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Mimivirus inaugurated in the 21st century the beginning

of a reclassification of

3,4 1,2,4 3

Vikas Sharma , Philippe Colson , Pierre Pontarotti and 1,2

Didier Raoult

Mimivirus and other giant viruses are visible by light to microbes [3–5]. Accordingly, these agents were named

microscopy and bona fide microbes that differ from other ultraviruses, or inframicrobes, and, eventually, viruses

viruses and from cells that have a ribosome. They can be [1 ]. During the 1910–1920s, viruses became increasingly

defined by: giant virion and sizes; their complexity, established as small entities that need living cells to repli-

with the presence of DNA and mRNAs and dozens or hundreds cate; Rickettsia and Chlamydia, also intracellular parasites,

of proteins in virions; the presence of -associated definitively turned out not being viruses [6,7]. During the

components; a mobilome including (pro) (and a 1930–1940s, the first electron micrographs of virions were

defence mechanism, named MIMIVIRE, against them) and obtained [8] and the eclipse period of replication was

; their monophyly; the presence of the most discovered [9]. Then, during the 1950s, the virus concept

archaic protein motifs they share with cellular organisms but was unravelled by A. Lwoff, based mainly on negative

not other viruses; a broader host range than other viruses. criteria [1 ]. Lwoff defined viruses as potentially patho-

These features show that giant viruses are specific, genic strictly intracellular entities, which have either DNA

autonomous, biological entities that warrant the creation of a or RNA, multiply in the form of their genetic material, are

new branch of microbes. unable to grow and divide, and are devoid of energy

Addresses production enzymes. Hence, viruses were considered as


Aix-Marseille Univ., URMITE UM 63 CNRS 7278 IRD 198 INSERM simple cell parasites consisting of a nucleic acid enclosed in

U1095, 27 boulevard Jean Moulin, 13385 Marseille Cedex 05, France 

2 a symmetric protein shell, the [1 ,7], and were,

IHU Me´ diterrane´ e Infection, Assistance Publique-Hoˆ pitaux de

further, also shown to lack ribosomes [10].

Marseille, Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Timone, Poˆ le des Maladies

Infectieuses et Tropicales Clinique et Biologique, Fe´ de´ ration de

Bacte´ riologie-Hygie` ne-Virologie, 264 rue Saint-Pierre, 13385 Marseille

Cedex 05, France Mimivirus challenges the definition of viruses


Aix-Marseille Univ., Ecole Centrale de Marseille, I2M UMR 7373, CNRS

During the last 12 years, six new or putative families of

e´ quipe Evolution Biologique et Mode´ lisation, Marseille, France

giant viruses have been discovered through co-culture

isolation, by inoculating environmental and human sam-

Corresponding author: Raoult, Didier ([email protected])


Contributed equally. ples on . Mimivirus was the pioneer of this viral


group [11 ,12 ]. Visibility under a light microscope and

Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:16–24

the Gram positivity of this virus, isolated in 1992 from

This review comes from a themed issue on Virus reclassification cooling tower water, misled researchers into considering it

as a bacterium. It was eventually revealed in 2003 to

Edited by Didier Raoult and Jonatas Abrahao

harbour a 0.5-mm-large icosahedral capsid and a 1.2-

megabase pair (Mbp)-large genome with 1.000

[12 ]. The discovery of Mimivirus led several groups to


search for other giant viruses using co-culture.


1369-5274/ 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Subsequently, isolations of [13], Pandor-

open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

avirus spp. [14,15], sibericum [16], faustoviruses


[17] and sibericum [18] confirmed the fruitful-

ness of this culture strategy. All these viruses were

discovered in Marseille, France, by two different teams.

The concept and definition of viruses during Moreover, the first (a Mimivirus-infecting vi-

the 19th and 20th centuries rus) was also identified in this city. Strikingly, these

For a long time, the concept of ‘virus’ was muddled viruses were isolated through strategies (co-culture on

(Figure 1). The term ‘virus’ initially designated any polyphaga, or Vermamoeba vermiformis for

infectious agent [1 ]. During the 19th century, Pasteur faustoviruses) implemented to grow microbes, and dis-

and Roux considered the rabies agent as a microbe, covered by bacteriologists [19].

although it was invisible under a light microscope [2].

