Gme Acronyms & General Terms
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GME ACRONYMS & GENERAL TERMS \ ACRO- FULL NAME DEFINITION NYM ADS Accreditation Data An ACGME web-based database updated at least annually by System SIs and accredited residency/fellowship programs; used primar- ily to communicate to the ACGME any organizational changes (such as adding an affiliate) and to generate PIFs prior to the institutional- or program-level site visits. Affiliate Any other hospital or site to which a training program sends trainees for a required or an elective rotation; also known as a "participating site" APD Associate Pro- Individual(s) appointed by the PD to assist with program ad- gram Director ministration. The appointment does not require approval by the GMEC or RRC APECS Accreditation, Pro- The OGME team that supports GME programs and the GMECs, gram and Educa- whose broad responsibilities are: tion Committee Cheryl Reif: NRMP; GME Focus; internal reviews of Support ACGME programs Anne Rigg: NI and IT management; GME website Georgi Bland: MGH GME programs and accreditation; ECOTE; PEC Irina Knyshevski: BWH programs and accreditation; BWHEC; internal reviews of non-ACGME programs Block Schedule A trainee’s schedule of rotations during an academic year. BWHEC Brigham and The BWH GMEC responsible for the review and approval of the Women's Hospital accreditation issues and program changes prior to submission Education Com- to the RRC; oversees the education infrastructure and UME and mittee CME issues for the BWH CME Continuing Medi- Physician education beyond residency and/or fellowship train- cal Education ing, required for continued licensure CoEs Centers of Exper- A Partners initiative that provides residents and fellows with tise cross-specialty educational opportunities that complement clini- cal training by providing exposure to important areas of health care delivery. CPRs Common Program ACGME requirements that apply to all accredited residency and Requirements fellowship programs Chief Resident A senior resident in the last year of training or a recent graduate sometimes given a faculty appointment; although the role var- ies and not all residency programs appoint Chief Residents, usually serve as advocates for the residents Continuity Clinic Ambulatory patient setting where a trainee follows a patient’s medical condition over an extended period of time. Core Competen- Six curricular components which, along with residents’ scholarly cies activities, comprise the main elements of the educational pro- gram; these are Patient Care Medical Knowledge Practice-based Learning and Environment Interpersonal and Communication Skills Professionalism Systems-based Practice Credentialing The process of obtaining a hospital (and HMS) appointment, +/- billing privileges; handled by BWH Provider Services and MGH Medical Staff Office Daily Email Noti- NI puts all the notifications it needs to send to each user into fication one email sent daily between 12:00 and 8:00 am DIO Designated Institu- Term used by the ACGME to refer to the individual assigned tional Official authority and responsibility for the oversight and administration of all ACGME programs; signs off on PIFs. program applica- tions for accreditation and all reports to the RRCs.. This term is also used by the NRMP. John Patrick T. Co, MD MPH is the DIO for BWH and MGH Didactics Scheduled, systematic instruction by means of planned learning experiences, such as conferences or grand rounds Duty Hour Viola- A violation of one of the ACGME duty hour rules as configured tion in each training program's section of NI ECOTE Executive Commit- The MGH GMEC responsible for the review and approval of the tee on Teaching accreditation issues and program changes prior to submission and Education to the RRC; oversees the education infrastructure and UME and CME issues for the MGH E&F Evaluation and Assessment of trainee’s performance; generally, evaluation re- Feedback fers to written communication, and feedback to oral, in-person communication ES Education Special- A physician in the OGME who works on educational issues and ist is available to work directly with programs in areas such as cur- riculum design and content Evaluation Sometimes used to refer to an NI questionnaire used to evalu- ate a person or thing; an evaluation session is the set of con- figuration options that determine who evaluates whom, on what schedule, using which questionnaire, etc. Fellow A trainee who has (usually) completed a residency program, now pursuing advanced or subspecialty training; this term is not used by the ACGME Fellowship In the context of GME, used to denote a program of advanced or subspecialty clinical training FPD Fellowship Pro- PD of an accredited or non-accredited