Havre de Grace Decoy Museum 39th Annual DECOY & WILDLIFE

Saturday, May 1, 2021 Results of the Carving Competition

Decorative Life-Size Floating: Intermediate

Redhead 1st Dennis Soliday

Black Duck 2nd Thomas Taylor

American (Common) Merganser 3rd Michael Collien

Decorative Life-Size Floating: Novice

Marsh Black Duck 1st John Butterfield drake

Gadwall 1st John Butterfield

Blue-winged Teal 1st John Butterfield drake 2nd John Butterfield hen

Page 1 of 12 Green-winged Teal 1st John Butterfield drake 2nd John Butterfield hen

Best in 1st John Butterfield hen Blue-winged Teal 2nd John Butterfield drake Green-winged Teal 3rd John Butterfield drake

Divers Canvasback 1st John Butterfield hen 2nd John Butterfield drake

Redhead 1st John Butterfield drake 2nd John Butterfield hen

Scaup 1st John Butterfield hen

Best in Divers Canvasback 1st John Butterfield hen Scaup 2nd John Butterfield hen Redhead 3rd John Butterfield drake

Best in Show Canvasback 1st John Butterfield hen Gadwall 2nd John Butterfield hen Blue-winged Teal 3rd John Butterfield drake

Decorative Life-size Non-Floating: Open

Waterfowl Green-winged Teal 1st Tom Miller

Bittern Least Bittern 1st George Stram

Upland 1st Tom Miller

Bird of Prey Eagle with Trout 1st Daniel Dubay

Page 2 of 12 Best in Category Least Bittern 1st George Stram Eagle with Trout 2nd Daniel Dubay Green-winged Teal 3rd Tom Miller

Decorative Life-size Non-Floating: Intermediate

Shorebirds Woodcock 1st Lee Davis Virginia Rail 2nd Alan Humes Plover 3rd Alan Humes

Bittern Least Bittern 1st Daniel Dubay

Songbird Parakeet 1st Daniel Dubay

Best in Category Woodcock 1st Lee Davis Parakeet 2nd Daniel Dubay Virginia Rail 3rd Alan Humes

Decorative Life-size Non-Floating: Novice

Waterfowl Green-winged Teal 1st Keegan Davis Canvasback 1st Louis Caputo Pintail 2nd Louis Caputo Brant 3rd Louis Caputo Mandarin Duck HM James Gottschalk

Shorebird Bittern 1st James Gottschalk

Songbird Eastern Bluebird 1st James Gottschalk

Birds of Prey Red-tailed Hawk 1st David Leaf

Page 3 of 12 Best in Category Red-tailed Hawk 1st David Leaf Eastern Bluebird 2nd James Gottschalk Bittern 3rd James Gottschalk

“Whitey Franck” Slick Decoy

Diver Canvasback 1st Raymond Paoletti hen

Marsh Shoveler 1st Raymond Paoletti drake

Miniature: Open

Waterfowl Canvasback 1st Roland Morris 2nd John Dixon

Upland Game Birds Turkeys 1st Ronald Blevins

Best in Category Turkeys 1st Ronald Blevins Canvasback 2nd Roland Morris Canada Goose 3rd John Dixon

Gunning Decoy

Diver American (Common) Merganser 1st John Dixon

Ruddy Duck 1st John Dixon

Marsh 1st Alan Humes 2nd John Dixon

Page 4 of 12 Cinnamon Teal 1st James Tolmie

Best in Category Mallard 1st Alan Humes American (Common) Merganser 2nd John Dixon Cinnamon Teal 3rd James Tolmie


Scaup 1st Marcie Daniel Bittern 2nd Jeanne Pulket Eagle 3rd Jeanne Pulket


Diver Red-breasted Merganser 1st Atticus Melvin

Marsh Green-winged Teal 1st Atticus Melvin

Contemporary Antique Style Decoys

Diver Bufflehead 1st Roland Morris 2nd Roland Morris 3rd Roland Morris

Canvasback 1st Richard Moretz

Hooded Merganser 1st Roland Morris

Ring-necked Duck 1st Richard Moretz

Ruddy Duck 1st James Tolmie Other Brant 1st Michael Braden

Page 5 of 12 Decorative Cocktail

Cinnamon Teal 1st Alan Humes

Wood Duck 2nd Alan Humes

Brant 3rd Roland Morris

River Gunning Decoy Competition

Flat-bottom Marsh Singles Black Duck 1st Gene Merritt 2nd Robin Oliver 3rd John Bilbrough

Green-winged Teal 1st David Farrow drake 2nd David Farrow hen 3rd Keegan Davis drake

Gadwall 1st Jim Hinds drake 2nd Robin Oliver drake

Wigeon 1st Robin Oliver drake

Mallard 1st Robin Oliver drake 2nd Moe Cropper hen 3rd Gene Merritt drake

Wood Duck 1st Jim Hinds drake 2nd Allen Humes drake

Northern Pintail 1st Robin Oliver drake 2nd Gene Merritt drake 3rd George Williams drake

White-faced Duck 1st George Williams drake

Page 6 of 12 Best in Category 1st Robin Oliver drake Green-winged Teal 2nd David Farrow drake Black Duck 3rd Gene Merritt hen

Flat-bottom Diver Singles Bufflehead 1st Gary Wielgus drake 2nd Sean Benner drake 3rd Michael Braden drake

