5.2 Vernacular Names (International and Local)

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5.2 Vernacular Names (International and Local) click for previous page - 255 - INDEX 5.2 Vernacular Names (international and local) NAME CODE PAGE NAME CODE PAGE A B Abitan 106 Baek ha 63,65 Acamaya 85,87 Baga tara ichha 33 88 Bagda chingri 50 Adonis shrimp PEN Para 15 34 Bagtara chingri 33 Aesop prawn 141 Bail shrimp 151 Aesop shrimp PANDL Pandal 7 141 Bait shrimp 40 Aesop shrimp 141 Baltic prawn PALAEM Palaem 2 108 African caridina ATY Cari 1 72 Bamboo node prawn 51 African mud shrimp SOLENO Soleno 2 4 Banana prawn PEN Pen 14 43 African river prawn PALAEM Macro 49 106 Banana prawn 43 African spider shrimp NEMAT Nemat 1 68 Banded shrimp 46 Agar river prawn PALAEM Macro 23 95 Bangbo 40 Aka ebi 14,110 Bargouth bharr 59,149 Aki ami 65 Bar-penon 36 Ainehu 87 Basket shrimp ATY Aty 2 69 Aipimata 97 Bay prawn 20 Akae 96 Bay shrimp CRANG Crang 7 151 Akashima mo ebi 130 Bay shrimp 150,151 Akiami paste shrimp SERG Ac 7 65 Bengal caridina ATY Aty Cari 7 75 Alamang 64,65 Benisuji ebi 139 66 Bering shrimp CRANG Sclero 1 153 Alamang shrimp SERG Ac 9 66 Bharo chingri 103 Alaska shrimp CRANG Crang 3 148 Bigclaw snapping shrimp ALPH Alph 7 121 Alaska shrimp 148 Big-clawed snapping 121 Allmän räka 108 shrimp Almindelige reje 108 Bigisara-sara 57 Aloha prawn PEN Pen 23 49 Bird shrimp PEN Metap 17 26 Amazon river prawn PALAEM Macro 3 86 Birma river prawn PALAEM Macro 6 88 Ammiru biancu 36 Blacktailed shrimp CRANG Crang 6 150 Ammiru cani 8,l0 Black-tailed shrimp 150 Ammiru cani di terra 59 Black tiger prawn 50 Ammiru turcu 8 Blomsterreke 141 Apta 70 Blue and red shrimp ARIST Arist 1 10 Arabian red shrimp ARIST Arist 2 9 Blue-legged king prawn 48 Arafura shrimp PEN Para 2 29 Blue shrimp PEN Pen 17 45 Aramang 108 Blue shrimp 44,45 Aratanha 101 Blue-tailed shrimp 45 Argentine red shrimp SOLENO Pleot 2 3 Blue tiger prawn 50 Argentine stiletto shrimp PEN Art 1 12 Bolu 30 Aristit 10 Bombay prawn PALAEM Lep 2 85 Ariston adom 8 Bomingomô 69,71 Armed nylon shrimp PANDL Heter 2 134 Botalón 58 Armed snapping shrimp ALPH Alph 8 121 Botan ebi 140,142 Arrow shrimp PANDL Plesion 3 146 Botan shrimp PANDL Pandal 8 142 Ashiboso teppo ebi 120 Bouc 70,149 Ashinaga mo ebi modoki 126 Bouc caprice HIPPOL Hept 2 126 Asisi 30 Bouc chasseur HIPPOL Exhip 2 125 Atlantic ditch shrimp PALAEM Palaemo 5 117 Bouc compagnon HIPPOL Exhip 3 125 Atlantic mud shrimp SOLENO Soleno 1 7 Bouc courbe HIPPOL Hept 3 127 Atlantic seabob PEN Xiphop 1 57 Bouc épineux HIPPOL Spir 1 130 Australian paste shrimp SERG AC 2 63 Bouc groenland HIPPOL EuaI 2 124 Australian rose shrimp PEN Parap 2 35 Bouc iso HIPPOL Eual 3 124 Aviu shrimp SERG AC 1 63 Bouc méduse HIPPOL Latr 2 128 Bouc monégasse HIPPOL Lys 2 129 Bouc nez émoussé HIPPOL Latr 4 128 Bouc nez lamelleux HIPPOL Latr 3 128 Bouc oso HIPPOL Latr 1 127 Bouc perroquet HIPPOL Spir 2 130 - 256 - INDEX NAME CODE PAGE NAME CODE PAGE Bouc rayé indien HIPPOL Lys 3 130 Bouquet malais PALAEM Macro 30 98 Bouc suno HIPPOL Hept 4 127 Bouquet malgache PALAEM Macro 31 98 Bouc tiépines HIPPOL Hept 1 126 Bouquet mamtom PALAEM Exo 3 82 Bouc yamato HIPPOL Eual 1 124 Bouquet manchon PALAEM Macro 40 102 Boucot balafré SICYON Sicyon 3 60 Bouquet