How wasJesus generous toward sinners? • Whatcouldyou share orgive awaytohelpothers? • When hassomeoneelseshown generosity toward your• family? FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS H • How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory • Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory • Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory • teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory • teachmeaboutGod What doesthisstory do they help me trust andlovedo theyhelpmetrust God? How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory or thegospel? ow didyou feel?

FOLD riches andhave life. forgiveness andeternal with thoseinneedbecauseJesus generously gave all He hadsowe can share inHis generous, buttheywere greedy. The Holy Spirit towantshare changesourhearts about thesethings. inthechurchon everyone andallwhoheard Sapphira felldeadtoo. Great fearcame got fortheland?” asked her, “Is thisallthemoneyyou Sapphira cametotheapostles.Peter fear. heard aboutthiswasfilledwith and wasburied.Everyone who heard this,hefelldown, died, Holy Spirit?” When Ananias are you lyingtothe him, “Why money totheapostles,Peter asked kept someofitforthemselves. the moneytoapostles,butthey some landandpretended togive allof Ananias andhiswife,Sapphira, sold used themoneytohelppeopleinneed. the moneytoapostles. The apostles had whatheneeded. more thanheneeded,gladlygave itawaysoeveryone . theyhad.IfThey shared someonehad everything Christ Connection:Ananias andSapphira wantedtolook “Yes,” shesaid.“That’s allofit.” Then About three hourslater, When Ananiasbrought the One man,, soldafieldandgave The earlychurch wasgrowing. Alargegroup ofbelievers mettogetherin STORY POINT: ANANIAS ANDSAPPHIRA LIEDABOUT THEIRGIFT Memor an d Ananias andSapphira

y Ver eve r y one se: "S

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emb TO THECHURCH. w e, –5

being ers on many e ofa nother."Romans 12:5 , areo ne body in Christ, 13 Ananias Again Find and circle the two pictures of Ananias that are the same.

Coin Code | Use the code to discover the words missing from the Christ connection.

Unit 29, Session 1: 14 • How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory • Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory dothey • Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory • teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory • teachmeaboutGod or What doesthisstory Do you ever feelafraidorembarrassed totalkaboutJesus? • • Whatblessingsdowe toasfollowers lookforward ofJesus? • FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS help me trust andlovehelp metrust God? How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory the gospel? Why orwhynot? faith? How didyou react orhow wouldyou react? Have you ever facedsuffering orpersecutionbecauseofyour

FOLD us inheaven. this lifebecauseJesus suffered first.He diedandthenrose again,andHe iswaitingfor alsosaidthatthosewho suffer forHim would beblessed. We canfacesufferingin followers oreven killed—forloving that theywouldbepersecuted—hated,hurt, Him. hold thissinagainstthem!”Afterthis,Stephen died. Jesus, receive myspirit!” Then hesaid,“Lord, do not throwing stonesathim.Stephen calledout,“Lord They threw himoutofthecityandbegan of God. Jesus standingthere attherighthand He lookeduptoheaven andsaw was filledwiththeHoly Spirit. Jewish Stephen leaderssoangry! murdered Him! leaders hadrejected Jesus and Old Testament, theseJewish and killedtheprophets inthe just liketheirancestorsrejected Messiah God hadpromised! But to explainthatJesus wasthe and David andSolomon. plan. God worked through Joshua and Moses. God wasworking outa Isaac. He reminded themaboutJoseph made promises toAbraham andhisson reminded aboutAbraham. thecourt God had dragged Stephen totheJewish andtoldmore court lies. Stephen; theysaidhehadspokenagainstGod. The people Stephen. The Holy Spirit helpedStephen speakwithwisdom. The Jews liedabout STORY POINT: STEPHEN PREACHED ABOUT JESUS NOMATTER WHAT. Christ Connection:Stephen was killedbecausehewasaChristian.Jesus toldHis The Jewish atStephen. leadersrushed Stephen’s words madethe Stephen toldthemthesestories Stephen begantopreach aboutJesus. He Stephen wasoneofJesus’ followers. One day, some Jews begantoarguewith Memor an d

y Ver eve tpe’ Sermon Stephen’s r y one se: "S

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emb w e, Acts 6–7

being ers on many e ofa nother."Romans 12:5 , areo ne body in Christ, 15 Stephen Quiz Circle the correct answer for each statement or question.

Stephen was one of ______men chosen to serve in the church. (Acts 6:3)

7 10 12 40

The Holy Spirit helped Stephen speak with ______. (Acts 6:10)

anger wisdom gentleness lies

What is blasphemy? (Acts 6:11)

keeping silent in court preaching about Jesus studying the speaking against God

Stephen’s face looked like the face of an ______. (Acts 6:15)

donkey angel demon judge Stephen accused the Jewish leaders of ______Jesus. (:52) worshiping murdering obeying loving

Whom did Stephen see standing at the right hand of God? (Acts 7:56)

Joseph Moses the Son of Man John the Baptist

What did Stephen ask God to do to his enemies? (Acts 7:60)

forgive them kill them Historical Figures punish them ignore them Match each person with the correct description.

Unit 29, Session 2: Stephen’s Sermon 16 How isJesus betterthanAdam? • • Are you ashamedorembarrasedtotellothersaboutJesus? • FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS (See Romans 6:1-2.) If we are saved, isitOKtokeepsinning? Why? Why orwhynot? • How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory • Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory • Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory • teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory • teachmeaboutGod What doesthisstory do they help me trust andlovedo theyhelpmetrust God? How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory or thegospel?

