28 P O ltor 42-090 WaimLiomata Phone (04)564-8578 lar(04)564-U578 Email: chess
[email protected] rz New Zealand Stockists of the rvidest selection o1'rnoclcrn chess litcrature ur Australasia Chcss sets, boards. clocks, stationery and all pla_,-ing equipment Distributors olall lcading brands of chess computers and software. Send S A E lbr trochurc and catalogr-rc (state your interest) Chess PLASTICT CF{ESSMI:IN 'SIALINT()N' ST}'I-TI - CLTIB/TOTJRNAMENI' S'IANDAR]) 90mrn King, solid. erlra weighted. wide felt basc (ivory & black matt l-mrsh) $ 28 00 ()lliuial nragazine ol'thc New Zealantl Clhess Federation (Inc) 95nun King, solid, wcighted, 1Llt base (black & x.,ldte scni-gloss hiish) $ 18 50 98mm King solid, rvcighted, felt base (black & white malt firush) $ 24 50 l)lastic conlaincr uith clip tight lid for abovc sets $ 8 (X) FOLDING C}IESSBOARDS - CLIIB/TOI]RNAMENT STANDARD Yol 27 Nurnbcr.[ August 2001 480 x 480mm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $ 600 450 x 450 mm thick vinyl (dark brown and offwhite) $ 19 -t0 VIN YL C} II]J S S I]OARDS - C I,TIB/IOT] IINAMEN' I' S'I'AM)A Ii ] ) -b0 x 470 nlur roll-up rnat t1,pe, algcbraic syn'rbols at borders to assisl rrove recoglitiorr (green and u'hite) $ lt -50 440 x 440rnm solt vinll roll-up rnat t1pe, algcbraic symbols a[ borders to Assist nrove recognition (dark brou,l and otl-u,hite) $ t2 0() 440 r .140mni scnri-tlex and non-[olding, algclrraiu symbols as above (darh brurvn and o11'-r,r,hite) $ 12 00 cFlltss MovE I]MIiI{S (CLOCt<S) 'Tunricr' (ieman-trade popular rvind-np clLrh clock, brorm.