Between 1886 and 1898, the foundations of were These giant amoeba viruses were linked through phylo-

laid, with the discovery of causative agents of tobacco genomics to other double-stranded DNA viruses includ-

mosaic and foot-and-mouth diseases, which were ultra- ing poxviruses, asfarviruses, asco-/irido-viruses, and

filterable and invisible under light microscopy, in contrast phycodnaviruses, which were formerly the largest viral

Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:16–24 www.sciencedirect.com

Virus reclassification Sharma et al. 17

Figure 1

Virus = ‘poison’ = infectious agent

1898 ‘Contagium vivum fluidum’ Viruses of Ultrafilterable, invisible under a light microscope not a microbe

‘Ultraviruses’, ‘inframicrobes’, ’small microbes’


Mycoplasma sp.

Strictly intracellular Viruses Small strictly intracellular : Chlamydia spp. Rickettsia spp.

1913 First cultivation of a virus

1915-17 Viruses of bacteria 1938 First electron micrographs of viruses 1937-1943 Discovery of eclipse phase of the viral replicative cycle

Characterization of ribosomes 1950s 1957 Virus concept : 1959 • potentially pathogenic entities The term ‘capsid is coined • strictly intracellular • have a single type of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) • multiply in the form of their genetic material • are unable to grow and divide • are devoid of a system of enzymes for energy production Microbes

No ribosome, ribosomal protein or RNA 1974 Viruses of archeae Chlamydia spp. Rickettsia spp. 1976 Carsonella rudii Complete viral genome Hodgkinia cicadicola sequencing Mycoplasma spp.

2003 Giant viruses Mimivirus discovery Giruses (Giant) ‘Megavirales’

TRUC 2008 ‘Traditional’ viruses Virophages Virophage discovery

Capsid Encoding Organisms Organisms replicating strictly intracellularly, with an eclipse phase, and devoid of ribosomal material

Current Opinion in Microbiology

Schematic of a brief history of virus naming and definition. The usage and significance of the term ‘virus’ changed over time. The definition of

what a virus is evolved in different steps according to new discoveries and technologies. Giant amoeba viruses share numerous features with

small intracellular microbes and stand apart from ‘traditional’ viruses, whose definition was mainly founded by Lwoff during the 1950s.

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18 Virus reclassification

representatives and were shown in 2001 to share a set of ba viruses. The other breaks may suggest that the diver-

41 core conserved genes and grouped under the name of sity of giant amoeba viruses is greater that currently

nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDV) apprehended.


[12 ,20 ,21 ]. Then maximum-likelihood reconstruc-

tion of the evolution of these viruses mapped a set of Complexity

50 genes on their putative ancestor [22 ]. In 2012, it Giant viruses are more complex than ‘traditional’ viruses

was proposed to classify giant amoeba viruses and in terms of their nucleic acid and protein content. Thus,

NCLDV families in a new viral order, Megavirales, as in contrast with most other viruses, harbour

these viruses have a common origin and virion architec- both DNA and RNA, which includes messenger RNAs

ture and share major biological characteristics, such as and transfer RNAs [23 ,30]. In addition, proteomics

replication within viral factories [23 ]. The term ‘Girus’ identified dozens or hundreds of proteins inside giant

was also coined to designate these megaviruses, to un- virions, some of which are involved in and

derline their intermediate status between small parasitic translation, and a substantial proportion of which are

prokaryotes and standard viruses [24]. Successive isola- hypothetical proteins [14,16–18,30]. These messenger

tions of new Megavirales representatives continued to RNAs and proteins may facilitate the first steps in the

challenge previously established viral hallmark features replicative cycle and make giant viruses far less depen-

and definitions. Simultaneously, the discovery of new dent on their host for replication than other viruses.

