Religious and Educational Services of Ulema and Mashaikh in Ahmad Pur East (1750 -2000)


ABDUL HAFEEZ Roll No. 11 Session: 2013-2015 M. Phil History


Dr. Mazher Hussain




ULEMA&MASHAIKH IN (1750-2000) ”

A Thesis Submitted to the Islamia University of in partial fulfillment of the r equirement for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in History


DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY The Islamia University of Bahawalpur March 2015


Table of Contents Sr.No. Page No. Dedication 4 Statement &Declaration 5 Certificate 6 Acknowledgment 7 Abstract 11 Introduction 13 Chapter 1: 25 Religious and Educational History of Ahmedpur East 1.1 Religious History of Ahmedpur East 1.2 Educational History of Ahmedpur East 1.3 Ulema of Ahmedpur East 1.3.1 Molvi Ahmed (1851-1922 A.D.) 1.3.2 Maulana Abdul Hamid (1866-1980 A.D.) 1.3.3 Maulana Abdul HaqMuhaddis (1884 -1972 A.D.) 1.3.4 Mufti Wahid Buksh (1890-1960 A.D.) 1.3.5 Taj Muhammad Khan Durrani (-1966) 1.3.6 Maulana Abdul Rehman (1907-1999 A.D.) 1.3.7 Maulana Muhammad Abdullah (1929-2006 A.D.) 1.3.8 AllamaManzoorAhmeedFaizi (1939-2007 A.D.) Chapter 2: 57 Mashaikh of Ahmedpur East 2.1 Syed Noor Shah Bukhari (1663-1724A.D.) 2.2 HazretAzmet Sultan (1737-1807A.D.) 2.3 Khawaja Gul Muhammad Qureshi Kerkhi (1755-1827A.D) 2.4 Syed Abdullah Shah Bukhari (1772-1859 A.D.) 2.5 MakhdoomAkhirBahawelHaq (1783-1850 A.D.) 9

2.6 Hafiz GhulamHyder Khan (1876-1936 A.D.) 2.7 Khawaja Muhammad Saeed Qureshi (1899-1944 A.D.) 2.8 Maulana Abdul Malik Naqshbandi (1901-1971A.D.) 2.9 Hakeem Bader Chishti (1922- 1986 A.D.) Chapter 3: 78 Religious and Educational Services of Ulema and Mashaikh of Ahmedpur East 3.1 Khawaja Gul Muhammad Qureshi Kerkhi (1755-1827A.D) 3.2 Molvi Muhammad Ahmed (1851-1922 A.D.) 3.3 Maulana Abdul Hamid (1866-1980 A.D.) 3.4 Maulana Abdul HaqMuhaddis (1884 -1972 A.D) 3.5 Mufti Wahid Buksh (1890-1960 A.D.) 3.6 Khawaja Muhammad Saeed Qureshi (1899-1944 A.D.) 3.7 Hakeem Bader Chishti (1922- 1986 A.D.) 3.8 Maulana Muhammad Abdullah (1929-2006 A.D.) 3.9 AllamaManzoorAhmeedFaizi (1939-2007 A.D.) Chapter 4: 96 Review of Literary Services of Ulema and Mashaikh of Ahmedpur East 4.1 Khawaja Gul Muhammad Qureshi Kerkhi (1755-1827A.D) 4.2 Maulana Abdul HaqMuhaddis (1884 -1972 A.D) 4.3 Hakeem Bader Chishti (1922- 1986 A.D.) 4.4 Maulana Muhammad Abdullah (1929-2006 A.D.) 4.5 AllamaManzoorAhmeedFaizi (1939-2007 A.D.) Conclusion 115 Bibliogarphy 118 Appendices 121 Glossry 134



Ahmedpur East is founded by Ahmed Khan Pirjani so related its name with its founder, the great supporter of founders of Bahawalpur Nawab Sadiq

Muhammad Khan I. As it was founded by a true lover and preacher of Islam for the cause of Islam, so it remained the centre of Islam throughout its history. It produced a lot number of saints likeSyed Noor Shah Bukhari Syed Hazrat Azmet

