Words to Know

Allergen: a naturally occurring protein (CCP): a HACCP System: a scientific system that in a food or ingredient that some people are point, step or procedure at which controls can identifies specific hazards and measures for sensitive to be applied and a food safety hazard can be their control to ensure the safety of food prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable Allergic Reaction: when enough of an (critical) levels Immune System: the body’s defense allergen is consumed by an allergen sensitive against infectious organisms and other person, the immune system mistakenly Date Markings: A labeling standard for invaders. Through a series of steps called the considers it harmful and attacks the food food that is stored for longer than a 24 hour immune response, the immune system attacks protein, causing a reaction period. Date marking must indicate when the organisms and substances that invade body food must be sold, eaten or thrown out systems and cause disease Bacteria: single-celled, living microorganisms that can spoil food and cause FAT TOM: a mnemonic device used in the NSF: an independent, internationally food service industry to describe the six favorable recognized, non-profit organization that conditions required for the growth of foodborne certifies equipment and ensures Blast Chill: equipment that blasts cold air pathogens. FAT TOM stands for: Food, acidity, it is designed and constructed in a way that across food at high speeds to remove heat, time, temperature, oxygen, moisture promotes food safety typically used to cool large amounts of food FDA: the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Occupational Safety and Health Centers for Disease Control and responsible for protecting and promoting public Administration (OSHA): a branch of Prevention (CDC): a federal agency health through the regulation and supervision the U.S. department of Labor responsible for that conducts and supports health promotion, of food safety, along with other entities of establishing and enforcing safety and health prevention and preparedness activities in the public health standards in the workplace United States with the goal of improving overall public health Flow of Food: the path that food travels TCS Food: food that requires time/ through a foodservice establishment, typically temperature control for safety to limit pathogen Contamination: the presence of harmful starting with purchasing/receiving and ending growth or toxin formation substances in food. Contaminants fall into the with cleaning/disposal following categories: Temperature Danger Zone: the Food Safety and Inspection range in which pathogenic bacteria can multiply Biological: viruses, parasites, fungi Service (FSIS): the public health rapidly in a food and possibly cause foodborne and bacteria that threaten the safety of agency in the U.S. Department of Agriculture disease (40°F to 135°F) food. Biological contaminants are the responsible for ensuring that the nation’s greatest threat to food safety commercial supply of meat, poultry and egg Time-Temperature Abuse: any time products is safe, wholesome, and correctly TCS food is in the temperature danger zone Chemical: cleaners, sanitizers and labeled and packaged (40°F to 135°F) polishes that enter food and make it unsafe HACCP: a tool to assess hazards and Virus: the smallest microbial food Physical: foreign object such as metal establish control systems that focus on contaminant, which can be transfered from shavings, staples and bandages that enter prevention rather than relying mainly on end- person to person, person to food or person to food and make it unsafe product testing food-contact surface

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