giant viruses highlighted their diversity and ubiquity

on earth and, for some, their presence in humans and, Presence of components of translation

consistently, megaviruses related sequences were The discovery of Mimivirus revealed the presence of

detected in environmental and human metagenomes translation factors including a peptide chain release factor

[25,26]. The remarkable features of giant amoeba viruses eRF1, a GTP-binding elongation factor eF-Tu, two

challenged the virus paradigm and fuelled debates on the translation initiation factors, SUI1 and 4E, and four

evolution, origin and the definition of viruses aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, some of which were shown


[12 ,27 ,28 ]. In particular, their repertoire was to be functional and expressed [12 ,31]. Previously, only

greater than those of small bacteria and included homo- a gene encoding a translation elongation factor had been


logs to cellular informational genes [12 ,29 ]. identified in phycodnaviruses [23 ]. In addition, six

transfer RNAs were detected [12 ]. Genes encoding

Why are giant viruses different from translation proteins and tRNA were then identified in

‘traditional’ viruses? the other giant amoeba viruses, with the exception of P.

Giant viruses display unique phenotypic and genotypic sibericum [16]. This is a very specific feature of these

features that differentiate them from ‘traditional’ viruses viruses, previously only observed in some phycodna-

and bring them close to some microbes, as these char- viruses, and some and herpesviruses for

acteristics are considered as the hallmarks of cellular tRNA [12 ]. organisms (Figure 2).


Virion and genome size Several group I and II introns were detected in conserved

Viruses have long been strictly understood as small infec- genes from giant viruses, whereas they are unusual in

tious agents which are not visible under a light micro- viruses [32]. Moreover, some megaviruses were revealed

scope and which can pass through 0.2 mm-pore filters as having been themselves infected by other viruses, as


[28 ]. In contrast, Megavirales virions are 0.2–1.5 mm are bacteria, and eukaryotes [33 ,34]. These

in size, P. sibericum being the largest currently [16,18]. virophages were shown to integrate into the mimivirus

This led Mimivirus and virions to be con- as pro-virophages [35 ]. In addition, transpo-

sidered for a long time as a Gram-positive bacterium and virons, a new class of transposable elements, were dis-

parasitic endosymbionts, respectively [11 ,15,19]. In ad- covered in ; they depend on these giant

dition, megaviruses display giant genomes at the scale of viruses for their replication and spread, and are analogous

virions, from 105 (for an ) to 2474 kilo (k) bp (for to virus-associated present in bacteria and ar-

P. salinus), whose size overlaps that of several cellular chaea [35 ]. Taken together, self-splicing introns, (pro)-

genomes [23 ]. Particularly, giant virions that infect virophages and transpovirons comprise a mobilome in

phagocytic have a diameter 200 nm and gen- mimiviruses. In addition, DNA transposable elements

omes >340 kbp that are predicted to encode for >400 were detected in the P. salinus genome. Furthermore,

proteins. It is notable that, when plotting the size of viral amoeba mimiviruses were recently shown to harbour a

genomes available in the NCBI GenBank database, the defence system, named MIMIVIRE, which enables them

curve comprises breaks around 350, 450, 600 and to fight against infection by their virophages and is similar

1200 kbp (Supplementary Figure S1). The first break to CRISPR-mediated mechanisms of immunity against

at 350 kbp indicates that there is a discontinuity in the viruses deciphered during the past decade in bacteria and

genome size between ‘traditional’ viruses and giant amoe- archaea [36 ].