Canvasback 1st Curtis Ball drake 2nd Robin Oliver drake 3rd Robin Oliver hen

Goldeneye 1st Curtis Ball hen 2nd Curtis Ball drake 3rd John Bilbrough drake

Oldsquaw 1st George Williams hen

Scaup 1st Robin Oliver drake 2nd David Farrow hen 3rd Robin Oliver hen

Redhead 1st David Farrow drake 2nd Lenny Burham drake 3rd Lenny Burcham hen

Ruddy Duck 1st Roland Morris III

Hooded Merganser 1st Jesse Downey Sr. 2nd Moe Cropper 3rd Roland Morris (Drake) drake

Red-breasted Merganser 1st Gene Merritt (Hen) hen 2nd Gary Wielgus

Common (American) Merganser 1st Robin Oliver (Hen) 2nd Robin Oliver (Drake) 3rd Curtis Ball (Drake)

Page 7 of 12 Scoter 1st Alan Humes 2nd John Bilbrough (Hen) hen 3rd John Bilbrough (Drake)drake

Best in Category Scoter 1st Alan Humes (Drake) drake Redhead 2nd David Farrow (Drake) drake Red-breasted Merganser 3rd Gene Merritt (Drake) drake

Flat-bottom Marsh Pairs Black Ducks 1st Gene Merritt 2nd John Bilbrough 3rd Jim Hinds

Green-winged Teal 1st Lenny Burcham 2nd David Farrow 3rd George Williams

Mallards 1st Gene Merritt 2nd Lenny Burcham

Best in Category Black Ducks 1st Gene Merritt Green-winged Teal 2nd David Farrow 3rd Gene Merritt

Flat-bottom Diver Pairs Buffleheads 1st Sean Benner

Canvasbacks 1st Jesse Downey Sr. 2nd Robin Oliver 3rd Nicolas Castiglione

Oldsquaws 1st John Bilbrough 2nd Jesse Downey Sr.

Scaup 1st Jesse Downey Sr. 2nd David Farrow 3rd Robin Oliver

Page 8 of 12 Redheads 1st Lenny Burcham 2nd David Farrow 3rd Greg Lane

Hooded Mergansers 1st Roland Morris III

American (Common) Mergansers 1st Robin Oliver

Scoters White-winged 1st Scott Green Surf 2nd John Bilbrough Common 3rd John Bilbrough

Best in Category American (Common) Mergansers 1st Robin Oliver White-winged Scoters 2nd Scott Green Surf Scoters 3rd John Bilbrough

Flat-bottom Confidence Singles Canada Goose 1st Scott Green 2nd Scott Green 3rd Jim Hinds

Coot 1st David Farrow 2nd David Farrow 3rd Roland Morris III

Swan 1st Jeff Wilson

Blue Goose 1st Robin Oliver

Brant 1st George Williams 2nd George Williams 3rd Curtis Ball

Best in Category Blue Goose 1st Robin Oliver Canada Goose 2nd Scott Green Coot 3rd David Farrow

Page 9 of 12 Flat-bottom Confidence Pairs Canada Geese 1st Scott Green 2nd Jim Hinds

Coots 1st David Farrow

Swans 1st Allen Humes

Brants 1st George Williams 2nd Curtis Ball

Best in Category Canada Geese 1st Scott Green Coots 2nd David Farrow Brants 3rd George Williams

Flat-bottom Rigs Green-winged Teal 1st George Williams

Speckled Teal 2nd George Williams

Canvasbacks 3rd Nicolas Castiglione

Round-bottom Marsh Singles Mallard 1st Carl Weidman hen

Wood Duck 2nd Carl Weidman drake

Best in Category Wood Duck 1st Carl Weidman drake Mallard 2nd Carl Weidman hen

Round-bottom Diver Singles Bufflehead 1st Gary Lane 2nd Roland Morris III

Canvasback 1st Sean Benner drake 2nd Ryan Motter drake 3rd Ryan Motter hen

Scaup 1st Jonathan Grove 2nd Carl Weidman

Page 10 of 12 Redhead 1st Jeff Wilson

Ruddy Duck 1st Scott Green

Red-breasted Merganser 1st Dominic Mezzanolte

Scoter 1st Scott Green

Best in Category Surf Scoter 1st Scott Green Canvasback 2nd Sean Benner drake Canvasback 3rd Ryan Motter drake

Round-bottom Marsh Pairs Green-winged Teal 1st George Williams

Best in Category Green-winged Teal 1st George Williams

Round-bottom Diver Pairs Buffleheads 1st Moe Cropper

Canvasbacks 1st Sean Benner 2nd Ryan Motter

Redheads 1st Jeff Wilson

Best in Category Canvasbacks 1st Sean Benner Redheads 2nd Jeff Wilson Canvasbacks 3rd Ryan Motter

Round-bottom Confidence Singles Brant 1st George Williams

Gull 1st Scott Green

Best in Category Brant 1st George Williams Gull 2nd Scott Green

Page 11 of 12 Round-bottom Rigs Redheads 1st Jeff Wilson

Best in Show - River Gunning Decoy Competition Flat-bottom Singles Blue Goose 1st Robin Oliver Northern Pintail 2nd Robin Oliver drake Green-winged Teal 3rd David Farrow drake

Round-bottom Singles Surf Scoter 1st Scott Green Canvasback 2nd Sean Benner drake Brant 3rd George Williams

Flat-bottom Pairs Common (American) Mergansers 1st Robin Oliver Black Ducks 2nd Gene Merritt Canada Geese 3rd Scott Green

Round-bottom Pairs Green-winged Teals 1st George Williams Canvasbacks 2nd Sean Benner Redheads 3rd Jeff Wilson

Flat-bottom Rigs Green-winged Teals 1st George Williams Speckled Teals 2nd George Williams Canvasbacks 3rd Nicolas Castiglione

Round-bottom Rigs Redheads 1st Jeff Wilson

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