RESOURCES Reasons to notify your sex partners that you have HIV: Contact Us For more information or to speak with a PARTNER SERVICES counselor, please contact us at: PATIENT GUIDE * Helps stop the chain of HIV transmission email:
[email protected] phone: 650-573-2346 * Gives current and past partners an opportunity you may not have had * Your partner can get medical care sooner INFORMING your past and current partners IS HIV PREVENTION * Relieves stress and guilt HIV Testing in San Mateo County: * Improved health for your partners Edison STD Clinic * Makes the community a healthier (located in the San Mateo Medical Center) place 222 W. 39th Avenue, San Mateo 650-573-2999 Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00-7:00pm You can get help telling your Testing on Demand sex partners you have HIV: Mobile Testing Van Y 650-619-9125 A certified Partner Services counselor can find and notify your Services offered in English and Spanish. partner(s) about possible exposure. Interpretation available in other languages. They will offer them STD and/or HIV testing without telling them 24% of partners notified through Partner anything about you. Services in California were identified as Thank you to San Francisco Public Health Department for assistance in the assembly of this brochure. new HIV cases WHAT IS IT? WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS? BASIC STEPS: Partner Services is a program that assists YOU can do it: You have received a positive HIV (and/or STD) If you would like to tell a past people with HIV or other STDs in notifying diagnosis; OR you have known you had HIV or current partner, but aren’t sure for a while.