Sultanand Kahwaja Gul Muhammad, Abdullah Shaha Jillani and Makhdoom

Akhir Bahawal Haq. It is the land of well known Ulema like Molvi Muhammad

Ahmed, Maulana Abdul Hameed Sahib , Maulana Abdul Haq, Mufti Wahid

Bukhsh, Maulana Abdullah Khan and Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Faizi. In

Ahmedpur East Mahshiakh of Naqshbandia Chain likes Maulana Saeed Ahmed

Qureshi, Hafia Ghulam Hyder Khan and Maulana Abdul Malik Naqshbandi. Well- known writers and educationist Ulema like Muhammad Abdullah Khan and

Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Faizi were also belonged to Ahmedpur East.

The role of these Ulema remained the role of religious guide, guard of belief of Islam especially oneness of Almighty Allah, and Khatm-e-Nabbuwwat , reformer of society and as founders educational institutions like Maddaris and schools. Their role for the preaching of Islam and its teachings was for the eternal betterment of people and their politics was for the improvement of social life of public.


Religious, educational and political services of these Ulema are the compulsory part of the history of Ahmedpur East. Due to religious services of these Ulema society of Ahmedpur East is on the Islamic path. Being the centre of

Maddaris it is not only the source of Islamic education but also the source of producing Alim , prayer head, prayer caller etc throughout the country. In the field ofpolitics the role of Ulema in Ahmedpur East remained limited only for the welfare and betterment of the people of their locality. In the national politics they always played role only forthe cause of Islam on the plateform of religious parties like JUI, JUP and Jamait Ehl-a-Hdith etc. Conclusion is that Ulema a Ahmedpur

East always remained a beneficent factor of Ahmedpur East society due to their positive role.



Statement of Problem

Ahmedpur East is situated in Hakra valley. Hakra valley name is due to bead of old Hakra River flowing in this region. That river was started from

Shimla, passing through SuratGrah entered into Bahawalpur. After covering three hundred miles distance it reached near Pattan Minara and then merged into Sind.

This valley is 50 miles wide and 300 miles long covering about the present

Bahawalpur whole Division. 1As from the beginning of life, civilizations were associated along the banks of rives and valleys attached to the rivers. So like other reveries valley, Hakra valley was also associated with river Hakra . This valley also possesses the stories of centuries. It also possesses the history from the period of stone up to now. It also has seen rise and fall of cultures and civilizations. This valley also had cities which were established and runed by the hands of time.

When we talk about the ancientness of the city Ahmedpur East then we should keep in our mind that in the past cities were established along the riverside.

By this point of view first clue came from the book “History Today” in which written as:

“Alexander the Great met the people of Sui or Saboi Tribe near the city of

Ahmedpur East of who had worn leather dress holding gurz

(Hammer like) in their hands.” 2

1 Ghazi Ghreeb-Ullah, 12 November (2008 ), “Darya-a-Ghagra”,Multan: Daily Ausaf, p.2 2 Syed Noor Ali ZaminHussaini (1972), Moarfi-a- Saraiky, Ahmedpur East :Mustafa Shah Acadmey, p.37 13

These are the words which gives firsthand information about the ancientness of Ahmedpur East. Alexander came in this region about 326 B.C. 3 It also proves the conclusion of researchers and general theory of city establishment.

There are many places around the Ahmedpur East which proves its presence before or at the time of Alexander the Great. In the North West at 20 kilometer, Alexander established city Askalanda presently known as is present. Just at the few degrees of Uch road slight toward north east another road goes to . Along this road two ancient mounds are present, one at six kilometer known as Munday MehmoodShaheed and second in Kotla known as

“Damri KaTheer ”. 4

According to Daulat Mirat Abbasia, Jawahir Abassia, Sadiq Al-Tawarikh and Subah Sadiq , Ahmed Khan Pirjani, the founder of present city firstly populated the place near present Uch Railway crossing by cutting woods with his fellows and families. This locality was devastated by flood. Then he collected there remaining of material and founded present city in the East of previous at two kilometer distance on a mound in 1758. 5