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Virus reclassification Sharma et al. 19

Figure 2

3- TRANSLATION COMPONENTS Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases Translation factors Transfer RNAs 4- MOBILOME (Pro)virophages 2- COMPLEXITY Transpovirons >100 proteins DNA transposons Messenger RNAs Introns Endonucleases MIMIVIRE

5- MONOPHYLY 1- GIANT SIZE Based on: >200 nm virions Phylogenetic and >340 kilobase pairs phyletic analyses; double-stranded DNA protein fold genomes superfamilies analyses

7- BROAD HOST 6- ARCHAIC ORIGIN SPECTRUM Based on: Amoebozoa, green Phylogenetic and algae, phyletic analyses; chromalveolates, protein fold insects, mammals, superfamilies humans analyses

Current Opinion in Microbiology

Main features specific to giant viruses compared to other viruses. The major differences between giant viruses and other viruses involve virion and

genome sizes, complexity, presence of translation components, existence of a mobilome, monophyly, archaic origin and a broad host spectrum.

Monophyly genes, particularly RNAP subunits 1/2, represent valu-

A major issue of controversy was whether or not these able markers to classify new Megavirales members and

giant viruses comprise a new (i.e. fourth) branch in the uncharacterised microbes [37]. The fourth branch encom-

tree of , alongside Bacteria, Archeaa and Eukarya passing giant viruses was not considered as an additional


[12 ,27 ,29 ,37]. From the onset, at the time of the , as domains were defined by C. Woese based on

Mimivirus analysis, it was put forward that it branched out ribosomal genes that are lacking in giant viruses. In

near the origin of the Eukarya in a phylogeny based on addition to unique features exhibited by giant viruses,

seven conserved proteins [12 ]. This observation was this led to this new branch of life being designated as a

then strengthened by phylogenies of universal informa- fourth TRUC, an acronym for Things Resisting Uncom-

tional genes, including DNA-dependent RNA polymer- pleted Classification [38 ]. The fourth branch of life

ase (RNAP) and DNA polymerase, which showed that hypothesis was criticised and considered artefactual by

Megavirales forms a strong monophylogenetic group apart some teams, on the assumption that it relied on lateral

from Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes [29 ,37]. These gene transfers or convergent evolution [39,40]. It was also

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20 Virus reclassification

contested by E. Koonin and his team, whose interpreta- other teams argue for the existence of a fourth branch

tion of their phylogenomic analyses is that universal of life [42,43]. Thus, Wu et al. found some sequences in

genes were gained by giant viruses from their eukaryotic environmental metagenomes that existed in phylogeny

hosts [41]. The view of J.M. Claverie and his team is more reconstructions between the Bacteria, Archaea, and

tempered and cautious [14,31]. In contrast, data from Eukarya branches, and may come from unknown viruses

Figure 3

“ Me ga vir ale Archaea s”

a ry a k u E

a i r e t c a


BS values 50–70% 70–90% >90%

B a s a l

g r o u p e n r ic h e d

in s e g m e n te d R N A v i ru s e s

Current Opinion in Microbiology

Evolutionary relationships between viruses and cells based on proteomes tree. From [44], with permission. This tree of proteomes describes the

evolution of 368 proteomes that were randomly sampled from cells and viruses and were distinguished by the abundance of 442 protein fold

superfamilies shared between eukaryota, archeae, bacteria and viruses [44]. It shows that megaviruses are, among viruses, those that most

deeply branch with cellular organisms.

Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:16–24 www.sciencedirect.com

Virus reclassification Sharma et al. 21

Figure 4


Bacteria Eukarya


Archaea ssDNA

dsDNA minus-ssRNA





a e

e e d a i a a P r d i P d d i a i i r v i h r r n i i y a v e l v v d l c M a a a o o u M F o l d id o n d r p u u r a a i a l e c a u n l r v r v i m e a c x s s a v i i A i