FOLD deserve. Everyonedeserve. inJesus whotrusts willbesaved. The goodnewsofthegospelisthat God sent His Son,Jesus, totakethepunishment we Everyonecharge ofeverything. sins, ordisobeysGod. Our sinseparates usfrom God. obeyed Him perfectly. life. Adam disobeyed God, butJesus Adam brought death,butJesus brings sinned, deathcameintotheworld. the firstman,Adam. When Adam God. Jesus isGod’s goodgifttous. rose againtomakeusrightwith Son todieforus.Jesus diedand His love forusby sendingHis eternal life. forgives theirsinsandgives them Jesus. Because oftheirfaith,God believe about thegoodnews rescued. God saves peoplewho been waitingfor. them thatJesus wastheSavior theyhad wrote alettertobelievers inRome totell the third day, God raisedJesus from thedead! cannot live todie.On anddiedthedeath we deserve Jesus, torescue toearth sinners.Jesus lifewe lived theperfect about Jesus. God hadkeptHis promise tosendaSavior. He sent His own Son, STORY POINT: GOD SENTJESUS INTO THEWORLD TO RESCUE SINNERS. Christ Connection:Because God created He everything, isin Jesus setsusfree from sinsowe canlive ina Paul reminded thepeopleabout Paul wrote thatGod showed Everyone sinsandneedstobe Paul changeseverything. This goodnews Jesus’ followers intheearlychurch tohearthegoodnews wantedeveryone Memor an d

y Ver eve r y one se: The GoodNews "S

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emb w Romans 5–6 e,

being ers on many e ofa nother."Romans 12:5 , areo ne body in Christ, 17 What Is the Gospel? Cross out the words that fit the descriptions. Then write out the remaining words in order to answer the question.

… have more than 7 letters.

… are books of the Bible.

… are numbers.

… end with the letters –ing

… are the names of countries

Death in Adam, Life in Christ Draw arrows to show if each statement from Romans 5:12-21 applies to Adam or to Jesus.

Sin came into the world through this man.

He was like the One who was coming.

Death ruled all people because of his sin.

He sinned and was judged guilty.

He is a gift of grace from God.

People have true life through this man.

His obedience makes people right with God.

We have life forever through Him.

Unit 29, Session 3: The Good News 18 Cangoodworks save you? Why orwhy not? • • Whyare toshow goodworks important ourfaith? • FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS not obeyGod? What doesitmeanifaperson saysheorshehasfaithbutdoes • How helpmetolive onmissionbetter? doesthisstory • Are toremember? there How anypromises inthisstory • Are toobey? there anycommandsinthisstory • teachmeaboutmyself? What doesthisstory • teachmeaboutGod What doesthisstory do they help me trust andlovedo theyhelpmetrust God? How are theyforGod’s andmygood? glory or thegospel?

FOLD who trust Jesuswho trust canshow thatthey really believe inHim. sin andfrees ustolive alifethathonorsGod. By doing whatisgoodandright,people (John 14:23).James reminded believers tobedoersoftheword. Jesus rescues usfrom good andright;He faithin Jesus. acceptspeoplewhohave true Jericho. God doesnotacceptpeoplebecausetheydowhatis showed herfaithby riskingherlifetohidethespiesin God andgotready tosacrificehissonIsaac. Rahab Abraham showed hisfaithwhenheobeyed faithisprovenbut true by goodworks. without works isuseless. James saidthatinthesameway, faith clothes orfood,whatgoodisit?” be well fed,’ butyou don’t give him him, ‘Go inpeace,staywarm,and andyou sayto cold andhungry is goodandright?If someone is has faithbutdoesnotdowhat good isitifsomeonesayshe and do. James alsowrote, “What widows. do thisisby helpingorphansand their faithwithactions.One wayto God ishonored whenbelievers show love God willshow care topeopletoo. Word willbeblessed. ourselves. Anyone whohearsanddoesthe yourselves.” God’s Word shows about usthetruth word. If you heartheword butdon’t doit,you fool We have todo whatGod says.James wrote, “Be doersofthe should live. James explainedthattalkingaboutGod andthechurch isnotenough. STORY POINT: JAMES SAID THAT FAITH WITHOUT WORKS ISUSELESS. Christ Connection:Jesus said,“If anyone loves me,hewillkeepmyword” Anyone cansaythathehasfaith, We show love inwhatwe say James explainedthatpeoplewhoreally James wrote alettertotheJewish believers. He toldthem thewaybelievers Memor an d

y Ver eve r Doers of theWord y one se: "S

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emb w James 1–2 e,

being ers on many e ofa nother."Romans 12:5 , areo ne body in Christ, 19 God’s Word Crossword How well do you know the Bible? Use the clues to complete the puzzle.

1. second book of the Major Prophets 2. last book of the Old Testament 3. last book of the 4. book that tells of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt 6. first book of the New Testament 5. first book of the Bible 8. longest book in the Bible 7. book written by Luke about the Holy Spirit and early church 9. book written by King Solomon about purpose in life

Picture Puzzles Solve the puzzles to figure out the missing words.

Unit 29, Session 4: Doers of the Word 20