With respect to structure Ahmedpur East is divided into two parts in which

KLP (Karachi, Peshawer, Lahore) road acts as dividend line. On the Northern side of KLP City is situated and on the Southern side Dera Nawab Sahib Cantonment is

3 Prof. Muhammad Kamil (1994), “Sui Vehar” , Al-Zubair Asara-a- Qadeema Number , Bahawalpur :Urdu Acadmey, p.67 4Moarfi-a- Saraiki , p.142 5Malik Muhammad Din (2000), Gazetteer of Bahawalpur State 1904, Lahore :Sang-e-Meel Publication, p.321 14

situated. When Ahmedpur East became thickly populated then Nawab Muhammad

Bahawel Khan III decided to establish a new site for residential purpose. He selected a place in the South of present city at three miles distance. Here built residential buildings. He also built a mud wall around these buildings. Initially this new place was given the named “Dera Mu-Ala”. With the passage of time new buildings was added in this boundary. Now this part is known as “Mahl-e-

Qadeem” .6Last construction of this chain is Sadiq Garh Palace which was constructed by Sadiq Muhammad Khan IV. Dera Mu-Ala was also known as Dera

Mubarak but last name is Dera Nawab Sahib .

In every land and soil, some personalities of high dignity are found, and due to the personal qualities of these, the region, city and the soil gains fame.

These personalities also made efforts in keeping and saving the appearance of the supreme human values. Although history of Ahmedpur East and the region is many fold ancient than its present existence, but we have been tempted to study the life and achievements of the renowned personalities from 1750 to 2000, who have kept the flag of Ahmedpur East always high due to their capability and God- gifted potential.

There are a lot number of personalities belonging to Ahmedpur East who played vital role in their field. There are as many fields so many personalities but I have suggested only to do research on Ulema (Religious Scholers)and

6 Muhammad AnwerFeroz(1989), Aina-a- Dar Alsaroor Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur :Yousuf, Younus Brothers Publishers, p.125 15

Mashaikh (Spiritual Guide) of Ahmedpur East. Ulema and Mashaikh are considered to be the guardians of religion Islam. They are playing role not only for spreading of Islam but also for the protection of Islamic values. Importance of Ulema can be noted from the holy words of the Holy Prophet (SAW):

“Ulema are the successor of Prophets.” (Saheh Bukhari , Hadith No. 1123)

Among the Mashaikh are HazratAkhirBaha-ud-Din, HazratAzmat Sultan,

Syed Abdullah Shah, YaraPiyaraFaqir, FazlanWaliSarakar, Moten Peer, Abdullah

Khan Afghan, Syed Shamas Shah Sahib , Saeed Ahmed Qureshui, Khalifa Abdul

Malik, Hafiz Buddhan Khan, MaulanaZarif Ahmed, Hakeem Bader Chishtietc

Among the religious scholars are Mufti Wahid Buksh,Syed Abdul Rahim Shah,

MoulnaHifz-Ul-Islam, Maulana Abdul Razzaq, Maulana Mufti Abdul Qadoos,

MaulanaManzoor Ahmed etc.

Objetives of Research

Up to now no research work carried about the Ulema and Mashaikh of

Ahmedpur East. So many questions are present in the mind of people about their biographies of Ulema and Mashaikh . There is thrust of knowledge about these personalities. Common questions are as follows:

Weather they were local or came from other cities?

What were their religious services?

What were their educational services?

How they got their present height of glories?

Miracles especially associated with the saints are how much true?


These and many other such questions are concerned with my research.

Objectives of my research are to answer the above questions and also highlight the hidden aspect of life of Ulema and Mashaikh of Ahmedpur East So that if there is any doubt about the glory of these personalities, it should be make clear.

