are The two Democrats elected to looking forward the Township Committee in last to implementing week’s elections are seeking to some of their make a smooth transition to their campaign new posts, which they will assume promises that in January. can be accom- Ellen Steinberg and James F. Steinberg plished in the Suell said this week they are being short term. included in the Committee’s delib- Steinberg said erations for the remainder of the one of the candi- year and are studying materials to dates’ goals was get up to speed on various issues to improve traffic facing the governing body. Stein- safety, and to that berg met with Mayor Thomas C. end, more cross- McDermott Friday to get acquaint- ing guards for ed and discuss in a general way the pedestrians at future of the township, she said. Suell dangerous inter- Suell said he has known two of sections could be the other Committee members, added and police enforcement of Republicans Sandra H. Haimoff traffic laws could be stepped up. and McDermott, for many years, She said she hopes residents will and he has always had cordial rela- comply with the regulations. ADAM ANIK/THE ITEM tions with them. The fifth Com- “The police department needs Shaun Hanna, a northern New Jersey native, welcomes visitors to the famous Oscar Mayer Wienermobile during the grand mittee member next year will be to know they’re supported,” she reopening of Kings Supermarket on Morris Turnpike last weekend. Hanna, an Oscar Mayer “hotdogger,” gave residents tours Daniel Baer, another Democrat said. of the 27-foot long frankfurter and passed out Wienerwhistles. The Wienermobile has been around for nearly 70 years and who began his three-year term last Speaking on the same issue, has been fascinating children of all ages since its inception. year. Meanwhile, both Committee SEE STEINBERG, PAGE B10 INTERFAITH POLITICS Thanksgiving service set Party leaders evaluate Organizers of the Interfaith Church and Community Congre- Rabbi Laurence W. Groffman Thanksgiving Service are hoping gational Church. of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun the inclusion of students from the “Having the students here will will deliver the sermon, “Partners Millburn High School Chorale enliven the service and enrich our with God,” based on Leviticus 23. outcome of elections will add a youthful note and help experience,” the Rev. Johann J. He said this week he will raise draw in a larger crowd for the Bosman of Community Congre- the possibility that the origins of annual event, scheduled for Sun- gation Church, one of the orga- the American Thanksgiving lie in By Harry Trumbore ratic victory, according to Romano, tion Day and asked where the day at 5 p.m. in Community Con- nizers, said this week. The service, the Jewish holiday of Succoth. of The Item may have been Committeeman bond referendum was listed on the gregational Church. sponsored by the Millburn-Short One of the themes that comes out A week after the elections, local Daniel Baer, the Democratic who ballot. The 35-voice select chorale will Hills Clergy Association, includes of Succoth, he said, is that human political leaders from both parties defeated incumbent Linda Seel- He nonetheless sensed a great join choirs from Congregation clergy from a number of houses of are hesitant about drawing conclu- bach for a Committee seat in last deal of anti-Bush sentiment at the B’nai Jeshurun, St. Rose of Lima worship in the township. SEE INTERFAITH, PAGE B10 sions about the strong showing of year’s election. local level. Democratic candidates. “Ellen and Jim’s victory was a “That’s unusual for this town- Last week, Democratic chal- mandate on the job Dan has done ship,” McDermott said. “For local lengers Ellen Steinberg and James and the way he is responsive to res- elections, people have always vot- Suell captured the two open seats idents,” Romano said. For their ed for the candidate and for the on the Township Committee, beat- part, the two Democratic candi- issues.” The mayor noted, however, ing Republicans Jeffrey Dahlman dates, Romano added, “literally “The trend is more to vote the par- and incumbent Salvatore Bate. rang doorbells and were out cam- ty line.” Athough some pundits claim the paigning every weekend starting in Romano believes two campaign victories of Democratic candidates August.” mistakes were made by the Repub- statewide came on the coattails of Mayor Thomas C. McDermott, licans. First, they refused to come Sen. Jon Corzine’s victory in the a Republican, said the election was to a debate sponsored by the gubernatorial race, as well as a “disappointing and confusing to Wyoming Civic Association. Sec- backlash against the agenda of the me.” He can’t understand how ond, he said a letter from McDer- Bush presidency, local leaders Steinberg, despite having recently mott to local Republicans at the questioned the effect national and moved to the township and having end of the campaign backfired. state politics have on municipal no political experience, he said, McDermott defended the letter, politics. received the highest vote count of labeling it “a call to arms for “Locally, it doesn’t matter at all,” the four candidates, “to knock off a Republicans.” The letter, he said, said Nicholas Romano Jr., chair- third-term incumbent.” warned voters that a Democratic man of the local Democratic Com- The mayor said he didn’t believe victory might mean town affairs mittee. “People vote for the candi- the victory was issue-based and could become increasingly influ- dates who they think can best do suspects that controversy over an enced by outside parties from the the job.” impending vote on a school bond county and state. ADAM ANIK/THE ITEM Romano said victorious Democ- referendum impacted the munici- “Town politics has never been rats have topped the ticket in sev- pal election. ‘political,’” McDermott said. “The Preparing for Sunday’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service are, from left, Rabbi Stephen Bayar of eral past elections, but made the “I hope the issues weren’t cloud- management of the town has been Congregation B’nai Israel, president of the Millburn-Short Hills Clergy Association, Rabbi point that the victories did not ed by the school bond issues,” he for the good of the town, never Laurence Groffman of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, who will deliver the sermon, and the translate into township wins. said, explaining at least a dozen Rev. Johann Bosman of Community Congregational Church, who is hosting the service. The person behind the Democ- people approached him on Elec- SEE LEADERS, PAGE B10 AMERICAN LEGION New park honors veterans By Patricia Harris bushes, shrubs and benches, and a opened with a wreath-laying by the of The Item large stone capped with a statue of St. Rose Council of the Knights of an eagle in flight has been placed Columbus. The Millburn High The township’s new veterans near the front. School Brass Ensemble performed memorial park attracted a large The inscription on the plaque “Closer My God to Thee,” and crowd and a great deal of interest says, “For those who fought for it, Edward Gallitelli, post comman- to Veterans Day ceremonies Friday life has a flavor the protected nev- der, and Robert G. Roth, vice com- at the American Legion Guy R. er knew—The Veteran.” The park mander, gave ceremonial readings. Bosworth Post No. 140 on Main also contains a cannon donated by The park dedication included a Street. the federal government. presentation of colors and a flag The attendees crowded around The dedication of the park drew raising with members of the D’An- the centerpiece of the memorial about 150 residents and family drea family standing by. One of the park, a plaza made of 900 red brick members who braved cold tem- members of their family, U.S. Army pavers. Approximately 350 of the peratures and blustery winds to Staff Sgt. Peter John D’Andrea, has pavers have been inscribed with hear a gun salute, commemoration been serving in Iraq, and the flag the names of veterans or patriotic services by local clergy, speeches raised during the ceremony was messages, and those who con- by the mayor and deputy mayor flown over Camp Spiecher in Iraq. tributed bricks took time before and musical presentations by the Township resident Victoria Can- PATRICIA HARRIS/THE ITEM and after the ceremonies to search high school’s brass ensemble and nizzo sang “The National Members of the American Legion Post Guy R. Bosworth Post No. 140 join with flag bearers for their loved ones’ names. Sur- chorus. from township police and fire departments to form the color guard during Veterans Day rounding the brick plaza are rose The Veterans Day ceremonies SEE PARK, PAGE B15 ceremonies Friday at the post. For more photos, see Pages B14, B15 and B16. 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