
Last Updated on: 7/24/2019 10:17:03 AM , Short Stories & Nonfiction: Literary Terms English II: Price/Walker

Directions: create note card for each term – number each card – include term on one side, the definition and an example on the other – some terms will not be in the textbook, you will need to refer to the Internet for those

1. 44. Narrator 2. Alliteration 45. Octave 3. Allusion 46. Ode 4. Analogy 47. Onomatopoeia 5. Antagonist 48. Oxymoron 6. Anaphora 49. Paradox 7. Assonance 50. Paraphrase 8. Apostrophe 51. Parody 9. Ballad 52. Personification 10. Blank Verse 53. Phonetic 11. Cacophony (cack-AH-fun-ee) 54. Poetic structure 12. Caesura (sez-yoo-ra) 55. Stanza 13. Chiasmus (kahy-az-muh s) 56. Line 14. Connotation 57. End-stopped line 15. Consonance 58. Enjambment 16. Couplet 59. Poetry 17. Denotation 60. Point of view 18. Dialect 61. First-person 19. 62. Second-person 20. Dramatic Poetry 63. Third-person 21. Elegy 64. Third-person omniscient 22. 65. Third-person limited 23. Figurative language 66. Third-person objective 24. Free Verse 67. Pun 25. Foot 68. Prose Poem 26. `Haiku 69. 27. Hyperbole 70. Quatrain 28. Iamb 71. Refrain 29. Idiom 72. Repetition 30. Image 73. Rhetorical devices 31. 74. Parallelism 32. 75. Restatement 33. Verbal irony 76. Rhetorical questions 34. Dramatic irony 77. Rhyme 35. Situational irony 78. End rhyme 36. Juxtaposition 79. Internal rhyme 37. Lyric poem 80. Exact rhyme 38. 81. Slant rhyme 39. Extended metaphor 82. Rhyme scheme 40. Implied metaphor 83. Rhythm 41. Meter 84. 42. (atmosphere) 85. Sensory language 43. poem 86. Sestet 87. 133. Surprise ending 88. Simile 134. Colloquialism 89. Epic or Homeric simile 135. Description 90. Sonnet 136. Epiphany 91. Shakespearean sonnet 137. 92. Italian or Petrachan sonnet 138. 93. Speaker 139. 94. Style 140. 95. Symbol (symbolism) 141. 96. Syntax 142. Gothic literature 97. Tanka 143. 98. 144. 99. Archetypal theme 145. Prediction 100. 146. Inference 101. Understatement 147. 102. Villanelle 148. Pacing 103. Volta 149. Nuance 104. Voice (persona) 150. Dialogue 105. Characters 151. Anecdote 106. (s) 152. 107. Round character 153. Logos 108. Flat character 154. Deductive reasoning 109. Dynamic character 155. Inductive reasoning 110. Static character 156. Fallacy 111. Motivation 157. Pathos 112. 158. Ethos 113. Direct characterization 159. Refutation 114. Indirect characterization 160. Concession 115. 161. Hypophora 116. External conflict 162. Erotesis 117. Internal conflict 163. Epiplexis 118. structure 164. Kairos 119. Chronological order 165. Sentential 120. Sequential order 166. Euphemism 121. Cause-and-effect 167. Antithesis 122. Spatial order 123. Plot 124. 125. Opening 126. Inciting incident 127. Rising 128. 129. Falling action 130. Resolution 131. Dénouement (day-u-maw) 132. Anticlimax (anticlimactic)