Research Methodology

The research consists of primary and secondary sources, Primary sources are the speeches and document that are present in different libraries. Books are used as secondary source. In this respect different libraries like Central Library of

IUB, central library Bahawalpur and personal libraries are to be consulted for the purpose of research. As research is about the personalities so families of these personalities would also be interviewed.

For research, Newspaper and Journals would also be taken as Primary source. Old newspaper before would also be consulted in central library

Bahawalpur. For the purpose of research private/personal libraries like Jhendir

Library Mailsi, FazelFarid Library Bahawalnger, and Khatm-e-Nabovet Library

Multan would also be visited which are treasure of knowledge.

Interviews will be conducted face to face, and can be extended to include telephone and today's context video interviews.The types of interviews such as structured or standardized interviews and composing appropriate questions format ' will be used. The interviews will be conducted with intellectuals and and ltrary personalities of Ahmedpur Eastto collect


information about the services of Ulema . Questionnaire is a powerful method when information about people's attitudes and opinion is sought. The format of open- ended questionswill be used to collect the opinions of the people of the area. The study shall rely on the quantitative facts in the data collected because it would help to test hypothesis. Finally, the study will be mainly focused on the services of Ulema of Ahmedpur East.

Significance of Research

The lives of Ulema and Mashaikh and their services for the betterment of society were hidden for long time. The main significance of the research is to elaborate their services and efforts due to which today we belong to aIslamic and civilized society. Significance is that we are the followers of our religious and spiritual personalities. When we studied their lives and efforts, a motivation developed in natural to follow our religious and spiritual leaders. In this way research would act a guide.

Scope and Organizations of Research

With respect to area scope of my research is the city of Ahmedpur Eastand with respect to period duration is from1750 to 2000. Research would organize in five chapters detail is as below.

Title of chapter one is religious and educational history of Ulema of

Ahmedpur East. According to title first of religious and educational history of

Ahmedpur East elaborated. Under that topic religious condition of Ahmedpur East


and religious educational institutions are discussed. Third topic of chapter is introduction of Ulema of Ahmedpur East. .

Chapter second is about the introduction and short biography of

Mashaikh of Ahmedpur East. In the same chapter religious services of those

Mashaikh also discussed.

Chapter third is about the educational services of Ulema and Mashaikh in

Ahmedpur East. In these chapter religious and educational institutions ( Maddaris ) their foundations and their role in the development of character and mind of students are discussed.

Chapter four is about the litrary services of Ulema of Ahmedpur East. In this chapter their litrary work relating to the development of religious values and for the religious guide of people of Ahmedpur East are discussed.

Literature Review

A lot of literary material has been used for this research but review of most important literary material is as under.

“Historical Review of Ahmedpur East” is an unpublished thesis of M.Phil compiled by Muhammad Younus Khan submitted in Islamia University

Bahawalpur. It is an early source of History of Ahmedpur East. It consists on five chapters.

Chapter one is about the history of Ahmedpur East in which antiquity of and its re-establishment during the early period of Abbasid’s arrival in this region.

In the same chapter structure of city is also discussed in which foundations of its


localities ( Mohalla s), markets and graveyards, their name and reasons of these are given.

Chapter second is about the personalities of the cities which played important role for its development and for its good name are discussed. Among these personalities the founder of the city, officials of the state periods, saints,

Ulema are included.

Chapter three is about the culture and civilization of the city. In this chapter historical review of these two aspects are also highlighted. Fauna, flora, population, its features like religion, Language, professions and social traditions like respect of elders, veil, dresses, jewelry are also discussed in the same chapter.

Chapter four is about the historical review of educational and social institutions. In addition to these chapters conclusion of research, bibliography and appendixes are also the parts of this research.

“Zikr-e-Karam” is about the saints and Mashaikh of Bahawalpur State. It is written by Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman Hafeez printed in Meboob Al-Matabai and published in Bahawalpur. It is chapter less and consisted on 179 pages. It included the detail of more than two hundred tombs and short biographies of more than fifty saints of ex-Bahawalpur State. Among these tombs and saints of

Ahmedpur East are also present.

