1 the Southern Colonies
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DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=TX-A Williamsburg SECTION 1 The Southern TEKS 1C, 2A, 2B, 10A, 11A, 11C, Colonies 12B, 23A, 25A What You Will Learn… If YOU were there… Main Ideas A year ago, in 1609, you moved to the colony of Virginia. Life here 1. Jamestown was the first has been hard. During the winter many people died of cold or sick- permanent English settlement ness. Food is always scarce. Now it is spring, and a ship has come Jamestown in America. J 1607 from England bringing supplies. In a week it will sail home. Some a 2. Daily life in Virginia was chal- m Marsh lenging to the colonists. e of your neighbors are giving up and returning to England. They ask s 3. Religious freedom and eco- R nomic opportunities were you to come, too. iv e motives for founding other r southern colonies, including Would you take the ship back to England? Maryland, the Carolinas, and Settlements American and Early Topography Georgia. Smith's Fort 4. Farming and slavery were important to the economies BUILDING BACKGROUND Several European nations took part in of the southern colonies. – American History Middle School the race to claim lands in the Americas. Their next step was to establish colonies in the lands that they claimed. The first English colonies were The Big Idea started in the late 1500s but failed. Even in successful colonies, colonists Despite a difficult beginning, faced hardships and challenges. MapQuest.com/HRW the southern colonies soon ah06se-c02000003aa Approved:11/11/04 flourished. – 9/30/04 F1 Proof Settlement in Jamestown Key Terms and People In 1605 a company of English merchants asked King James I for the Jamestown, p. 72 right to found, or establish, a settlement. In 1606 the king granted John Smith, p. 73 Pocahontas, p. 73 the request of the company to settle in a region called Virginia. indentured servants, p. 74 Bacon’s Rebellion, p. 74 Founding a New Colony Toleration Act of 1649, p. 75 The investors in the new settlement formed a joint-stock company Olaudah Equiano, p. 77 called the London Company. This allowed the group to share the slave codes, p. 77 cost and risk of establishing the colony. On April 26, 1607, the first 105 colonists sent by the London Company arrived in America. On May 14, about 40 miles up the James River in Virginia, the colonists founded Jamestown, the first permanent English settle- Use the graphic organizer online to ment in North America. take notes on the founding of the A lack of preparation cost a lot of the colonists their lives. Most southern colonies. of the men who came to Jamestown were adventurers with no farming experience or useful skills such as carpentry. Jamestown was surrounded by marshes full of disease-carrying mosquitoes. By the time winter arrived, two-thirds of the original colonists had died. 72 CHAPTER 3 DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=TX-A Jamestown Colony Williamsburg The forest could Williamsburg was provide wood for founded in 1633 as C building and for fuel. Middle Plantation by h e settlers from Jamestown. s a p e a k e J ame B The waters provided s a Ri v y er fish for food. But the Jamestown water, so near the ATLANTIC sea, was salty. OCEAN Jamestown J 1607 Roanoke a m Marsh e Jamestown was located with defense in s R mind. Enemy Spanish ships would have to iv e pass through a narrow channel to reach r Jamestown, making the ships easy marks GEOGRAPHY Topography and Early American Settlements American and Early Topography for the settlers’ cannons. SKILLS INTERPRETING MAPS Smith's Fort 1. Human-Environment Interaction What were the advantages and disadvantages of locating Jamestown on a river? Middle School – American History Middle School 2. Human-Environment Interaction What do you think would have been a commonly used method of transporta- HRW Middle School – American History tion for people in this region? Locate it map for Chesapeake ah06se-c02map003ca F Proof – 9/30/04 MapQuest.com/HRW ah06se-c02000003aa Approved: 11/11/04 Approved:11/11/04 Powhatan Confederacy War in Virginia F1 Proof – 9/30/04 F1 Proof Jamestown fared better under John Smith, John Rolfe married Pocahontas, daughter who took control of the colony and built a of the Powhatan leader, in 1614. Their mar- fort in 1608. He forced the settlers to work riage helped the colonists form more peaceful harder and to build better housing by creat- relations with the Powhatan. However, Poca- VIDEO ing rules that rewarded harder workers with hontas died three years later in England, Save Our History: Secrets of food. The colonists received help from the where she was visiting with Rolfe. Jamestown powerful Powhatan Confederacy of Native In 1622, colonists killed a Powhatan