Myoviridae a t r A r e v i B d o u r B i e e i i h r l v r s u Corticoviridae t i a a le i P i d e s o v id id v r a r i u a s Globuloviridaeip ir i t i v M h r s e L m iv e e id e i a a a im o d d d v a s N u m i i i e s ir ir Ir v ir N v id i u la v a A o r s o v id P d m e sc i a o o a o ri e P ly id e A v d o ir a s ir a iv id fa id e P d ir v a u v e P ir e R o a P o id h rid o xv a ip vi lyd ir e S ti ae n id c id av a Te ir T ir e riv s o id r ge R ga ae Tu a ha vir ph ae bd ida iro irid ov e V ov iri ell e Po da n ida tyv e A vir Pi irid co e cor ae Cir irida nav iniv irid em F ae G laviv ridae irida novi Co e I ae ronav virid iridae Micro Bunya ridae viridae Nanovi Ar e teriviridae Parvovirida ae C Herpesvirid ystoviridae iroidae Partitiv Avsunv iridae dae Picobirnaviridae iviroi Posp uses Qua avir driv mbr e irida U ida Tot e avir iviri arn ae A dae N rid lp ovi haf yp ae A lex H rid lp ivir vi ha ida na ae A tet e or rid lve ra nd vi e rn vir E na a As a ida ir rid tr vir e ab vi e ov id eg a a Ba ir ae M os rid r id tr vi e B na ae y a da e v H n ri e n iri id vi a B y da B o id e vi e m ir e B ta ri li v a o f da u a id e r le e a n ir a B n x C d v d r a iv a o ri e C o v ir p tr i a m ir id e e v id e a o id a H a r a C li R g i e c v a e r v id C a i ir e i o ir a e r v i V d D l m i d v i a e o r a m s r F i s o id y i id a c e u e F i t t a T v r d l i e b i i a e o s e e o e G u v r a H v t r t i i d e I r c i a e s r o m e d L f i o a v r L a e n i a l e a r v o i d a a a v a r i e m i v o u d i S v i d p r T r r d r i i d v i i i v i i r t i t a r o v r e v d i R r m e i d i r i i e v i r e d x o i v v i a t i d a v v o o d a a y i v i e x i i e o r a i r v t y a a f e h i i l e m n d d m i u d e r e m p a o a a a i o x m r d o s r O y e e i a N a v

h e e t N i P e r r P i M d O a e

Current Opinion in Microbiology

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22 Virus reclassification

[42]. In addition, Nasir and Caetano-Anolles showed, enter their host through phagocytosis, and Mimivirus was

based on protein fold superfamilies (FSF), that giant further shown to enter via a phagocytosis-

viruses represent a distinct supergroup alongside Archaea, like mechanism, thus acting like a bacteria


Bacteria and Eukarya [43,44 ]. The same four branch [11 ,13 ,14,16–19,50]. This differs from entry mecha-

topologies as obtained through phylogenies were gener- nisms in ‘traditional’ viruses that involve specific inter-

ated through phyletic analyses of clusters of orthologous actions with cell receptors [50].

groups of proteins (COG) [29 ,45]. In addition, such

COG-based analyses show that megaviruses stand apart

from other viruses (Supplementary Figure S2). Other notable features

Other notable features of giant viruses include the pres-

Archaic origin ence of gene promoters in mimiviruses [51] and the

Phylogenetic and phyletic analyses of informational presence of unique genes among viruses that are involved

genes and the study of FSF indicate that Megavirales in DNA repair, protein folding, synthesis,

members are, in evolutionary terms, very ancient in , lipid or polysaccharide metabolisms and


comparison with other viruses, and even with cells. protein modifications [12 ,13 ,14,16–18]. In addition,

The reconstructed Megavirales common ancestor was histone-like proteins are present in marseilleviruses

suspected to have an early origin, concomitant with [52]. Moreover, substantial proportions of ORFans are

eukaryogenesis [22 ,46]. In addition, Nasir and Cae- detected in the genome of giant viruses, ranging between

tano-Anolles showed, based on protein FSF, that giant 40 and 95% for those infecting amoeba; this suggests that

viruses coexisted with cellular ancestors, and phylogeny giant viral genomes embed a large panel of unknown

based on proteome trees showed that megaviruses are functions [14,16–18,53]. In addition, several phylogenies

among the viruses that most deeply branched with cellu- showed complex evolutionary histories, with genes being

lar organisms (Figure 3) [43,44 ]. In addition, FSF dis- involved in horizontal transfers with other viruses and

tribution among cellular organisms and viruses showed cellular organisms, and Megavirales genomes were de-


that giant viruses overlapped with many cellular organ- scribed as mosaics [12 ,13 ,47]. The considerable level

isms with parasitic and symbiotic lifestyles, such as Myco- of mosaicism in giant amoeba viruses was linked to their

plasma and Proteobacteria. The ten FSF identified as the sympatric lifestyle inside amoebas, where several micro-

most ancient in evolutionary terms (Nasir and Caetano- organisms can multiply and exchange sequences [54].

