Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY - Tuesday, 14 September 2004] P5825b-5826A Dr Geoff Gallop; Mr Colin Barnett; Mr Jim Mcginty; Ms Alannah Mactiernan
Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY - Tuesday, 14 September 2004] p5825b-5826a Dr Geoff Gallop; Mr Colin Barnett; Mr Jim McGinty; Ms Alannah MacTiernan SIR FRANCIS BURT Condolence Motion DR G.I. GALLOP (Victoria Park - Premier) [2.02 pm]: I move without notice - That the House records its sincere regret at the death of Sir Francis Burt and tenders its deep sympathy to his family. Sir Francis was a true Western Australian who made significant contributions to the war effort, the legal profession, community work and public service. Sir Francis passed away at home last Wednesday aged 86. He was born in Perth in 1918, and served in the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force in World War II. He went on to distinguish himself at the recently founded law school of the University of Western Australia. Sir Francis was admitted to the Bar in 1941, appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 1959 and then a Justice of the Supreme Court in 1969. In 1977 Sir Francis was made Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, serving in that position until 1988. His appointment as Chief Justice was universally acclaimed. His commitment to public service continued upon his retirement from the court when he was appointed Governor of Western Australia. Sir Francis changed the course of the legal profession in this State. He founded the Bar in Western Australia in 1961 despite concern that it would be the end of his career, and, with others, he established Bar Chambers in 1962. To start such an institution requires special qualities of leadership, inventiveness, adaptability and, in the case of this institution, the ability to make highly individual personalities work together harmoniously towards a common purpose.
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