“Vadi a Hakra or Uss kay Assar ” is written by Sadiq Tahir. It is published by Urdu Academy Bahawalpur in 1982 for the first time. The edition under my


review is 2 nd edition published in 1993.It is hard bonded and title page gives impressions of title.

It consists of twelve chapters and 224 pages. First chapter is about the geography of Vadi a Hakra and its historical background. Second chapter is about the river Hakra. In this chapter origin of river Hakra and its different routes in different periods are discussed in the light views of researchers and irrigation experts. In the same chapter different names of Hakra and its relation with other river of region are elaborated.

Third chapter is the main chapter of this book. In this chapter research of archaeologists like Dr.Tusaturi, Dr.Henry Field, Arel Steins researches are discussed. Under these observations localities are mentioned by name along the river bank of Hakra in Bahawalpur side. Excavated sites for research purpose and their results are also given with reference to archeologist. In this chapter potteries of different periods are also discussed.

In the next buried towns like Pattan Minara are highlighted. From chapter five to eight ancient cities, forts, religious places and palaces are elaborated, in this chapter Ahmedpur East along with nearby cites, its fort and palaces like Mehl

Qadeem and Sadiq Garh palace are also highlighted.

Next four chapters from nine to twelve are about miscellaneous articles like ancient weapons, potteries, coins, measuring scales, communications, languages, and documents are discussed in detail one by one.


“Khita Pak Uch ” is written by Masood Hassan Shahab. It is published by

Urdu academy Bahawalpur in 1967 for the first time. The edition under my study is 4 th and published in 2009 by the same publisher. It is hard bonded and on its title page pictureof tomb of Bibi Jiwandi is printed. On its back side a close view of one aspect of same building is present. These pictures represent the title of book.

This book is relating to the history of city and the arrival of saints.

This book is forwarded by Dr. Syed Hasan Bilgrami Rees Al-Jamia of

Jamia Islamia Bahawalpur of that time. On its preface page writer gave the detail of his efforts foe writing this book. It consists of 466 pages and nine chapters. All these chapters are arranged periodically.

In first chapter introduction of Uch Sharif, its ancientness, nomenclature and geography is elaborated. In the 2nd chapter rulers and ruling families of Uch

Sharif are discussed from pre-historic period till to last State period. But the period of Sultanate rulers’ especially Nasir-ud-Din Qabacha is discussed in detail.

In the chapters from three to six founders of different Sufi’s sects, prominent saints of these sects in Uch Sharif are discussed. Then families of these saints along their present progeny are highlighted. Further saints of Uch Sharif which went abroad for preaching are discussed.

In the fifth chapter archeological sites of Uch Sharif are highlighted which is the proof of its ancientness. Manuscript of saints are also highlighted which are written by them. These documents are now in the possession of their families.


Along with these languages spoken in different in Uch Sharif, which are present in the form of manuscripts are also part of this chapter.

In the same different religions, tribes and age fellows towns are also discussed. In the last chapter writers note about Uch Sharif is also present. This note is a lesson full. Then bibliography, lists of name of personalities and cities which are discussed in this book is present. These lists are alphabetically arranged.

“Bahawalpur ki Sarzameen” is written by Syed Zahid Ali Wasti. It is published by Beacon Books Multan in 1992. It is hard binded with a title of Noor

Mehl. IT is forwarded by Prof. Dr Shahid Hassn Rizvi. It consists of three parts and forty two chapters. At the end bibliography is given. It comprises of 616 pages.

Part first is titled as establishment of Bahawalpur and some informations about Cholistan. It comprises of ten chapters from one to ten. Under this title intialy arrival of Abassis and establishment of Bahawalpur State is highlighted.

Then Hakra River is introduced. Later Cholistan, its short history, culture and forts discussed. In the same chapter visitors views and relations of British and

Bahawalpur rulers are discussed.

In the second part is also of multi aspects. It is major part as it consists of seventeen chapters. It highlighted the architecture of Bahawalpur and also compares the early and ancient architecture. On the other few cities like Uch

Sharif and Rahimyar Khan are also discussed. Literary point of view is also elaborated.


