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Constitutional Centre

(1) Advisory Board of the Constitutional Centre of , and Civics Educator's Reference Group

(2) Advisory Board of the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia

(3) Membership of Advisory Board of the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia Mr Malcolm McCusker QC Chairman Ms Diana Warnock Member Prof. Harry Phillips Member Hon John Cowdell Member Hon Justice Christine Wheeler Member Ms Colleen Haywood Deputy Chair Prof. Greg Craven Members whose terms have expired 31.10.2008 Ms Janice Dudley Member Prof. David Black Member Mrs Anne Conti Member Mr Bill Hassell. Member

Membership of the Civic Educator's Reference Group Harry Phillips (Parliament) (Chair) Betty O'Rourke (Constitutional Centre) Kerry Boyd (Curriculum Council) Liz Larkin (Francis Burt) Brian Rogers (Education Department) Norman Paini (PLEAWA) Nigel Bushby (Electoral Education Centre) Mandy Hudson (Curriculum Council) Jane Gray (Parliament) Lucy Rahaley (Catholic Education) Louise Secker (HTAWA) Eril Jane Reid (PLEAWA) Brendon Barlow (AEC) Dean Curtis (Francis Burt) Lisa Belde (Constitutional Centre) Cherie Hess (Catholic Education) Trish Harris (AISWA) Lynette de san Miguel (History Teachers WA ) James Sollis (Parliament) Janice Dudley (Murdoch University) (4) Advisory Board of the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia Chaii man is paid $305 per meeting and Members are paid $203 per meeting

Civics Educator's Reference Group Membership and participation is voluntary.

(5) Advisory Board of the Constitutional Centre of Western Australia Twice

(a) 4.30 pin Monday 15 September 2008 4.30 pm Monday 8 December 2008

Civics Educator's Reference Group Twice

(a) 4.30 pm Monday 1 December 2008 4.30pm Monday 9 March 2009

Office of Road Safety

(1) The Road Safety Council

(2) The Road Safety Council Chairman only is paid a monthly salary

(3) What are the names of the members of each board or committee? The Road Safety Council Mr Grant DorringtonIndependent Chairperson Mr lain Cameron, Office of Road Safety Assistant Commissioner Steve Brown, WA Police Mr Des Snook, Main Roads WA Dr Andrew Robertson, Department of Health Mrs Rose Moroz, Department of Education Mr Vic Evans, Insurance Commission of WA Mr Michael Heath, Royal Automobile Club Mayor Troy Pickard, WA Local Government Association Mr Trevor Maughan, Department for Planning and Infrastructure

(4) The Independent Chair of the Road Safety CouncilMr Grant Dorrington is paid an annual remuneration of $21,700. (5) The Road Safety Council has met eight times since June 30, 2008

(a) Road Safety Cou ci etin s DATE TIME 24 July 2008 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM 29 August 2008 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM 25 September 2008 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM 23 October 2008 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM 21 November 2008 7:00 AM to 10.00 AM RSC WORKSHOP 27 November 2008 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM 22 January 2009 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM 26 February 2009 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM Attachment to PQ LA 478 - Public Sector Commissioner:

(1-2)Salaries and Allowances Tribunal

(3) Professor M Wood (Chairman until 9 February 2009), Mr W S Coleman AM (Member until 9 February 2009), Ms M Nadebaum (Member until 28 October 2008), Mr W S Coleman AM (Chairman from 24 February 2009), Mrs C A Broadbent (Member from 24 February 2009), Mr B J Moore (Member from 13 January 2009)

(4) Chairman $39,100 per annum, Member $25,800 per annum

(5) 19 (to 30 March 2009)

(a) 12 noon 3 July 2008 9.15am 11 July 2008 9.30am 14 July 2008 2.30pm 23 July 2008 9.30am 24 July 2008 10.30am 31 July 2008 9.30am 5 August 2008 9.30am 14 August 2008 2.30pm 8 September 2008 1.30pm 15 September 2008 9.30am 9 October 2008 9.15am 23 October 2008 1.30pm 10 November 2008 9.15am 21 November 2008 6.00pm 2 December 2008 9.30am 9 December 2008 9.30am 3 February 2009 9.00am 4 March 2009 9.00am 17 March 2009

Some of the above meetings would have been attended by former Tribunal members, namely Professor Michael Wood and Ms Margaret Nadebaum.