Anolles, personal data) were detected in megaviruses; in Finally, the replicative cycle of Megavirales representa-

particular, the distribution among cellular organisms and tives mainly occurs in viral factories, which are the site of a

viruses of the three most ancient FSF (namely, P-loop massive production of virions and another particularity of

containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases, Ribonu- these viruses [23 ].

clease H-like and DNA/RNA polymerases) and of anoth-

er ancient FSF, a protein kinase-like, which are all found A different way to classify viruses than using the Linnean

in >98% of megaviruses (Nasir and Caetano-Anolles, dichotomic system [7], replication strategy [55] or phy-

personal data), clearly showed that megaviruses are more logeny [56] and that relies on Adansonian classification,

similar to cells than to other viruses (Figure 4a). which equally weights every feature [57], can be consid-

ered. Analyses by hierarchical clustering based on the

Broad host spectrum presence/absence patterns of 23 phenotypic and genetic

Compared to viruses from other orders or families, mega- features for the 103 described viral families (http://www.

viruses infect a broad range of cellular hosts that belong to ictvonline.org/virustaxonomy.asp) (Figure 4b; Supple-

phylogenetically highly distant groups including inverte- mentary Table S1), showed that giant viruses of phago-

brates, mammals, amoebozoa, green algae, and chromal- cytic protists and phycodnaviruses comprise a separate

veolates [22 ,47,48]. Mimiviruses, marseilleviruses and group, apart from other smaller megaviruses and ‘tradi-

faustoviruses have been isolated or detected from differ- tional’ viruses. Thus, two subgroups can be delineated

ent protists, insects, and mammals, including humans within Megavirales, one consisting of amoebal viruses and

[26,48,49]. In addition, giant viruses that infect amoeba phycodnaviruses.

(Figure 4 Legend) Hierarchical clustering based on (a) the distribution of four protein fold superfamilies (FSF) including the three identified as the

most ancient in evolution (namely, P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases, Ribonuclease H-like, and DNA/RNA polymerases) and

another ancient FSF, protein kinase-like, and (b) the presence (1)/absence (0) patterns of genotypic and phenotypic features for a representative

set of the ‘traditional’ virus families described by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) (http://www.ictvonline.org/

virustaxonomy.asp). Hierarchical clustering was performed using the Pearson correlation method and Mev Software (http://www.tm4.org/) and

representation was built using FigTree (http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/figtree/) and MEGA6 (www.megasoftware.net) softwares. Megavirales

representatives are indicated with a red font. In (a), Megavirales is apart from other viral groups and the closest to groups of cellular organisms,

namely Eukarya, Bacteria and Archeae. In (b), families of giant amoeba viruses are apart from other Megavirales families and families of ‘traditional’


Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016, 31:16–24 www.sciencedirect.com

Virus reclassification Sharma et al. 23

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Vikas Sharma received a grant from the Infectiopole Sud foundation.

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Lescot M, Poirot O, Bertaux L, Bruley C, Coute Y, Rivkina E,

Abergel C, Claverie JM: Thirty-thousand-year-old distant

Appendix A. Supplementary data

relative of giant icosahedral DNA viruses with a pandoravirus

Supplementary data associated with this article can be morphology. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014, 111:4274-4279.

found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.

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References and recommended reading 18. Legendre M, Lartigue A, Bertaux L, Jeudy S, Bartoli J, Lescot M,

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Mollivirus sibericum, a new 30,000-yold giant virus infecting

 of special interest Acanthamoeba. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015, 112:

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