Client Statement of Consent • I am a legal adult and have voluntarily requested services from Amber Currie, CCH RSHom C.H.P., and Rocky Mountain , LLC, for my myself or my child(ren)/ward(s). Rocky Mountain Homeopathy LLC is located at 1762 Hoffman Dr. Loveland, Colorado, 80537, Tel. (970) 412-7777. • I assume all responsibility for administering any homeopathic treatment or supplements to myself and/or my children or ward(s) appropriate to my own or my child's current health needs. • Ms. Currie has been designated a Certified Homeopath by the Colorado School of Homeopathy (2008) and a Qualified Practitioner of the Sensation Method of Classical Homeopathy by the Catalyst School of Homeopathy (2012) and a Certified Classical Homeopath by the Council for Homeopathic Certification (2017). She was recognized as a certified Professional BioSET© Practioner by the BioSET Institute in 2011 and received Certification in Homeoprophylaxis (C.HP) from Free and Healthy Children International in 2013. Ms. Currie also regularly pursues additional professional training in specialty areas such as digestive health, women's health and specialized techniques in homeopathy and BioSET©. • I have read and understood the information in this Consent Form and understand Ms. Currie is not a licensed health care provider, as she does not practice in an area of health care regulated by the State of Colorado. I understand her training is specific to homeopathy and BioSET©. • I understand that Ms. Currie and Rocky Mountain Homeopathy LLC do carry malpractice insurance. • If I wish to discontinue any medications that have been prescribed for me or my child, I will do so under the supervision of a medical doctor trained in the use of the kinds of medication being taken. • If I have a medical complaint or wish to receive a diagnosis of my own condition or that of my child(ren) or ward(s), I will consult with a board certified physician or medical doctor. • I further understand that the Ms. Currie does not diagnose, treat, prevent or prescribe for any disease, syndrome or condition but will be working with me or my child(ren)/ward(s) to help me/my child(ren) move toward better health by improved vitality. • Although few medical doctors are trained in the tenets and application of homeopathy or BioSET, I understand that I should discuss any recommendations made by complementary and alternative health care practitioners with my primary care physician, obstetrician, gynecologist, oncologist, cardiologist, pediatrician or other board certified physician. • If the person being seen by Ms. Currie is a child, I represent that I have authority to make health care decisions for myself or my child/ward, and in my judgment it is in this person's best interest to receive homeopathic care, and that if I have any concerns or questions whatsoever about this person's health, I will take my child to a competent physician in a timely manner. • I understand that everything in this Statement of Consent that refers to me or the client, also refers to my child or ward, as appropriate.

Name of person(s) receiving services:

Signature: Date:

About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a form of alternative that in scientific studies as well as in clinical practice, has been shown effective for a large number of health disorders.1 Many conventional physicians, including Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Mehmet Oz, have endorsed it. The physician to Queen Elizabeth II of Britain is a homeopathic physician, and Mahatma Ghandi said homeopathy cured more cases than any other medicine, and is the safest form of medical care. Many celebrities and athletes use homeopathy for their own personal health care. Homeopathic remedies are marketed as drugs under FDA regulation. They are non-toxic and do not cause adverse chemically induced side effects. They have an unparalleled record of safety. In contrast, in 2011 the number of deaths caused by conventional medicine in the US was estimated at 783,936 per year. In-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs to were numbered at 2.2 million per year. The number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral was 20 million per year.2 Most homeopathic remedies are available over the counter. To select the right remedy requires considerable skill and years of training, because it must suit the specific symptoms of individual to be treated, not the disease category. When properly performed, homeopathic treatment can assist the body in restoring its health completely so that no further treatment of the condition is necessary. It is not uncommon that clients recover completely from serious conditions such as high blood pressure, allergies, asthma, diabetes, or mental illness as a result of homeopathic treatment. In addition, homeopathy can help the body overcome common ailments like sore throats, coughs, flu, acute respiratory and other infections, menstrual problems, ingrown toenails, headaches, insomnia and many other complaints. Homeopathy does not treat conditions; it works by stimulating the whole body’s innate healing mechanism. It acts on physiological mechanisms that help the body restore itself back to health. It uses minute amounts of natural medicinal substances to cause general curative responses in the body. In order to work, the substance must have evoked a similar group of symptoms resembling the disorder to be cured during testing of the substance. This medicine is used in highly diluted form so that no toxic drug effects remain. Working from a large database of recorded drug effects, the homeopathic practitioner chooses a substance that matches the symptoms of each individual client, and then selects the proper form and dose in which the medicine is to be taken. Typical treatment starts with a thorough initial consultation. The practitioner assesses and records all current complaints and symptoms, the mental and psychological state, and even personality characteristics, as well the health history and family health history and previous treatments. Most chronic conditions require treatment of several months to several years, while acute illnesses are usually resolved in a few days or even hours.