Tribunal members have met with various officeholders within their jurisdictionin conjunction with or separate to formal business meetings. These include meetings with the Premier, Presiding officers of the Parliament, Members of the Parliament, Members of the Judiciary and Chief Executive Officers of the Public Service in the process of fulfilling the Tribunal's statutory responsibilities. Attachment to PQ LA 478Office of the Public Sector Standard Commissioner:

(1-2) Survey Redevelopment Consultative Committee.

(3) Dr Ruth Shean, Commissioner, Public Sector Standards (Chair) Ms Penny Bird, Office of the Public Sector Standards Commissioner Dr Chris Stansbury, Office of the Public Sector Standards Commissioner Ms Helen Della Maddalena, Office of the Public Sector Standards Commissioner Dr David Andrich, Graduate School of Education, University of WA Dr Steven Humphry, Graduate School of Education, University of WA Ms Ida Marais, Graduate School of Education, University of WA

(4) Dr David Andrich, Graduate School of Education, University of WA ($120/hr) Dr Steven Humphry, Graduate School of Education, University of WA ($100/hr) Ms Ida Marais, Graduate School of Education, University of WA ($100/hr)

(5) Four

(a) Times and Dates of all meetings to date and who attended. August 28, 2 hr meeting (all members attended at UWA) October 20, 2 hr meeting (all members attended at UWA) November 11, 1 and half hr meeting (4 members attended at OPSSC- 2 UWA (both at $100/hr) & 2 OPSSC) December 16, 2 hr meeting (4 members attended at UWA- 2 UWA (both at $100 /hr) & 2 OPSSC) January- February (analytical work by UWA team (work is ongoing - cost to be determined) Attachment to PQ LA 478Gold Corporation:

(1) Gold Corporation Board and Gold Corporation Audit and Risk Management Committee.

(2) Gold Corporation pays fees to the non-executive directors. No fees are paid to the Audit and Risk Management Committee members.

(3) Gold Corporation Board: Ross G Bowe Chairman Ray B Bennett - Non-executive Director Ron F Edwards Non-executive Director Don Mackay-Coghill - Non-executive Director Gaye M McMath - Non-executive Director Chris P Payne Ex Officio Chris S Wharton - Non-executive Director Miroslaw E Harbuz - CEO Richard G Hayes CFO Gold Corporation Audit and Risk Management Committee: Gaye M McMath-Chairperson Don Mackay-Coghill Ray B Bennett

(4) Gold Corporation Board: Ross G Bowe $85,000 + 9% super per annum Ray B Bennett$42,500 ± 9% super per annum Ron F Edwards - $42,500 ± 9% super per annum Don Mackay-Coghill$42,500 + 9% super per annum Gaye M McMath $42,500 + 9% super per annum Chris P Payne - Ex Officio Chris S Wharton -$42,500 + 9% super per annum Miroslaw E Harbuz - included in CEO salary Richard G Hayes - included in CFO salary Gold Corporation Audit and Risk Management Committee Gaye M McMath - none Don Mackay-Coghillnone Ray B Bennett - none

(5) Gold Corporation Board has met four times since June 2008:

(a) 6 August 2008 at 8.00am; 17 September 2008 at 2.00pm, 5 November 2008 at8.00am and 11 February 2009 at 8.30am Gold Corporation Audit & Risk Management Committee has met four times sinceJune 2008: 14 August 2008 at 10.00am; 10 September 2008 at 8.30am; 12 December 2008 at10.00am and 5 March 2009 at 10.00am Attachment to PQ LA 478 - Lotterywest:

(1) Lotteries Commission Board

(2) The Lotteries Commission Board Members receive a fee

(3) Chairman Mr Clyde Bevan Commissioner Mr Roger Lewis Commissioner Ms Patricia Tassell Commissioner Mrs Freda Crucitti Commissioner Mr Ray Bennett Commissioner Mr Colin Campbell-Fraser

(4) Chairman receives $59,500 per annum Commissioners receive $29,750 per annum

(5) 9 Board Meetings, plus a number of additional meetings for those Board Members who are members of the Audit Committee [Chairman Clyde Bevan, Commissioner Roger Lewis] or of a special project committee set up to oversee Lotterywest's Information Technology project [Chairman Clyde Bevan, Commissioner Roger Lewis, Commissioner Ray Bennett]

(6) 9am2pm 17 July 2008 9am2pm 31 July 2008 9am 2pm 21 August 2008 9am 2pm 18 September 2008 9am 2pm 15 October 2008 9am 2pm 13 November 2008 9am 2pm 11 December 2008 9am 2pm 12 February 2009 9am 2pm 12 March 2009 PQ LA 478 parts 1-5Department of State Development

Q(1) Name of Q(2) Q(4) Q(5) Meetings Q(3) Board and/or Fees/ Member since Membership Committee Payment Payments 30 June 2008 Western Australia- See Nil meetings Zhejiang Attachment 1 Exchange (a) Not Committee applicable Australia-China See One meeting Natural Gas Attachment 2 Technology (a) 25-26 Partnership Fund February 2009, both days 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Kwinana No See NA One meeting Industries Attachment 3 Coordinating (a) 28 July Committee 2008, 9:00 am to 11:00 am Kemerton See Three Industrial Park Attachment 4 meetings Coordinating Committee (a) 7 August 2008, 6 November 2008 and 5 February 2009. All meetings 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Kemerton See Three Community Attachment 5 meetings Committee (a) 12 August 2008, 11 November 2008 and 10 February 2009 All meetings 12:00 m to Q(1) Name of Q(2) Q( ) Meetings Q(4) No.Board and/or Fees/ Q(3) since Membership Committee Payment Payments 30 June 2008 2:00 pm Burrup Rock Art Yes See The One meeting Monitoring Attachment 6 Chairperson Management is paid $200 (a) 10 Committee per hour February 2009, 10:00 am to 12:00pm ATTACHMENT 1


Western Australian Members

Ms Anne Nolan Director General, Department of State Development

Ms Sonia Grinceri General Manager North Asia, WA Global Network , Department of State Development

Ms Pearl Chua Senior Project Officer Greater China, WA Global Network Perth, Department of State Development

Dr Soonchye Tan Principal Research Scientist, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia

Dr Chengdao Li SeniorResearchOfficerandManagerofGrain Technology, Department of Agriculture and Food WA

Ms Joanne Hunt Manager, Policy & Executive Services, Department of Commerce

Mr Marty Cunningham A/Director, Cultural Development and Strategic Programs, Department of Culture and the Arts

Ms Cathy Driver SeniorPolicyOfficerInternational,Departmentof Culture and the Arts

Ms Jan Tekely Director, International Business Development, Central TAFE

Mr Andrew Thompson AssistantExecutiveDirector,CurriculumSupport, Department of Education and Training

Ms Ngaire Young Director, Strategic Marketing, Education and Training International

Ms Theresa Humphry Marketing Officer, Education and Training International

Mr Stuart Cowie Director, Sustainability Division, Department of Environment and Conservation

Dr Tarun Weeramanthri Executive Director Public Health, Department of Health

Mr Arnold Wong Director, Landgate International

Mr Mike Ryan Executive Director, Perth Education City

Mr Gary Dreibergs Assistant Commissioner,Professional Development, Western Australian Police

Mr Peter Chong Treasurer, Australia China Business Council (WA)