For introduction of Ulema and Mashaikh their biographies like Hayyat a

Seed, Tajaliat, Tazkara Maulana Abdullah etc are studied thoroughly. For finding the literary services of Ulema and Mashaikh their published and un-published material was reviewed.

In the news papers different articles also came in the past. These articles were studied. Analyzing all above facts and reasoning, I found that information about the Ulema and Mashaikh of Ahmedpur East were present but in scattered form. So after reviewing these in formations through research I reached certain conclusion. For this purpose there was a need of examining the material through external and internal criticism. After getting informations through different sources and point of views, real picture presented which was the main objective of research.



After the extensive research in this context following informations have been collected and it is concluded that the role of Ulema a Ahmedpur East played basic role in the development in the consciousness of public of locality.

The Ulema played a vital role in organizing the society in Ahmedpur East.

After the arrival of Ahmed Kahn Pirjani the Muslim Society was established.

These scholars of Islam played a decisive role in making Ahmedpur Eastthe center of Islamic culture and civilization. Syed Noor Shaha Bukhari Syed Hazrat Azmet

Sultanand Kahwaja Gul Muhammad, Abdullah Shaha Jilani, Makhdoom Akhir

Bahawal Haq, Molvi Muhammad Ahmed, Maulana Abdul Hameed Sahib ,

Maulana Abdul Haq, Mufti Wahid Bukah, Maulana Abdullah Khan, and Maulana

Manzoor Ahmed Faizi, Mashaikh Naqshbandia Chain likes Maulana Saeed

Ahmed Qureshi, Hafiz Ghulam Hyder Khan and Maulana Abul Malik Naqshbandi rendering the Islamic services, became very famous in this regard.

Syed Noor Shah Bukari, initiating preaching of Islam, played a crucial part in stabilizing Muslim society in Ahmedpur East. Maualna Abdul Haq stressed upon the teaching of Hadiths. He was the expert of knowledge of Hadiths and his famous work remained as an authority on knowledge of Hadiths for a long time.

The history-maker of chain of Chistia was kahwaja Gul Muhamma Kerkhi who was born in 1755 and died in 1823. His book are also a source of great knowledge about the history of South Punjab especially Multan. 115

Maulana Muhammad Abdullah Khan was the greatest literary personality, who wrote many Islamic books relating Quran and Hadith and mysticism. The academic works were performed by Maulana Saedd Ahmed Qureshi, Maulana

Abdul Malik, Hafiz Ghulam Hayder Khan etc. Efforts of Maulana Abdul Rehman and Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Faizi for the cause of Khatm-e-Nabbuwwat are also part of great importance. All kind of services like educational, religious and political that they performed by the Ulema of Ahmedpur East for the spiritual and educational and social welfare of people of locality.

The result of educational services of Ulema a Ahmad Pur East can be seen in the form of Maddaris present in city and in vicinity. Madrassa Arbia Dar Al-

Aloom Mohammdia Fazia, Madrassah Aysha Sadiqa Lilbanat, Madrassah

Hamadia,Madrassah Mufti Wahid Buksh, Madrasah and Madrassah Khawaja

Gul Muhammad. These Maddaris produced the Ulema of national and international level.

With respect to political role of Ulema a Ahmedpur East, it always remained positive and only for the welfare of society and people not for personal benefit. The Ulema of Ahmedpur East remained always active for the cause of dignity of Islam, Almighty Allah and for Khat-e-Nabbuwwat. Maulana Abdul

Rahman and Maulana Abdul Khan played their role for the cause of dignity and honor of Holy Prophet (SAW) at international level. They not only created real


sense of Islam and conspiracies against Islam but they also defeated the enemy of

Islam at every level.

The main feature of Ulema of Ahmedpur East is that they always tried to create inter-sect harmony among the public. If due to some conspiracies attempted had been made to create sectarian conflict among the people but Ulema failed those conspiracies by their mutual consolation. For these reason Ahmedpur East is a city of peaceful society.