Americans after Smith made an agreement leader. The Powhatan responded by attack- with them. The Powhatan brought food to ing the Virginia settlers later that year. Fight- help the colonists and taught them how to ing between the colonists and the Powhatan grow corn. continued for the next 20 years. Because In 1609 some 400 more settlers arrived the London Company could not protect its in Jamestown. That winter, disease and fam- colonists, the English Crown canceled the ine once again hit the colony. The colonists company’s charter in 1624. Virginia became ACADEMIC called this period the starving time. By the a royal colony and existed under the VOCABULARY spring of 1610, only 60 colonists were still authority of a governor chosen by the king. authority alive. Jamestown failed to make a profit until power, right to rule colonist John Rolfe introduced a new type of READING CHECK Finding Main Ideas What tobacco that sold well in England. problems did the Jamestown colonists face? THE ENGLISH COLONIES 73 DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=TX-A Daily Life in Virginia Labor in Virginia In early Virginia, people lived on scattered Colonists in Virginia suffered very high death farms rather than in towns. Tobacco farm- rates, which led to labor shortages. The majori- ers established large farms called plantations. ty of workers were indentured servants . These Tobacco was so valuable that it was some- servants signed a contract to work for four to times used as money. seven years for those who paid for their jour- ney to America. Headright System Expansion of Slavery These plantations were made possible in part by the headright system, which was started Not all laborers in Virginia came from by the London Company. Under this system, Europe. A Dutch ship brought the first colonists who paid their own way to Virginia Africans to Virginia in 1619. Some Africans received 50 acres of land. A colonist could were servants; others had been enslaved. Some AcaDEMIC earn another 50 acres for every additional African servants became successful farmers VocaBulary person brought from England. Rich colonists when their contracts ended. factors The demand for workers was soon greater causes who brought servants or relatives to Virginia gained large amounts of land. than the supply of people willing to work as indentured servants. Over time, the cost of slaves fell. These factors led some colonists Primary Source to turn to slave labor. By the mid-1600s most Africans in Virginia were being kept in life- LETTER long slavery. A Note from Virginia In this 1619 letter, the secretary of the Virginia colony, Bacon’s Rebellion John Pory, encouraged people to move to Virginia. As plantations grew, the economy of James- town began to expand. Soon, colonial offi- cials began to ask for more taxes. During the “As touching the quality of this country, mid-1600s poor colonists protested the higher three things there be, which in few years may taxes. They were also upset about the gover- bring this colony to perfection; the English nor’s policies toward Native Americans. They thought the colony was not well protected plow, vineyards, & cattle . All our riches against attack. In 1676 a group of former for the present do consist in tobacco, wherein indentured servants led by Nathaniel Bacon one man by his own labor has in one year, attacked some friendly American Indians. raised to himself to the value of 200 pounds Bacon opposed the governor’s policies pro- sterling; and another by the means of six moting trade with American Indians. He also thought the colonists should be able to take servants has cleared at one crop a thousand the Indians’ land. When the governor tried to pound English. These be true, yet indeed rare stop him, Bacon and his followers attacked and examples, yet possible to be done by others.” burned Jamestown in an uprising known as —from The Power of Words, edited by T. H. Breen Bacon’s Rebellion. At one point, Bacon controlled much of the colony. He died of fever, however, and ANALYSIS the rebellion soon ended. SKILL ANALYZING PRIMARY SOURCES How does this letter indicate the importance of READING CHECK Analyzing What factors led tobacco in Virginia? to the increased use of slave labor in Virginia? 74 CHAPTER 3 DO NOT EDIT--Changes must be made through “File info” CorrectionKey=TX-A Southern Wealth Colonists overcame tough begin- nings to create large and wealthy settlements like this one in Virginia. Churches were often the first major buildings in a growing town. How does the large church in the picture show Virginia’s wealth? Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Other Southern Colonies This meant that the colony’s proprietors, or As Jamestown was developing in Virginia, owners, controlled the government.