Homeopathy, in order to be effective, requires a serious commitment to treatment on the part of both the practitioner and the patient. It is important that regular consultations be scheduled and that the patient takes their medicine regularly. In serious chronic illnesses, it may be necessary to remain on conventional medication for a while until the condition is better. However, in many cases such medications can be quickly discontinued. Many families consider homeopathic treatment their main form of medical treatment. Nevertheless, insurance companies sometimes decline payment. Because it’s curative effects, homeopathic treatment is one of the most economical forms of medical treatment. Studies by both the German and Swiss governments confirmed this and recommended that the governments' insurance plans pay for homeopathic treatment. The British National Health Service also pays for homeopathic treatment. In the United States, most homeopathic patients pay for their care out of pocket, although some insurance companies will reimburse them for the treatment (check with your insurance company). Homeopathy is usually reimbursable by individual Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). 2Death by Medicine (2011 Axios Press) by Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD. About BioSET

The philosophy behind BioSET is that the body's ability to digest food and to process toxins have a ripple effect on the health of all of the other systems of the body. Therefore the digestive system's proper function is critical for reclaiming health. If a person is eating food that that is causing an unhealthy response, this will cause stress on the digestive system which in turn causes stress on other systems, including the immune system. The chain reaction causes the immune system to over-react, which often causes body chemistry to become unbalanced, leading to environmental and/or food sensitivities and illness. By ensuring the complete processing of foods using the proper BioSET protocol, we can eliminate this obstacle to health.

BioSET consists of three approaches to obtain optimal health: Detoxification, Enzyme Therapy and Allergy Elimination Intervention (based on medicine). These three aspects are carefully balanced to promote healing of the digestive system and to facilitate overall wellness. 1. Detoxification Everyday we are exposed to toxins from internal and external sources. Internal sources include improperly digested food, passed through the placenta from one's mother before birth, and even emotional stress. External sources consist of polluted air, cosmetics and body care items, chemically treated water, non-organic food, antibiotics, hormones and pesticides, radiation from all sources of technology (microwaves, cell phones, xrays, computers, etc.), over-the-counter and prescription medications. The body can efficiently handle a certain amount of toxins through the normal detoxification organs, skin and lymphatic system. The manageable level of toxins is different for every body. When the amount of toxins in the body is more than it can process, a person will begin to experience acute and chronic health problems of all kinds. This can happen at any age, from young children to senior citizens. With proper toxicity evaluation utilizing muscle testing, it is determined which organ(s) and system(s) are affected by the build up of toxins and an appropriate remedy is selected to help. 2. Enzyme Therapy When a person is sensitive to a food, after it is eaten it does not break down in the digestive system. Not only are nutrients and vitamins not absorbed from this food, but unbroken down food particles can then pass through a weakened intestinal wall and enter the blood stream. The food particles, now being a foreign object in the body, become antigens causing the immune system to react, sending antibodies to investigate this invasion. This is sometimes referred to as “”. This process sets off a chain reaction of events, causing the body to attack itself leading to auto immune disorders, illnesses, allergies and other conditions of inflammation. The first step in stopping this self attack on the body is by using a Digestive enzyme. In BioSET we use professional quality plant enzymes to break down foods, allowing for absorption and utilization of the minerals and vitamins. By doing this, no food particles are allowed to pass through the intestinal wall, therefor no attack from the immune system occurs. The second step is to ensure proper bacterial growth in the intestine by using a Probiotic. A Probiotic replenishes the good bacteria and helps provide a healthy intestinal wall lining to ensure no food particles pass through. The third step is to decrease the number of viruses, harmful bacteria, parasites that are in the body and decrease the inflammation affecting the intestinal wall and its lining. This is done by using an enzyme selected for the individual. The right enzyme, when taken on an empty stomach, acts as a natural anti- viral, anti-bacteria, anti-parasite, and anti-fungal product. Enzyme therapy also purifies and cleans the blood by removing dead cells. These three enzyme products are the basic plan of enzyme therapy. Ms. Currie assesses each individual's specific needs, and your best plan of approach may be slightly different from the one described above. 3. Allergy Elimination - Allergic responses based on meridian therapy Every living and non living thing has an energy field. Sometimes when substances and people come together they don’t interact in harmony. When this happens in the body there is a chain reaction of events. It starts with the formation of energy blockages within the meridians (“power lines” of energy in the body understood in Traditional Chinese Medicine and for a thousand years). Since each organ system has its own associated meridians, these blockages can also effect organ function. These energy blockages will also effect the nervous system, which send a message to the brain stimulating an immune response to the threatening item. In terms of , this is the allergic “response”, which can show up as a great variety of symptoms physical, emotional, and mental. In BioSET, these energy blockages are removed by performing on specific points along the spine, re-educating the body to interact with the food or substance harmoniously. It is a non-invasive procedure performed while client is fully clothed and involving no needles or drugs.