mangrove PALAEM Palaem 3 109 Boucot chevalier SICYON Sicyon 6 61 Bouquet meule PALAEM Macro 34 99 Boucot du Pacifique SICYON Sicyon 5 61 Bouquet migrateur PALAEM Palaem 7 111 Boucot méditeranéen SICYON Sicyon 2 59 Bouquet mississippi PALAEM Palaemo 1 115 Boucot nain SICYON Sicyon 4 60 Bouquet montagne PALAEM Macro 29 97 Boucot ocellé SICYON Sicyon 7 61 Bouquet mousson PALAEM Macro 33 99 Boucot ovetgernadee SICYON Sicyon 1 59 Bouquet néocalédonien PALAEM Macro 7 88 Bo1ucot roitelet SICYON Sicyon 8 62 Bouquet nippon PALAEM Macro 36 100 Bouquet 114 Bouquet nouméa PALAEM Macro 2 86 Bouquet africain PALAEM Macro 49 106 Bouquet ohio PALAEM Macro 37 101 Bouquet agar PALAEM Macro 23 95 Bouquet orana PALAEM Macro 18 93 Bouquet amazone PALAEM Macro 3 86 Bouquet oriental PALAEM Exo 5 83 Bouquet araignée PALAEM Nemat 3 108 Bouquet oriental des PALAEM Palaemo 2 116 Bouquet atlantique des PALAEM Palaemo 5 117 herbiers canaux Bouquet patsa PALAEM Macro 39 102 Bouquet balte PALAEM Palaem 2 108 Bouquet philippin PALAEM Macro 25 95 Bouquet barbegris PALAEM Macro 15 91 Bouquet pintade PALAEM Macro 8 88 Bouquet birman PALAEM Macro 6 88 Bouquet posidonie PALAEM Palaem 15 115 Bouquet bombay PALAEM Lep 2 85 Bouquet potitinga PALAEM Palaem 12 113 Bouquet brasolargue PALAEM Macro 46 105 Bouquet quille PALAEM Exo 2 82 Bouquet buchura PALAEM Macro 38 101 Bouquet rayé PALAEM Macro 20 93 Bouquet cannèlle PALAEM Macro 1 85 Bouquet rizière PALAEM Macro 26 96 Bouquet cascade PALAEM Macro 17 92 Bouquet rosna PALAEM Exo 6 84 Bouquet cauque PALAEM Macro 4 87 Bouquet saumâtre PALAEM Macro 32 99 Bouquet chagrin PALAEM Macro 12 90 Bouquet saveur PALAEM Macro 13 91 Bouquet changallo PALAEM Cry 1 81 Bouquet sibérien PALAEM Exo 4 83 Bouquet charpentier PALAEM Palaem 14 115 Bouquet singe PALAEM Macro 27 96 Bouquet chinois des canaux PALAEM Palaem 5 110 Bouquet tipattes PALAEM Macro 35 100 Bouquet chinois des PALAEM Palaemo 3 116 Bouquet tonkinois PALAEM Palaemo 4 117 herbiers Bouquet velu PALAEM Macro 43 104 Bouquet cipango PALAEM Exo 1 82 Bouquet volta PALAEM Macro 41 102’ Bouquet cisseaux PALAEM Macro 28 97 Bouquet zaire PALAEM Palaem 8 112 Bouquet (commun) PALAEM Palaem 1 114 Bouquet zélateur PALAEM Palaem 11 113 Bouquet congolais P8ALAEM Macro 11 90 Bouquet zélateur caraibe PALAEM Palaem 9 112 Bouquet covac PALAEM Nemat 1 107 Brackish river prawn PALAEM Macro 32 99 Bouquet de lac PALAEM Palaem 13 113 Bristle snapping shrimp ALPH Alph 10 122 Bouquet delta PALAEM Palaem 6 111 Broad velvet shrimp PEN Meta 10 17 Bouquet des marais PALAEM Palaemo 6 118 Brownie 38 Bouquet dimua PALAEM Macro 48 106 Brown prawn 2 Bouquet du bas Gange PALAEM Lep 1 84 Brown rough prawn 54 Bouquet du haut Gange PALAEM Macro 9 89 Brown rough shrimp PEN Trachyp 7 54 Bouquet étier PALAEM Nemat 2 107 Brown shrimp 38,41 Bouquet flaque PALAEM Palaem 4 110 149 Bouquat forestier PALAEM Macro 47 106 Brown-spotted shrimp 40 Bouquet géant PALAEM Macro 42 103 Brown tiger prawn PEN Pen 25 49 Bouquet gladiateur PALAEM Palaem 10 112 Brown tiger prawn 49 Bouquet goda PALAEM Macro 44 104 Bubok 64,66 Bouquet grue PALAEM Macro 14 91 Buchura 101 Bouquet hâve PALAEM Macro 19 93 Buchura river prawn PALAEM Macro 38 101 Bouquet hawaïen PALAEM Macro 16 92 Bouquet kaira PALAEM Macro 10 89 Bouquet koua