CENTRAL BIOREPOSITORY SPOTLIGHT GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY DIVISION TYPES OF BIOSPECIMENS • Plasma • Serum • Urine In addition to the samples sent to the Central Biorepository, The Gynecologic Oncology the laboratories of Karen McLean, M.D., Ph.D., and other Division within the Department collaborators are also collecting primary tumor cells, ascites, of Obstetrics and Gynecology and immune cells. Furthermore, the McLean lab is establishing primary has an active study in the Central cells in culture, and creating mouse models. Biorepository, a unit of the Investigators interested in pursuing studies utilizing these primary patient tumor UMMS Office of Research that specimens are encouraged to contact Dr. McLean as
[email protected]. facilitates discovery and improves healthcare outcomes by providing Specimens are banked from patients undergoing surgery who ultimately high-quality, highly annotated do not have a cancer diagnosis; these samples serve as negative controls for potential studies. biospecimens donated for basic, translational and clinical research. POPULATION 180+ total participants and counting! Currently enrolling women with The unit receives patient known or suspected ovarian cancer into the Gynecologic Oncology biospecimens as well as Biorepository program at the Rogel Cancer Center. associated data from U-M contributors and collaborators NUMBER OF SAMPLES COLLECTED across a spectrum of medical research. Samples from Michigan 1000 Medicine patients are robustly 969 tracked using LabVantage and 935 800 are securely linked to MiChart data through the Research Data Warehouse. 600 400 TOTAL NUMBER TOTAL 353 200 0 PLASMA SERUM URINE Clinical data also available through secure links to Electronic Health Records (EHR). CENTRAL BIOREPOSITORY HOW TO ACCESS CENTRAL BIOREPOSITORY SPOTLIGHT ACCESS The Central Biorepository enables access to the hundreds of available Biorepository for Understanding Maternal and Pediatric Health from Michigan Medicine patients and offers secure linkage to laboratory and clinical data offered by the Data Office.