fellowship program gram Director Gap locator NI tool used to identify the dates that residents and fellows are not on a rotation GME Graduate Medical Specialized clinical training for physicians after medical school Education GME Focus GME newsletter written and distributed by Partners GME (editor Cheryl Reif) GMEC Graduate Medical A committee responsible for GME, SI-based GMECs monitor Education Com- and oversee accreditation of their programs mittee GMED GME Director A physician in the OGME responsible for program oversight and GME Acronyms, pg 2 of 7 updated 10/12/2011 accreditation related matters; each GME program is assigned to a GMED, based on specialty G&Os Goals and Objec- Written guidelines and competency expectations required for tives each rotation and the program overall; should be based on the six ACGME core competencies Grand Rounds Presentations sponsored by clinical departments, often featur- ing an external keynote speaker, offering expertise on a variety of clinical topics HMS Harvard Medical The sole medical school affiliated with BWH and MGH; also re- School fers to medical students on rotation at the hospitals IMG International (or Graduate of a foreign medical school (also FMG) Foreign) Medical Graduate Intern A trainee in her/his first year of training after medical school; a PGY-1 trainee; a term not used by the ACGME IR Internal Review Program self-assessment and review conducted by the OGME on behalf of the GMEC; done at the mid-point between site vis- its IRC Internal Review The group conducting the internal review; generally includes the Committee GMED for the specialty, review of the curriculum by an ES, vol- unteer faculty and resident reviewers from other depart- ments/subspecialties Justification When there is a violation of the 24+4 hour and short break rules advanced residents as defined by their RRC may write a "justifi- cation ": a valid reason as listed in the CPRs; if approved by the PD, the exception is allowed and is not considered a viola- tion Level 5 Level 5 privileges The highest level of privileges in NI normally available to PCs and other program administrative staff LoN Letter of Notifica- Official communication from the RRC that states the accredita- tion tion action and any citations resulting from a site visit (also ac- creditation letter) LoR Letter of Report Official communication from the ACGME Institutional Review Committee (IRC) that states the accreditation action taken by the IRC for the SI MAA Master Affiliation Agreement that an SI must have with other training sites to Agreement which its programs send trainees; executed by the Office OGME MMS Massachusetts Statewide professional association for physicians and medical Medical Society students; publishes the New England Journal of Medicine. Moonlighting Voluntary, compensated, medically-related work, not related to training requirements, performed at any site NF Night Float Rotation or educational experience designated to either elimi- nate in-house call or assist other residents at night NI New Innovations Web-based software application used by Partners residents and Residency Man- fellows to log hours, by faculty and trainees to evaluate each agement Suite other and the program, and by administrative staff to manage (RMS) the program. New Innovations A group of coordinators, residents and Program Directors advis- Advisory Com- ing Partners GME regarding NI utility GME Acronyms, pg 3 of 7 updated 10/12/2011 mittee OGME Office of Graduate The Partners Office of GME and its staff Medical Education OSCE Objective Struc- Standardized patient encounters used to assess medical stu- tured Clinical dents’ and incoming trainees' skills Exam PLA Program Letter of Agreement that each program must execute with training sites Agreement at which its residents have a required or an elective rotation PORT Partners Office of OGME-based resource for trainees to address "quality of life" Resources for issues; sponsors events for trainee (Orientation, Core Curricu- Trainees lum and Clinical Fellow Retreats, Chief Resident Course and Town Meetings Education/Partners-Office-Of-Resources-For- Trainees/Default.aspx PC Program Coordi- With oversight from the PD, provides operational management nator of the training program PD Program Director Individual designated with authority and accountability for the operation of the program PDQ Program Director Form completed by the PD prior to and internal review to pro- Questionnaire vide background information and documentation of compliance PEC Partners Educa- The GMEC for all Partners teaching hospitals; includes resident tion Committee and PD representatives from BWHEC and ECOTE, as well as SRH (Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital), NWH (Newton- Wellesley