PALAEM Macro 5 87 Bouquet krakatoa PALAEM Macro 45 105 Bouquet kuncho PALAEM Macro 24 95 Bouquet jaro PALAEM Macro 21 94 Bouquet javanais PALAEM Macro 22 94 - 257 - INDEX NAME CODE PAGE NAME CODE PAGE Camarónl araña PALAEM Nemat 3 108 C Camarón araña africano NEMAT Nemat 1 68 Cabeçudo 41 Camarón arco iris PEN Para 11 32 Cabra 149 Camarón armado ALPH Alph 8 121 Cacador 70 Camarón australiano ALPH Alph 11 122 Café brown shrimp 39 Camarón aviu SERG Ac 1 63 Cali karidesi 149 Camarón azul PEN Pen 17 45 California prawn 139 Camarón azul 45 California shrimp CRANG Crang 5 150 Camarón báltico PALAEM Palaem 2 108 California shrimp 150 Camarón banana PEN Pen 14 43 Camacuto 70 Camarón barbagris PALAEM Macro 15 91 Camacuto shrimp ATY Aty 4 70 Camarón birmano PALAEM Macro 6 88 Camarão 47,114 Camarón blanco 44,45 Camarão aratanha 101 46,57 Camarão barba branca 12 Camarón blanco de la India PEN Pen 13 42 Camarão barbado 3 Camarón blanco del PEN Pen 16 44 Camarão branco 41,44 Pacifico 53,149 Camarón blanco norteño PEN Pen 7 47 Camarão caboclo 44 Camarón blanco sureño PEN Pen 6 44 Camarão canela 85 Camarón botán PANDL Pandal 8 142 Camarão chifrudo 57 Camarón botalón PEN Xiphop 2 58 Camarão da costa 36,59 Camarón brazolargo PALAEM Macro 46 105 Camarão da piedra 60,62 Camarón brazo largo 85 70 Camarón brujo PEN Pen 20 47 Camarão de Argentina 12 Camarón buchura PALAEM Macro 38 101 Camarão de rio 88 Camarón café 38,39 Camarão de Santana 3 41,46 Camarão do rio 85 Camarón café norteño PEN Pen 2 38 Camarão espinho 125 Camarón café sureño PEN Pen 8 41 Camarão ferrinho 12,53 Camarón camacuto ATY Aty 4 70 Camarão ferro 3 Camarón canela PALAEM Macro 1 85 Camarão legítimo 44 Camarón canguro PASI Gly 1 77 Camarão lixo 38,41 Camarón capricho HIPPOL Hept 2 126 44 Camarón carabali PEN Trachyp 4 52 Camarão mouro 149 Camarón carbonero 40 Camarão muido 60 Camarón cameo ALFH Alph 5 120 Camarão ovado 125 Camarón carnoso PEN Pen 12 41 Camarão pitu 88 Camarón carpintero PALAEM Palaem 14 115 Camarão rosa 38,40 Camarón casquiazul 44 41 Camarón catalán PANDL Plesion 5 144 Camarão serrinha 12 Camarón cauque PALAEM Macro 4 87 Camarão sete barbas 57 Camarón cazador HIPPOL Exhip 2 125 Camarão sossêgo 86,95 Camarón cebador PALAEM Palaem 9 112 Camarão verdadeiro 44 Camarón cebra PEN Trachyp 11 56 Camarão vermelho 3,41 Camarón celador indio PALAEM Palaem 11 113 12.5 Camarón cenceño PALAEM Macro 19 93 Camarão vila franca 44 Camarón cepillo ALPH Alph 10 122 Camarón 12,41,45 Camarón cestillo ATY Aty 2 69 87,93,102 Camarón changallo PALAEM Cry 1 81 114,144 Camarón chasqueador ALPH Alph 9 121 Camarón acaramelado 40 Camarón chato ALPH Alph 1 118 Camarón adonis PEN Para 15 34 Camarón chino de acequia PALAEM Palaem 5 110 Camarón africano PALAEM Macro 49 106 Camarón chupaflor SOLENO Soleno 3 5 Camarón agareño PALAEM Macro 23 95 Camarón cigueña PEN Metap 23 29 Camarón aguileño PEN Para 1 29 Camarón cintura PEN Metap 14 25 Camarón aguja PEN Pe 1 37 Camarón cipango PALAEM Exo 1 82 Camarón aloha PEN Pen 23 49 Camarón cocinero 40 Camarón amarillo PEN Metap 4 21 Camarón compañero HIPPOL Exhip 3 125 Camarón amazónico PALAEM Macro 3 86 Camarón común PALAEM Palaem 1 114 Camarón arafura PEN Para 2 29 Camarón congoleño PALAEM
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