Mr Sin Him Lim Honorary Treasurer, Western AustraliaChinese Chamber of Commerce Invited Observers

Dr Paddy Forde Deputy Vice Chancellor International, Curtin University

Ms Jill Strong Director, Educational Partnership, Murdoch University

Professor George Stewart Dean, Faculty ofLife and Physical Sciences, The University of Western Australia

Ms Eva Chye Principal Advisor, International Relations (North and Southeast Asia), The University of Western Australia

A/Professor Gary Sig ley Director,ConfuciusInstituteat TheUniversityof Western Australia

Professor Pete Sanderson Director, Study Abroad, The University of Notre Dame

Note:Chinese members of the Committee are appointed by the appropriate Chinese authority and are therefore not within the Premier's portfolio. ATTACHMENT 2


Mr Steve Arnott Director, WA Global Network Perth, Department of State Development

Mr Steven Wong Vice-President of the North West Shelf Australian LNG consortium (NWSALNG)

Mr Simon Newman A/Manager, LNG & Petroleum Development Section, OffshoreResourcesBranch, ResourcesDivision, Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism

Note:Chinese members of the Partnership Fund are appointed by the appropriate Chinese authority and are therefore not within the Premier's portfolio. ATTACHMENT 3


Mr Tim Fraser Department of State Development (Chair)

Mr Tom Grigson Department of State Development

Mr John Chats Department for Planning and Infrastructure

Mr Mike Williams Department for Planning and Infrastructure (Maritime)

Mr Dean Davidson Fremantle Port Authority

Mr Tony Wynne Department of Environment and Conservation

Mr Luke Wilcock Land Corp

Mr Chris Oughton Kwinana Industries Council

Mr Neil Hartley Town of Kwinana

Mr Bob Jeans City of Rockingham

Mr Alan Blood City of Cockburn

Mr Frank Kroll Water Corporation

(Note:The above is the usual membership;at the workshop last year it was proposed to increase the membership to include the Department of Mines and Petroleum, Main Roads, Western Power and Westnet Rail). ATTACHMENT 4


Mr John Kalbfell Independent Chairman

Mr Rolf Stene, AM Regional Chambers of Commerce & Industry

Mr Don Punch South West Development Commission

Mr John Barratt Bunbury Port Authority

Mr Peter Monagle Shire of Harvey

Mr John Bromham Shire of Harvey

Mr Viv Lawrie Cristal

Mr David Miles Simcoa

Mr Wayne Roberts Transfield

Mr Graeme Reading Community representative

Mr John Hovey Community representative

Mr Tom Grigson Department of State Development

Mr Jonathan Roach Land Corp ATTACHMENT 5


Mr Bill AdamsChair Shire of Harvey (Councillor)

Mr Frank Colyer Department of Environment and Conservation

Mr Les Corbett Leschenault Progress Association

Mr Morgan Smith Parkfield Community

Mr John Hovey KemertonIndustrialParkCoordinatingCommittee representative

Mr Viv Lawrie Millennium Chemicals Ltd

Mr Greg Campbell Shire of Harvey

Mr John Quilty Consultant to LandCorp

Mr Graeme Reading Kemerton Residents Against Pollution

Mr Graham Manning WA Farmers Federation/Harvey

Mr Peter Allen Millennium Chemicals Ltd

Mr Geoff Tothill SW Environmental Centre

Mr Bernard Ridley WA Farmers Federation/Brunswick ATTACHMENT 6


Associate Professor Frank Murray Murdoch University (Chair)

Dr Ian MacLeod WA Museum

Mr Emilio Papiccio Woodside Energy Ltd

Mr Robert Brock Department of Indigenous Affairs

Mr Doug Betts Environmental Protection Authority Service Unit

Mr Bill Carr Department of Environment and Conservation

Mr Cliff Winfield Department of Environment and Conservation, Karratha

Mr John Lally Shire of Roebourne

Mr Richard Clarke WA Chemistry Centre

Note: The Department of State Development provides executive support to the Committee